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Isozyme variability was examined in 13 geographically isolated populations of the endemic arctic hairy lousewort (Pedicularis dasyantha) in the Svalbard Archipelago, 80° N latitude, Norway. Of the 23 enzyme systems screened on five buffer systems 18 were interpretable. Of the 31 reliable loci, only 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-Pgd), was polymorphic. However, no heterozygotes were detected. Frequencies for allele 1 among the populations varied from 1.00 in the north to 0.00 in the south and 0.53 in the central “overlap” region. At the species level the mean number of alleles per locus (A) was 1.03. Percentage of polymorphic loci (P) was 3%. Expected heterozygosity (He) was 0.016. At the population level the mean number of alleles per locus was 1.01, and 1.1% of the loci were polymorphic. He was 0.004. These values are low compared to endemic, widespread, selling, and outcrossed species. Flower color morphs were distinct. They varied within and among the 13 populations. The frequency of color morphs coincided with allele frequencies of 6-PGD: allele 1 was found in dark purple morphs, and allele 2 was found in light morphs. This species shows more isozyme genetic variability than the five other species reported in the genus but generally less variation than other species with limited regional distributions. Low-level genetic variation in this diploid species may be a result of colonization events coupled with genetic drift, founder effects, and strong natural selection. Additional factors include the self-compatible reproductive system and the long-lived perennial habit.  相似文献   

 The pollen grains of 32 Chinese species of Pedicularis representing 13 groups within the genus were investigated using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The genus is eurypalynous, the apertures may be tricolpate, trisyncolpate, or bisyncolpate and five types of surface ornamentation (microscabrate, microrugulate, retipilate, microreticulate and microfoveolate) were observed. Comparison of the different aperture types using light microscopy allows three pollen types to be distinguished. Examination of exine ornamentation with scanning electron microscopy enabled each pollen type to be divided into two or three sub-types (giving a total of seven sub-types). Pollen morphology within the genus is discussed in relation to infrageneric relationships, evolutionary and pollination biology. There is little correlation with the existing infrageneric taxonomy (some taxonomic groups have more than one pollen type, while the same pollen type may be found in several different species-groups), but greater correlation with the corolla morphology. Received January 10, 2002; accepted March 5, 2002 Published online: March 10, 2003  相似文献   

Abstract One application of DNA barcoding is species identification based on sequences of a short and standardized DNA region. In plants, various DNA regions, alone or in combination, have been proposed and investigated, but consensus on a universal plant barcode remains elusive. In this study, we tested the utility of four candidate barcoding regions (rbcL, matK, trnHpsbA, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)) as DNA barcodes for discriminating species in a large and hemiparasitic genus Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae). Amplification and sequencing was successful using single primer pairs for rbcL, trnH‐psbA, and ITS, whereas two primer pairs were required for matK. Patterns of sequence divergence commonly showed a “barcoding gap”, that is, a bimodal frequency distribution of pairwise distances representing genetic diversity within and between species, respectively. Considering primer universality, ease of amplification and sequencing, and performance in discriminating species, we found the most effective single‐region barcode for Pedicularis to be ITS, and the most effective two‐region barcode to be rbcL + ITS. Both discriminated at least 78% of the 88 species and correctly identified at least 89% of the sequences in our sample, and were effective in placing unidentified samples in known species groups. Our results suggest that DNA barcoding has the potential to aid taxonomic research in Pedicularis, a species‐rich cosmopolitan clade much in need of revision, as well as ecological studies in its center of diversity, the Hengduan Mountains region of China.  相似文献   

Noel H. Holmgren 《Brittonia》1998,50(2):159-164
Two Nevada species are described here for the first time: Penstemon tiehmii N. H. Holmgren, which is endemic to Mount Lewis of the Shoshone Range in Lander County; and Penstemon rhizomatosus N. H. Holmgren, which is endemic to the central Schell Creek Range in White Pine County. They both belong to section Saccanthera and are closely related to P. kingii S. Watson, a Great Basin endemic of valley sagebrush habitats. Both new species are talus plants of higher elevations and differ from P. kingii principally in their rhizomatous habit, petiolate leaves, and pubescence of shorter hairs.  相似文献   

