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Objective: The number of remaining teeth may indicate the extent of life‐long exposure to inflammation, a known risk factor for muscle loss and consequent disability. The aim was to study dental health status as a risk factor for muscle strength loss in very old people. Design: Cross‐sectional and prospective cohort study over a 5‐year follow‐up. Setting: Research laboratory. Participants: One hundred and ninety‐three 80‐year‐old people participated in the baseline examinations. Five years later, 79 survivors were retested. Main outcome measures: Number of remaining teeth, presence of periodontitis and handgrip strength. Results: At baseline, grip strength of men correlated positively with number of teeth but not with the presence of periodontitis. In women, the cross‐sectional associations were not statistically significant. In the prospective analyses, the presence of periodontitis at baseline showed a clear association with a steeper decline in handgrip over the 5‐year follow‐up in both sexes. The values adjusted for gender, height, weight, number of chronic conditions and physical activity were ?28.3% (SE 5.7) among those with periodontitis vs. ?11.9% (SE 3.1, p = 0.015) among those with healthy gingiva. No association between the number of teeth at baseline and change in grip strength over 5 years was observed. Conclusions: The presence of oral inflammation may lead to loss in muscle strength increasing the risk of disability. Therefore, good dental care throughout the life span may decrease risk of disability in old age.  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed to examine the possible association between level of education and 5‐year caries increment in the elderly inhabitants of Helsinki. Background: Low salivary flow and high numbers of salivary microorganisms are associated with the presence of caries, but cannot predict the increment in caries in the elderly. Materials and methods: This study group was derived from a population‐based Helsinki Aging Study, which consisted of a random sample of elderly born in 1904, 1909 and 1914. The 71 dentate elderly who underwent clinical oral examinations at baseline (1990–91) and 5 years later (1995–96) were included in the study group. Decayed, Missing or Filled Tooth (DMFT) and Root Caries Index (RCI) indexes were used to study subject’ caries experience. Data on subjects’ education came from questionnaire studies. The subjects were divided into four groups according to their level of education and occupation. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to evaluate relationships between subjects’ caries experience and level of education. Results: At baseline the elderly with high level of education had more teeth and more root surfaces at risk than those with low level of education. Number of teeth decreased (?1.085, p < 0.0001), while both DMFT (1.164, p < 0.0001) and RCI (0.081, p < 0.0001) indices increased during follow‐up. The increments in DMFT and RCI were not directly associated with the level of education. Multivariate analysis in which subjects’ gender, number of teeth, level of education, frequency of eating and frequency of brushing were taken into consideration, showed no significant association with caries increment. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study it can be concluded that the level of education of the elderly is not directly associated with the increment in caries.  相似文献   

Objective: This study was undertaken to provide an analysis of the actual oral heath care for frail elderly people living in different settings and to explore opinions of dentists towards new concepts in developing a community approach. Method: Data were collected from a sample of 101 dentists (15%) in the county of Antwerp using a self‐administered 30‐item questionnaire including questions about age, gender, education, organisational aspects of dental surgery, questions concerning dentists’ own contribution to oral healthcare services for frail elderly people and statements concerning opinions and attitude toward the organisation of oral health care for frail elderly people. At the same time, qualitative data were collected from focus group sessions with all participating dentists. Non‐parametric analysis was used to explore possible relationships between opinion and possible explanatory variables. Results: Half of the dentists offered dental services to residential or nursing homes (mean number of treatments a year: 5.4) and at home (mean number of treatments a year: 2.4). Prosthetic treatments such as relieving denture pressure points, repairing, rebasing and making new dentures were carried out in 77.4% and 76.7% of the cases in residential or nursing homes and at home respectively. Extractions were carried out in 16% and 18.6% of the cases in both living situations respectively. The main reasons for dentists refusing domiciliary oral health care were the absence of dental equipment (63%), lack of time (19%), with 11% convincing the patients to be treated in their dental surgery. Analysis showed different opinions of dentists depending on age, gender and university of education; however, statistically significant differences were only found by age. Conclusion: The older the dentist, the greater the tendency to refuse domiciliary oral healthcare services. The younger dentists were reluctant to cooperate in the provision of oral health care in a structured community approach.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00459.x
