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F(2)-isoprostane and prostaglandin F(2 alpha)metabolite excretion rate and day to day variation in healthy humans. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Isoprostanes are mainly formed in vivo by a non-enzymatic free radical catalysed oxidation of arachidonic acid. Studies have indicated that a major isoprostane, 8-iso-PGF(2 alpha)in plasma and urine is a reliable biomarker of oxidative stress. Prostaglandins are formed by enzymatic oxidation of arachidonic acid catalysed by cyclooxygenase (COX). 15-Keto-dihydro-PGF(2 alpha), a major metabolite of prostaglandin F(2 alpha)in plasma, and also found in urine, is considered to be a useful biomarker of inflammation. To investigate the excretion pattern and day to day variation of 8-iso-PGF(2 alpha)and 15-keto-dihydro-PGF(2 alpha)in healthy individuals, morning urine samples were collected from 13 volunteers on 10 successive days. The samples were analysed for free 8-iso-PGF(2 alpha)and 15-keto-dihydro-PGF(2 alpha)by radioimmunoassay. The mean excretion rate of 8-iso-PGF(2 alpha)was 0.27+/-0.11 nmol/mmol creatinine (mean+/-SD, n=13) and the coefficient of variation was 42% during the 10 days. The mean excretion rate of 15-keto-dihydro-PGF(2 alpha)was 0.46+/-0.19 nmol/mmol creatinine, giving a coefficient of variation of 41%. The mean values of 8-iso-PGF(2 alpha)were significantly correlated with the mean values of 15-keto-dihydro-PGF(2 alpha)(r=0.68, P=0.01). In conclusion, day to day biological variation in urinary excretion rate of 8-iso-PGF(2 alpha)and 15-keto-dihydro-PGF(2 alpha)should be taken into account in evaluating a clinical study unless a large increase or decrease of these parameters has been obtained. 相似文献
Wiswedel I Hirsch D Kropf S Gruening M Pfister E Schewe T Sies H 《Free radical biology & medicine》2004,37(3):411-421
Flavan-3-ols are potent antioxidants in vitro, but convincing evidence for antioxidant action in vivo is lacking. We examined whether an oxidative stress-mediated increase in plasma F(2)-isoprostanes is counteracted by a flavanol-rich cocoa beverage. Twenty volunteers were examined in a comparative randomized double-blind crossover design with respect to ingestion of high-flavanol cocoa drink (HFCD; 187 mg flavan-3-ols/100 ml) vs. low-flavanol cocoa drink (LFCD; 14 mg/100 ml). With 10 individuals, the treatment was combined with strenuous physical exercise. Total (esterified plus nonesterified) F(2)-isoprostanes were analyzed by GC/MS. LFCD caused a slight increase in the mean (+/- SEM) plasma concentrations of F(2)-isoprostanes 2 and 4 h after intake (2.16 +/- 0.19 nM at 4 h vs. 1.76 +/- 0.11 nM at 0 h, n = 10), which may be attributable to postprandial oxidative stress. This increase did not occur with HFCD (1.57 +/- 0.06 nM at 4 h vs. 1.65 +/- 0.10 nM at 0 h, n = 10). The difference in F(2)-isoprostanes 2 and 4 h after intake of HFCD vs. LFCD became statistically significant when the intake was combined with physical exercise (P < 0.01, ANOVA). We conclude that dietary flavanols, using cocoa drink as example, can lower the plasma level of F(2)-isoprostanes, indicators of in vivo lipid peroxidation. 相似文献
Characteristics of the muscle mechanoreflex during quadriceps contractions in humans 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Herr Michael D.; Imadojemu Virginia; Kunselman Allen R.; Sinoway Lawrence I. 《Journal of applied physiology》1999,86(2):767-772
We examined muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) in thenonexercising lower limb during repetitive static quadricepscontraction paradigm at 25% maximal voluntary contraction in eightmen. Subjects performed 20-s contractions with 5-s rest periods for upto 12 contractions. Although the workload was constant, we found that MSNA amplitude rose as a function of contraction number [0.6 ln (amplitude/min)/contraction]; this suggests chemicalsensitization of the muscle reflex response. We employedsignal-averaging techniques and then integrated the data to examine theonset latency of the MSNA response as a function of the 25-scontraction-rest period. We observed an onset latency of ~4-6 s.Moreover, although the onset latency did not appear to vary as afunction of contraction number, the rate of MSNA increase tookapproximately four contractions to reach a steady-state rate of rise;this suggests contraction-induced sensitization. The onset latencyreported here is similar to findings in recent animal studies, but itis at odds with latencies determined in prior human handgripcontraction studies. We believe our data suggest that1) mechanically sensitive afferentscontribute importantly to the MSNA response to the paradigm employedand 2) these afferents may besensitized by the chemical products of muscle contraction. 相似文献
