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Mutations in PTEN inducible kinase-1 (PINK1) induce mitochondrial dysfunction in dopaminergic neurons resulting in an inherited form of Parkinson’s disease. Although PINK1 is present in the heart its exact role there is unclear. We hypothesized that PINK1 protects the heart against acute ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) by preventing mitochondrial dysfunction.

Methods and Results

Over-expressing PINK1 in HL-1 cardiac cells reduced cell death following simulated IRI (29.2±5.2% PINK1 versus 49.0±2.4% control; N = 320 cells/group P<0.05), and delayed the onset of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) opening (by 1.3 fold; P<0.05). Hearts excised from PINK1+/+, PINK1+/− and PINK1−/− mice were subjected to 35 minutes regional ischemia followed by 30 minutes reperfusion. Interestingly, myocardial infarct size was increased in PINK1−/− hearts compared to PINK1+/+ hearts with an intermediate infarct size in PINK1+/− hearts (25.1±2.0% PINK1+/+, 38.9±3.4% PINK1+/− versus 51.5±4.3% PINK1−/− hearts; N>5 animals/group; P<0.05). Cardiomyocytes isolated from PINK1−/− hearts had a lower resting mitochondrial membrane potential, had inhibited mitochondrial respiration, generated more oxidative stress during simulated IRI, and underwent rigor contracture more rapidly in response to an uncoupler when compared to PINK1+/+ cells suggesting mitochondrial dysfunction in hearts deficient in PINK1.


We show that the loss of PINK1 increases the heart''s vulnerability to ischemia-reperfusion injury. This may be due, in part, to increased mitochondrial dysfunction. These findings implicate PINK1 as a novel target for cardioprotection.  相似文献   

Variability in the response to drugs is due to three principal components—the disease, the responsiveness of tissues, and the concentration of the drug at its site of action (as reflected by its plasma concentration). The relative contributions of these components will differ not only for different drugs but also for different effects of the same drug. Rational drug therapy depends on knowledge of all three factors.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation in white matter is controversial. Given that many of the studies that report fMRI activation in white matter used high field MRI systems, we investigated the field strength dependence of sensitivity to white matter fMRI activation. In addition, we evaluated the temporal signal to noise ratio (tSNR) of the different tissue types as a function of field strength. Data were acquired during a motor task (finger tapping) at 1.5 T and 4 T. Group and individual level activation results were considered in both the sensorimotor cortex and the posterior limb of the internal capsule. We found that sensitivity increases associated with field strength were greater for white matter than gray matter. The analysis of tSNR suggested that white matter might be less susceptible to increases in physiological noise related to increased field strength. We therefore conclude that high field MRI may be particularly advantageous for fMRI studies aimed at investigating activation in both gray and white matter.  相似文献   

Mutation in the Nurr1 gene, a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily, causes selective agenesis of dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain of null mice. Homozygous Nurr1 knockout mice (Nurr1-/-) die 1 day after birth, but heterozygous mice (Nurr1 +/-) survive postnatally without obvious locomotor deficits. Although adult Nurr1 +/- mice show significantly reduced Nurr1 protein levels in the substantia nigra (SN), they display a normal range of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neuron numbers in the SN and normal levels of dopamine in the striatum. The reduction in Nurr1 expression in Nurr1 +/- mice, however, confers increased vulnerability to the selective dopaminergic neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) compared with wild-type (Nurr1 +/+) mice. This study suggests that Nurr1 may play an important role in maintaining mature mesencephalic dopaminergic neuron function and that a defect in Nurr1 may increase susceptibility to SN injury.  相似文献   

d Fenfluramine (dF) (15 mg twice daily) has been studied in controlled trials in human obesity. It has been shown to increase adherence to weight lowering programs, to double the number of patients losing 10 kg or more when compared with a fairly efficient placebo plus dietary counselling, and to prevent weight regain when continued over a 1 year period. Weight loss after 1 month and 4 months is likely to predict subsequent outcome. Also, significant improvement in metabolic risk factors and blood pressure were clearly demonstrated, even more markedly in some obesity-associated diseases, when body weight is maintained at a lower level. Even moderate but sustained weight loss of some 10 % of starting weight or less has been confirmed to be of medical value. Tolerance and safety of dF can be considered acceptable, even if longer term follow-up is clearly needed. These studies support the concept that long-term pharmacotherapy with this serotoninergic drug might help achieve better outcome in the management of many obese patients, particularly in preventing relapse. The long-term managerial strategies to be developed for each patient might thus include dF together with dietary advice, behavioral modification and physical exercise, either simultaneously or sequentially.  相似文献   