Relationship between subjective assessment of oral health and medical expenses in community‐dwelling elderly persons Objectives: The increasing medical expenses of elderly persons in Japan’s rapidly ageing society have become a major concern. It is therefore important to elucidate the factors associated with such escalation. Here, we focused on the relationship between subjective self‐assessment of oral health, as an index of general health, and medical expenses (excluding dental repair) under the hypothesis that oral health contributes to general medical expenses. Several studies have shown that oral health status is correlated with general health status among elderly persons. We speculated that oral health status might show a relation with medical costs among elderly persons. However, few studies have investigated this relationship to date. Materials and Methods: Participants were 259 elderly subjects (range: 65–84 years; 120 men, 139 women) residing independently. Subjective assessment of oral health was evaluated by their responses (‘Good’, ‘Not good’ and ‘Not at all good’) on a survey questionnaire. The correlation between subjective assessment of oral health and medical expenditure was analysed using Spearman’s rank method, the Mann–Whitney U‐test and the Kruskal–Wallis test. Medical expenses were used as the dependent variable in multinomial logistic regression analysis with background and intraoral factors as independent variables. Results: A slight yet statistically significant correlation was observed between subjective assessment of oral health and outpatient treatment fees. Conclusion: The findings revealed that subjective assessment of oral health is significantly and independently related to the medical expenses of community‐dwelling elderly persons after adjusting for social background, living environment and physical factors.  相似文献   

Objectives: To determine the oral health status and treatment needs of elderly residents of a residential home in Ankara, Turkey. Background: Little is known about oral health problems of elderly living in the institutions. Methods: Among 216 elderly, 193 of them were interviewed and were clinically examined according to WHO criteria. Age, gender, educational and occupational status, oral hygiene practices, dental insurance, access to dental care and systemic diseases were recorded using a structured questionnaire. Coronal and root caries, periodontal disease, dental status and related treatment needs were assessed by two calibrated dentists. Results: The mean age of the subjects were 75.2 ± 8.3 in males, 79.1 ± 7.9 in females; 32.6% of subjects were dentate and the mean number of teeth was 3.7 ± 7.0 (median = 0). A functional dentition was present in 7.3% of subjects (≥20). The mean decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) was 29.3 ± 5.8 (median = 32) and mean root caries was 2.2 ± 3.1 (median = 1.0). The major reason for tooth extraction was dental caries. Of the subjects, 20.7% had at least one untreated coronal caries and 18.1% root caries. The assessment of periodontal status according to CPI revealed that only four persons had nine healthy sextants with the score of ‘0’. Edentulousness was 67.4% while 11.9% of them lacked denture in both jaws. Conclusion: The results illustrated poor dental health and showed extremely high demand for the dental health services programmes for the elderly living in these institutions.  相似文献   

Objective: To systematically review the literature on oral health care interventions in frail older people and the effect on the incidence of aspiration pneumonia. Background: Oral health care seems to play an important role in the prevention of aspiration pneumonia in frail older people. Methods: Pubmed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, EMBASE and CINAHL were searched for eligible intervention studies. Only publications with regard to hospitalized or institutionalized older people, who were not dependent on mechanical ventilation were eligible. Two authors independently assessed the publications for their methodological quality. Results: Five publications were included and reviewed. Two studies showed that improvement of oral health care diminished the risk of developing aspiration pneumonia and the risk of dying from aspiration pneumonia directly. The three studies remaining showed that adequate oral health care decreased the amount of potential respiratory pathogens and suggested a reduction in the risk of aspiration pneumonia by improving the swallowing reflex and cough reflex sensitivity. Conclusions: According to the results of the current systematic literature review oral health care, consisting of tooth brushing after each meal, cleaning dentures once a day, and professional oral health care once a week, seems the best intervention to reduce the incidence of aspiration pneumonia.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to undertake a critical appraisal of oral health‐related quality of life (OHRQoL) measurements used for research in the elderly. Background: A variety of OHRQoL measurements have been developed in the past 20 years as a result of increased concern about the impact of oral conditions on a person’s quality of life. There is need for an assessment aimed at prioritising the recommended measurements to be used for different purposes in the elderly. Materials and methods: Original English language papers using measurements to assess OHRQoL in the elderly were identified from Web of Science, EMBASE, PubMed, Medline and Lilacs databases. The search included all papers published from 1985 to February 2007. The criteria of assessment were: (i) measurement criteria (number of items and domains, and classification of