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Halide permeability sequences were obtained from reversal potential measurements of single-channel currents through 10 pS and 20 pS anion channels in human airway epithelial cells. The sequences obtained were Cl- greater than I- greater than Br- greater than or equal to F- for the 10 pS channel and Cl- greater than I- greater than or equal to Br- greater than or equal to F- for the 20 pS channel. However, the permeability differences were not large, the greatest being 0.66 for the ratio of fluoride to chloride permeability in the 20 pS channel. Single-channel currents were also measured with solutions of constant halide concentration but varying ratios of chloride to fluoride ions. An anomalous mole fraction effect was observed for the 20 pS channel but not for the 10 pS channel, suggesting that the former is a multi-ion channel. Comparison of the halide permeability sequences of these two channels with those of whole-cell currents in other epithelial cells does not support their involvement in any of the known whole-cell epithelial currents.  相似文献   

Toward isolating channel proteins from Paramecium, we have explored the possibility of functionally reconstituting ion channels in an artificial system. Proteins from Paramecium cortex reconstituted with soybean azolectin retained several channels whose activities were readily registered under patch clamp. The most commonly encountered activities were three: (i) a 71-pS cation channel that opens at all voltages unless dior trivalent cations were added to close them, (ii) a 40 pS monovalent cation channel, and (iii) a large-conductance channel that prefers anions and exhibits many subconductance states. These channels survived mild detergent treatments without observable functional alterations. The possible origin of these channels from internal membranes, the possible role of 71-pS channel in internal Ca2+ release, and the prospects of their purification are discussed.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health GM 26286 and GM 22714.  相似文献   

Ion channels catalyze the permeation of charged molecules across cell membranes and are essential for many vital physiological functions, including nerve and muscle activity. To understand better the mechanisms underlying ion conduction and valence selectivity of narrow ion channels, we have employed free energy techniques to calculate the potential of mean force (PMF) for ion movement through the prototypical gramicidin A channel. Employing modern all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) force fields with umbrella sampling methods that incorporate one hundred 1-2 ns trajectories, we find that it is possible to achieve semi-quantitative agreement with experimental binding and conductance measurements. We also examine the sensitivity of the MD-PMF results to the choice of MD force field and compare PMFs for potassium, calcium and chloride ions to explore the basis for the valence selectivity of this narrow and uncharged ion channel. A large central barrier is observed for both anions and divalent ions, consistent with lack of experimental conductance. Neither anion or divalent cation is seen to be stabilized inside the channel relative to the bulk electrolyte and each leads to large disruptions to the protein and membrane structure when held deep inside the channel. Weak binding of calcium ions outside the channel corresponds to a free energy well that is too shallow to demonstrate channel blocking. Our findings emphasize the success of the MD-PMF approach and the sensitivity of ion energetics to the choice of biomolecular force field.  相似文献   

Cellular function and control of volume-regulated anion channels   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Restoration of cell volume after cell swelling in mammalian cells is achieved by the loss of solutes (K+, Cl, and organic osmolytes) and the subsequent osmotically driven efflux of water. This process is generally known as regulatory volume decrease (RVD). One pathway for the swelling induced loss of Cl (and also organic osmolytes) during RVD is the volume-regulated anion channel (VRAC). In this review, we discuss the physiological role and cellular control of VRAC. We will first highlight evidence that VRAC is more than a volume regulator and that it participates in other fundamental cellular processes such as cell proliferation and apoptosis. The second part concentrates on the Rho/Rho kinase/myosin phosphorylation cascade and on compartmentalization in caveolae as modulators of the signal transduction cascade that controls VRAC gating in vascular endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Abstract The immunity protein to colicin A protects producing cells from the action of this pore-forming toxin. It is located into the cytoplasmic membrane. This protein has been 'tagged' with an epitope from the colicin A protein for which a monoclonal antibody is available. The fusion protein (named VL1) has been purified after extraction from the membrane in two steps using a chromatofocusing and an immunoadsorbant chromatography. The purified protein has then been reconstituted into lipid vesicles.  相似文献   

