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干旱胁迫下白刺花种子大小与萌发对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种子大小与种子萌发及其与环境因子的关系是植物种子萌发对策研究中的重要科学问题之一。采用PEG模拟干旱法研究不同干旱胁迫强度(0,5%,10%,15%,20%)下,白刺花(Sophora davidii)种子萌发进程、种子大小与种子萌发及种子命运的关系。结果表明:不同干旱胁迫下,白刺花种子具有相似的萌发进程,但中度干旱处理(10%PEG)萌发率显著高于零干旱(0%PEG)和重度干旱处理(P0.05),重度干旱处理(20%PEG)种子萌发开始时间晚于零干旱和中度干旱处理;种子大小与种子萌发开始时间的关系表现为零干旱处理下呈极显著负线性关系,中度干旱处理(5%PEG,10%PEG)下无相关关系,重度干旱处理(15%PEG,20%PEG)下呈负二次曲线关系;种子大小对种子命运的影响表现为零干旱处理有利于大、小种子萌发和小种子休眠,中度干旱处理(10%PEG)增加中等种子萌发、大种子休眠和小种子死亡风险,重度干旱处理(15%PEG,20%PEG)增加大种子死亡风险、中等种子和小种子休眠。综合分析表明,白刺花种子大小与萌发行为及种子命运的关系具有较强的环境依赖性,即种子萌发行为表现为顺境下种子越大萌发越快,逆境下小种子和大种子较中等种子萌发更快;种子命运表现为顺境增加种子死亡的风险,中度干扰有利于种子萌发,逆境则有利于种子休眠。  相似文献   

Light-initiated germination levels of Rumex crispus L. seedswere reduced equally by imbibition in mannitol or polyethyleneglycol 6000 (PEG 6000) solutions of the same w, indicating thatthe effects of each were through w. Reduction of the water contentof the seeds with these osmotica decreased the effectivenessof the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome (Ptr) in causinggermination. However, reduced water content had no effect onthe slopes or saturation points of fluence/response curves whichindicates that has no effect on the number of Ptr receptor sites.The time during which a portion of the seeds were still photoreversibleby far-red light was increased by imbibition in PEG 6000, indicatinga direct effect of w on a reaction involving phytochrome. Noqualitative effect of PEG 6000 on the Onset of secondary dormancywas seen; however, its effect on the relative rate of appearanceof secondary dormancy was equivocal. 1 Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station cooperating. (Received February 23, 1978; )  相似文献   

红砂和霸王种子萌发对干旱与播深条件的响应   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
红砂(Reaumuria soongorica)和霸王(Zygophyllum xantho xylum)分别是我国西北干旱荒漠区重要的超旱生小灌木和灌木.试验室条件下,研究了两种灌木种子萌发对干旱胁迫(以PEG模拟干旱条件)和播深的响应.干旱胁迫设0、 -0.3、 -0.6、-0.9、-1.2、-1.5、-1.8、-2.1、-2.4、-2.7MPa共10个处理,播深设0、0 .3,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0,4.0cm共8个处理.结果显示模拟干旱条件下,供试种的发芽势(3d发芽率)皆从-0.3MPa起即开始显著下降(P<0.05) .发芽率红砂从-0 .9MPa渗透势、霸王从-0.6MPa开始显著降低;种子萌发的最低渗透势阈值红砂和霸王分别为-1.8MPa和-1.5MPa.干旱胁迫对种子胚芽生长有抑制作用,但轻度干旱可促进初生根生长,重度干旱胁迫抑制初生根生长.播深实验表明,红砂和霸王种子均为子叶出土发芽类型 .一般情况下,供试种随播深增加胚芽长度呈增加而初生根呈下降趋势,但霸王在播于土表时初生根生长受到抑制.实验室条件下,达到最大出苗率的播深红砂为0~0.5cm,霸王为0 ~2cm.在适宜条件下,红砂和霸王种子萌发的最低需水量分别为110%和90%,初始萌发时间分别为40h和48h.红砂种子发芽势低(28%)、萌发持续而分散;霸王种子发芽势高(87%) 、萌发整齐.讨论了两种种子发芽对干旱和播深的响应特征及其生态生物学意义.  相似文献   