the results found for each measurement); (ii) quantitative–qualitative criteria (frequency, acceptability, reproducibility, reliability, sensitivity and capability of being reproduced in other language versions). Results: In a total of 152 papers selected, 20 measurements were identified. However, only seven fulfilled all the measurement and quantitative–qualitative criteria. Conclusion: Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index, Subjective Oral Health Status Indicators, Oral Health Impact Profile‐49, Dental Impact on Daily Living, Oral Health Impact Profile‐14, Oral Impact on Daily Performances and German Version of the Oral Heath Impact Profile were considered as instruments of choice to assess OHRQoL in the elderly. The other 13 instruments identified require further research aimed at a validation process and the use of a language other than English.  相似文献   

Oral health care in long‐term care facilities for elderly people in southern Brazil: a conceptual framework Objective: To present a theoretical model for understanding oral health care for the elderly in the context of long‐term care institutions (LTCI). Methods: Open‐ended individual interviews were conducted with the elderly residing in LTCI, their carers, nursing technicians and nurses, directors of care, dental surgeons and managers of public health services. A grounded theory methodological approach was adopted for data collection and analysis. Results: The emerging core category revealed a basic social process: ‘Promoting oral health care for the elderly based on the context of LTCI’. This process was composed of two contradicting yet correlated aspects: the oral health care does not minimise the poor oral epidemiological condition, and at the same time, there was a continued improvement in the oral care expressed by better care practices. These aspects were related to the: attribution of meaning to oral health, social determination of oral health, the ageing process, interactions established in the oral health care practices, oral health care management in LTCI, inclusion of oral health care into the political–organisational dimension and possibility of conjecturing better oral health care practices. Conclusion: The core concept of ‘Promotion of oral health care for elderly people based on the context of LTCI’ is capable of explaining the variations in the structure and process of LTCI, as well as in helping to understand the meaning of the oral health care practices for the institutionalised elderly.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00490.x
Oral health in institutionalised elderly people in Oslo, Norway and its relationship with dependence and cognitive impairment Objective: Investigating oral health’s relationship with dependency and cognitive state. Background: Oral hygiene is poor in the institutionalised elderly. There are problems regarding the oral care of residents having poor mobility or cognitive impairment. Material and methods: Cross‐sectional study involving 135 participants (mean age 85.7, SD 8.8 years) in two categories: nurses doing tooth cleaning and residents doing tooth cleaning. Those cleaned by nurses were categorised as co‐operative or unco‐operative. The oral hygiene status, presence of caries, retained roots and denture‐related stomatitis were recorded. Results: Of the participants, 70% had only natural teeth. The prevalence of caries was 28%. A significant correlation showed that having more teeth gave a poorer Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI‐S) (p = 0.018). The number of retained roots increased with the severity of cognitive impairment (p < 0.05). Significant differences were found between nurses or residents doing the tooth cleaning on the OHI‐S (p = 0.05) and percentage of dental plaque (p = 0.003). Unco‐operative residents had poorer oral hygiene (p = 0.028), more caries (p = 0.008) and were more often moderate–severe cognitive impaired (p = 0.016). Conclusions: A high percentage of participants had unacceptable oral hygiene. Residents whose teeth were cleaned by the nurses had poorer oral hygiene. Unco‐operative residents had the worst oral hygiene and more caries.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2010.00437.x Periodontal health status in the elderly with different levels of education: a 5‐year follow‐up study Objective: To assess the association between the periodontal health status and level of education over a 5‐year period among the elderly aged 75 years and older. Background: Oral health among the higher educated is known to be better than among the less‐well educated. On the other hand, the prevalence and severity of periodontal disease has been found to grow with increasing age. Methods: The participants were derived from a population‐based Helsinki Aging Study, a random sample of 76‐, 81‐ and 86‐year‐old elderly. The 170 dentate elderly who underwent clinical oral examinations at baseline and 71 who participated in the follow‐up were included in this study. The data was collected from intraoral and radiological examinations and from a structured questionnaire. Results: Subjects with a higher level of education had more retained teeth than subjects with a lower level of education. According to CPITN index, better‐educated participants had more healthy sextants, but they also had more sextants with periodontal pockets. Radiographic examination showed similar results. Conclusion: Level of education has a clear effect on the periodontal health status in the elderly. More treatment need seems to polarise into those elderly who are better educated as they retain more teeth into old age.