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Summary The nucleotide sequences of the two T-DNA-encoded crown gall imino acid dehydrogenases octopine dehydrogenase and nopaline dehydrogenase were compared with each other and with the sequences of other dehydrogenases. A multistep strategy comprising computer sequence analysis and secondary- and antigenic-structure predictions was used. An alignment of octopine and nopaline dehydrogenase was obtained in which a 20-amino-acid N-terminal arm and six fairly long gaps in the C-terminal moiety were introduced. The aligned sequences have identities of 26% at the amino acid level and 38% at the nucleotide level. They appear to contain two domains. The N-terminal coenzyme-binding domains are similar to those of the well-characterized NAD(P) dehydrogenases. Conserved fragments were found in the C-terminal catalytic domains that likely contain essential residues for catalysis. Comparison of the sequences with those of two other 2-keto acid dehydrogenases, lactate and malate dehydrogenase, suggests that as in those enzymes, histidine, aspartic acid, and arginine residues are located at the octopine and nopaline dehydrogenase active sites. The crown gall enzymes could not be classified with any known family of dehydrogenases. Their evolutionary origin remains unknown. However, predictions concerning their internal organization may provide new insight into protein evolution.  相似文献   

Summary Transformed clones from a shooty tobacco crown gall tumor, induced byAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA1501, having the auxin locus of the TL-region inactivated by a Tn1831 insertion, were investigated for their T-DNA structure and expression. It has been described previously (28) that in addition to clones with an expected phenotype (phytohormone independent growth in tissue culture (Aut+), shoot regeneration (Reg+) and octopine synthesis (Ocs+)), clones were obtained with an aberrant phenotype. One of these clones, TSO38, is Aut+Reg+ but shows little or no octopine synthesis activity (Ocs-). Subclones of TSO38, however, are either Ocs- or Ocs+. Ocs- shoots become Ocs+ under certain states of differentiation, indicating that the octopine synthase gene is present. The fact that in the Ocs- subclones the octopine synthase gene is not expressed, is probably due to DNA methylation (29). The present paper describes that shoots derived from both an Ocs+ and an Ocs- subclone of TSO38, which were negative for the presence of mannopine (Mas-) and agropine (Ags-), became Mas+Ags+ after culturing on medium containing the hypomethylating agent 5-azacytidine. This means that both in the Ocs- line and in the Ocs+ line expression of TR-DNA opine genes most likely was hampered by DNA methylation. The T-DNA structures of an Ocs- and an Ocs+ TSO38 subclone proved to be identical and surprisingly complex. No intact copy of Tn1831 was present. TL-DNA and TR-DNA segments, present in high copy numbers, were truncated; several T-DNA segments existed in tandem arrangements. When DNA from an Ocs+ and an Ocs- subclone of TSO38 were compared for cleavability by the methylation sensitive restriction enzymes HpaII and MspII, differences were detected, but it became also clear that both lines contained methylated T-DNA segments. This indicates that the Ocs- and the Ocs+ TSO38 subclones differ only quantitatively in respect to degree of T-DNA methylation.  相似文献   

The successful transfer of the Ti plasmid T region to the plant cell is mediated by its 24 bp border repeats. Processing of the T-region prior to transfer to the plant cell is started at the right border repeat and is stimulated by a transfer enhancer sequence called overdrive. Left and right border repeats differ somewhat in nucleotide sequence; moreover, the repeats of different Ti and Ri plasmids are slightly different. Our data indicate that these differences do not have a significant influence on border activity. However, the overdrive sequence is essential for the efficient transfer of a T region via an octopine transfer system. Our data suggest that an overdrive sequence must also be present next to the right border repeats of the nopaline Ti plasmid and the agropine of octopine and nopaline Ti plasmids express some differences in T-DNA processing activities. of cotopine and nopaline Ti plasmids express some differences in T-DNA processing activities.Furthermore, we demonstrate that certain pseudo border repeats, sequences that resemble the native 24 bp border repeat and naturally occur within the octopine Ti plasmid T-region, are able to mediate T region transfer to the plant cell, albeit with much reduced efficiency as compared to wild-type border repeats.  相似文献   

