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The first-breath (neural) effects of graded resistive loads added separately during inspiration and expiration was studied in seven anesthetized cats before and after bilateral vagotomy. Additions of airflow resistance during inspiration reduced the volume inspired (VI) and increased inspiratory duration (TI). The duration of the ensuing unloaded expiration (TE) was unchanged. Vagotomy eliminated the TI modulation with inspiratory loads. Tracheal occlusion at the onset of inspiration yielded TI values similar to the fixed values observed following vagotomy. Resistive loads added during expiration produced similar results. Expired volume (VE) decreased and (TE) increased approaching the values obtained after vagotomy. Unlike the inspiratory resistive loads, loading during expiration results in an upward shift in the functional residual capacity (FRC). The FRC shift produces a time lag between the onset of diaphragmatic (EMG) activity and the initiation of airflow of the next (unloaded) inspiration. These studies suggest separate volume-time relationships for the inspiratory and expiratory phases of the breathing cycle. Both relationships are dependent upon vagally mediated volume feedback.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the pattern of activation of the anterolateral abdominal muscles during the cough reflex. Electromyograms (EMGs) of the rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, and parasternal muscles were recorded along with gastric pressure in anesthetized cats. Cough was produced by mechanical stimulation of the lumen of the intrathoracic trachea or larynx. The pattern of EMG activation of these muscles during cough was compared with that during graded expiratory threshold loading (ETL; 1-30 cmH(2)O). ETL elicited differential recruitment of abdominal muscle EMG activity (transversus abdominis > internal oblique > rectus abdominis congruent with external oblique). In contrast, both laryngeal and tracheobronchial cough resulted in simultaneous activation of all four anterolateral abdominal muscles with peak EMG amplitudes 3- to 10-fold greater than those observed during the largest ETL. Gastric pressures during laryngeal and tracheobronchial cough were at least eightfold greater than those produced by the largest ETL. These results suggest that, unlike their behavior during expiratory loading, the anterolateral abdominal muscles act as a unit during cough.  相似文献   

Fictive cough in the cat.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Experiments were performed to determine whether cough could be elicited in paralyzed cats ventilated on a respiratory cycle-triggered pump. Midcollicular decerebrate cats were paralyzed and artificially ventilated on a phrenic-triggered pump. Phrenic and cranial iliohypogastric nerve efferent activities were recorded. Cough was elicited by electrical stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) or probing the intrathoracic trachea. Fictive coughs induced by electrical stimulation of the SLN or mechanical stimulation of the intrathoracic trachea consisted of large-amplitude bursts in phrenic discharge immediately followed by large bursts in cranial iliohypogastric discharge. During fictive cough, phrenic postinspiratory discharge was reduced relative to control cycles. Codeine (0.03-1 mg/kg iv) decreased both SLN- and probe-induced fictive cough. I conclude that fictive cough can be produced in paralyzed cats ventilated on a phrenic-triggered pump. Furthermore, fictive cough can be produced in the absence of afferent feedback associated with active expiration.  相似文献   

Breathlessness during exercise with and without resistive loading   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The purpose of this study was to quantify the intensity of breathlessness associated with exercise and respiratory resistive loading, with the specific purpose of isolating the quantitative contributions of inspiratory pressure, length, velocity, and frequency of inspiratory muscle shortening and duty cycle to breathlessness. The intensity of inspiratory pressure was quantified by measurement of estimated esophageal pressure (Pes = pressure at the mouth plus lung pressure), the extent of shortening by tidal volume (VT), and the velocity of shortening by inspiratory flow rate (VI). Six normal subjects underwent five incremental (100 kpm X min-1 X min-1) exercise tests on a cycle ergometer to maximum capacity. The first and last test were unloaded and the intervening tests were performed with external added resistances of 33, 57, and 73 cm H2O X l-1 X s in random order. The resistances were selected to provide a range of pressures, tidal volumes, flow rates, and patterns of breathing. At rest and at the end of each minute during exercise the subjects estimated the intensity of breathlessness (psi) by selecting a number ranging from 0 to 10 (Borg rating scale, 0 indicating no appreciable breathlessness and 10 the maximum tolerable sensation). Breathlessness was significantly and independently related to Pes (P less than 0.0001), VI (P less than 0.0001), frequency of breathing (fb) (P less than 0.01), and duty cycle [ratio of inspiratory duration to total breath duration (TI/TT)] (P less than 0.01): psi = 0.11 Pes + 0.61 VI + 1.99 TI/TT + 0.04 fb - 2.60 (r = 0.83). The results suggest that peak pressure (tension), VI (velocity of inspiratory muscle shortening), TI/TT, and fb contribute independently and collectively to breathlessness. The perception of respiratory muscle effort is ideally suited to subserve this sensation. The neurophysiological mechanism purported is a conscious awareness of the intensity of the outgoing motor command by means of corollary discharge within the central nervous system.  相似文献   