Cell-membrane permeation of small therapeutic peptides and peptidomimetics is a fundamental issue in pharmaceutical research. Using a Tb(3+)-based permeation assay, we have examined the ability of alpha- and beta-peptides, bearing proteinogenic side chains and an N-terminal dipicolinic acid (DPA) monoamide group, to enter liposomes composed of egg phosphatidylcholine bilayers. A series of 12 DPA-peptides of increasing chain length was prepared and characterized by CD and NMR analysis. An interesting destabilizing effect of the N-terminal DPA group on the helical structure of a beta-hexapeptide was discovered. Significant differences in permeation were observed between the DPA-alpha- and the DPA-beta-peptides, with all beta-peptidic compounds permeating better than their alpha-analogs. Thus, beta-peptides have been shown to interact with lipid bilayers in a manner that is distinctly different from that of alpha-peptides. Together with the fact that beta-peptides are proteolytically stable in mammalian organisms, and that they fold to form helices and hairpin turns with short chain lengths, the new results further emphasize the biomedical potential of beta-peptides.  相似文献   

The delivery of Ca2+ into cells by CaV channels provides the trigger for many cellular actions, such as cardiac muscle contraction and neurotransmitter release. Thus, a full understanding of Ca2+ permeation through these channels is critical. Using whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings, we recently demonstrated that voltage modulates the apparent affinity of N-type (CaV2.2) channels for permeating Ca2+ and Ba2+ ions. While we took many steps to ensure the high fidelity of our recordings, problems can occur when CaV currents become large and fast, or when currents run down. Thus, we use here single channel recordings to further test the hypothesis that permeating ions interact with N-type channels in a voltage-dependent manner. We also examined L-type (CaV1.2) channels to determine if these channels also exhibit voltage-dependent permeation. Like our whole-cell data, we find that voltage modulates N-channel affinity for Ba2+ at voltages > 0 mV, but has little or no effect at voltages < 0 mV. Furthermore, we demonstrate that permeation through L-channel is also modulated by voltage. Thus, voltage-dependence may be a common feature of divalent cation permeation through CaV1 and CaV2 channels (i.e. high-voltage activated CaV channels). The voltage dependence of CaV1 channel permeation is likely a mechanism mediating sustained Ca2+ influx during the plateau phase of the cardiac action potential.  相似文献   

The delivery of Ca2+ into cells by CaV channels provides the trigger for many cellular actions, such as cardiac muscle contraction and neurotransmitter release. Thus, a full understanding of Ca2+ permeation through these channels is critical. Using whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings, we recently demonstrated that voltage modulates the apparent affinity of N-type (CaV2.2) channels for permeating Ca2+ and Ba2+ ions. While we took many steps to ensure the high fidelity of our recordings, problems can occur when CaV currents become large and fast, or when currents run down. Thus, we use here single channel recordings to further test the hypothesis that permeating ions interact with N-type channels in a voltage-dependent manner. We also examined L-type (CaV1.2) channels to determine if these channels also exhibit voltage-dependent permeation. Like our whole-cell data, we find that voltage modulates N-channel affinity for Ba2+ at voltages > 0 mV, but has little or no effect at voltages < 0 mV. Furthermore, we demonstrate that permeation through L-channel is also modulated by voltage. Thus, voltage-dependence may be a common feature of divalent cation permeation through CaV1 and CaV2 channels (i.e. high-voltage activated CaV channels). The voltage dependence of CaV1 channel permeation is likely a mechanism mediating sustained Ca2+ influx during the plateau phase of the cardiac action potential.  相似文献   

TRPM family (Transient receptor potential channels, M for melastatin) is a group of intrinsic plasma membrane ion channels which are widely expressed throughout human body. It has been identified as a potent entry point of working desperate diseases out in a new way with newfangled ideas and safer technological means. In our review, we discussed the common and unique properties of TRPM family with the elaborate narrate in their overall structures, different states and the underlying activation mechanism. Thus, this review can help to consummate the limited work of TRPM family and provide novel therapeutic targets of certain diseases.  相似文献   