Plant cells transformed into octopine-synthesizing tumour cells by the bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens survive when cultured in the presence of homo-arginine (HA), whereas both normal plant cells and nopaline producing plant tumour cells do not. Survival of octopine crown gall cells is due to the activity of the enzyme lysopinedehydrogenase (LpDH) in these cells, which converts toxic homo-arginine into non-toxic homo-octopine. The selective toxicity of homo-arginine for normal cells can be applied for the enrichment of octopine Ti plasmid transformed plant cells vs normal plant cells in mixed cultures.  相似文献   

Summary Transgenic tobacco plants were produced by inoculation of leaf disks withAgrobacterium tumefaciens harboring a disarmed binary vector containing soybean leghemoglobin Lbc3 and glycinin G2 genes. Physical and genetic characterization of these plants indicated that one to six copies of DNA from the vector were transferred and maintained in the plant genome. Approximately 30% of the copies transferred were found to be incomplete or rearranged and in some cases joined as inverted repeats. The transferred DNA was found at multiple genetic loci in five of the six cases examined. In one plant, kanamycin-resistance traits were at four independent chromosomal positions, although two were genetically linked at about 3 centimorgans. Thus,Agrobacterium-mediated DNA transfer to plants has some characteristics in common with “natural” systems in animals, such as retroviral or P-element derived systems, some characteristics in common with “artificial” systems, such as microinjection, electroporation, or calcium phosphate coprecipitation techniques, and some novel characteristics.  相似文献   

We constructed a binary plasmid, pVR30, with a neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII) plant expression cassette flanked by a pTiA6 left border on its right and a pTiA6 right border on its left. This plasmid was used to study transfer of DNA to plants from a left border in the presence of a right border. Infection of tobacco leaf discs with a wild type octopine strain ofAgrobacterium tumefaciens harbouring the binary plasmid resulted in the generation of kanamycin resistant calli at 18 to 26% frequency. Southern hybridization analysis of DNA isolated from eight transformed lines to different probes indicated that left border could mediate DNA transfer to plants in the presence of a right border in cis. Our results also suggest that transfer events corresponding to transfer of T- centre DNA of octopine Ti plasmid pTiA6 do occur. We have shown the relevance of left border- initiated T- DNA transfer by specifically selecting for such events and have confirmed it by Southern hybridization analysis. We also found that a border could be skipped in a few T- DNA transsfer events. This work was presented at “Plant Molecular Biology and Plant Biotechnology” symposium held in ICGEB, New Delhi during December 14–17, 1994.  相似文献   

Summary Border fragments of the octopine Ti-plasmid were tested for their ability to restore tumorigenicity of an avirulent mutant carrying a deleted right border. It was found that neither introduction of left border fragments nor that of small right border fragments at the position of the deletion resulted in a complete restoration of oncogenicity. However, insertion of a larger right border fragment in the deletion mutant gave fully oncogenic strains. In the latter case sequences to the right side of the right border repeat were found to be responsible for a complete restoration of oncogenicity. Also a left border repeat inserted together with this enhancer sequence fully restored the oncogenicity of the deletion mutant. The enhancer-sequence on itself was not able to mediate the transfer of the T-region to the plant cell. Border fragments inserted in inverted orientation in the deletion mutant were able to mediate the transfer of the T-region to the plant cell, but at a reduced frequency.  相似文献   