We studied six (1 naive and 5 experienced) subjects breathing with added inspiratory resistive loads while we recorded chest wall motion (anteroposterior rib cage, anteroposterior abdomen, and lateral rib cage) and tidal volumes. In the five experienced subjects, transdiaphragmatic and pleural pressures, and electromyographs of the sternocleidomastoid and abdominal muscles were also measured. Subjects inspired against the resistor spontaneously and then with specific instructions to reach a target pleural or transdiaphragmatic pressure or to maximize selected electromyographic activities. Depending on the instructions, a wide variety of patterns of inspiratory motion resulted. Although the forces leading to a more elliptical or circular configuration of the chest wall can be identified, it is difficult to analyze or predict the configurational results based on insertional and pressure-related contributions of a few individual respiratory muscles. Although overall chest wall respiratory motion cannot be readily inferred from the electromyographic and pressure data we recorded, it is clear that responses to loading can vary substantially within and between individuals. Undoubtedly, the underlying mechanism for the distortional changes with loading are complex and perhaps many are behavioral rather than automatic and/or compensatory.  相似文献   

Extrathoracic airway (ETA) stability was tested in 10 preterm infants during sleep with a drop in intraluminal pressure produced by the application of an external inspiratory flow-resistive load (IRL, 125 cmH2O.1-1.s at 1 l/min). An increase in total pulmonary resistance was sought as the measure of airway narrowing. The role of the ETA in the increased pulmonary resistance with loading was examined by testing the same infants while endotracheally intubated and after extubation. Total pulmonary resistance decreased with loading during the intubated studies (102.5 +/- 41.2 to 82.4 +/- 33.3 cmH2O.1-1.s, P less than 0.05), whereas a significant increase in pulmonary resistance was seen with loading in the extubated studies (101 +/- 58.1 to 128 +/- 68.6 cmH2O.1-1.s, P less than 0.01). Intraluminal pressure in the ETA, measured by the lowest proximal airway pressure, fell significantly with loading in both conditions, with values changing from -0.7 +/- 0.3 to -4.7 +/- 2.7 cmH2O in the intubated infants and from -0.9 +/- 0.3 to -4.6 +/- 0.9 cmH2O) in the extubated infants (P less than 0.01). The results suggest ETA narrowing with loading in extubated infants despite the absence of overt obstructive apnea. Measurements of total pulmonary resistance with IRL can be used as a simple test of ETA stability.  相似文献   

Phrenic motoneuron discharge during sustained inspiratory resistive loading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iscoe, Steve. Phrenic motoneuron discharge duringsustained inspiratory resistive loading. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(5): 2260-2266, 1996.I determinedwhether prolonged inspiratory resistive loading (IRL) affects phrenicmotoneuron discharge, independent of changes in chemical drive. Inseven decerebrate spontaneously breathing cats, the discharge patternsof eight phrenic motoneurons from filaments of one phrenic nerve weremonitored, along with the global activity of the contralateral phrenicnerve, transdiaphragmatic pressure, and fractional end-tidalCO2 levels. Discharge patterns during hyperoxic CO2 rebreathingand breathing against an IRL (2,500-4,000cmH2O · l1 · s)were compared. During IRL, transdiaphragmatic pressure increased andthen either plateaued or decreased. At the highest fractional end-tidalCO2 common to both runs,instantaneous discharge frequencies in six motoneurons were greaterduring sustained IRL than during rebreathing, when compared at the sametime after the onset of inspiration. These increased dischargefrequencies suggest the presence of a load-induced nonchemical drive tophrenic motoneurons from unidentified source(s).


