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PurposeTo evaluate the neutron dose equivalent produced by photoneutrons inside the primary barriers of a radiotherapy vault.MethodsMonte Carlo simulations were performed for investigating the production of photoneutrons as well as neutron shielding requirements. Two photon beams of 15 and 18 MV struck sheets of steel and lead, and the neutron doses were calculated at the isocenter (Piso) and at a distance of 50 cm from the inside wall (Pwall) while delivering 1 Gy to the patient. The proper thicknesses of borated polyethylene (BPE) and concrete were simulated to reduce neutron contamination.ResultsWhen the primary barrier consisted of a concrete alone, the neutron doses at Piso were 0.5 μSv/Gy and 12.8 μSv/Gy for 15- and 18-MV, respectively. At Pwall, the neutron doses were 15.8 μSv/Gy and 318.4 μSv/Gy for 15- and 18-MV, respectively. When 15 MV photons interacted with metal sheets, the neutron doses were 0.4–22.2 μSv/Gy at Piso and 15.8–812.5 μSv/Gy at Pwall, depending on the thickness and material of the metal sheets and neutron shielding. In the case of 18 MV photons with the same configuration, the neutron doses were 0.9–59.5 μSv/Gy and 73.9–5006.1 μSv/Gy for Piso and Pwall, respectively. The neutron dose delivered to the patient was reduced to the level of the dose delivered with a concrete barrier by including a 10-cm-thick BPE for each beam.ConclusionsWhen the primary barrier shielding is designed with a metal sheet inside for high energy, proper neutron shielding should be constructed to avoid undesirable photoneutron dose.  相似文献   

PurposeMonte Carlo study of radiation transmission around areas surrounding a PET room.MethodsAn extended population of patients administered with 18F-FDG for PET-CT investigations was studied, collecting air kerma rate and gamma ray spectra measurements at a reference distance. An MC model of the diagnostic room was developed, including the scanner and walls with variable material and thickness. MC simulations were carried out with the widely used code GEANT4.ResultsThe model was validated by comparing simulated radiation dose values and gamma ray spectra produced by a volumetric source with experimental measurements; ambient doses in the surrounding areas were assessed for different combinations of wall materials and shielding and compared with analytical calculations, based on the AAPM Report 108.In the range 1.5–3.0 times of the product between the linear attenuation coefficient and thickness of an absorber (μ x), it was observed that the effectiveness of different combinations of shielding is roughly equivalent. An extensive tabulation of results is given in the text.ConclusionsThe validation tests performed showed a satisfactory agreement between the simulated and expected results. The simulated dose rates incident on, and transmitted by the walls in our model of PET scanner room, are generally in good agreement with analytical estimates performed using the AAPM Publication No. 108 method. This provides an independent confirmation of AAPM's approach. Even in this specific field of application, GEANT4 proved to be a relevant and accurate tool for dosimetry estimates, shielding evaluation and for general radiation protection use.  相似文献   

PurposeEvaluation of the out-of-field dose is an important aspect in radiotherapy. Due to the fetus radiosensitivity, this evaluation becomes even more conclusive when the patient is pregnant. In this work, a linear accelerator Varian Clinac 2100c operating at 6 MV, a pregnant anthropomorphic phantom (Maria), and different shields added above the abdominal region of the phantom were used for the analysis based on MCNPX. Methods: The simulations were performed for the medial and lateral projections, using either an open field collimation (10×16 cm2) or a multileaf collimator. The added shields (M1 and M2) were designed based on models proposed by Stovall et al. [1], intending to reduce the deposited dose on the fetus and related structures. Results: The presence of the shields showed to be effective in reducing the doses on the fetus, amniotic sac, and placenta, for example. A reduction of about 43% was found in the dose on the fetus when M2 was added, using the open field collimation, in comparison with the situation with no shield, being the lateral projection the main responsible for the dose. The use of MLC significatively reduced the doses in different structures, including on the fetus and amniotic sac, for example, in comparison to the open field situation. A slight increment on the dose in organs such as the eyes, thyroid and brain was found in both collimation systems, due to the presence of the shields. The contribution of the leakage radiation from the tube head of the linear accelerator was found to be in the order of µGy, being reduced by the presence of the M2 shield. Conclusion: Using the shields showed to be an essential feature in order to reduce the dose not only on the fetus, but also in important structures responsible to its development.  相似文献   

