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The present study demonstrates the presence of different amino acid carriers in the membrane of trout red cells. Most glycine is taken up through the Na+-dependent system ASC, although the nearly specific Gly system is also active. Besides these carriers, glycine is taken up by means of Na+-independent transporters, system l being the most important. A system asc of high affinity and low capacity has been found, and band 3 is unable to transport glycine under physiological conditions. These results suggest that although all these carriers are already present in primitive vertebrates, several differences exist in their properties with respect to those found in mammalian cells.We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Antonino Clemente (Piscifactoria de Bagà, Medi Natural, Generalitat de Catalunya) for his help and logistical assistance and to Mr. Robin Rycroft for his editorial help.This work was supported by a grant of Comisió Interdepartamental de Recerca i Technologia (AR90-3.3394). M.A.G. is recipient of a fellowship from the Generalitat de Catalunya.  相似文献   

Summary Glucose metabolism has been studied in Salmo trutta red blood cells. From non-metabolizable analogue (3-O-methyl glucose and l-glucose) uptake experiments it is concluded that there is no counterpart to the membrane transport system for glucose found in mammalian red blood cells. Once within the cells, glucose is directed to CO2 and lactate formation through both the Embden-Meyerhoff and hexose monophosphate shunts; lactate appears as the most important endproduct of glucose metabolism in these cells. From experiments under anaerobic conditions, and in the presence of an inhibitor of pyruvate transfer to mitochondria, most of the CO2 formed appears to derive from the hexose monophosphate pathway. Appreciable O2 consumption has been detected, but there is no clear relationship between this and substrate metabolism. Key enzymes of glucose metabolism hexokinase, fructose-6-phosphate kinase and, probably, pyruvate kinase are out of equilibrium, confirming their regulatory activity in Salmo trutta red blood cells. The presence of isoproterenol, a catecholamine analogue, induces important changes in glucose metabolism under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, and increases the production of both CO2 and lactate. From the data presented, glucose appears to be the major fuel for Salmo trutta red blood cells, showing a slightly different pattern of glucose metabolism from rainbow trout red blood cells.Abbreviations EM Embden-Meyerhoff pathway - G6D glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - GOT glutamate oxalacetate transaminase - GPI glucose phosphate isomerase - HK hexokinase - HMS hexose monophosphate shunt - IP isoproterenol - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - MCB modified Cortland buffer - OMG 3-O-methyl glucose - PFK fructose-6-phosphate kinase - PK pyruvate kinase - RBC red blood cells - TAC tricarboxylic acid cycle  相似文献   

In this work, we present a new version of the dilution-filtration system for rapidly deglycerolizing a large volume of cryopreserved blood. In our earlier system, one of the major problems was the damage induced to the red blood cells (RBCs) due to high osmolality change at the dilution point. Therefore, we devised a new system to solve this problem. First, we theoretically simulated the osmolality variation in the new system and the variation of the maximum and minimum volumes of the RBCs at the dilution point to examine the effects of operating parameters/conditions. Next, we experimentally validated the effects of these operating parameters by deglycerolizing porcine blood. The results show that when the initial NaCl concentration in the hypertonic solution is 18%, the volume of the hypertonic solution is 200 mL, and the flow rate of the filtrate is 50 mL/min, the system can effectively remove glycerin from 200 mL of porcine blood in 30 min, with ∼87% RBC survival rate and ∼73% RBC recovery rate. Our results indicated that in the new system the concentration and the volume of the hypertonic solution used to dilute the blood are the important parameters that need to be adjusted to reduce osmotic damage to the RBCs. In addition, a fast filtrate flow rate is highly recommended. This work can significantly contribute to the development of a more efficient and effective system for deglycerolizing large volumes of cryopreserved blood in clinic.  相似文献   

Human red blood cells (RBCs) in a solution form rouleaux patterns under various conditions. The degree of rouleaux formation depends on, for example, the concentration and molecular weight of added large molecules. We present a two-dimensional discrete cellular space model in which an RBC is represented by a rectangle and differential adhesion is assumed among the longer (a-site), the shorter (b-site) sides of the rectangle and the solvent. The total sum of the adhesion energy is assumed to guide the step-by-step change of the model cell configuration and also define absolutely stable patterns. We compare the set of absolutely stable patterns and cell aggregate patterns for both actual and computer-simulated cases to obtain the basic validity of our framework. Then we proceed to assess the effects of added high polymers to the adhesion parameters. We first note that under suitable conditions, decrease in a-site-solvent affinity is necessary to have complex patterns rather than increase of a-a affinity. The hypothesis that addition of high polymers reduce the a-site-solvent affinity is concomitant with a newly proposed osmotic stress theory. The parameter fitting results for the experimental phase change curves can also be interpreted as supporting more the new theory than existing traditional explanations.  相似文献   

