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A mutant line of Pisum fulvum was identified that lacked seed lipoxygenase-2 (LOX-2). The mutant phenotype was introgressed into a standard Pisum sativum cv. Birte to provide near-isogenic lines with or without seed LOX-2. Genetic analyses showed the mutation to behave as a single, recessive Mendelian gene. Northern and dot-blot analyses showed a large reduction in LOX-2 mRNA from developing seeds of the LOX-2-null mutant. A restriction fragment length polymorphism associated with the 5 end of the LOX-2 gene(s) co-segregated with the null phenotype, indicating that the reduction of LOX-2 mRNA was neither a consequence of deletion of the LOX genes nor a consequence of the action of a genetically distant regulatory gene. Analysis of the 5-flanking sequences of LOX-2 genes from Birte and the near-isogenic LOX-2-null mutant revealed a number of insertions, deletions and substitutions within the promoter from the LOX-2-null mutant that could be responsible for the null phenotype. Incubation of crude seed LOX preparations from Birte and the LOX-2-null mutant showed that the latter generated relatively less 13-hydroperoxides and also produced relatively more hydroxy- and ketoacid compounds that have implications for the fresh-frozen pea industry.  相似文献   

Glutathione peroxidases (GPOXs) and glutathione transferases, also termed glutathione S-transferases (GST, EC, with activities toward a range of xenobiotic substrates including herbicides, have been characterized in etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Feltham's First) seedlings. Crude extracts showed high activity toward a range of GST substrates including 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (GSTC activity) and the herbicide fluorodifen (GSTF) but low activities toward chloroacetanilides and atrazine. Treatment of the pea seedlings with the herbicide safener dichlormid selectively increased the activity of GSTC and the GST which detoxified atrazine. This induction was restricted to the roots and was not observed with any of the other GST or GPOX activities. In contrast, treatment with CuCl2 increased GPOX activity in the root but had no effect on any GST activity, while treatment of epicotyls with elicitors of the phytoalexin response increased GST activity toward ethacrynic acid, but had no effect on other GST or GPOX activities. The major enzymes with GSTC, GSTF and GPOX activities were purified from pea epicotyls 3609-fold, 1431-fold and 1554-fold, respectively. During purification by hydrophobic interaction chromatography and affinity chromatography using S-hexyl-glutathione as ligand all three activities co-eluted but could be partially resolved by anion exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. Both GSTC and GPOX had a molecular mass of 48 kDa and their activities were associated with a similar 27.5-kDa subunit but distinct 29-kDa subunits. GSTF could be resolved into two isoenzymes with molecular masses of 49.5 and 54 kDa. GSTF activity was associated with a unique 30-kDa subunit in addition to 27.5- and 29-kDa peptides, suggesting that the two isoenzymes were composed of differing subunits. These results demonstrate that peas contain multiple GST isoenzymes some of which have GPOX activity and that the various activities are differentially responsive to biotic and abiotic stress.  相似文献   

A sequential indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)-zeatin treatment was applied to Pisum sativum hypocotyl explants, resulting in shoot formation from 50% of the explants. Shoots were easily rooted and transplantable plants could be obtained in 3 months. The method has been applicable to the 5 cultivars tested. Histological examination of explants suggests the shoots to be of de novo origin, which would make the system suitable for transformation experiments.  相似文献   

Antioxidant responses to varying degrees of paraquat stress in freshly isolated photosynthesizing pea (Pisum sativum L.) protoplasts from cultivars Progress and Nugget were studied. Leaves of comparable maturity were used for protoplast isolation. Nugget protoplasts were more resistant to paraquat in the micromolar range under our conditions. In Nugget, a non-bleaching paraquat concentration (10 µM) inhibited CO2-dependent O2 evolution ca 50% during the first 40 min, remaining at that rate (“coping behavior”) for up to 100 min. In contrast, Progress protoplasts treated with the same concentration of paraquat did not exhibit coping behavior. Antioxidant enzyme activities were unaltered throughout the time course of the experiment in treated protoplasts from Nugget and in chloroplasts isolated from them. Thus, the coping behavior of Nugget protoplasts cannot be attributed to changes in activities of the three antioxidant enzymes tested. Paraquat treatment did not affect antioxidant enzyme activities in Progress protoplasts nor in chloroplasts isolated from them. When higher doses of paraquat were used (12 h, 0.1 mM paraquat), protoplasts from both cultivars were rapidly bleached and total protein decreased to ca 30% of pre-stress levels. Glutathione reductase (GR, EC activity dropped in protoplasts from both cultivars under the severe stress conditions in concert with declines in protein levels. However, superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC activity remained constant over the first 9 h of the time course, increasing to ca 150& of original levels by the final, 12-h time point. The activity of the plastid Cu,Zn isoform, expressed as a percentage of total SOD activity, declined over the time course of the experiment while that of mitochondrial MnSOD appeared to increase. This change in activity of MnSOD correlated with cell decline, therefore, and was not correlated with protection. These data are in agreement with some earlier reports and are compatible with the hypothesis that SOD activity levels increase in response to reactive oxygen species levels, even under conditions leading to cell death.  相似文献   

