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The hypothesis of pacemaker level origin of thermal compensation in heart rate was tested by recording action potentials (AP) in intact sinoatrial tissue and enzymatically isolated pacemaker cells of rainbow trout acclimated at 4 degrees C (cold) and 18 degrees C (warm). With electrophysiological recordings, the primary pacemaker was located at the base of the sinoatrial valve, where a morphologically distinct ring of tissue comprising myocytes and neural elements was found by histological examination. Intrinsic beating rate of this pacemaker was higher in cold-acclimated (46 +/- 6 APs/min) than warm-acclimated trout (38 +/- 3 APs/min; P < 0.05), and a similar difference was seen in beating rate of isolated pacemaker cells (44 +/- 6 vs. 38 +/- 6 APs/min; P < 0.05), supporting the hypothesis that thermal acclimation modifies the intrinsic pacemaker mechanism of fish heart. Inhibition of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) with 10 microM ryanodine and 1 microM thapsigargin did not affect heart rate in either warm- or cold-acclimated trout at 11 degrees C but reduced heart rate in warm-acclimated trout from 74 +/- 2 to 42 +/- 6 APs/min (P < 0.05) at 18 degrees C. At 11 degrees C, a half-maximal blockade of the delayed rectifier K+ current (I(Kr)) with 0.1 microM E-4031 reduced heart rate more in warm-acclimated (from 45 +/- 1 to 24 +/- 5 APs/min) than cold-acclimated trout (56 +/- 3 vs. 48 +/- 2 APs/min), whereas I(Kr) density was higher and AP duration less in cold-acclimated trout (P > 0.05). Collectively, these findings suggest that a cold-induced increase in AP discharge frequency is at least partly due to higher density of the I(Kr) in the cold-acclimated trout, whereas contribution of SR Ca2+ release to thermal compensation of heart rate is negligible.  相似文献   

The magnitude by which plasma cortisol levels increase following exposure to a stressor is a heritable trait in rainbow trout. The relative growth in coculture of F1 lines selected for high responsiveness (HR) and low responsiveness (LR) to a confinement stressor suggested that behavioral characteristics related to food acquisition, aggression, or competitive ability might differ between the two lines. This hypothesis was tested using the F2 generation of the selected lines. The F2 lines clearly exhibited the characteristics of the F1 parents, displaying significantly divergent plasma cortisol responses to a 1-h confinement stressor and a high heritability for the trait. Behavioral differences between the lines were assessed by observing the outcome of staged fights for dominance in size-matched pairs of HR and LR fish. The identification of dominant and subordinate fish within each pair on the basis of their behavior was supported by the levels of blood cortisol in the fish attributed to each group (dominant < subordinate). Fish from the LR line were identified as dominant in significantly more trials than were HR individuals. The results suggest that behavioral attributes that affect the outcome of rank-order fights are closely linked to the magnitude of the plasma cortisol response to stress in rainbow trout. Whether the link is causal or circumstantial is not yet evident.  相似文献   

As is the case with the anucleate mammalian erythrocyte, ionic composition in anucleate red cells of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, is insulin-sensitive. By comparison with erythrocytes cultured in insulin-free medium, those exposed to insulin concentrations of 20, 200 and 2000 microU/ml for 2 and 6 h exhibited dose-dependent increases in potassium and water content coupled with reductions in the levels of sodium, magnesium and chloride. These observations suggest that the membrane of this type of erythrocyte possesses insulin receptors.  相似文献   

Fingerling rainbow trout were supplemented with equal amounts of creatine (Cr) by two routes: dietary (12.5 mg Cr per g food); or intraperitoneal injection (0.5 mg Cr per g fish). Endurance in a fixed velocity sprint test (at a speed of 7 BL s(-1)), and resting levels of white muscle metabolites (total creatine [a measure of free creatine plus phosphocreatine (PCr), ATP, lactate and glycogen] were assessed following 7 days of supplementation and compared to controls. None of the treatments had a significant effect on growth, muscle total creatine, percent phosphorylation of creatine, ATP or lactate. However, resting muscle glycogen was elevated in creatine-supplemented fish. Higher muscle glycogen corresponded to significantly greater endurance in creatine-supplemented fish. Although fish do not actively transport additional creatine into the muscle, a mechanism whereby circulating creatine acts to enhance muscle glycogen is present. These results suggest that the improved endurance may be due to an insulin-dependent mechanism (similar to that elucidated in mammalian studies) that allows fish to supercompensate muscle glycogen stores, thus extending endurance through enhanced glycolytic flux.  相似文献   

Metabolic rates associated with sustained, prolonged and critical swimming speeds were examined in 10 g trout exposed to 5% 96 hr LC50 (0.75 microgram X l-1) and 10% 96 hr LC50 (1.50 micrograms X l-1) at 12 degrees C. Permethrin did not influence the metabolic cost for swimming at sustained and prolonged speeds. Basal metabolic rate increased on initial exposure to permethrin reaching maximum values after 7 days and declined to the control level after 13 days in 5% and after 32 days in 10% 96 hr LC50. Critical swimming speeds were adversely affected in a manner reflective of the effects of permethrin on basal metabolic rate. Elevation in basal metabolic rate in fish exposed to permethrin was a result of increased energy requirements due to physiological stress, detoxication and tissue repair.  相似文献   

