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Neurons require a large amount of intracellular transport. Cytoplasmic polypeptides and membrane-bounded organelles move from the perikaryon, down the length of the axon, and to the synaptic terminals. This movement occurs at distinct rates and is termed axonal transport. Axonal transport is divided into the slow transport of cytoplasmic proteins including glycolytic enzymes and cytoskeletal structures and the fast transport of membrane-bounded organelles along linear arrays of microtubules. The polypeptide compositions of the rate classes of axonal transport have been well characterized, but the underlying molecular mechanisms of this movement are less clear. Progress has been particularly slow toward understanding force-generation in slow transport, but recent developments have provided insight into the molecular motors involved in fast axonal transport. Recent advances in the cellular and molecular biology of one fast axonal transport motor, kinesin, have provided a clearer understanding of organelle movement along microtubules. The availability of cellular and molecular probes for kinesin and other putative axonal transport motors have led to a reevaluation of our understanding of intracellular motility.  相似文献   

We have developed a model that accounts for the effect of a non-uniform distribution of tau protein along the axon length on fast axonal transport of intracellular organelles. The tau distribution is simulated by using a slow axonal transport model; the numerically predicted tau distributions along the axon length were validated by comparing them with experimentally measured tau distributions reported in the literature. We then developed a fast axonal transport model for organelles that accounts for the reduction of kinesin attachment rate to microtubules by tau. We investigated organelle transport for two situations: (1) a uniform tau distribution and (2) a non-uniform tau distribution predicted by the slow axonal transport model. We found that non-uniform tau distributions observed in healthy axons (an increase in tau concentration towards the axon tip) result in a significant enhancement of organelle transport towards the synapse compared with the uniform tau distribution with the same average amount of tau. This suggests that tau may play the role of being an enhancer of organelle transport.  相似文献   

The organization of the axonal cytoskeleton was investigated by analyzing the solubility and transport profile of the major cytoskeletal proteins in motor axons of the rat sciatic nerve under normal and regenerating conditions. When extracted with the Triton-containing buffer at low temperature, 50% of tubulin and 30% of actin were recovered in the insoluble form resistant to further depolymerizing treatments. Most of this cold-insoluble form was transported in slow component a (SCa), the slower of the two subcomponents of slow axonal transport, whereas the cold-soluble form showed a biphasic distribution between SCa and SCb (slow component b). Changes in slow transport during regeneration were studied by injuring the nerve either prior to (experiment I) or after (experiment II) radioactive labeling. In experiment I where the transport of proteins synthesized in response to injury was examined, selective acceleration of SCb was detected together with an increase in the relative proportion of this component. In experiment II where the response of the preexisting cytoskeleton was examined, a shift from SCa to SCb of the cold-soluble form was observed. The differential distribution and response of the two forms of tubulin and actin suggest that the cold-soluble form may be more directly involved in axonal transport.  相似文献   

Glycinin (11S) and beta-conglycinin (7S) are major storage proteins in soybean (Glycine max L.) seeds and accumulate in the protein storage vacuole (PSV). These proteins are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and transported to the PSV by vesicles. Electron microscopic analysis of developing soybean cotyledons of the wild type and mutants with storage protein composition different from that of the wild type showed that there are two transport pathways: one is via the Golgi and the other bypasses it. Golgi-derived vesicles were observed in all lines used in this study and formed smooth dense bodies with a diameter of 0.5 to several micrometers. ER-derived protein bodies (PBs) with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 microm were observed at high frequency in the mutants containing higher amount of 11S group I subunit than the wild type, whereas they were hardly observed in the mutants lacking 11S group I subunit. These indicate that pro11S group I may affect the formation of PBs. Thus, the composition of newly synthesized proteins in the ER is important in the selection of the transport pathways.  相似文献   