DNA条形码技术就是利用一段较短的标准DNA序列对物种进行快速鉴定。与基于植物外部形态特征的传统分类鉴定方法相比, DNA条形码具有高效、准确,且易于实现自动化和标准化的特点。马先蒿属(Pedicularis L.)植物具对生(轮生)叶的种类70%以上分布在中国,近缘种间形态上非常相似,鉴定较为困难。研究选取马先蒿属具对生(轮生)叶类群43种164份样品,利用叶绿体基因(rbcL、matK、trnH psbA)和核基因(ITS)条形码片段,采用建树法和距离法检验4个条形码对这些物种的鉴定效果。结果表明,ITS片段用于建树法和距离法的鉴别率分别为81.40%和89.57%,其鉴别率高于3个叶绿体基因片段和任一基因片段的组合条码。另外,利用ITS成功解决了一些疑难种的分类问题。DNA条形码在马先蒿属研究中的实用性为新一代植物志(iFlora)实现物种的快速和准确鉴定提供了有力支持,并能为分类学、生态学、进化生物学、居群遗传学和保护遗传学等分支学科的研究提供重要信息。  相似文献   

We investigated plant reproduction in relation to genetic structure, population size, and habitat quality in 13 populations of the rare biennial plant Pedicularis palustris with 3-28500 flowering individuals. We used AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) profiles to analyze genetic similarities among 129 individuals (3-15 per population). In a cluster analysis of genetic similarities most individuals (67%) were arranged in population-specific clusters. Analysis of molecular variance indicated significant genetic differentiation among populations and among and within subpopulations (P < 0.001). Gene flow (N(e) m) was low (0.298). On average, plants produced 55 capsules, 17 seeds per fruit, and 42 seedlings in the following growing season. The number of seeds per capsule was independent of population size and of genetic variability. In contrast, the number of capsules per plant (P < 0.05) and the number of seedlings per plant (P < 0.05) were positively correlated with population size. The relation between population size and the number of seeds per plant was not significant (P = 0.075). The number of capsules and of seeds and seedlings per plant (P < 0.01) were positively correlated with genetic variability. Genetic variability was independent of actual population size, suggesting that historical population processes have to be taken into account, too. Stepwise multiple regressions revealed additional significant relationships of habitat parameters (soil pH, C:N ratio), vegetation composition, and standing crop on reproductive components. We conclude that populations of P. palustris are genetically isolated and that reproductive success most likely is influenced by population size, genetic variability, and habitat quality. Management strategies such as moderate grazing, mowing, and artificial gene flow should endeavor to increase population size as well as genetic variation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that large rivers can influence inter- and intra-specific gene flow for many animals. The effects of large rivers on the genetics of plant populations have focused on either hydrochoric impacts of water current on gene flow or genetic differentiation among populations from different watersheds. Few studies have explicitly tested the barrier effects on plant gene flow across banks of large rivers, especially their relative effects on pollen and seed dispersals. The Yangtze River (Changjiang River), one of the major rivers of the world, provides an excellent model to evaluate the impacts of rivers on gene flow in plants. Using RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) and cpDNA (chloroplast DNA) markers, we investigated the genetic structure of 10 populations of Vitex negundo in two regions of Three-Gorge Area along the Yangtze River. Each region contained two populations on the north bank, two on the south bank and one island population along the river. The analyses indicated low RAPD between banks, and similar or a little higher differentiation between populations within the same bank. In contrast, a large proportion of chloroplast polymorphism was ascribed to among-bank variation but much lower cpDNA differentiation was among populations within the same bank. These results indicate that the Yangtze River represents a general barrier to the dispersal of seeds but not to the movement of pollen in V. negundo. The cpDNA genetic distances or differentiations between the island populations and those on either bank of the river are intermediate to those between the banks across the river, implying that the islands in the Yangtze River may serve as a stepping-stone for seed dispersal. Our results suggest that large rivers may serve as a general barrier, not only for the movement of animals, but also for the dispersal of plants, which should be of great significance for the conservation of biodiversity around the rivers.  相似文献   