AimThe main purpose of the present study is assessment of skin dose in breast cancer radiotherapy.BackgroundAccurate assessment of skin dose in radiotherapy can provide useful information for clinical considerations.Materials and methodsA RANDO phantom was irradiated using a 6 MV Siemens Primus linac with medial and tangential radiotherapy fields for simulating breast cancer treatment. Dosimetry was also performed on various positions across the fields using an EBT3 radiochromic film. Similar conditions of measurement on the RANDO phantom including field size, irradiation angle, number of fields, etc. were subsequently simulated via the Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport code (MCNP). Ultimately, dose values for corresponding points from both methods were compared.ResultsConsidering dosimetry using radiochromic films on the RANDO phantom, there were points having underdose and overdose based on the prescribed dose and skin tolerance levels. In this respect, 81.25% and 18.75% of the points had underdose and overdose, respectively. In some cases, several differences were observed between the measurement and the MCNP simulation results associated with skin dose.ConclusionBased on the results of the points which had underdose, it was suggested that a bolus should be used for the given points. With regard to overdose points, it was advocated to consider skin tolerance dose in treatment planning. Differences between the measurement and the MCNP simulation results might be due to voxel size of tally cells in simulations, effect of beam’s angle of incidence, validation time of linac’s head, lack of electronic equilibrium in the build-up region, as well as MCNP tally type.  相似文献   

The Kansai BNCT Medical Center has a cyclotron based epithermal neutron source for clinical Boron Neutron Capture Therapy. The system accelerates a proton to an energy of 30 MeV which strikes a beryllium target producing fast neutrons which are moderated down to epithermal neutrons for BNCT use. While clinical studies in the past have shown BNCT to be highly effective for malignant melanoma of the skin, to apply BNCT for superficial lesions using this system it is necessary to shift the thermal neutron distribution so that the maximum dose occurs near the surface. A dose distribution shifter was designed to fit inside the collimator to further moderate the neutrons to increase the surface dose and reduce the dose to the underlying normal tissue. Pure polyethylene was selected, and a Monte Carlo simulation was performed to determine the optimum thickness of the polyethylene slab. Compared with the original neutron beam, the shifter increased the thermal neutron flux at the skin by approximately 4 times. The measured and simulated central axis depth distribution and off axis distribution of the thermal neutron flux were found to be in good agreement. Compared with a 2 cm thick water equivalent bolus, a 26% increase in the thermal neutron flux at the surface was obtained, which would reduce the treatment time by approximately 29%. The DDS is a safe, simple and an effective tool for the treatment of superficial tumours for BNCT if an initially fast neutron beam requires moderation to maximise the thermal neutron flux at the tissue surface.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study focuses on the configuration and validation of an analytical model predicting leakage neutron doses in proton therapy.MethodsUsing Monte Carlo (MC) calculations, a facility-specific analytical model was built to reproduce out-of-field neutron doses while separately accounting for the contribution of intra-nuclear cascade, evaporation, epithermal and thermal neutrons. This model was first trained to reproduce in-water neutron absorbed doses and in-air neutron ambient dose equivalents, H*(10), calculated using MCNPX. Its capacity in predicting out-of-field doses at any position not involved in the training phase was also checked. The model was next expanded to enable a full 3D mapping of H*(10) inside the treatment room, tested in a clinically relevant configuration and finally consolidated with experimental measurements.ResultsFollowing the literature approach, the work first proved that it is possible to build a facility-specific analytical model that efficiently reproduces in-water neutron doses and in-air H*(10) values with a maximum difference less than 25%. In addition, the analytical model succeeded in predicting out-of-field neutron doses in the lateral and vertical direction. Testing the analytical model in clinical configurations proved the need to separate the contribution of internal and external neutrons. The impact of modulation width on stray neutrons was found to be easily adjustable while beam collimation remains a challenging issue. Finally, the model performance agreed with experimental measurements with satisfactory results considering measurement and simulation uncertainties.ConclusionAnalytical models represent a promising solution that substitutes for time-consuming MC calculations when assessing doses to healthy organs.  相似文献   

