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Feeding glucose to fasted rats resulted in a decrease in the activity of heparin-releasable lipoprotein lipase in heart perfusates. Upon feeding fat to glucose-fed animals the level of heparin-releasable lipoprotein lipase increased 10–14 fold. An immunological titration was used to determine whether the changes in lipase activity following the various nutritional treatments were due to changes in the amount of enzyme present or to activation/inactivation processes. These data suggest that changes in the enzyme activity are due to alteration in the quantity of lipoprotein lipase protein.  相似文献   

The scorpion hepatopancreas consists of digestive diverticula and interstitial tissue. A digestive diverticulum is composed of two differentiated cell types: the secretory zymogene-like cells and the digestive cells which are the most abundant. The scorpion digestive lipase (SDL) has been previously purified from scorpion hepatopancreas, but its cellular localization has not yet been established. Polyclonal antibodies specific to SDL were prepared and used in immunofluorescence and immunogold techniques to determine the cellular location of SDL. Our results clearly established that SDL was detected intracellularly in specific vesicles tentatively named (SDL+) granules of the digestive cells. No immunolabelling was observed in secretory zymogene-like cells. This immunocytolocalization indicates that lipid digestion might occur in specific granules inside the digestive cells, as suggested by previous studies on the scorpion digestive process.  相似文献   

Rat hearts were perfused with heparin for 2 min at 4 degrees C. The lipoprotein lipase activity in the perfusate was inhibited by antiserum to rat adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase. By immunoblotting, the lipoprotein lipase derived from the functional pool of the heart was found to be a protein with an apparent Mr of 69 000. After incubation of the perfusate at 37 degrees C for 24 h an immunologically reactive protein with an apparent Mr of 28 000 was found. This protein is not a physiological derivative of the enzyme but a degradation product.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of rabbit gastric lipase and pepsinogen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lipase and pepsin activities were determined in rabbit gastric biopsy specimens. Lipase activity was found to be restricted to a small part of the fundic mucosa, near the cardia, whereas pepsin activity spread over about two thirds of the total fundic area, overlapping that of lipase. The cells producing these two enzymes were labeled by immunofluorescence using polyclonal antibodies against rabbit gastric lipase (RGL) or antibodies against rabbit pepsinogen. The immunocytochemical localization showed unequivocally that RGL and pepsinogen, which were both present in the cardial area, were in fact located in different gastric cells. The cells producing pepsinogen were in the lower base of the gastric fundic glands, whereas the cells producing RGL were in the upper base of the same glands. The cells producing pepsinogen and RGL showed no significant morphological differences. In the part of the fundic area, where only pepsin activity was detected, cells producing pepsinogen covered both the lower and the upper base of the gastric glands. No chief cells were observed in the antral mucosa. RGL and pepsinogen could represent useful gastric enzyme markers for cellular differentiation studies.  相似文献   

Intracellular localization of lipoprotein lipase in adipose cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Subcellular localization of lipoprotein lipase has been examined in differentiated Ob17 adipose cells. No patent activity is detectable in carefully homogenized cells. All latent activity can be unmasked by disrupting membrane structures with neutral detergents. The sequestration of lipoprotein lipase in closed membrane structures is supported by experiments of immunotitration with anti-lipoprotein lipase antibodies and by experiments showing a full protection of the masked activity against proteolytic attack by trypsin. The intracellular distribution of lipoprotein lipase investigated by immunofluorescence staining and by isopycnic centrifugation indicates that a large proportion of the enzyme is located in the Golgi apparatus, in which the activation of the enzyme is likely to take place (C. Vannier et al. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 4424-4431). Altogether, the results are in favor of a localization of lipoprotein lipase in adipose cells as being typical of that of a secretory protein and underline the absence of lipoprotein lipase in the cell cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The effect of pretreatment with colchicine or vinblastine on the lipoprotein lipase activity of rat heart was studied. Administration of colchicine or vinblastine 4 h prior to perfusion of the heart caused a very marked reduction in lipoprotein lipase activity released into the perfusate within 1 min of heparin perfusion. At the same time an increase in residual heart lipase occurred so that total lipoprotein lipase content of the heart (heparin releasable plus residual) did not change. The colchicine effect was dose and time dependent; no decrease in heparin-releasable enzyme activity occurred after only 30 min of pretreatment or upon addition of colchicine into the perfusate. These results indicate that colchicine did not impede enzyme synthesis or its release from the cell surface, but may have interfered with the transport of lipoprotein lipase from the site of its synthesis to the endothelial cell surface.  相似文献   