The detoxifying effect of selenium on animals toxicated with heavy metals is well known. In this study we examine if there is a similar effect in plants. Wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Sunny) and pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Fenomen) were grown for 21 days on a nutrient solution based on the nutrient proportions in healthy plants. Nutrients along with cadmium, copper, selenite, selenate or selenite and selenate in combinations with copper or cadmium were supplied in small amounts with a daily incremental increase of 0.12 (wheat) and 0.20 (pea). The metal and selenium uptake and distribution in the plants as well as the effects on growth were investigated.
The results show that selenium does not reduce the toxicity of heavy metals to plants. Instead, selenium enhances metal uptake and toxicity, especially in peas grown in the presence of metal and selenate. Selenite increased cadmium concentrations of pea roots up to 300% and selenate that of wheat shoots up to 50%.  相似文献   

Symbiotic plants of Pisum sativum L. cv. Juneau and its nitrate reductase-(EC 1. 6. 6. 1)-deficient mutant, A317, were exposed to nitrate for up to 8 days and assessed for nitrate assimilation, nitrogenase activity and nodule carbohydrate status. The mutant, A317, was not impaired in its ability to absorb nitrate over up to 8 days, but was leakier with respect to nitrate reduction ability than previously realized, as 63% of the nitrate absorbed by the plant over 8 days was assimilated (in contrast to 93% in the wild type). After 2 days exposure to 5 m M nitrate, nitrogenase (EC activity was less affected in A317 (84% of initial) than in Juneau (46% of initial): nodule starch reserves were less depleted in A317 (70% of initial) than in Juneau (26% of initial). It was concluded that nitrate reduction is a major cause of nitrate inhibition of nodule activity, and that its effect may be mediated through a decrease in the availability of carbohydrate to the nodules. Longer term (> 4 day) exposure of A317 plants to nitrate resulted in accumulation of nitrate in plant tissues, an associated necrosis of shoot tissue, a marked decrease in nodule starch content and a severe inhibition of nodule activity. This consideration of the effect of the duration of exposure to nitrate is used to resolve a discrepancy between previous reports on the sensitivity to nitrate of nitrogenase activity in nitrate reductase-deficient mutants of pea.  相似文献   

Low-temperature fluorescence emission spectra of epicotyls of 6.5-day-old dark-grown seedlings of pea ( Pisum sativum L.) showed the dominance of short-wavelength protoch lorophyllide forms with emission maxima at 629 and 636 nm, respectively. The presence of long-wavelength protochlorophyllide with emission maxima around 650 nm was just detectable. Accordingly, irradiation with millisecond flashes gave a minute formation of chlorophyllide. The chlorophyll(ide) formation varied along the epicotyl. Irradiation with continuous light for 1.5 h resulted in an evident accumulation of chlorophyll(ide) in the upper part of the epicotyl. Only small amounts accumulated in the middle section. The conversion of protochlorophyllide to chlorophyllide was temperature dependent and almost arrested at 0°C. The chlorophyll(ide) formed had one dominating fluorescence peak at 681 nm. Irradiation for 24 h gave almost 100 times more chlorophyll in the upper part of the epicotyl than in the lower part. Electron micrographs from the upper part of the epicotyl irradiated for 6 h showed plastids with several developing thylakoids, while the plastids in the lower part of the epicotyl had only a few thylakoids. The dominance of short-wavelength protochlorophyllide forms indicated the presence of protochlorophyllide not bound to the active site of NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (EC The inability of the short-wavelength form to transform into chlorophyllide with flash light denotes a dislocation from the active site. The time and temperature dependence of the chlorophyll(ide) formation in continuous light indicates that a relocation is required of the short-wavelength protochlorophyllide before chlorophyllide formation can occur.  相似文献   

