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The genetic variation of the critically endangered Corfu killifish (Valencia letourneuxi), an endemic freshwater fish species of the western Balkans, was assessed for nine populations sampled in eight water systems in western continental Greece, the Peloponnese and the Ionian Island of Corfu, using mitochondrial and microsatellite markers. The analyses were based on data from three mtDNA regions (D‐loop, COI and 16S rRNA sequences) and 14 microsatellite loci. Samples from the congeneric species Valencia hispanica and the phylogenetically closely related species Aphanius fasciatus were also used in the study as outgroups. Both the mitochondrial and the microsatellite analyses revealed three distinct population groupings associated with the geographical distribution of the populations: one southern group occupying rivers draining to the Patraikos Gulf, the second one including the populations flowing into the Amvrakikos Gulf and the third, more northern group, including the other populations from rivers in Corfu Island and Epirus flowing into the Ionian Sea. Within these groupings there is limited genetic differentiation between populations; in addition, there is reduced intrapopulation genetic variation, evidenced by low heterozygosity values, number of alleles and haplotype diversity. In terms of taxonomic implications and appropriate management actions for conservation, our data suggest that the major population groups should be regarded at least as three distinct conservation units (CUs), with translocation and restocking actions to take place only within the geographical range of the CU concerned. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 334–349.  相似文献   

Aim We used microsatellite markers to determine the range‐wide genetic structure of Picea jezoensis and to test the hypothesis that the past population history of this widespread cold‐temperate spruce has resulted in a low level of genetic variation and in imprints of inbreeding and bottlenecks in isolated marginal populations. Location The natural range of the three infraspecific taxa of P. jezoensis throughout north‐east Asia, including isolated marginal populations. Methods We analysed a total of 990 individuals across 33 natural populations using four nuclear microsatellite loci. Population genetic structure was assessed by analysing genetic diversity indices for each population, examining clustering (model‐based and distance‐based) among populations, evaluating signals of recent bottlenecks, and testing for isolation by distance (IBD). Results The 33 populations were clustered into five groups. The isolated marginal groups of populations (in Kamchatka, Kii in Japan and South Korea) exhibited low levels of allelic richness and gene diversity and a complete or almost complete loss of rare alleles. A recent bottleneck was detected in the populations in Hokkaido across to mid‐Sakhalin. The IBD analysis revealed that genetic divergence between populations was higher for populations separated by straits. Main conclusions Picea jezoensis showed a higher level of genetic differentiation among populations (FST = 0.101) than that observed in the genus Picea in general. This might be attributable to the fact that historically the straits around Japan acted as barriers to the movement of seeds and pollen. The low levels of genetic diversity in the isolated marginal population groups may reflect genetic drift that has occurred after isolation. Evidence of a significant bottleneck between the Hokkaido and mid‐Sakhalin populations implies that the cold, dry climate in the late Pleistocene resulted in the decline and contraction of populations, and that there was a subsequent expansion followed by a founder effect when conditions improved. The high polymorphism observed in P. jezoensis nuclear microsatellites revealed cryptic genetic structure that organellar DNA markers failed to identify in a previous study.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon is characterized by a high degree of population genetic structure throughout its native range. However, while populations inhabiting rivers in Norway and Russia make up a significant proportion of salmon in the Atlantic, thus far, genetic studies in this region have only encompassed low to modest numbers of populations. Here, we provide the first “in‐depth” investigation of population genetic structuring in the species in this region. Analysis of 18 microsatellites on >9,000 fish from 115 rivers revealed highly significant population genetic structure throughout, following a hierarchical pattern. The highest and clearest level of division separated populations north and south of the Lofoten region in northern Norway. In this region, only a few populations displayed intermediate genetic profiles, strongly indicating a geographically limited transition zone. This was further supported by a dedicated cline analysis. Population genetic structure was also characterized by a pattern of isolation by distance. A decline in overall genetic diversity was observed from the south to the north, and two of the microsatellites showed a clear decrease in number of alleles across the observed transition zone. Together, these analyses support results from previous studies, that salmon in Norway originate from two main genetic lineages, one from the Barents–White Sea refugium that recolonized northern Norwegian and adjacent Russian rivers, and one from the eastern Atlantic that recolonized the rest of Norway. Furthermore, our results indicate that local conditions in the limited geographic transition zone between the two observed lineages, characterized by open coastline with no obvious barriers to gene flow, are strong enough to maintain the genetic differentiation between them.  相似文献   

