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Background: Population-based studies describing the association between education and cancer incidence has not yet been reported from India. Methods: Information on the educational attainment of 4417 cancer cases aged 14 years and above, diagnosed during 2003–2006 in Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu, India, was obtained from the Dindigul Ambilikkai Cancer Registry, which registers invasive cancer cases by active methods from 102 data sources. Population distribution by 5-year age groups and for four educational levels namely no education, education ≤5 years, 6–12 years and >12 years, was obtained from census data. Standardized rate ratios based on age-standardized rates were calculated to study cancer risks for different educational levels. Results: Men and women with no education had higher overall cancer incidence rates compared to the educated population. The risk of cervix, mouth, esophagus, stomach and lung cancers were inversely associated with higher levels of education whereas a high incidence of breast cancer was observed with increasing educational levels. The standardized rate ratio of cervical cancer 0.32 (95% CI: 0.19–0.52) and of breast cancer was 6.08 (95% CI: 1.81–20.48) for women with more than 12 years of education compared to those with no education. There was paucity of cases in the highest education level for most cancers. Conclusion: With more and more women in rural India becoming educated, one could foresee breast cancer becoming more frequent even in rural areas of India in future.  相似文献   

Chromosomal and Y-chromosomal microdeletion analysis has been done in cases of idiopathic infertility with the objective of evaluating the frequency of chromosomal and molecular anomaly as the causal factor of infertility. Barring a few cases of Klinefelter syndrome (XXY or XY/XXY mosaics), no chromosomal anomaly was encountered. Y-microdeletion was analysed by PCR-screening of STSs from different regions of the AZF (AZFa, AZFb, AZFc) on the long arm of the Y, as well as by using DNA probes of the genes RBM, DAZ (Yq), DAZLA (an autosomal homologue of DAZ) and SRY (Yp; sex determining gene). Out of 177 cases examined, 9 (azoospermia -8 and oligoasthenospermia -1) showed partial deletion of AZF. The size of deletion varied among patients but AZFc was either totally or partially removed in all of them. In contrast, no deletion was detected in AZFa. Testis biopsy done on a limited number of cases (50) showed diverse stages of spermatogenic arrest with no specific correlation with the genotype. The frequency of Y-chromosome microdeletion in our samples (∼ 5%) is much lower than the frequency (∼ 10%) reported globally and the two previous reports from India. We contend that the frequency may be affected by population structures in different geographical regions.  相似文献   



The hypothesis of immunosurveillance suggests that new neoplasms arise very frequently, but most are destroyed almost at their inception by an immune response. Its correctness has been debated for many years.  相似文献   

Cathepsin B is a protease which is able to digest extracellular matrix. It is currently unknown whether cathepsin B plays a role in cervical cancer development and progression. With Q-PCR and Western blotting, we observed cathepsin B expression in cervical cancer cell line Hela cells. After the gene was silenced in HeLa cells with SiRNA, we confirmed that cathepsin B expressions at both mRNA and protein levels were significantly reduced. At the same time, cell proliferation, migration and invasion of the HeLa cells were significantly decreased compared to control cells. In addition, a significant regression of tumor growth in nude mice which received the siRNA targeted cathepsin B HeLa cells was observed. We further studied the expression of cathepsin B in a series of 169 clinical samples, including 56 invasive cervical squamous carcinoma, 85 CINs and 28 normal cervical tissues. It was found that cathepsin B expression in invasive carcinomas was significantly higher than that in the CINs and normal tissues (P<0.01). In addition, cathepsin B expression in the invasive carcinomas was positively correlated to tumor invasion depth and lymphatic metastasis. Our results indicate that cathepsin B may be a potential biomarker for further strategical clinical studies in cervical cancer.  相似文献   

