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The molecular chaperone Hsp104 is an AAA+ ATPase (ATPase associated with a variety of cellular activities) from yeast that catalyzes protein disaggregation. Using mutagenesis, we impaired nucleotide binding or hydrolysis in the two nucleotide-binding domains (NBD) of Hsp104 and analyzed the consequences for chaperone function by monitoring ATP hydrolysis, polypeptide binding, polypeptide processing, and disaggregation. Our results reveal that ATP binding to NBD1 serves as a central regulatory switch for the chaperone; it triggers binding of polypeptides, and stimulates ATP hydrolysis in the C-terminal NBD2 by more than two orders of magnitude, implying that ATP hydrolysis in this domain is important for disaggregation. Moreover, we show that Hsp104 actively unfolds its polypeptide substrates during processing, demonstrating that AAA+ proteins involved in disaggregation share a common threading mechanism with AAA+ proteins mediating protein unfolding/degradation.  相似文献   

Hung GC  Masison DC 《Genetics》2006,173(2):611-620
Hsp104 is a hexameric protein chaperone that resolubilizes stress-damaged proteins from aggregates. Hsp104 promotes [PSI(+)] prion propagation by breaking prion aggregates, which propagate as amyloid fibers, into more numerous prion "seeds." Inactivating Hsp104 cures cells of [PSI(+)] and other amyloid-like yeast prions. Overexpressing Hsp104 also eliminates [PSI(+)], presumably by completely resolubilizing prion aggregates. Inexplicably, however, excess Hsp104 does not cure the other prions. Here we identify missense mutations in Hsp104's amino-terminal domain (NTD), which is conserved among Hsp100 proteins but whose function is unknown, that improve [PSI(+)] propagation. Hsp104Delta147, engineered to lack the NTD, supported [PSI(+)] and functioned normally in thermotolerance and protein disaggregation. Hsp104Delta147 failed to cure [PSI(+)] when overexpressed, however, implying that excess Hsp104 does not eliminate [PSI(+)] by direct dissolution of prion aggregates. Curing of [PSI(+)] by overexpressing catalytically inactive Hsp104 (Hsp104KT), which interferes with endogenous Hsp104, did not require the NTD. We further found that Hsp104 mutants defective in threading peptides through the hexamer pore had reduced ability to support [PSI(+)] in proportion to protein resolubilization defects, suggesting that [PSI(+)] propagation depends on this threading and that Hsp104 "breaks" prion aggregates by extracting protein monomers from the amyloid fibers.  相似文献   

[URE3] is an amyloid-based prion of Ure2p, a regulator of nitrogen catabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The Ure2p of the human pathogen Candida albicans can also be a prion in S. cerevisiae. We find that overproduction of the disaggregating chaperone, Hsp104, increases the frequency of de novo [URE3] prion formation by the Ure2p of S. cerevisiae and that of C. albicans. This stimulation is strongly dependent on the presence of the [PIN(+)] prion, known from previous work to enhance [URE3] prion generation. Our data suggest that transient Hsp104 overproduction enhances prion generation through persistent effects on Rnq1 amyloid, as well as during overproduction by disassembly of amorphous Ure2 aggregates (generated during Ure2p overproduction), driving the aggregation toward the amyloid pathway. Overproduction of other major cytosolic chaperones of the Hsp70 and Hsp40 families (Ssa1p, Sse1p, and Ydj1p) inhibit prion formation, whereas another yeast Hsp40, Sis1p, modulates the effects of Hsp104p on both prion induction and prion curing in a prion-specific manner. The same factor may both enhance de novo prion generation and destabilize existing prion variants, suggesting that prion variants may be selected by changes in the chaperone network.  相似文献   

