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Informativeness of human (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n polymorphisms   总被引:133,自引:0,他引:133  
J L Weber 《Genomics》1990,7(4):524-530
Abundant human interspersed repetitive DNA sequences of the form (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n have been shown to exhibit length polymorphisms. Examination of over 100 human (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n sequences revealed that the sequences differed from each other both in numbers of repeats and in repeat sequence type. Using a set of precise classification rules, the sequences were divided into three categories: perfect repeat sequences without interruptions in the runs of CA or GT dinucleotides (64% of total), imperfect repeat sequences with one or more interruptions in the run of repeats (25%), and compound repeat sequences with adjacent tandem simple repeats of a different sequence (11%). Informativeness of (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n markers in the perfect sequence category was found to increase with increasing average numbers of repeats. PIC values ranged from 0 at about 10 or fewer repeats to above 0.8 for sequences with about 24 or more repeats. (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n polymorphisms in the imperfect sequence category showed lower informativeness than expected on the basis of the total numbers of repeats. The longest run of uninterrupted CA or GT repeats was found to be the best predictor of informativeness of (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n polymorphisms regardless of the repeat sequence category.  相似文献   

Variable (dG-dT)n.(dC-dA)n sequences in the porcine genome.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
One of the more widely studied simple repeat sequences in the mammalian genome is the (dG-dT)n.(dC-dA)n dinucleotide repeat sequence. As these repeats are highly polymorphic and fairly evenly distributed in diverse mammalian genomes, they constitute a very powerful tool for genetic mapping in a wide variety of species. So far, the knowledge about repeat sequences in the porcine genome is sparse and only a few areas of this genome have been sequenced. We have isolated and characterized 108 porcine (dG-dT)n.(dC-dA)n sequences and studied the distribution of these, both by investigating random clones and by performing in situ hybridization. A remarkable correlation between humans and pigs was found with respect to the structure, to the number of repeat blocks, and to the chromosomal distribution.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization of (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n to the polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster reveals a clearly non-random distribution of chromosomal sites for this sequence. Sites are distributed over most euchromatic regions but the density of sites along the X chromosome is significantly higher than the density over the autosomes. All autosomes show approximately equal levels of hybridization except chromosome 4 which has no detectable stretches of (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n. Another striking feature is the lack of hybridization of the beta-heterochromatin of the chromocenter. The specific sites are conserved between different strains of D. melanogaster. The same overall chromosomal pattern of hybridization is seen for the other Drosophila species studied, including D. simulans, a sibling species with a much lower content of middle repetitive DNA, and D. virilis, a distantly related species. The evolutionary conservation of the distribution of (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n suggests that these sequences are of functional importance. The distribution patterns seen for D. pseudoobscura and D. miranda raise interesting speculations about function. In these species a chromosome equivalent to an autosomal arm of D. melanogaster has been translocated onto the X chromosome and acquired dosage compensation. In each species the new arm of the X also has a higher density of (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n similar to that seen on other X chromosomes. In addition to correlations with dosage compensation, the depletion of (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n in beta-heterochromatin and chromosome 4 may also be related to the fact that these regions do not normally undergo meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the introns that are located between the C4 exon and the first membrane exon of mouse and rat immunoglobulin epsilon-chain genes have been determined. The rat intron sequence was found to contain four separate clusters of repetitive sequences all of which consisted of (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n dinucleotide repeats. A comparison between this chromosomal region in mouse and rat revealed four deletions or duplications, three of which have occurred inside or at the borders of the CA clusters. Rearrangements have occurred inside or at the borders of all four repeats after the evolutionary separation of mouse and rat. The sequence comparison reveals in addition a duplication, connected to the CA repeats, which has occurred early in evolution, before the evolutionary divergence of mouse and rat. These findings suggest that (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n sequences are potential targets for recombination events.  相似文献   

