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The late Pliocene is notable for the appearance of two new hominid genera as well as the first archaeological sites, generally attributed to the Oldowan Industrial Complex. However, the behavioral ecology of Oldowan hominids has been little explored, particularly at sites older than 2.0 Ma. Moreover, debates on Oldowan hominid foraging ecology and behavior have centered on data from only two regions, and often from single site levels. Here we describe the preliminary results of our investigation of Oldowan occurrences at Kanjera South. These occurrences preserve the oldest known traces of hominid activity in southwestern Kenya, and unlike most of the Oldowan sites in the 2.0-2.5 Ma time interval, artefacts are found in spatial association with a well-preserved fauna. In 1996 and 1997, this project initiated the first excavation program for Kanjera South. Magneto- and biostratigraphy indicate that deposition began approximately 2.2 Ma, substantially earlier than previously thought. At Excavation 1, artefacts were found in spatial association with a taxonomically diverse faunal assemblage in Beds KS-1 and KS-2. Excavation 2 yielded a partial hippopotamus axial skeleton with artefacts in KS-3. Cores from both sites were incidentally flaked and represent a Mode I lithic technology indistinguishable from the Oldowan. Approximately 15% of the artefacts were manufactured from non-local raw materials, indicating a flow of resources into the area. Stable isotopic analysis of KS-1 and KS-2 pedogenic carbonates suggests that the Excavation 1 assemblages formed in a relatively open (>75% C4 grass) habitat. The Excavation 1 and 2 faunas contain a high proportion of equids relative to Oldowan accumulations from Bed I Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Beds KS-1 and KS-2 thus preserve traces of Oldowan hominid activities in a more open setting than has been previously documented.  相似文献   

We present here the results of 44 paleomagnetic measurements, and single cosmogenic burial and optically stimulated luminescence ages for the Earlier Stone Age deposits from Wonderwerk Cave, Northern Cape, South Africa. The resulting paleomagnetic sequence: N>R>N>R>N constrains the Earlier Stone Age strata in this part of the site to between approximately 0.78-1.96 Ma. A single cosmogenic date of approximately 2.0 Ma from the base of the section offers some corroboration for the paleomagnetic sequence. Preliminary results indicate that the small lithic assemblage from the basal stratum may contain an Oldowan facies. This is overlain by several strata containing Acheulean industries. The preliminary radiometric dates reported here place the onset of the Acheulean at this site to approximately 1.6 Ma, which is roughly contemporaneous with that of East Africa.  相似文献   

Maastrichtian Foraminifera from the sedimentary beds at Ain Mdeker are recorded and identified. The fauna examined is found to be clearly Tethyan in composition. On the basis of this fauna, four planktic foraminiferal zones, the Globotruncana falsostuarti Zone, the Rugotruncana gansseri Zone, the Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone and the Globotruncana falsocalcarata Zone are distinguished in the Maastrichtian of the sequence studied. These zones are futher compared with the zones established in equivalent strata in the sequence at El Kef, the most complete sequence in Tunisia. In addition to the index species only the biostratigraphically most important species from the fauna studied are illustrated.  相似文献   

Inter-site technological variation in the archaeological record is one of the richest potential sources of information about Plio-Pleistocene hominid behavior and evolution. However, appropriate methods for describing and comparing Oldowan assemblages have yet to be agreed upon, and interpretation of the early record remains highly controversial. Particularly salient is disagreement over whether the Oldowan is a single technological phenomenon or is more accurately divided into multiple regional and/or chronological traditions, perhaps including a less developed Pre-Oldowan phase in the late Pliocene. Some of this disagreement reflects theoretical and methodological differences between research traditions and some is more directly evidential. Here we present a framework for describing and interpreting Oldowan variation and apply it to three Pliocene assemblages (EG-10, EG-12, and OGS-7) from Gona, all dated to c. 2.6 million years (Ma). Results indicate proficient knapping and a full range of Oldowan reduction strategies in these earliest known occurrences, consistent with the idea of an Oldowan “technological stasis” from 2.6–1.6 Ma. Patterns of variation in raw material selection and predominant reduction strategy at each site clearly indicate the importance of cultural transmission in the Oldowan, but confounding ecological and economic variation continue to render interpretation in terms of multiple tool making traditions or species inappropriate. We propose that cultural transmission and ecological adaptation should be recognized as complementary, rather than mutually exclusive, mechanisms in future attempts to explain Oldowan technological variation.  相似文献   