Peka Christova Andon Kossev 《European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology》1998,77(4):379-387
Changes accompanying long-lasting intermittent muscle contractions (30%–50% of the maximal) were investigated by tracing
the activity of 38 motor units (MU) of the human biceps brachii muscle recorded from fine-wire branched electrodes. The motor
task was a continuous repetition of ramp-and-hold cycles of isometric flexion contractions. During ramp-up phases a significant
decline in recruitment thresholds was found with no changes in the discharge pattern. During ramp-down phases the unchanged
mean value of derecruitment thresholds during the task was accompanied by increased duration of the last two interspike intervals
(ISI). These findings would suggest that during fatigue development the main compensatory mechanism during ramp-up contractions
is space coding while for ramp-down contractions it is rate coding. During the steady-state phases the mean value of ISI,
as well as the firing variability, had increased by the end of the task in most of the MU investigated . In addition 17 recruited
MU were also investigated. These units revealed a lower initial discharge rate and a faster decrease in the mean discharge
rate with the development of fatigue. The gradual reduction of the recruitment threshold of already active MU and the recruitment
of new units demonstrated an increased excitability of the motorneuron pool during fatigue. A typical recruitment pattern
(a first short ISI followed by a long one) was observed during ramp-up contractions in units active from the very beginning
of the task, as well as during sustained contractions at the onset of the stable discharge of the additionally recruited MU.
Accepted: 23 September 1997 相似文献
Our objective was to determine the effect of muscle fatigue on the dynamic stiffness of the human ankle. Four subjects were required to maintain constant-force contractions of tibialis anterior until the required force could no longer be maintained. Repeated pseudo-random displacements of ankle angular position were applied throughout each contraction. The dynamic relation between ankle angular position and ankle torque was identified by determining non-parametric compliance impulse response functions (CIRFs). The CIRFs were redetermined every 2.55s throughout the sustained contractions to provide a quantitative measure of changes in ankle stiffness dynamics. Inspection of these CIRFs revealed little change in shape or magnitude throughout the contractions, despite large increases in tibialis anterior EMG. The dynamics were further quantified by estimating the equivalent joint inertia, viscosity and elasticity associated with each CIRF. As each contraction progressed, the inertial and elastic terms remained constant whereas the viscous term decreased slightly. These findings demonstrate that fatigue of tibialis anterior during sustained constant mean force contractions results in little change in the mechanical dynamics of the human ankle. 相似文献
Verratti V Brunetti L Tenaglia R Chiavaroli A Ferrante C Leone S Orlando G Berardinelli F Di Giulio C Vacca M 《Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents》2011,25(1):71-76
Recent studies underscore the importance of oxygen supply in bladder cancer. Tumour growth stimulates the production of vasoactive factors to increase oxygen delivery to tissues by vasodilatation. Any vasoconstrictor mediator could impair this vasodilatation reducing the oxygen supply. 8-Iso-PGF2 alpha is a potent vasoconstrictor agent. The aim of this work is to determine 8-Iso-PGF2 alpha release in healthy bladder mucosa and in superficial bladder cancer in order to investigate a pathophysiological vasoconstrictor answer of the superficial bladder cancer. The study was conducted on a sample of 12 patients; for every subject studied 8-Iso-PGF2 alpha release was assayed in healthy bladder mucosa and in superficial bladder tumour. 8-Iso-PGF2 alpha release was significantly reduced (p less than 0.001) in superficial bladder cancer compared with healthy bladder mucosa. The inhibition of the production of a powerful vasoconstrictor such as 8-Iso-PGF2 alpha in the vascular homeostatic mechanism of bladder cancer can represent a response of the tumor tending to contrast an antagonist effect of vasodilatation and the necessary to support the oxygen supply. 相似文献