The assembly of microtubules was found to decrease in proportion to the amount of added ruthenium red, indicating a high affinity of ruthenium red for the microtubule system. An equimolar amount of ruthenium red per tubulin dimer inhibited the microtubule assembly completely and disassembled existing microtubules. Binding of ruthenium red to tubulin is accompanied by a shift in the absorption maximum from 535 to 538 nm. The binding is very strong, as shown by the finding that ruthenium red could not be displaced from tubulin by gel chromatography on Sephadex, or by the addition of Ca2+ or Mg2+. The binding of ruthenium red to tubulin did not affect the single colchicine site, nor the Mg2+ site(s), as shown by use of Mn2+ as an EPR probe. Ruthenium red also interfered with microtubules in an intact cell system, as it inhibited rapid axonal transport in the frog sciatic nerve, measured by the accumulation of [3H]leucine-labelled proteins in front of a ligature.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of chlorpromazine (cpz) and tetracaine (tc) on the rapid axonal transport of neurosecretory material (NSM) in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system was investigated. Following subarachnoidal injection of these drugs, the incorporation of (35S) cysteine into proteins of the supraoptic nucleus was slightly depressed. The protein-bound radioactivity in the posterior pituitary was markedly lowered in experimental rats which indicates a partial blockage of the rapid axonal transport of NSM along the hypothalamoneurohypophysial tract. Both cpz and tc induced an increase in the number of mitochondria and profiles of granular endoplasmic reticulum. The axons in the infundibulum and neurohypophysis were enlarged by dammed organelles, indicating a blockage of axonal transport. There was an increased number of microvesicles, often arranged in a crystalloid pattern, in the terminals. The number and distribution of neurotubuli and neurofilaments were not changed. A possible stimulatory effect of cpz on the release of NSM from the neural lobe is assumed Possible mechanisms for the action of mitotic inhibitors, transquilizers and local anesthetics are discussed.The present work was supported by grants from Svenska Livforsäkringsbolags Fond, H. Hiertas stiftelse, Magnus Bergwalls stiftelse, The Swedish Medical Research Council No. B73-12X-2543-05B, Statens naturvetenskapliga forskningsråd No. 2535-8 and from the Medical Faculty, University of Göteborg. We are indebted to Mrs. Margareta Andersson, Mrs. Wally Holmberg, Mrs. Elisabeth Norström and Mrs. Ulla Svedin for excellent technical assistance, and to Miss Gull Grönstedt for careful secretarial work.  相似文献   

Summary Intraocular injection of colchicine in doses which do not affect the protein synthesis in the retina has profound effects on the axonal transport of protein in the retinal ganglion cells of the rabbit. Rapid axonal transport in these cells is completely inhibited after treatment with relatively low amounts of colchicine. In contrast to this, a certain fraction of the slow axonal transport is resistant to colchicine treatment. Colchicine in doses which completely inhibits fast axonal transport caused discrete morphological changes in the perikaryon and in the axon of the retinal ganglion cell. No disappearance of microtubules and no general proliferation of neurofilaments was observed in the perikaryon of the retinal ganglion cells. There was a slight or moderate increase in the number of filaments in the intra-retinal part of the axons of the retinal ganglion cells.This work has been supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (B71-12X-2543-03, B71-13X-2226-05A) and the Swedish National Cancer Society (265-B70-02X).  相似文献   

Summary The effect of colchicine on the transport of proteins in the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal tract of the rat was studied after injection of (35S) cysteine into the supraoptic nucleus (SON) region. Colchicine, dissolved in distilled water and administered subarachnoidally, inhibited the axonal transport of labelled proteins into the neurohypophysis: the radioactivity that was recovered in neurohypophyseal TCA precipitable material was markedly decreased and hardly any radioactivity was found in the neurohypophyseal proteins which were separated by polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis.As revealed by electron microscopy the SON cell bodies showed marked changes after treatment with colchicine: a deeply folded nucleolemma; a pronounced, granular nucleolus; a dispersed chromatin; a zonal distribution of cell organelles with mitochondria and lysosomes accumulated at the periphery, crowded ribosomes, often arranged as polyribosomes and richly branching short profiles of endoplasmic reticulum filled with filamentous material forming an inner perinuclear zone separated by enlarged Golgi complexes.The profiles of elongated Herring bodies in the infundibulum were increased. The axon terminals were filled with heavily osmiophilic neurosecretory granules. The neurofilaments were slightly or moderately increased in number. No apparent changes were observed with regard to the neurotubuli in the SON neurons. The glial cells of the supraopticoneurohypophyseal tract showed reactive changes with a proliferation of filamentous elements. The biochemical and ultrastructural findings are discussed especially with respect to the mechanisms of transport and release of neurosecretory granules.  相似文献   