The site of Mansourah (Constantine, Algeria) had yielded to the early authors, and more recently to the late G. Laplace, a lithic industry associated with a fauna of large Mammals, which looks contemporaneous with that of Aïn Hanech, although it is well-distinct ecologically, and might even be slightly older. The lithic assemblage is completely devoid of any bifacial artefact or cleaver and can only be referred to the Oldowan. Thus, the Mansourah site documents a very early human occupation of North Africa, and perhaps one of the earliest. To cite this article: Y. Chaid-Saoudi et al., C. R. Palevol 5 (2006).  相似文献   

麻地沟E5旧石器地点位于泥河湾盆地东端岑家湾台地古人类活动集中区,埋藏于泥河湾层灰白色-灰黄色细砂和粉砂层内。遗址发现于2007年,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所于2014年对其进行考古发掘,揭露面积22m~2,出土143件石制品、8件动物碎骨和235件砾石。遗址成因(标本分布状况、原料与个体大小、风化磨蚀状况和标本空间聚集特征等)分析表明,遗址形成受到明显的水流搬运和改造。石制品原料均来自遗址周围1km~2范围内,岩性以硅质白云岩、燧石和火山岩为主;锤击法剥片和修理石器,剥片和修理随意,石制品形态无定型,显示旧石器时代早期奥杜威(Oldowan)工业特点。初步古地磁年代测定显示古人类在该遗址活动的时间大致为1.20 Ma。该遗址的发掘对研究泥河湾盆地早更新世遗址成因与古人类的生存方式具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A revised stratigraphy for the early hominid site of Sterkfontein (Gauteng Province, South Africa) reveals a complex distribution of infills in the main excavation area between 2.8 and 1.4 m.y.a, as well as deposits dating to the mid to late Pleistocene. New research now shows that the Member 4 australopithecine breccia (2.8-2.6 Ma) extends further west than was previously thought, while a late phase of Member 4 is recognized in a southern area. The artefact-bearing breccias were defined sedimentologically as Member 5, but one supposed part of these younger breccias, the StW 53 infill, lacks in situ stone tools, although it does appear to post-date 2.6 Ma when artefacts first appear in the archaeological record. The StW 53 hominid, previously referred to Homo habilis, is here argued to be Australopithecus. The first artefact-bearing breccia of Member 5 is the Oldowan Infill, estimated at 2-1.7 Ma. It occupies a restricted distribution in Member 5 east and contains an expedient, flake-based tool industry associated with a few fossils of Paranthropos robustus. An enlarged cave opening subsequently admitted one or more Early Acheulean infills associated in Member 5 west with Homo ergaster. The artefacts attest to a larger site accumulation between ca. 1.7 and 1.4 Ma, with more intensive use of quartzite over quartz and a subtle but important shift to large flakes and heavier-duty tools. The available information on palaeoenvironments is summarized, showing an overall change from tropical to sub-tropical gallery forest, forest fringe and woodland conditions in Member 4 to more open woodland and grassland habitats in the later units, but with suggestions of a wet localized topography in the Paranthropus -bearing Oldowan Infill.  相似文献   

The Kromdraai archaeological site is located in a fossiliferous paleokarst situated in the UNESCO World Heritage Site referred to as the “Cradle of Humankind” in the Gauteng Province of South Africa. Kromdraai is noteworthy because it features among the three southern African early hominin-bearing sites considered to represent distinct temporal periods within the same stratigraphic succession. Kromdraai also yielded a partial skull and dentition (TM 1517) in 1938 that was designated as the holotype of a new genus and species, Paranthropus robustus. Although the hominin fossil assemblage collected from Kromdraai between 1938 and 2014 is rather paltry, morphometric and cladistic analyses of this material suggested that it represented a somewhat less-derived form of P. robustus than the considerably larger assemblage from the nearby site of Swartkrans. However, the geochronological and biotic relationships among the P. robustus-bearing sites in South Africa are not resolved. Since 2014, the previously unknown, albeit densely fossiliferous Unit P produced 51 individually catalogued hominin fossils (36 craniodental and 15 postcranial) that currently represent 13% of the faunal assemblage from this unit with a minimum number of 10 juvenile and 9 adult individuals. P. robustus and early Homo coexisted at the time of the accumulation of Unit P at Kromdraai, with a relative abundance of 89% and 11%, respectively. P. robustus and early Homo are associated with a highly diverse fauna that includes several water-dependent species, and a large variety of bovid and carnivore taxa. Biochronological data from Unit P and an interval of reversed polarity measured in younger deposits above it are interpreted in the context of the regional chronological framework to infer that it represents a deposit that was likely accumulated prior to 2 Ma.  相似文献   