Bestrophins have been proposed to constitute a new family of Cl channels that are activated by cytosolic Ca. We showed previously that mutation of serine-79 to cysteine in mouse bestrophin-2 (mBest2) altered the relative permeability and conductance to SCN. In this paper, we have overexpressed various mutant constructs of mBest2 in HEK-293 cells to explore the contributions to anion selectivity of serine-79 and other amino acids (V78, F80, G83, F84, V86, and T87) located in the putative second transmembrane domain (TMD2). Residues selected for mutagenesis were distributed throughout TMD2, but mutations at all positions changed the selectivity. The effects on selectivity were rather modest. Replacement of residues 78, 79, 80, 83, 84, 86, or 87 with cysteine had similar effects: the permeability of the channel to SCN relative to Cl (PSCN/PCl) was decreased three- to fourfold and the relative SCN conductance (GSCN/GCl) was increased five- to tenfold. Side chains at positions 78 and 80 appeared to be situated close to the permeant anion, because the electrostatic charge at these positions affected permeation in specific ways. The effects of charged sulfhydryl-reactive MTS reagents were the opposite in the V78C and F80C mutants and the effects were partially mimicked by substitution of F80 with charged amino acids. In S79T, switching from Cl to SCN caused slow changes in GSCN/GCl (tau = 16.6 s), suggesting that SCN binding to the channel altered channel gating as well as conductance. The data in this paper and other data support a model in which TMD2 plays an important role in forming the bestrophin pore. We suggest that the major determinant in anion permeation involves partitioning of the permeant anion into an aqueous pore whose structural features are rather flexible. Furthermore, anion permeation and gating may be linked.  相似文献   

Summary Using the method of dehydration and rehydration, rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) vesicles, isolated by differential centrifugation, can be enlarged to giant liposomes with diameters ranging from 5 to 200 m. Patch-clamp studies on these giant RER liposomes revealed the existence of a channel with a mean conductance of 260±7 pS (n=23; 140 mmol/liter KCl on both sides). The channel is about four times more permeable for Cl than for K+. Its activity is strongly voltage regulated. At low potentials (±20 mV) the channel is predominantly in its open state with an open probability near 1.0, whereas it closes permanently at high positive and negative voltages (±70 mV). The channel activity is not influenced by changing the free Ca2+ concentration from 1 mmol/liter to less than 10–9 mol/liter on either side, and is also not affected by typical Cl-channel blockers like diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC, 1 mmol/liter) or 4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid (SITS, 1 mmol/liter). Another chloride channel with a singlechannel conductance of 79±6 pS (n=4) was less frequently observed. In the potential range of –80 to +40 mV this channel displayed no voltage-dependent gating. We assume that these anion channels are involved in the maintenance of electroneutrality during Ca2+ uptake in the RER.  相似文献   

Summary Freshly isolated epithelial cells from hen colon were investigated using the patch-clamp technique. The aim of this investigation was to characterise the cellular conducting site for Cl- secretion. In cell-attached mode two types of Cl--channels were found. Both showed distinct outward rectification. The channel types differed in single channel conductances and the marked voltage dependence of the open probabilities. A low conductance Cl--channel was observed with a mean conductance at negative holding potentials of g-=9 pS, and of g+=34 pS at positive potentials. This channel was predominantly open at negative potentials, corresponding to cell hyperpolarization. The second channel type observed had conductances of g-=35 pS and g+=77 pS, and showed increasing open probabilities with increasing holding potentials (cell depolarisation). Both channel types were blockable by the Cl--channel blocker NPPB. These data in combination with previously published transepithelial transport data on hen colon indicate that these channels are the Cl- secretory sites in colon epithelium.Abbreviations DNSO dimethylsulfoxide - EGTA ethyleneglycol triacetic acid - g+, g- single channel conductance at positive and negative voltages - HEPES N-(2-hydroxy-ethyl)piperazine-N-(2-ethane-sulfonic acid) - i single channel current - NMDG N-methyl-d-glucosamine - NPPB 5-hitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoate - Po open probability - Vp holding potential  相似文献   