Mating pattern and gene flow were studied in the contact zone between two morphologically very similar Chiffchaff taxa (Phylloscopus collybita, P. brehmii) in SW France and northern Spain. Mating was assortative in brehmii, but not in collybita. Mixed matings were strongly asymmetric (excess of collybita male × brehmii female pairs), but did produce viable offspring in some cases. Sequence divergence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene was 4.6%. Haplotypes segregated significantly with phenotype (only five ‘mismatches’ among 94 individuals), demonstrating that mitochondrial gene flow was very restricted. The estimated proportion of F1 hybrids in the reproductive population was significantly lower than expected under a closed population model, indicating strong selection against hybrids. Genetic typing of 101 individuals at four microsatellite loci also showed significant population differentiation, but nuclear gene flow was estimated to be 75 times higher than mitochondrial gene flow. This strong discrepancy is probably due to unisexual hybrid sterility (Haldane’s rule). Thus, there is a strong, but incomplete, reproductive barrier between these taxa.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation barriers maintain the integrity of species by preventing interspecific gene flow. They involve temporal, habitat or behavioral isolation acting before fertilization, and postzygotic isolation manifested as hybrid mortality or sterility. One of the approaches of how to study reproductive isolation barriers is through the analysis of hybrid zones. In this paper, we describe the structure of a hybrid zone between two crested newt species (Triturus cristatus and T. carnifex) in the southern part of the Czech Republic using morphological, microsatellite, and mitochondrial (mtDNA) markers. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that the structure of the hybrid zone is maintained by species‐specific habitat preferences. Comparing the genetic structure of populations with geographical and ecological parameters, we found that the hybrid zone was structured primarily geographically, with T. cristatus‐like populations occurring in the northeast and T. carnifex‐like populations in the southwest. Despite T. cristatus tending to occur in deeper ponds and T. carnifex on localities with more shading, the effect of both ecological parameters on the structure of the zone was minimal. Next, we corroborated that T. carnifex individuals and some hybrids possess mtDNA of T. dobrogicus, whose nuclear background was not detected in the studied hybrid zone. Hybridization between T. carnifex and T. dobrogicus (resulting in unidirectional mtDNA introgression) had to predate subsequent formation of the hybrid zone between T. cristatus and T. carnifex. Populations of crested newts in the southern part of the Czech Republic thus represent a genetic mosaic of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes of three species.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones are powerful natural systems to study evolutionary processes to gain an understanding of adaptation and speciation. In the Cauca Valley (Colombia), two butterfly races, Heliconius cydno cydnides and Heliconius cydno weymeri, meet and hybridize. We characterized this hybrid zone using a combination of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences, amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), microsatellites and sequences for nuclear loci within and outside of the genomic regions that cause differences in wing colour pattern. The hybrid zone is largely composed of individuals of mixed ancestry. However, there is strong genetic discontinuity between the hybridizing races in mtDNA and, to a lesser extent, in all nuclear markers surveyed. The mtDNA clustering of H. c. cydnides with the H. cydno race from the Magdalena Valley and H. c. weymeri with the H. cydno race from the pacific coast suggests that H. c. cydnides colonized the Cauca Valley from the north, whereas H. c. weymeri did so by crossing the Andes in the southern part, implying a secondary contact origin. Colonization of the valley by H. cydno was accompanied by mimicry shift. Strong ecological isolation, driven by locally adaptive differences in mimetic wing patterns, is playing an important role in maintaining the hybrid zone. However, selection on wing pattern alone is not sufficient to explain the genetic discontinuity observed. There is evidence for differences in male mating preference, but the contribution of additional barriers needs further investigation. Overall, our results support the idea that speciation is a cumulative process, where the combination of multiple isolation barriers, combined with major phenotypic differences, facilitates population divergence in face of gene flow.  相似文献   