Abundant human interspersed repetitive DNA sequences of the form (dC-dA)n · (dG-dT)n have been shown to exhibit length polymorphisms. Examination of over 100 human (dC-dA)n · (dG-dT)n sequences revealed that the sequences differed from each other both in numbers of repeats and in repeat sequence type. Using a set of precise classification rules, the sequences were divided into three categories: perfect repeat sequences without interruptions in the runs of CA or GT dinucleotides (64% of total), imperfect repeat sequences with one or more interruptions in the run of repeats (25%), and compound repeat sequences with adjacent tandem simple repeats of a different sequence (11%). Informativeness of (dC-dA)n · (dG-dT)n markers in the perfect sequence category was found to increase with increasing average numbers of repeats. PIC values ranged from 0 at about 10 or fewer repeats to above 0.8 for sequences with about 24 or more repeats. (dC-dA)n · (dG-dT)n polymorphisms in the imperfect sequence category showed lower informativeness than expected on the basis of the total numbers of repeats. The longest run of uninterrupted CA or GT repeats was found to be the best predictor of informativeness of (dC-dA)n · (dG-dT)n polymorphisms regardless of the repeat sequence category.  相似文献   

CD spectroscopy on the double-stranded strictly alternating dinucleotide polymer (dT-dG)n . (dC-dA)n partially modified by N-acetoxy-N-acetyl-2-aminofluorene suggests a left-handed conformation in concentrated NaCl solutions. Modification of the (dT-dG)n . (dC-dA)n polymer with acetylaminofluorene is required to promote formation of the left-handed helix since high salt concentrations and several other ionic conditions, which cause a similar transition for (dG-dC)n . (dG-dC)n, are ineffective. Furthermore, substitution of dC with 5-methyl dC in (dT-dG)n . (dC-dA)n does not facilitate formation of a left-handed helix, also in contrast to results found for (dG-dC)n . (dG-dC)n. A 62-base pair tract of almost perfectly alternating (dT-dG)n . (dC-dA)n from the 3'-side of the mouse kappa immunoglobulin gene modified with acetylaminofluorene undergoes the salt-induced transition to a left-handed helix when studied within a 140-base pair restriction fragment. High NaCl concentrations alone will not cause the transition for this 62-base pair tract in this fragment nor in the recombinant plasmid pRW777, which contains this fragment.  相似文献   

Sequences located several kilobases both 5' and 3' of the stably transcribed portion of several genes hybridize to radio-labeled pure fragments of the alternating sequence poly (dG-dT) (dC-dA) ["poly(GT)"]. The genes include the ribosomal DNA of mouse, rat, and human, and also human glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and mouse hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT). HPRT has additional hybridizing sequences in introns. Fragments that include the hybridizing sequences and up to 300 bp of adjoining DNA show perfect runs of poly(GT) (greater than 30bp) in all but the human 5' region of rDNA, which shows a somewhat different alternating purine:pyrimidine sequence, poly(GTAT) (36bp). Within 150 bp of these sequences in various instances are found a number of other sequences reported to affect DNA conformation in model systems. Most marked is an enhancement of sequences matching at least 67% to the consensus binding sequence for topoisomerase II. Two to ten-fold less of such sequences were found in other sequenced portions of the nontranscribed spacer or in the transcribed portion of rDNA. The conservation of the locations of tracts of alternating purine:pyrimidine between evolutionarily diverse species is consistent with a possible functional role for these sequences.  相似文献   

Repeated sequences are dispersed along the human genome. These sequences are useful as markers in diagnosis of inherited diseases, in forensic medicine, and in tracking the origin and evolution of human populations. The (AC)n repeated element is the most frequent in the human genome. In this paper, the (AC)n repeated element located in the 5' flanking region of the beta-globin gene was studied by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). Four ethnic Mexican groups (Mixteca, Nahua, Otomí, Purépecha) and a Mestizo population were analyzed. We observed three alleles, A [(AC)16, B [(AC)14], and C [(AC)18], with a frequency of between 68.2% and 86.9%, 13.1% and 18.2%, and 6.7% and 13.7%, respectively. Allele C was present only in Purépecha and Mestizo groups. The absence of this allele in the other ethnic groups studied suggests that there is low genetic admixture of Purépecha and that this is a relatively isolated population. However, it could be that the C allele occurs in low frequencies in the other groups as a result of small sample sizes. The (AC)n repeat polymorphism in the beta-globin gene has not been previously studied in Amerindian populations.  相似文献   

