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The type of host cell influenced the relative amounts of pseudovirions and polyoma virions produced. The infection of primary mouse embryo cells resulted in the production of particles that were predominantly pseudovirions. Infection of baby mouse kidney or 3T3D cells yielded mainly infectious polyoma virus. The length of time that infection was allowed to continue also affected the amount of pseudovirions relative to polyoma virions. The longer the viral infection was allowed to proceed, the greater the quantity of pseudovirions produced. Pseudovirion production could be correlated with the fragmentation of host cell DNA to a size of approximately 3 x 10(6) daltons. The fragmentation of host cell DNA was much more extensive in primary mouse embryo cells than in the other cell types.  相似文献   

On CsCl isopycnic centrifugation of the DNA extracted from secondary mouse embryo (ME) cultures grown in the presence of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) and 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR) for 40 h, 10 to 25% of the DNA was found to be unsubstituted, 70 to 80% was bromouracil-hybrid DNA, and 5 to 10% was heavy DNA. These results together with cell number determinations, autoradiography, and Feulgen microspectrophotometry revealed three types of cells in these cultures: (i) 60 to 80% of the cells replicated their DNA once, divided, and then stopped mitotic activity, (ii) 5 to 10% were going through a second round of DNA replication; whereas (iii) 10 to 30% did not replicate DNA during the BUdR-FUdR exposure. After the transfer of these cultures to normal medium (without BUdR-FUdR), up to 20% of the cells resumed DNA synthesis asynchronously within 60 h, but no increase in cell number was observed. BUdR-FUdR-treated cultures, which were infected with polyoma virus in the absence of the thymidine analogues, supported a lytic infection to the same extent as did untreated ME cultures. This was concluded from the similar number of cells, which were induced to synthesize DNA, from the similar replication rate of the viral DNA, from the similar number of cells containing polyoma capsid proteins, and from the similar yields of progeny virus determined by hemagglutination and plaque formation. Thus, BUdR-prelabeled ME cultures are suitable for the investigation of interactions of the polyoma and mouse genomes during the lytic infection.  相似文献   

The addition of phleomycin (25 mug) to primary mouse embryo cells infected with polyoma virus was found to cause 96% inhibition of the synthesis of infectious virus. When ribonucleic acid and protein synthesis was investigated in these cells by use of isotope incorporation, it was found that neither was inhibited drastically. Immunofluorescent staining studies with the use of antibody directed to the viral structural proteins showed that proteins were synthesized in the presence of the antibiotic. However, when deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis was investigated, it was found that DNA synthesis in uninfected cells was completely inhibited within the initial 10 hr of phleomycin addition, whereas DNA synthesis in infected cells proceeded at a reduced rate. Selective DNA extraction (Hirt method) of phleomycin-treated infected cells demonstrated that synthesized viral DNA was salt-extractable, similar to that in infected control cells lacking phleomycin. This extracted DNA was further fractionated by ethidium bromide-cesium chloride density gradient equilibrium centrifugation. The phleomycin-treated preparations revealed twice as much component II (circular nicked and linear) as component I (supercoiled) DNA, whereas the DNA from normally infected control cells showed the reverse picture. It was also demonstrated that viral particles synthesized in the presence of phleomycin did not contain component I DNA. This packaged DNA was found to consist of fragments of both the host and viral types. Cells that were prelabeled with (3)H-thymidine and then treated with phleomycin demonstrated host DNA degradation. However, fragments formed from prelabeled host DNA were not encapsidated into viral particles.  相似文献   

The uptake of (32)P-labeled polyoma virus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) (I and II + III) by mouse embryo cells was increased from two- to fivefold in the presence of 500 mug of diethylaminoethyl-dextran (DEAE-D) per ml. This concentration of DEAE-D gives maximal enhancement of infectivity; however, the increase is many thousand-fold. As the DEAE-D concentration was increased from 0 mug/ml, uptake and infectivity increased to flat maxima and then decreased in a similar manner, except that at low DEAE-D concentrations uptake was relatively much greater than infectivity. Several other polycations also increased DNA uptake but did not enhance infectivity, and uptake of viral DNA was unaffected by the presence of mouse DNA, although infectivity was reduced. Thus, increased uptake is not the sole basis for the enhancement of infectivity produced by DEAE-D. The possibilities that DNA complexed with DEAE-D penetrates more rapidly or is stabilized against degradation do not completely account for enhancement since complexes formed in mixtures of DNA and DEAE-D, which sedimented heterogeneously from 40 to 60S, were infectious only for monolayers treated with DEAE-D. A more likely factor in enhancement is inhibition of the cellular nuclease activity detected, since virus DNA exposed to cells was much more degraded in the absence than in the presence of DEAE-D. The nuclease activity produced single-strand breaks in double-stranded DNA. Treatment of monolayers with deoxyribonuclease after adsorption of DNA in the presence of DEAE-D reduced cell-associated radioactivity by about 70%, although the number of plaques formed was not affected. In the absence of DEAE-D, 90 to 100% was removed by deoxyribonuclease. Thus, in both cases most of the DNA was adsorbed extracellularly. The greater deoxyribonuclease-resistant fraction in the presence of DEAE-D would be consistent with another possibility: that enhancement results from an increase in DNA penetration rate due to some action of DEAE-D on the cell.  相似文献   

