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基于DPSIR模型的长三角城市群生态安全评价研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
长三角城市群作为中国经济发展最具活力的区域之一,城镇化水平高,同时面临巨大的环境压力。以长三角城市群41个城市为研究对象建立DPSIR生态安全指标评价模型,利用熵权法与均方差决策法确定DPSIR权重,采用主成分分析法和综合指数法得到长三角城市群生态安全综合指数YDESI与生态安全等级。结果表明,长三角城市群41个城市依据生态安全水平可划分为4类。总体水平属于临界安全偏较不安全水平,上海市与江苏省生态安全情况较好,浙江省生态安全水平一般,安徽省生态安全情况稍差。DPSIR模型显示,驱动力与响应指标对长三角城市群生态安全建设有很大贡献。长三角城市群生态安全主要影响因素为农业发展、环境空气质量、环保投资、城市绿化建设。最终提出相应的策略:即提高区域人口素质、强调新型城镇化、加强城市群基础设施建建设,为长三角城市群生态安全建设提供思路与依据。  相似文献   

城市生态环境和城市化之间的关系是城市可持续发展的关键。研究不同城市化水平下植被覆盖的长时间演变趋势,对理解城市化过程对植被生长动态的影响,城市更新以及推进城市绿化的科学管理具有重要意义。然而,目前对城市内部沿城乡梯度植被生长趋势差异的认识还比较有限。以我国城市化发展最为强烈的长三角地区为研究对象,基于2000-2020年长三角归一化植被指数数据,采用趋势分析和地理探测器方法,探究了长三角地区城市内部植被覆盖演变城乡差异,并从土地利用/覆被变化和城市化发展的角度解析其成因。研究结果表明:(1)2000-2020年长三角地区植被总体呈绿化趋势,植被明显绿化占最大比例(52.06%),轻微绿化与稳定不变地区占31.68%,零星分布的褐化区占6.82%。(2)城市老城区植被覆盖变化总体呈现返绿趋势(0.016/10 a),新城区褐化明显(-0.019/10 a),农郊区绿化突出(0.023/10 a)。在上海、南京和杭州等人口城市化水平较高的城市中,老城区土地利用变化强度最高,其绿化趋势也最高,体现了城市更新过程对绿地空间的促进作用;而在人口城市化水平相对较低的宣城、蚌埠和阜阳等城市,土地利用变化强度相对较低的农郊区也呈现明显的绿化趋势,更多的是受到区域生态保护的影响。(3)土地城市化是长三角地区老城区和新城区植被覆盖变化的主导因子,而城市化因子对农郊区解释程度总体不显著。从长三角总体区域看,城镇人口比重、不透水面积/总面积以及地区生产总值三者对植被覆盖演变存在显著影响,其中城镇人口比重影响最大。  相似文献   

Air pollution is one of the top environmental concerns and causes of deaths and various diseases worldwide. An important question for sustainable development is to what extent urban design can improve or degrade urban air quality. In this article, we explored the relationship between ground-based observations of air pollution and urban form in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), the largest metropolitan region in China. We analyzed six criteria pollutants (SO2, NO2, PM10, PM2.5, CO, O3) and summarized metric (air quality index, AQI) from 129 ambient air quality monitoring stations during 2015. Urban form was characterized using six spatial metrics, including the size, shape, regularity, fragmentation and traffic coupling factor of urban patches, based on satellite-derived land cover data. The results indicated that: (1) PM2.5, PM10 and O3 were three primary pollutants in the YRD. The annual average AQI was 79, and the air quality was “moderate” for human health, with the highest and lowest AQI appeared in winter (107) and summer (60). Moreover, the air quality of the southern areas (Zhejiang province, AQI: 68) was generally better than the northern parts (Jiangsu province, AQI: 86). (2) Through the size and shape of urban patches, urban form had a significant effect on urban air quality in the YRD. PARA_MN (Mean Perimeter-area ratio), ENN_MN (Mean Euclidean Nearest Neighbor Distance), CA (Total Urban Area) and NP (Number of urban patches) had the most significant impacts on air quality. PM10 and PM2.5 were two important pollutants highly positively related to CA and NP, while negatively related to PARA_MN and ENN_MN. In addition, the polycentric urban form was associated with high air quality. (3) Land use configuration was an important indicator to describe the urban air quality. When buffer distance of spatial scale was 25 km, air quality showed the highest correlation with forest coverage. A high forest coverage rate contributed to the better air quality, increasing or preserving the forested areas would help mitigate the air pollution.  相似文献   

