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The molecular structure of poly (U).poly (A).poly (U) has been determined and refined using the continuous x-ray intensity data on layer lines in the diffraction pattern obtained from an oriented fiber of the RNA. The final R-value for the preferred structure is 0.24, far lower than that for the plausible alternatives. The polymer forms an 11-fold right-handed triple-helix of pitch 33.5A and each base triplet is stabilized by Crick-Watson-Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds. The ribose rings in the three strands have C3'-endo, C2'-endo and C2'-endo conformations, respectively. The helix derives additional stability through systematic interchain hydrogen bonds involving ribose hydroxyls and uracil bases. The relatively grooveless cylindrical shape of the triple-helix is consistent with the lack of lateral organization.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of poly (dT).poly (dA).poly (dT) has been determined and refined using the continuous x-ray intensity data on layer lines in the diffraction pattern obtained from an oriented fiber of the DNA. The final R-value for the preferred structure is 0.29 significantly lower than that for plausible alternatives. The molecule forms a 12-fold right-handed triple-helix of pitch 38.4 A and each base triplet is stabilized by a set of four Crick-Watson-Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds. The deoxyribose rings in all the three strands have C2'-endo conformations. The grooveless cylindrical shape of the triple-helix is consistent with the lack of lateral organization in the fiber.  相似文献   

On the basis of the x-ray data from polycrystalline and well oriented fibers of the sodium salt of poly d(A).poly d(T) (Arnott et al, Nucl. Acids Res. 11, 4141-4155 (1983), a revised B'-DNA model incorporating B-like adenine and thymine strands is shown to give a much better x-ray agreement (R = 0.25) than the previously assigned model consisting of mixed sugar conformations in the two strands. The narrowing of the minor and the widening of the major grooves are promiscuous features of B'-DNA, which are common to all poly d(purine).poly d(pyrimidine) duplexes with two hydrogen bonded base-pairs and are in marked contrast with classical B-DNA. Due to modest propeller (-15 degrees), the cross strand diagonal hydrogen bonds (0.37 nm) in this duplex are not as strong as those in A,T-rich oligonucleotide crystal structures.  相似文献   

poly(1)·poly(C)-滤纸是一种亲和材料,可以用来吸附与双链核酸有亲和力的酶或蛋白。本文介绍用对-β硫酸酯乙砜基苯胺为活化剂制备poly(I)·poly(C)-滤纸的方法。poly(I)·poly(C)的结合容量为10—35μg/cm~2,用来吸附兔网织红细胞裂解液中2’-5’A合成酶效果良好。在一定范围内,酶活与被吸附裂解液量呈线性关系,说明可以用来定量检测未知样品中与poly(I)·poly(C)有亲和力的酶。poly(I)·poly(C)-滤纸在-20℃保存四个月亲和能力不变。本方法与文献报道的方法相比,操作简便试剂易得。  相似文献   

Structure of the beta-form of poly d(A).poly d(U)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The crystalline beta-form of the sodium salt of poly d(A).poly d(U) trapped in oriented fibers forms a Watson-Crick base-paired, 10(1) double-helix of pitch 3.2 nm. Two molecules are present in a monoclinic unit cell apparently isomorphous with beta-poly d(A).poly d(T). The two chains in each molecule both carry C2'-endo puckered furanose rings but are conformationally not identical. The orientations of the A:U base-pairs relative to the helix-axis are distinctly different from those in classical B-DNA and the overall morphology of the duplex in which they reside resembles that of the alpha-forms of poly (purine).poly (pyrimidine) DNA duplexes previously reported.  相似文献   

The fixation of trans-(NH3)2Cl2 Pt(II) to poly(I)·poly(C) at low rb (< 0.05) leads to the formation of two complexed species. The major species (ca. 82% of bound platinum) involves coordination of platinum to a single hypoxanthine base, while the other species involves coordination of two hypoxanthine bases, which are either far apart on the same strand or on separate poly(I) strands, to the platinum. These same two species are found after reaction with poly(I), as are two other species throughout the entire rb range studied (rb = 0–0.30). The latter two species are assigned to trans-Pt bound to two bases on a poly(I) strand with (a) one or (b) two free bases between the two bound bases. These two species, (a) and (b), account for ca. 35% of the bound platinum, although the 1:1 species remains dominant (ca. 55%). These two additional species are observed at high rb (>0.075) after reaction with poly(I)·poly(C) but as very minor species. They are formed by reaction with melted poly(I) loops. Also at high rb, we have observed a shifted cytidine H5 resonance arising from interaction of trans-Pt with a melted loop of poly(C). Most probably, this arises from an intramolecular poly(I) to poly(C) crosslink. Results from the reaction of trans-Pt with poly(C) are presented for comparison.  相似文献   