M Karamouzis I Karamouzis E Vamvakoudis G Ampatzidis K Christoulas N Angelopoulou K Mandroukas 《Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids》2001,64(4-5):259-263
The microdialysis in vivo technique allows the isolation, purification and quantitative determination of bioactive molecules with low molecular weight (<20.000 Da) from interstitial fluid (IF) of the muscles. PGE(2)and PGI(2)are vasodilator local hormones, while the TXA(2)is a vasoconstrictor. PGI(2)and TXA(2)are unstable and convert to stable products 6-keto-PGF(1a)and TXB(2), respectively. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the response of PGE(2), PGI(2)and TXA(2)in the IF of human muscle (vastus lateralis) during dynamic exercise with a cycle ergometer. In this study two microdialysis probes were inserted with CMA-60 microdialysis catheters into the vastus lateralis muscle of the right leg of eight healthy volunteers aged 24.1+/-2.1 years, height 177.5+/-1.5 cm and body weight 78.1+/-2.4 kg. After insertion the microdialysis probes perfused at a rate of 3.0 microl/min with Ringer acetate solution. The dialysate fluid was collected a) during the 30' rest period, b) during the 30' exercise period at 100 watts, c) during the 30' exercise period at 150 watts and d) during the 30' rest period after exercise. Our measurements (by the RIA method) showed that the levels of PGE(2)and 6-keto-PGF(1a)in the I.F. of the vastus lateralis muscle increased significantly, while there was a significant decrease in TXB(2)during exercise. The changes in the above biomolecules were increased proportionately with the strain of the subject's muscle. Conclusion: Dynamic exercise of the muscles produces a local increase of the vasodilators PGE(2)and PGI(2)while the vasoconstrictor TXA(2)is reduced in the IF of the muscles. This is further evidence that exercise induces propitious biochemical changes. Furthermore, the muscle production of arachidonic acid metabolites during exercise depends on the intensity of the exercise. 相似文献
Several EMG-based approaches to muscle fatigue assessment have recently been proposed in the literature. In this work, two multivariate fatigue indices developed by the authors: a generalized mapping index (GMI) and the first component of principal component analysis (PCA) were compared to three univariate indices: Dimitrov’s normalized spectral moments (NSM), Gonzalez-Izal’s waveletbased indices (WI), and Talebinejad’s fractal-based Hurst Exponent (HE). Nine healthy participants completed two repetitions of fatigue tests during isometric, cyclic and random fatiguing contractions of the biceps brachii. The fatigue assessments were evaluated in terms of a modified sensitivity to variability ratio yielding the following scores (mean ± std.dev.): PCA: (12.6 ± 5.6), GMI: (11.5 ± 5.4), NSM: (10.3 ± 5.4), WI: (8.9 ± 4.6), HE: (8.0 ± 3.3). It was shown that PCA statistically outperformed WI and HE (p < 0.01) and that GMI outperformed HE (p < 0.02). There was no statistical difference among NSM, WI and HE (p > 0.2). It was found that taking the natural logarithm of NSM and WI, although reducing the parameters’ sensitivity to fatigue, increased SVR scores by reducing variability. 相似文献