Dispersal triggers gene flow, which in turn strongly affects the ensuing genetic population structure of a species. Using nuclear microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), we estimated the genetic population structure of the wasp Polistes olivaceus throughout Bangladesh. The level of population differentiation using nuclear markers (F ST) appeared to be much lower than that estimated using mtDNA haplotype sequences (ФST), even after correcting for effective population size differences between the two markers. These results suggest a philopatric tendency, in which gynes disperse less than males. We observed no isolation by distance among the study populations at either the nuclear or mtDNA level, suggesting nonequilibrium between gene flow and drift as a result of very frequent interpopulation movement. For the nuclear markers, an individual assignment test showed no genetically and geographically distinct groups. Instead, phylogenetic analyses as well as a minimum spanning network using mtDNA haplotypes consistently revealed two distinct lineages. The distribution of haplotypes indicated western populations with a single lineage and offered clear evidence for restricted gene flow across the Jamuna–Padma–Upper Meghna river system. Mismatch distributions exhibited a unimodal distribution, which along with a starlike haplotype network, suggested a population expansion in lineage I but not in lineage II. Overall, these results suggest that gene flow among populations of P. olivaceus was affected by both female philopatry and a major river system across Bangladesh.  相似文献   

 To solve problems concerning the status of the taxa described in the genus Sarcocapnos, we have conducted a study using morphological, pollen morphology (light microscopy), cytogenetic and molecular techniques. Focusing on the last technique, we have sequenced ITS-1 and ITS-2 of nuclear rDNA. The species differ basically according to 5 morphological traits (leaf shape, flower spur, corolla colour, corolla size, and crest of the stigmatic surface). The cytogenetic analyses indicated n=16 to be the standard chromosome number. The ITS analyses showed that the genus is monophyletic, defining two main well-supported clades, one containing S. saetabensis and S. enneaphylla, and one containing the rest of the species. In this second clade, S. speciosa, S. pulcherrima, and S. baetica subsp. ardalii are related, as are S. integrifolia, S. crassifolia subsp. crassifolia, and S. crassifolia subsp. atlantis; S. baetica subsp. baetica forms a trichotomy with the foregoing groups. S. speciosa is shown to be a species separate from S. crassifolia subsp. crassifolia, as in the case of S. baetica with respect to S. integrifolia. Palynologically, the parameters used enabled us to establish clear differences between the taxa, often corroborating the macromorphological and genetic data. The flower spur has been reduced several times in different groups of the genus, for which the classifications established on the basis of this trait are paraphyletic. Received July 16, 2002; accepted December 11, 2002 Published online: March 31, 2003  相似文献   

Japanese goshawk was classified as a vulnerable species in the Red Data Book. There have been possibilities of a decrease of genetic diversity accompanied by habitat loss and genetic pollution due to hybridization with escaping imported goshawks. In this paper, genetic diversity, gene flow and conservation of Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) in Japan are discussed and compared with that in Central Asia. We used 11 newly developed microsatellite markers and also adopted six previously published markers. Genetic diversity was shown to be maintained with 0.58 as mean heterozygosity and 3.95 as mean allelic richness. The degree of genetic differentiation across all populations was low (Nei’s genetic differentiation index = 0.036, Wright’s genetic differentiation index = 0.039), possibly due to gene flow via adjacent regions (average number of migrants = 4.26; 0.68–20.30). However, it is possible that slight differentiation resulted from the short divergence time and/or inflow of escaping imported individuals. We recommend that goshawks in eastern Japan should be managed as a single unit. They do not appear to be under threat genetically at present, but there is the potential for rapid loss of genetic diversity. For future conservation, investigations of dispersal routes and actual conditions of gene flow are also recommended. To prevent further inflow of escaping goshawks into natural populations, it is desirable to reduce importation of goshawks and to enact a regulation obliging purchasers to register imported goshawks. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Polygonum cuspidatum in Japan, we analyzed the chloroplast DNA sequences of a region from the rbcL to the accD gene (ca. 1,420 bp), and found nucleotide variations at 22 sites in 68 samples. The phylogenetic relationship deduced from the sequence variations revealed the existence of at least five groups. The first group consisted of P. cuspidatum var. cuspidatum in the central part of Honshu; in Nagano, Yamanashi, and Shizuoka. The second, a sister of the first, consisted of those plants in Shizuoka-Itoigawa Line. The third group consisted of plants in the northern part of Japan including P. sachalinense in Hokkaido, P. cuspidatum var. cuspidatum in Aomori and var. uzensis in Akita. The fourth consisted of var. uzensis in the Tohoku District. The fifth consisted of var. terminalis in the Izu Islands. P. cuspidatum are differentiated according to their distribution, and two varieties, var. terminalis and var. uzensis, are differentiated genetically. Polygonum sachalinensis, a distinct species morphologically, fell into the accessions of P. cuspidatum on the phylogenetic tree obtained in the present study. Received 9 July 2000/ Accepted in revised form 11 October 2000  相似文献   

