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Medium conditioned by human peripheral blood leukocytes (HLCM) was studied for its in vitro effects on haemopoietic progenitor cells (CFU-s and CFU-c) present in mouse bone marrow. HLCM has poor colony stimulating activity in semi-solid cultures of mouse bone marrow cells, but invariably increases the number of colonies obtained in the presence of plateau levels of semi-purified colony stimulating factor (CSF). In liquid cultures, HLCM appears to contain a potent initiator of DNA synthesis in CFU-s, an activity which coincides with an increased CFU-s maintenance and causes a three- to four-fold increase in CFU-c number. It is apparent from this study that HLCM, in addition to stimulating colony formation in cultures of human bone marrow cells, has a profound in vitro effect on primitive haemopoietic progenitor cells of the mouse, which cannot be attributed to CSF.  相似文献   

1. d-Glucuronolactone reductase, l-gulonolactone oxidase, uronolactonase, dehydroascorbatase, l-gulonate dehydrogenase and l-gulonate decarboxylase have been measured in the tissues of rats fed on diets containing variable amounts of protein. Rats fed on a protein-free or a 2% casein diet for 15 days showed a marked decline in the activities of d-glucuronolactone reductase, l-gulonolactone oxidase, uronolactonase and dehydroascorbatase in the liver, and no change in l-gulonate dehydrogenase and l-gulonate decarboxylase activities in the kidney when compared with rats fed on diets containing 9%, 18% or 25% casein. Giving diets containing 60% or 88% casein to rats did not appreciably alter the activities of uronolactonase, dehydroascorbatase, l-gulonate dehydrogenase and l-gulonate decarboxylase, but inhibited considerably the activities of d-glucuronolactone reductase and l-gulonolactone oxidase in the liver, resulting in decreased synthesis of ascorbic acid. 2. Rats fed on a 25% casein diet showed maximal weight gain, higher tissue reserve of ascorbic acid and higher urinary excretion of both ascorbic acid and glucuronic acid when compared with rats fed on diets containing lower or higher amounts of protein.  相似文献   

Mice of the TO Swiss strain received diets containing different amounts of saturated or unsaturated fat throughout life. These diets produced characteristic changes in cardiac phospholipid fatty acid composition, but produced no significant differences in fatty acid composition of phospholipids from a crude membrane fraction of brain. When littermates of these animals were exposed to ethanol vapour in an inhalation chamber it was observed that mice which had received a diet high in saturated fat lost the righting reflex at an estimated concentration of ethanol in blood higher than that required for mice receiving a control diet, or a diet rich in polyunsaturated fat. Analysis of the brain membrane fraction from those animals which had received ethanol revealed that mice receiving the highly saturated fat diet now had a significantly greater proportion of saturated fatty acids in brain membrane phospholipids. These results are discussed in relation to the hypothesis that brain membrane lipid composition may influence the behavioural response to ethanol.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of the effects of dietary fibre and associated components on protein digestibility and utilization are discussed. Based on the literature it could be shown that the implications and mechanisms behind the effect of soluble and insoluble dietary fibre on protein digestibility and utilization are quite different. Insoluble dietary fibre will increase faecal bulk and faecal nitrogen excretion is primarily due to and increased excretion of cell wall bound protein. Contrary to this, soluble dietary fibre increase faecal bulk and faecal nitrogen due to an increased excretion of microbial nitrogen. A matter of controversy is the influence of dietary fibre on endogenous nitrogen excretion and factors affecting the losses of nitrogen in this way. It is not known if fibre acts as a secretogogue.  相似文献   

In rats, maternal protein restriction reduces nephron endowment and often leads to adult hypertension. Sex differences in these responses have been identified. The molecular and genetic bases of these phenomena can best be identified in a mouse model, but effects of maternal protein restriction on kidney development have not been examined in mice. Therefore, we determined how combined prenatal and postnatal protein restriction in mice affects organ weight, glomerular number and dimensions, and renal expression of angiotensin receptor mRNA, in both male and female offspring. C57/BL6/129sv mice received either a normal (20% wt/wt; NP) or low (9% wt/wt; LP) protein diet during gestation and postnatal life. Offspring were examined at postnatal day 30. Protein restriction retarded growth of the kidney, liver, spleen, heart, and brain. All organs except the brain weighed less in female than male offspring. Protein restriction increased normalized (to body weight) brain weight, with females having relatively heavier brains than males. The effects of protein restriction were not sex dependent, except that normalized liver weight was reduced in males but increased in females. Glomerular volume, but not number, was greater in female than in male mice. Maternal protein restriction reduced nephron endowment similarly in male and female mice. Renal expression of AT(1A) receptor mRNA was approximately sixfold greater in female than male NP mice, but similar in male LP and female LP mice. We conclude that maternal protein restriction reduces nephron endowment in mice. This effect provides a basis for future studies of developmental programming in the mouse.  相似文献   