Mechanical behavior of skeletal muscle during intermittent voluntary isometric contractions in humans 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Vøllestad, N. K., I. Sejersted, and E. Saugen. Mechanical behavior of skeletal muscle duringintermittent voluntary isometric contractions in humans.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(5):1557-1565, 1997.Changes in contractile speed and force-fusionproperties were examined during repetitive isometric contractions withthe knee extensors at three different target force levels. Sevenhealthy subjects were studied at target force levels of 30, 45, and60% of their maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force. Repeated 6-s contractions followed by 4-s rest were continued until exhaustion. Contractile speed was determined for contractions elicited by electrical stimulation at 1-50 Hz given during exercise and a subsequent 27-min recovery period. Contraction time remained unchanged during exercise and recovery, except for an initial rapid shift in thetwitch properties. Half relaxation time(RT1/2) decreased gradually by 20-40% during exercise at 30 and 45% of MVC. In the recovery period, RT1/2 values werenot fully restored to preexercise levels. During exercise at 60% MVC,the RT1/2 decreased for twitches and increased for the 50-Hz stimulation. In the recovery period after60% MVC, RT1/2 values declinedtoward those seen after the 30 and 45% MVC exercise. The forceoscillation amplitude in unfused tetani relative to the mean forceincreased during exercise at 30 and 45% MVC but remained unalteredduring the 60% MVC exercise. This altered force-fusion was closelyassociated with the changes inRT1/2. The faster relaxation mayat least partly explain the increased energy cost of contractionreported previously for the same type of exercise. 相似文献
Electromechanical delay in the vastus lateralis muscle during dynamic isometric contractions 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
E. J. Vos M. G. Mullender G. J. van Ingen Schenau 《European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology》1990,60(6):467-471
Electromechanical delay (EMD) values were obtained using a cross-correlation technique for a series of 14 repetitive submaximal dynamic isometric contractions of the vastus lateralis performed by five subjects. To avoid a phase lag, which is introduced with one-way filtering, the EMG was processed with a bi-directional application of a second-order Butterworth filter. A mean EMD value of 86 ms (SD = 5.1 ms) was found. Moreover, contraction and relaxation delays were computed and compared. There was a significant difference between the contraction and relaxation delays (P less than 0.005). The mean contraction delay was 81.9 ms and the mean relaxation delay was 88.8 ms. Despite this significant difference, the computed contraction and relaxation delay values lie in the same range as the total phase lag, calculated with the cross-correlation technique. The magnitude of EMD values found supports the need to account for this delay when interpreting temporal aspects of patterns of intermuscular coordination. 相似文献
Kim KM Paeng KJ Hahm JR Kim DR Chung BC 《Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids》2004,71(3):143-147
In this study, we investigate how oxidative stress alters the urinary F2-isoprostanes' level and we examine the correlation between 8-isoPGF(2alpha) and thyroid hormones in female patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism. We quantitatively determined the concentrations of urinary F2-isoprostanes using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the selected ion-monitoring mode. We recruited individuals in the following three groups of subjects for this study: (1) female hyperthyroidism patients (n = 14, 21-71 years), (2) female hypothyroidism patients (n = 16, 16-66 years), and (3) female age-matched normal controls (n = 10, 20-61 years). The average concentration of 8-iso prostaglandin F(2alpha) (8-isoPGF(2alpha)) in hyperthyroidism patients was significantly higher than that in the healthy controls (P < 0.05). The concentration of 8-isoPGF(2alpha) in hypothyroidism patients was similar to that in normal controls. Although the level of 8-isoPGF(2alpha) in two of the patients was slightly elevated, the P value was not significant (NS). Our data suggest that the increased level of urinary 8-isoPGF(2alpha) may reflect possible oxidation injuries in hyperthyroidism patients due to the high level of thyroid hormones. Therefore, the elevated 8-isoPGF(2alpha) in patients could be used as an important biomarker for hyperthyroidism disease. 相似文献
J. Tallent S. Goodall T. Hortobágyi A. St Clair Gibson G. Howatson 《Journal of electromyography and kinesiology》2013,23(5):1075-1081
