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Summary The structure of the ribosomal DNA has been analyzed in three species of theCynareae tribe using Southern blot hybridization.Silybum marianum possesses two types of ribosomal genes 12.3 and 13.4 kb long;Cirsium vulgare has at least four types of rDNA repeats 10.6, 10.5, 11.7 and 11.9 kb long;Carlina acaulis only one type of ribosomal genes 9.7 kb long. The rRNA genes of the three species studied showed an identical restriction mapping in the 18 S and 25 S regions. However species differentiation in length and/or nucleotide sequences are present in the external spacer and very probably in the internal transcribed spacer.By cytophotometric studies and byin vitro rRNA/DNA filter hybridization, the DNA amount/4 C nucleus and the rDNA percentage were calculated in nine species of theCynareae tribe:Cynara cardunculus subsp.scolymus (artichoke),Cynara cardunculus subsp.cardunculus (wild artichoke),Onopordon acanthium, O. illyricum, Galactites tomentosa, Carduus nutans, Silybum marianum, Cirsium vulgare andCarlina acaulis. The DNA amount/4 C nucleus in eight species are similar, ranging from 4.24 pg inGalactites tomentosa to 5.96 pg inCirsium vulgare, whileCarlina acaulis has a DNA amount/ 4C nucleus of 11.8 pg. The rDNA percentages range from 0.192% inOnopordon acanthium to 1.022% inSilybum marianum, whileCarlina acaulis has 0.038% of rDNA. This latter species is clearly distinct within theCynareae tribe.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the genusQuercus is still unclear. In order to elucidate the taxonomy of Mediterranean oaks we have analyzed ribosomal RNA genes ofQuercus cerris, Q. coccifera, Q. trojana, Q. ilex, Q. suber, andQ. macrolepis by means of Southern blot hybridization. Oak nuclear DNA was extracted from root tips of 300 acorns and from catkins of single plants. EcoRI and BamHI restriction endonucleases were used. DNA electrophoresis and rRNA/DNA hybridization were performed usingVicia faba rRNA 18 S and 25 S as probes. The rRNA genes of all the species studied have an identical restriction mapping in the 18 S and 25 S regions, while differences in length are present in the intergenic regions.Q. cerris possesses at least four types of genes of 12.1, 11.5, 8.5, and 8.3 kb;Q. coccifera at least three types of 12.4, 10.4, and 10.1 kb;Q. trojana possesses the same rRNA genes asQ. cerris plus another gene type 12.0 kb long, with EcoRI and BamHI restriction sites in the intergenic spacer;Q. ilex at least three types of 12.4, 10.85, and 9.5 kb;Q. suber at least five types of 11.5, 11.0, 8.6, 8.5, and 8.3 kb;Q. macrolepis, finally, at least seven types of 11.5, 11.0, 10.2, 8.6, 8.5, 8.3, and 8.15 kb.Q. coccifera andQ. ilex rDNA appears quite different respect to other species examined, while high similarity seems to exist betweenQ. cerris, Q. trojana, Q. suber, andQ. macrolepis. These results are in agreement with the taxonomic model proposed bySchwarz for the genusQuercus.  相似文献   

Intergenic spacers of the rRNA genes of three species of theCynareae tribe:Cynara cardunculus subsp.scolymus (artichoke),Onopordum acanthium, andO. illyricum were cloned in the plasmid pGEM-7zf(+). Detailed restriction mapping and partial sequencing of the IGSs were carried out. The structural analysis showed a clear diversity betweenCynara andOnopordum, while a high degree of homology was found between the twoOnopordum spp. In all three species a fragment of about 450 bp from the 5 end of 18S to the Acc I site with a high sequence homology was present. Nucleotide sequences upstream from the above mentioned Acc I site show a gradual decrease of homology betweenCynara andOnopordum.  相似文献   

The tandemly repeated multigene families encoding 18S and 25S rRNAs were studied at the restriction enzyme level inPopulus alba L.,Populus deltoides Bartr. exMarsh.,Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray and in the hybrids between the last two mentioned species. The analysis of single and double digestion with EcoRI, BamHI, XbaI, and SstI endonucleases showed the presence of single repetitive unit types of 12.25 and 11.75kb inP. alba andP. trichocarpa, respectively.P. deltoides showed two rDNA gene types having the same length (12.25Kb) but different nucleotide sequence in the IGS. The rDNAs genes ofP. deltoides andP. triochocarpa are inherited codominantly in their hybrids.  相似文献   