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00553.x Oral health practices and beliefs among caregivers of the dependent elderly Background: Caregivers deal with oral health care of the dependent elderly; however, this has a low priority among them, and their education in daily oral care is deficient. Therefore, studying the oral care practices as well as their oral health beliefs is important as these affect the quality of the oral care they perform. Objective: To compare formal and informal caregivers’ oral care practices and oral health beliefs when taking care of severely dependent elderly. Material and methods: A cross‐sectional study was conducted on a convenience sample of 21 formal caregivers from a long‐term residence and 18 informal caregivers from a local primary health care domiciliary programme. Caregivers were surveyed using a questionnaire designed to elicit oral care practices and oral health beliefs. The nursing Dental Coping Beliefs Scale questionnaire was translated and validated in Chile. Results: Significant differences were observed between formal and informal caregivers’ performance of some oral health care practices. There were no significant differences between formal and informal caregivers’ oral health beliefs. Conclusions: Although there are some differences in formal and informal caregivers’ oral health care practices, we cannot state that one caregiver’s performance is better than the other, in fact, negative oral health beliefs were found in both groups.  相似文献   

Objective: Self‐perception of oral health is an important measurement for assessing the health and quality of life of elderly people. The aim of this study was to analyse associations between negative self‐perception of oral health and poor oral state, socio‐demographic variables, depression and use of medications. Method: In this cross‐sectional study, elderly people aged 60 to 74 years living in the urban zone of a city in southern Brazil were interviewed and examined. Functionally dependent individuals were excluded. Self‐perception was measured using the General Oral Health Assessment Index, and scores of 30 points or less were considered to represent negative perception. The physical, social and worry dimensions of this indicator were also analysed. Results: Two hundred and sixty‐seven elderly people (mean age 66.5 years, 59.9% female) were included in the study. Most of them had had little schooling. Negative self‐perception was identified in 18.7%, although none of the poor oral state was associated with this variable. In multivariate analysis, negative self‐perception was associated with female gender and depression. The women presented significantly lower means in the three dimensions analysed and individuals with depression, in the physical and social dimensions. Poor oral health (edentulism and absence of posterior occlusion) were associated with the physical dimension. Conclusion: Negative self‐perception of oral health was associated with gender and depression, but not with poor oral health. Therefore, gender and the presence of depression are factors to be taken into account in assessments involving this age group.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00556.x Oral health status in a group of the elderly population residing at home Objectives: To determine the oral health status and treatment needs of subjects aged 65 years and older residing in different districts of Ankara. Materials and methods: A total of 1300 patients, 751 females and 549 males, age 65 and over with a mean age of 72.8 ± 6.34 were included in this study. The subjects were visited at home and toothbrushing habits, visiting the dentist, tooth loss, denture needs were questioned and body mass index values were recorded. Results: 52.5% of the subjects were completely edentulous, 83.3% subjects reported wearing a removable denture. Females had a higher total tooth loss frequency when compared to males (p < 0.05). Total tooth loss between 65 and 69 ages was 47.3%, and increased to 62.4% among those aged 75 and over (p < 0.05). 16.2% of the subjects had not visited a dentist in the last 10 years, and only 3% visited a dentist for control check‐ups; no gender‐based difference was observed as to the frequency of dental visits (P > 0.05). No significant relationship was found between tooth loss and BMI values (P > 0.05). 46.3% of the subjects had chewing problems. Conclusions: The subjects included in this study showed high tooth loss frequency and poor oral hygiene habits. Education regarding maintenance of oral hygiene and regular dental check up should be stressed for the elderly.  相似文献   

Objective: Elderly people who are institutionalised receive qualified care. Among the services supplied, oral health care has not always been a priority. The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics of oral health care provided to the elderly residents in long‐term care facilities (LTC) in Porto Alegre/RS city. Methods: Twelve private and small‐size LTCs (less than 20 residents) participated in this study. All supervisors and 36 carers were interviewed. The data obtained were organised according to the offer of oral health under the following categories: responsibility for oral care, oral care routines, difficulties carrying out oral care routines. Results: The procedures used most often in order of frequency were tooth brushing, prostheses cleaning, use of mouthwashes, soaking of prostheses and cleaning of the tongue. Among the difficulties mentioned were the high cost of dental assistance, the lack of co‐operation both by family members and by the elderly themselves, the oral and general health status of the elderly and the limited time available for carers to carry out the tasks. Oral care is conducted empirically, and the responsibility is left to the carers. Conclusions: Analysis of the statements given reveals that oral care does not follow any kind of protocol or standardisation. The persistence of this situation could lead to unsatisfactory oral health care in private and small LTC facilities.