The emergence of lithic technology by ∼2.6 million years ago (Ma) is often interpreted as a correlate of increasingly recurrent hominin acquisition and consumption of animal remains. Associated faunal evidence, however, is poorly preserved prior to ∼1.8 Ma, limiting our understanding of early archaeological (Oldowan) hominin carnivory. Here, we detail three large well-preserved zooarchaeological assemblages from Kanjera South, Kenya. The assemblages date to ∼2.0 Ma, pre-dating all previously published archaeofaunas of appreciable size. At Kanjera, there is clear evidence that Oldowan hominins acquired and processed numerous, relatively complete, small ungulate carcasses. Moreover, they had at least occasional access to the fleshed remains of larger, wildebeest-sized animals. The overall record of hominin activities is consistent through the stratified sequence – spanning hundreds to thousands of years – and provides the earliest archaeological evidence of sustained hominin involvement with fleshed animal remains (i.e., persistent carnivory), a foraging adaptation central to many models of hominin evolution.  相似文献   

New occurrences of early artefacts ascribed to the Oldowan tradition come from localities at high level within the caldera of the extinct Kilombe volcano, located in the central rift valley of Kenya. The trachyte cone and caldera of Kilombe volcano formed at ca. 2.5 Ma, and the record of >130 m of sediment-fill indicates that the caldera subsequently held a lake for long periods during the Early Pleistocene. The Oldowan artefact localities, dated by 40Ar/39Ar and palaeomagnetism to ~1.78 Ma, lie east of the centre of the caldera, on the west side of an ancient small lake, which later drained away as a gorge formed on the east side of the mountain. The artefacts are dominantly made of Kilombe trachyte, and are associated with a fauna of large animals including Hippopotamus gorgops. These are the first Oldowan localities to be discovered in a new area of the Kenyan rift valley in the last thirty years, and their presence at high level in rugged landscape indicates that the associated hominins were exploiting a full range of environments.  相似文献   

The National Museum of Natural History, Paris, the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS/UMR 7194 and 8148) and the Society for Archaeological and Anthropological Research, Chandigarh, conduct paleontological and archaeological surveys in a sub-Himalayan territory well known for its Upper Pliocene fossiliferous deposits and named the Quranwala Zone. Since 2007, the team is investigating this formation in the Masol anticline and has collected four fossils with marks of butchery as well as numerous lithic artifacts. In this paper we show the first chopper extracted in stratigraphy from the deepest fossiliferous layer at more than 2.6 Ma as shown by the undisputable magnetostratigraphy, we describe the lithostratigraphy of the excavation, the techno-typology of the chopper and compare it with the collection of its locality and two other major paleonto-archaeological sites of Masol. The characteristics of this Masol lithic assemblage do not match those of the early Lower Pleistocene African Oldowan (2.55 Ma), but they are similar to those of the Chinese lithic industry of Longgupo (2.5 Ma). These activities open new perspectives regarding the phylogenetic and geographical origins of these Asian hominins as well as on their descendants, and justify the pursuit of surveys and test pits in the Quranwala zone.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(7):623-636
A series of 36 radiocarbon AMS ages produced from separate bone fragments has prompted a new appraisal of the archaeological sequence of the Rond-du-Barry Cave (Polignac, Haute-Loire). A huge rock-fall of unknown age underlies Unit H, which contains evidence of the oldest human occupation of the site consisting of a Middle Palaeolithic assemblage dated to between 40 and 33 kyr. The first Upper Palaeolithic occupation of the Cave occurred later. In Unit F, three Badegoulian occupation sectors can be identified that are dated to between 20 and 17.5 kyr. The uppermost units, E and D yielded Middle and Upper Magdalenian dates of between 15.4 and 12.4 kyr. Within Unit E, a tephra related layer (E6) is likely to belong to a distal southern lobe of an eruptive event that was centred in the Chaîne des Puys, 100 km to the north. Unit D shows evidence of being re-worked at least during Mesolithic/Neolithic times, circa 6.5/4.9 kyr. The sum of this new evidence demonstrates the existence of a previously unrecognised stratigraphic and spatial complexity within the Rond-du-Barry archaeological deposits, which demands that new investigations be made in this cave.  相似文献   