Summary Measurements were made of the kinetic and steady-state characteristics of the potassium conductance in the giant axon of the crabsCarcinus maenas andCancer pagirus. The conductance increase during depolarizing voltage-clamp pulses was analyzed assuming that two separate types of potassium channels exist in these axons (M. E. Quinta-Ferreira, E. Rojas and N. Arispe,J. Membrane Biol. 66:171–181, 1982). It is shown here that, with small concentrations of conventional K+-channel blockers, it is possible to differentially inhibit these channels. The potassium channels with activation and fast inactivation gating (m3h, Hodgkin-Huxley kinetics) were blocked by external application of 4 amino-pyridine (4-AP). The potassium channels with standard gating (n4, Hodgkin-Huxley kinetics) were preferentially inhibited by externally applied tetraethylammonium (TEA). The differential blockage of the two types of potassium conductance changes suggests that they represent two different populations of potassium channels.It is further shown here that blocking the early transient conductance increase leads to the inhibition of the repetitive electrical activity induced by constant depolarizing current injection in fibers fromCardisoma guanhumi.  相似文献   

The thallous ion was found to permeate the cation-selective channel of rabbit sarcoplasmic reticulum and to block current through this channel when present in mixtures with other permeant ions. Channel conductance in pure thallium acetate saturates with increasing concentration, with a maximum limiting conductance of 60 pS. The conductance ratio GK/GTl at 1 M is 3.7, while the permeability ratio is near 0.4 over the concentration range 0.01 to 1 M. Thallium blockade in mixtures can be described by the equation of Neher (Neher, E. (1975) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 401, 540–544).  相似文献   

The members of the RCK family of cloned voltage-dependent K+ channels are quite homologous in primary structure, but they are highly diverse in functional properties. RCK4 channels differ from RCK1 and RCK2 channels in inactivation and permeation properties, the sensitivity to external TEA, and to current modulation by external K+ ions. Here we show several other interesting differences: While RCK1 and RCK2 are blocked in a voltage and concentration dependent manner by internal Mg2+ ions, RCK4 is only weakly blocked at very high potentials. The single-channel current-voltage relations of RCK4 are rather linear while RCK2 exhibits an inwardly rectifying single-channel current in symmetrical K+ solutions. The deactivation of the channels, measured by tail current protocols, is faster in RCK4 by a factor of two compared with RCK2. In a search for the structural motif responsible for these differences, point mutants creating homology between RCK2 and RCK4 in the pore region were tested. The single-point mutant K533Y in the background of RCK4 conferred the properties of Mg2+ block, tail current kinetics, and inward ion permeation of RCK2 to RCK4. This mutant was previously shown to be responsible for the alterations in external TEA sensitivity and channel regulation by external K+ ions. Thus, this residue is expected to be located at the external side of the pore entrance. The data are consistent with the idea that the mutation alters the channel occupancy by K+ and thereby indirectly affects internal Mg2+ block and channel closing.Abbreviations TEA tetraethylammonium - EGTA Ethylene glycol-bis (-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - 2S3B model 2-site 3-barrier model Correspondence to: S. H. Heinemann  相似文献   

The permeation of monovalent organic cations through adenosine 3,5-cyclic monophosphate-(cAMP) activated channels was studied by recording macroscopic currents in excised inside-out membrane patches from the dendritic knobs of isolated mammalian olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). Current-voltage relations were measured when bathing solution Na+ was replaced by monovalent organic cations. Permeability ratios relative to Na+ ions were calculated from changes in reversal potentials. Some of the small organic cations tested included ammonium (NH 4 + ), hydroxylammonium and formamidinium, with relative permeability ratios of 1.41, 2.3 and 1.01 respectively. The larger methylated and ethylated ammonium ions studied included: DMA (dimethylammonium), TMA (tetramethylammonium) and TEA (tetraethylammonium) and they all had permeability ratios larger than 0.09. Even large cations such as choline, arginine and tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) were appreciably permeant through the cAMP-activated channel with permeability ratios ranging from 0.19 to 0.7. The size of the permeating cations, as assessed by molecular weight, was a good predictor of the permeability. The permeability sequence of the cAMP-activated channel in our study was PNH4 > PNa > pDMA > pTMA > PCholine > PTEA. Higher permeability ratios of hydroxylammonium, arginine and tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane cannot be explained by ionic size alone. Our results indicate that: (i) cAMP-activated channels poorly select between monovalent cations; (ii) the pore dimension must be at least 6.5 × 6.5 Å, in order to allow TEA and Tris to permeate and (iii) molecular sieving must be an important mechanism for the permeation of large organic ions through the channels with specific ion binding playing a smaller role than in other structurally similar channels. In addition, the results clearly indicate that cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels in different cells are not the same, the olfactory CNG channel being different from that of the photoreceptors, particularly with respect to the permeation of large organic cations, which the ORN channels allow to permeate readily.This work was supported by the Australian Research Council of Australia.  相似文献   