Summary. Internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS-1) sequences of the nuclear rDNA of eight bee species of the genus Melipona were studied. Complete ITS-1 sequence and flanking regions from three Melipona species were PCR-amplified, cloned, sequenced, and their variability compared. These sequences show length variation (1391 to 1417 bp), several repeated elements of one, two, three, and four nucleotides, and a repeated tandem sequence of approximately 80 bp. The low variation level between M. quadrifasciata and M. mandacaia sequences supports the hypothesis that they diverged recently. PCR-amplification, cloning, and sequencing of a partial ITS-1 sequence (394 to 496 bp) of eight Melipona species and two outgroups were performed and the obtained sequences used for phylogenetic analysis. The single tree estimated from parsimony analysis recovered four well-defined clades and monophyly of the genus Melipona. The phylogenetic relationships derived from sequences of ITS-1 fragments corroborate the taxonomic classification of Melipona based on morphological characters.Received 17 July 2003; revised 10 May 2004; accepted 1 June 2004.  相似文献   

The island of Corsica is a Mediterranean hotspot of plant biodiversity characterized by a high rate of plant endemism, but also by a lack of studies combining genetic diversity and conservation. In Corsica, the dioecious and Corso-Sardinian endemic Mercurialis corsica Cosson (Euphorbiaceae) occurs across a wide ecological gradient, but the number of populations have decreased considerably over the last century. The main aim of this study was to examine the patterns of genetic diversity occurring in the Corsican populations of M. corsica, depending on their location and demographic structure. The rDNA sequences did not show the existence of any polymorphism, whereas the cpDNA sequences revealed the divergence of the western Corsican populations. By contrast, when the AFLP markers were examined, although significant levels of differentiation were detected between populations, no distinct geographical patterns were observed except for the pronounced isolation of the Cap Corse genotypes. No significant correlations were found to exist between population size and the genetic diversity indexes used. The results of this study suggest that M. corsica has undergone a complex gene flow history involving past population admixtures, followed by fragmentation processes resulting in population differentiation but no geographical patterns of isolation. These results support the existence of three evolutive conservation units which have to be monitored in priority to determine whether the current pattern of demographic structure is still declining or has stabilized.  相似文献   

Primula cuneifolia Ledeb. (Primulaceae), we analyzed intraspecific variation of the nucleotide sequences of non-coding regions of chloroplast DNA: the intergenic spacers between trnT (UGU) and the trnL (UAA) 5′exon, the trnL (UAA) 3′exon and trnF (GAA), and atpB and rbcL. In 20 populations of P. cuneifolia, 22 nucleotide substitutions and five insertions/deletions were inferred, and their genetic distances ranged from 0.001 to 0.008. Eight distinct haplotypes could be recognized and each haplotype was found to be geographically structured. Three major clades (the Northern, Hokkaido and Southern clades) were revealed in phylogenetic analyses of the haplotypes. The haplotypes of the Northern clade had a wider distribution area in the populations of Mt. Rausu and Rishiri Island of eastern and northern Hokkaido in Japan, northward to Unalaska Island in the Aleutians, and those of the Hokkaido clade were distributed in the populations of central Hokkaido and Mt. Iwaki of the northern Honshu in Japan; in addition, those of the Southern clade were observed only in the populations of the central Honshu. It was shown that the genetic diversifications of the Southern clade were higher than those of the Northern and Hokkaido clades. Furthermore, it was shown that the topology within the Southern clade was hierarchical, and the haplotypes of the Southern populations in the clade were derivative. From these results, we concluded that the cpDNA haplotypes of the three clades in P. cuneifolia arose and assumed the present distribution areas through several cycles of glacial advance and retreat in the Pleistocene. Received 24 June 1998/ Accepted in revised form 28 December 1998  相似文献   

