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I examined the penetration of the hydrodynamic flow into a polymer matrix immobilized by grafting to a surface, such as used in optical biosensors designed to measure binding reactions in real time. I show that the flow penetrates with an appreciable velocity into a region located at the tip of such a polymer brush, corresponding to about 10 to 15% of the total mass of the grafted polymer. Furthermore, under the conditions recommended for kinetic measurements, the concentrations of both polymer and immobilized ligands are low in these regions of the matrix, where crowding effects are negligible. Under such conditions, the hydrodynamic flow penetrating into the dextran matrix flow will bring the analytes close to their targets, thus considerably reducing transport problems.  相似文献   

Adverse reactions to medications account for a substantial number of hospitalizations and in some cases fatalities. The nature of the many drug-drug interactions caused by the inhibition of drug-metabolizing enzymes can now be predicted and examined with a greater deal of accuracy due to research developments in the understanding of the drug-metabolizing enzymes. However, the more troubling aspects of drug-drug interactions are the idiosyncratic reactions that are unpredictable and quite often life-threatening. These reactions are often caused by a prior sensitization of a person's immune system to a given drug or class of drugs. The following work offers a technique to examine in a medium-throughput system the cross-reactivity of drugs to antibodies in order to predict if structures share the same antigenic potential toward a sensitized individual. Two commercially important sulfonamide drugs, sulfamethazine and furosemide, were taken and their binding to their respective antibodies were tested in the presence of other structurally related sulfonamide drugs. The BIACORE 3000 biosensor was used for the study and the solution-phase equilibrium assay principle was employed. The data obtained help us determine which drugs can react, and to what extent, with sulfamethazine and furosemide, giving rise to possible allergic or hypersensitivity reactions. Though sulfamethazine and furosemide were used in this study; this principle and methodology can be applied to study any drug molecule-antibody pair.  相似文献   

A technique for detecting Raphidophycean, a bloom-forming genus of algae, was developed using a specific DNA probe. The design of the probe was based on a sequence polymorphism within the small subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) of this strain by using fluorescence polarization (FP) analysis and the BIAcore 2000 biosensor, which utilized surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The specific sequence in SSU rDNA for Heterosigma carterae was determined by sequence data analysis. One pair of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) probes was designed for use in making the identification. H. carterae SSU rDNA was amplified by PCR. Using a fluoroscein isothiocyanate–labeled or biotin-labeled oligonucleotide probe, the PCR-amplified rDNA was selectively detected as an FP-intensity change via FP analysis or as a resonance-unit change via SPR. Although total time for final detection after sampling was within 3 hours, specific rDNA could be detected within 10 minutes after PCR through these detection methods.  相似文献   

We have evaluated surface plasmon resonance with avidin-biotin immobilized liposomes tocharacterize membrane binding of ubiquitous mitochondrial creatine kinase (uMtCK). Whilethe sarcomeric sMtCK isoform is well known to bind to negatively charged phospholipids,especially cardiolipin, this report provides the first experimental evidence on the membraneinteraction of an uMtCK isoform. Qualitative measurements showed that liposomes containing16% (w/w) cardiolipin bind octameric as well as dimeric human uMtCK and also cytochromec, but not bovine serum albumin. Quantitative parameters could be derived only for themembrane interaction of octameric human uMtCK using an improved analytical approach.Association and dissociation kinetics of octameric uMtCK fit well to a model for heterogeneousinteraction suggesting two independent binding sites. Rate constants of the two sites differedby one order of magnitude, while their affinity constants were both about 80–100 nM. Thedata obtained demonstrate that surface plasmon resonance with immobilized liposomes is asuitable approach to characterize the binding of peripheral proteins to a lipid bilayer and thatthis method yields consistent quantitative binding parameters.  相似文献   