Scilla peruviana biotypes have different chromosome numbers due to changes in the nucleolar chromosomes and polyploidy. We have examined two diploid (2n = 15 and 2n = 16) and two tetraploid biotypes (2n = 28 and 2n = 32). From the results of rRNA/DNA filter hybridizations it appears that rDNA percentages of the diploid biotypes are, approximately, 2.2-fold higher than those of the tetraploid biotypes. To examine the rRNA gene structure we have utilizedSouthern blot hybridization after DNA digestions with three restriction enzymes: Eco RI, Hind III and Bam HI. From the band analysis of both single and double digestions it has been possible to reveal the presence, in the diploid biotypes, of three gene types, heterogeneous both for length and for nucleotide sequences in the external spacer. The three rRNA genes are 12 600, 12 700, and 12 800 base pairs long and they have a different position of the Hind III sites in the external spacer. On the other hand, a single gene type of 12 600 base pairs, identical to the first type of the diploid biotypes, surprisingly exists in the tetraploid biotypes. Considerations on the rRNA gene regulation and evolution are made.  相似文献   

The restriction endonuclease map of the 25 S and 18 S ribosomal RNA genes of a higher plant is presented. Soybean (Glycine max) rDNA was enriched by preparative buoyant density centrifugation in CsCl-actinomycin D gradients. The buoyant density of the rDNA was determined to be 1.6988 g cm–3 by analytical centrifugation in CsCl. Saturation hybridization showed that 0.1% of the total DNA contains 25 S and 18 S rRNA coding sequences. This is equivalent to 800 rRNA genes per haploid genome (DNA content: 1.29 pg) or 3200 for the tetraploid genome. Restriction endonuclease mapping was performed with Bam H I, Hind III, Eco R I, and BstI. The repeating unit of the soybean ribosomal DNA has a molecular weight of 5.9·106 or approximately 9,000 kb. The 25 S and 18 S rRNA coding sequences were localized within the restriction map of the repeating unit by specific hybridization with either [125I]25 S or [125I]18 S rRNA. It was demonstrated that there is no heterogeneity even in the spacer region of the soybean rDNA.  相似文献   

The fragmented mitochondrial ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) of the green algaeChlamydomonas eugametos andChlamydomonas reinhardtii are discontinuously encoded in subgenic modules that are scrambled in order and interspersed with protein coding and tRNA genes. The mitochondrial rRNA genes of these two algae differ, however, in both the distribution and organization of rRNA coding information within their respective genomes. The objectives of this study were (1) to examine the phylogenetic relationships between the mitochondrial rRNA gene sequences ofC. eugametos andC. reinhardtii and those of the conventional mitochondrial rRNA genes of the green alga,Prototheca wickerhamii, and land plants and (2) to attempt to deduce the evolutionary pathways that gave rise to the unusual mitochondrial rRNA gene structures in the genusChlamydomonas. Although phylogenetic analysis revealed an affiliation between the mitochondrial rRNA gene sequences of the twoChlamydomonas taxa to the exclusion of all other mitochondrial rRNA gene sequences tested, no specific affiliation was noted between theChlamydomonas sequences andP. wickerhamii or land plants. Calculations of the minimal number of transpositions required to convert hypothetical ancestral rRNA gene organizations to the arrangements observed forC. eugametos andC. reinhardtii mitochondrial rRNA genes, as well as a limited survey of the size of mitochondrial rRNAs in other members of the genus, lead us to propose that the last common ancestor ofChlamydomonas algae contained fragmented mitochondrial rRNA genes that were nearly co-linear with conventional rRNA genes.  相似文献   

Organisation of the ribosomal RNA genes in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Summary Using Southern hybridisation of radiolabelled purified ribosomal RNAs to genomic DNA the ribosomal RNA genes of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) were shown to be present in six gene sets. Each gene set contains at least one copy of the 5 S, 16 S and 23 S sequences and in at least two cases these are arranged in the order 16 S-23S-5S. Three gene sets, rrnB, rrnD and rrnF, were isolated by screening a library of S. coelicolor A3(2) DNA. The restriction map of one of these, rrnD, was determined and the nucleotide sequences corresponding to the three rRNAs were localised by Southern hybridisation. The gene order in rrnD is 16S-23S-5S.  相似文献   

rDNA fragments, including the whole intergenic spacer (IGS) region of P. coccineus, were cloned into dephosphorylated pUC 13 plasmid. Four clones of different insert size were analysed. Restriction patterns and physical maps of these length variants (pPH1, pPH2, pPH5, pPH6) were performed through complete Eco RI cleavage and partial digestion with Hpa II, Hae III, Sau 3AI, Sma I. Evidence was obtained that the length heterogeneity of the four genes was mainly due to a differing number of about 170 bp sub-repeating elements in the IGS. Indeed, there are 16 of these in pPH1, about 34 in pPH2, 10 in pPH5 and about 60 in pPH6. The sequence analysis of pPH6 sub-repeats revealed that there are two types of sub-repeats: short ones (S) of 162 bp and long ones (L) of 176 bp. The homology between S and L is high (93.8%). S and L elements are present in at least three of the four genes investigated, as shown by a restriction pattern obtained with Hae III digestion to completion. The relative frequency of S and L types, however, differs among the four genes. The possible functional meaning of the subrepeat structure is discussed on the basis of the homology between the S and L sequences on the one hand and on the other the ribosomal sequences of: i) Xenopus promoter(s); ii) wheat block A sub-repeats; iii) presumptive promoter(s) of wheat.  相似文献   