Although inspiratory resistive loading (IRL) reduces the ventilatory response to CO2 (VE/PCO2) and increases the sensation of inspiratory effort (IES), there are few data about the converse situation: whether CO2 responsiveness influences sustained load compensation and whether awareness of respiratory effort modifies this behavior. We studied 12 normal men during CO2 rebreathing while free breathing and with a 10-cmH2O.l-1.s IRL and compared these data with 5 min of resting breathing with and without the IRL. Breathing pattern, end-tidal PCO2, IES, and mouth occlusion pressure (P0.1) were recorded. Free-breathing VE/PCO2 was inversely related to an index of effort perception (IES/VE; r = -0.63, P less than 0.05), and the reduction in VE/PCO2 produced by IRL was related to the initial free-breathing VE/PCO2 (r = 0.87, P less than 0.01). IRL produced variable increases in inspiratory duration (TI), IES, and P0.1 at rest, and the change in tidal volume correlated with both VE/PCO2 (r = 0.63, P less than 0.05) and IES/VE (r = -0.69, P less than 0.05), this latter index also predicting the changes in TI with loading (r = -0.83, P less than 0.01). These data suggest that in normal subjects perception of inspiratory effort can modify free-breathing CO2 responsiveness and is as important as CO2 sensitivity in determining the response to short-term resistive loading. Individuals with good perception choose a small-tidal volume and short-TI breathing pattern during loading, possibly to minimize the discomfort of breathing.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were 1) to characterize the immediate inspiratory muscle and ventilation responses to inspiratory resistive loading during sleep in humans and 2) to determine whether upper airway caliber was compromised in the presence of a resistive load. Ventilation variables, chest wall, and upper airway inspiratory muscle electromyograms (EMG), and upper airway resistance were measured for two breaths immediately preceding and immediately following six applications of an inspiratory resistive load of 15 cmH2O.l-1 X s during wakefulness and stage 2 sleep. During wakefulness, chest wall inspiratory peak EMG activity increased 40 +/- 15% (SE), and inspiratory time increased 20 +/- 5%. Therefore, the rate of rise of chest wall EMG increased 14 +/- 10.9% (NS). Upper airway inspiratory muscle activity changed in an inconsistent fashion with application of the load. Tidal volume decreased 16 +/- 6%, and upper airway resistance increased 141 +/- 23% above pre-load levels. During sleep, there was no significant chest wall or upper airway inspiratory muscle or timing responses to loading. Tidal volume decreased 40 +/- 7% and upper airway resistance increased 188 +/- 52%, changes greater than those observed during wakefulness. We conclude that 1) the immediate inspiratory muscle and timing responses observed during inspiratory resistive loading in wakefulness were absent during sleep, 2) there was inadequate activation of upper airway inspiratory muscle activity to compensate for the increased upper airway inspiratory subatmospheric pressure present during loading, and 3) the alteration in upper airway mechanics during resistive loading was greater during sleep than wakefulness.  相似文献   

Chemical lesions in the medullary raphe nuclei region influence cough. This study examined whether firing patterns of caudal medullary midline neurons were altered during cough. Extracellular neuron activity was recorded with microelectrode arrays in decerebrated, neuromuscular-blocked, ventilated cats. Cough-like motor patterns (fictive cough) in phrenic and lumbar nerves were elicited by mechanical stimulation of the intrathoracic trachea. Discharge patterns of respiratory and nonrespiratory-modulated neurons were altered during cough cycles (58/133); 45 increased and 13 decreased activity. Fourteen cells changed firing rate during the inspiratory and/or expiratory phases of cough. Altered patterns in 43 cells were associated with the duration of, or extended beyond, the cough episodes. The different response categories suggest that multiple factors influence the discharge patterns during coughing: e.g., respiratory-modulated and tonic inputs and intrinsic connections. These results suggest involvement of midline neurons (i.e., raphe nuclei) in the cough reflex.  相似文献   

The response to inspiratory resistance loading (IRL) of the upper airway during sleep in children is not known. We, therefore, evaluated the arousal responses to IRL during sleep in children with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) compared with controls. Children with OSAS aroused at a higher load than did controls (23 +/- 8 vs. 15 +/- 7 cmH(2)O. l(-1). s; P < 0.05). Patients with OSAS had higher arousal thresholds during rapid eye movement (REM) vs. non-REM sleep (P < 0.001), whereas normal subjects had lower arousal thresholds during REM (P < 0.005). Ventilatory responses to IRL were evaluated in the controls. There was a marked decrease in tidal volume both immediately (56 +/- 17% of baseline at an IRL of 15 cmH(2)O. l(-1). min; P < 0.001) and after 3 min of IRL (67 +/- 23%, P < 0.005). The duty cycle increased. We conclude that children with OSAS have impaired arousal responses to IRL. Despite compensatory changes in respiratory timing, normal children have a decrease in minute ventilation in response to IRL during sleep. However, arousal occurs before gas-exchange abnormalities.  相似文献   