Abstract. In peas ( Pisum sativum L.) homozygous for sym 5, nodulation has an unusual temperature dependence. These sym 5 mutants nodulate poorly at a root temperature of 20°C but nodulate better at 12°C. By lowering the root temperature of the sym 5 mutants from a lightroom temperature of 20/15°C to a constant 12°C, 8d after planting, the number of nodules can be further increased. A cool period (12°C) as short as 6h, early in the infection process, is sufficient to significantly increase nodulation of plants otherwise growing at 20/15°C. This temperature-sensitivity of nodulation is not due to a temperature induced change of a sym 5-related, 66-kD peptide but may involve accumulation of a gas in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Root hydrotropism of an agravitropic pea mutant, ageotropum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have partially characterized root hydrotropism of an agravitropic pea mutant, ageotropum (from Pisum sativum L. cv. Weibull's Weitor), without interference of gravitropism. Lowering the atmospheric air humidity inhibited root elongation and caused root curvature toward the moisture-saturated substrate in ageotropum pea. Removal of root tips approximately 1.5 mm in length blocked the hydrotropic response. A computer-assisted image analysis showed that the hydrotropic curvature in the roots of ageotropum pea was chiefly due to a greater inhibition of elongation on the humid side than the dry side of the roots. Similarly, gravitropic curvature of Alaska pea roots resulted from inhibition of elongation on the lower side of the horizontally placed roots, while the upper side of the roots maintained a normal growth rate. Gravitropic bending of Alaska pea roots was apparent 30 min after stimulation, whereas differential growth as well as curvature in positive root hydrotropism of ageotropum pea became visible 4–5 h after the continuous hydrostimulation. Application of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid or ethyleneglycol-bis-( β -aminoethylether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid was inhibitory to both root hydrotropism of ageotropum pea and root gravitropism of Alaska pea. Some mutual response mechanism for both hydrotropism and gravitropism may exist in roots, although the stimulusperception mechanisms differ from one another.  相似文献   

Pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Fenomen) and sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris L. cv. Monohill) were cultivated in nutrient media without or with 10 μM CdCl2. Leaves of the same size and stage of development, detached or still attached to the intact plants, were submerged into redistilled water containing 1 to 250 μM CdCl2. The uptake experiments were run for 1 to 8 h at pH 3.6 and 5.1. Cuticular transpiration rate, density of leaf and density of stomata were also measured. Percentage of open stomata was studied at different pH.
Foliar uptake of Cd into the leaf is evident since Cd is transported from the exposed part of the pea leaves, through the petioles and into the stipules, and since the Cd concentration of the leaves increases with time and external Cd concentration. The foliar uptake depends on the permeability of the cuticular membrane, which is increased by a high intrinsic Cd level, which in turn enhances the foliar uptake of Cd in sugar beet. Higher cuticular permeability in pea than in sugar beet is shown by a 2.5 times higher cuticular transpiration rate and a 4 times lower density of leaf for pea, which causes a 7 times higher foliar uptake in pea than in sugar beet. Low pH decreases the net uptake of Cd, probably by an exchange reaction in the cutin and pectin of the cuticular membrane. Stomata are not directly involved in the Cd uptake, and the differences in the sum total of stomatal aperture area per unit leaf area is not related to differences in foliar uptake of Cd. Percentage of open stomata, calculated as average of both sides of the leaves, was not affected by changes in pH: but especially at high pH. proportionally more stomata were open on the adaxial than on the abaxial side.  相似文献   

Abstract The roots of pea (Pisum sativum L. ev. Feltham First) seedlings contained haemagglutinating activity and a protein which reacted with antibodies directed against pea seed lectin. This protein was shown to be present on the surface of root hairs and in the root cortical cells by immunofluorescence. Lectin (haemagglutinin) was purified from pea seedling roots by both immunoaffinity chromatography and affinity chromatography on Sephadex G-100. The pea root lectin was similar to the seed lectin when analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and was antigenically identical: however, the isoelectric focussing band patterns of the proteins differed. The sugar specificity of the root lectin differed from that of the seed lectin, and the haemagglutinating activity of the root lectin was less than the seed lectin. These results are discussed with reference to the hypothesis that lectins mediate in the symbiotic association of legume and Rhizobium through their carbohydrate-binding properties.  相似文献   

A new modulated lamp system is described. This system has successfully provided an ultraviolet-B (UV-B) supplement in proportion to ambient UV-B. The modulated system was used to simulate the UV-B environment resulting from an annual mean reduction of 15% in the stratospheric ozone under UK field conditions, but taking account of seasonal variation in depletion. The effects of this enhanced level of UV-B on the growth, physiology and yield of four cultivars of pea were assessed. Enhanced UV-B resulted in small reductions in the number of stems and total stem length per plant (respectively 4.7 and 8.7%). There were also significant decreases in the dry weight of peas (10.1%), pods (10.3%) and stems (7.8%) per plant. UV-B treatment had no effect on the number of peas per pod or average pea weight, but did significantly reduce (12.1%) the number of pods per plant. This decrease in pod number was partly due to enhanced abscission of pods during the final month of plant growth. UV-B treatment had no significant effect on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics or CO2assimilation rate per unit leaf area. These results are consistent with previous controlled environment experiments, and suggest that reduction in yield may be due to direct effects of UV-B on plant growth rather than a decrease in photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf area.  相似文献   