Rat hearts, extensively washed with cold 0.15 M NaCl solution, were perfused with 5 ml of 0.15 M NaCl containing 16 U of heparin and 10% glycerol to release endothelium-bound lipoprotein lipase. Approximately 100 mU of enzyme activity could be released from each heart (weighing about 1.7 g). Several hearts could be sequentially perfused with the same heparin solution to enrich it in lipase activity. When compared with other equally rapid and frequently used sources of rat lipoprotein lipase (such as heart acetone powder or postheparin plasma), our enzyme preparation had a much higher specific activity suggesting that a greater purification level had been already achieved in a single step. In addition, this lipoprotein lipase preparation contained only trace amounts of lipids, was stable for an hour at 37 degrees C and retained 75% of its activity after 10 days at 4 degrees C. The described procedure is a quick way to prepare a soluble, partially purified and relatively stable lipoprotein lipase that may be useful especially for the in vitro preparation of triacylglycerol-rich lipoprotein remnants.  相似文献   

The sub-cellular localisation in rat fat cells of lipoprotein lipase is discussed in this paper. The lipoprotein lipase was found with maximum activity in the microsomal fraction. Some special features of this activity in membrane fraction are pointed out.  相似文献   

Rat hearts were perfused in vitro using a modified Langendorff technique, allowing the separate collection of coronary- and interstitial effluents. When heparin was added to the perfusion medium lipoprotein lipase was found in the coronary, as well as in the interstitial effluents. The relative amounts of lipase activity in both effluents varied with the feeding conditions of the animals, being high in the coronary effluent during fasting and high in the interstitial effluent during feeding. When glucagon (2.10?7 M) was included in the perfusion medium, no differences between fasted and fed animals were obtained. The apparent Km of the interstitial lipase was lower than that of the lipase found in the coronary effluent. The results are discussed in the light of the localization of lipoprotein lipase in rat hearts in situ.  相似文献   

In this study, a correlation was sought between the circulating lipoprotein lipase activity and nutritional state in the rat. In fed rats, the plasma lipoprotein lipase activity was between 30 and 120 munits/ml, whereas after an overnight fast in restraining cages, the lipoprotein lipase plasma levels were between 280 and 500 munits/ml. The plasma lipoprotein lipase activity was inhibited by a specific high titre goat antiserum to rat lipoprotein lipase. No effect of fasting was seen on the plasma hepatic triacylglycerol lipase. 6 h after fasting, adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase decreased maximally, but plasma lipoprotein lipase was not changed and rose only after 16 h. Thus, it seems that most of the lipoprotein lipase activity in the fasting plasma was related to the 3-fold rise in lipoprotein lipase activity in the heart, which may represent total muscle lipoprotein lipase. The increase in heart lipoprotein lipase was due in part to an increase in the t1/2 of the enzyme from 1.2 to 2.9 h. To determine whether the high plasma levels in the fasting rats might result from impaired clearance of the enzyme by the liver, functional hepatectomy was carried out. 15 min after hepatectomy, plasma lipoprotein lipase rose up to 20-fold in fed and about 6-fold in fasting rats. Lipoprotein lipase activity extracted by the liver was calculated to be 30-60 munits/ml in the fed and 171-247 munits/ml plasma per min in fasting rats. An increase in lipoprotein lipase activity in extrahepatic tissues (heart, lung, kidney, diaphragm and adrenal) occurred 30 min after hepatectomy in fed rats. The increase in heart lipoprotein lipase was due to an increase in heparin-releasable fraction. Since no impairment of hepatic clearance of circulating plasma lipoprotein lipase was found, the high fasting plasma lipoprotein lipase activity may be related to an increase in enzyme synthesis, decreased enzyme turnover and an expansion of the functional pool in tissues such as the heart and probably muscle. The present findings indicate that measurement of endogenous plasma lipoprotein lipase can provide information with respect to the size of the functional pool under normal and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The functional status of lipoprotein lipase in rat liver   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
1. Acetone-dried powders of liver and heart tissues from rats given a high-carbohydrate diet or a fat meal were assayed for lipoprotein lipase activity. Heart tissue showed typical lipoprotein lipase activity, whereas none was detected in liver by the usual assay procedures. 2. When mixed acetone-dried powders were prepared from heart plus liver, there was a marked suppression of the expected activity, indicating that an inhibitor was present in the liver. This inhibition was partially overcome in the presence of relatively large amounts of heparin. 3. Lipoprotein lipase was also detected in liver alone when large quantities of heparin were added to the assay system. 4. No increase in lipoprotein lipase activity in either liver or heart was detected when rats were given a fat meal. 5. It is concluded that the liver of the rat contains lipoprotein lipase that is normally present in an inactive state. The results imply that a heparinase is the agent responsible for the inactivation. 6. The significance of the non-functional status of lipoprotein lipase in the liver is discussed. The results support the view that direct hydrolysis of plasma triglycerides by the liver is not a significant physiological process.  相似文献   