Two chromosomally distinguishable haemopoietic cell populations were injected into lethally irradiated syngeneic recipients. The presence or absence of the T(14;15)6Ca reciprocal translocation (indicated by T6 marker chromosomes) did not affect the proliferation of a population. Wide disparities were found in the proportions of the two donor cell populations between animals and between the right and left femora of individual animals. This suggest (i) that there is, at most, a very limited interchange of proliferating cells and their precursors between the marrow of different bones; and (ii) that the number of clones proliferating in the bone marrow at any one time must be rather small; there was evidence that this number depended in part on the number of haemopoietic cells injected. Exchange between the mitotically active cell populations of spleen, thymus, lymph nodes and bone marrow was also limited, as shown by significant disparities in the proportions of the two donor populations proliferating in the different tissues of individual mice.  相似文献   

Embryonic haemopoietic stem cells can differentiate from mouse blastocysts grown in vitro. Mouse blastocysts were cultured for 3 or 4 days and the resultant cells were injected intravenously into lethally X-irradiated or genetically anaemic recipient mice. Blastocysts grown in vitro did not maintain normal embryonic morphology. The presence of donor haemoglobin and donor lymphocytic glucose phosphate isomerase in grafted recipients, demonstrates the presence of embryonic haemopoietic stem cells. Recipients of embryonic haemopoietic stem cells, obtained from growth in vitro, were haematologically stable with no evidence of neoplasia. Pluripotent embryonic cells, maintained on fibroblast feeder layers, were unable to colonize X-irradiated or genetically anaemic mice. Recipients of pluripotent cells died at the same time as saline-injected controls.  相似文献   

The effect of protein depletion and refeeding on the metabolism of mouse liver nuclear proteins was studied. Five days protein depletion caused a 35% decrease in total nuclear protein. A fast recovery of the lost proteins, except histones, was induced when depleted mice were refed with a normal diet. Depletion caused a decrease in total nuclear protein synthesis, whereas refeeding quickly restored its normal value. The rates of total nuclear protein breakdown were estimated either as the difference between synthesis and protein gain or from the decay of radioactivity in protein labeled by the administration of both sodium [14C]bicarbonate and [35S]methionine. By these procedures, it was found that refeeding caused a slowdown in total nuclear protein breakdown. Hence, the recovery of the protein content observed during refeeding is due to both a restoration of synthesis and a decrease of breakdown. The [14C]bicarbonate procedure did not permit to obtain a high efficiency of label and, therefore, it was unsatisfactory for the measurement of the breakdown of fractionated nuclear proteins. A labeling procedure using [35S]methionine was designed for adequate measures of the decay of radioactivity in these proteins. This allows us to find that a slow down in breakdown affects similarly during refeeding to histones, to non histones, and to a fraction which contains ribonucleoproteins and soluble proteins.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans in haemopoietic cells   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Proteoglycans are produced by all types of haemopoietic cells including mature cells and the undifferentiated stem cells. The proteinase-resistant secretory granule proteoglycan (serglycin; Ref. 14), is the most prevalent and best characterised of these proteoglycans. Although its complete pattern of distribution in the haemopoietic system is unknown, serglycin has been identified in the mast cells, basophils and NK cells, in which secretion is regulated, and in HL-60 cells and a monocytoid cell line (Kolset, S.O., unpublished data) in which secretion is constitutive. Proteinase-resistant proteoglycans have been detected in human T-lymphocytes and murine stem cells (FDCP-mix) and the core proteins may be closely related to serglycin. A variety of glycosaminoglycan chains are assembled on the serglycin protein and it is likely that this class of proteoglycan can carry out a wide variety of functions in haemopoietic cells including the regulation of immune responses, inflammatory reactions and blood coagulation. There is strong evidence that in mast cells, NK cells and platelets, the proteoglycans are complexed to basic proteins (including enzymes and cytolytic agents) and amines in secretory granules and such complexes may dissociate following secretion from the cell. The stability of the complexes may be regulated by the ambient pH which may be acidic in the granules and neutral or above in the external medium. However, proteinase-proteoglycan complexes in mast cell granules seem to remain stable after secretion and it has been proposed that the proteoglycan regulates activity of proteinases released into the pericellular domain. The functions of proteoglycans which are constitutively secreted from cells are less clear. If cells have no requirement for storage of basic proteins why do they utilise the same design of proteoglycan as cells which accumulate secretory material prior to regulated release? We should stress that the so-called constitutive secretory pathway has been identified in haemopoietic cells in culture, which are usually maintained and grown in the presence of mitogenic factors (e.g., IL-2, IL-3). the cells are therefore activated and it has not been established that continuous proteoglycan secretion occurs in quiescent cells circulating in the peripheral blood. It is possible that lymphocytes, monocytes and macrophages, in which the constitutive secretion pathway operates in vitro, may store proteoglycan in vivo unless stimulated by mitogens or other activating agents.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The response and subsequent recovery of mouse haemopoietic progenitor cells (spleen colony forming cells and agar colony forming cells) has been studied following two cytotoxic agents. Busulphan was administered to normal mice and vinblastine to mice where the progenitor cell proliferation rate had been increased by a period of continuous γ-irradiation. With both these agents there is a difference between the response of the spleen colony forming cells and the agar colony forming cells during the first five days. They then recover together, but much more slowly after busulphan than after vinblastine even though their proliferation rate is increased. The rate of progenitor cell recovery after busulphan is increased if the progenitor cells are depleted further by vinblastine. However, methotrexate, which severely depletes the peripheral blood count and bone marrow cellularity but not the progenitor cells, has no effect on the recovery following busulphan. These results suggest that following cytotoxic agents the agar colony forming cells (“committed” stem cells) are not self-maintaining but are dependent on a supply of cells from the pluripotential spleen colony forming cells. In addition it appears that the depletion of the progenitor cells of the bone marrow and not the depletion of the maturing cells, provides a stimulus for stem cell recovery.  相似文献   

