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Thirty women, divided among three different age groups, i.e. 30 years (range 26-35; n = 10), 50 years (range 46-55; n = 10) and 70 years (range 66-75; n = 10) volunteered as subjects for examination of the characteristics of the muscle cross-sectional area (CSA), maximal voluntary isometric force, isometric force-time and relaxation-time of their leg extensor muscles. The CSA of the quadriceps femoris muscle in the youngest age group was slightly larger (NS) than in the middle-aged group and much larger (P less than 0.01) than in the oldest age group whose CSA was markedly smaller (P less than 0.01) than the middle-aged group. Maximal force in the youngest group was slightly greater (NS) than in the middle-aged group and much greater (P less than 0.01) than in the oldest group whose values were markedly smaller (P less than 0.05) than the middle-aged group. The individual values in CSA correlated with maximal force both in the total subject sample (r = 0.82; P less than 0.001) and in the three age groups separately (r = 0.72; P less than 0.01; r = 0.86; P less than 0.01 and r = 0.67; P less than 0.05, respectively). When the force values were related to the CSA of the muscle, the mean values of 45.4 N.cm-2, SD 5.6, 47.6 N.cm-2, SD 5.0 and 46.8 N.cm-2, SD 7.0 for the three groups did not differ significantly from each other.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study aimed to examine the effect of pennation angle on the force per cross-sectional area for elbow extensor muscles in strength-trained athletes. A total of 52 male bodybuilders (n = 32) and Olympic weightlifters (n = 20) did maximal isometric elbow extension on an isokinetic dynamometer. Muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) and muscle-fiber pennation angle (PA) of the triceps brachii muscles were measured by ultrasonography. Bodybuilders had significantly greater isometric elbow extension force (F), CSA and PA than weightlifters. The ratio of force to CSA (F/CSA) of bodybuilders was significantly lower than that of weightlifters. A significant positive correlation was observed between CSA and PA in both groups (r = 0.832, P < 0.001, and r = 0.682, P < 0.001, for bodybuilders and weightlifters, respectively). The F/CSA was negatively correlated to PA both for bodybuilders (r = -0.408, P < 0.05) and weightlifters (r = -0.465, P < 0.05). Thus present study indicates that the larger pennation angle is associated with the lower force relative to muscle CSA in strength-trained athletes.  相似文献   

A study of 1 year was performed on nine elite endurance-trained athletes (swimmers) and on eight elite strength-trained athletes (weightlifters) in order to examine the effects of training on the endocrine responses and on physical performance capacity. The measurements for the determination of serum hormone concentrations were performed at about 4-month intervals during the course of the year. The primary findings demonstrated that during the first and most intensive training period of the year in preparing for the primary competitions similar but statistically insignificant changes were observed in the concentrations of serum testosterone, free testosterone and cortisol in both the endurance-trained and strength-trained groups. After that period the changes in hormonal response over the year were infrequent and minor. A significant (p less than 0.01) decrease occurred in the strength-trained group in serum-free testosterone during the second period, which was characterized by the highest overall amount of training. Over the entire year the concentrations of serum hormones remained statistically unaltered in both groups. Slight but statistically insignificant increases of 1.2% +/- 0.8% and 2.1% +/- 5.1% were observed in the competitive performances over the year in the endurance-trained and strength-trained groups, respectively. The present findings in the two groups of elite athletes, who differed greatly with regard to the type of physiological loading, demonstrated that the overall hormonal responses both during the most intensive and during prolonged training periods were rather similar and the infrequent small changes remained well within the normal physiological range.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Arterial stiffness is higher in strength-trained humans and lower in endurance-trained humans. However, the mechanisms underlying these different adaptations are unclear. Vascular endothelium-derived factors, such as endothelin-1 (ET-1) and nitric oxide (NO), play an important role in the regulation of vascular tonus. We hypothesized that endogenous ET-1 and NO participate in the adaptation of arterial stiffness in different types of exercise training. The purpose of this study was to investigate plasma ET-1 and NO concentrations and arterial stiffness in strength- and endurance-trained men. Young strength-trained athletes (SA; n = 11), endurance-trained athletes (EA; n = 12), and sedentary control men (C; n = 12) participated in this study. Maximal handgrip strength in SA and maximal oxygen uptake in EA were markedly greater than in C. Aortic pulse-wave velocity, which is an established index of arterial stiffness, was higher in SA and lower in EA than in C. Additionally, we measured systemic arterial compliance (SAC) using carotid artery applanation tonometry and Doppler echocardiography, because arterial stiffness is a primary determinant of the compliance. SAC was lower in SA and higher in EA compared with that in C. Plasma ET-1 concentrations were higher in SA compared with C and EA. We did not find significant differences in plasma NO concentrations (measured as the stable end product of NO, i.e., nitrite/nitrate). The relationships of plasma ET-1 concentrations to aortic pulse-wave velocity and SAC were linear. These results suggest that differences in endogenous ET-1 may partly participate in the mechanism underlying different adaptations of arterial stiffness in strength- and endurance-trained men.  相似文献   