贵州盘县大洞的堆积物,自上而下可以分为3层。大洞主体堆积物为角砾堆积,来源于洞顶灰岩的崩塌,另外有人类遗物以及洞外片流作用带入的泥砂。人类化石、旧石器和哺乳动物化石主要分布在第2层角砾堆积中。堆积物在洞厅各部位均有相应分布,属同一沉积序列。已知的早期人类活动时间大约从260ka.B.P.开始,到142ka.B.P.前后结束,对应于深海氧同位素的第6、7阶段。角砾层下段,发育一套遭强烈溶蚀和风化的堆积物,地球化学分析结果显示其湿热的沉积环境,时间大约在260—180ka B.P.期间,对应于深海氧同位素第7阶段;大洞堆积物在气候变化周期上与黄土、青藏高原冰期序列可以对比。  相似文献   

The late Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments of the Homa Peninsula in southwestern Kenya are richly fossiliferous, preserve Early Stone Age archaeological traces and provide one of the few paleoanthropological data sets for the region between the branches of the East African Rift Valley. This paper presents preliminary results of our ongoing investigation of late Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits at the localities of Rawi, Kanam East, Kanam Central and Kanjera. While fossils have been collected from the peninsula since 1911, little systematic effort has been made to place them into a broader litho-and chronostratigraphic framework. This project has conclusively demonstrated that fossils occur in good stratigraphic context at all of the study localities and that claims of sediment slumping (Boswell, 1935) have been greatly overstated (Behrensmeyer et al., 1995; Plummer & Potts, 1989). A provisional chronostratigraphic framework based on magneto- and biostratigraphy is presented here. We have revised the Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Rawi and Kanam gullies to include three formations: the Rawi, Abundu and Kasibos Formations. Based on magneto- and biostratigraphy, these formations are dated between approximately three and one m.y.a. (Gauss Chron-Jaramillo Subchron) (Cande & Kent, 1995). The Apoko Formation unconformably overlies the others and may be middle to late Pleistocene in age. All formations contain rich patches of fossils, and Acheulean artifacts have been surface collected from the Abundu and Kasibos Formations. Deposition of the fossil- and artefact-bearing sediments at Kanjera North began in the early Pleistocene and continued into the middle Pleistocene. Deposition at Kanjera South began over one million years earlier than previously thought, at approximately 2.2 m.y.a., and continued into the Olduvai Subchron (1.770-1.950 m.y.a.; Cande & Kent, 1995). Excavations have recovered Oldowan artefacts in association with well-preserved fossil fauna near the base of the sequence, the oldest archaeological traces yet known from southwestern Kenya.  相似文献   

人属先驱种(Homo antecessor),是根据西班牙阿塔普尔卡Gran Dolina洞穴堆积中发现的人类化石厘定的。出产人类化石的地层年代测定距今约90万年到78万年之间。之所以定为先驱种,是因为最初研究者认为这个西班牙的古人类群是较晚的海德堡人(H. heidelbergensis)和尼安德特人的共同祖先(H. neanderthalensis),而在非洲和欧洲发现的海德堡人则已被认为是现代人的直接祖先。目前对先驱种的争论还没有明确的结论。之所以会形成这种局面,与"先驱种"模式化石的生物学年龄和保存状况有极大的关系。本文对当初厘定"先驱种"的头骨和面骨的11个特定性状做了一个系统的回顾,尤其是和各类南方古猿(Australopithecus和Praeanthropus),最早的人属成员能人种(H. habilis)和鲁道夫种(H. rudolfensis),人属匠人种(H. ergaster),以及人属直立人种(H. erectus)面部梨状孔周边和上颌骨功能区的特征的比较研究。这11个头面骨的特征包括:1)眶下骨骼的冠状面朝向、2)犬齿窝的存在、3)上颌骨下缘外侧端向下的转折切迹、4)弧状颧骨下缘、5)梨状孔外侧上颌骨的转折和朝向、6)梨状孔外缘和颧骨起点的相对位置、7)梨状孔下缘鼻棘和侧棘的位置和组合形态、8)颧骨和上颌骨结节、9)类现代人的骨表面重塑模式、10)突出的鼻骨、和11)颞骨的上凸的颞鳞上缘。结果表明"先驱种"的头面骨的定性特征没有特异性,其组合与周口店的直立人面部基本形态也非常相似,因而作者倾向于认为"先驱种"就是直立人种的欧洲变异群体。所谓"人属先驱种"可能只是广义的人属直立人种(H. erectus sensu lato)欧洲代表。目前的化石材料显示欧洲和亚洲的直立人种是非洲匠人种的演变而来。  相似文献   

