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Summary Ten antibiotic resistance mutants inBacillus subtilis have been tested forin vitro resistance in cell-free amino acid incorporating systems. Seven of these mutants,str-1, ole-2, spc-2, mic-1, bry-2, nea-1, andlin-2 are shown to have alterations in ribosomal function.neo-2, kan-2 andery-1 did not showin vitro alterations. Extensive cross-resistance and some cross-sensitivity to ribosomal antibiotics are determined by these mutations.  相似文献   

Erythromycin resistant mutants of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Erythromycin resistant (ery r) mutants were isolated from Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. The composition of ribosomal proteins were analyzed for thirteen such ery r-mutants with chromatography on a carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) column. The 50s subunit from all of the ery r-mutants was found to contain the altered 50d protein. The ribosomes prepared from the ery r-mutants did not show in vitro alteration of the ability to combine with erythromycin.  相似文献   

Chloramphenicol resistant mutants of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Summary Telve chloramphenicol resistant (CM r)-mutants were isolated from B. subtilis ATCC 6633 and were classified into the following six groups. Group I. No 50s ribosomal protein change was detectable. Ribosomes did not show alteration of the binding ability to CM or to erythromycin in vitro. Group II. A 50s protein, 50a, was altered. Ribosomes did not show alteration of the binding ability to CM or to erythromycin in vitro. The genes specifying the 50a protein was in the cysA-str region on B. subtilis chromosome. Group III. A 50s protein, 50b, was altered. Biological properties of the ribosomes were the same as Group I or II so fas as examined. The genes for 50b protein was in the cysA-str region. Group IV. A 50s protein, 50c, was altered. Ribosomes showed a definite decrease in ability to bind to CM in vitro. The binding of erythromycin to the ribosomes was not impaired. The chromosomal locus of the CM r (and for 50c protein) was in the cysA-str region. Group V. A 50s protein, 50e, was changed. The ability of the ribosomes to bind in vitro both to CM and to erythromycin was greatly reduced. The genetic locus of the CM r (and for 50e protein) was in the cysA-str region. Group VI. A 50s protein, 50f, was altered. Ribosomes showed a decrease in ability to bind in vitro both to CM and to erythromycin. The genes for 50f protein was in the cysA-str region.The results suggest that the ribosomal resistance to CM may be caused by an independent change of at least several 50s ribosomal protein species. The genetic data shown here and those reported previously show that at least two 30s and seven 50s ribosomal protein genes are situated in the cysA-str region on B. subtilis chromosome.  相似文献   