Using neutron scattering and Monte Carlo simulation, we investigate the distribution of cations in Na58Y faujasite upon (de)hydration. We introduce a new method for the assignment of cations to specific sites in molecular simulations from their local environment. This allows us to bypass the need of the coordinates of crystallographic sites, which vary as water adsorption induces changes in the zeolite framework structure. Although the agreement between experiments and simulation is excellent at high temperature, some differences are observed below 150°C. We show that these differences are due to the presence of water and that temperature itself as well as adsorption-induced deformation of the framework play a less important role. We demonstrate the migration of sodium to sites III upon water adsorption, not observed for other Si:Al ratios.  相似文献   

PurposeThe purpose of this study was to develop and validate a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation tool for patient dose assessment for a 320 detector-row CT scanner, based on the recommendations of International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). Additionally, the simulation was applied on four clinical acquisition protocols, with and without automatic tube current modulation (TCM).MethodsThe MC simulation was based on EGS4 code and was developed specifically for a 320 detector-row cone-beam CT scanner. The ICRP adult reference phantoms were used as patient models. Dose measurements were performed free-in-air and also in four CTDI phantoms: 150 mm and 350 mm long CT head and CT body phantoms. The MC program was validated by comparing simulations results with these actual measurements acquired under the same conditions. The measurements agreed with the simulations across all conditions within 5%. Patient dose assessment was performed for four clinical axial acquisitions using the ICRP adult reference phantoms, one of them using TCM.ResultsThe results were nearly always lower than those obtained from other dose calculator tools or published in other studies, which were obtained using mathematical phantoms in different CT systems. For the protocol with TCM organ doses were reduced by between 28 and 36%, compared to the results obtained using a fixed mA value.ConclusionsThe developed simulation program provides a useful tool for assessing doses in a 320 detector-row cone-beam CT scanner using ICRP adult reference computational phantoms and is ready to be applied to more complex protocols.  相似文献   

PurposeWe analysed the effects of field size, depth, beam modifier and beam type on the amount of in-field and out-of-field neutron contamination for medical linear accelerators (linacs).MethodsMeasurements were carried out for three high-energy medical linacs of Elekta Synergy Platform, Varian Clinac DHX High Performance and Philips SL25 using bubble detectors. The photo-neutron measurements were taken in the first two linacs with 18 MV nominal energy, whereas the electro-neutrons were measured in the three linacs with 9 MeV, 10 MeV, 15 MeV and 18 MeV.ResultsThe central neutron doses increased with larger field sizes as a dramatic drop off was observed in peripheral areas. Comparing with the jaws-shaped open-field of 10 × 10 cm, the motorised and physical wedges contributed to neutron contamination at central axis by 60% and 18%, respectively. The similar dose increment was observed in MLC-shaped fields. The contributions of MLCs were in the range of 55–59% and 19–22% in Elekta and Varian linacs comparing with 10 × 10 and 20 × 20 cm open fields shaped by the jaws, respectively. The neutron doses at shallow depths were found to be higher than the doses found at deeper regions. The electro-neutron dose at the 18 MeV energy was higher than the doses at the electron energies of 15 MeV and 9 MeV by a factor of 3 and 50, respectively.ConclusionThe photo- and electro-neutron dose should be taken into consideration in the radiation treatment with high photon and electron energies.  相似文献   