The binding of a series of low-molecular-mass, active-site-directed thrombin inhibitors (399-575 Da) to human alpha-thrombin was investigated by surface plasmon resonance technology (BIACORE), stopped-flow spectrophotometry, and isothermal titration microcalorimetry (ITC). The equilibrium constants K(D) (nM to microM range) at 25 degrees C obtained from the BIACORE analysis correlated well with the inhibition constants K(i) in a chromogenic inhibition assay. The interactions between thrombin and three potent inhibitors, melagatran, inogatran, and CH-248, were further investigated at temperatures between 278 and 310K. A one-to-one binding stoichiometry found with ITC was supported by BIACORE data. K(i) and K(D) values increased with the temperature, mainly due to higher values for dissociation rate constants. The changes in enthalpy, DeltaH, and entropy, DeltaS, determined from the linear van't Hoff plots (R coefficient > 0.99), were linearly correlated by chemical compensation. Both techniques indicated clear differences in DeltaS for the three inhibitors, with a strong correlation to the number of rotational bonds. Immobilization of thrombin increased the binding stability at higher temperature and reduced the DeltaH by 20 kJ mol(-1). DeltaH values obtained from the inhibition kinetics and BIACORE were thus not identical, but correlated well with ITC data obtained at 37 degrees C. The two thermodynamic techniques allowed further differentiation between compounds of similar affinity; furthermore, kinetic analysis, hence analysis of the transition state, is complementary to ITC. A direct BIACORE binding assay might be a useful alternative to more elaborate inhibition studies.  相似文献   

橄榄绿链霉菌细胞膜中存在能与N 乙酰葡糖胺特异性结合的蛋白质。采用超声波破碎、超速离心等方法 ,分离得到细胞膜后用TritonX 10 0抽提 ,经连续的阴离子层析后 ,可分别得到能与N 乙酰葡糖胺特异性结合的 46 .0kD和 47.5kD蛋白质。底物竞争结合实验证实 ,这两种蛋白质还能与其他几丁质降解产物 (几丁二糖至几丁六糖 )特异性结合而不与葡萄糖、纤维二糖等结合。采用介质表面感应技术 (surfaceplasmonresonance)检测出46kD蛋白质与几丁单糖至几丁六糖的解离常数 (Kd)在 8.2 9× 10 -9~ 1.95× 10 -5mol/L之间 ,单糖最高而三糖最低。决定其差异的主要因子是底物结合速率 (Kon)而非解离速率 (Koff)。N末端氨基酸序列分析结果推测 ,该蛋白质属于一个潜在的ATP结合转运系统  相似文献   

The interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) is composed of at least three cell surface subunits, IL-2R alpha, IL-2R beta, and IL-2R gamma c. On activated T-cells, the alpha- and beta-subunits exist as a preformed heterodimer that simultaneously captures the IL-2 ligand as the initial event in formation of the signaling complex. We used BIAcore to compare the binding of IL-2 to biosensor surfaces containing either the alpha-subunit, the beta-subunit, or both subunits together. The receptor ectodomains were immobilized in an oriented fashion on the dextran matrix through unique solvent-exposed thiols. Equilibrium analysis of the binding data established IL-2 dissociation constants for the individual alpha- and beta-subunits of 37 and 480 nM, respectively. Surfaces with both subunits immobilized, however, contained a receptor site of much higher affinity, suggesting the ligand was bound in a ternary complex with the alpha- and beta-subunits, similar to that reported for the pseudo-high-affinity receptor on cells. Because the binding responses had the additional complexity of being mass transport limited, obtaining accurate estimates for the kinetic rate constants required global fitting of the data sets from multiple surface densities of the receptors. A detailed kinetic analysis indicated that the higher-affinity binding sites detected on surfaces containing both alpha- and beta-subunits resulted from capture of IL-2 by a preformed complex of these subunits. Therefore, the biosensor analysis closely mimicked the recognition properties reported for these subunits on the cell surface, providing a convenient and powerful tool to assess the structure-function relationships of this and other multiple subunit receptor systems.  相似文献   