区域碳源碳汇的时空格局——以长三角地区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长三角地区是世界第六大也是我国综合实力最强的城市群地区,其快速而大规模的城市化也产生了一系列的生态环境问题.本文核算了1995-2010年长三角地区的碳源碳汇并分析了其时空格局演变特征.结果表明: 研究期间,长三角地区的碳汇增长943×104 t,其中,浙江省森林净生态系统生产量的增加是主要贡献,这主要得益于国家2003年起实施的“退耕还林”政策.该地区的碳排放增加3.27×108 t,其中,能源消费和工业过程排放所占比重在2010年达96%.江苏省的排放量与增长速度都位居长三角第一,其以重工业和制造业等高能耗和高碳排的产业结构是造成其碳排放居高不下的主要原因.由于建设用地的净碳排放量增速大于建设用地扩张速度,导致该地区单位面积建设用地的净碳排放强度明显增大,江苏省的建设用地净碳排放强度增速最快.

Yin J  Shen Y  Yuan Z  Lu W  Xu Y  Cao J 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e20738


Cryptosporidium spp. is prevalent globally, pigs are an important Cryptosporidium reservoir. In China, little data regarding rates of Cryptosporidium infections in pigs are available. The present study was therefore aimed at characterizing the distribution of Cryptosporidium species in pigs from two different cities, Shaoxing and Shanghai, from the Yangtze River delta.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Nested PCR to amplify the 18S rRNA locus on DNA extracted from fecal samples (n = 94) revealed the positive rate of Cryptosporidium in pigs from two cities was approximately 17.0%. The positive rates in Shanghai and Shaoxing were 14.3% and 25.0% respectively. Amplified sequences were verified by sequencing. The identified strain belonged to the C. pig genotype II using BLAST analysis in the NCBI database.


Our finding of Cryptosporidium pig genotype II in pigs in the Yangtze River delta area suggests that pig farms in this region must be considered a public health threat and proper control measures be introduced.  相似文献   

Holocene vegetation changes in response to climate fluctuations and human impacts are reviewed on the basis of pollen analyses from borehole cores taken from the Changjiang (Yangtze River) delta, China, and other previously reported data. During the earliest Holocene (10,930−9000 cal yr BP), the climate was warm and wet, allowing thermophilous hardwoods to occupy mid- and low-elevations surrounding a palaeo-Changjiang estuary. The climate became gradually cooler, and cool-tolerant conifers, grasses and ferns became dominant until 7600 cal yr BP, when the estuary became a delta. A mid-Holocene climatic optimum occurred between 7600 and 4800 cal yr BP, when evergreen and broadleaved deciduous trees flourished at mid- and low-elevations surrounding the delta front-prodelta. After this time, climate became cooler again until 1340 cal yr BP. During this period, evergreen and broadleaved deciduous trees were replaced by conifers and grasses inhabiting the inter/subtidal flat-delta front. This development of conifer-grassland vegetation was shortly interrupted between 3860 and 3200 cal yr BP when thermophilous tree cover increased and open vegetation with scattered conifers was reduced. Since 1340 cal yr BP, the vegetation has been similar to that at present under warm, wet conditions. Human impacts are recognized by the first appearance of Fagopyrum and a sudden increase in herb pollen at 4500 and 1340 cal yr BP, respectively.  相似文献   

长三角地区1995-2007年生态资产时空变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐昔保  陈爽  杨桂山 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7667-7675
结合遥感定量反演与经济评价法,利用1995年1 km的AVHRR-NDVI、2000年和2007年250m MODIS-NDVI等遥感数据,模拟与评估长三角1995-2007年生态资产时空变化.结果表明:长三角1995-2007年生态资产总量呈持续下降趋势,由1995年891.39亿元减少到2007年845.54亿元,减少5.14%;各地市生态资产总量总体呈下降趋势,但区域变化差异极其显著;长三角1995-2007年生态资产空间分布呈南高北低格局,空间变化呈南部和北部以轻度增长为主、中部以中度和严重退化为主的变化特征;土地利用变化是导致长三角生态资产减少及空间差异的主导因素,自上而下生态修复工程明显有助于增加区域生态资产.  相似文献   