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of this cross‐sectional study was to assess the level of oral hygiene in elderly people living in long‐term care institutions and to investigate the relationship between institutional and individual characteristics, and the observed oral cleanliness. Materials and methods: Clinical outcome variables, denture plaque and dental plaque were gathered from 359 older people (14%) living in 19 nursing homes. Additional data were collected by a questionnaire filled out by all health care workers employed in the nursing homes. Results: Only 128 (36%) residents had teeth present in one or both dental arches. About half of the residents (47%) wore complete dentures. The mean dental plaque score was 2.17 (maximum possible score = 3) and the mean denture plaque score was 2.13 (maximum possible score = 4). Significantly more plaque was observed on the mucosal surface of the denture with a mean plaque score of 2.33 vs. 1.93 on the buccal surface (p < 0.001). In the multiple analyses only the degree of dependency on an individual level was found to be significantly correlated with the outcome dental plaque (odds ratio: 3.09) and only the management of the institution with denture plaque (odds ratio: 0.43). Conclusion: Oral hygiene was poor, both for dentures and remaining teeth in residents in long‐term care institutions and only the degree of dependency of the residents and the management of the institutions was associated with the presence of dental plaque and denture plaque respectively.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2010.00363.x
General health, dental status and perceived dental treatment needs of an elderly population in Istanbul Background: Comprehensive data on the oral health status and dental treatment needs of the elderly population in Turkey are deficient. Objectives: This pilot study determined the general and dental health status, perceived medical and dental treatment needs of an elderly population dwelling in residential homes in Istanbul. Method: Subjects at three different residential homes, namely one belonging to the state and two supported by foundations in Istanbul (N=121, female: 63 and male: 58) were involved in this study. A detailed questionnaire was prepared and dental examinations were conducted. Information was collected related to age, education levels, financial status, current physical functional status, general health, mental health, previous dental history, current dental status, oral hygiene practices and denture hygiene of these elderly people. The prevalence of edentulism, the presence and type of dental prostheses, dental and denture status and denture cleanliness were further evaluated. Results: The three most prevalent reported general health problems were associated with genito‐urinary problems (24%) followed by cardiovascular (18%) and respiratory problems (14%) varying significantly between genders, with males suffering more from cardiovascular problems than females (p < 0.05). Females showed significantly higher gastrointestinal and orthopaedic problems than males (p < 0.05). Females were more frequently edentulous than males but denture hygiene was significantly better in females than in males (p < 0.05). Brushing frequency did not significantly increase denture hygiene (p = 0.6). More than one‐third of the subjects had not been to the dentist within the previous 5–10 years, mainly due to lack of demand, followed by the cost of the dental care and fear. More than two‐thirds of denture‐wearing subjects wore their dentures only during eating. Conclusions: There was significant perceived dental treatment and care need for the sample population of elderly studied.  相似文献   

Background: Life expectancy has increased worldwide, with India (having 8% who are senior citizens), falling into the “Greying Country” category. This ageing population constitutes a high‐risk oral health group, vis‐à‐vis impaired manual dexterity, cognitive deterioration and unmet treatment needs, which could be compounded by psychiatric morbidity. Objective: To assess oral health status and prosthodontic need of ageing psychiatric patients. Materials and method: One hundred and twenty‐five patients, aged 50 years or above, admitted to the Department of Geriatric Mental Health, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, were examined for prosthodontic, oral health status and need, the study population being divided into groups on the basis of Bristol Activities Scale of Daily Living. Results: Depressive symptoms (which increased with age) and psychiatric morbidity were found to be more in females. About 98% of the population showed probing depths of more than 3 mm, with mean number of decayed/missing teeth and inability to maintain oral/denture hygiene (p < 0.001) increasing in higher disability levels. While 91.3% of the population wearing a prosthesis required new dentures, 33.3% of the study population had unfulfilled partial denture need and 28.4% had unfulfilled upper/lower complete denture need. Conclusion: Ageing psychiatric subjects require dental education and treatment to meet their needs.  相似文献   

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