Renal function was examined in adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) after chronic exposure to a sublethal level of dietary Cd (500 mg/kg diet) for 52 d and during a subsequent challenge to waterborne Cd (10 microg/L) for 72 h. Dietary Cd had no major effects on UFR (urine flow rate) and GFR (glomerular filtration rate) but caused increased renal excretion of glucose, protein, and major ions (Mg(2+), Zn(2+), K(+), Na(+), Cl(-) but Ca(2+)). However, dietary Cd did not affect any plasma ions except Na(+) which was significantly elevated in the Cd-acclimated trout. Plasma glucose and ammonia levels fell by 25% and 36% respectively, but neither plasma nor urine urea was affected in Cd-acclimated fish. Dietary Cd exposure resulted in a remarkable increase of Cd load in the plasma (48-fold, approximately 22 ng/mL) and urine (60-fold, 8.9 ng/mL), but Cd excretion via the kidney was negligible on a mass-balance basis. Clearance ratio analysis indicates that all ions, Cd, and metabolites were reabsorbed strongly (58-100%) in both na?ve and dietary Cd exposed fish, except ammonia which was secreted in both groups. Mg(2+), Na(+), Cl(-) and K(+) reabsorption decreased significantly (3-15%) in the Cd-exposed fish relative to the control. Following waterborne Cd challenge, GFR and UFR were affected transiently, and only Mg(2+) and protein excretion remained elevated with no recovery with time in Cd-acclimated trout. Urinary Ca(2+) and Zn(2+) excretion rates dropped with an indication of renal compensation towards plasma declines of both ions. Cadmium challenge did not cause any notable effects on urinary excretion rates of metabolites. However, a significant decrease in Mg(2+) reabsorption but an increase in total ammonia secretion was observed in the Cd-acclimated fish. The study suggests that dietary Cd acclimation involves physiological costs in terms of renal dysfunction and elevated urinary losses.  相似文献   

Research on ageing made a big leap forward when genes regulating lifespan were discovered about a decade ago. First isolated by screening the genome of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, most of these genes belong to an essential signalling pathway that is highly conserved during animal evolution. Orthologous genes in vertebrate species are the families of genes coding for insulin, insulin-like growth factors (IGF) and related proteins. Intensively studied and well-known for their pivotal roles in proliferation, differentiation, survival and metabolism of most cells, we now discover their multiples functions with respect to the control of longevity and their ability to modulate the cell's responses to oxidative stress, a major cause of cellular and organismal ageing. The activity of IGF signalling in mammals depends on a complex interplay of endocrine signals that together constitute the somatotropic axis. Accordingly, several components of this hormone axis, like growth hormone or growth hormone releasing hormone receptors, regulate efficiently animal longevity, which has been elegantly demonstrated by studies performed in genetically modified mouse models. From this and other work, it becomes increasingly clear that the control of ageing is a question of hormonal regulations. We here present several of these models and discuss the respective contributions of insulin and IGF signalling to the regulation of lifespan. We review data on the Klotho gene that acts on lifespan via surprising and not yet fully understood molecular mechanisms, connecting this new, hormone-like substance to IGF and insulin signalling. We further report recent evidence showing that human lifespan might be controlled in similar ways. Finally, we shed some light on clinical GH treatment in humans, from an endocrinologist's point of view.  相似文献   

Acclimation of rainbow trout to 5, 15 and 22 degrees C for periods exceeding 4 months had no significant effect on the oxygen affinity of whole blood or on the concentration of ATP, which is the main organic phosphate in red cells. Slight differences were, however, found in the oxygenation properties of the haemolysates, which correlate with changes in the relative concentration of the multiple haemoglobins. The oxygen-binding properties of the main haemoglobin components account for the observed differences in the haemolysates. The possible thermoacclimatory significance of changes in haemoglobin multiplicity and co-factor concentrations is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Cytosolic extracts of liver, kidney, spleen, gill, red and white muscle from rainbow trout acclimated to 4 and 17°C, respectively, have been investigated in vitro with respect to their enzymic activity in stimulating the growth of nascent peptide chains (labelled polyphenylalanine) at assay temperatures from 5 to 25°C using polyuracil as messenger RNA. The elongation step of protein synthesis is characterized by aQ 10 value of about 2.4 (range 10–25°C) in all organs from both, 4 and 17°C acclimated fish.Except for the red muscle, the organs of cold acclimated trout, however, exhibit significantly higher specific elongation rates (mol phenylalanine polymerized/(g wet weight·h)) at any experimental temperature than those of warm acclimated fish. This increase of the elongation rates varies between the organs and ranges from +29% (liver) to +60% in the gill. The specific acylation rate (mol phenylalanyl-tRNA formed/(g wet weight·h)) surpasses the specific elongation rate by a factor of at least 8.5. Moreover, the specific acylation rate per mg protein is independent of acclimation temperature.It is concluded that the increased specific elongation rates in 4°C acclimated trout are not due to altered pool sizes of the precursor phenylalanyl-tRNA, but reflect an effective enhancement of enzymic elongation factor activities.In accordance with data taken from literature, this finding suggests a compensatory enhancement of in vivo protein synthesis to occur in trout during cold acclimation.Abbreviations E a apparent activation energy - EF elongation factor - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane sulfonic acid - PHE phenylalanine - PHE-tRNA phenylalanyl transfer ribonucleic acid - POLY (U) poly-uracil - Q 10 van't Hoff's temperature coefficient - T accl acclimation temperature - T exp experimental temperature - TRITON X-100 octylphenol-polyethylene-glycolether  相似文献   