Little is known regarding the modulation and the plasticity of the neural pathway interconnecting elements of the central nervous system and skeletal muscle in resistant-trained individuals. The aim of the study was to compare corticospinal and spinal responses measured during dynamic muscle contractions of the tibialis anterior in resistance trained (RT) and un-trained (UT) males. Nine UT and 10 RT male volunteers reported to the laboratory 24 h following a familiarisation session. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and the cortical silent period were evoked using transcranial magnetic stimulation at a range of contraction intensities and was delivered as the ankle passed 90° during shortening and lengthening contractions. The Hoffmann reflex (H-reflex) and V-waves were evoked with peripheral nerve stimulation. Despite the RT group being significantly stronger during shortening (28%; P = 0.023: CI = 1.27–15.1 N m), lengthening (25%; P = 0.041: CI = 0.27–17.0 N m) and isometric muscle actions (20%; P = 0.041; CI = 0.77–14.9 N m), no differences between the groups existed for corticospinal or spinal variables. Lack of detectable differences between RT and UT individuals may be linked to minimal exposure to task specific, isolated high intensity resistance training of the TA muscle. 相似文献
Nicolas T Petersen Jane E Butler Mark G Carpenter Andrew G Cresswell 《Journal of applied physiology》2007,102(1):144-148
The central nervous system employs different strategies to execute specific motor tasks. Because afferent feedback during shortening and lengthening muscle contractions differs, the neural strategy underlying these tasks may be quite distinct. Cortical drive may be adjusted or afferent input regulated. The exact mechanisms are not clear. Here, we examine the control of synaptic transmission across the Ia synapse during shortening and lengthening muscle contractions. Subjects were instructed to maintain isolated activity in a single tibialis anterior (TA) motor unit while muscle length was varied from flexion to extension and back. At a fixed interval after a firing of the active motor unit, a single electrical stimulus was applied to the common peroneal nerve to activate Ia afferents from the TA muscle. We investigated the stimulus-induced change in firing probability of 19 individual low-threshold TA motor units during shortening and lengthening contractions. Any change in firing probability depends on both pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms. In this experiment, motoneuron firing rate was similar during both contraction types. There was no difference in the firing probability between shortening and lengthening contractions (0.23 +/- 0.03 and 0.20 +/- 0.02, respectively). We suggest that there is no contraction type-specific control of Ia input to the motoneurons during shortening and lengthening muscle contractions. Cortical adjustments may have occurred. 相似文献
F2-isoprostanes are a recently discovered series of prostaglandin (PG)F2-like compounds that are produced in vivo in humans by nonenzymatic free radical catalyzed peroxidation of arachidonic acid. One of the compounds that can be produced in abundance by this mechanism is 8-epi-PGF2 alpha. 8-epi-PGF2 alpha is a potent vasoconstrictor in the rat, an effect that has been shown to be mediated via interaction with vascular thromboxane (TxA2)/endoperoxide (PGH2) receptors. In an effort to further understand the biological properties of this prostanoid in relation to its ability to interact with TxA2/PGH2 receptors, we examined its effects on human and rat platelets. At concentrations of 10(-6) M and 10(-5) M, 8-epi-PGF2 alpha induced only a shape change in human platelets and at higher concentrations (10(-4) M) induced reversible but not irreversible aggregation. Both the shape change and reversible aggregation were unaffected by indomethacin but were inhibited by the TxA2/PGH2 receptor antagonist SQ29548. Conversely, 8-epi-PGF2 alpha inhibited platelet aggregation induced by the TxA2/PGH2 receptor agonists U46619 (10(-6) M) and IBOP (3.3 x 10(-7) M) with an IC50 of 1.6 x 10(-6) M and 1.8 x 10(-6) M, respectively. 8-epi-PGF2 alpha also inhibited platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid. Similarly, in rat platelets, 8-epi-PGF2 alpha alone induced only modest reversible aggregation but completely inhibited U46619-induced aggregation. 相似文献