Proteins of plasma membrane could be an index of purification of the plasma membrane of animal cells. A convenient method is proposed for determining the plasma membrane proteins by a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor. Biotinylated proteins were observed only in the peripheral areas of MOLT-4 cells which were treated by 5-[5-(N-succinimidyloxycarbonyl) pentylamido] hexyl-d-biotinamide. The proteins on HeLa cells were also biotinylated. And then the membrane samples of the HeLa cells were injected onto the avidin-immobilized SPR-surface, and components bound non-specifically on the surface were removed by a washout solution. The amount of biotinylated protein (BP) was determined directly from the absolute resonance unit (RU) after injection of the washout solution. In the method a reference surface was not needed. The amount of BP bound to the surface was gradually attenuated with the repeated injection, and a method for calibrating the RU value was introduced by considering the ratio of attenuation by every injection. The correlation between the BP titer calculated by the calibration and the theoretically-estimated one was greatly improved. Three cycles of the BP determination on a sensor surface was performed successfully. During the purification process of membrane fractions, the degree of purification as judged by the BP titer was in good agreement with the degree of increase in aminopeptidase N activity in the membrane fraction. Thus, the BP titer could be used as an index for purification of plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The gelatinases are a subgroup of the matrix metalloproteinase family. The interaction of their C-terminal hemopexin-like domain with a tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP) is a major part of the regulatory mechanisms of gelatinases. To investigate the interaction of the hemopexin-like domain of gelatinase B (92-Pex) and TIMP-1, we expressed the individual domain in Pichia pastoris. The active refolded domain was purified by ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration. We investigated the formation of the 92-Pex/TIMP-1 complex by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The dissociation constant Kd was calculated to be 0.86 nM. Analogous to the complex of the hemopexin-like domain of gelatinase A and TIMP-2 (Olson, M. W. et al., 1997), the binding curves of the 92-Pex/TIMP-1 complex were best fitted with a monophasic model.  相似文献   

表面等离子共振(surface plasmon resonance,SPR)技术旨在检测物体表面附近折射率的变化,其特点是无标记、实时、灵敏和快速,该技术多用于研究分子的相互作用,包括动力学、效率常数和大分子构象变化等。电化学(electrochemical,EC)技术是一项用于定性定量研究电子转移、物质氧化还原、界面吸附等过程的成熟技术,具有简单、低成本和设备小型化的优点。现有的DNA杂交技术,例如光学、电化学或压电转导技术,主要关注于提高DNA杂交检测系统的选择性和灵敏度。传统的SPR在DNA分析方面,由于无法测量折射率的极小变化而在超灵敏检测中的应用受到限制。因此,随着纳米材料的研发和联用技术的飞速发展,SPR与EC联用的生物传感器研究越来越成为人们关注的热点。近年来,关于SPR和EC联用在DNA检测方面的综述鲜有报道。对SPR和EC检测DNA的技术原理、联用方法、应用进展等方面作出了简要的介绍,以期为表面等离子共振和电化学联用的DNA传感器相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Eph receptors and ephrins play important roles in regulating cell migration and positioning during both normal and oncogenic tissue development. Using a surface plasma resonance (SPR) biosensor, we examined the binding kinetics of representative monomeric and dimeric ephrins to their corresponding Eph receptors and correlated the apparent binding affinity with their functional activity in a neuronal growth cone collapse assay. Our results indicate that the Eph receptor binding of dimeric ephrins, formed through fusion with disulfide-linked Fc fragments, is best described using a bivalent analyte model as a two-step process involving an initial monovalent 2:1 binding followed by a second bivalent 2:2 binding. The bivalent binding dramatically decreases the apparent dissociation rate constants with little effect on the initial association rate constants, resulting in a 30- to 6000-fold decrease in apparent equilibrium dissociation constants for the binding of dimeric ephrins to Eph receptors relative to their monomeric counterparts. Interestingly, the change was more prominent in the A-class ephrin/Eph interactions than in the B-class of ephrins to Eph receptors. The increase in apparent binding affinities correlated well with increased activation of Eph receptors and the resulting growth cone collapse. Our kinetic analysis and correlation of binding affinity with function helped us better understand the interactions between ephrins and Eph receptors and should be useful in the design of inhibitors that interfere with the interactions.  相似文献   

