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University departments of general practice and the postgraduate education system for general practice have developed separately over the past 30 years. This separation is now impeding the academic development of the discipline and causes difficulties with recruitment and career progression. These problems could be eased by the creation of integrated departments. This would establish a critical mass for research and educational development, allow human and other resources to be used more flexibly and effectively, and provide a strong base for undergraduate education, vocational training, higher professional training, and continuing education. It could encourage collaborative ventures with other disciplines and also lead to higher standards of patient care.  相似文献   

The Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (AWAC) was established in July 1996, to consider the care, welfare and use of animals involved in procedures for defence research purposes at Defence and Evaluation Research Agency (DERA) establishments in the UK. Two of the objectives of AWAC are to examine the broad trends in animal use at DERA establishments, and to implement and audit the application of the Three Rs principle. AWAC's sixth report addressed the period from 31 October 2000 to 28 February 2002. The statistics of animal use within the report are briefly examined, and some of the actions undertaken by defence research establishments to facilitate the application of the Three Rs are highlighted. It is recommended that, if possible (subject to security constraints), figures detailing the severity of the procedures undertaken should be included in future issues of the report, in order to provide a more-detailed account. It is concluded that Defence Science and Technology Laboratory establishments have made a contribution to the Three Rs, and that other establishments may be able to incorporate some of their actions into their own research programmes. There was an overall 36% increase in the number of procedures carried out by defence research establishments between 1995 and 2000, from 8,900 to 12,065. This probably reflects alterations in the research programme, which is, in turn, decided primarily by the Ministry of Defence's customers and the progress made with previous research programmes. It is therefore recommended that the UK Government allocates significantly more financial resources for the development and validation of alternatives, in order to maximise the potential for achieving the Three Rs in defence research, and to complement the existing initiatives within the defence research industry.  相似文献   

青年教师是高等院校未来的主力军,学校可持续发展的后备力量,是学校事业发展的希望,因此,提高青年教师的教学水平至关重要。大学青年教师在专业技能、思想政治素质、业务水平、掌握阅读专业书刊能力、自身的教学经验和反思等方面具有良好的基础,但在教育学、心理学、一般教学方法、学习情况分析等方面不够深入了解,因此需要对大学青年教师进行严格系统性培养,本文针对青年教师一对一导师制专业技能培训、观摩教学、继续教育培训等方面进行阐述,旨在为青年教师早日进入角色,尽快胜任教育教学工作提供参考。  相似文献   

The four central questions surrounding the use of information are: where to find it; how to find it; how to present it; and how to maintain information availability and information literacy. It is usually assumed that the main source of information for most scientists is the peer-reviewed journal literature. Traditional journal publishing is beset with a number of problems. Although electronic publishing might possibly solve some of these, it in turn introduces new problems. Further problems arise with respect to secondary sources which, in some cases, are being supplemented by electronic archives of full-text documents. One fundamental question that arises when considering any large collection of documents or of records about documents is whether or not to index them, and how to index them. The pros and cons of free-text searching versus the use of controlled vocabularies are discussed, as is the importance of harmonising the Three Rs-related terminology of existing and proposed thesauri. However, there is a further problem that documents pertinent to the Three Rs are not always indexed from this point of view. Authors need to be made aware that, if the information is not provided in the abstract, there is no easy way to identify and retrieve this document from a database. Small specialised databases on the Three Rs in relation to specific subject areas could provide a further solution, especially if they provide references to conference proceedings and book chapters, which are not usually found in the large bibliographical databases. The provision of training in the use of information resources, and the establishment and maintenance of these resources require investment of money and professional skills. Finally, the future of Three Rs information depends on a recognition that this in an important topic which deserves more than lip service.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a national survey conducted with 223 arts teachers working in public schools that feature mixed-age classrooms rather than traditional grade levels. The purpose of the survey was to identify the professional development needs of arts teachers working in these unique environments and to offer suggestions for policymakers who might provide appropriate training or foster the development of multi-age school sites. The results showed that most respondents (73.1%) were in favor of developing new multi-age training for arts teachers and revealed their preferences for workshop content related to organizational strategies, collaboration with colleagues, assessment, integrated curriculum, collaborative student work, research, and thematic instruction. The results also revealed respondents' preferences for venues, formats, and the scheduling of such professional development experiences. The implications of these findings provide a number of options for policymakers to weigh in planning optimum training opportunities for multi-age arts instructors.  相似文献   