The Hadar paleoanthropological site in Ethiopia preserves a record of hominin evolution spanning from approximately 3.45 Ma to 0.8 Ma. An angular unconformity just above the ca. 2.95 Ma BKT-2 complex divides the sediments into the Hadar Formation (ca. 3.8-2.9 Ma) and the Busidima Formation (ca. 2.7-0.15 Ma). The unconformity is likely a response to a major tectonic reorganization in the Afar Depression, and activation of the As Duma fault near the Ethiopian Escarpment (west of Hadar) created a half-graben in which the Busidima Formation was deposited. The pattern and character of sedimentation in the region changed dramatically above the unconformity, as cut-and-fill channel conglomerates and silt-dominated paleosols that comprise the Busidima Formation stand in sharp contrast to the underlying deposits of the Hadar Formation. Conglomerate deposition has been related to both the perennial, axial paleo-Awash and ephemeral, escarpment-draining tributaries. Overbank silts have yielded fossils attributed to early Homo and Oldowan stone tools. Numerous tuffaceous deposits exist within the Busidima Formation, but they are often spatially limited, fine-grained, and reworked. Recent work on the tephrostratigraphic framework of the Busidima Formation at Hadar has identified at least 12 distinct vitric tephras and established the first geochemical-based correlations between Hadar and the neighboring project areas of Gona and Dikika. Compared to Gona and Dikika, where Busidima Formation sediments are exposed over large areas, the highly discontinuous sediments at Hadar comprise less than 40 m in composite section and are exposed over an area of <20 km2, providing only snapshots into the 2.7-0.15 Ma window. The stratigraphic record at Hadar confirms the complex depositional history of the Busidima Formation, and also provides important details on regional stratigraphic correlations and the pattern of deposition and erosion in the lower Awash Valley reflective of its tectonic history.  相似文献   

The Middle East (from the Mediterranean coast to Iran and from the Red Sea to the Black Sea) is located at the crossroads of African, Asian and European continents. It is a compulsory route well-trodden during the dispersal of the first humans out of Africa. Recent discoveries, mainly in Syria, Jordan and Israel, show that the first settlements in this area date back to over 2 million years (Ma). The location of the deposits containing archaic industries of the Oldowan type in the broad sense, often called “Core and Flake Industries”, indicates that several roads have been repeatedly used to connect Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula with the Euphrates and the Tiger basins. From south to north, if the coastal road and the tectonic depression of the Dead Sea, the Jordan Valley and the Beqaa were privileged places of very old settlements, the desert roads through Jordan and Syria were also readily used even before 2 Ma. We can observe at least three successive stages of archaic industries. During the oldest one, from about 2.5 to 1.8 Ma, choppers, chopping-tools, cores and flakes are prevailing without traces of intentional retouching (Sites of Aïn Al Fil in Syria, of the Zarqa Valley in Jordan in particular). This period might be named Pre-Oldowan or Lower Oldowan. From approximately 1.8 to 1.3 Ma, a similar culture developed with the additional presence of regular polyhedrons and sometimes a rough bifacial shaping as well as the beginning of rare intentional retouching other than that of use-wear; we will call it Upper Oldowan (Lower G-Hummal in Syria, Bizat Ruhama and Lower Ubeidiya in Israel). Starting around 1.3 Ma, coarse bifaces begin to appear, always knapped with a stone hammer. This technology points to the transition towards Acheulean industries. The first bifaces appeared within a very Oldowan technological background (Hummal, Ubeidiya). However, in the Levant, sites often considered as “pre-Acheulean” because they lacked bifaces, though they belonged to more recent periods, younger than 1.3 Ma, have been termed “Tayacian” in order to underline their difference from Acheulean properly speaking. They seem contemporary with the first Acheulean phases and could correspond to a final Oldowan. The question remains, however, whether these are non-Acheulean cultures or “Acheuleans without bifaces”.  相似文献   

We report the results of an analysis of raw material selection patterns in the assemblages from two Late Pliocene in situ archaeological localities in the Makaamitalu Basin (Hadar, Ethiopia). While the same local conglomerate was used as a raw material source for both archaeological occurrences, different selection criteria are identified. At A.L. 894, selection for quality is subtle and the clearest selection is against non-homogeneous raw materials. In the A.L. 666 assemblage, higher-quality raw materials were selected and some rare raw materials reached the locality from unknown sources. A comparison between the Makaamitalu and other Oldowan assemblages reveals an overall shift toward higher complexity of both selectivity and transport behaviors from ca. 2.0 Ma onward, contrasting a typo-technological conservatism that pertains until ∼1.6 Ma. It is hypothesized that an increase in complexity of behaviors related to raw material selection and acquisition involved changes in the intensity and fidelity of technological knowledge transmission.  相似文献   

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