Epigenetics describes the study of stable, reversible alterations to the genome that affect gene expression and genome function, the most studied mechanisms are DNA methylation and histone modifications. Over recent years there has been rapid progress to elucidate the nature and role of the mechanisms involved in promoter hypermethylation during carcinogenesis, however, the mechanism behind one of the earliest epigenetic observations in cancer, genome-wide hypomethylation, remains unclear. Current evidence is divided between the hypotheses that hypomethylation is either an important early cancer-causing aberration or that it is a passive inconsequential side effect of carcinogenesis. With recent discoveries of gene–body methylation, fast cyclic methylation of hormone dependent genes and candidate proteins involved in DNA demethylation elucidation of the role of hypomethylation and the mechanism behind it appears ever closer. With the burgeoning use of DNA methyltransferase inhibitors as a cancer therapy there is an increased need to understand the mechanisms and importance of genome-wide hypomethylation in cancer. This review will discuss the timing and potential causes of genomic hypomethylation during carcinogenesis and will propose a way forward to understand the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Exercise is one of the few effective treatments for LBP. Although exercise is often based on the premise of reduced spinal stiffness, trunk muscle adaptation may increase stiffness. This study developed and validated a method to assess trunk stiffness and damping, and tested these parameters in 14 people with recurring LBP and 17 pain-free individuals. Effective trunk stiffness, mass and damping were estimated with the trunk modeled as a linear second-order system following trunk perturbation. Equal weights (12–15% body weight) were attached to the front and back of the trunk via pulleys such that the trunk could move freely and no muscle activity was required to hold the weights. The trunk was perturbed by the unexpected release of one of the weights. Trunk kinematics and cable force were used to estimate system properties. Reliability was assessed in 10 subjects. Trunk stiffness was greater in recurrent LBP patients (forward perturbation only), but damping was lower (both directions) than healthy controls. Estimates were reliable and validated by accurately estimated mass. Contrary to clinical belief, trunk stiffness was increased, not reduced, in recurrent LBP, most likely due to augmented trunk muscle activity and changes in reflex control of trunk muscles. Although increased stiffness may aid in the protection of spinal structures, this may have long-term consequences for spinal health and LBP recurrence due to compromised trunk dynamics (decreased damping).  相似文献   

Previous experiments with mice have shown that a repeated 1 h daily exposure to an ambient magnetic field shielded environment induces analgesia (anti-nociception). This shielding reduces ambient static and extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF) by approximately 100 times for frequencies below 120 Hz. To determine the threshold of ELF-MF amplitude that would attenuate or abolish this effect, 30 and 120 Hz magnetic fields were introduced into the shielded environment at peak amplitudes of 25, 50, 100 and 500 nT. At 30 Hz, peak amplitudes of 50, 100, and 500 nT attenuated this effect in proportion to the amplitude magnitude. At 120 Hz, significant attenuation was observed at all amplitudes. Exposures at 10, 60, 100, and 240 Hz with peak amplitudes of 500, 300, 500, and 300 nT, respectively, also attenuated the induced analgesia. No exposure abolished this effect except perhaps at 120 Hz, 500 nT. If the peak amplitude frequency product was kept constant at 6000 nT-Hz for frequencies of 12.5, 25, 50, and 100 Hz, the extent of attenuation was constant, indicating that the detection mechanism is dependent on the nT-Hz product. A plot of effect versus the induced current metric nT-Hz suggests a threshold of ELF-MF detection in mice at or below 1000 nT-Hz.  相似文献   



Hyperdiploid pre-B-cell acute lymhoblastic leukemia (pre-B-ALL) is a common form of childhood leukemia with very good prognosis with present day chemotherapy. However, the chromosomal composition of the hyperdiploidy has not been extensively studied and possible mechanism for this pathology remains so far conjectural.


To analyze the pattern of chromosome involvement in a cohort of childhood hyperdiploid pre-B-ALL from India and from this pattern to develop an understanding on the causation of such pathology. Whether such patients also carry translocations and FLT3 mutations in addition to their hyperdiploid karyotype.


One hundred and twenty-six childhood pre-B-ALL patients were studied. Bone marrow aspirate of these patients were evacuated for morphology, FAB classification, immunophenotyping and both conventional and molecular cytogenetics.


Of 126 patients with pre-B-ALL (age 2-15 years), 90 patients with abnormal karyotype showed 50 with hyperdiploid karyotype (50/90 i.e. 55.5%). Chromosomes 9, 10, 14, 17, 18, 20 and 21 were more often involved in hyperdiploidy. Chromosome 21 duplication was present in 92% of the cases. Chromosomes 5, 15, 16, 17 and Y were less often involved (18-20%) in hyperdiploidy. About 44% of patients with hyperdiploidy had additional karyotypic abnormality of which TEL-AML1 was predominant (24%). Chromosome loss was rare and accounted for 20% of the cases only. We did not find any FLT3 mutation in our patients.


In this study, the pattern of chromosome involvement in hyperdiploid karyotype of ALL patients is same as other studies except some chromosomes like 1, 6, 11, 12, 19 and 22 have some more frequent involvement than other studies. This study also showed the occurrence of TEL/AML1 fusion is more (19.8%) than other reports from India.  相似文献   

Experiments have demonstrated that the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein (CFTR), containing the most common cystic fibrosis (CF)-causing mutation (delta F508), reaches the plasma membrane in reduced amounts. Studies of a peptide model of CFTR indicate that the delta F508 mutated region is more sensitive to denaturating conditions. This paper proposes that altered protein folding accounts for these findings, and, thus, most cases of CF. Significantly, the hypothesis makes specific predictions about the effect of stabilizing conditions on mutant CFTR, and, further, suggests a new class of pharmaceuticals that may prove effective in the treatment of this important genetic disease.  相似文献   

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