Effects of the sodium ionophore, monensin, were examined on the passage from neuronal cell body to axon of materials undergoing fast intracellular transport. In vitro exposure of bullfrog dorsal root ganglia to concentrations of drug less than 1.0 micron led to a dose-dependent depression in the amount of fast-transported [3H]leucine- or [3H]glycerol-labeled material appearing in the nerve trunk. Incorporation of either precursor was unaffected. Exposure of a desheathed nerve trunk to similar concentrations of monensin, while ganglia were incubated in drug-free medium, had no effect on transport. With [3H]fucose as precursor, fast transport of labeled glycoproteins was depressed to the same extent as with [3H]leucine; synthesis, again, was unaffected. By contrast, with [3H]galactose as precursor, an apparent reduction in transport of labeled glycoproteins was accounted for by a marked depression in incorporation. The inference from these findings, that monensin acts to block fast transport at the level of the Golgi apparatus, was supported by ultrastructural examination of the drug-treated neurons. An extensive and selective disruption of Golgi saccules was observed, accompanied by an accumulation of clumped smooth membranous cisternae. Quantitative analyses of 48 individual fast-transported protein species, after separation by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, revealed that monensin depresses all proteins to a similar extent. These results indicate that passage through the Golgi apparatus is an obligatory step in the intracellular routing of materials destined for fast axonal transport.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that low molecular weight GTP-binding proteins may play important roles in a variety of membrane transport processes. In order to address the question of whether these proteins are involved in transport processes in the nerve axon, we have assessed their presence in rapid transport membranes from rabbit optic nerve. We report the characterization of a group of low molecular weight GTP-binding proteins which are constituents of rapid transport vesicles. Although these proteins are components of rapid transport vesicles, they are apparently not major rapidly transported species. They are localized in cytosolic as well as in membrane fractions of axons, and the membrane-associated form behaves as an integral membrane protein(s). These proteins are also found in association with a variety of vesicular and organellar components of neurons including coated vesicles, synaptic vesicles, synaptic plasma membranes, and mitochondria. We discuss the possible roles of these proteins in rapid axonal transport and exocytosis.  相似文献   

This paper is motivated by recent experimental research (Tang-Schomer et al. 2012) on the formation of periodic varicosities in axons after traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI leads to the formation of undulated distortions in the axons due to their dynamic deformation. These distortions result in the breakage of some microtubules (MTs) near the peaks of undulations. The breakage is followed by catastrophic MT depolymerisation around the broken ends. Although after relaxation axons regain their straight geometry, the structure of the axon after TBI is characterised by the presence of periodic regions where the density of MTs has been decreased due to depolymerisation. We modelled organelle transport in an axon segment with such a damaged MT structure and investigated how this structure affects the distributions of organelle concentrations and fluxes. The modelling results suggest that organelles accumulate at the boundaries of the region where the density of MTs has been decreased by depolymerisation. According to the model, the presence of such damaged regions decreases the organelle flux by only about 12%. This provides evidence that axon degradation after TBI may be caused by organelle accumulation rather than by starvation due to insufficient organelle flux.  相似文献   