The covalent binding of cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 on the double stranded poly(I) . poly(C) induced an irreversible dissociation of the two strands. This dissociation was evidenced mainly by poly(I)-Agarose affinity chromatography which allowed to recover free strands of cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2-poly(I) from a cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2-poly(I) . poly(C) complex, by density equilibrium centrifugation where free poly(C) could be isolated, and by acid titrations of the metal-poly(I) . poly(C) complexes. The separation of the two strands of the polyribonucleotide upon cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 fixation was shown not to exceed 90--95%. A dissociation curve of the polynucleotide double helix as a function of the amount of bound cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 was determined and was shown to be of a characteristic cooperative effect. The fixation of the paltinum compound to poly(I) . poly(C) seemed also to be cooperative.  相似文献   

The possible pathways for realization of antiviral activity of interferon inducer poly (I).poly(C) have been studied. The stimulating effect of interferon inducer on the net protein synthesis in human M19 fibroblasts has been demonstrated. Compositions of the specific proteins induced by poly(I).poly(C) or interferon in human M19 fibroblasts and in monkey cells 4647 have been analyzed by electrophoresis technique. The data obtained suggest the existence of common gene products for interferon and ds-inducer. The ds-inducer requires the synthesis of lesser amounts of proteins for realization of its biological activity as compared with interferon.  相似文献   

The double-stranded polypurine.polypyrimidines poly(dG).poly(dC) and poly[d(A-G)].poly[d(T-C)] and the mixed ribose-deoxyribose polynucleotide poly(rG-dC).poly(rG-dC) have been successfully reconstituted into nucleosomes. The radioactively labeled particles comigrate in gel electrophoresis and sucrose density gradient experiments with authentic nucleosomes derived from chicken erythrocyte chromatin. These results show that nucleosomes are able to accommodate a wider variety of polynucleotides than was previously believed.  相似文献   

Using Raman spectroscopy, we examined the ribose-phosphate backbone conformation, the hydrogen bonding interactions, and the stacking of the bases of the poly(U).poly(A).poly(U) triple helix. We compared the Raman spectra of poly(U).poly(A).poly(U) in H2O and D2O with those obtained for single-stranded poly(A) and poly(U) and for double-stranded poly(A).poly(U). The presence of a Raman band at 863 cm-1 indicated that the backbone conformations of the two poly(U) chains are different in the triple helix. The sugar conformation of the poly(U) chain held to the poly(A) by Watson-Crick base pairing is C3' endo; that of the second poly(U) chain may be C2' endo. Raman hypochromism of the bands associated with base vibrations demonstrated that uracil residues stack to the same extent in double helical poly(A).poly(U) and in the triple-stranded structure. An increase in the Raman hypochromism of the bands associated with adenine bases indicated that the stacking of adenine residues is greater in the triple helix than in the double helical form. Our data further suggest that the environment of the carbonyls of the uracil residues is different for the different strands.  相似文献   

The results of a Monte Carlo simulation of the hydration shell of two polynucleotides poly (dA-dC).poly(dG-dT) and poly(dA-dG).poly(dC-dT) are reported. This study is a part of a series of Monte Carlo computations of the hydration of regular polydeoxyribonucleotides with dinucleotide repeat aimed at looking for dependences of hydration shell structure on base sequence. The coordinates of the main local maximal of water density near the polymers and the topology of the most probable one- and two-membered water bridges are published. For most of the sequences a common primary hydration of base edges of successive base pairs is characteristic. The AT-homopolymeric sequence represents an exception with autonomous primary hydration of a base pair in both grooves, which correlates with the sequence-dependent flexibility and the occurrence of bends of DNA.  相似文献   