1. A triglyceride (TG) lipase is present in whole homogenate and tissue extracts of beef myocardium with characteristics of lipoprotein lipase (LPL); i.e., activity is stimulated by serum, inhibited by NaCl and protamine sulfate, the protein binds to heparin-Sepharose, and the enzyme has an alkaline pH optimum. 2. This TG lipase, eluted from heparin-Sepharose at 0.9-1.0 M NaCl, has an apparent mol. wt of 64 K daltons. Its primary mRNA is 3.7 kb. 3. Expression of LPL mRNA and enzyme activities are in the ratio of approximately 20:8:1 for hearts of mouse, rat and beef, respectively and correlate with r = +0.99.  相似文献   

In response to food deprivation, total myocardial lipoprotein lipase activity increased gradually over a period of 9 h. Although lipoprotein lipase exists in a functional and non-functional form in the myocardium, most of the increas in activity occurred in the functional (heparin-releasable) lipoprotein lipase fraction. The administration of colchicine, while having no effect on the increase seen in total lipoprotein lipase activity, did inhibit the increase in the functional fraction, while at the same time, caused a marked rise in the activity of the non-functional (non-releasable) fraction. In rats injected with colchicine after a 24-h fast, total lipoprotein lipase activity was not affected, but activity levels in the functional fraction declined while that in the non-functional fraction increased. These results suggest that the functional lipoprotein lipase is constantly being formed in sites not readily accessible to heparin (presumably the myocardial cells) and transported to its site of action, the surface of the endothelial cells of the capillaries. Cycloheximide administration to rats starved for 24 h caused a decline in activity in both the functional (half-life of about 2 h) and the non-functional (half-life of about 4 h) lipoprotein lipase fractions. These results suggest that the functional and non-functional lipoprotein lipase fractions may correspond to two distinct enzyme species.  相似文献   

The localization of lipase in cells of the fungus Penicillium cyclopium was investigated. It was shown by differential centrifugation of a homogenate of mycelial cells that the activity of the enzyme is associated with the cell wall. A study of ultrathin sections of mycelium fixed using the method of Zvyagintseva in an electron microscope showed that the final products of lipolytic activity of the enzyme is localized on the cell wall. Antibodies were raised against the purified A and B lipases from P. cyclopium and their specificity was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The antibody preparation was used in cytochemical investigation by immunogold labelling. This study permits the localization of cell-bound lipase mainly in the cell wall and in the periplasmic space. The identity of the cell-bound lipase with one of the two extracellular lipases is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Chimeric molecules between human lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and rat hepatic lipase (HL) were used to identify structural elements responsible for functional differences. Based on the close sequence homology with pancreatic lipase, both LPL and HL are believed to have a two-domain structure composed of an amino-terminal (NH2-terminal) domain containing the catalytic Ser-His-Asp triad and a smaller carboxyl-terminal (COOH-terminal) domain. Experiments with chimeric lipases containing the HL NH2-terminal domain and the LPL COOH-terminal domain (HL/LPL) or the reverse chimera (LPL/HL) showed that the NH2-terminal domain is responsible for the catalytic efficiency (Vmax/Km) of these enzymes. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the stimulation of LPL activity by apolipoprotein C-II and the inhibition of activity by 1 M NaCl originate in structural features within the NH2-terminal domain. HL and LPL bind to vascular endothelium, presumably by interaction with cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans. However, the two enzymes differ significantly in their heparin affinity. Experiments with the chimeric lipases indicated that heparin binding avidity was primarily associated with the COOH-terminal domain. Specifically, both HL and the LPL/HL chimera were eluted from immobilized heparin by 0.75 M NaCl, whereas 1.1 M NaCl was required to elute LPL and the HL/LPL chimera. Finally, HL is more active than LPL in the hydrolysis of phospholipid substrates. However, the ratio of phospholipase to neutral lipase activity in both chimeric lipases was enhanced by the presence of the heterologous COOH-terminal domain, demonstrating that this domain strongly influences substrate specificity. The NH2-terminal domain thus controls the kinetic parameters of these lipases, whereas the COOH-terminal domain modulates substrate specificity and heparin binding.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to activate the capillary-bound fraction of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) with cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (PKC). Following a 30s washout period, hearts were perfused for 1 min with buffer containing heparin. Medium was collected during the second 30s of heparin perfusion. Addition of PKC+Mg-ATP to this capillary bed perfusate increased LPL activity from 6.84 +/- 0.72 nmol/ml/min to 13.76 +/- 1.12 nmol/ml/min (P less than 0.001). A similar 2-fold increase in activity was observed when results were expressed on a mg protein basis. Removal of serum from, or addition of 1.0M NaCl to, the assay system inhibited PKC-stimulated LPL activity approximately 85%. These results indicate that capillary alkaline LPL can be activated by PKC assayed under experimental conditions free of other TG lipases. Moreover, these findings suggest that the intracellular fraction of LPL can be activated by cAMP and that this activation is mediated through protein phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