The Hsp104 protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a member of the Hsp100/Clp family of molecular chaperones. It mediates the solubilization of aggregated proteins in an ATP-dependent process assisted by the Hsp70/40 system. Although the principal function of Hsp104 is well established, the mechanistic details of this catalyzed disaggregation are poorly understood. In this work, we have investigated the interaction of Hsp104 with reduced, carboxymethylated alpha-lactalbumin (RCMLa), a permanently unfolded model substrate. Our results demonstrate that the affinity of Hsp104 toward polypeptides is regulated by nucleotides. In the presence of ATP or adenosine-5' -O-(3-thiotriphosphate), the chaperone formed complexes with RCMLa, whereas no binding was observed in the presence of ADP. In particular, the occupation of the N-terminally located nucleotide-binding domain with ATP seems to be crucial for substrate interaction. When ATP binding to this domain was impaired by mutation, Hsp104 lost its ability to interact with RCMLa. Our results also indicate that upon association with a polypeptide, a conformational change occurs within Hsp104 that strongly reduces the dynamics of nucleotide exchange and commits the bound polypeptide to ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone Hsp104 plays a central role in the clearance of aggregates after heat shock and the propagation of yeast prions. Hsp104's disaggregation activity and prion propagation have been linked to its ability to resolubilize or remodel protein aggregates. However, Hsp104 has also the capacity to catalyze protein aggregation of some substrates at specific conditions. Hence, it is a molecular chaperone with two opposing activities with respect to protein aggregation. In yeast models of Huntington's disease, Hsp104 is required for the aggregation and toxicity of polyglutamine (polyQ), but the expression of Hsp104 in cellular and animal models of Huntington's and Parkinson's disease protects against polyQ and α‐synuclein toxicity. Therefore, elucidating the molecular determinants and mechanisms underlying the ability of Hsp104 to switch between these two activities is of critical importance for understanding its function and could provide insight into novel strategies aimed at preventing or reversing the formation of toxic protein aggregation in systemic and neurodegenerative protein misfolding diseases. Here, we present an overview of the current molecular models and hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the role of Hsp104 in modulating protein aggregation and prion propagation. The experimental approaches and the evidences presented so far in relation to these models are examined. Our primary objective is to offer a critical review that will inspire the use of novel techniques and the design of new experiments to proceed towards a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the multifunctional properties of Hsp104 in vivo. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93:252–276, 2010. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

At the Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on 'Molecular Chaperones and the Heat Shock Response' in May 1996, Susan Lindquist presented evidence that a chaperone of yeast termed Hsp104, which her group had been investigating for several years, is able to dissolve protein aggregates (Glover, J.R., Lindquist, S., 1998. Hsp104, Hsp70, and Hsp40: a novel chaperone system that rescues previously aggregated proteins. Cell 94, 73-82). Among many of the participants this news stimulated reactions reaching from decided skepticism to utter disbelief because protein aggregation was widely considered to be an irreversible process. Several years and publications later, it is undeniable that Susan had been right. Hsp104 is an ATP dependent molecular machine that-in cooperation with Hsp70 and Hsp40-extracts polypeptide chains from protein aggregates and facilitates their refolding, although the molecular details of this process are still poorly understood. Meanwhile, close homologues of Hsp104 have been identified in bacteria (ClpB), in mitochondria (Hsp78), and in the cytosol of plants (Hsp101), but intriguingly not in the cytosol of animal cells (Mosser, D.D., Ho, S., Glover, J.R., 2004. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hsp104 enhances the chaperone capacity of human cells and inhibits heat stress-induced proapoptotic signaling. Biochemistry 43, 8107-8115). Observations that Hsp104 plays an essential role in the maintenance of yeast prions (see review by James Shorter in this issue) have attracted even more attention to the molecular mechanism of this ATP dependent chaperone (Chernoff, Y.O., Lindquist, S.L., Ono, B., Inge-Vechtomov, S.G., Liebman, S.W., 1995. Role of the chaperone protein Hsp104 in propagation of the yeast prion-like factor [PSI+]. Science 268, 880-884).  相似文献   

The Rab-specific alphaGDP-dissociation inhibitor (alphaGDI) regulates the recycling of Rab GTPases. We have now identified a novel alphaGDI complex from synaptic membranes that contains three chaperone components: Hsp90, Hsc70 and cysteine string protein (CSP). We find that the alphaGDI-chaperone complex is dissociated in response to Ca(2+)-induced neurotransmitter release, that chaperone complex dissociation is sensitive to the Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin (GA) and that GA inhibits the ability of alphaGDI to recycle Rab3A during neurotransmitter release. We propose that alphaGDI interacts with a specialized membrane-associated Rab recycling Hsp90 chaperone system on the vesicle membrane to coordinate the Ca(2+)-dependent events triggering Rab-GTP hydrolysis with retrieval of Rab-GDP to the cytosol.  相似文献   