Calcareous otoliths in the inner ears of fishes are necessary for proper hearing and vestibular function. Sagittal otoliths are usually composed of the calcium carbonate polymorph aragonite but may contain the polymorph vaterite, a phenomenon called otolith crystallization. The causes of otolith crystallization are poorly understood. Thyroid hormone (TH) can influence the chemical microenvironment and structure of the inner ear, suggesting that TH may influence otolith crystallization. The present study examined the effect of exogenous TH treatment on sagittal otolith crystallization and growth in larval and juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. In the first experiment, 110?C179?day-old fish raised from TH-treated oocytes had significantly fewer sagittal otoliths containing the crystalline calcium carbonate polymorph vaterite as compared to untreated fish. Vaterite-containing otoliths were significantly longer than those containing the typical polymorph aragonite, although there was no effect of TH treatment on otolith length. In the second experiment, juveniles immersed in an exogenous solution of TH for 6?weeks had slightly longer otoliths (relative to fish length) than age-matched controls, but this effect was not significant. This juvenile population had a very high percentage (88.3?%) of vaterite sagittae overall and this percentage did not change significantly with treatment, suggesting the switch from aragonite to vaterite occurred prior to inclusion of the fish in the study. These results suggest that early manipulation of TH levels may affect calcium carbonate deposition on the otolith but that later TH exposure is unable to restore typical otolith composition.  相似文献   

In cardiomyocytes, ryanodine receptors (RYRs) mediate Ca2+-induced Ca2+-release (CICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) during excitation–contraction (e–c) coupling. In rainbow trout heart, the relative importance of CICR increases with cold-acclimation. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of temperature acclimation (4, 11 and 18°C) on RYR intracellular localization and expression density. We used immunocytochemistry to assess intracellular localization in ventricular myocytes and Western blotting to assess RYR expression in both atrial and ventricular tissue. In ventricular myocytes, RYRs were localized peripherally in transverse bands aligning with sarcomeric m-lines and centrally around mitochondria and the nucleus. Localization did not change with temperature acclimation. RYR expression was also unaffected by temperature acclimation. The localization of RYRs at the m-line is similar to neonatal mammalian cardiomyocytes. We suggest this positioning is indicative of myocytes which rely predominantly on transsarcolemmal Ca2+-influx, rather than CICR, during e–c coupling.  相似文献   

1. The possibility that temperature acclimation (to 10 or 18 degrees C for 28 days) would alter the cytochromes P-450 of rainbow trout was addressed. 2. The specific content of LM4b (P-450 IA1), the trout isozyme responsible for activation of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, was lower in 18 degrees C fish than it was in 10 degrees C fish. 3. Kinetic analysis of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase indicated that, while thermal acclimation caused no change in Vmax, it lowered the apparent Km of this enzyme for benzo[a]pyrene when assayed at acutely shifted temperatures. 4. Thermal acclimation of fish may have significance when feral populations are subjected to acute temperature shifts.  相似文献   

In fish species, many studies demonstrated the crucial role of estradiol (E2) in the development of the reproductive axis, but progesterone (P) has been described mainly as a precursor steroid and no clear role by itself has been reported. Moreover, a cooperative effect of P (or another progestin) and E2 in fish has never been reported to our knowledge. In the present work, we investigated the effects of P, alone or in combination with E2, on the reproductive-axis of immature rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Liver vitellogenin and estradiol receptor (rtER) mRNA levels increased after E2 treatment, but were unchanged by P treatments as a reflection of peripheral action of steroids. In contrast, at the pituitary level, LH contents increased after E2 and/or P treatments. Focusing on the brain level, we confirmed a clear up regulation of rtER expression by E2 in sterile triploid females, and we also demonstrated a similar stimulating effect of P alone but no cooperative effect together with E2. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that in immature trout, prior to the beginning of the first reproductive cycle, unlike E2, P is able to stimulate the reproductive brain-pituitary axis without affecting vitellogenin synthesis in the liver.  相似文献   

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