Low protein diets initiated at wearning in Balb/c mice cause a rapid and profound reduction in thymus weight and cellularity. Thymus weight falls to less than that of involuted thymus of adult mice and remains depressed for as long as diets are fed. Although most peripheral T cell functions do not appear to be depressed, suppressor cell activity was not as vigorous in deprived animals despite the presence of functional suppressor populations. Thymus growth was reinitiated promptly when high protein diets were fed to deprived animals. Thymus regeneration appeared to be due to both a resident population of stem cells which persisted in the thymus through the period of deprivation and a second, probably bone-marrow derived, population of stem cells. It is suggested that in normal mice the synchronized growth of the first population produces the characteristic innate growth pattern of the thymus. This is superimposed on the growth of the second population which continuously seeds the thymus and is constantly replaced. Protein deprivation severely restricts the growth of the first and second population, but both maintain their capacity for growth during long periods of protein restriction.  相似文献   

The interferon-induced protein kinase PK-i from mouse L cells.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Interferon-treated L cells are characterized by an increased protein kinase activity that can selectively phosphorylate the small subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2. This protein kinase, PK-i, has been extensively purified and shown to be a potent inhibitor of mRNA translation. The purified PK-i contains the endogenously phosphorylated 67,000 Mr protein characteristic of interferon-treated cell extracts. PK-i can also phosphorylate arginine-rich histones. Purified PK-i can be activated by preincubation with ATP (but not adenylyl imidodiphosphate) and low concentrations of double-stranded RNA. The activation results in an increase in the first rate of eIF-2 phosphorylation. Activated PK-i becomes resistant to high concentrations of double-stranded RNA and more thermostable. A stimulator of PK-i activity, factor A, was isolated, as well as a specific phosphoprotein phosphatase that dephosphorylates the 67,000 Mr protein and eIF-2. These two factors, which are present in untreated L cells, may regulate the translation inhibitory activity of the interferon-induced and double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase PK-i.  相似文献   

Haemopoietic stem cells evidently arise in early post-implantation mouse embryos at day 6 of gestation, a day earlier than previously thought (Moore & Metcalf, 1970). Disaggregated embryonic cells were injected into mice given a lethal dose of X-irradiation. The presence of donor haemoglobin (Whitney, 1978) and donor lymphocytic glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI) (Siciliano & Shaw, 1976) to detect donor erythrocytes and lymphocytes, respectively, were monitored by starch gel electrophoresis. The presence of donor cells was also assessed by using donor embryos carrying the T6 marker chromosomes. Decidual cells dissected free of embryos did not colonize any recipients. Disaggregated cells from early mouse embryos first colonized the liver and then repopulated the haemopoietic systems of recipients, producing adult donor haemoglobin within 2-3 days and donor GPI within 3-5 days. 80% of grafted X-irradiated recipients survived and donor markers were found in each of them. All nongrafted controls died within 14 days of X-irradiation and none of them showed donor markers. Disaggregated embryonic cells could be grafted across major histocompatibility barriers unlike adult bone marrow. Haemopoietic stem cells could not be identified in disaggregated cells from embryos aged less than 6 days gestation.  相似文献   

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