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Modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA), a highly attenuated strain of vaccinia virus, has been used as vaccine delivery vector in preclinical and clinical studies against infectious diseases and malignancies. Here, we investigated whether an MVA which does not encode any antigen (Ag) could be exploited as adjuvant per se.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We showed that dendritic cells infected in vitro with non-recombinant (nr) MVA expressed maturation and activation markers and were able to efficiently present exogenously pulsed Ag to T cells. In contrast to the dominant T helper (Th) 1 biased responses elicited against Ags produced by recombinant MVA vectors, the use of nrMVA as adjuvant for the co-administered soluble Ags resulted in a long lasting mixed Th1/Th2 responses.


These findings open new ways to potentiate and modulate the immune responses to vaccine Ags depending on whether they are co-administered with MVA or encoded by recombinant viruses.  相似文献   

Although major inroads into making antiretroviral therapy available in resource-poor countries have been made, there is an urgent need for an effective vaccine administered shortly after birth, which would protect infants from acquiring human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) through breast-feeding. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is given to most infants at birth, and its recombinant form could be used to prime HIV-1-specific responses for a later boost by heterologous vectors delivering the same HIV-1-derived immunogen. Here, two groups of neonate Indian rhesus macaques were immunized with either novel candidate vaccine BCG.HIVA401 or its parental strain AERAS-401, followed by two doses of recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara MVA.HIVA. The HIVA immunogen is derived from African clade A HIV-1. All vaccines were safe, giving local reactions consistent with the expected response at the injection site. No systemic adverse events or gross abnormality was seen at necropsy. Both AERAS-401 and BCG.HIVA401 induced high frequencies of BCG-specific IFN-γ-secreting lymphocytes that declined over 23 weeks, but the latter failed to induce detectable HIV-1-specific IFN-γ responses. MVA.HIVA elicited HIV-1-specific IFN-γ responses in all eight animals, but, except for one animal, these responses were weak. The HIV-1-specific responses induced in infants were lower compared to historic data generated by the two HIVA vaccines in adult animals but similar to other recombinant poxviruses tested in this model. This is the first time these vaccines were tested in newborn monkeys. These results inform further infant vaccine development and provide comparative data for two human infant vaccine trials of MVA.HIVA.Close to 2.3 million of children globally are infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). The majority of neonatal infections occur in utero or intrapartum and, in the absence of preventative interventions, up to 29% of infants breast-fed by infected mothers acquire HIV-1 (6). Furthermore, HIV-1-infected children face a worse prognosis than adults in that, without antiretroviral treatment (ART), 25% of perinatally infected children progress to AIDS within 1 year (10), and the median time to AIDS for the remaining children is less than 7 years (2). It is now clearly established that maternal and extended infant ART can substantially reduce transmission of HIV-1 through breast-feeding (23). However, in a resource-poor setting, many logistical barriers to implementation of the ART-based prevention of mother-to-child-transmission (PMTCT) remain (23). Because nutrition and hygiene makes breast milk an important determinant of infant survival (22, 28), formula feeding as a protective measure against HIV-1 acquisition is recommended only if it is AFASS (acceptable, feasible, affordable, sustainable, and safe). Unfortunately, AFASS it is still not for majority of infected mothers in sub-Saharan Africa. Also, mixed bottle and breast feeding is associated with a 10-fold increase in HIV-1 transmission relative to exclusive breast-feeding (4). Thus, an effective infant vaccine against HIV-1 infection is the best and safest solution for PMTCT of HIV-1 with the added practical option of prolonging breast-feeding.Neonatal immunity is immature compared to the adult immune system (25). The differences include naivety of the immune cells, a tendency to develop Th2 responses (5) and antigen-presenting cells with inefficient cytokine production (35). For example, human cord blood T cells proliferated poorly and produced low levels of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and gamma interferon (IFN-γ) when endogenous antigen-presenting cells presented the antigen (35, 44). Also, infant myeloid dendritic cells are less efficient in priming Th1 responses because of their decreased responsiveness to Toll-like receptor stimulation, lower levels of surface costimulatory molecules, and lower production of IL-12 (8, 27). In several infections, qualitative and quantitative differences between human newborn and adult responses were detected (1, 9, 26, 37). In contrast, other studies of infants reported proliferation as well as IL-2 and IFN-γ production by T cells equal to that of adults following T-cell receptor-independent activation (21, 46). These latter observations indicate that neonate T cells are not intrinsically “locked” into an immature phenotype but, given the correct stimuli, they can develop mature immune responses (25). The requirement for specific stimuli will likely differ for different pathogens and vaccine vectors.Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is commonly delivered at birth as an antituberculosis vaccine as a part of the WHO Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI). It has been reported by several studies to promote an adultlike Th1 response in newborns (16, 24, 34, 43), although it was also suggested that delaying the BCG delivery to 10 weeks of age benefits the quantity and quality of BCG-induced CD4 T-cell responses (20). BCG and related mycobacterial vectors have been explored as vaccines against other infectious agents, including human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (19), and in adult animals showed immunogenicity and protection (3, 36, 39, 47, 48). The only clinical study of recombinant BCG (rBCG) in adults failed to provide consistent efficacy (7). We have suggested the use of rBCG expressing an HIV-1-derived immunogen as the priming component of a heterologous vaccine platform for PMTCT of HIV-1 through infected breast milk (18), where it is critical to prime HIV-1-specific responses as soon as possible after birth. These responses could be boosted a few weeks later or shortly after the already busy EPI by heterologous vaccines delivering the same HIV-1-derived immunogen. To this extent, we constructed the novel candidate vaccine BCG.HIVA401 (36) by inserting a gene coding for the HIV-1 clade A-derived immunogen HIVA (14) into recombinant BCG strain AREAS-401 (40). AERAS-401 is a newly developed strain that displayed enhanced safety (40) and immunogenicity (11, 15) in murine models relative to its parental BCG vaccine strain Danish SSI-1331. Increased safety represents an important feature should the BCG.HIVA401 vaccine be deployed in babies born to HIV-1-infected mothers. We showed that BCG.HIVA401 in a heterologous combination with recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara MVA.HIVA and recombinant ovine atadenovirus OAdV.HIVA induced robust polyfunctional HIV-1-specific T-cell responses in adult macaques (36). Here, we assess the safety and immunogenicity of the BCG.HIVA prime-MVA.HIVA boost regimen in newborn rhesus macaques.  相似文献   