胀果甘草种子萌发对干旱胁迫的生理响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
史薇  徐海量  赵新风  凌红波  李媛 《生态学报》2010,30(8):2112-2117
为探讨胀果甘草种子萌发对干旱胁迫的生理生化适应机制,以聚乙二醇(PEG)-6000模拟干旱胁迫,分析了胀果甘草(Glycyrrhiza inflata)种子萌发过程中发芽率(GR)、丙二醛(MDA)及游离脯氨酸(Pro)、可溶性糖(SS)含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性的动态变化规律。结果显示,水势为-0.1MPa时,GR达到100%,之后随着干旱胁迫增强而显著降低(P0.05);MDA、Pro含量及SOD、POD活性都表现出水势≥-0.2MPa时增加和-1.4MPa≤水势-0.2MPa时减少的明显趋势(P0.05),这4个指标两两之间的相关关系均达到显著水平(P0.05);而干旱胁迫增强使SS含量显著增加(P0.05)。  相似文献   

The cosmopolitan herb Rumex acetosella forms persistent soil seed banks and increases in cover after fire. We investigated how the interaction between seed age and fire affects seedling growth by exposing different‐aged seeds to heat, smoke, charcoal, and ash treatments. We measured growth of germinated seedlings that were transplanted and allowed to grow for 65 days in a greenhouse. Seedlings from seeds >8 years old did not reach an appropriate radicle length for transplantation. Seedling growth decreased with increasing temperature of the heat treatment. As seed age increased, growth decreased with smoke and charcoal, and increased with ash treatment. Height was negatively correlated with seed age. Our results suggest that fire and seed age could affect demographic responses of R. acetosella seedling populations. Post‐fire recruitment could be partially favored by the positive effect of nutrient input from ash on seedling growth. High fire intensities, however, would be detrimental to seedling vigor.  相似文献   

Seeds (nutlets) of Rumex obtusifolius L. fail to germinate in darkness at 25° C, but are stimulated by short exposure to red light (R) the effectiveness of which can be negated by a subsequent short exposure to far red light (F) indicating phytochrome control. Short periods of elevated temperature treatment (e.g. 5 min at 35° C) can induce complete germination in darkness. Although short F cannot revert the effect of 35° C treatment, cycling the phytochrome pool by exposure to short R before short F results in reversion of at least 50% of the population. Prolonged or intermittent F can also revert the germination induced by 35° C treatment. The effect of elevated temperature treatment is interpreted on the basis of two possible models; (i) that it increases the sensitivity of the seeds to a low level of pre-existing active form of phytochrome (Pfr) (ii) that it induces the appearance of Pfr in the dark. In both cases it is envisaged that elevated temperature treatment and Pfr control germination at a common point in the series of reactions that lead to germination.Abbreviations D Dark - F far red light - P phytochrome - Pr red absorbing form of P - Pfr far red absorbing form of P - R red light  相似文献   

水分胁迫下紫花苜蓿和高粱种子萌发特性及幼苗耐旱性   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
李文娆  张岁岐  山仑 《生态学报》2009,29(6):3066-3074
利用PEG溶液(水势梯度:-0.1~-0.5MPa)模拟水分胁迫,研究了紫花苜蓿(品种:阿尔冈金和陇东)和高粱(品种:抗四)种子的萌发能力的变化及对萌发环境的最低水分需求,并进行种间差异比较.结果显示:PEG水分胁迫通过限制种子有效水分的吸收而抑制了其萌发,且随着胁迫强度的增加,萌发能力减弱,主要表现在:萌发率、吸水速率、萌发活力、萌发胁迫指数等随胁迫强度的增加而下降,根芽比则随之增加.另一方面,种子群体萌动、萌发和出苗达50%概率时间随胁迫强度的增加而越发延迟,且各阶段对环境临界水势的需求不同,出苗阶段最为严格,说明种子出苗过程对环境水分胁迫最为敏感,耐旱能力最弱.相比之下,在同等胁迫条件下,高粱种子的萌发能力较苜蓿种子受到影响较小,各个阶段对环境水势的需求也相对较为宽松.因此,苜蓿苗期对干旱胁迫的忍耐能力不及高粱,且出苗过程中对环境水分条件的需求存在品种间差异.  相似文献   