The patch exploitation strategy of females of the insect parasitoid Trichogramma brassicae was studied on patches containing different proportions of hosts that were previously attacked by conspecificfemales. On average, T. brassicae females spent more time onpatches of higher quality, and all patches were reduced tothe same level of profitability before being left. This appearedto be in accordance to the optimal predictions of the CharnovMarginal Value Theorem. The proximate leaving mechanisms involvedwere analyzed by means of a Cox proportional hazards model.Each oviposition in a healthy host appeared to have an incremental influence on the patch residence time, whereas each rejectionof a healthy host or of a host that was previously attackedby the same female (i.e., self-superparasitism) had a decrementaleffect. These patch leaving mechanisms did not change accordingto the quality of the patch the females were exploiting. AMonte Carlo simulation was developed around the results of the Cox regression model. The results suggest that this set of patchleaving rules seems to provide the females with a sufficientway to reach the predictions of the Charnov model. Among thedifferent mechanisms involved, the incremental effect associatedwith each oviposition in a healthy host appeared to play the most important role. The relationship between the proximatemechanistic rules adopted by the females and the ultimate predictionof the Charnov model is discussed.  相似文献   



To identifying depth dose differences between the two versions of the algorithms using AIP CT of a 4D dataset.


Motion due to respiration may challenge dose prediction of dose calculation algorithms during treatment planning.

Materials and methods

The two versions of depth dose calculation algorithms, namely, Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm (AAA) version 10.0 (AAAv10.0), AAA version 13.6 (AAAv13.6) and Acuros XB dose calculation (AXB) algorithm version 10.0 (AXBv10.0), AXB version 13.6 (AXBv13.6), were compared against a full MC simulated 6X photon beam using QUASAR respiratory motion phantom with a moving chest wall. To simulate the moving chest wall, a 4 cm thick wax mould was attached to the lung insert of the phantom. Depth doses along the central axis were compared in the anterior and lateral beam direction for field sizes 2 × 2 cm2, 4 × 4 cm2 and 10 × 10 cm2.


For the lateral beam direction, the moving chest wall highlighted differences of up to 105% for AAAv10.0 and 40% for AXBv10.0 from MC calculations in the surface and buildup doses. AAAv13.6 and AXBv13.6 agrees with MC predictions to within 10% at similar depth. For anterior beam doses, dose differences predicted for both versions of AAA and AXB algorithm were within 7% and results were consistent with static heterogeneous studies.


The presence of the moving chest wall was capable of identifying depth dose differences between the two versions of the algorithms. These differences could not be identified in the static chest wall as shown in the anterior beam depth dose calculations.  相似文献   

Tikhonov DB  Zhorov BS 《FEBS letters》2005,579(20):4207-4212
Sodium channel activators, batrachotoxin and veratridine, cause sodium channels to activate easier and stay open longer than normal channels. Traditionally, this was explained by an allosteric mechanism. However, increasing evidence suggests that activators can bind inside the pore. Here, we model the open sodium channel with activators and propose a novel mechanism of their action. The activator-bound channel retains a hydrophilic pathway for ions between the ligand and conserved asparagine in segment S6 of repeat II. One end of the activator approaches the selectivity filter, decreasing the channel conductance and selectivity. The opposite end reaches the gate stabilizing it in the open state.  相似文献   

The application of nanoparticles (NPs) in radiotherapy is an increasingly attractive technique to improve clinical outcomes. The internalisation of NPs within the tumour cells enables an increased radiation dose to critical cellular structures. The purpose of this study is to investigate, by means of Geant4 simulations, the dose enhancement within a cell population irradiated with a 150 kVp photon field in the presence of a varying concentration of tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) NP aggregates, experimentally observed to form shells within tumour cells. This scenario is compared to the more traditionally simulated homogeneous solution of NP material in water with the same weight fraction of Ta2O5, as well as to a cell population without NPs present. The production of secondary electrons is enhanced by increased photoelectric effect interactions within the high-Z material and this is examined in terms of their kinetic energy spectra and linear energy transfer (LET) with various NP distributions compared to water. Our results indicate that the shell formation scenario limits the dose enhancement at 150 kVp. The underlying mechanism for this limit is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A Monte Carlo-type simulation of the evolution of a multigene family was performed. The model was designed to study the selective forces which may control the size of a multigene family. As expected, we find that direct selection on the size of the multigene family can control its size. More important, we find that selection acting upon the family as a single functional unit, in conjunction with homologous but unequal crossing over, can also control the size of a multigene family.  相似文献   