Hsp104 is a molecular chaperone in yeast that restores solubility and activity to inactivated proteins after severe heat shock. We investigated the mechanisms that influence Hsp104 subcellular distribution in both unstressed and heat-shocked cells. In unstressed cells, Hsp104 and a green fluorescent protein-Hsp104 fusion protein were detected in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm. We demonstrate that a 17-amino-acid sequence of Hsp104 nuclear localization sequence 17 (NLS17) is sufficient to target a reporter molecule to the nucleus and is also necessary for normal Hsp104 subcellular distribution. The nuclear targeting function of NLS17 is genetically dependent on KAP95 and KAP121. In addition, wild-type Hsp104, but not an NLS17-mutated Hsp104 variant, accumulated in the nucleus of cells depleted for the general export factor Xpo1. Interestingly, severe, nonlethal heat shock enhances the nuclear levels of Hsp104 in an NLS17-independent manner. Under these conditions, we demonstrate that karyopherin-mediated nuclear transport is impaired, while the integrity of the nuclear-cytoplasmic barrier remains intact. Based on these observations, we propose that Hsp104 continues to access the nucleus during severe heat shock using a karyopherin-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

Cellular protein folding is challenged by environmental stress and aging, which lead to aberrant protein conformations and aggregation. One way to antagonize the detrimental consequences of protein misfolding is to reactivate vital proteins from aggregates. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Hsp104 facilitates disaggregation and reactivates aggregated proteins with assistance from Hsp70 (Ssa1) and Hsp40 (Ydj1). The small heat shock proteins, Hsp26 and Hsp42, also function in the recovery of misfolded proteins and prevent aggregation in vitro, but their in vivo roles in protein homeostasis remain elusive. We observed that after a sublethal heat shock, a majority of Hsp26 becomes insoluble. Its return to the soluble state during recovery depends on the presence of Hsp104. Further, cells lacking Hsp26 are impaired in the disaggregation of an easily assayed heat-aggregated reporter protein, luciferase. In vitro, Hsp104, Ssa1, and Ydj1 reactivate luciferase:Hsp26 co-aggregates 20-fold more efficiently than luciferase aggregates alone. Small Hsps also facilitate the Hsp104-mediated solubilization of polyglutamine in yeast. Thus, Hsp26 renders aggregates more accessible to Hsp104/Ssa1/Ydj1. Small Hsps partially suppress toxicity, even in the absence of Hsp104, potentially by sequestering polyglutamine from toxic interactions with other proteins. Hence, Hsp26 plays an important role in pathways that defend cells against environmental stress and the types of protein misfolding seen in neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

The AAA(+)-ATPases are a family of molecular motors which have been seconded into a plethora of cellular tasks. One subset, the Hsp100 molecular chaperones, are general protein remodellers that help to maintain the integrity of the cellular proteome by means of protein destruction or resurrection. In this review we focus on one family of Hsp100s, the homologous ClpB and Hsp104 molecular chaperones that convey thermotolerance by resolubilising and rescuing proteins from aggregates. We explore how the nucleotide binding and hydrolysis properties at the twelve nucleotide-binding domains of these hexameric rings are coupled to protein disaggregation, highlighting similarities and differences between ClpB and Hsp104.  相似文献   

Ceruloplasmin (CP) is a blue copper glycoprotein with multiple physiological functions including ferroxidase and oxidase activities. CP is also an important serum oxygen free radical (OFR) scavenger and antioxidant, exerting cardioprotective and antifibrillatory actions. Although it has been reported that CP activities can be inhibited by OFR, the intimate mechanism of this inactivation is still not clear. Exposure of bovine CP to H2O2 induced inactivation of the protein as well as structural alterations as indicated by loss of protein bands by SDS-PAGE. Both phenomena were H2O2 concentration and time dependent. HPLC gel filtration and capillary electrophoresis analysis of CP treated with H2O2 revealed an aggregation of the protein. Quantification of dityrosine formation by fluorescence indicated the involvement of dityrosine bridging, which could be responsible for aggregation of CP under oxidative attack. Oxidative damage to CP under H2O2 treatment was completely prevented by pyruvate, suggesting that the association of CP with antioxidants could extend the range of the protective action of this protein.  相似文献   