Neural, mechanical and muscle factors influence muscle force production. This study was, therefore, designed to compare possible differences in the function of the neuromuscular system among differently adapted subjects. A group of 11 power-trained athletes and 10 endurance-trained athletes volunteered as subjects for this study. Maximal voluntary isometric force and the rate of force production of the knee extensor and the plantar flexor muscles were measured. In addition, basic reflex function was measured in the two experimental conditions. The power athletes produced higher voluntary forces (P<0.01-0.001) with higher rates for force production (P<0.001) by both muscle groups measured. Unexpectedly, however, no differences were noticed in the electromyogram time curves between the groups. During reflex activity, the endurance group demonstrated higher sensitivity to the mechanical stimuli, i.e. the higher reflex amplitude caused a higher rate of reflex force development, and the reflex amplitude correlated with the averaged angular velocity. The differences in the isometric conditions could be explained by obviously different muscle fibre distribution, by different amounts of muscle mass, by possible differences in the force transmission from individual myofibrils to the skeletal muscle and by specificity of training. In addition, differences in nervous system structure and muscle spindle properties could explain the observed differences in reflex activity between the two groups.  相似文献   

Technical limitations of some isokinetic dynamometers have called into question the validity of some data on human muscle mechanics. The Biodex dynamometer has been shown to minimize the impact artefact while permitting automatic gravity correction. This dynamometer was used to study quadriceps muscle torque and power generation in elite power (n = 6) and elite endurance (n = 7) athletes over 12 randomly assigned isokinetic velocities from 30 degrees.s-1 to 300 degrees.s-1. The angle at peak torque varied as a negative, linear function of angular velocity, with the average angle across test velocities being 59.5 degrees (SD 10.2 degrees). Power athletes developed greater peak torque at each angular velocity (P less than 0.05) and experienced a 39.7% decrement in torque over the velocity range tested. Endurance athletes encountered a 38.8% decline in peak torque. Torques measured at 60 degrees of knee flexion followed a similar trend in both groups; however the greatest torques were recorded at 60 degrees.s-1 rather than at 30 degrees.s-1. Leg extensor muscle power increased monotonically with angular velocity in both power (r2 = 0.728) and endurance athletes (r2 = 0.839); however these curves diverged significantly so that the power athletes produced progressively more power with each velocity increment. These inter group differences probably reflected a combination of natural selection and training adaptation.  相似文献   

Eight elite male bodybuilders (MB), five elite female bodybuilders (FB), eight male control (MC), and eight female control recreational weight-trainers (FC) performed maximal elbow flexions on an isokinetic dynamometer at velocities between 1.02 and 5.24 rad.s-1, from which peak torque (PT) was measured. Elbow flexor cross-sectional area (CSA) was measured by computed tomographic scanning. Flexor CSA.lean body mass-1 ratios were greater in MB than in other subject groups. Correlations of PT were positively related to CSA but negatively to CSA.lean body mass-1 and to PT.CSA-1. PT.CSA-1 at low-velocity contractions were greater in MC and FC than in MB and FB groups, suggesting a training effect. The velocity-associated declines in torque between velocities of 1.02 and 5.24 rad.s-1 averaged 28.4 +/- 0.9% and were statistically identical in men and women among the subject groups, suggesting that neither gender nor training had affected this variable.  相似文献   

Tissue samples were obtained from vastus lateralis and deltoid muscles of physical education students (n = 12), Greco-Roman wrestlers (n = 8), flat-water kayakers (n = 9), middle- and long-distance runners (n = 9), and olympic weight and power lifters (n = 7). Histochemical stainings for myofibrillar adenosinetriphosphatase and NADH-tetrazolium reductase were applied to assess the relative distribution of fast-twitch and slow-twitch (ST) muscle fiber types and fiber size. The %ST was not different in the vastus (mean SD 48 +/- 14) and deltoid (56 +/- 13) muscles. The %ST was higher (P less than 0.001), however, in the deltoid compared with vastus muscle of kayakers. This pattern was reversed in runners (P less than 0.001). The %ST of the vastus was higher (P less than 0.001) in runners than in any of the other groups. The %ST of the deltoid muscle was higher in kayakers than in students, runners (P less than 0.001), and lifters (P less than 0.05). The mean fiber area and the area of ST fibers were greater (P less than 0.01) in the vastus than the deltoid muscle. Our data show a difference in fiber type distribution between the trained and nontrained muscles of endurance athletes. This pattern may reflect the adaptive response to long-term endurance training.  相似文献   