Summary A number of mutants (abs)-resistant to antibiotic(s) produced by sporulating Bacillus subtilis 168 have been isolated from an early blocked asporogenous mutant (spoA12). At least four classes were recognized according to their phenotypic properties. Genetic analysis has shown that these mutants were neither partial revertants nor suppressor mutants of the spoA gene. Both nonsense and missense mutants of the spoA gene are reverted partially by a secondary mutation which is resistant to antibiotic of B. subtilis 168. Another asporogenous mutant, spoB, whose locus is closely linked to pheA, is also affected by the same abs mutation. The nature of abs mutants is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Spectinomycin resistant mutants were isolated fromBacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. Some of these mutants had an altered specific 30s ribosomal protein on CMC chromatography, the site of alteration residing in a different tryptic peptide fragment from one mutant to another on Dowex 50×8 chromatography.This work was supported by a grant from the Mitsubishi Foundation and grants from the Ministry of Education of Japan.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis sigA gene encodes the primary sigma factor of RNA polymerase and is essential for cell growth. We have mutated conserved region 2.3 of the sigma A protein to substitute each of seven aromatic amino acids with alanine. Several of these aromatic amino acids are proposed to form a melting motif which facilitates the strand separation step of initiation. Holoenzymes containing mutant sigma factors recognize promoters, but some are defective for DNA melting in vitro. We have studied the ability of each mutant sigma factor to support cell growth by gene replacement and complementation. The two region 2.3 mutants least impaired in promoter melting in vitro (Y180A and Y184A) support cell growth in single copy, although the Y184A allele imparts a slow-growth phenotype at low temperatures. A strain expressing only the Y189A variant of the sigma A protein, known to be defective in DNA melting in vitro, grows very slowly and is altered in its pattern of protein synthesis. Only the wild-type and Y180A sigma A proteins efficiently complement a temperature-sensitive allele of sigA. Overexpression of three of the sigma A proteins defective for promoter melting in vitro (Y189A, W192A, and W193A) leads to a decrease in RNA synthesis and cell death. These results indicate that mutations which specifically impair DNA melting in vitro also impair sigma function in vivo and therefore support the hypothesis that sigma plays an essential role in both DNA melting and promoter recognition.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis vegetative cells undergo autolysis when exposed to cold shock treatment. A mutant (CA1) resistant to cold shock was isolated, and its DNA was used for the transformation of B. subtilis 168AR. The transformant (TR1) and CA1 had almost completely lost major vegetative autolysins (CwlB and CwlG) and motility, and showed a filamentous cell morphology during the exponential phase. Expression of the sigD-lacZ fusion was reduced in TR1. But the introduction of a SigD overproducing plasmid, pHYSigD, into TR1 led to a considerable increase in the amount of autolysin, a normal cell morphology (short rod), and the cold shock-sensitive phenotype. However, motility was not restored in the transformant. The roles of pleiotropic genes in cold shock-induced autolysis are discussed.  相似文献   

A set of chemotaxis mutants of Bacillus subtilis was complemented by using SP beta c2 transducing bacteriophage either containing cloned segments of DNA or derived from abnormal excision of SP beta c2 dl2::Tn917 inserted into the chemotaxis region. Representative mutants were characterized in capillary assays for chemotaxis toward four amino acids and mannitol and in tethered-cell experiments for addition and removal of two attractants and two repellents. Twenty complementation groups were identified, in addition to the cheR previously characterized. All were found to be defective in chemotaxis toward all chemoeffectors. They were assigned the names cheA through cheU. The large number of general chemotaxis genes in B. subtilis, in contrast to the six in Escherichia coli, suggests fundamental differences in the mechanism of chemotaxis in the two species.  相似文献   

Three mutant strains of Bacillus subtilis were isolated on the basis of their ability to grow in the presence of 5 microM carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). The mutants (AG2A, AG1A3, and AG3A) were also resistant to 2,4-dinitrophenol, and AG2A exhibited resistance to tributyltin and neomycin. The mutants all exhibited (i) elevated levels of membrane ATPase activity relative to the wild type; (ii) slightly elevated respiratory rates, with the cytochrome contents of the membranes being the same as or slightly lower than those of the wild type; (3) a passive membrane permeability to protons that was indistinguishable from that of the wild type in the absence of CCCP and that was increased by addition of CCCP to the same extent as observed with the wild type; and (4) an enhanced sensitivity to valinomycin with respect to the ability of the ionophore to reduce the transmembrane electrical potential. Finally and importantly, starved whole cells of all the mutants synthesized more ATP than the wild type did upon energization in the presence of any one of several agents that lowered the proton motive force. Studies of revertants indicated that the phenotype resulted from a single mutation. Since a mutation in the coupling membrane might produce such pleiotropic effects, an analysis of the membrane lipids was undertaken with preparations made from cells grown in the absence of CCCP. The membrane lipids of the uncoupler-resistant strains differed from those of the wild type in having reduced amounts of monounsaturated C16 fatty acids and increased ratios of iso/anteiso branches on the C15 fatty acids. Correlations between protonophore resistance and the membrane lipid compositions of the wild type, mutants, and revertants were most consistent with the hypothesis that a reduction in the content of monounsaturated C16 fatty acids in the membrane phospholipids is related, perhaps casually, to the ability to synthesize ATP at low bulk transmembrane electrochemical gradients of protons.  相似文献   