The photodynamic action of riboflavin is generally considered to involve the generation of reactive oxygen species, whose production is enhanced when Cu(II) is present in the reaction. In the present study we report that photoactivated riboflavin causes K(+) loss from fresh human red blood cells (RBC) in a time dependent manner. Addition of Cu(II) further enhances the K(+) loss and also leads to significant hemolysis. Riboflavin in a 2:1 stoichiometry with Cu(II) leads to maximum K(+) loss and up to 45% hemolysis. Bathocuproine, a specific Cu(I)-sequestering agent, when present in the reaction, inhibits the hemolysis completely. Free radical scavengers like superoxide dismutase, potassium iodide and mannitol inhibited the hemolysis up to 55% or more. However, thiourea was the most effective scavenger showing 90% inhibition. These results suggest that K(+) leakage and hemolysis of human RBC are basically free radical mediated reactions.  相似文献   

AFLP-based genetic linkage map for the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) is a major pest of stored grain and grain products and a popular model species for a variety of ecological, evolutionary, and developmental biology studies. Development of a linkage map based on reproducible and highly polymorphic molecular markers would greatly facilitate research in these disciplines. We have developed a genetic linkage map using 269 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Ten previously known random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used as anchor markers for linkage group assignment. The linkage map was constructed through genotyping two independent F(2) segregating populations with 48 AFLP primer combinations. Each primer combination generated an average of 4.6 AFLP markers eligible for linkage mapping. The length of the integrated map is 573 cM, giving an average marker resolution of 2.0 cM and an average physical distance per genetic distance of 350 kb/cM. A cluster of loci on linkage group 3 exhibited significant segregation distortion. We have also identified six X-linked and two Y-linked markers. Five mapped AFLP fragments were sequenced and converted to sequence-tagged site (STS) markers.  相似文献   

The interaction of mutagenic Cr(VI) with red blood cells has been studied by ESR spectroscopy. Signals of two Cr(V) species are observed almost immediately after contacting red cells with chromate(VI) aqueous solution at pH 7.4. The signal at go = 1.985, which decays within one hour, is attributed to a Cr(V) complex formed by glutathione due its reducing and chelating ability. The other signal at go = 1.979, which is distinctly more persistent, may indicate that some immobilization of the formed Cr(V) ions takes place on the macromolecular cell components, e.g. glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Alloimmunization to donor blood group antigens remains a significant problem in transfusion medicine. A proposed method to overcome donor-recipient blood group incompatibility is to mask the blood group antigens by the covalent attachment of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) to the red blood cell (RBC) membrane. Despite much work in the development of PEG-coating of RBCs, there is a paucity of data on the optimization of the PEG-coating technique; it is the aim of this study to determine the optimum conditions for PEG coating using a cyanuric chloride reactive derivative of methoxy-PEG as a model polymer. Activated PEG of molecular mass 5 kDa was covalently attached to human RBCs under various reaction conditions. Inhibition of binding of a blood-type specific antiserum (anti-D) was employed to evaluate the effect of the PEG-coating, quantified by hemocytometry and flow-cytometry. RBC morphology was examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. Statistical analysis of experimental design together with microscopy results showed that the optimum PEGylation conditions are pH = 8.7, temperature = 14 degrees C, and reaction time = 30 min. An optimum concentration of reactive PEG could not be determined. At high polymer concentrations (>25 mg/mL) a predominance of type III echinocytes was observed, and as a result, a concentration of 15 mg/mL is the highest recommended concentration for a linear PEG of molecular mass 5 kDa.  相似文献   

Poly(ethylene glycol), abbreviated as PEG, was covalently attached to the surface of human red blood cells (RBC) and the effects of such coating on the regions near the cell's glycocalyx were explored by means of cell electrophoresis. RBC electrophoretic mobilities were measured, in polymer-free buffers of various ionic strengths, as functions of PEG molecular mass (3.35, 18.5, 35.0, 35.9 kDa), geometry, (linear or 8-arm branched) and polymer/RBC ratio during attachment. The results indicate marked decreases of the mobility (up to 85%) which were affected by polymer molecular mass and geometry. Since PEG is neutral and its covalent attachment only removes positively-charged amino groups on the cell membrane, such decreases of mobility likely reflect structural changes near and within the RBC glycocalyx. Experimental results were analyzed using an extended "hairy sphere" model to consider friction and thickness of the polymer layer. Calculated polymer layer thickness increased with molecular mass for linear PEGs and was less extended for a branched PEG of similar molecular mass. Friction within the polymer layer increased with polymer/RBC ratio and for the linear PEGs was inversely related to molecular mass; friction was greatest for the branched PEG. Our results are consistent with the effects of attached PEGs on RBC aggregation and surface antigenic site masking, and suggest the usefulness of electrophoretic mobility techniques for studies of bound neutral polymers.  相似文献   