马乐元  陈年来  韩国君  李良 《生态学杂志》2017,28(10):3274-3280
以豆科牧草“绿宝石”小冠花为试材,研究PEG-6000(浓度8%和12%)模拟干旱胁迫下不同浓度外源水杨酸(0、0.5、1.0和2.0 mmol·L-1)对小冠花种子萌发和幼芽生理特性的影响.结果表明: 0.5~1.0 mmol·L-1水杨酸显著提高了干旱胁迫下小冠花种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数和芽长,12%PEG胁迫下1.0 mmol·L-1水杨酸处理小冠花幼芽干质量显著高于干旱处理.0.5~1.0 mmol·L-1水杨酸处理显著提高了干旱胁迫下小冠花幼芽脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白含量,显著提高了过氧化氢酶、过氧化物酶、超氧化物歧化酶活性,显著降低了幼芽细胞电解质渗透率、H2O2含量、O2产生速率,其中以1.0 mmol·L-1水杨酸处理效果最好.水杨酸浓度超过2.0 mmol·L-1时对干旱胁迫没有缓解效应.表明适宜浓度的水杨酸(0.5~1.0 mmol·L-1)可以提高小冠花幼芽渗透调节能力和抗氧化能力,促进小冠花生长,缓解干旱胁迫伤害.  相似文献   

  • Seed germination responsiveness to environmental cues is crucial for plant species living in changeable habitats and can vary among populations within the same species as a result of adaptation or modulation to local climates. Here, we investigate the germination response to environmental cues of Sisymbrella dentata (L.) O.E. Schulz, an annual endemic to Sicily living in Mediterranean Temporary Ponds (MTP), a vulnerable ecosystem.
  • Germination of the only two known populations, Gurrida and Pantano, was assessed over a broad range of conditions to understand the role of temperatures, nitrate, hormones (abscisic acid – ABA and gibberellins – GA) and after‐ripening in dormancy release in this species.
  • Seed germination responsiveness varied between the two populations, with seeds from Gurrida germinating under a narrower range of conditions. Overall, this process in S. dentata consisted of testa and endosperm rupture as two sequential events, influenced by ABA and GA biosynthesis. Nitrate addition caused an earlier testa rupture, after‐ripening broadened the thermal conditions that allow germination, and alternating temperatures significantly promoted germination of non‐after‐ripened seeds.
  • Primary dormancy in S. dentata seeds likely allows this plant to form a persistent seed bank that is responsive to specific environmental cues characteristic of MTP habitats.

干旱是影响荒漠区植物种子萌发和幼苗生长的关键因素.以多年生强旱生半灌木华北驼绒藜为对象,研究了不同干旱程度(0、100、200、300和400g·L-1PEG6000)下,种子大小及苞片有无对种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响.结果表明:干旱胁迫显著抑制了种子萌发和幼苗地上部的生长.100和200 g ? L-1 PEG6000...  相似文献   

对0、30、150、300、450和600μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下狭叶香蒲(TyphaangustifoliaLinn.)种子的萌发特性进行了研究,并分析了0、450、900、1800和2700μmol·L-1Pb胁迫对狭叶香蒲幼苗叶片及根系中部分生理生化指标的影响。结果表明:随Pb浓度提高,狭叶香蒲种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数以及下胚轴长度均逐渐下降且低于对照,而其下胚轴长度抑制指数则逐渐增大,但在30μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下各项萌发指标均与对照无显著差异。叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b及总叶绿素含量随Pb浓度提高呈逐渐下降趋势,但在450和900μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下与对照无显著差异,而在1800和2700μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下显著低于对照。在Pb胁迫条件下叶片和根中SOD活性均显著高于对照但变化趋势不同;随Pb浓度提高,叶片SOD活性呈波动但整体上升的趋势,而根中SOD活性则呈逐渐降低的趋势。叶片和根中POD活性均随Pb浓度提高呈持续上升的趋势,其中,在450和900μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下叶片的POD活性低于对照、根的POD活性高于对照,但均与对照无显著差异;而在1800和2700μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下叶片和根的POD活性均显著高于对照。在Pb胁迫条件下叶片和根中AsA和MDA含量均高于对照。随Pb浓度提高,叶片的AsA含量总体上逐渐增加但在450和900μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下与对照无显著差异;而根的AsA含量则呈先增加后降低的趋势且均与对照差异显著。随Pb浓度提高,叶片的MDA含量先增后降但均与对照无显著差异;而根的MDA含量呈“高-低-高”的波动趋势且仅在450μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下与对照差异显著。综合分析结果显示:狭叶香蒲幼苗根系对Pb胁迫的敏感性可能强于叶片;狭叶香蒲种子可在轻度Pb污染水体中萌发和生长;其幼苗对Pb胁迫具有一定的耐性,可用于中度Pb污染水体的修复。  相似文献   