The electromyographic (EMG) activity of human upper airway muscles, particularly the genioglossus, has been widely measured, but the relationship between EMG activity and physical movement of the airway muscles remains unclear. We aimed to measure the motion of the soft tissues surrounding the airway during normal and loaded inspiration on the basis of the hypothesis that this motion would be affected by the addition of resistance to breathing during inspiration. Tagged MR imaging of seven healthy subjects was performed in a 3-T scanner. Tagged 8.6-mm-spaced grids were used, and complementary spatial modulation of magnetization images were acquired beginning ~200 ms before inspiratory airflow. Deformation of tag line intersections was measured. The genioglossus moved anteriorly during normal and loaded inspiration, with less movement during loaded inspiration. The motion of tissues at the anterior border of the upper airway was nonuniform, with larger motions inferiorly. At the level of the soft palate, the lateral dimension of the airway decreased significantly during loaded inspiration (-0.15 ± 0.09 and -0.48 ± 0.09 mm during unloaded and loaded inspiration, respectively, P < 0.05). When resistance to inspiratory flow was added, genioglossus motion and lateral dimensions of the airway at the level of the soft palate decreased. Our results suggest that genioglossus motion begins early to dilate the airway prior to airflow and that inspiratory loading reduces the anterior motion of the genioglossus and increases the collapse of the lateral airway walls at the level of the soft palate.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying acute respiratory failure induced by respiratory loads are unclear. We hypothesized that, in contrast to a moderate inspiratory resistive load, a severe one would elicit central respiratory failure (decreased respiratory drive) before diaphragmatic injury and fatigue. We also wished to elucidate the factors that predict endurance time and peak tracheal pressure generation. Anesthetized rats breathed air against a severe load ( approximately 75% of the peak tracheal pressure generated during a 30-s occlusion) until pump failure (fall in tracheal pressure to half; mean 38 min). Hypercapnia and hypoxemia developed rapidly ( approximately 4 min), coincident with diaphragmatic fatigue (decreased ratio of transdiaphragmatic pressure to peak integrated phrenic activity) and the detection in blood of the fast isoform of skeletal troponin I (muscle injury). At approximately 23 min, respiratory frequency and then blood pressure fell, followed immediately by secondary diaphragmatic fatigue. Blood taken after termination of loading contained cardiac troponin T (myocardial injury). Contrary to our hypothesis, diaphragmatic fatigue and injury occurred early in loading before central failure, evident only as a change in the timing but not the drive component of the central respiratory pattern generator. Stepwise multiple regression analysis selected changes in mean arterial pressure and arterial Pco(2) during loading as the principal contributing factors in load endurance time, and changes in mean arterial pressure as the principal contributing factor in peak tracheal pressure generation. In conclusion, the temporal development of respiratory failure is not stereotyped but depends on load magnitude; moreover respiratory loads induce cardiorespiratory, not just respiratory, failure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether induction of either inspiratory muscle fatigue (expt 1) or diaphragmatic fatigue (expt 2) would alter the breathing pattern response to large inspiratory resistive loads. In particular, we wondered whether induction of fatigue would result in rapid shallow breathing during inspiratory resistive loading. The breathing pattern during inspiratory resistive loading was measured for 5 min in the absence of fatigue (control) and immediately after induction of either inspiratory muscle fatigue or diaphragmatic fatigue. Data were separately analyzed for the 1st and 5th min of resistive loading to distinguish between immediate and sustained effects. Fatigue was achieved by having the subjects breathe against an inspiratory threshold load while generating a predetermined fraction of either the maximal mouth pressure or maximal transdiaphragmatic pressure until they could no longer reach the target pressure. Compared with control, there were no significant alterations in breathing pattern after induction of fatigue during either the 1st or 5th min of resistive loading, regardless of whether fatigue was induced in the majority of the inspiratory muscles or just in the diaphragm. We conclude that the development of inspiratory muscle fatigue does not alter the breathing pattern response to large inspiratory resistive loads.  相似文献   