Abstract. Glacial cycles and other climatic events have been widely invoked as factors promoting divergence, secondary contact, and hybridization between populations of terrestrial organisms, but the origin and fate of secondary contact in the sea is much less well understood. We studied the distribution of morphological and genetic variation in a northwest Atlantic zone of secondary contact between congeneric sea stars of Asterias that probably separated after the Pliocene as part of the trans-Arctic interchange. These species have similar reproductive biology and can hybridize in the laboratory. However, multivariate analysis of morphological traits scored from sea stars inside and outside the zone of secondary contact clearly indicated two clusters of phenotypes that corresponded to the two taxonomic species. A quantitative analysis of this clustering pattern did not support the hypothesis of a third grouping that might correspond to intermediate hybrid phenotypes. Known F1 hybrids from laboratory matings grouped with one of the two taxonomic species. However, a survey of mtDNA sequence variation clearly indicated that ∼13% of individuals of one species ( Asterias forbesi ) are descendants of hybridization events that resulted in introgression of haplotypes of Asterias rubens into populations of A. forbesi . We conclude that morphological phenotypes are inadequate to identify hybrids of Asterias and their descendants, and that hybridization and introgression might be common in this secondary contact zone.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the colonization history of Fennoscandian adders (Vipera berus), the phylogeographical patterns of two nuclear sets of DNA markers (random amplified polymorphic DNA and microsatellite) are compared with that previously obtained from mitochondrial DNA. An eastern and a western lineage within Fennoscandian adders is readily distinguishable using both sets of nuclear markers, corroborating the hypothesis that the lineages stem from separate glacial refugia. Moreover, the same contact zones as were derived from mitochondrial data are clearly identifiable. Both sets of nuclear markers detect a high level of admixture across one zone in northern Finland, with introgression reaching far west into Sweden.  相似文献   

Between sister species of Drosophila, both pre- and postzygotic reproductive isolation commonly appear by the time a Nei's genetic distance of 0.5 is observed. The degree of genetic differentiation present when allopatric populations of the same Drosophila species exhibit incipient reproductive isolation has not been systematically investigated. Here we compare the relationship between genetic differentiation and pre- and postzygotic isolation among allopatric populations of three cactophilic desert Drosophila: D. mettleri, D. nigrospiracula, and D. mojavensis. The range of all three is interrupted by the Gulf of California, while two species, D. mettleri and D. mojavensis, have additional allopatric populations residing on distant Santa Catalina Island, off the coast of southern California. Significant population structure exists within all three species, but only for allopatric populations of D. mojavensis is significant isolation at the prezygotic level observed. The genetic distances for the relevant populations of D. mojavensis were in the range of 0.12, similar to that for D. mettleri whose greatest D = 0.11 was unassociated with any form of isolation. These observations suggest further investigations of Drosophila populations with genetic distances in this range be undertaken to identify any potential patterns in the relationship between degree of genetic differentiation and the appearance of pre- and/or postzygotic isolation.  相似文献   

Recent studies determined that darters with specialized breeding strategies can exhibit deep lineage divergence over fine geographic scales without apparent physical barriers to gene flow. However, the extent to which intrinsic characteristics interact with extrinsic factors to influence population divergence and lineage diversification in darters is not well understood. This study employed comparative phylogeographic and population genetic methods to investigate the influence of life history on gene flow, dispersal ability, and lineage divergence in two sympatric sister darters with differing breeding strategies. Our results revealed highly disparate phylogeographic histories, patterns of genetic structure, and dispersal abilities between the two species suggesting that life history may contribute to lineage diversification in darters, especially by limiting dispersal among large river courses. Both species also showed striking differences in demographic history, indicating that extrinsic factors differentially affected each species during the Pleistocene. Collectively, our results indicate that intrinsic and extrinsic factors have influenced levels of gene flow among populations within both species examined. However, we suggest that life‐history strategy may play a more important role in lineage diversification in darters than previously appreciated, a finding that has potentially important implications for understanding diversification of the rich North American freshwater fish fauna.  相似文献   

Analysis of mitochondrial ( ND-1/3/4 genes) and nuclear ( GH-1 gene, four microsatellite loci) DNA markers of European grayling Thymallus thymallus populations identified strong genetic differentiation between the Rhine/Main, Elbe and Danube drainages in Bavaria, as a result of both present processes and past history. The Danube and the Main-Elbe group diverged about five times earlier than the populations of Main and Elbe. These data suggest that exchange and transfer of grayling stocking material between these drainages should be avoided, to maintain the genetic diversity and integrity of populations.  相似文献   

