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《Hormones and behavior》2007,51(5):772-778
Zebra finches, like many other animals, have close social relationships mainly with the family at young ages but begin to express interest in opposite-sex extra-family animals as they enter the late juvenile period and sexual maturity. This experiment tested a set of hypotheses that sex steroids are involved in this developmental transition. At 25–30 days, subjects were implanted subcutaneously with Silastic tubes that were empty (controls), filled with testosterone propionate, filled with estradiol benzoate, or filled with a combination of ATD (an aromatization inhibitor) and flutamide (an anti-androgen). Once a week between ages 30 and 90 days, they were given three-choice tests where the three stimulus types were the family members, unpaired males, or unpaired females. The preferred category was defined as the one adjacent to the proximity zone in which the subject spent the most time. Control males were more likely to prefer females and less likely to prefer the family as they got older, and control females were increasingly likely to prefer males. Males treated with testosterone or estradiol showed a premature increase in preferences for females. Females treated with ATD plus flutamide failed to show the normal increase in preferences for males shown by controls. These results indicate an involvement of sex steroids in the maturation of sexual preferences in a socially monogamous species that relies on visual and auditory, rather than olfactory, cues for sexual or other social behavior.  相似文献   

Sex steroid actions during early development appear to play a role in the development of sex differences in sexual partner preference (SPP, preference for males vs. females) in several species of mammals and in the socially monogamous pair bonding zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Female finches treated with estrogen as nestlings exhibit varying degrees of masculinized SPP as adults, but only if they have been housed in all-female groups during the juvenile and young adult period, suggesting that the estrogen effect may involve social experience and possibly sexual imprinting. Because tactile contact is important for consolidation of imprinted preferences in this species, it was predicted that early estrogen treatment would alter preferences of females only if they were allowed to have tactile contact with other females. Subjects were injected with estradiol benzoate or with oil (normal controls) daily for the first 2 weeks post-hatching. At age 45 days, they were housed in a mixed sex aviary (normal controls), in an all-female aviary allowing tactile contact (group EB-TC), or in an all-female aviary with no tactile contact (group EB-NTC). At 100+ days, birds were given two-choice SPP tests followed by aviary tests of SPP. EB-TC females did not show the sex-typical preference for male stimuli, and differed significantly from the controls on several measures. EB-NTC females preferred males and never differed significantly from controls. These results show that tactile contact after age 45 days is essential for an EB effect on SPP, supporting the hypothesis that hormones and sexual imprinting together contribute to SPP.  相似文献   

Learned vocalizations are important for communication in some vertebrate taxa. The neural circuitry for the learning and production of vocalizations is well known in songbirds, many of which learn songs initially during a critical period early in life. Dopamine is essential for motor learning, including song learning, and dopamine‐related measures change throughout development in song‐control regions such as HVC, the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN), Area X, and the robust nucleus of the arcopallium (RA). In mammals, the neuropeptide neurotensin strongly interacts with dopamine signaling. This study investigated a potential role for the neurotensin system in song learning by examining how neurotensin (Nts) and neurotensin receptor 1 (Ntsr1) expression change throughout development. Nts and Ntsr1 mRNA expression was analyzed in song‐control regions of male zebra finches in four stages of the song learning process: pre‐subsong (25 days posthatch; dph), subsong (45 dph), plastic song (60 dph), and crystallized song (130 dph). Nts expression in LMAN during the subsong stage was lower compared to other time points. Ntsr1 expression was highest in HVC, Area X, and RA during the pre‐subsong stage. Opposite and complementary expression patterns for the two genes in song nuclei and across the whole brain suggest distinct roles for regions that produce and receive Nts. The expression changes at crucial time points for song development are similar to changes observed in dopamine studies and suggest Nts may be involved in the process of vocal learning. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 78: 671–686, 2018  相似文献   

鸟类的发声和发声学习涉及处于脑中不同水平的相互联系的一些发声核团。在很多鸟类中, 仅雄性鸣啭, 例如在斑胸草雀(Taeniogygia guttata) 中, 雌雄个体间存在显著的性差异, 雌性发声系统和发声核团中的神经元数量显著少于雄性。推测这种性差异也可能存在于弓状皮质前部大细胞外侧核(LMAN), 但有关这方面的报道还很少。为探讨雌雄鸣禽脑中神经元数量发育的规律, 我们应用半薄切片对斑胸草雀发育不同阶段的神经元数量和密度的变化进行了数量分析。结果表明, 在全部实验组中, 发育10 d和成体雌性LMAN中神经元的密度和神经元数量均无明显变化, 神经元的数量维持在一个较高水平。在雄鸟中, 我们发现在发育早期神经元的数量有极为显著的减少, 这与已有的报道, 即应用非类固醇技术获得的结果相似。LMAN中神经元数量的减少(57%) 一直持续到成体。因此, 成年雌鸟LMAN中的全部神经元数量是雄鸟的4 倍(P<0 001)。推测雌鸟脑中存在较多的神经元数量可能与其在发育和成体期间需维持适当的神经网络有关, 这种神经构筑对于动物种间识别等功能可能具有特殊意义。  相似文献   