Polyoma virus particles were purified by equilibrium centrifugation in CsCl. Particles from three regions of the density gradient were examined for infectivity, for their ability to induce expanded pools of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) precursors, and for their ability to stimulate the synthesis of DNA. The most infectious population of particles, the virions, having a buoyant density of 1.33 g/ml, gave the greatest stimulation of the DNA-synthesizing apparatus of mouse embryo cells. Empty particles at density 1.29 g/ml had no DNA stimulatory activity. A population of particles of intermediate density, referred to as pseudovirions, was also much less active than virions in stimulating DNA synthesis, and the limited stimulatory activity of the latter fraction may be accounted for by its measured contamination with infective particles.  相似文献   

Türler H 《Journal of virology》1975,15(5):1158-1167
In primary mouse kidney cell cultures infected with polyoma virus, the processes leading to virion and pseudovirion formation were studied. By photometric DNA quantitation, we followed the kinetics of mouse and polyoma DNA synthesis and the formation of low-molecular-weight fragmented mouse DNA (mouse f-DNA). Virus was harvested at different times and analyzed for its proportion of pseudovirions. The following correlations between the intracellular events and the production of virions and pseudovirions were found. (i) Syntheses of cellular and viral DNA were closely linked, both in time and in rates of synthesis. (ii) An increase of mouse f-DNA could only be detected several hours after the onset of mouse and polyoma DNA replication; its formation coincided in time with the appearance of progeny virus. (iii) The proportion of pseudovirions was not dependent on the amount of mouse f-DNA formed, but seemed to be inversely related to the amount of viral DNA synthesized. This was borne out by experiments in which DNA synthesis was partially inhibited by mitomycin C or after a synchronized onset of DNA replication. Under these conditions, virus preparations with a two- to threefold increased proportion of pseudovirions were obtained as compared with those from uninhibited cultures. Virus isolated from the remaining monolayer always had a higher proportion of pseudovirions than virus isolated at the same time from the supernatant medium only; also, the proportion of pseudovirions increased slightly with time after infection. Thus, according to the experimental conditions used, polyoma virus preparations with a low (10 to 20%) or a high (60 to 80%) proportion of pseudovirions can be obtained.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet irradiation and actinomycin D impair the capacity of mouse embryo (ME) cells to support the replication of polyoma virus, but not of encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus. The loss in capacity for polyoma virus synthesis was an “all-or-none” effect and followed closely upon the loss in cellular capacity for clone formation. Cells treated with either agent produced polyoma “T” antigen, but did not synthesize polyoma structural protein. Infection of untreated ME cells with polyoma virus produced marked stimulation of both deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis and ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis. ME cell cultures irradiated with ultraviolet for 30 sec at 60 μw/cm2 or treated with actinomycin D at 0.1 μg/ml for 6 hr prior to infection were incapable of synthesizing DNA or RNA, even after infection with polyoma virus. Irradiation of cells during infection produced cessation of synthesis of both RNA and DNA. Addition of actinomycin D during infection did not inhibit DNA synthesis but abolished RNA synthesis and reduced the yield of polyoma virus to 10% of that in untreated infected cultures. Both agents lost the ability to prevent replication of a full yield of polyoma virus when administered 30 hr after infection or later. The period after which neither agent inhibited polyoma replication corresponded with the period at which maximal RNA synthesis in untreated infected cultures had subsided. It can be concluded on the basis of the data presented that the functional integrity of the mouse embryo cell genome is required for the replication of polyoma virus, but not for EMC virus. Whereas the requirement for cellular DNA-dependent RNA synthesis for polyoma virus replication has been demonstrated, the exact nature of the host-cell function remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Mouse 3T6 cells were infected with polyoma virus at high multiplicity, and survivors were isolated. Clones from single cells were then established and were found to be resistant to a second infection. However, in some clones viral functions could at least be partially expressed during reinfection, as judged from a stimulation of nuclear tumor antigen expression. One such clone was studied in detail. These cells were transformed and produced low amounts of virus (less than 1 PFU per cell per generation). The persistent infection did not seem to be a carrier-state phenomenon, since infectious-center assays showed that most cells produced virus. The resistance of the cells to reinfection can be explained by interference from viral DNA present in the cells, averaging about 1,500 "free" copies per cell. This DNA had the normal physical characteristics of polyoma DNA. However, it had a slightly larger size than authentic polyoma DNA. Mapping with restriction endonucleases showed that the addition to the DNA was about 5% of the wild-type genome and was located close to the origin of DNA replication. This DNA was infectious, although it had a 10-fold lower infectivity than wild-type polyoma DNA. Both virus and DNA from the polyoma-resistant cells had a small-plaque morphology, as opposed to the large-plaque morphology of the virus used for the initial selection of cells.  相似文献   