Proton exchange of poly(rA).poly(rU) and poly(rI).poly(rC) has been studied by nuclear magnetic resonance line broadening and saturation transfer from H2O. Five exchangeable peaks are observed. They are assigned to the imino, amino and 2'-OH ribose protons. The aromatic spectrum is also assigned. Contrary to previous observations, we find that the exchange of the imino proton is strongly buffer sensitive. This property is used to derive the base-pair lifetime, which is in the range of milliseconds at 27 degrees C, 100 times smaller than published values. The enthalpy for the base-opening reaction (-86 kJ/mol) and the insensitivity of the reaction to magnesium suggest that the open state involves a small number of base-pairs. The similarities in the exchange from the two duplexes indicate that the same open state is responsible for exchange of purine and pyrimidine imino protons. For the lifetime of the open state and for the base-pair dissociation constant, we obtain only lower limits. At 27 degrees C they are three microseconds and 10(-3), respectively. The analysis that yields the much larger values published previously is based on the assumption that amino protons exchange only from open base-pairs. But theory and preliminary experiments indicate that it may occur from the closed duplex. The exchange of amino protons is slower than that of the imino protons. Exchange of the 2'-OH protons from the duplexes is much slower than from single-stranded poly(rU), and it is accelerated by magnesium. This could indicate hydrogen-bonding to backbone phosphate. Discrepancies between our results and those of previous studies are discussed.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of d(G-G-G-G-C-C-C-C). A model for poly(dG).poly(dC)   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The structure of the DNA oligomer d(G-G-G-G-C-C-C-C) has been determined at a resolution of 2.5 A by single-crystal X-ray methods. There are two strands in the asymmetric unit, and these coil about each other to form a right-handed double-helix of the A-type with Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds between base-pairs. The helix has a shallow minor groove and a deep, water-filled major groove; almost all exposed functional groups on the DNA are hydrated, and 106 ordered solvent molecules have been found. The two d(G-G-G-G).d(C-C-C-C) segments in the octamer exhibit similar and uniform structures, but there is a slight discontinuity at the GpC step between them. A recurring feature of the structure is the overlap of adjacent guanine bases in each GpG step, with the five-membered ring of one guanine stacking on the six-membered ring of its neighbour. There is little or no overlap between adjacent cytosine rings. Conformational parameters for these GpG steps are compared with those from other single-crystal X-ray analyses. In general, GpG steps exhibit high slide, low roll and variable twist. Models for poly(dG).poly(dC) were generated by applying a simple rotation and translation to each of the unmodified d(G-G-G-G).d(C-C-C-C) units. Detailed features of these models are shown to be compatible with various assays of poly(dG).poly(dC) in solution, and are useful in understanding the polymorphic behaviour of this sequence under a variety of experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of the interaction between poly(I).poly(C) and cis-dichloro-diammineplatinum(II) (cis-Pt), its trans analogue and chloro-diethylene-triamminoplatinum(II) (dien-Pt) on interferon induction activity was investigated. The covalent monodentate fixation of the three compounds on N7 of inosine has different effects on the structure and thermostability of poly(I). poly(C) which is well reflected by the interferon induction activity of the samples. Thus, the sandwich stabilization by dien-Pt at low binding ratios is manifested by an increased interferon induction and a high resistance towards RNAase degradation. The destabilization of the duplex by cis-Pt decreases interferon induction, accompanied by an increase in RNAase sensitivity of the complexes. In the case of trans-Pt the duplex structure is little perturbed and interferon induction is essentially maintained.  相似文献   

The rabbit antiserum against poly(I).poly(C) purified by hydroxyapatite column chromatography contained three distinct antibodies. They were fractionated into three antibody populations by a series of precipitations (with poly(A).poly(U), poly(I), and poly(I).poly(C)) and their specificities were examined by quantitative complement fixation, double diffusion tests and radioimmunoassay. The first population was common to the double helical structure of double-stranded RNAs. The second was specific for poly(I) and the third was specific for poly(I).poly(C). These studies demonstrated that specific antibodies exclusively reactive with poly(I).poly(C) existed in the rabbit antiserum against poly(I).poly(C).  相似文献   

The formation of the triple helix of poly(A).poly(U).poly(U) was studied by using antibodies specific to poly(A).poly(U).poly(U). the 10-11 base chain length for oligo(A) and the 20-30 base chain length for oligo(U) may be the minimum sizes required to maintain a stable triple helix. Double-stranded poly(A).poly(U) which was the core of triple-stranded poly(A).poly(U).poly(U) could bind poly(U) and produce an analogue of poly(A).poly(U).poly(U) reactive with the antibodies even if the poly(A) or poly(U) was brominated or acetylated to the extent of 35-55%. However, brominated or acetylated poly(U) did not produce a stable triple helix with double-stranded poly(A).poly(U).  相似文献   

Heat capacities of polyglycine, poly(L -alanine), and poly(L -valine) were analyzed using approximate group vibrations and fitting of the skeletal vibrations to a two-parameter (Θ1, Θ3) Tarasov function. New experimental data were measured by differential scanning calorimetry in the temperature range of 230–390 K. Good agreement between our experimental data and the calculated data was observed for all three poly(amino acids). Previous investigations showed agreement between calculation and reported experimental data for only limited low temperature ranges. At higher temperatures, discrepancies of up to 55% existed between experiment and calculation. The cause of this discrepancy must be assumed to be experimental error. Recommended experimental data are revised on the basis of this investigation. Computed heat capacities are available for the three biopolymers in the solid state from 0 to 1000 K.  相似文献   

A novel zig-zag (Z) structure is proposed for poly d(GC).poly d(GC). The proposed model closely resembles the crystal structure of d(CG)3.  相似文献   

Recognition of polynucleotides by antibodies to poly(I), poly(C).   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The binding of anti poly(I). poly (C) Fab fragments to double or triple stranded polynucletides has been studied by fluorescence. Association constants were deduced from competition experiments. The comparison of the association constants leads to the conclusion that several atoms of the base residues do not interact with the amino acid residues of the binding site of Fab fragment while the hydroxyl groups of furanose rings interact. These results suggest that the Fab fragments do not bind to the major groove of the double stranded polynucleotides. An interaction between the C(2)O group of pyrimidine residues and Fab fragments cannot be excluded. Circular dichroism of poly(I). poly(C) or poly(I). poly(br5C)-Fab fragments complexes are very different from the circular dichroism of free polynucleotides which suggests a deformation of the polynucleotides bound to the Fab fragments.  相似文献   

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