The effects of a 1 year training period on 13 elite weight-lifters were investigated by periodical tests of electromyographic, muscle fibre and force production characteristics. A statistically non-significant increase of 3.5% in maximal isometric strength of the leg extensors, from 4841 +/- 1104 to 5010 +/- 1012 N, occurred over the year. Individual changes in the high force portions of the force-velocity curve correlated (p less than 0.05-0.01) with changes in weight-lifting performance. Training months 5-8 were characterized by the lowest average training intensity (77.1 +/- 2.0%), and this resulted in a significant (p less than 0.05) decrease in maximal neural activation (IEMG) of the muscles, while the last four month period, with only a slightly higher average training intensity (79.1 +/- 3.0%), led to a significant (p less than 0.01) increase in maximum IEMG. Individual increases in training intensity between these two training periods correlated with individual increases both in muscular strength (p less than 0.05) and in the weight lifted in the clean & jerk (p less than 0.05). A non-significant increase of 3.9% in total mean muscle fibre area occurred over the year. The present findings demonstrate the limited potential for strength development in elite strength athletes, and suggest that the magnitudes and time courses of neural and hypertrophic adaptations in the neuromuscular system during their training may differ from those reported for previously untrained subjects. The findings additionally indicate the importance of training intensity for modifying training responses in elite strength athletes.  相似文献   

Various aspects of neuromuscular, anaerobic, and aerobic performance capacity were investigated in four powerlifters, seven bodybuilders, and three wrestlers with a history of specific training for several years. The data (means +/- SD) showed that the three subject groups possessed similar values for maximal isometric force per unit bodyweight (50.7 +/- 9.6, 49.3 +/- 4.1, and 49.3 +/- 10.9 N/kg, respectively). However, significant (P less than 0.05) differences were observed in the times for isometric force production, so that e.g., times to produce a 30% force level were shorter for the wrestlers and bodybuilders (28.3 +/- 3.1 and 26.4 +/- 6.6 ms) than that (53.3 +/- 23.7 ms) for the powerlifters. Utilization of elastic energy by the wrestlers was significantly (P less than 0.05) better than that of the other two subject groups, as judged from differences between the counter-movement and squat jumps at 0, 40, and 100 kg's loads. No differences were observed between the groups in anaerobic power in a 1-min maximal test, but the values for VO2 max were higher (P less than 0.05) among the wrestlers and bodybuilders (57.8 +/- 6.6 and 50.8 +/- 6.8 ml X kg-1 X min-1) as compared to the powerlifters (41.9 +/- 7.2 ml X kg-1 X min-1). Within the limitations of the subject sample, no differences of a statistical significancy were observed between the groups in fibre distribution, fibre areas, or the area ratio of fast (FT) and slow (ST) twitch fibres in vastus lateralis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mechanical efficiency (ME) of jumping exercises was compared between power-trained (n = 11) and endurance-trained athletes (n = 10) using both a biomechanical and a physiological approach. In drop jumps and in stretch-shortening cycle exercise on a special sledge (sledge jumps), the subjects performed 60 muscle actions from a dropping height of optimum minus 40 cm (O – 40), as well as from dropping heights of optimum (O) and optimum plus 40 cm (O + 40). Thus, they were tested in six different tests which lasted for a total of 3 min for each. The mean ME values in the drop jumps from the lowest dropping height upwards were as follows: 23.8 (SD 5.3)%, 35.5 (SD 10.8)% and 39.2 (SD 6.6)% for the power group, and 30.8 (SD 6.5)%, 37.5 (SD 8.7)% and 41.4 (SD 7.0)% for the endurance group. In the sledge jumps the ME values were 37.0 (SD 5.6)%,48.4 (SD 4.0)% and 54.9 (SD 8.5)% for the power group, and 40.2 (SD 5.9)%, 46.9 (SD 5.7)% and 58.5 (SD 5.5)% for the endurance group. As can be seen, the ME values increased with increasing stretch load. However, the groups did not differ from each other except in the drop jump condition of O – 40 (P < 0.05). The higher power (P < 0.001) among the power athletes in every measured condition was associated with a faster rate of electromyogram development during the pre-activity, and smoother muscle activity patterns in the ground contact. On the other hand, the endurance athletes had a lower blood lactate concentration after every test, and in addition a lower heart rate and ventilation during the sledge jumps than their power counterparts. Therefore, it would seem that the similar mean ME values between the subject groups could be explained by improved function of the neuromuscular system among the power group and improved metabolism among the endurance group.  相似文献   