The TA regions of biotype III octopine/cucumopine (OC) Ti plasmids are closely related to the TL region of the biotype I octopine Ti plasmids pTiAch5 and pTi15955. Sequence analysis shows that the limited and wide host range biotype III OC TA regions are derived from a common ancestor structure which lacked the 6a gene found in the biotype I octopine TL region. The TA region of the wide host range OC Ti plasmids has conserved most of the original TL-like structure. In most wide host range OC isolates the TA-iaaH gene is inactivated by the insertion of an IS866 element. However, the TA region of the wide host range isolate Hm1 carries an intact TA-iaaH gene. This gene encodes a biologically active product, as shown by root induction tests and indole-3-acetic acid measurements.The limited host range OC Ti plasmids pTiAB3 and pTiAg57 have shorter TA regions which are derived from a wide host range TA region. The AB3 type arose by an IS868-mediated, internal TA region deletion which removed the iaa genes and part of the ipt gene and left a copy of IS868 at the position of the deleted fragment. The pTiAB3 iaa/ipt deletion was followed by insertion of a second IS element, IS869, immediately 3 of the ipt gene. pTiAg57 underwent the same iaa-ipt deletion as pTiAB3, but lacks the IS868 and IS869 elements.Analysis of the various TA region structures provides a detailed insight into the evolution of the biotype III OC strains.  相似文献   

Site-specific insertion and deletion mutations affecting all six of the eukaryotic-like genes in the TR-DNA region of the octopine-type Ti plasmids pTil5955 or pTiA6 have been generated. None of the mutations affected virulence or tumor morphology on sunflower. Mutations in the coding regions of two of the genes resulted in tumors without any detectable mannopine, mannopinic acid or agropine, and mutations in either the coding region or in the 3′ untranslated region of a third gene eliminated biosynthesis of agropine, but not mannopine or mannopinic acid. Detection of two previously unobserved silver nitrate-positive substance in tumors incited by one of the mutant strains, together with data on the presence of opines in tumors incited by coinoculation with mixtures of different mutant strains, allowed us to propose the functional order of all three genes involved in the biosynthesis of mannopine, mannopinic acid and agropine. TR-DNA was absent in tumors incited by anAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain harboring a Ti plasmid in which the right border of the TR-DNA region was deleted.  相似文献   

Summary In the TL-DNA region of the octopine type Ti plasmids, an ars region was assigned as the DNA segment conferring the replicational ability to YIp5 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. T-DNA:YIp5 hybrid plasmids containing a particular T-DNA region could transform yeast cells at a frequency of 103–104 transformants per g plasmid DNA and they were rescued in Escherichia coli, although the transformed phenotype was mitotically unstable. The instability was inferred to be caused by segregation of the plasmids due to their low efficiency of replication. The ars region was mapped on the noncoding region between the coding regions corresponding to no. 5 and no. 7 mRNA, and its minimal length determined in this experiment was about 150 bp.Abbreviations Ti plasmid tumor inducing plasmid - T-DNA transferred DNA or tumor DNA - TL-DNA left T-DNA - ars autonomously replicating sequences  相似文献   

The T-region of nopaline-type Ti-plasmids (the portion of the plasmid that is transferred to plant cells) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is delimited by 23–25 bp direct repeats. They are nicked by the products of the virD locus and the presence of these nicked sites is correlated with the synthesis of single-stranded T-region copies. Despite previous indications to the contrary, we show that the pTiT37 T-region left border is capable of producing single-stranded DNA with high efficiency and that its ability to do so is totally dependent on right border-proximal cis-acting sequences, most probably overdrive, located several kilobases from the border. The absence of overdrive does not affect the single-strand nicking activity of the virD product but only the production of single-stranded copies from the nicked substrate.  相似文献   

Summary A leaf-disk transformation experiment was performed with tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) using a binary vector and a strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens that carried a wild-type Ti-plasmid, pTiBo542. Although the majority of kanamycin-resistant, transgenic plants was morphologically normal, one of the plants was double-flowered and had a slightly wavy stem and leaves whose edges were bent slightly upwards. The abnormal morphology was controlled by a single, dominant Mendelian gene. Young plants that carried this gene were distinguishable from normal plants at the stage of cotyledons. The homozygotes, with respect to this gene, were more seriously deformed than the heterozygotes. DNA segments derived from the binary vector and from the TL-and TR-DNA of pTiBo542 were detected in the double-flowered plant, but the T-DNA genes involved in biosynthesis of phytohormones were absent from the plant. The abnormal morphology, the resistance to kanamycin, and the segments of foreign DNA were genetically linked, and the linkage was very tight, at least between the abnormal morphology and the resistance to kanamycin; the meiotic recombination frequency was less than 0.02%, if recombination occurred at all.  相似文献   