In a study to examine the effects of dietary oat bran on serum lipids, subjects who ate two oat bran muffins a day for 28 days showed a 5.3% reduction in serum total cholesterol and an 8.7% reduction in low-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol levels, while no changes were noted in subjects consuming wheat or mixed wheat and oat bran muffins. Similarly, those who ingested oat bran muffins showed an 8.3% reduction in serum triglyceride values as contrasted with an overall increase of 6.4% in the other groups combined. These findings suggest that oat bran taken daily can significantly lower serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in a young, healthy population.  相似文献   

Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) infection is characterized by rash, acute high fever, chills, headache, nausea, photophobia, vomiting, and severe polyarthralgia. There is evidence that arthralgia can persist for years and result in long-term discomfort. Neurologic disease with fatal outcome has been documented, although at low incidences. The CHIKV RNA genome encodes five structural proteins (C, E1, E2, E3 and 6K). The E1 spike protein drives the fusion process within the cytoplasm, while the E2 protein is believed to interact with cellular receptors and therefore most probably constitutes the target of neutralizing antibodies. We have constructed recombinant Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) expressing E3E2, 6KE1, or the entire CHIKV envelope polyprotein cassette E3E26KE1. MVA is an appropriate platform because of its demonstrated clinical safety and its suitability for expression of various heterologous proteins. After completing the immunization scheme, animals were challenged with CHIV-S27. Immunization of AG129 mice with MVAs expressing E2 or E3E26KE1 elicited neutralizing antibodies in all animals and provided 100% protection against lethal disease. In contrast, 75% of the animals immunized with 6KE1 were protected against lethal infection. In conclusion, MVA expressing the glycoprotein E2 of CHIKV represents as an immunogenic and effective candidate vaccine against CHIKV infections.  相似文献   

修饰的痘苗病毒安卡拉株(MVA)基因组中高频的同源重组   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
痘苗病毒由于其外源基因容量大,表达产物后加工完善等优势而广泛用于基因工程的研究以及基因治疗,痘苗病毒基因组的同源重组现象为其基因操作带来了方便,也被用于很多痘苗病毒基因结构和功能的研究,痘苗病毒安卡拉株(MVA)是一种修饰的复制限制的痘苗病毒,由于极高的安全性,正在实验室和临床应用的很多领域取代普通的痘苗病毒,为提高重组MVA系统的安全性以及筛选重组MVA的效率,发展了一种暂时选择系统,此系统利用分子内2段同向的相同序列发生同源重组去除选择标记k1l基因,从而消除选择标记对宿主可能的危害。利用此暂时表达系统构建了4个携带编码不同长度外源多蛋白质序列的重组MVA,并估算了每次传代的重组频率,结果显示,MVA同源重组频率虽然比其他痘苗病毒株要低,但仍然是较斋的,将带有k1l基因的重组MVA经3-4次盲传(blind passage),即可获得完全去除选择标记的重组MVA。进一步证明上述利用暂时选择标记k1l基因构建重组MVA的系统具有十分可靠的安全性,适合作为人体活疫苗开发和基因治疗的载体,而且,通过盲传进行筛选,能大大提高去除选择标记的效率,降低鸺建重组MVA的成本。  相似文献   