The 'Three Rs' tenet (replacement, reduction, refinement) is a widely accepted cornerstone of Canadian and international policies on animal-based science. The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) initiated this web-based survey to obtain greater understanding of 'principal investigators' and 'other researchers' (i.e. graduate students, post-doctoral researchers etc.) views on the Three Rs, and to identify obstacles and opportunities for continued implementation of the Three Rs in Canada. Responses from 414 participants indicate that researchers currently do not view the goal of replacement as achievable. Researchers prefer to use enough animals to ensure quality data is obtained rather than using the minimum and potentially waste those animals if a problem occurs during the study. Many feel that they already reduce animal numbers as much as possible and have concerns that further reduction may compromise research. Most participants were ambivalent about re-use, but expressed concern that the practice could compromise experimental outcomes. In considering refinement, many researchers feel there are situations where animals should not receive pain relieving drugs because it may compromise scientific outcomes, although there was strong support for the Three Rs strategy of conducting animal welfare-related pilot studies, which were viewed as useful for both animal welfare and experimental design. Participants were not opposed to being offered "assistance" to implement the Three Rs, so long as the input is provided in a collegial manner, and from individuals who are perceived as experts. It may be useful for animal use policymakers to consider what steps are needed to make replacement a more feasible goal. In addition, initiatives that offer researchers greater practical and logistical support with Three Rs implementation may be useful. Encouragement and financial support for Three Rs initiatives may result in valuable contributions to Three Rs knowledge and improve welfare for animals used in science.  相似文献   

Objective:  This review highlights the role of cytopathology in cancer management within UK Head and Neck Cancer Networks and informs on the issues raised by recent UK Department of Health documents and other UK professional guidance. UK guidance requires the formal involvement of cytopathologists within multidisciplinary cancer teams, with medical and non-medical cytopathology staff setting up and running rapid access lump clinics, and support for image-guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) services. UK guidance also makes recommendations for training, resources and quality control. This review also highlights the resource gap between best practice evidence-based guidance for head and neck (HN) cancer services and existing UK provision for cytopathology, as evidenced by lack of availability of experienced staff and adequacy of training and quality control (QC). Finally, it stresses the importance in the UK of the Royal College of Pathologists' guidance, which defines the need for training, the experience needed for new consultants, the requirements for audit and QC. The implications for the additional resources required for HN cancer cytopathology services are discussed. Recent professional guidance specifying the provision of HN cancer services in the UK includes a cytopathology service for cancer networks, such as rapid access FNAC clinics. Although these clinics already operate in some institutions, there are many institutions where they do not and where the provision of cytopathology services would have to be restructured. This would need the support of local cancer networks and their acceptance of the detailed requirements for cytopathology, including resources, training and QC. The standards are not defined locally, as Strategic Health Authorities and Primary Care Trusts have been instructed by the Department of Health to support, invest and implement them.  相似文献   

It is now more than 20 years since both Council of Europe Convention ETS123 and EU Directive 86/609/EEC were introduced, to promote the implementation of the Three Rs in animal experimentation and to provide guidance on animal housing and care. It might therefore be expected that reports of the implementation of the Three Rs in animal research papers would have increased during this period. In order to test this hypothesis, a literature survey of animal-based research was conducted. A randomly-selected sample from 16 high-profile medical journals, of original research papers arising from European institutions that featured experiments which involved either mice or primates, were identified for the years 1986 and 2006 (Total sample = 250 papers). Each paper was scored out of 10 for the incidence of reporting on the implementation of Three Rs-related factors corresponding to Replacement (justification of non-use of non-animal methods), Reduction (statistical analysis of the number of animals needed) and Refinement (housing aspects, i.e. increased cage size, social housing, enrichment of cage environment and food; and procedural aspects, i.e. the use of anaesthesia, analgesia, humane endpoints, and training for procedures with positive reinforcement). There was no significant increase in overall reporting score over time, for either mouse or primate research. By 2006, mouse research papers scored an average of 0 out of a possible 10, and primate research papers scored an average of 1.5. This review provides systematic evidence that animal research is still not properly reported, and supports the call within the scientific community for action to be taken by journals to update their policies.  相似文献   