长三角典型区占补耕地土壤肥力的时段特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于1984、2000和2016年卫星遥感影像,分析了江苏省常熟市耕地占补时空变化特征;基于ArcGIS和土壤采样数据,利用隶属度函数综合法评价了1984和2000年耕地土壤肥力;采用叠加分析,揭示了1984-2000、2000-2016年间该地区占补耕地土壤肥力特征.结果表明: 1984-2016年间,常熟市耕地面积减少了1/3,1984-2000年被水域和居民点工矿用地分别占用了51.7%和41.4%,2000-2016年只居民点工矿用地就占用了80.8%.1984-2000年间,常熟市耕地土壤肥力上升的面积占65.5%,仅3.9%下降;南部地区土壤肥力均高于其他地区.研究期间耕地数量和质量占补不平衡,前时段“占多补少、占优补劣”形势严峻,后时段“占多补少、占劣补劣”特征明显.耕地减少的趋势并未扭转,异地补充明显,耕地占补平衡应当关注异地补充耕地质量和土壤肥力时段性特点.  相似文献   

作为城市发展的最高空间组织形式,城市群在高速城市化进程中将不可避免的对地区生态环境产生胁迫影响。如何平衡生态环境和城市化发展已经成为了值得关注的问题。以长三角城市群为例,基于Google Earth Engine云平台,通过整合日间光学遥感和夜间灯光遥感数据对生态环境状况、城市化强度以及二者在发展过程中的耦合协调特征开展了长时间序列的对比分析。结果表明:1)长三角城市群在过去近20年间的遥感生态环境指数(Remote Sensing-based Ecological Index,RSEI)稳定上升,生态环境呈现出好转的态势,但地区间的差异依旧显著;2)综合灯光指数(Comprehensive Nighttime Light Index,CNLI)能够较为准确的刻画城市群的城市化水平,研究期间内长三角城市群形成了"层次分明"、"由东向西"逐步推进的多层次的城市化格局,其中高强度城市化城市集中在上海市及其周边的无锡、苏州和嘉兴,低强度城市化城市则分布在城市群西部;3)基于CNLI和RSEI指数构建的耦合协调距离模型能够有效的识别出城市群内部城市化与生态环境的耦合协调程度,并根据象限特征将城市群城市划分为良好协调类型、初级协调类型、城市化滞后型和生态环境滞后型城市。  相似文献   

地区间发展不平衡是制约区域协调发展战略落实的重要障碍之一。基于2010—2019年长三角区域41个地级市的面板数据,构建了包含经济发展、科教事业、基础建设、人民生活、资源环境5个子系统的区域协调发展指标体系,借助GeoDa和ArcGIS软件,运用区域协调发展测度模型、探索性空间数据分析等方法,探讨区域协调发展的时空演变特征及各要素内部相关性。结果表明: 从区域发展的角度来看,长三角区域的发展协调性逐年增强。2010—2019年,上海市、苏州市等地区的经济发展、科教事业水平领先于其他城市,皖西北地区、舟山市、黄山市发展协调程度较弱。从空间自相关的角度来看,长三角区域各子系统平均自相关程度依次为人民生活>经济发展>资源环境>科教事业>基础建设。其中,经济发展与科教事业的全局莫兰指数呈下降趋势,科教事业没有呈现出显著相关性,基础建设的莫兰指数基本处于较低水平,不同年份浮动程度较大,人民生活在空间上具有明显的高-高与低-低集聚特征,资源环境的全局莫兰指数呈现“V”字形分布。经济建设和科教事业是与区域协调发展相关性最强的两种因素。  相似文献   