Summary The genes encoding the 18S25S ribosomal RNA gene repeat in soybean (Glycine max) and its relatives in the genus Glycine are surveyed for variation in repeat length and restriction enzyme site locations. Within the wild species of subgenus Glycine, considerable differences in repeat size occur, with a maximum observed in G. falcata. Repeat length and site polymorphisms occur in several species, but within individual plants only single repeat types are observed. The rDNA of the cultivated soybean and its wild progenitor, G. soja are identical at the level of this study, and no variation is found in over 40 accessions of the two species. Data from rDNA mapping studies are congruent with those of previous biosystematic studies, and in some instances give evidence of divergences not seen with other approaches.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the organization of the ribosomal RNA genes of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae the rRNA genes were cloned in phage vectors EMBL3 and EMBL4. By subcloning the restriction fragments into various plasmids and analysing the resulting clones by Southern and Northern blot hybridization, a restriction map of the rRNA genes was generated and the organization of the rRNA genes was determined. The results show that the genes for the 16S and 23S rRNAs are closely spaced and occur only once in the genome, whereas the 5S rRNA gene is separated from the other two genes by more than 4 kb.  相似文献   

The genusCirsium comprises both gynodioecious and dioecious species. The observation of microsporogenesis in female plants ofC. montanum, C. oleraceum, C. palustre andC. spinosissimum shows that the male sterility is due to a degeneration of the tapetum. This degeneration occurs more or less early according to the species and, in the light of these results, a scheme of evolution in the male sterility mechanism is proposed. Furthermore, the male sterility mechanism inC. montanum is very similar to that previously found in female plants of the dioecious speciesC. arvense. This fact enhances the possibility of evolution of the dioecy ofC. arvense from the gynodioecy found in other species. According to these results, a general scheme of evolution of sexes in the genusCirsium is proposed.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphism of the rDNA spacer was studied in the genus Oryza using a cloned rice rDNA probe. One-hundred-five accessions, including 58 cultivated rice and 47 wild species with various genome types, were analysed. Seven size classes differing from one another by an increment of ca. 300 bp were observed amongst the Asiatic cultivated rice of the species O. sativa. A general tendency from a smaller spacer in the Japonica subtypes to longer ones in Indica is observed. Classification as Japonica or Indica on the basis of rDNA pattern generally agrees with classification based on isozyme patterns. In contrast, African rice of the species O. glaberrima does not display any rDNA size variation. When wild species are considered, extensive variation is observed, but the fragment sizes do not fall into regularly increasing size classes except for O. rufipogon and O. longistaminata. The variation is greater in these species than in the cultivated ones.  相似文献   

Cucurbitaceae are characterized by a high copy number for nuclear ribosomal RNA genes. We have investigated the genomic ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of four closely related species of this family with respect to structure, length heterogeneity, and evolution. InCucumis melo (melon) there are two main length variants of rDNA repeats with 10.7 and 10.55kb.Cucumis sativus (cucumber) shows at least three repeat types with 11.5, 10.5, and 10.2kb.Cucurbita pepo (zucchini) has two different repeat types with 10.0 and 9.3kb. There are also two different repeat types inCucurbita maxima (pumpkin) of about 11.2 and 10.5kb. Restriction enzyme mapping of the genomic rDNA of these four plants and of cloned repeats ofC. sativus shows further heterogeneities which are due to methylation or point mutations. By comparison of the restriction enzyme maps it was possible to trace some evolutionary events in the family ofCucurbitaceae. Some aspects of regulation and function of the middle repetitive rRNA genes (here between 2000 and 10000 copies) are discussed.  相似文献   

The rDNA of five accessions of the giant fennel (Ferula communis, Umbelliferae) was analyzed. The restriction map of Bam H 1, Eco R 1 and Hind III sites was established for one of them. Variation between the five accessions was observed at several levels. Three have a homogeneous repeat size, whereas the two others are heterogeneous, one presenting an additional site heterogeneity. However, the general pattern of organization is very similar and there is much greater similarity between theFerula accessions than with the pattern observed for carrot, a plant from the same family. Variation was also observed in the copy number of the rDNA repeats, which ranges from 900 to 3 500. The results demonstrate that the five accessions can be clearly differentiated by molecular analysis of their DNA although they belong to the same species or subspecies. They also demonstrate that different isolated populations of a species evolve independently, thus shedding light on the molecular mechanisms of speciation.  相似文献   