We have used three reference sequences representative of bacterial drug resistance pumps and sugar transport proteins to collect the 91 most closely related sequences from a composite, nonredundant protein sequence database. Having eliminated certain very close relatives, the remainder were subjected to analysis and alignment by using two different similarity matrices: one of these was a matrix based on structural conservation of amino acid residues in proteins of known conformation and the other was based on the more familiar mutational matrix. Unrooted similarity trees for these proteins were constructed for each matrix and compared. A systematic analysis of the differences between these trees was undertaken and the sequences were analyzed for the presence or absence of certain sequence motifs. The results show that the clades created by the two methods are broadly comparable but that there are some clusters of sequences that are significantly different. Further analysis confirmed that (1) the sequences collected by this objective method are all known or putative 12-helix (in some cases reported as 14-helix) transmembrane proteins, (2) there is evidence for few cases of an origin based on gene duplication, (3) the bacterial drug resistance pumps are distributed in more than one clade and cannot be regarded as a definitive subset of these proteins, and that (4) the diversity is such that there is no evidence of a single ancestral protein. The possible extension of the methods to other cases of divergent protein sequences is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of chlorpromazine hydrochloride (CPZ HCl) and prochlorperazin-metansulfonate (PCPZ) on the fast axonal transport of labelled proteins were examined in vitro in a peripheral frog nerve.A 0.1 mM concentration of CPZ HCl and PCPZ reduced the amount of transported proteins by more than 50 per cent. An almost complete block was obtained with a 0.5 mM concentration of these two drugs. The lower concentration hardly affected the protein synthesis. The transport inhibiting effect of 0.1 mM of the drugs was reversible but not that of the higher concentration.The number of microtubuli was strongly decreased and the number of filaments increased at the transport inhibiting concentrations. The ultrastructural changes induced by 0.1 mM of the phenothiazine tranquilizer were largely reversible. The local anesthetics lidocaine (18.3 mM) and tetracaine (3.3 mM) both caused similar changes, i.e. a reduction in the number of microtubuli. No ultrastructural effects were observed after treatment with 1 mM ouabain. These three drugs are known to block the axonal flow in the present system at the above mentioned concentrations.The biochemical and ultrastructural results are discussed in relation to those induced by other drugs affecting axonal transport.The present work was supported by grants from Statens Naturvetenskapliga Forskningsråd (No. 2535-8), C.-B. Nathorsts Vetenskapliga och Allmännyttiga Stiftelser, the Swedish Medical Research Council (B73-12X-2543-05B), H. Hierta's Stiftelse and W. och M. Lundgrens Stiftelse. Thanks are due to Mrs B. Egnér, Mrs E. Fjällstedt, Mrs. E. Norström and Mrs U. Svedin for expert technical assistance.  相似文献   

An asymmetrical pericentric inversion in the onion fly, Hylemya antiqua was studied. Somatic pairing was studied in young eggs from test-and sibcrossed inversion heterozygous females which gave four and seven distinguishable karyotypes respectively. From these seven, three are balanced: the normal type, the inversion heterozygote and homozygote, and four are unbalanced recombinant karyotypes descending from crossovers in the loop. In all types at all mitotic stages the centromeres are paired. The telomeres only show association during prophase but this decreases from mid to late prophase. Quantitative analysis of the four different cross-over products as produced by inversion heterozygous females showed the presence of nonrandom disjunction. A significant disparity was observed, viz. the normal chromosome was taken up preferentially into the functional gamete compared to the inverted chromosome. Dragging of long chromatids in the asymmetric dyad during M I-A I is a possible explanation of this feature.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular location of a variety of enzymes was studied in Amoeba proteus with the use of electron microscopic cytochemical methods, in an attempt to assess the relationships between different membranous organelles. One group of enzymes, including nucleoside diphosphatases (IDPase, UDPase, GDPase, ADPase), carbamoyl phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, and BAXD oxidase was localized mainly in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, and convex side of the Golgi apparatus. Esterase activity had a similar localization except that the Golgi apparatus was "stained" throughout most of its extent. A second group of enzymes was found in Golgi cisternae and vesicles, and in some vacuoles. This group included acid phosphatase, thiamine pyrophosphatase, and aryl sulfatase. Some enzymes previously detected in cytoplasmic membranes of other cells, including glucose-6-phosphatase, showed little or no activity in amoebae. The results suggest that there are chemical similarities and probable functional relationships between the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the nuclear envelope, and the convex side of the Golgi apparatus. On the other hand, the concave pole of the Golgi apparatus, aggregates of smooth tubules and vesicles, and the cell surface appear more closely related to one another than to the endoplasmic reticulum and the convex side of the Golgi apparatus. The cytochemical similarity between the Golgi apparatus and certain vacuoles such as food vacuoles may reflect the role of the Golgi apparatus in the formation of lysosomes. The locations of reaction products of the various enzymes in amoebae are compared with observations reported for other cell types.Supported by a research grant (VC-169) from the American Cancer SocietyThe author is indebted for technical assistance to Mrs. Sue Thompson and Mrs. Christine Folsom-Kovarik  相似文献   