The Three Rs form the basis of review of animal-use protocols by Animal Ethics Committees (AECs), but little research has examined how AECs actually interpret and implement the Three Rs. This topic was explored through in-depth, open-ended interviews with 28 members of AECs at four Canadian universities. In describing protocol review, AEC members rarely mentioned the Three Rs, but most reported applying some aspects of the basic concepts. Comments identified several factors that could impede full application of the Three Rs: incomplete understanding of the Three Rs (especially Refinement), trust that researchers implement Replacement and Reduction themselves, belief by some members that granting agency review covers the Three Rs, focus on sample size rather than experimental design to achieve Reduction, focus on harm caused by procedures to the exclusion of housing and husbandry, and lack of consensus on key issues, notably on the nature and moral significance of animal pain and suffering, and on whether AECs should minimise overall harm to animals. The study suggests ways to achieve more consistent application of the Three Rs, by providing AECs with up-to-date information on the Three Rs and with access to statistical expertise, by consensus-building on divisive issues, and by training on the scope and implementation of the Three Rs.  相似文献   

A meeting was organised by the Laboratory Animal Science Association (LASA) Alternatives Section to provide a forum in which ideas for strategies to raise awareness of the Three Rs could be discussed. One of the main objectives of the meeting was to identify effective strategies which could feasibly be implemented at establishments. In general, there are two main ways in which Three Rs information can be obtained and communicated. Individuals can be assigned to a role with specific responsibilities (for example, a named alternatives expert), or committees can be established, with a remit to find ways to reduce, refine and/or replace animal use (for example, an alternatives committee). The meeting involved invited speakers who are engaged in obtaining and communicating Three Rs information, and this report presents a summary of the advantages and limitations of various approaches that are being undertaken.  相似文献   

提高医学创新人才培养手段是医学教育改革的重点内容之一。"分子与细胞"是临床医学教育改革的重点专业基础课,也是一门全新的整合课程,具有学时多、难度大且要求和临床专业紧密结合的特点。如何转变临床专业课程的传统教学模式,是临床专业课程改革创新的焦点。该研究通过基于嵌入式文献阅读和临床案例式的翻转课堂教学模式,将传统的面对面授课转化为以学生为中心的授课方式,将课堂主阵地由线下转移至线上,为线下课堂提供了更多创新融合的方式,同时增强了医学生对于生命学基本原理的理解,为培养具有精准医学专业背景的医学生提供了理论基础。通过三年的翻转课堂实施,临床专业卓越医生试点班学生对教学满意度以及学生成绩显著提升,说明在临床专业整合课程开展翻转课堂教学具有积极意义。  相似文献   

ECVAM's activities in the field of biologicals have contributed in many ways to the successful incorporation of Three Rs methods, as summarised elsewhere in these proceedings. The progress achieved is impressive, but large numbers of animals are still needed in order to meet the requirements stipulated by various regulations. ECVAM's activities in this area should therefore be continued and extended. Besides the well-established organisation of ECVAM workshops and contributions to conferences, further prevalidation and validation studies should be funded. In addition, studies on refinement, and training courses on validated and well-established Three Rs methods, could be initiated. There is a need for more communication and information exchange, especially between regulators and industry concerning the Three Rs. ECVAM could provide a suitable forum for such activities. An ECVAM Biologicals Task Force should be established in order to define a list of priorities.  相似文献   

This article argues that education policy should support school-university partnerships that place preservice music teachers with their college professors in a laboratory school environment. With roots in Dewey's experimental school of 1896, the laboratory concept is a variation of the professional development schools now in vogue. The policies recommended here are not tied directly to this school-university partnership model, but they do support the collaborative concept. Policy recommendations include re-conceptualization of the student teaching experience; compensation of faculty members through financial incentives and professional development credits; and consideration for university faculty members engaged in such partnerships when determining workload and reviewing teaching, scholarship, and service for tenure or promotion decisions. The policy recommendations call for the creation of release time for school personnel to meet with university personnel to plan and assess the partnered collaboration, and for funding to support ongoing collaborative research by university and school personnel.  相似文献   

Investigators planning to use animals in their research and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) members who review the research protocols must take personal responsibility for ensuring that they have the skills and knowledge to perform their duties, applying the Three Rs principles of Russell and Burch. The two Korean laws introduced in 2008 and 2009 regulating animal use for scientific purposes in line with the Three Rs principles have been revised a total of 11 times over the last 6 years. Both regulatory agencies, e.g., the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, provide regular training based on the legal requirements. Based on the amended Animal Welfare Act, the IACUC appointment framework has been upgraded: appointments are now for two-year terms and require a qualified training certificate issued by the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency since 2012. The authors reviewed the current curricular programs and types of training conducted by the two governing agencies through Internet searches. Our Internet survey results suggest that: a) diversity should be provided in training curricula, based on the roles, backgrounds and needs of the individual trainees; b) proper and continued educational programs should be provided, based on trainees’ experiences; and c) active encouragement by government authorities can improve the quality of training curricula. [BMB Reports 2014; 47(4): 179-183]  相似文献   