Here we report for the first time on the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a vaccine strategy involving the adjuvanted fusion protein “H28” (consisting of Ag85B-TB10.4-Rv2660c) and Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara expressing H28. We show that a heterologous prime-boost regimen involving priming with H28 in a Th1 adjuvant followed by boosting with H28 expressed by MVA (H28/MVA28) induced the highest percentage of IFN-γ expressing T cells, the highest production of IFN-γ per single cell and the highest induction of CD8 T cells compared to either of the vaccines given alone. In contrast, in mice vaccinated with adjuvanted recombinant H28 alone (H28/H28) we observed the highest production of IL-2 per single cell and the highest frequency of antigen specific TNF-α/IL-2 expressing CD4 T cells pre and post infection. Interestingly, TNF-α/IL-2 expressing central memory-like CD4 T cells showed a significant positive correlation with protection at week 6 post infection, whereas the opposite was observed for post infection CD4 T cells producing only IFN-γ. Moreover, as a BCG booster vaccine in a clinically relevant non-human primate TB model, the H28/H28 vaccine strategy induced a slightly more prominent reduction of clinical disease and pathology for up to one year post infection compared to H28/MVA28. Taken together, our data showed that the adjuvanted subunit and MVA strategies led to different T cell subset combinations pre and post infection and that TNF-α/IL-2 double producing but not IFN-γ single producing CD4 T cell subsets correlated with protection in the mouse TB model. Moreover, our data demonstrated that the H28 vaccine antigen was able to induce strong protection in both a mouse and a non-human primate TB model.  相似文献   

A survey was made to determine the incidence in Alaska of complications of smallpox vaccination during 1968. Of the 206 medical personnel responding to the questionnaire, 20 (or 9.7 percent) observed a complication. Twenty-six complications were reported, 20 of which occurred in primary vaccinees. Accidental implantation was the most common complication, but two cases of eczema vaccinatum and two of generalized vaccinia were observed. There were no deaths or cases of postvaccinial encephalitis or vaccinia necrosum. Of the 26 complications, 19 were theoretically preventable.  相似文献   

Vectored vaccines based on highly attenuated modified vaccinia Ankara(MVA) are reported to be immunogenic, tolerant to pre-existing immunity, and able to accommodate and stably maintain very large transgenes. MVA is usually produced on primary chicken embryo fibroblasts, but production processes based on continuous cell lines emerge as increasingly robust and cost-effective alternatives. An isolate of a hitherto undescribed genotype was recovered by passage of a nonplaque-purified preparation of MVA in a continuous anatine suspension cell line(CR.pIX) in chemically defined medium.The novel isolate(MVA-CR19) replicated to higher infectious titers in the extracellular volume of suspension cultures and induced fewer syncytia in adherent cultures. We now extend previous studies with the investigation of the point mutations in structural genes of MVA-CR19 and describe an additional point mutation in a regulatory gene. We furthermore map and discuss an extensive rearrangement of the left telomer of MVA-CR19 that appears to have occurred by duplication of the right telomer. This event caused deletions and duplications of genes that may modulate immunologic properties of MVACR19 as a vaccine vector. Our characterizations also highlight the exceptional genetic stability of plaque-purified MVA:although the phenotype of MVA-CR19 appears to be advantageous for replication, we found that all genetic markers that differentiate wildtype and MVA-CR19 are stably maintained in passages of recombinant viruses based on either wildtype or MVA-CR.  相似文献   

Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) virus is a promising vector for vaccination against various challenging pathogens or the treatment of some types of cancers, requiring a high amount of virions per dose for vaccination and gene therapy. Upstream process intensification combining perfusion technologies, the avian suspension cell line AGE1.CR.pIX and the virus strain MVA-CR19 is an option to obtain very high MVA yields. Here the authors compare different options for cell retention in perfusion mode using conventional stirred-tank bioreactors. Furthermore, the authors study hollow-fiber bioreactors and an orbital-shaken bioreactor in perfusion mode, both available for single-use. Productivity for the virus strain MVA-CR19 is compared to results from batch and continuous production reported in literature. The results demonstrate that cell retention devices are only required to maximize cell concentration but not for continuous harvesting. Using a stirred-tank bioreactor, a perfusion strategy with working volume expansion after virus infection results in the highest yields. Overall, infectious MVA virus titers of 2.1–16.5 × 109 virions/mL are achieved in these intensified processes. Taken together, the study shows a novel perspective on high-yield MVA virus production in conventional bioreactor systems linked to various cell retention devices and addresses options for process intensification including fully single-use perfusion platforms.  相似文献   