After three years of apparent stability in tissue culture, the single cell derived shooty crown gall line sNT1.013 produced a revertant shoot which had switched from non-rooting (Rod+) and octopine synthesizing (Ocs+) to Rod- Ocs-, indicating that in this revertant TL-DNA genes 4 (causing the Rod+ trait) and gene 3 (causing the Ocs+ trait) had been inactivated. Southern blots revealed that the inactivation of these T-DNA genes was the result of a considerable rearrangement of DNA sequences, accompanied by deletions and possibly also by DNA amplifications. This study for the first time unambiguously proves that foreign genes which have been introduced via Agrobacterium tumefaciens can, at a low frequency, be inactivated after T-DNA integration because of reorganization of T-DNA sequences during tissue culture. This can be considered as an event of somaclonal variation.  相似文献   

Summary We established tobacco tumour cell lines from crown galls induced by Agrobacterium. Restriction fragments containing T-DNA/plant DNA junctions were cloned from one of the cell lines, which has a single copy of the T-DNA in a unique region of its genome. We also isolated a DNA fragment that contained the integration target site from nontransformed tobacco cells. Nucleotide sequence analyses showed that the right and left breakpoints of the T-DNA mapped ca. 7.3 kb internal to the right 25 by border and ca. 350 by internal to the left border respectively. When the nucleotide sequences around these breakpoints were compared with the sequence of the target, significant homology was seen between the region adjacent to the integration target site and both external regions of the T-DNA breakpoints. In addition, a short stretch of plant DNA in the vicinity of the integration site was deleted. This deletion seems to have been promoted by homologous recombination between short repeated sequences that were present on both sides of the deleted stretch. Minor rearrangements, which included base substitutions, insertions and deletions, also took place around the integration site in the plant DNA. These results, together with previously reported results showing that in some cases sequences homologous to those in T-DNA are present in plant DNA regions adjacent to left recombinational junctions, indicate that sequence homology between the incoming T-DNA and the plant chromosomal DNA has an important function in T-DNA integration. The homology may promote close association of both termini of a T-DNA molecule on a target sequence; then TDNA may in some cases be integrated by a mechanism at least in part analogous to homologous recombination.Shogo Matsumoto is on leave from Biochemical Research Institute, Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co., Ltd, Ogaki, Gifu-ken 503, Japan  相似文献   

The molecular basis of complementation by a mixture of two different types of octopine T-region mutants (LBA4060 and LBA4210) was studied. Six randomly chosen cellular clones derived from a tumor obtained after mixed infection were analyzed for their T-DNA content via Southern blot hybridization. The clones appeared to contain T-DNA that originated from each of both mutants, indicating that they developed from doubly infected single cells. Genetic complementation, therefore, might explain at least in part the observed complementation phenomenon. However, complementation as a result of cross-feeding between separately transformed cells could not be excluded. Following protoplast isolation, small aggregates might have formed that developed into the clones analyzed.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium has been used to transform zero to six-day-old cell wall nonregenerating (CWNR) and cell wall regenerating (CWR) leaf protoplasts of tobacco. Transformed cells were selected by phoytohormone autotrophic growth and were verified by detection of the presence of lysopine dehydrogenase. Transformation frequencies in CWNR protoplasts were at least as high as those in CWR protoplasts, indicating that a plant cell wall is not required for the process of crown gall tumorigenesis. Transformation frequencies were highest in two-day-old protoplasts. This age coincides with the onset of DNA synthesis and the first mitosis within the cell populations. We suggest that the initiation of cell cycle activity may be important for the transformation process.  相似文献   

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