The expansion of trinucleotide repeats has been implicated in 17 neurological diseases to date. Factors leading to the instability of trinucleotide repeat sequences have thus been an area of intense interest. Certain genes involved in mismatch repair, recombination, nucleotide excision repair, and replication influence the instability of trinucleotide repeats in both Escherichia coli and yeast. Using a genetic assay for repeat deletion in E. coli, the effect of mutations in the recA, recB, and lexA genes on the rate of deletion of (CTG)n.(CAG)n repeats of varying lengths were examined. The results indicate that mutations in recA and recB, which decrease the rate of recombination, had a stabilizing effect on (CAG)n.(CTG)n repeats decreasing the high rates of deletion seen in recombination proficient cells. Thus, recombination proficiency correlates with high rates of genetic instability in triplet repeats. Induction of the SOS system, however, did not appear to play a significant role in repeat instability, nor did the presence of triplet repeats in cells turn on the SOS response. A model is suggested where deletion during exponential growth may result from attempts to restart replication when paused at triplet repeats.  相似文献   

连锁研究表明, 染色体15q13~q14区域可能是精神分裂症的易感区域。在此项研究中, 使用来自中国和苏格兰的3套独立的样本, 对位于D15S118的AC二核苷酸重复的多态性位点与精神分裂症进行了关联分析。在苏格兰病例-对照样本中, 该多态性位点的等位基因在患者和正常人中的分布存在显著性差异(P = 0.04), 但是这一结果在中国的病例-对照组中没有得到重复。在中国三口之家的样本中, 我们没有观察到有等位基因从正常的父母向患病子女的传递不平衡。总之, 至少在中国人中,此结果不支持这个AC二核苷酸重复的多态性位点在精神分裂症的易感性中扮演重要的角色。后续的研究有必要进一步阐明在欧洲人中该多态性位点在精神分裂症的易感性中扮演的角色。  相似文献   

Unpaired structures in SCA10 (ATTCT)n.(AGAAT)n repeats   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A number of human hereditary diseases have been associated with the instability of DNA repeats in the genome. Recently, spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 has been associated with expansion of the pentanucleotide repeat (ATTCT)(n).(AGAAT)(n) from a normal range of ten to 22 to as many as 4500 copies. The structural properties of this repeat cloned in circular plasmids were studied by a variety of methods. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and atomic force microscopy detected local DNA unpairing in supercoiled plasmids. Chemical probing analysis indicated that, at moderate superhelical densities, the (ATTCT)(n).(AGAAT)(n) repeat forms an unpaired region, which further extends into adjacent A+T-rich flanking sequences at higher superhelical densities. The superhelical energy required to initiate duplex unpairing is essentially length-independent from eight to 46 repeats. In plasmids containing five repeats, minimal unpairing of (ATTCT)(5).(AGAAT)(5) occurred while 2D gel analysis and chemical probing indicate greater unpairing in A+T-rich sequences in other regions of the plasmid. The observed experimental results are consistent with a statistical mechanical, computational analysis of these supercoiled plasmids. For plasmids containing 29 repeats, which is just above the normal human size range, flanked by an A+T-rich sequence, atomic force microscopy detected the formation of a locally condensed structure at high superhelical densities. However, even at high superhelical densities, DNA strands within the presumably compact A+T-rich region were accessible to small chemicals and oligonucleotide hybridization. Thus, DNA strands in this "collapsed structure" remain unpaired and accessible for interaction with other molecules. The unpaired DNA structure functioned as an aberrant replication origin, in that it supported complete plasmid replication in a HeLa cell extract. A model is proposed in which unscheduled or aberrant DNA replication is a critical step in the expansion mutation.  相似文献   