Land use and climate change occur simultaneously around the globe. Fully understanding their separate and combined effects requires a mechanistic understanding at the local scale where their effects are ultimately realized. Here we applied an individual-based model of fish population dynamics to evaluate the role of local stream variability in modifying responses of Coastal Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) to scenarios simulating identical changes in temperature and stream flows linked to forest harvest, climate change, and their combined effects over six decades. We parameterized the model for four neighboring streams located in a forested headwater catchment in northwestern Oregon, USA with multi-year, daily measurements of stream temperature, flow, and turbidity (2007–2011), and field measurements of both instream habitat structure and three years of annual trout population estimates. Model simulations revealed that variability in habitat conditions among streams (depth, available habitat) mediated the effects of forest harvest and climate change. Net effects for most simulated trout responses were different from or less than the sum of their separate scenarios. In some cases, forest harvest countered the effects of climate change through increased summer flow. Climate change most strongly influenced trout (earlier fry emergence, reductions in biomass of older trout, increased biomass of young-of-year), but these changes did not consistently translate into reductions in biomass over time. Forest harvest, in contrast, produced fewer and less consistent responses in trout. Earlier fry emergence driven by climate change was the most consistent simulated response, whereas survival, growth, and biomass were inconsistent. Overall our findings indicate a host of local processes can strongly influence how populations respond to broad scale effects of land use and climate change.  相似文献   

Epidemiological observations of urban inhalation exposures to diesel exhaust (DE) and ozone (O3) have shown pre-clinical cardiopulmonary responses in humans. Identifying the key biological mechanisms that initiate these health bioindicators is difficult due to variability in environmental exposure in time and from person to person. Previously, environmentally controlled human exposure chambers have been used to study DE and O3 dose-response patterns separately, but investigation of co-exposures has not been performed under controlled conditions. Because a mixture is a more realistic exposure scenario for the general public, in this study we investigate the relationships of urban levels of urban-level DE exposure (300 μg/m3), O3 (0.3 ppm), DE + O3 co-exposure, and innate immune system responses. Fifteen healthy human volunteers were studied for changes in ten inflammatory cytokines (interleukins 1β, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12p70 and 13, IFN-γ, and TNF-α) and counts of three white blood cell types (lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils) following controlled exposures to DE, O3, and DE+O3. The results show subtle cytokines responses to the diesel-only and ozone-only exposures, and that a more complex (possibly synergistic) relationship exists in the combination of these two exposures with suppression of IL-5, IL-12p70, IFN-γ, and TNF-α that persists up to 22-hours for IFN-γ and TNF-α. The white blood cell differential counts showed significant monocyte and lymphocyte decreases and neutrophil increases following the DE + O3 exposure; lymphocytes and neutrophils changes also persist for at least 22-hours. Because human studies must be conducted under strict safety protocols at environmental levels, these effects are subtle and are generally only seen with detailed statistical analysis. This study indicates that the observed associations between environmental exposures and cardiopulmonary effects are possibly mediated by inflammatory response mechanisms.  相似文献   