The interaction of the HIV Gag polyprotein with nucleic acid is a critical step in the assembly of viral particles. The Gag polyprotein is composed of the matrix (MA), capsid (CA), and nucleocapsid (NC) domains. The NC domain is required for nucleic acid interactions, and the CA domain is required for Gag-Gag interactions. Previously, we have investigated the binding of the NC protein to d(TG)(n) oligonucleotides using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy. We found a single NC protein is able to bind to more than one immobilized oligonucleotide, provided that the oligonucleotides are close enough together. As NC is believed to be the nucleic acid binding domain of Gag, we might expect Gag to show the same complex behavior. We wished to analyze the stoichiometry of Gag binding to oligonucleotides without this complication due to tertiary complex formation. We have therefore analyzed Gag binding to extremely low oligonucleotide density on SPR chips. Such low densities of oligonucleotides are difficult to accurately quantitate. We have determined by Fourier transform ion cyclotron (FTICR) mass spectrometry that four molecules of NC bind to d(TG)(10) (a 20-base oligonucleotide). We developed a method of calibrating low-density surfaces using NC calibration injections. Knowing the maximal response and the stoichiometry of binding, we can precisely determine the amount of oligonucleotide immobilized at these very-low-density surfaces (<1 Response Unit). Using this approach, we have measured the binding of Gag to d(TG)(10). Gag binds to a 20-mer with a stoichiometry of greater than 4. This suggests that once Gag is bound to the immobilized oligonucleotide, additional Gag molecules can bind to this complex.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of protein-protein interactions are currently considered as perspective prototypes of a new generation of drugs. The most attractive targets for such inhibitors are the oligomeric enzymes which active sites are formed by amino acid residues from different subunits. HIV-1 protease (HIVp), which is active only as a homodimer form, is the classic example of such enzymes. We have developed a new approach for experimental screening of HIVp dimerization inhibitors. It is based on an original biosensor test-system for differential analysis of interaction of tested substances with HIVp dimers and monomers. Using this test-system we have analyzed the most perspective candidate substances predicted by the method of virtual screening, and also some derivatives of glycyrrhizin, triterpenic and steroid glycosides. In the results of this study we have found one compound, which preferentially interacts with HIVp monomers and inhibits in vitro activity of this enzyme with the IC50 value of about 10?6 M.  相似文献   

Prism coupling in the Kretschmann configuration is a well-known method for excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP’s) in a metal film bounded from one side by a prism and from the other side by air. The analysis of the reflectance in the upper medium (prism) is based on the well-known Fresnel’s formula. Due to the fact that this formula cannot be inverted directly to give the complex dielectric permittivity and the thickness of the metal film from measured values of the reflectance at three or more different angles of incidence, an additional analysis is needed. Here, such an analysis is presented. The special case of illumination with He–Ne laser (λ = 632.8 nm) of silver film bounded by air is considered. A new asymptotic formula for the Lorentz dip is derived. Our experimental data for silver film are reported too.  相似文献   

Core peptide (CP; GLRILLLKV) is a 9-amino acid peptide derived from the transmembrane sequence of the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) alpha-subunit. CP inhibits T-cell activation both in vitro and in vivo by disruption of the TCR at the membrane level. To elucidate CP interactions with lipids, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and circular dichroism (CD) were used to examine CP binding and secondary structure in the presence of either the anionic dimyristoyl-L-alpha-phosphatidyl-DL-glycerol (DMPG), or the zwitterionic dimyristoyl-L-alpha-phoshatidyl choline (DMPC).Using lipid monolayers and bilayers, SPR experiments demonstrated that irreversible peptide-lipid binding required the hydrophobic interior provided by a membrane bilayer. The importance of electrostatic interactions between CP and phospholipids was highlighted on lipid monolayers as CP bound reversibly to anionic DMPG monolayers, with no detectable binding observed on neutral DMPC monolayers.CD revealed a dose-dependent conformational change of CP from a dominantly random coil structure to that of beta-structure as the concentration of lipid increased relative to CP. This occurred only in the presence of the anionic DMPG at a lipid : peptide molar ratio of 1.6:1 as no conformational change was observed when the zwitterionic DMPC was tested up to a lipid : peptide ratio of 8.4 : 1.  相似文献   