Most stoichiometric models do not consider the importance of ontogenetic changes in body nutrient composition. Among aquatic animals, body elemental ontogenetic changes may be particularly important in fish due to bone formation at larval–juvenile development stage. We investigated the stoichiometric characteristics and ontogenetic variation of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and calcium (Ca) in the whole fish without gut of Lateolabrax macultus and Acanthogobius ommaturus from the Yangtze Estuary. Some differences were found in the whole-fish nutrient content across species as well as fish length and mass groups. Mean body content of L. macultus was 41.2% for C (34.9–44.9%), 11.8% for N (10.3–12.9%), and 3.3% for P (1.4–5.4%) and the molar ratio of C:N:P was 32:8:1. A. ommaturus had the following mean compositions: carbon, 43.4% (40.0–45.9%); nitrogen, 13.2% (11.7–14.1%); phosphorus, 2.9% (1.6–6.0%) and molar ratio of C:N:P was 38:10:1. The variation of C content in of L. macultus was minimum (0.05), followed by N (0.06), and the variation of P content was the highest (0.22). The variation of C content in A. ommaturus was minimum (0.03), followed by N (0.04), and the variation of P content was also the highest (0.27). Both species varied the least in C, moderate in N and the most in P. Comparing the two species, A. ommaturus was significantly higher for C, N, C:P, N:P and significantly lower for P and C:N than L. macultus. The positive correlation between C and N contents was significant (P < 0.01) for both species. In contrast, C and P concentrations showed little correlation (P > 0.05). The contents of C, N in L. macultus showed significant negative correlation with total length and wet mass, respectively, while C:N ratio showed significant positive correlation with them. As for A. ommaturus, the content of C and the ratio of C:N showed significant negative correlation with total length and wet mass, respectively. The two estuarine fishes in this study mainly consumed fish, shrimps and crabs, which could be the reason that the stoichiometry of L. macultus and A. ommaturus are higher than other freshwater fishes that have been reported previously. In both species, the content of calcium was highly correlated with the content of body P, which indicated that the change of the content of P is associated with bone formation in ontogeny. Fish shape, scale type, the ratio of head length/standard length and the degree of ossification of the internal skeleton and outer integument might have caused the results that L. macultus had higher contents of P and Ca than A. ommaturus.  相似文献   

Few investigations have been made on the impact of elevated ozone (O3) concentration on methane (CH4) emission from rice paddies. Using open‐top chambers in situ with different O3 treatments, CH4 emissions were measured in a rice paddy in Yangtze River Delta, China in 2007 and 2008. There were four treatments applied: charcoal‐filtered air (CF), nonfiltered air (NF), and charcoal‐filtered air with different O3 additions (O3‐1 and O3‐2). The mean O3 concentrations during the O3 fumigation were 19.7, 22.6, 69.6 and 118.6 ppb in 2007 and 7.0, 17.4, 82.2 and 138.3 ppb in 2008 for treatments CF, NF, O3‐1 and O3‐2, respectively. The rice yields, as compared with CF, were reduced by 32.8% and 37.1%, 58.3% and 52.1% in treatments O3‐1 and O3‐2 in 2007 and 2008, respectively. The diurnal patterns of CH4 emission varied temporally with treatments and there was inconsistence in diurnal variations in CH4 emissions from the paddy field. The daily mean CH4 emissions were significantly lower in treatments O3‐1 and O3‐2 than those in treatments CF and NF. Compared with CF treatment, CH4 emissions from the paddy field were decreased to 46.5% and 38.3%, 50.6% and 46.8% under treatments O3‐1 and O3‐2 in the whole growing seasons of 2007 and 2008, respectively. The seasonal mean CH4 emissions were negatively related with AOT40 (accumulative O3 concentration above 40 ppb; P < 0.01 in both years), but positively related to the relative rice yield (reference to CF; P < 0.01 in 2007 and P < 0.001 in 2008), aboveground biomass (P < 0.01 in both years) and underground biomass (P < 0.01 in 2007 and P < 0.05 in 2008). The decreased CH4 emission from the rice paddy due to an increased O3 exposure might partially mitigate the global warming potential induced by soil carbon loss under elevated O3 concentrations.  相似文献   