为提升食品微生物检验学专业人才能力,培养行业发展需要的有竞争力的人才,以构思-设计-实施-操作(Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate,CDIO)教育理念为核心,对食品微生物检验学课程进行教学模式创新研究。结合行业实际需求以及高等教育人才培养目标,对食品微生物检验学教学理念思路转变、教学模式方法革新、实践教学引进科研项目、教学基地融入实践过程等方面进行了教学改革,并对考核评估体系进行了模式创新。实践证明,食品微生物检验学教学改革和考核模式创新收到了良好的教育效果,培养了符合社会发展的专业知识水平与综合能力素质双优的专业人才。以期为同行提供有效的专业改革理念,给同类高等教育工程技术人才培养和专业教学改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper describes a pilot study assessing the psychosocial impact of political violence in the Peruvian Andes, utilizing a collaborative approach with local professionals and communities. The study team prioritized dialogue and information exchange with the local professional community and villagers participating in the assessment in order to raise awareness of psychosocial issues and provide education and support. Participation in the pilot study had positive therapeutic effects for villagers, and inspired ongoing discussion groups to address psychosocial problems in communities. This paper also describes a psychosocial assessment strategy utilizing qualitative methods and an adaptation of the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire in collaboration with Andean villagers. Usefulness and limitations of the data will be reviewed, in terms of cultural and context relevance, usefulness for informing interventions, and comparisons with ethnographic methodologies and other survey instruments.  相似文献   

Training programs for research personnel are discussed as a key resource that must be part of an effective animal care and use program. Because of the legal responsibility to ensure that research staff are qualified to use animals, many institutions have justified the necessity for a training coordinator and/or trainers for their animal care and use programs. Effective training programs for research personnel must meet the needs of the client base (research scientists and staff) so that they are relevant, practical, and timely. To meet these objectives, it is useful to involve the scientific staff in the analysis of their learning needs. To meet a performance standard necessary for quality research, a large percentage of the institutional staff must participate in the training program. Often it is the principal investigators who set the tone for their staff members regarding the importance of receiving training. Garnering support from this client base will create a culture that encourages training and engenders a positive attitude about humane animal care and use. One effective approach is to incorporate nonanimal models as alternatives to live animals to teach humane handling techniques and methods, thereby contributing to refinement, reduction, and replacement (the 3Rs). Also discussed are the necessity of timely feedback from clients, documentation of personnel training for regulatory purposes, and the collection of training metrics, which assists in providing justification for the granting of additional fiscal support for the program. Finally, the compliance procedures and opportunities for essential refresher training are discussed and related to high performance standards, humane animal use, and quality research, all of which contribute to the 3Rs.  相似文献   

Many science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate students travel through the academic career pipeline without ever learning how to teach effectively, an oversight that negatively affects the quality of undergraduate science education and cheats trainees of valuable professional development. This article argues that all STEM graduate students and postdoctoral fellows should undergo training in teaching to strengthen their resumes, polish their oral presentation skills, and improve STEM teaching at the undergraduate level. Though this may seem like a large undertaking, the author outlines a three-step process that allows busy scientists to fit pedagogical training into their research schedules in order to make a significant investment both in their academic career and in the continuing improvement of science education.  相似文献   

Health-promoting schools have been regarded as an important initiative in promoting child and adolescent health in school settings using the whole-school approach. Quantitative research has proved its effectiveness in various school-based programmes. However, few qualitative studies have been conducted to investigate the strategies used by health promoters to implement such initiatives. In this study, the researchers conducted a systematic review and narrative synthesis of the qualitative literature to identify important enablers assisting the implementation of health-promoting schools from the perspectives of health promoters. Five enablers have been identified from the review: (a) Following a framework/guideline to implement health-promoting schools; (b) Obtaining committed support and contributions from the school staff, school board management, government authorities, health agencies and other stakeholders; (c) Adopting a multidisciplinary, collaborative approach to implementing HPS; (d) Establishing professional networks and relationships; and (e) Continuing training and education in school health promotion. This highlights the importance of developing school health policies that meet local health needs, and socio-cultural characteristics that can foster mutual understanding between the health and education sectors so as to foster health promotion in children and adolescents.  相似文献   

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