应用树状DNA杂交(DDH)对生殖道尖锐湿疣中HPV DNA的分型检测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从手术切除的50例生殖道尖锐湿疣新鲜标本中,以及15例正常人血清中,提取基因组DNA,同时用树状DNA杂交(dendrimer DNA hybridizalion,DDH)技术和PCR进行HPV DNA的分型检测.结果50例尖锐湿疣中,以DDH方法检测,感染HPV6型者20例,感染11型者24例,6/11型混合感染者3例,阴性3例,总检测率达94%;以PCR方法检测,HPV6型感染者21例,11型感染者24例,6/11型混合感染者3例,阴性2例,总检测率为96%.15例正常人血清中,以DDH方法检测,HPV感染的假阳性率为0%;以PCR检测,假阳性率为6.67%.还以HPV阳性标本对DDH方法做了敏感度的测定,结果阳性病例DNA检测最低浓度为97.28pg/ml.研究表明,DDH技术具有较高敏感性和高特异性,且成本较低,操作安全简便,可适用于基层中小医院较大样本量筛查.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+)/Mg(2+)-dependent interactions between TnC and TnI play a critical role in regulating the 'on' and 'off' states of muscle contraction as well as maintaining the structural integrity of the troponin complex in the off state. In the present study, we have investigated the binding interactions between the N-terminus of TnI (residues 1-40 of skeletal TnI) and skeletal TnC in the presence of Ca(2+) ions, Mg(2+) ions and in the presence of the C-terminal regulatory region peptides: TnI(96-115), TnI(96-131) and TnI(96-139). Our results show the N-terminus of TnI can bind to TnC with high affinity in the presence of Ca(2+) or Mg(2+) ions with apparent equilibrium dissociation constants of K(d(Ca(2+) ) ) = 48 nM and K(d(Mg(2+) ) ) = 29 nM. The apparent association and dissociation rate constants for the interactions were, k(on) = 4.8 x 10(5) M (-1) s(-1), 3.4 x 10(5) M (-1) s(-1) and k(off) = 2.3 x 10(-2) s(-1), 1.0 x 10(-2) s(-1) for TnC(Ca(2+)) and TnC(Mg(2+)) states, respectively. Competition studies between each of the TnI regions and TnC showed that both TnI regions can bind simultaneously to TnC while native gel electrophoresis and SEC confirmed the formation of stable ternary complexes between TnI(96-139) (or TnI(96-131)) and TnC-TnI(1-40). Further analysis of the binding interactions in the ternary complex showed the binding of the TnI regulatory region to TnC was critically dependent upon the presence of both TnC binding sites (i.e. TnI(96-115) and TnI(116-131)) and the presence of Ca(2+). Furthermore, the presence of TnI(1-40) slightly weakened the affinity of the regulatory peptides for TnC. Taken together, these results support the model for TnI-TnC interaction where the N-terminus of TnI remains bound to the C-domain of TnC in the presence of high and low Ca(2+) levels while the TnI regulatory region (residues 96-139) switches in its binding interactions between the actin-tropomyosin thin filament and its own sites on the N- and C-domain of TnC at high Ca(2+) levels, thus regulating muscle contraction.  相似文献   

目的:建立检测苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bt)crylF蛋白的表面等离子共振(SPR)传感器方法。方法:采用SPR检测技术,利用生物分子相互作用分析原理,在金表面修饰特异性单克隆抗体,对crylF蛋白的检测进行研究。结果:该方法可以较好地检测到crylF蛋白,最低检测限可达10ng/mL,并且具有很好的特异性。结论:SPR检测方法的重复性较好,灵敏度高,目前可用于crylF蛋白的定性检测,为crylF蛋白及其他Bt蛋白的检测提供了新方法,在检测转Bt基因植物方面具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

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