目的:探索激光辅助体外制作小鼠嵌合体胚胎的方法。方法:激光辅助去除不同发育阶段体外受精胚胎的透明带,随机组合卵裂球体外培养,观察胚胎融合情况。结果:没有透明带的卵裂球体外能够“自发”融合,并且融合胚胎在体外培养环境中,能够发育至囊胚期,显微镜观察其形态基本与二倍体胚胎无差别。结论:激光辅助方法获得裸露的卵裂球能够在体外培养环境制作嵌合体胚胎。  相似文献   

A broad-spectrum antiserum has been obtained against nuclear proteins from normal mouse fibroblasts. Solid phase immunoadsorbants prepared from the serum specifically bind the corresponding antigens. The removal in this way of a significant fraction of host proteins leads to partial purification of viral and virus-induced polypeptides from polyoma virus-infected cell extracts. Four main peptides can be selected, with respective molecular weights of 90,000, 70,000, 46,000, and 41,000.  相似文献   

5-Iododeoxyuridine (IUDR) inhibited production of infectious polyoma virus in mouse embryo cells and mouse kidney cells in culture. Deoxythymidine reversed its effect. IUDR did not inactivate infectivity of free virus particles. IUDR did not prevent adsorption and penetration of polyoma virus to cells. The events sensitive to IUDR treatment occurred at around 20 hours after infection. The cytopathic effects of polyoma virus, including emergence of DNA containing-inclusions in the nucleus, were observable in infected cells in which viral replication was completely arrested by IUDR. It was shown by fluorescent antibody technique in infected mouse embryo cells and by complement fixation test in infected mouse kidney cells that IUDR inhibited completely the synthesis of viral antigen. No virus-like particles were demonstrated in the IUDR-treated infected-mouse kidney cells by electron microscope examinations.  相似文献   

The time course of covalent binding of polyoma viral DNA to mouse DNA was followed in mouse embryo cells that had been grown prior to infection in the presence of 5-bromodeoxyuridine. Density-labeled (HL) mouse DNA was separated from free polyoma DNA by CsCl isopycnic centrifugation. Polyoma DNA sequences present in HL mouse DNA were detected by hybridization with radioactive cRNA synthesized in vitro. In reconstruction experiments, the limit of detection was found to be, on the average, about 0.5 genome equivalent (g.e.) of polyoma DNA per cell. To find conditions for the isolation of HL mouse DNA and for its complete separation from free polyoma DNA, cultures infected at 4 degrees C were used. HL mouse DNA extracted with sodium dodecyl sulfate and high salt concentrations (5 to 6 M CsCl) and then purified by three consecutive CsCl density gradient centrifugations was free from detectable amounts of polyoma DNA, whereas HL mouse DNA extracted with chloroform and phenol and purified in the same way always contained contaminating, noncovalently bound polyoma DNA. In lytically infected bromodeoxyuridine-prelabeled mouse embryo cultures, polyoma DNA bound to HL mouse DNA that had been extracted by the sodium dodecyl sulfate-CsCl procedure was first detected in small amounts (1 to 2 g.e. per cell) at 10 h after infection. In cultures incubated with medium containing thymidine (5 mug/ml), 4 to 6 g.e. of polyoma DNA per cell was detected at 14 and 18 h after infection. In these samples, practically all viral DNA was bound to high-molecular-weight HL mouse DNA. In cultures incubated with normal medium (no additions) and extracted between 17 and 20 h after infection, 20 to 350 g.e. of polyoma DNA per cell banded with HL mouse DNA. However, when DNA of one of these samples was subfractionated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-salt precipitation prior to isolation of HL mouse DNA, about 80% of the viral DNA banding at increased density was present in the low-molecular-weight DNA fraction. This observation suggests that in normal medium some progeny viral DNA of increased density was synthesized. Covalent binding of polyoma DNA to density-labeled mouse DNA was demonstrated by alkaline CsCl density gradient centrifugation: nearly equal amounts of polyoma DNA were found in the H and L strands, respectively, as is expected for linear integration of viral DNA. The results lead to the conclusions that (i) early polyoma mRNA is transcribed from free parental viral DNA; (ii) covalent linear integration is first detectable at the time when tumor (T)-antigen is synthesized; and (iii) only few copies (<10 g.e./cell) become integrated between 10 and 18 h after infection, i.e., during the period when cellular and viral DNA replication starts in individual cells.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive mutants of Sindbis virus were employed to investigate the nature of the viral event(s) which induces chick-embryo cells to produce interferon. Chick embryo cells induced by the parental heat-resistant strain of Sindbis virus produced essentially equal amounts of interferon at 29 and 42 C. An RNA and three RNA+ strains [temperature-sensitive mutants unable (RNA) and able (RNA+) to make ribonucleic acid] produced interferon at 29 C but not at 42 C. It is concluded that viral RNA per se and the replication of viral RNA do not induce interferon production by chick embryo cells.  相似文献   