Partial sequences of the rpoC1 gene from two species of angiosperms and three species of gymnosperms (8330 base pairs) were determined and compared. The data obtained support the hypothesis that angiosperms and gymnosperms are monophyletic and none of the recent groups of the latter is sister to angiosperms. Received: 20 November 1998 / Accepted: 26 April 1999  相似文献   

王崇财  陈星恒  谭润谦  虞以新 《四川动物》2012,31(2):283-284,172
2009年在海南霸王岭(19.0°N,109.0°E)的昆虫调查采集中,采获许多蠓类,经分类研究,发现其中有二种库蠓新种,分别命名为霸王岭库蠓Culicoides bawanglingensis Yu,Wang and Chen,sp.nov.和曲囊库蠓Culicoides reduncutheca Yu,Wang and Tan,sp.nov.。这2种库蠓属新种的模式标本珍藏于医学昆虫标本馆(北京丰台东大街20号,100071)。  相似文献   

Populations of the Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus) are relatively large and continuous in central Honshu, the main island of Japan, but they are isolated in western Honshu. To clarify the degree of genetic isolation of the populations in western Honshu, we compared the genetic diversities of four populations in western Honshu with that of one of the continuous populations of central Honshu. Three of the four western Honshu populations were isolated and the other was continuous with the central Honshu populations on a geographical distribution basis. The genotypes at 10 microsatellite loci of the sampled individuals were determined and the genetic structures of the populations examined. Genetic diversities were significantly lower in the isolated populations than in the continuous populations. The continuous population in central Honshu had high levels of genetic diversity, comparable to those in populations of the American black bear (Ursus americanus) and the brown bear (Ursus arctos). The genetic distances between the two continuous populations were smallest, even though their geographic distance was largest (>200 km) among all the pairs of neighboring populations examined. Low genetic diversity within the isolated populations suggested genetic drift due to the small population size; the genetic differentiation among the populations indicated low rates of gene flow among them.  相似文献   

Detailed nucleotide diversity studies revealed that the fil1 gene of Antirrhinum, which has been reported to be single copy, is a member of a gene family composed of at least five genes. In four Antirrhinum majus populations with different mating systems and one A. graniticum population, diversity within populations is very low. Divergence among Antirrhinum species and between Antirrhinum and Digitalis is also low. For three of these genes we also obtained sequences from a more divergent member of the Scrophulariaceae, Verbascum nigrum. Compared with Antirrhinum, little divergence is again observed. These results, together with similar data obtained previously for five cycloidea genes, suggest either that these gene families (or the Antirrhinum genome) are unusually constrained or that there is a low rate of substitution in these lineages. Using a sample of 52 genes, based on two measures of codon usage (ENC and GC3 content), we show that cyc and fil1 are among the least biased Antirrhinum genes, so that their low diversity is not due to extreme codon bias. Received: 20 June 2000 / Accepted: 25 October 2000  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships in the Olea europaea complex and the phylogeography of 24 populations of the Macaronesian olive (O. europaea ssp. cerasiformis) were assessed by using three molecular markers: nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS-1) sequences, randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPD), and intersimple sequence repeats (ISSR). Parsimony analysis of the ITS-1 sequences and Neighbour-joining (NJ) analyses of RAPD and ISSR banding variation revealed four major lineages in the O. europaea complex: (1) ssp. cuspidata; (2) ssp. cerasiformis from Madeira; (3) ssp. laperrinei; and (4) ssp. cerasiformis from the Canary Islands plus ssp. europaea. These results provide unequivocal support for two independent dispersal events of Olea to the Madeira and Canary Islands. Molecular and morphological evidence led to recognition of two separate olive taxa in Macaronesia, to date included in ssp. cerasiformis. NJ analyses of the combined RAPD and ISSR data suggest that the colonization of the Canaries by O. europaea may have followed an east to west stepping-stone model. An interisland dispersal sequence can be recognized, starting from the continent to Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Gomera, and finally La Palma. High dispersal activity of the lipid-rich Olea fruits by birds in the Mediterranean region is congruent with multiple dispersal of olives to Macaronesia and successive colonization of the archipelagos. The observation of strong genetic isolation between populations of different islands of the Canary Islands suggests, however, that subsequent interisland dispersal and establishment has been very rare or may not have occurred at all.  相似文献   

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