Exploring the relative contribution of spatial factors and environmental variables in shaping communities is of widespread interest in biodiversity conservation and environmental management. Stream communities are hierarchically regulated by environmental variables over multiple spatial scales, and the reaction of different organisms to stressors are still equivocal. We sampled both macroinvertebrates and diatom at 80 sites and additional 10 sites for macroinvertebrates, field measured and laboratory analyzed environmental variables, from the tributaries of Qiantang River, Yangtze River Delta China in 2011. We used PCNM (principal coordinates of neighbor matrices) to generate spatial predictors. We applied redundancy analysis and variation partitioning procedures to identify key spatial and environmental factors, and to quantify their relative roles in shaping diatom and macroinvertebrate assemblages. Our results demonstrated the role of spatial and environmental variables differed in shaping benthic diatom and macroinvertebrate. Diatom assemblage variations were better explained by spatial factors, however macroinvertebrate assemblage variations were better explained by environmental variables. In terms of environmental variables, catchment scale variables (e.g., land use estimators, land use diversity) played the primary role in determining the patterns of both diatom and macroinvertebrate assemblages, whereas the influence of reach-scale variables (e.g., pH, substrates, and nutrients) appeared less. However, nutrients were the stronger factors influencing benthic diatom, whereas physical habitat (e.g., substrates) played more important role than water chemistry in structuring macroinvertebrates. Our results provided more evidence to the incorporation of spatial factors interpreting spatial patterns of stream organisms, and highlighted the useful of multiple organisms and environmental variables at different spatial scales in diagnosing mechanism of stream degradation and in building a sound stream conditions monitoring program for Yangtze River Delta.  相似文献   



An outbreak of dengue fever (DF) occurred in Guangdong Province, China in 2013 with the highest number of cases observed within the preceding ten years. DF cases were clustered in the Pearl River Delta economic zone (PRD) in Guangdong Province, which accounted for 99.6% of all cases in Guangdong province in 2013. The main vector in PRD was Aedes albopictus. We investigated the socioeconomic and environmental factors at the township level and explored how the independent variables jointly affect the DF epidemic in the PRD.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Six factors associated with the incidence of DF were identified in this project, representing the urbanization, poverty, accessibility and vegetation, and were considered to be core contributors to the occurrence of DF from the perspective of the social economy and the environment. Analyses were performed with Generalized Additive Models (GAM) to fit parametric and non-parametric functions to the relationships between the response and predictors. We used a spline-smooth technique and plotted the predicted against the observed co-variable value. The distribution of DF cases was over-dispersed and fit the negative binomial function better. The effects of all six socioeconomic and environmental variables were found to be significant at the 0.001 level and the model explained 45.1% of the deviance by DF incidence. There was a higher risk of DF infection among people living at the prefectural boundary or in the urban areas than among those living in other areas in the PRD. The relative risk of living at the prefectural boundary was higher than that of living in the urban areas. The associations between the DF cases and population density, GDP per capita, road density, and NDVI were nonlinear. In general, higher “road density” or lower “GDP per capita” were considered to be consistent risk factors. Moreover, higher or lower values of “population density” and “NDVI” could result in an increase in DF cases.


In this study, we presented an effect analysis of socioeconomic and environmental factors on DF occurrence at the smallest administrative unit (township level) for the first time in China. GAM was used to effectively detect the nonlinear impact of the predictors on the outcome. The results showed that the relative importance of different risk factors may vary across the PRD. This work improves our understanding of the differences and effects of socioeconomic and environmental factors on DF and supports effectively targeted prevention and control measures.  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区城市化与植被活动之间的时空相关性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用时间序列NDVI数据和统计资料,以长江三角洲地区为例,研究城市化与植被生长活力之间的时空相关性。在总体上,NDVI与人口和GDP之间均呈显著的负相关性;空间相关场进一步表明,在人口和GDP分布较高的地区,植被的生长活力越低,相关系数均在-1.0~0.5之间。选择地市行政单元为研究粒度,使用面板数据分析方法,研究单位面积NDVI与城市化率之间相关性的演变,结果表明,在时间序列上负相关性越来越强,两者之间有明显线性关系,这在一定程度上反映了区域社会发展与生态环境之间未达到双赢。  相似文献   