In addition to the GBSSI isoform of starch synthase described previously, the pea plant contains a second, granule-bound isoform, GBSSIb. GBSSI is abundant in pea embryos and Rhizobium root nodules, is present at low levels in pods and is absent from leaves. Mutations at the lam locus eliminate GBSSI from all of these organs. GBSSIb is present in pods, leaves and nodules and is unaffected by mutations at the lam locus. GBSSI and GBSSIb are very similar in molecular mass, primary sequence, activity and antigenic properties. GBSSIb, like GBSSI, can synthesize amylose in the presence of malto-oligosaccharides in isolated starch granules. However, its role in vivo is unclear. The lam mutation eliminates amylose from the starch of embryos but does not affect the relatively small amounts of amylose-like material in the starch of pods, leaves and nodules. The significance of these results for understanding of the regulation of amylose synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Pea plants (Pisum sativum L. cv. Greenfeast) were grown and exposed to supplementary UV-B radiation from day 17 after planting under growth cabinet conditions. The effects of this exposure on the ultrastructure of chloroplasts and the total soluble sugar and starch concentrations were estimated. Supplementary UV-B radiation was shown to damage the structure of chloroplasts, as manifested by dilation of thylakoid membranes, a progressive disruption of the thylakoid structure and disintegration of the double membrane envelope surrounding the chloroplast, accompanied by the accumulation of large starch grains. Diurnal changes observed in starch concentration suggest that the higher concentration of starch in supplementary UV-B-treated leaves is due to its immobilization, rather than to any increase in starch synthesis: soluble sugars accumulated and remained at a higher level and then later declined.  相似文献   

The effects of the apoplastic, i.e. external, concentration of sucrose (0–30 m M ) on O2 evolution, O2 consumption, starch, sucrose, glucose and fructose content, and uptake and efflux of sucrose in mesophyll protoplasts of Pisum sativum L. cv. Fenomen were studied. Neither photosynthesis, dark respiration, sucrose nor starch content change with increased apoplastic sucrose concentration. The contents of glucose and fructose in the protoplasts increase with increased apoplastic sucrose concentration. The sucrose efflux increases with increased external sucrose concentrations between 1 and 5 m M , but above this range the efflux decreases with increased external sucrose concentrations. These findings indicate that although external sucrose does not enter the protoplasts, there is a relationship between the external sucrose pool and the internal pools of sugars in the mesophyll protoplasts. The results suggest an active sucrose efflux from the protoplasts at physiological concentrations of apoplastic sucrose (max 5 m M ) and a simple diffusion mechanism at higher concentrations.  相似文献   

A senescence-specific protease has been purified from senescent unpollinated ovaries of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska by acidic extraction. (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, ion exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex, and affinity chromatography on ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco)-Sepharose. Characterization of the purified protease indicated that it is a thiol-endoprotease (EC 3. 4. 22 class) active over a wide pH range. Purified antibodies against this protease inhibit the degradation of Rubisco in autodigested extracts of senescent ovaries, suggesting that Rubisco might be a substrate for the protease in senescent pea ovaries. The relative levels of the protease were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) along the processes of ovary senescence and gibberellic acid (GA)-induced fruit development, indicating its induction at the beginning of senescence and the suppression of its synthesis by GA treatment.  相似文献   

Abiotic stresses caused by adverse environmental conditions are responsible for heavy economic losses on pea crop, being drought one of the most important abiotic constraints. Development of pea cultivars well adapted to dry conditions has been one of the major tasks in breeding programs. The increasing food requirements drive the necessity to broaden the molecular basis of tolerance to drought to develop pea cultivars well adapted to dry conditions. We have used a shotgun proteomic approach (nLC‐MSMS) to study the tolerance to drought in three pea genotypes that were selected based on differences in the level of water deficit tolerance. Multivariate statistical analysis of data unraveled 367 significant differences of 700 identified when genotypes and/or treatment were compared. More than half of the significantly changed proteins belong to primary metabolism and protein regulation categories. We propose different mechanisms to cope drought in the genotypes studied. Maintenance of the primary metabolism and protein protection seems a strategy for drought tolerance. On the other hand susceptibility might be related to maintenance of the homeostatic equilibrium, a very energy consuming process. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD004587.  相似文献   

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