Aldosterone excretion (AE) and plasma renin activity (PRA) were measured in eight untrained (UT) and eight endurance-trained (TR) male subjects before and during 4 h head-out immersion to study the mechanism of reduced renal sodium excretion in athletes. AE was significantly lower before immersion, and decreased less during immersion, in TR than in UT. Fractional sodium excretion, too, was lower and increased less during immersion in TR than in UT. PRA decreased in the water bath in all subjects (p less than 0.001) with no significant difference between the groups. During immersion, plasma sodium concentration oscillated whereas potassium concentration showed a temporary rise in TR (p less than 0.001). The attenuated response of AE in TR may be due partly to this increase of plasma potassium concentration. The generally reduced aldosterone release in TR might be caused by a training induced adaptation of the adrenals to corticotropin. The lowered renal sodium excretion of TR in spite of the decreased AE suggests an intensified aldosterone effect in these subjects, diminishing the salt loss during exercise.  相似文献   

Researchers have long debated the locomotor posture used by the earliest bipeds. While many agree that by 3–4 Ma (millions of years ago), hominins walked with an extended-limb human style of bipedalism, researchers are still divided over whether the earliest bipeds walked like modern humans, or walked with a more bent-knee, bent-hip (BKBH) ape-like form of locomotion. Since more flexed postures are associated with higher energy costs, reconstructing early bipedal mechanics has implications for the selection pressures that led to upright walking. The purpose of this study is to determine how modern human anatomy functions in BKBH walking to clarify the links between morphology and energy costs in different mechanical regimes. Using inverse dynamics, we calculated muscle force production at the major limb joints in humans walking in two modes, both with extended limbs and BKBH. We found that in BKBH walking, humans must produce large muscle forces at the knee to support body weight, leading to higher estimated energy costs. However, muscle forces at the hip remained similar in BKBH and extended limb walking, suggesting that anatomical adaptations for hip extension in humans do not necessarily diminish the effective mechanical advantage at the hip in more flexed postures. We conclude that the key adaptations for economical walking, regardless of joint posture, seem to center on maintaining low muscle forces at the hip, primarily by keeping low external moments at the hip. We explore the implications of these results for interpreting locomotor energetics in early hominins, including australopithecines and Ardipithecus ramidus.  相似文献   

The mechanical effects of a muscle are related in part to the size of the muscle and to its location relative to the joint it crosses. For more than a century, researchers have expressed muscle size by its 'physiological cross-sectional area' (PCSA). Researchers mathematically calculating muscle and joint forces typically use some expression of a muscle's PCSA to constrain the solution to one which is reasonable (i.e. a solution in which small muscles may not have large forces, and large muscles have large forces when expected or when there is significant electromyographic activity). It is obvious that muscle mass (and therefore any expression of PCSA) varies significantly from person to person, even in individuals of similar weight and height. Since it is not practical to predict the PCSA of each muscle in a living subject's limb or trunk, it is important to generally understand the sensitivity of muscle force solutions to possible variations in PCSA. We used nonlinear optimization techniques to predict 47 muscle forces and hip contact forces in a living subject. The PCSA (volume/muscle fiber length) of each of 47 lower limb muscle elements from two cadaver specimens and the 47 PCSA's reported by pierrynowski were input into an optimization algorithm to create three solution sets. The three solutions were qualitatively similar but at times a predicted muscle force could vary as much as two to eight times. In contrast, the joint force solutions were within 11% of each other and, therefore, much less variable.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In surface electromyography (sEMG), the distribution of motor unit potential (MUP) velocities has been shown to reflect the proportion of faster and slower propagating MUPs. This study investigated whether the distribution of MUP velocities could distinguish between sprinters (n = 11) and endurance athletes (n = 12) in not-specifically trained muscle (biceps brachii) during prolonged dynamic exercises at low forces. sEMG was acquired during 4 min’ exercises: unloaded, 5%, 10% and 20% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The features extracted from the sEMG were: the mean muscle conduction velocity – estimated using the inter-peak latency and cross-correlation methods, the within-subject skewness (expressing the proportions of faster and slower propagating MUPs) and the within-subject standard deviation of MUP velocities (SD-mup). Sprinters showed a greater proportion of faster propagating MUPs than endurance athletes. During fatigue, the SD-mup of sprinters broadened progressively, whereas that of endurance athletes did not. The findings suggest that sprinters conveyed a greater proportion of faster motor units than endurance athletes and that motor unit behavior during fatigue differed between groups. Thus, the distribution of MUP velocities enables distinction between a muscle of sprinters and endurance athletes during prolonged dynamic exercises at low forces.  相似文献   

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