Eight healthy volunteers performed gradational tests to exhaustion on a mechanically braked cycle ergometer, with and without the addition of an inspiratory resistive load. Mean slopes for linear ventilatory responses during loaded and unloaded exercise [change in minute ventilation per change in CO2 output (delta VE/delta VCO2)] measured below the anaerobic threshold were 24.1 +/- 1.3 (SE) = l/l of CO2 and 26.2 +/- 1.0 l/l of CO2, respectively (P greater than 0.10). During loaded exercise, decrements in VE, tidal volume, respiratory frequency, arterial O2 saturation, and increases in end-tidal CO2 tension were observed only when work loads exceeded 65% of the unloaded maximum. There was a significant correlation between the resting ventilatory response to hypercapnia delta VE/delta PCO2 and the ventilatory response to VCO2 during exercise (delta VE/delta VCO2; r = 0.88; P less than 0.05). The maximal inspiratory pressure generated during loading correlated with CO2 sensitivity at rest (r = 0.91; P less than 0.05) and with exercise ventilation (delta VE/delta VCO2; r = 0.83; P less than 0.05). Although resistive loading did not alter O2 uptake (VO2) or heart rate (HR) as a function of work load, maximal VO2, HR, and exercise tolerance were decreased to 90% of control values. We conclude that a modest inspiratory resistive load reduces maximum exercise capacity and that CO2 responsiveness may play a role in the control of breathing during exercise when airway resistance is artificially increased.  相似文献   

To determine whether the intensity of dyspnea at a given level of respiratory motor output differs between bronchoconstriction and the presence of an external resistance, we compared the sensation of difficulty in breathing during isocapnic voluntary hyperventilation in six normal subjects. An external resistance of 1.9 cmH2O.1-1.s was applied during both inspiration and expiration. To induce bronchoconstriction, histamine aerosol (5 mg/ml) was inhaled until airway resistance (Raw) increased to a level approximately equal to the subject's control Raw plus the added external resistance. To clarify the role of vagal afferents on the genesis of dyspnea during both forms of obstruction to airflow, the effect of airway anesthesia by lidocaine aerosol inhalation was also examined after histamine and during external resistive loading. The sensation of difficulty in breathing was rated at 30-s intervals on a visual analog scale during isocapnic voluntary hyperpnea, in which the subjects were asked to copy an oscilloscope volume trace obtained previously during progressive hypercapnia. Histamine inhalation significantly increased the intensity of the dyspneic sensation over the equivalent external resistive load at the same levels of ventilation and occlusion pressure during voluntary hyperpnea. Inhaled lidocaine decreased the sensation of dyspnea during bronchoconstriction with no change in Raw, but it did not significantly change the sensation during external resistive loading. These results suggest that afferent vagal activity plays a role in the genesis of dyspnea during bronchoconstriction.  相似文献   

Expiratory resistive loading (ERL) is used by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients to improve respiratory function. We, therefore, used a noninvasive tension-time index of the inspiratory muscles (TT(mus) = I/PI(max) x TI/TT, where I is mean inspiratory pressure estimated from the mouth occlusion pressure, PI(max) is maximal inspiratory pressure, TI is inspiratory time, and TT is total respiratory cycle time) to better define the effect of ERL on COPD patients. To accomplish this, we measured airway pressures, mouth occlusion pressure, respiratory cycle flow rates, and functional residual capacity (FRC) in 14 COPD patients and 10 normal subjects with and without the application of ERL. TT(mus) was then calculated and found to drop in both COPD and normal subjects (P<0.05). The decline in TT(mus) in both groups resulted solely from a prolongation of expiratory time with ERL (P<0.001 for COPD, P<0.05 for normal subjects). In contrast to the COPD patients, normal subjects had an elevation in I and FRC, thus minimizing the decline in TT(mus). In conclusion, ERL reduces the potential for inspiratory muscle fatigue in COPD by reducing TI/TT without affecting FRC and I.  相似文献   

Internal viscoelastic loading in cat papillary muscle.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The passive mechanical properties of myocardium were defined by measuring force responses to rapid length ramps applied to unstimulated cat papillary muscles. The immediate force changes following these ramps recovered partially to their initial value, suggesting a series combination of viscous element and spring. Because the stretched muscle can bear force at rest, the viscous element must be in parallel with an additional spring. The instantaneous extension-force curves measured at different lengths were nonlinear, and could be made to superimpose by a simple horizontal shift. This finding suggests that the same spring was being measured at each length, and that this spring was in series with both the viscous element and its parallel spring (Voigt configuration), so that the parallel spring is held nearly rigid by the viscous element during rapid steps. The series spring in the passive muscle could account for most of the series elastic recoil in the active muscle, suggesting that the same spring is in series with both the contractile elements and the viscous element. It is postulated that the viscous element might be coupled to the contractile elements by a compliance, so that the load imposed on the contractile elements by the passive structures is viscoelastic rather than purely viscous. Such a viscoelastic load would give the muscle a length-independent, early diastolic restoring force. The possibility is discussed that the length-independent restoring force would allow some of the energy liberated during active shortening to be stored and released during relaxation.  相似文献   

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