We studied the response of the barn owl annual productivity to the common vole population numbers and variability to test the effects of environmental stochasticity on their life histories. Current theory predicts that temporal environmental variability can affect long-term nonlinear responses (e.g., production of young) both positively and negatively, depending on the shape of the relationship between the response and environmental variables. At the level of the Czech Republic, we examined the shape of the relationship between the annual sum of fledglings (annual productivity) and vole numbers in both non-detrended and detrended data. At the districts’ level, we explored whether the degree of synchrony (measured by the correlation coefficient) and the strength of the productivity response increase (measured by the regression coefficient) in areas with higher vole population variability measured by the s-index. We found that the owls’ annual productivity increased linearly with vole numbers in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, based on district data, we also found that synchrony between dynamics in owls’ reproductive output and vole numbers increased with vole population variability. However, the strength of the response was not affected by the vole population variability. Additionally, we have shown that detrending remarkably increases the Taylor’s exponent b relating variance to mean in vole time series, thereby reversing the relationship between the coefficient of variation and the mean. This shift was not responsible for the increased synchrony with vole population variability. Instead, we suggest that higher synchrony could result from high food specialization of owls on the common vole in areas with highly fluctuating vole populations.  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessment of O3 impact requires consideration of many factors that, perhaps, are not of concern in human health risk assessment. The episodic nature of O3 exposure, functional complexity of species assemblages, and the broad spatial and temporal scales characteristic of natural ecosystems make ecological risk assessment extremely difficult. The majority of exposure studies using plants have examined the sensitivity of individual species, growing under controlled conditions. Research has shown that individuals growing in plant mixtures may not respond the same way to O3 as when growing alone. In addition, other naturally occurring stresses can modify plant response to O3. Understanding the effect of O3 on natural systems and protecting vegetation resources represent significant scientific and regulatory challenges. Here we review several factors that need to be considered when evaluating ecosystem response to O3. Then we briefly present two examples of controlled seedling studies that were conducted to better understand mechanisms of tree response to O3. In the first example controlled exposure studies revealed responses in tree roots that led to hypothesis testing in the field in ponderosa pine ecosystems. Field experiments have confirmed a similar response in root biomass and carbohydrates across a natural O3 gradient in S. California, suggesting at least a partial role for O3 in the response. The second example illustrates the difficulty of understanding mechanistic interactions to O3 stress even in controlled chamber studies. The second example also illustrates the difficulty of using chamber studies to understand responses in the field. While our knowledge of vegetation response to O3 is extensive and compelling, important questions remain about how to quantify these effects in the field, assess their magnitude, and establish a suitable standard that is protective of ecosystems.  相似文献   

The current from a white noise generator was applied as a stimulus to a space-clamped squid axon in double sucrose gap. The membrane current and the voltage response of the membrane were then amplified, recorded on magnetic tape, and the stimulus was cross-correlated with the response. With subthreshold stimuli, a cross-correlation function resembling that obtained from a resonant parallel circuit is obtained. As the intensity of the input noise is increased, the cross-correlation function resembles that obtained from a less damped oscillatory circuit. When the noise intensity is further increased so that an appreciable frequency of action potentials is observed, an additional component appears in the experimental cross-correlogram. The subthreshold cross-correlogram is analyzed theoretically in terms of the linearized Hodgkin-Huxley equations. The subthreshold axon approximates a parallel resonant circuit. The circuit parameters are temperature dependent, with resonant frequency varying from approximately 100 Hz at 10°C to approximately 250 Hz at 20°C. The Q10 of the resonant frequency is equal to 1.9. These values are in agreement with values found previously for subthreshold oscillations following a single action potential.  相似文献   

Renewed efforts in tuberculosis (TB) research have led to important new insights into the biology and epidemiology of this devastating disease. Yet, in the face of the modern epidemics of HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and multidrug resistance—all of which contribute to susceptibility to TB—global control of the disease will remain a formidable challenge for years to come. New high-throughput genomics technologies are already contributing to studies of TB''s epidemiology, comparative genomics, evolution, and host–pathogen interaction. We argue here, however, that new multidisciplinary approaches—especially the integration of epidemiology with systems biology in what we call “systems epidemiology”—will be required to eliminate TB.  相似文献   

Although traumatic brain injury (TBI) is often associated with gait deficits, the effects of TBI on spinal cord centers are poorly understood. We seek to determine the influence of TBI on the spinal cord and the potential of dietary omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids to counteract these effects. Male rodents exposed to diets containing adequate or deficient levels of n-3 since gestation received a moderate fluid percussion injury when becoming 14 weeks old. TBI reduced levels of molecular systems important for synaptic plasticity (BDNF, TrkB, and CREB) and plasma membrane homeostasis (4-HNE, iPLA2, syntaxin-3) in the lumbar spinal cord. These effects of TBI were more dramatic in the animals exposed to the n-3 deficient diet. Results emphasize the comprehensive action of TBI across the neuroaxis, and the critical role of dietary n-3 as a means to build resistance against the effects of TBI.  相似文献   

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