Summary Antibodies produced in the mouse by repeated intraperitoneal injections of partly purified atrial natriuretic factor (low molecular weight peptide (LMWP) and high molecular weight peptide (HMWP)) have been used to localize these factors by immunohistochemistry (immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase method) and by immunocytochemistry (protein A-gold technique) in the heart of rats and of a variety of animal species including man and in the rat salivary glands. Immunofluorescence and the immunoperoxidase method gave identical results: in the rat, atrial cardiocytes gave a positive reaction at both nuclear poles while ventricular cardiocytes were consistently negative. The cardiocytes of the right atrial appendage were more intensely reactive than those localized in the left appendage. A decreasing gradient of intensity was observed from the subpericardial to the subendocardial cardiocytes. The cardiocytes of the interatrial septum were only lightly granulated. Sodium deficiency and thirst (deprivation of drinking water for 5 days) produced, as already shown at the ultrastructural level, a marked increase in the reactivity of all cardiocytes from both atria with the same gradient of intensity as in control animals. Cross-reactivity of intragranular peptides with the rat antibodies allowed visualization of specific granules in a variety of animal species (mouse, guinea pig, rabbit, rat, dog) and in human atrial appendages. No reaction could be elicited in the frog atrium and ventricle although, in this species, specific granules have been shown to be present by electron microscopy in all cardiac chambers. With the protein A-gold technique, at the ultrastructural level, single labeling (use of one antibody on one face of a fine section) or double labeling (use of two antibodies on the two faces of a fine section) showed that the two peptides are localized simultaneously in all three types (A, B and D) of specific granules. In the rat salivary glands, immunofluorescence and the immunoperoxidase method showed reactivity exclusively in the acinar cells. The reaction was most intense in the acinar cells of the parotid gland. In the sublingual gland, only the serous cells, sometimes forming abortive demi-lunes, were reactive. In the submaxillary gland, the reaction was weaker and distributed seemingly haphazardly in the gland. The most constantly reactive cells were localized near the capsule while many cells did not contain visible reaction product.  相似文献   

Antibodies produced in the mouse by repeated intraperitoneal injections of partly purified atrial natriuretic factor (low molecular weight peptide (LMWP) and high molecular weight peptide (HMWP)) have been used to localize these factors by immunohistochemistry (immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase method) and by immunocytochemistry (protein A-gold technique) in the heart of rats and of a variety of animal species including man and in the rat salivary glands. Immunofluorescence and the immunoperoxidase method gave identical results; in the rat, atrial cardiocytes gave a positive reaction at both nuclear poles while ventricular cardiocytes were consistently negative. The cardiocytes of the right atrial appendage were more intensely reactive than those localized in the left appendage. A decreasing gradient of intensity was observed from the subpericardial to the subendocardial cardiocytes. The cardiocytes of the interatrial septum were only lightly granulated. Sodium deficiency and thirst (deprivation of drinking water for 5 days) produced, as already shown at the ultrastructural level, a marked increase in the reactivity of all cardiocytes from both atria with the same gradient of intensity as in control animals. Cross-reactivity of intragranular peptides with the rat antibodies allowed visualization of specific granules in a variety of animal species (mouse, guinea pig, rabbit, rat, dog) and in human atrial appendages. No reaction could be elicited in the frog atrium and ventricle although, in this species, specific granules have been shown to be present by electron microscopy in all cardiac chambers. With the protein A-gold technique, at the ultrastructural level, single labeling (use of one antibody on one face of a fine section) or double labeling (use of two antibodies on the two faces of a fine section) showed that the two peptides are localized simultaneously in all three types (A, B and D) of specific granules. In the rat salivary glands, immunofluorescence and the immunoperoxidase method showed reactivity exclusively in the acinar cells. The reaction was most intense in the acinar cells of the parotid gland. In the sublingual gland, only the serous cells, sometimes forming abortive "demi-lunes", were reactive. In the submaxillary gland, the reaction was weaker and distributed seemingly haphazardly in the gland. The most constantly reactive cells were localized near the capsule while many cells did not contain visible reaction product.  相似文献   

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