The involvement of the seed coat in low-temperature germination of melon seeds was examined in two accessions differing in their ability to germinate at 14°C: Noy Yizre'el (a cold-sensitive cultivar) and Persia 202 (a cold-tolerant breeding line). Decoating resulted in full germination of Noy Yizre'el at 14°C, but splitting the coat increased germination only partially. Thus, the inhibition of Noy Yizre'el germination at 14°C is not due to physical constraint on radicle protrusion. At 25°C, seeds of both accessions submerged in water or agar germinated fully as long as the hilum aperture remained uncovered. Submerging the whole seed, or covering the hilum with lanolin, strongly depressed germination of Noy Yizre'el but not of Persia 202. Accessions differed in germination response to decreasing O2 concentration, with Noy Yizre'el showing higher sensitivity to hypoxia. These differences were correlated with differences in seed coat structure as well as in embryo sensitivity to hypoxia. Intercellular spaces in the outer layer of the seed coat were evident in the more tolerant Persia 202, while in the sensitive Noy Yizre'el this layer was completely sealed. Sensitivity to hypoxia increased at 15°C as compared with 25°C, the increase being greater in Noy Yizre'el. It is proposed that the seed coat-imposed dormancy at low temperature in Noy Yizre'el is the combined result of more restricted oxygen diffusion through the seed coat and a greater embryo sensitivity to hypoxia, rather than to physical constraints of radicle break-through or impairment of imbibition.  相似文献   

The effect of 24-epibrassinolide and 28-homobrassinolide on the inhibitionof germination and seedling growth of rice (Oryza sativa) induced bysalinity stress was studied. Brassinosteroids were found to reverse theinhibitory effect on germination and seedling growth. The activation ofseedling growth by brassinosteroids under salinity stress was associatedwith enhanced levels of nucleic acids and soluble proteins.  相似文献   

王东丽  焦菊英  王宁  寇萌  徐海燕  于卫洁 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6743-6752
为明确黄土丘陵沟壑区植物种子库如何调控种子萌发来提高个体适合度,选择研究区7种具有种子库的主要物种为研究对象,以刚成熟和室内储存种子为对照,比较植冠宿存(5个宿存期)和土壤埋藏(5a埋藏期)对植物种子萌发特性的影响,探讨植冠种子库与土壤种子库储存下的种子萌发策略。结果表明:7种植物种子经过不同种子库储存后萌发特性表现出明显的种间差异,黄刺玫(Rosa xanthina)和水栒子(Cotoneaster multiflorus)种子萌发力表现为植冠宿存不变型、土壤储存增强型,土壤储存明显提高水栒子种子萌发速率;达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica)和狼牙刺(Sophora davidii)种子萌发力表现为植冠宿存增强型、土壤储存减弱型,种子萌发历时表现为植冠宿存延长型,土壤种子库储存还可加快达乌里胡枝子萌发速率、缩短萌发历时;茭蒿(Artemisia giralaii)和铁杆蒿(Artemisia gmelinii),种子萌发率随植冠宿存时间先升高后降低,随土壤储存时间先降低后升高,土壤储存可推迟其萌发,铁杆蒿种子萌发速率在植冠与土壤储存后均加快;紫丁香(Syringa oblata)种子萌发率随植冠宿存先升高后降低,土壤储存明显加快其种子启动萌发与速率。在黄土丘陵沟壑区,植物种子经过植冠或土壤种子库储存,或增加、加快、提早萌发充分利用有利条件提高占据性,或减少、减缓、推迟萌发分摊不利条件的风险;而且该区植物植冠与土壤储存后种子萌发特性间的关系,体现各自适应环境与应对干扰的分工与协作策略,主要表现为:单一主导型和相辅相成型。  相似文献   

该研究采用聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)模拟干旱胁迫,测定了发芽率、发芽势和胚根长度等指标,运用相关性分析、聚类分析和隶属函数法综合评价梓树六个种源种子萌发期的抗旱性大小,初步筛选出抗旱性较强的种源。结果表明:随着溶液水势的降低,六个种源种子的发芽率、发芽势、相对发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数表现为持续下降趋势;除河南洛阳种源的胚根、胚轴长度以及甘肃正宁种源的胚根长度外,其余种源胚根、胚轴长度均表现为逐渐下降趋势;溶液水势为-1.0 MPa时,河南洛阳种源失活,其余种源各指标趋于一致。将各种源种子发芽特性与原产地地理环境因子进行相关分析表明,种子活力指数与经度、纬度呈显著正相关(0.903和0.871),经度、纬度较大的种源活力更强、抗旱性更佳;年均气温越高,种子发芽率和活力均降低;年降雨量与种子的发芽率和活力指数呈中偏弱的负相关,但与胚根和胚轴的生长呈中等正相关;温度和降雨量对梓树种子的抗旱性有一定影响,主要体现在年均温和年降雨量越低,种子的发芽率也越低;初步发现处于干旱和寒冷等相对恶劣环境下的梓树种源表现为以提高种子发芽率和降低种子胚生长活性的调节机制来适应不良环境。运用聚类分析及隶属函...  相似文献   