In carp erythrocytes, noradrenaline (10-6 mol·l-1) induces a 30- to 40-fold activation of Na+/H+ exchange (the ethylisopropylamiloride-inhibited component of the 22Na influx) and a fourfold stimulation of the Na+, K+ pump (ouabain-inhibited component of 86Rb influx). In both cases the effect of noradrenaline is blocked by propranolol but not phentolamine and is imitated by forskolin. An activator of protein kinase C (-phorbol 12-myristate, 13-acetate) increases Na+/H+ exchange by 10 times and decreases the Na+, K+ pump activity by 20–30 percent. In the presence of ethylisopropylamiloride the increment of the Na+, K+ pump activity induced by noradrenaline is reduced by 35–45 percent, indicating the existence of a Na+/H+ exchange-independent mechanism of the Na+, K+ pump regulation by -adrenergic catecholamines. Hypertonic shrinkage of carp erythrocytes results in a 40- to 80-fold activation of Na+/H+ exchange, whereas hypotonic swelling induces an increase in the rate of 86Rb+ efflux which is inhibited by furosemide by about 30–40 percent. The rate of pH0 recovery in response to acidification or alkalinization in rat erythrocytes is approximately 15 times as fast as in carp erythrocytes. Unlike in rat erythrocytes, valinomycin does not cause an alkalinization of incubation medium in carp erythrocytes indicating the absence of conductive pathway in the operation of anion transporter protein. A scheme is suggested which describes the interrelation of Na+/H+ exchange, Na+, K+ pump and a non-identified system providing for K+ efflux in cell swelling, regulation of cell volume and cytoplasmic pH in fish erythrocytes under conditions of deep hypoxia and high activity.Abbreviations cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate - CCCP carbonylcyamide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DMSO dimethylsulphoxide - EIPA ethylisopropylamiloride - NA noradrenaline - PMA -phorbol 12-myristate, 13-acetate - RVD regulatory volume decrease - RVI regulatory volume increase  相似文献   

A road map for TR(I)Ps   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nilius B  Mahieu F 《Molecular cell》2006,22(3):297-307
The development of our knowledge on the structure, molecular regulation, and cell function on transient receptor potential (TRP) channels has been growing dramatically during the last few years. Many meetings in the past and upcoming events are now focused on TRP channels as general sensor molecules in cell physiology. However, most of the scientists in the field still feel that we are just beginning to understand these truly remarkable proteins, called TRPs, and there is still a long way to go from structure via molecular regulation to cell and organ function. This generally accepted but exciting view about the long road to the understanding of TRPs dominated all presentations given at the 2006 Minerva-Gentner Symposium on TRP channels and calcium signalling, which was held in Eilat, Israel, and was excellently organized by Baruch Minke (Jerusalem, Israel) and supported by Veit Flockerzi (Homburg, Germany).  相似文献   



Desferrioxamine (DFO) is an important iron chelating agent. It has also been thought of as an agent with anti-oxidant potential as it chelates ferric iron in various parts of the body. However, there is evidence suggesting that it may paradoxically affect red blood cells (RBC) by inducing intracellular oxidant stress. To further understand the mechanism of DFO's interaction with RBC, we conducted a study to determine the effect of DFO upon RBC's redox status.  相似文献   

The antioxidant effects of dipyridamol (DIP), a coronary vasodilator, and its derivative RA-25 were compared in intact red blood cells (RBC) and in isolated ghost membranes. Both compounds are quite effective antioxidants in cumene hydroperoxide-induced lipid peroxidation of RBC, showing a much smaller effect for hydrogen peroxide oxidation. The antioxidant effect of DIP was considerably higher than that of RA25. For isolated ghost membranes, the apparent IC50 (the drug concentration that produces 50% inhibition of lipid peroxidation) in cumene hydroperoxide-induced peroxidation was 25 microM, while the maximum protective effect of RA-25 was around 30% in the drug concentration range of 50-100 microM. The drugs can protect the oxidative hemolysis induced by cumene hydroperoxide with a lower effect when the hemolysis is induced by H2O2. The significant antioxidant effect against damages induced by cumene hydroperoxide suggests that DIP, due to its lipophilic character, can interact with RBC membranes, and the protective effect is associated with the binding of the drug to the membrane. On the other hand, RA-25 is more hydrophilic than DIP, binds to the membrane to a smaller extent, and, for this reason, has a lower antioxidant effect.  相似文献   

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