Ribosomal DNA repeat unit polymorphism in 49 Vicia species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA restriction endonuclease fragment analysis was used to obtain new information on the genomic organization of Vicia ribosomal DNA (rDNA), more particularly among V. faba and its close relatives and the taxa within three (Narbonensis, Villosa, Sativa) species' complexes. Total genomic DNA of 90 accessions representing 49 Vicia species was restricted with 11 enzymes, and the restriction fragments were probed with three ribosomal clones. Twenty-eight repeat unit length classes were identified. The number of length classes (1–2) per accession did not correspond to the number of nucleolar organizing regions (NORs). The number of rRNA genes was independent of the 2C nuclear DNA amount present in the taxon. Each of the 90 accessions had 2 (rarely 1)-4 DraI sites. Those taxa with the same number of DraI sites generally could be distinguished from each other by different configurations. Probing of the DNA samples digested with tetranucleotide recognition restriction endonucleases emphasized differences between divergent spacer regions and enabled relative homologies between the coding regions to be established. Overall, rDNA restriction site variation among the species showed a good correlation with taxonomic classification. The rDNA analysis indicated evolutionary relatedness of the various taxa within the Narbonensis species complex. rDNA diversity within two other species complexes (Villosa, Sativa), on the other hand, was more extensive than expected. With few exceptions, data on the two complexes give evidence of taxon-specific divergences not seen with other approaches. The restriction site variability and repeat length heterogeneity in the rDNA repeat exhibited startling differences between V.faba and its close wild relatives included in the Narbonensis species complex. This analysis provides new evidence that none of the species within the complex can be considered to be putative allies of broad bean.  相似文献   

Summary Tandemly repeated DNA sequences containing structural genes encoding ribosomal RNA (rDNA) were investigated in 25 species of Hordeum using the wheat rDNA probe pTA71. The rDNA repeat unit lengths were shown to vary between 8.5 and 10.7 kb. The number of length classes (1–3) per accession generally corresponded to the number of nucleolar organizing regions (NORs). Intraspecific variation was found in H. parodii, H. spontaneum and H. leporinum, but not in H. bulbosum. Restriction analysis showed that the positions of EcoRI, SacI and certain BamHI cleavage sites in the rRNA structural genes were highly conserved, and that repeat unit length variation was generally attributable to the intergenic spacer region. Five rDNA BamHI restriction site maps corresponded to the following groups of species: Map A — H. murinum, H. glaucum, H. leporinum, H. bulbosum, H. marinum, H. geniculatum; Map B — H. leporinum; Map C — H. vulgare, H. spontaneum, H. agriocrithon; Map D — H. chilense, H. bogdanii; and Map E — remaining 14 Hordeum species. The repeat unit of H. bulbosum differed from all other species by the presence of a HindIII site. The closer relationship of H. bulbosum to H. leporinum, H. murinum and H. glaucum than to H. vulgare was indicated by their BamHI restriction maps.Contribution No. 1169, Plant Research Centre  相似文献   

Summary A complete ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repeat unit has been cloned from the genome of Pisum sativum (garden pea) and used to construct a map containing a total of 58 cleavage sites for 23 different restriction enzymes. Regions encoding 18s and 25s ribosomal RNA (rRNA) were identified by R-loop analysis. A 180 bp sequence element is repeated eight times in the intergenic nontranscribed spacer (NTS) region, as defined by eight evenly spaced RsaI cleavage sites. Sequence heterogeneity among these elements (subrepeats) is indicated by the presence of an NcoI site within the five RsaI subrepeats distal to the 25s rRNA gene but not in the three subrepeats proximal to this gene, and also by the presence of an additional RsaI cleavage site in one subrepeat.The approximately 4000 copies of the rDNA repeat in the pea nuclear genome show considerable heterogeneity with respect to the length of the NTS region, and differences are also frequently observed between different genotypes. In both cases the length variation appears to be due primarily to differences in the number of subrepeat elements.Comparison of rDNA restriction maps for two pea genotypes separated for hundreds or perhaps thousands of generations reveals that they contain many rDNA identical repeat units. This data is consistent with the view that new rDNA variants are fixed only infrequently in the evolution of a species.Differences also exist between the rDNA repeats of a single genotype with respect to the degree of base modification at certain restriction sites. A large number of sites known to exist in the pea rDNA clone are not cleaved at all in genomic rDNA, or are cleaved in only some copies of the rDNA repeat. We believe these examples of incomplete cleavage results mostly from methylation, although it is difficult to rule out the possibility of sequence variation in all cases. Most putative modifications are best interpreted in terms of cytosine methylation in CG and CXG sequences, but at least one example is more consistent with adenine methylation.We also have constructed a more detailed restriction map of the wheat rDNA clone pTA71 and present a comparison of this map to our map of pea, pumpkin, and wheat in order to assess the amount of useful evolutionary information that can be obtained by comparison of such maps.  相似文献   

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