Aim A central question in evolutionary ecology is the nature of environmental barriers that can limit gene flow and induce population genetic divergence, a first step towards speciation. Here we study the geographical barrier constituted by the transition zone between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, using as our model Cymodocea nodosa, a seagrass distributed throughout the Mediterranean and in the Atlantic, from central Portugal to Mauritania. We also test predictions about the genetic footprints of Pleistocene glaciations. Location The Atlantic–Mediterranean transition region and adjacent areas in the Atlantic (Mauritania to south‐west Portugal) and the Mediterranean. Methods We used eight microsatellite markers to compare 20 seagrass meadows in the Atlantic and 27 meadows in the Mediterranean, focusing on the transition between these basins. Results Populations from these two regions form coherent groups containing several unique, high‐frequency alleles for the Atlantic and for the Mediterranean, with some admixture west of the Almeria–Oran Front (Portugal, south‐west Spain and Morocco). These are populations where only one or a few genotypes were found, for all but Cadiz, but remarkably still show the footprint of a contact zone. This extremely low genotypic richness at the Atlantic northern edge contrasts with the high values (low clonality) at the Atlantic southern edge and in most of the Mediterranean. The most divergent populations are those at the higher temperature range limits: the southernmost Atlantic populations and the easternmost Mediterranean, both potential footprints of vicariance. Main conclusions A biogeographical transition region occurs close to the Almeria–Oran front. A secondary contact zone in Atlantic Iberia and Morocco results from two distinct dispersal sources: the Mediterranean and southernmost Atlantic populations, possibly during warmer interglacial or post‐glacial periods. The presence of high‐frequency diagnostic alleles in present‐day disjunct populations from the southernmost Atlantic region indicates that their separation from all remaining populations is ancient, and suggests an old, stable rear edge.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic differentiation in the plains zebra ( Equus quagga ) were analysed using mitochondrial DNA control region variation and seven microsatellites. The six morphologically defined subspecies of plains zebra lacked the population genetic structure indicative of distinct evolutionary units. Both marker sets showed high levels of genetic variation and very low levels of differentiation. There was no geographical structuring of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in the phylogenetic tree, and the plains zebra showed the lowest overall differentiation recorded in any African ungulate studied so far. Arid-adapted African ungulates have shown significant regional genetic structuring in support of the Pleistocene refuge theory. This was not the case in the zebra, and the data are discussed in relation to the impact of Pleistocene climate change on a nonbovid member of the savannah ungulate community. The only other species showing a similar absence of genetic structuring is the African buffalo ( Syncerus caffer ), but this taxon lacks the high levels of morphological variation present in the plains zebra.  相似文献   

The present study considers the genetic structure and phylogeography of the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) in Central Europe, as analyzed on the basis of 14 microsatellite markers and a 284‐bp fragment of cytochrome b. We found deep divergence between western and south‐eastern Poland, suggesting at least two different colonization routes for Central Europe, originating in at least two different refugia. The west/south‐east divide was reflected in the haplotype distribution and topology of phylogenetic trees as defined by mitochondrial DNA, and in population structuring seen in the admixture analysis of microsatellite data. The well supported western European clade suggests that another refugium might have existed. We also note the isolation‐by‐distance and moderate‐to‐pronounced structuring in the examined geographical demes. Our data fit the assumption of the recently suggested sex‐biased dispersal, in that we found a strong divide in the maternal line, as well as evidence for a small but existent gene flow based on biparentally inherited microsatellite markers. All studied populations were very similar in respect of allelic richness, observed and expected heterozygosities, and inbreeding coefficients. However, some genetic characteristics were different from those expected compared to a similar fine‐scale study of C. austriaca from Great Britain. In the present study, we observed heterozygosity deficit, high inbreeding, and low Garza–Williamson indices, suggesting a reduction in population size. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 195–210.  相似文献   

Molecular markers, such as mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite loci, are widely studied to assess population genetics and phylogeography; however, the selective neutrality of these markers is increasingly being questioned. Given the importance of molecular markers in fisheries science and conservation, we evaluated the neutrality of both mtDNA and microsatellite loci through their associations with population size. We surveyed mtDNA and microsatellite data from the primary literature and determined whether genetic diversity increased with abundance across a total of 105 marine and freshwater fishes, with both global fisheries catch data and body size as proxies for abundance (with an additional 57 species for which only body size data were assessed). We found that microsatellite data generally yielded higher associations with abundance than mtDNA data, and within mtDNA analyses, number of haplotypes and haplotype diversity were more strongly associated with abundance than nucleotide diversity, particularly for freshwater fishes. We compared genetic diversity between freshwater and marine fishes and found that marine fishes had higher values of all measures of genetic diversity than freshwater fishes. Results for both mtDNA and microsatellites generally conformed to neutral expectations, although weaker relationships were often found between mtDNA nucleotide diversity and ‘abundance’ compared to any other genetic statistic. We speculate that this is because of historical events unrelated to natural selection, although a role for selection cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Studying the population history and demography of organisms with important ecological roles can aid understanding of evolutionary processes at the community level and inform conservation. We screened genetic variation (mtDNA and microsatellite) across the populations of the southern grey shrike (Lanius meridionalis koenigi) in the Canary Islands, where it is an endemic subspecies and an important secondary seed disperser. We show that the Canarian subspecies is polyphyletic with L. meridionalis elegans from North Africa and that shrikes have colonized the Canary Islands from North Africa multiple times. Substantial differences in genetic diversity exist across islands, which are most likely the product of a combination of historical colonization events and recent bottlenecks. The Eastern Canary Islands had the highest overall levels of genetic diversity and have probably been most recently and/or frequently colonized from Africa. Recent or ongoing bottlenecks were detected in three of the islands and are consistent with anecdotal evidence of population declines due to human disturbance. These findings are troubling given the shrike's key ecological role in the Canary Islands, and further research is needed to understand the community‐level consequences of declines in shrike populations. Finally, we found moderate genetic differentiation among populations, which largely reflected the shrike's bottleneck history; however, a significant pattern of isolation‐by‐distance indicated that some gene flow occurs between islands. This study is a useful first step toward understanding how secondary seed dispersal operates over broad spatial scales.  相似文献   