目的:检测人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(HIV-1) C/B'亚型与痘苗病毒安卡拉株(MVA)的多价重组疫苗的免疫原性,此疫苗中包含HIV-1 C/B'CRF 株的5个基因,分别是env,gag,pol,nef,tat.方法:设105pfu/ml,106 pfu/ml,107 pfu/ml ADMVA 3个剂量组,用ELISPOT方法检测细胞免疫反应.同时,以Gag蛋白作为包被抗原,使用间接ELISA的方法检测体液免疫反应.结果:免疫后的小鼠对插入基因env,gag,pol和nef所表达蛋白均产生了特异性细胞免疫应答,且免疫效果与免疫剂量呈正相关.ELISA结果表明, MVA重组疫苗免疫诱导产生了特异性体液免疫,抗HIV-1Gag的抗体滴度与免疫次数和免疫剂量都存在正相关性.结论:多价MVA重组疫苗能有效地诱导小鼠产生特异的细胞免疫和体液免疫反应.  相似文献   



Although myocarditis/pericarditis (MP) has been identified as an adverse event following smallpox vaccine (SPX), the prospective incidence of this reaction and new onset cardiac symptoms, including possible subclinical injury, has not been prospectively defined.


The study’s primary objective was to determine the prospective incidence of new onset cardiac symptoms, clinical and possible subclinical MP in temporal association with immunization.


New onset cardiac symptoms, clinical MP and cardiac specific troponin T (cTnT) elevations following SPX (above individual baseline values) were measured in a multi-center prospective, active surveillance cohort study of healthy subjects receiving either smallpox vaccine or trivalent influenza vaccine (TIV).


New onset chest pain, dyspnea, and/or palpitations occurred in 10.6% of SPX-vaccinees and 2.6% of TIV-vaccinees within 30 days of immunization (relative risk (RR) 4.0, 95% CI: 1.7-9.3). Among the 1081 SPX-vaccinees with complete follow-up, 4 Caucasian males were diagnosed with probable myocarditis and 1 female with suspected pericarditis. This indicates a post-SPX incidence rate more than 200-times higher than the pre-SPX background population surveillance rate of myocarditis/pericarditis (RR 214, 95% CI 65-558). Additionally, 31 SPX-vaccinees without specific cardiac symptoms were found to have over 2-fold increases in cTnT (>99th percentile) from baseline (pre-SPX) during the window of risk for clinical myocarditis/pericarditis and meeting a proposed case definition for possible subclinical myocarditis. This rate is 60-times higher than the incidence rate of overt clinical cases. No clinical or possible subclinical myocarditis cases were identified in the TIV-vaccinated group.


Passive surveillance significantly underestimates the true incidence of myocarditis/pericarditis after smallpox immunization. Evidence of subclinical transient cardiac muscle injury post-vaccinia immunization is a finding that requires further study to include long-term outcomes surveillance. Active safety surveillance is needed to identify adverse events that are not well understood or previously recognized.  相似文献   

DNA and modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) are vaccine vehicles suitable and safe for use in humans. Here, by using a multicytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitope gene and a DNA prime-MVA boost vaccination regimen, high levels of CTLs specific for a single simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) gag-derived epitope were elicited in rhesus macaques. These vaccine-induced CTLs were capable of killing SIV-infected cells in vitro. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis using soluble tetrameric major histocompatibility complex-peptide complexes showed that the vaccinated animals had 1 to 5% circulating CD8(+) lymphocytes specific for the vaccine epitope, frequencies comparable to those in SIV-infected monkeys. Upon intrarectal challenge with pathogenic SIVmac251, no evidence for protection was observed in at least two of the three vaccinated animals. This study does not attempt to define correlates of protective immunity nor design a protective vaccine against immunodeficiency viruses, but it demonstrates clearly that the DNA prime-MVA boost regimen is an effective protocol for induction of CTLs in macaques. It also shows that powerful tools for studying the role of CTLs in the control of SIV and human immunodeficiency virus infections are now available: epitope-based vaccines, a protocol for an effective induction of CTLs in primates, and a simple and sensitive method for quantitation of epitope-specific T cells. The advantages of the DNA prime-MVA boost regimen as well as the correlations of tetramer staining of peripheral blood lymphocytes with CTL killing in vitro and postchallenge control of viremia are discussed.  相似文献   

将猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, PRRSV)修饰的ORF5(MORF5)与ORF6基因分别克隆入笔者构建的改良型痘苗病毒安卡拉株(Modified vaccinia virus ankara, MVA) 转移载体pLR-gpt的两个多克隆位点中, 构建重组转移载体pLR-MORF5/ORF6。经脂质体介导, 将构建好的pLR-MORF5/ORF6 转染已感染亲本MVA 2h的BHK-21细胞单层, 用药物选择性培养基(MXHAT)在24孔板上进行连续筛选纯化, 得到带有筛选标记的重组病毒rMVAgpt-MGP5/M。将rMVAgpt-MGP5/M 感染表达Cre重组酶的BHK-21细胞(BHK-Cre), 获得删除筛选标记的重组病毒rMVA-MGP5/M。PCR证明MORF5与ORF6成功插入MVA基因组中; Western blotting与间接免疫荧光证明重组病毒能表达MGP5与M蛋白; 重组病毒的生长特性表明与亲本MVA出现病变的时间及病毒滴度基本一致。结果表明, 本研究成功构建了共表达PRRSV MGP5与M蛋白的重组MVA, 并且表达产物具有免疫原性; 外源基因的插入不影响MVA复制, 具较好的稳定性, 从而为PRRSV新型基因工程疫苗的研制奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

将猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, PRRSV)修饰的ORF5(MORF5)与ORF6基因分别克隆入笔者构建的改良型痘苗病毒安卡拉株(Modified vaccinia virus ankara, MVA) 转移载体pLR-gpt的两个多克隆位点中, 构建重组转移载体pLR-MORF5/ORF6。经脂质体介导, 将构建好的pLR-MORF5/ORF6 转染已感染亲本MVA 2h的BHK-21细胞单层, 用药物选择性培养基(MXHAT)在24孔板上进行连续筛选纯化, 得到带有筛选标记的重组病毒rMVAgpt-MGP5/M。将rMVAgpt-MGP5/M 感染表达Cre重组酶的BHK-21细胞(BHK-Cre), 获得删除筛选标记的重组病毒rMVA-MGP5/M。PCR证明MORF5与ORF6成功插入MVA基因组中; Western blotting与间接免疫荧光证明重组病毒能表达MGP5与M蛋白; 重组病毒的生长特性表明与亲本MVA出现病变的时间及病毒滴度基本一致。结果表明, 本研究成功构建了共表达PRRSV MGP5与M蛋白的重组MVA, 并且表达产物具有免疫原性; 外源基因的插入不影响MVA复制, 具较好的稳定性, 从而为PRRSV新型基因工程疫苗的研制奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   


Trial Design

HIV-1 vaccine development has advanced slowly due to viral antigenic diversity, poor immunogenicity and recently, safety concerns associated with human adenovirus serotype-5 vectors. To tackle HIV-1 variation, we designed a unique T-cell immunogen HIVconsv from functionally conserved regions of the HIV-1 proteome, which were presented to the immune system using a heterologous prime-boost combination of plasmid DNA, a non-replicating simian (chimpanzee) adenovirus ChAdV-63 and a non-replicating poxvirus, modified vaccinia virus Ankara. A block-randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled phase I trial HIV-CORE 002 administered for the first time candidate HIV-1- vaccines or placebo to 32 healthy HIV-1/2-uninfected adults in Oxford, UK and elicited high frequencies of HIV-1-specific T cells capable of inhibiting HIV-1 replication in vitro. Here, detail safety and tolerability of these vaccines are reported.


Local and systemic reactogenicity data were collected using structured interviews and study-specific diary cards. Data on all other adverse events were collected using open questions. Serum neutralizing antibody titres to ChAdV-63 were determined before and after vaccination.


Two volunteers withdrew for vaccine-unrelated reasons. No vaccine-related serious adverse events or reactions occurred during 190 person-months of follow-up. Local and systemic events after vaccination occurred in 27/32 individuals and most were mild (severity grade 1) and predominantly transient (<48 hours). Myalgia and flu-like symptoms were more strongly associated with MVA than ChAdV63 or DNA vectors and more common in vaccine recipients than in placebo. There were no intercurrent HIV-1 infections during follow-up. 2/24 volunteers had low ChAdV-63-neutralizing titres at baseline and 7 increased their titres to over 200 with a median (range) of 633 (231-1533) post-vaccination, which is of no safety concern.


These data demonstrate safety and good tolerability of the pSG2.HIVconsv DNA, ChAdV63.HIVconsv and MVA.HIVconsv vaccines and together with their high immunogenicity support their further development towards efficacy studies.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01151319  相似文献   

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