Salsola ikonnikovii (Chenopodiaceae), a drought-tolerant plant species that is distributed in sand or light-saline soil in Xinjiang, China, produces seeds (fruits) with attached winged perianths. To study the role of the wing in seed germination under salt stress and to further investigate the growth and physiological responses of the plants to salt stress, the germination behaviour of S. ikonnikovii was determined after winged and non-winged seeds were treated with 0–1000 mmol · L?1 NaCl. Several parameters of two-month old plants that had been treated with NaCl for three weeks were measured. The results revealed that the winged perianths limited germination but protected the seeds from salt damage. The growth of the plants was stimulated by lower concentrations of salt (≤100 mmol · L?1 NaCl), while increasing salt concentrations inhibited growth. The level of reactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde increased significantly at high concentrations of salt. Correspondingly, concentrations of the osmolytes proline, betaine, and soluble sugars, and the activities of antioxidative enzymes (catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase) increased, but the levels of non-enzymatic antioxidants (carotenoids, glutathione) were significantly reduced at high salt concentrations. These results imply that osmotic adjustment and the antioxidative system may work synergistically to ensure that a plant grows normally under high salt concentrations.  相似文献   

桔梗种子萌发对低温、干旱及互作胁迫的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘自刚  沈冰  张雁 《生态学报》2013,33(8):2615-2622
以药用植物桔梗种子为材料,研究了低温、干旱及其互作对种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,旨在探索在春寒干旱条件下其种子萌发对策及生态适应性,为桔梗野生种群恢复及人工栽培群体构建提供依据.结果表明,温度、干旱及其互作对桔梗种子萌发和幼苗生长均有显著影响.0-10% PEG水分条件下,在变温10/20℃及恒温15-25℃下桔梗种子能够良好萌发(10% PEG、20℃除外),而15% PEG可显著抑制萌发.低温(10℃)下种子萌发始时间延迟,发芽率降低.随干旱胁迫程度的增加,10℃发芽率呈先升后降趋势,而其它温度下,发芽率和发芽指数均呈下降趋势.随温度的降低,幼苗根长、茎长及鲜重均呈下降趋势,且幼根生长对温度变化更为敏感.  相似文献   

Investigating how seed germination of multiple species in an ecosystem responds to environmental conditions is crucial for understanding the mechanisms for community structure and biodiversity maintenance. However, knowledge of seed germination response of species to environmental conditions is still scarce at the community level. We hypothesized that responses of seed germination to environmental conditions differ among species at the community level, and that germination response is not correlated with seed size. To test this hypothesis, we determined the response of seed germination of 20 common species in the Siziwang Desert Steppe, China, to seasonal temperature regimes (representing April, May, June, and July) and drought stress (0, ?0.003, ?0.027, ?0.155, and ?0.87 MPa). Seed germination percentage increased with increasing temperature regime, but Allium ramosum, Allium tenuissimum, Artemisia annua, Artemisia mongolica, Artemisia scoparia, Artemisia sieversiana, Bassia dasyphylla, Kochia prastrata, and Neopallasia pectinata germinated to >60% in the lowest temperature regime (April). Germination decreased with increasing water stress, but Allium ramosum, Artemisia annua, Artemisia scoparia, Bassia dasyphylla, Heteropappus altaicus, Kochia prastrata, Neopallasia pectinata, and Potentilla tanacetifolia germinated to near 60% at ?0.87 MPa. Among these eight species, germination of six was tolerant to both temperature and water stress. Mean germination percentage in the four temperature regimes and the five water potentials was not significantly correlated with seed mass or seed area, which were highly correlated. Our results suggest that the species‐specific germination responses to environmental conditions are important in structuring the desert steppe community and have implications for predicting community structure under climate change. Thus, the predicted warmer and dryer climate will favor germination of drought‐tolerant species, resulting in altered proportions of germinants of different species and subsequently change in community composition of the desert steppe.  相似文献   

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