Lott ME Hogeman CS Vickery L Kunselman AR Sinoway LI MacLean DA 《American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology》2001,281(4):H1734-H1741
We examined the effects of dynamic one-legged knee extension exercise on mean blood velocity (MBV) and muscle interstitial metabolite concentrations in healthy young subjects (n = 7). Femoral MBV (Doppler), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and muscle interstitial metabolite (adenosine, lactate, phosphate, K(+), pH, and H(+); by microdialysis) concentrations were measured during 5 min of exercise at 30 and 60% of maximal work capacity (W(max)). MAP increased (P < 0.05) to a similar extent during the two exercise bouts, whereas the increase in MBV was greater (P < 0.05) during exercise at 60% (77.00 +/- 6.77 cm/s) compared with 30% W(max) (43.71 +/- 3.71 cm/s). The increase in interstitial adenosine from rest to exercise was greater (P < 0.05) during the 60% (0.80 +/- 0.10 microM) compared with the 30% W(max) bout (0.57 +/- 0.10 microM). During exercise at 60% W(max), interstitial K(+) rose at a greater rate than during exercise at 30% W(max) (P < 0.05). However, pH increased (H(+) decreased) at similar rates for the two exercise intensities. During exercise, interstitial lactate and phosphate increased (P < 0.05) with no difference observed between the two intensities. After 5 min of recovery, MBV decreased to baseline levels after exercise at 30% W(max) (4.12 +/- 1.10 cm/s), whereas MBV remained above baseline levels after exercise at 60% W(max) (Delta19.46 +/- 2.61 cm/s; P < 0.05). MAP and interstitial adenosine, K(+), pH, and H(+) returned toward baseline levels. However, interstitial lactate and phosphate continued to increase during the recovery period. Thus an increase in exercise intensity resulted in concomitant changes in MBV and muscle interstitial adenosine and K(+), whereas similar changes were not observed for MAP or muscle interstitial pH, lactate, or phosphate. These data suggest that K(+) and/or adenosine may play an active role in the regulation of skeletal muscle blood flow during exercise. 相似文献
Several cardiovascular risk factors are characterized by the coexistence of low-grade inflammation, enhanced oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. It has been hypothesized that F2-isoprostanes, a product of in vivo lipid peroxidation, may transduce the effects of metabolic and hemodynamic abnormalities into increased cardiovascular risk. Thus, the formation of these compounds, including urinary 8-iso-Prostaglandin (PG) F2alpha, has been investigated in clinical settings putatively associated with oxidant stress. Enhanced lipid peroxidation together with increased in vivo platelet activation have been found in association with the major cardiovascular risk factors. Thus, F2-isoprostanes may transduce the effects of oxidant stress associated with complex metabolic disorders into specialized forms of cellular activation. In particular, the low-grade inflammatory state characterizing metabolic disorders such as obesity, hypercholesterolemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and homozygous homocystinuria may be the primary trigger of thromboxane-dependent platelet activation mediated, at least in part, through enhanced lipid peroxidation. Moreover, oxidative stress may promote endothelial dysfunction through increased production of reactive oxygen species that inactivate nitric oxide. Accumulation and activation of leukocytes plays a key role in atherosclerosis and its complications. Interestingly, neutrophil adhesion induced by minimally modified low-density lipoproteins is mainly mediated by F2-isoprostanes. Although epidemiological studies suggest an inverse relationship between antioxidant vitamin intake and cardiovascular disease, several clinical trials have obtained conflicting results on the effects of vitamin E supplementation on the risk of cardiovascular events. On the other hand, the use of F2-isoprostane formation as a biochemical end-point for dose-finding studies of vitamin E supplementation has helped clarifying the unique features of its pharmacodynamic effects on lipid peroxidation. This information could be extremely valuable in the selection of the appropriate patient subgroups that may benefit from antioxidant interventions. 相似文献