Three mutants with an autolysin-deficient and flagellaless phenotype (lyt) were genetically analyzed and compared with three thermosensitive flagellaless mutants. In view of the near indistinguishability of their phenotypes, all six mutations were assigned to fla loci. They were distributed into four linkage groups, designated flaA through flaD. flaA and flaB map between pyrD and thyA, flaD maps between aroD and lys, and, in agreement with a previous report, flaC maps near hisA. A locus associated with hypermotility, ifm-3, maps near the latter marker. Introduction of ifm-3 into lyt-1- and flaA4-containing strains led to partial suppression of the nonmotile phenotype. We discuss the possibility that the cellular concentration of autolysins is regulated by the expression of fla genes. Discrepancies with respect to previous mapping of flaA and flaB are accounted for.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized four Bacillus subtilis competence-deficient mutants. The mutants were obtained by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis and by screening for mutants unable to be transformed both on solid and in liquid medium. Most of the mutants obtained in this way were tested for their sensitivity to the DNA-damaging agents methyl methanesulfonate, mitomycin C, and UV light. Among the mutants which did not show an increased sensitivity to these agents, four were chosen for further characterization. Data were obtained which indicate that the mutants are reduced in chromosomal and plasmid transformation and in transfection, whereas they are not altered in transduction and in protoplast transformation. Transformation experiments carried out by mixing a culture of a mutant with a culture of a wild-type strain gave some complementation for competence with one of the strains. The mutants were also characterized for their capacity to bind, take up, and break down transforming DNA; furthermore, the four competence mutations were mapped, and the results indicate that they belong to four different genes.  相似文献   

Three metE mutations of Bacillus subtilis, which cause cells to have a 25- to 200-fold decrease in L-methionine S-adenosyltransferase (EC activity, were mapped between bioB and thr. The corresponding three metE mutants contained three- to fourfold less intracellular S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) but at least sevenfold more methionine than the metE+ strain when grown in synthetic medium. This indicates a strong feedback control of SAM on its synthesis. However, only the metE2 strain, with the lowest SAM concentration, grew at a slightly lower rate than the parent, which showed that an intracellular concentration of about 25 microM SAM was critical for growth at the normal rate. Neither DNA methylation (measured by bacteriophage luminal diameter 105 restriction) nor sporulation was affected at this low SAM concentration. Addition of methionine to the growth medium caused an increase in the pool of SAM in some but not all metE mutants. Coaddition of adenine did not change this result. However, the extent of sporulation (induced by mycophenolic acid) was decreased 50-fold in all mutants by the addition of methionine and adenine. Therefore, the combination of methionine and adenine suppresses sporulation regardless of whether it causes an increase in the level of SAM.  相似文献   

A number of deoxyribonucleoside-requiring mutants (dns) of Bacillus subtilis were isolated and their growth characteristics and ribonucleotide reductase activities were compared with those of the wild type and of a dna mutant (tsA13). Both tsA13 and dns mutants required the presence of a mixture of deoxyribonucleosides for growth at 45 degrees C but not at 25 degrees C. All the mutant strains tested contained ribonucleotide reductase activity which showed heat sensitivity similar to that of the enzyme from a wild-type strain. The reductase in B. subtilis seemed to reduce ribonucleoside triphosphates in a similar manner to the enzyme in Lactobacillus leichmannii.  相似文献   

Glutamine-requiring mutants of Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Two glutamine-requiring (Gln?) mutants of Bacillus subtilis SMY were deficient in glutamine synthetase activity in vitro. The Gln? mutants sporulated poorly unless glutamine was provided at high concentrations. The differential rate of histidase synthesis following induction was 4- to 6-fold higher in the Gln? mutants than in wild-type cells. In addition, glucose repression of utilization of alternative carbohydrates appeared to be partially relieved in the Gln? mutants.  相似文献   

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