Hypercholesterolemia indirectly increases the risk for myocardial infarction by enhancing the ability of platelets to aggregate. Diets enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have been shown to reduce the detrimental effects of cholesterol on platelet aggregation. This study investigated whether dietary hempseed, a rich source of PUFAs, inhibits platelet aggregation under normal and hypercholesterolemic conditions. Male New Zealand white rabbits were fed one of 6 dietary interventions: regular control diet (RG); control diet + 10% hempseed (HP); control diet + 10% partially delipidated hempseed (DHP); control diet + 0.5% cholesterol (OL); control diet + 0.5% cholesterol + 10% hempseed (OLHP); control diet + 5% coconut oil (CO). After 8 weeks, blood was collected to measure ADP- and collagen-induced platelet aggregation and plasma levels of fatty acids, cholesterol, and triglycerides. The hempseed-fed animals (HP and OLHP) displayed elevated plasma levels of PUFAs and a prominent enhancement in 18:3n-6 (gamma-linolenic acid, GLA) levels, a unique PUFA found in hempseed. The cholesterol-supplemented groups (OL and OLHP) had significantly elevated plasma levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, but platelet aggregation was significantly augmented only in the OL group. The addition of hempseed to this diet (OLHP) normalized aggregation. The direct addition of GLA to the OL platelet samples blocked the cholesterol-induced stimulation of platelet aggregation. The results of this study demonstrate that when hempseed is added to a cholesterol-enriched diet, cholesterol-induced platelet aggregation returns to control levels. This normalization is not due to a reduction in plasma cholesterol levels, but may be partly due to increased levels of plasma GLA.  相似文献   

The [URE3] nonchromosomal genetic element is an infectious form (prion) of the Ure2 protein, apparently a self-propagating amyloidosis. We find that an insertion mutation or deletion of HSP104 results in inability to propagate the [URE3] prion. Our results indicate that Hsp104 is a common factor in the maintenance of two independent yeast prions. However, overproduction of Hsp104 does not affect the stability of [URE3], in contrast to what is found for the [PSI(+)] prion, which is known to be cured by either overproduction or deficiency of Hsp104. Like Hsp104, the Hsp40 class chaperone Ydj1p, with the Hsp70 class Ssa1p, can renature proteins. We find that overproduction of Ydj1p results in a gradual complete loss of [URE3]. The involvement of protein chaperones in the propagation of [URE3] indicates a role for protein conformation in inheritance.  相似文献   

A system consisting of five purified proteins: Hsp90, Hsp70, Hop, Hsp40, and p23, acts as a machinery for assembly of glucocorticoid receptor (GR).Hsp90 heterocomplexes. Hop binds independently to Hsp90 and to Hsp70 to form a Hsp90.Hop.Hsp70.Hsp40 complex that is sufficient to convert the GR to its steroid binding form, and this four-protein complex will form stable GR.Hsp90 heterocomplexes if p23 is added to the system (Dittmar, K. D., Banach, M., Galigniana, M. D., and Pratt, W. B. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 7358-7366). Hop has been considered essential for the formation of receptor.Hsp90 heterocomplexes and GR folding. Here we use Hsp90 and Hsp70 purified free of all traces of Hop and Hsp40 to show that Hop is not required for GR.Hsp90 heterocomplex assembly and activation of steroid binding activity. Rather, Hop enhances the rate of the process. We also show that Hsp40 is not essential for GR folding by the five-protein system but enhances a process that occurs less effectively when it is not present. By carrying out assembly in the presence of radiolabeled steroid to bind to the GR as soon as it is converted to the steroid binding state, we show that the folding change is brought about by only two essential components, Hsp90 and Hsp70, and that Hop, Hsp40, and p23 act as nonessential co-chaperones.  相似文献   