Butyltins in sediments and biota collected from the Pearl River Delta, South China were analyzed by a gas chromatograph–atomic emission detector (GC-AED). The concentrations of tributyltin (TBT) in the sediments ranged from 1.7 to 379.7 ng/g dry weight. Their spatial distribution suggested that shipping activities, especially shipyards were mostly responsible for the TBT contamination in the region. A good linear relationship was observed between the DBT (dibutyltin)/TBT and MBT (monobutyltin) /TBT ratios of the samples in the Pearl River, the Pearl River estuary and the West River, suggesting that TBT in these areas came from similar sources but had undergone a different extent of degradation. The butyltins in the Macao waters seemed to have undergone a different degradation process. All TBT concentrations of the fish, mussel and shrimp samples collected in this study were below the seafood tolerable average residue level (TARL).  相似文献   

王祥荣  樊正球  谢玉静  李昆  曾刚  苏德  关庆伟  任引  高峻 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7114-7118
根据国家科技部"典型脆弱生态修复与保护研究"重点专项(2016年)指南任务要求,本项目将重点开展"长三角城市群生态安全保障关键技术研究与集成示范"的研究。基于对"长三角城市群重大生态安全问题的DPSIR多元共轭机理"及"长三角城市群生态安全协同联动机制与保障路径"重大科学问题的辨识,强化"1、5、1"的整体研究思路和技术路线,即:构建1个基础理论框架、研发5大技术体系、创新1个协同联动决策支持系统和平台。项目成果将有助于长三角地区提高生态系统监管能力,促进区域健康发展,并为国家城市群可持续发展提供科学依据,具有极其重要的社会、经济和生态效益。  相似文献   

陈飞  徐鹤  李永贺 《生态学报》2024,44(10):4092-4104
城市密度是衡量城市各要素空间集聚程度的表征也是调控城市各要素资源分配效率的重要手段。过往主要围绕城市密度的物质形态测度来研究城市空间资源利用与环境问题,少有立足碳排放绩效的视角来研究城市密度的演变逻辑。立足生态效益中自然资源投入最小化与获得价值最大化的观点,从经济、社会、环境三个维度构建碳排放绩效综合评价指标,以长三角41个城市为例,基于标准差椭圆分析城市密度与碳排放绩效的时空演变及关联特征,采用地理加权回归模型与地理探测器相结合的方法,确定城市密度对碳排放绩效的影响效应及机制。结果表明:(1)城市密度与碳排放绩效均升高,城市密度增速减慢,而碳排放绩效增速加快;二者均呈东南-西北向发展且关联性不断增强。(2)城市密度分指标对碳排放绩效的影响效应存在时空差异,东南部多数城市各分指标影响系数增大且作用方向不变;西北部人口密度负向影响显著增强,经济密度的影响由负转正,而空间密度的影响由正转负。(3)城市密度与其他经济社会因素交互后对碳排放绩效产生影响,其中经济密度与产业结构协同作用对碳排放绩效的影响最大,且与因子独立作用相比,人口密度与其他影响因素的交互效应增幅最大。理清城市密度对碳排放绩效的影响效应及机制,可以为城市空间结构的合理优化提供依据。  相似文献   

长三角城市群碳排放与城市用地增长及形态的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舒心  夏楚瑜  李艳  童菊儿  史舟 《生态学报》2018,38(17):6302-6313
城市是一种重要的碳源,城市扩张过程中的用地面积增长和空间特征变化均会影响城市碳排放。分析1995—2015年长三角城市群碳排放重心转移,查明碳排放和城市用地增长的脱钩状态时空变化,并通过构建面板数据模型探究城市形态对碳排放的影响,得出以下结论:(1) 1995—2015年长三角城市群碳排放重心经历了西南向-西北向-东南向-西北向的转移过程,这种转移过程与其相应时期内部分城市的工业发展与产业结构调整有关;(2) 1995—2015年,长三角城市群碳排放与城市用地增长的脱钩状态存在着显著的时空异质性。研究区由以扩张负脱钩为主变化为以弱脱钩为主,2005年以后,区域之间的脱钩差异开始缩小,总体来看研究区脱钩状态趋向于同质。至2015年,近70%的城市已达到了脱钩,其中上海等城市实现了强脱钩;(3)连续完整的地块在区域内的主导程度会对城市碳排放产生负向的影响,而城市用地斑块的破碎化程度和聚集程度对碳排放有着正向的影响,且相对而言,聚集程度的正向影响更为显著。  相似文献   

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