Secondary mouse embryo (ME) cultures which had been grown prior to infection in the presence of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) and 5-fluorodeoxy-uridine were found to be permissive for polyoma virus (16). The DNA extracted from the progeny virus yielded two bands on CsCl isopycnic centrifugation. The light band (LL) contained supercoiled circular (polyoma DNA I), open circular (polyoma DNA II), and linear (polyoma DNA III) molecules, as was seen by electron microscopy. The hybrid band (HL) contained exclusively linear molecules. This DNA was pure, density - labeled, pseudovirion DNA, i.e., fragmented HL mouse DNA. The quantitative comparison of HL and LL polyoma DNA III from six different virus preparations always revealed an excess of HL DNA, the ratio of HL/LL being between 1.2 and 2.2. These results led to the conclusion that in BUdR-prelabeled, polyoma-infected ME cells pseudovirion DNA is excised both from unreplicated and newly replicated regions of mouse DNA.  相似文献   

Two different growth media, one based on Eagle's minimum essential medium (MEM) and the other on Earle's balanced salt solution–lactalbumin hydrolysate–yeast extract (YLE), were used for growing primary chick embryo cells (CEC), and resistance to viral infection and interferon production induced by polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly I·poly C) were compared. In CEC grown in Eagle's MEM, treatment with poly I·poly C at a concentration as low as 1.0 ng/ml was sufficient to induce a detectable resistance to infection with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), while more than 300-fold concentrated poly I·poly C was required to induce a similar resistance when the cells were grown in YLE. The cells grown in YLE did not produce an appreciable amount of interferon, whereas a significantly higher level of interferon was produced by the cells grown in Eagle's MEM. A similar phenomenon was observed in the interferon production of chick embryo cells treated with ultraviolet light (UV)-irradiated Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and in the induction of resistance to vaccinia virus in cells treated with poly I·poly C. It was found that the response of cells, bathing in one growth medium, to poly I·poly C was not affected by replacing it with the other at the same time with the addition of poly I·poly C, and that the response of CEC was strongly dependent upon the medium used for cultivation. These facts suggested that the observed difference in the response of cells to poly I·poly C was not due to a direct interaction between the inducer and medium components but to the physiological state of CEC established during their growth. Which component of YLE was responsible for such a lowered response of cells to poly I·poly C was also examined, and the marked reduction of PDD50 by the replacement of lactalbumin hydrolysate of YLE with amino acids and the increase of PDD50 by addition of lactalbumin hydrolysate to MEM suggested that lactalbumin hydrolysate might play an important role in this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Mutant of Polyoma Virus with Impaired Adsorption to BHK Cells   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A mutant of polyoma virus PY235 has an impaired adsorption to guinea pig red blood cells and BHK-21 hamster cells. Adsorption to 3T3 mouse cells is much less inhibited. These altered adsorption properties are responsible for the apparent inability of PY235 to cause cell transformation or hemagglutination.  相似文献   

This protocol permits rapid isolation (in less than 1 hr) of murine pancreatic acini, making it possible to maintain them in culture for more than one week. More than 20 x 106 acinar cells can be obtained from a single murine pancreas. This protocol offers the possibility to independently process as many as 10 pancreases in parallel. Because it preserves acinar architecture, this model is well suited for studying the physiology of the exocrine pancreas in vitro in contrast to cell lines established from pancreatic tumors, which display many genetic alterations resulting in partial or total loss of their acinar differentiation.  相似文献   

Analysis of the requirement for serum in the activation of the endogenous leukemia virus expression in AKR mouse embryo cells by 5-iododeoxyuridine shows that activation can be dissociated into two discrete serum-dependent events. The first involves incorporation of 5-iododeoxyuridine into DNA and results in the formation of a stable “activation intermediate” resembling the provirus formed during infection of stationary mouse embryo cells with exogenous leukemia virus. The second event, resulting in expression of the activation intermediate as synthesis of virus proteins, requires DNA replication but not 5-iododeoxyuridine.  相似文献   

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