The yeast homolog of DJ-1, Hsp31, is a multifunctional protein that is involved in several cellular pathways including detoxification of the toxic metabolite methylglyoxal and as a protein deglycase. Prior studies ascribed Hsp31 as a molecular chaperone that can inhibit α-Syn aggregation in vitro and alleviate its toxicity in vivo. It was also shown that Hsp31 inhibits Sup35 aggregate formation in yeast, however, it is unknown if Hsp31 can modulate [PSI+] phenotype and Sup35 prionogenesis. Other small heat shock proteins, Hsp26 and Hsp42 are known to be a part of a synergistic proteostasis network that inhibits Sup35 prion formation and promotes its disaggregation. Here, we establish that Hsp31 inhibits Sup35 [PSI+] prion formation in collaboration with a well-known disaggregase, Hsp104. Hsp31 transiently prevents prion induction but does not suppress induction upon prolonged expression of Sup35 indicating that Hsp31 can be overcome by larger aggregates. In addition, elevated levels of Hsp31 do not cure [PSI+] strains indicating that Hsp31 cannot intervene in a pre-existing prion oligomerization cycle. However, Hsp31 can modulate prion status in cooperation with Hsp104 because it inhibits Sup35 aggregate formation and potentiates [PSI+] prion curing upon overexpression of Hsp104. The absence of Hsp31 reduces [PSI+] prion curing by Hsp104 without influencing its ability to rescue cellular thermotolerance. Hsp31 did not synergize with Hsp42 to modulate the [PSI+] phenotype suggesting that both proteins act on similar stages of the prion cycle. We also showed that Hsp31 physically interacts with Hsp104 and together they prevent Sup35 prion toxicity to greater extent than if they were expressed individually. These results elucidate a mechanism for Hsp31 on prion modulation that suggest it acts at a distinct step early in the Sup35 aggregation process that is different from Hsp104. This is the first demonstration of the modulation of [PSI+] status by the chaperone action of Hsp31. The delineation of Hsp31's role in the chaperone cycle has implications for understanding the role of the DJ-1 superfamily in controlling misfolded proteins in neurodegenerative disease and cancer.  相似文献   

Several years ago a hypothesis was proposed that the survival of cancer cells depend on elevated expression of molecular chaperones because these cells are prone to proteotoxic stress. A critical prediction of this hypothesis is that depletion of chaperones in cancer cells should lead to proteotoxicity. Here, using the major chaperone Hsp70 as example, we demonstrate that its depletion does not trigger proteotoxic stress, thus refuting the model. Accordingly, other functions of chaperones, e.g., their role in cell signaling, might define the requirements for chaperones in cancer cells, which is critical for rational targeting Hsp70 in cancer treatment.  相似文献   

The Clp/Hsp100 AAA+ chaperone family is involved in recovering aggregated proteins and little is known about other orthologs of the well studied ClpB from Escherichia coli and Hsp104 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Plant Hsp101 is a good model for understanding the relationship between the structure and function of Hsp100 proteins and to investigate the role of these chaperones in disaggregation processes. Here, we present the cloning and purification of a sugarcane ortholog, SHsp101, which is expressed in sugarcane cells and is a folded hexamer that is capable of binding nucleotides. Thus SHsp101 has the structural and functional characteristics of the Clp/Hsp100 AAA+ family.  相似文献   

Inhibition of huntingtin aggregation, either in the nucleus and/or in the cytosol, has been identified as a major strategy to ameliorate the symptoms of Huntington's disease. Chaperones and other protein stabilisers would thus be key players in ensuring the correct folding of the amyloidogenic protein and its expression in the soluble form. By transient activation of the global heat stress response in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeBY4742, we show that heterologous expression of mutant huntingtin (103Q-htt) could be modulated so that the protein was partitioned off in the soluble fraction of the cytosol. This led to lower levels of reactive oxygen species and improved cell viability. Previous reports had speculated on the relationship between trehalose and the heat shock response in ensuring enhanced cell survival but no direct evidence of such an interaction was available. Using mutants of an isogenic strain which do not express the major trehalose synthetic or metabolising enzymes or the chaperone, heat shock protein 104 (Hsp104), we were able to identify the functions of Hsp104 and the osmoprotectant trehalose in solubilising mutant huntingtin. We propose that the beneficial effect of the protein refolding machinery in solubilising the aggregation-prone protein is exerted by maintaining a tight balance between the trehalose synthetic enzyme, trehalose-6-phosphate synthase 1 and Hsp104. This ensures that the level of the osmoprotectant, trehalose, does not exceed the limit beyond which it is reported to inhibit protein refolding.  相似文献   

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