The adsorption isotherm of hydrogen in zeolites FAU, LTA, KFI, RWY, RHO and TSC has been simulated employing grand canonical Monte Carlo procedure for a temperature range of 77 to 95 K and different pressures. The effects of structural composition, unit cell volume, framework density and specific surface area of zeolite on hydrogen adsorption in zeolites were investigated. The results clearly show that the adsorption of hydrogen in zeolites with the same silica density is a function of oxygen density at low pressures, and it is approximately the same at intermediate pressures. Nevertheless, at high pressures, the adsorption of hydrogen is a function of pore diameter for zeolites with same silica density. The effect of specific surface area on the adsorption isotherm of hydrogen on zeolites with approximately the same specific surface area is significant at low and high pressures. The results clearly indicate that the adsorption of hydrogen in RWY zeolite has maximum value at 77 K and at high pressures. The optimum condition of pressure for hydrogen adsorption isotherm in RWY zeolite is determined to be 600 bar. At a temperature of 77 K and a pressure of 600 bar, the adsorption of hydrogen in RWY zeolite is 6.93 wt %.  相似文献   

Study experience of ecologist plays an important role in assessing the contribution of different influencing factors to ecological vulnerability, helping policy makers to target measures for ecological restoration. However, uncertainty is unavoidable due to variation of study experience among experts. In this study, a new method that combines Delphi survey, geographic information system and Monte Carlo simulation was proposed to assess regional ecological vulnerability and to quantify the uncertainty of assessing result. We illustrated the capacity of this method by using a case study in northeastern Inner Mongolia, China. An index system for 13 spatial variables was established to calculate an ecological vulnerability index (EVI) from the three aspects of ecological sensitivity (ES), ecological resilience (ER) and natural-social pressure (NSP). The assessment shows that the southwestern region of the study area, especially in the counties of Sonid Left and Right, was seriously threatened by a high ES and a low ER. Onguiud county in the Greater Hinggan Mountains had a high EVI due to an intensive NSP. Based on the assessing result and regional road distribution, an EVI cost curve was created to facilitate the prioritization of allocating limited funds among the various counties for roadside ecological restoration.  相似文献   

In protein modeling, spatial resolution and computational efficiency are always incompatible. As a compromise, an intermediate-resolution lattice model has been constructed in the present work. Each residue is decomposed into four basic units, i.e. the α-carbon group, the carboxyl group, the imino group, and the side-chain group, and each basic coarse-grained unit is represented by a minimum cubic box with eight lattice sites. The spacing of the lattice is about 0.56?Å, holding the highest spatial resolution for the present lattice protein models. As the first report of this new model, the helix-coil transition of a polyalanine chain was examined via dynamic Monte Carlo simulation. The period of formed α-helix was about 3.68 residues, close to that of a natural α-helix. The resultant backbone motion was found to be in the realistic regions of the conformational space in the Ramachandran plot. Helix propagation constant and nucleation constant were further determined through the dynamic hydrogen bonding process and torsional angle variation, and the results were used to make comparison between classical Zimm-Bragg theory and Lifson-Roig theory based on the Qian-Schellman relationship. The simulation results confirmed that our lattice model can reproduce the helix-coil transition of polypeptide and construct a moderately fine α-helix conformation without significantly weakening the priority in efficiency for a lattice model.  相似文献   

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