Abstract: The metabolism of polyamines was investigated by injecting purified [3H]putrescine directly into the soma of the giant neuron R2 of Aplysia . Injected putrescine was rapidly metabolized to spermidine, spermine, and several catabolites, including GABA and monoacetylputrescine. Identification of these products was by comparison with the authentic compound using ion exchange chromatography. When R2 was injected with amounts of [3H]putrescine determined so that the intracellular content of labeled precursor was less than 6 × 10-6 M , metabolism was rapid and occurred via pathways similar to those in mammalian tissues. At concentrations of labeled precursor greater than 2 × 10−4 M , relatively little putrescine was converted to product. By 4 h after injection, putrescine and its labeled products appeared in R2's axon, where additional metabolism occurred. These results indicated that the enzymes involved in polyamine interconversion are not restricted to R2's cell body, and this suggestion was corroborated by finding ornithine decarboxylase and S -adenosylmethionine decarboxylase activities in Aplysia nerves. The distribution of the polyamines along R2's axon was compared with that of 3H-glycoproteins, with the finding that while the acid-soluble polyamines move by diffusion, labeled polyamines associated with protein are rapidly transported.  相似文献   

Summary Sections of isolated X-organ — sinus gland neurosecretory systems of the crab, Cardisoma carnifex, were studied by light-and electron microscopy with conventional and autoradiographic procedures. The somata only were exposed to a pulse of 3H-leucine (5 min-5 h) and the entire system perfused with chase medium for various times (1–72 h) before fixation. Within 1 h, radiolabel is concentrated in Golgi complexes and nascent granules of both large and small somata. Label is undetectable in the terminal region following a 10 h chase. It is found in the nerve tract near terminals at 14 h, while after a 19 h chase, label is concentrated in terminal profiles abutting blood sinuses of the neurohemal organ (sinus gland). Following a 72 h chase, label is distributed throughout the terminal region. Each of the six morphologically distinguishable terminal types shows labelling. These observations show that the vast majority of newly formed granules are initially transported to release sites of the perisinus terminals. They thus provide an explanation for previous analyses indicating that newly synthesized peptides are preferentially secreted.  相似文献   

Based on published experimental evidence, this paper develops a model for the transport of a pulse of radiolabeled organelles in a unipolar Drosophila motor neuron. In particular, since published data indicate that no microtubules (MTs) travel from the primary neurite into the dendrite, it is investigated how organelles are transported into the dendrite. Analytical solutions describing concentrations of kinesin- and dynein-driven organelles in the primary neurite, axon, and dendrite are obtained. The effects of increasing the width of the pulse and increasing the rate of organelle transition rate from the kinesin-driven to the dynein-driven state are investigated.  相似文献   

Tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate (TOCP) can cause a type of neurotoxicity known as organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy (OPIDN). The characteristic axonal swelling containing aggregations of neurofilaments, microtubules, and multivesicular vesicles is consistent with a disturbance of axonal transport. We hypothesized that there existed a disturbance of molecular motor in the pathogenesis of OPIDN. In the present study, adult hens were treated with a dosage of 750 mg/kg TOCP by gavage, or pretreated 24h earlier with phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and subsequently with TOCP, then sacrificed on the time-points of 0, 1, 5, 10, and 21 days after dosing of TOCP, respectively. The level of kinesin-1, dynein, and dynactin in spinal cords and cerebral cortexes of hens was determined. Immunoblotting analysis showed a progressive decline of dynein and dynactin in spinal cords after dosing TOCP. Furthermore, a significant reduction in dynactin and dynein was observed in cerebral cortexes at several time-points post dosing TOCP. In contrast, no significant changes of kinesin-1 were observed throughout the period of experiment. When given before TOCP administration, PMSF could inhibit TOCP-induced motor protein disruption, while it protected hens against the delayed neuropathy. In conclusion, the reduction of the motor proteins, dynein and dynactin, might be associated with the disruption of retrograde neuronal axonal transport in OPIDN.  相似文献   

This paper simulates an axon with a region of reversed microtubule (MT) polarity, and investigates how the degree of polar mismatching in this region affects the formation of organelle traps in the axon. The model is based on modified Smith–Simmons equations governing molecular-motor-assisted transport in neurons. It is established that the structure that develops as a result of a region with disoriented MTs consists of two organelle traps, the trap to the left of this region accumulates plus-end-oriented organelles and the trap to the right of this region accumulates minus-end-oriented organelles. The presence of such a structure is shown to inhibit the transport of organelles down the axon. The degree by which the transport of organelles is inhibited depends on the degree of polar mismatching of MTs in the region between MT traps. Four cases with a different degree of polar mismatching are investigated.  相似文献   

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