Ion channels are integral membrane proteins that control movement of ions into or out of cells. They are key components in a wide range of biological processes. Different types of ion channels have different biological functions. With the appearance of vast proteomic data, it is highly desirable for both basic research and drug-target discovery to develop a computational method for the reliable prediction of ion channels and their types. In this study, we developed a support vector machine-based method to predict ion channels and their types using primary sequence information. A feature selection technique, analysis of variance (ANOVA), was introduced to remove feature redundancy and find out an optimized feature set for improving predictive performance. Jackknife cross-validated results show that the proposed method can discriminate ion channels from non-ion channels with an overall accuracy of 86.6%, classify voltage-gated ion channels and ligand-gated ion channels with an overall accuracy of 92.6% and predict four types (potassium, sodium, calcium and anion) of voltage-gated ion channels with an overall accuracy of 87.8%, respectively. These results indicate that the proposed method can correctly identify ion channels and provide important instructions for drug-target discovery. The predictor can be freely downloaded from http://cobi.uestc.edu.cn/people/hlin/tools/IonchanPred/.  相似文献   

The appearance of ion channels was induced in phospholipid bilayers by acidification of the bulk solution on one side of the bilayer. by addition of HCl. acetic acid or by hydrolytic production of protons using purified acetylcholinesierase. Further acidification below an apparent critical pH range led to restoration of a low conductance state similar to that seen at neutral pH. Such experiments were performed with a heterogeneous soybean lecithin extract, with homogeneous synthetic di-phytanoylphosphatidylcholine, and with a mixture of cholesterol and synthetic dioleoylphosphatdylcholine. It is proposed that the physical mechanism for this phenomenon involves fluctuations of lipid order induced by fluctuations in protnation of phospholipid head groups within a critical pH range; these, in turn, create conductive defect in the two-dimensional lattice of the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the maltodextrin-specific porin from Salmonella typhimurium ligated with a maltotrioside at the pore eyelet is known at 2.4 A resolution. The three glucose units assume a conformation close to the natural amylose helix. The pore eyelet fits exactly the cross-section of a maltooligosaccharide chain and thus functions as a constraining orifice. The oligomer permeates the membrane by screwing along the amylose helix through this orifice. Because each glucose glides along the given helix, its interactions can be sampled at any point along the pathway. The interactions are mostly hydrogen bonds, but also contacts to aromatic rings at one side of the pore. We have derived the energy profile of a gliding maltooligosaccharide by following formation and breakage of hydrogen bonds and by assessing the saccharide-aromatics interactions from a statistical analysis of saccharide binding sites in proteins. The resulting profile indicates smooth permeation despite extensive hydrogen bonding at the orifice.  相似文献   

Cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) have been postulated to carry macromolecules across cell plasma membranes without the need of receptors, transporters, endocytosis or any energy-consuming mechanism.We developed an assay to study lipid bilayer permeation of CPPs. HIV-1 TAT peptides were conjugated to N-(4-carboxy-3-hydroxyphenyl)maleimide (SAM) and incubated with Tb3+-containing liposomes. Upon chelation of Tb3+ by an aromatic carboxylic acid, the fluorescence of Tb3+ increases many fold. The CPP TAT(44-57)-SAM and TAT(37-53)-SAM, as a negative control, were unable to enter liposomes consisting of phosphatidylcholine (PC) or a mix of PC, negatively charged lipids and cholesterol.In parallel, cell entry of fluorescein-labeled TAT peptides was studied using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). TAT(44-57)-fluorescein did not enter Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells with intact plasma membranes but accumulated at their basal side. Only cells with impaired plasma membranes, as identified by nuclear staining with ethidium homodimer-1 (EthD-1), showed accumulation of TAT(44-57).Our findings change the perspectives of the potential use of TAT peptides as carriers for intracellular targeting. SAM- and fluorescein-labeled TAT(44-57) cannot penetrate lipid bilayers and intact plasma membranes of MDCK cells, respectively.  相似文献   

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