Seven male and three female zebra finches were exposed to 14 zebra finch (CON) and 14 starling (HET) songs during their sensitive period for song learning and then tested for their recognition memory of both the CON and HET songs in two separate memory tests. Amount of song exposure was varied by presenting individual songs either 3, 9, 27, or 81 times per day for nine consecutive days. After song exposure the birds were trained to discriminate two of the exposed, familiar songs (FAM) from two novel songs (NOV) in a go/no-go operant discrimination procedure, with FAM songs as "go" stimuli. Following discrimination training, untrained FAM and NOV songs were presented as probe songs without reinforcement. Birds responded more to FAM than NOV songs at all levels of song exposure, indicating that the songs were recognized. There were no differences in recognition memory for CON and HET song at any level of song exposure. The results suggest that selective song learning does not result from selective memorization of conspecific song.  相似文献   

All bird species reproduce sexually and individuals need to correctly identify conspecifics for successful breeding. Captive zebra finches are a model system for studying the factors involved in species recognition and mate choice. However, male zebra finches’ behavioural responses in a spatial preference paradigm to a range of estrildid finch species, other than domesticated Bengalese finches, remain unknown. We investigated spatial and display responses of male zebra finch subjects to stimulus females between conspecific and four phylogeographically relevant finch species, in addition to female Bengalese finches. Surprisingly, male subjects did not show consistent spatial association with conspecific over heterospecific females. Overall, as predicted by sexual selection theory, the spatial proximity responses of males were less discriminatory compared to female zebra finches’ responses tested previously using the same paradigm. However, male subjects showed consistently more behavioural displays towards female conspecifics than heterospecifics which were positively related to the behavioural display rates of the respective female stimuli. Some male behavioural responses, other than song, also showed significant differences between the different stimulus species and consistently differed across individual test subjects, with the most individual subject variation seen in choice trials between female conspecific and Bengalese finch stimuli. The results are important for the design and interpretation of future behavioural and neurobiological experiments on species recognition systems using the zebra finch as a model species.  相似文献   

There is broad acceptance for the idea that during development estradiol ‘organizes’ many aspects of reproductive behavior including partner preferences in the laboratory rat. With respect to partner preference, this idea is drawn from studies where estrogen action was in someway blocked, either through aromatase or estrogen receptor inhibition, during development in male rats. The lack of estrogens neonatally results in a decrease in the male rat's preference for females. In this study, the effect of early postnatal estradiol treatment on the partner preferences of female rats was examined as a further test of the hypothesis that male-typical partner preference is dependent upon early exposure to estrogens. Our principal finding was that increased postnatal estradiol exposure during development affected partner preference in the expected direction, and this effect was seen under several adult hormonal and behavioral testing conditions. Female rats that received exogenous estradiol during development spent more time with an estrous female and less time with a sexually active male than did cholesterol treated females. The estradiol treatment also disrupted normal female sexual behavior, receptivity, and proceptivity.  相似文献   

Sexual differentiation of the brain has traditionally been thought to be driven by gonadal hormones, particularly testosterone (T). Recent studies in songbirds and other species have indicated that non-gonadal sex steroids may also be important. For example, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) - a sex steroid precursor that can be synthesized in the adrenal glands and/or brain - can be converted into active sex steroids, such as 17β-estradiol (E2), within the brain. Here, we examine plasma DHEA and E2 levels in wild developing European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), from hatch (P0) to fledging (P20). Blood samples were collected from either the brachial vein (n = 143) or the jugular vein (n = 129). In songbirds, jugular plasma is enriched with neurally-synthesized steroids and, therefore, jugular plasma is an indirect measure of the neural steroidal milieu. Interestingly, brachial DHEA levels were higher in males than females at P4. In contrast, jugular DHEA levels were higher in females than males at P0 and P10. Brachial E2 levels were higher in males than females at P6. Surprisingly, jugular E2 levels were not high and showed no sex differences. Also, we calculated the difference between brachial and jugular steroid levels. At several ages, jugular steroid levels were lower than brachial levels, particularly in males, suggesting greater neural metabolism of circulating DHEA and E2 in males than females. At a few ages, jugular steroid levels were higher than brachial levels, suggesting neural secretion of DHEA or E2 into the general circulation. Taken together, these data suggest that DHEA may play a role in brain sexual differentiation in songbirds.  相似文献   

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