Plants offer excellent models to investigate how gene flow shapes the organization of genetic diversity. Their three genomes can have different modes of transmission and will hence experience varying levels of gene flow. We have compiled studies of genetic structure based on chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear markers in seed plants. Based on a data set of 183 species belonging to 103 genera and 52 families, we show that the precision of estimates of genetic differentiation (G(ST)) used to infer gene flow is mostly constrained by the sampling of populations. Mode of inheritance appears to have a major effect on G(ST). Maternally inherited genomes experience considerably more subdivision (median value of 0.67) than paternally or biparentally inherited genomes (approximately 0.10). G(ST) at cpDNA and mtDNA markers covary narrowly when both genomes are maternally inherited, whereas G(ST) at paternally and biparentally inherited markers also covary positively but more loosely and G(ST) at maternally inherited markers are largely independent of values based on nuclear markers. A model-based gross estimate suggests that, at the rangewide scale, historical levels of pollen flow are generally at least an order of magnitude larger than levels of seed flow (median of the pollen-to-seed migration ratio: 17) and that pollen and seed gene flow vary independently across species. Finally, we show that measures of subdivision that take into account the degree of similarity between haplotypes (N(ST) or R(ST)) make better use of the information inherent in haplotype data than standard measures based on allele frequencies only.  相似文献   

Haerty W  Lesbats M  Capy P 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(12):3801-3807
While pre-reproductive isolations are more and more frequently described between closely related species or within species, very little is known about their conditions of emergence. In Brazzaville, two populations (Kronenbourg and Loua) of Drosophila melanogaster show a premating isolation. Two hypotheses were proposed to explain such a situation: a local sympatric differentiation or an allopatric divergence followed by a secondary contact. A microsatellite analysis, using markers on all chromosomes, strongly suggests that the Kronenbourg population has a European origin. Therefore, the allopatric divergence between Kronenbourg and Loua populations is probably responsible for the sexual isolation observed today in sympatry, after a recent introduction of a European propagule in Brazzaville.  相似文献   

At a time when biodiversity is threatened, we are still discovering new species, and particularly in the marine realm. Delimiting species boundaries is the first step to get a precise idea of diversity. For sympatric species which are morphologically undistinguishable, using a combination of independent molecular markers is a necessary step to define separate species. Amphipholis squamata , a cosmopolitan brittle star, includes several very divergent mitochondrial lineages. These lineages appear totally intermixed in the field and studies on morphology and colour polymorphism failed to find any diagnostic character. Therefore, these mitochondrial lineages may be totally interbreeding presently. To test this hypothesis, we characterized the genetic structure of the complex in the French Mediterranean coast using sequences of mitochondrial DNA (16S) and for the first time, several nuclear DNA markers (introns and microsatellites). The data revealed six phylogenetic lineages corresponding to at least four biological species. These sibling species seem to live in syntopy. However, they seem to display contrasted levels of genetic diversity, suggesting they have distinct demographic histories and/or life-history traits. Genetic differentiation and isolation-by-distance within the French Mediterranean coasts are revealed in three lineages, as expected for a species without a free larval phase. Finally, although recombinant nuclear genotypes are common within mitochondrial lineages, the data set displays a total lack of heterozygotes, suggesting a very high selfing rate, a feature likely to have favoured the formation of the species complex.  相似文献   

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