The sequence (dT-dG)n X (dC-dA)n is the most abundant purine-pyrimidine dinucleotide repeat in eukaryotic genomes. This sequence and certain others that contain alternating purine-pyrimidine residues have been shown to adopt the left-handed, Z-DNA conformation in vitro when subjected to negative torsional stress or elevated ionic strengths. We have asked whether (dT-dG)n X (dC-dA)n tracts exist in topologically constrained Z-form structures in vivo by examining the chromatin organization of these sequences in cultured mouse cell nuclei. We find that these elements are quantitatively packaged into typical core particles which are embedded in canonical polynucleosomal arrays. In addition, these sequences neither flank nor reside within regions of chromatin that are preferentially sensitive to S1 nuclease. These characteristics suggest that these tracts do not exist predominantly in the Z-form in vivo. Furthermore, employing techniques that permit prominent hybridization to DNA fragments as short as 18 bases, we provide evidence that in vivo, most (dT-dG)n X (dC-dA)n elements instead adopt an "alternating-B" conformation on the nucleosomal surface.  相似文献   

The ability of negative supercoiling to induce a left-handed helix in the recombinant plasmid pRW777, which contains a tract of 64 base pairs of almost perfect (dT-dG) . (dC-dA) from the mouse kappa immunoglobin gene, was studied. S1 nuclease recognizes and cleaves within the junction region which must exist adjacent to the (dT-dG)n . (dC-dA)n tract when in a left-handed state. The cleavage pattern indicates conformational flexibility and structural differences between the two existing junctions. The 64-base pair alternating copolymer undergoes the supercoil-induced formation of a left-handed state over the superhelical density range of -0.04 to -0.06, indicating that (dT-dG)n . (dC-dA) sequences form a left-handed helix less readily than (dC-dG)n . (dC-dG)n sequences of equivalent length. However, these supercoil densities are within the range found in vivo. Supercoil relaxation and antibody binding studies confirmed that the (dT-dG)n . (dC-dA)n tract in supercoiled pRW777 was in a left-handed helix.  相似文献   

AB-X transition of polyh(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) was observed to occur in methanol-water mixtures with methanol concentrations higher than 50% in the presence of a specific combination of monovalent and divalent cations. In the presence of Na+, divalent cations induce denaturation of poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) accompanied by condensation and/or aggregation, and effect similar to that observed previously with random sequence DNA (Votavová, Kucerová, Felsberg and Sponar, J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 4,477-489, 1986). In the presence of Cs+ cations a B-X transition was induced by addition of Ca2+ or Mn2+ but not Mg2+ or Ni2+ ions. Circular dichroism and ultraviolet spectroscopy demonstrate that the X conformation is a double stranded form of poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) belonging presumably to the B family which, however has an altered base stacking. The X conformation of poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) found in methanol-water mixtures is a condensed and/or aggregated form. In contrast, the X conformation characterized by similar CD spectra observed in high salt concentrations is not aggregated up to a concentration of 6 M CsF. In methanol-water mixtures (A+T)-rich bacterial DNA behaves essentially as a random sequence DNA revealing no detectable amount of the X form. On the other hand crab (Cancer pagurus) satellite and crab non-satellite DNAs containing varying amounts of (dA-dT)n.(dA-dT)n sequences were shown to undergo a B-X transition, at least partly, in both methanol-water mixtures and 6 M CsF solutions.  相似文献   

The Galápagos land iguanas (genus Conolophus) have faced significant anthropogenic disturbances since the 17th century, leading to severe reduction of some populations and the extinction of others. Conservation activities, including the repatriation of captive‐bred animals to depleted areas, have been ongoing since the late 1970s, but genetic information has not been extensively incorporated. Here we use nine species‐specific microsatellite loci of 703 land iguanas from the six islands where the species occur today to characterize the genetic diversity within, and the levels of genetic differentiation among, current populations as well as test previous hypotheses about accidental translocations associated with early conservation efforts. Our analyses indicate that (i) five populations of iguanas represent distinct conservation units (one of them being the recently discovered rosada form) and could warrant species status, (ii) some individuals from North Seymour previously assumed to be from the natural Baltra population appear related to both Isabela and Santa Cruz populations, and (iii) the five different management units exhibit considerably different levels of intrapopulation genetic diversity, with the Plaza Sur and Santa Fe populations particularly low. Although the initial captive breeding programmes, coupled with intensive efforts to eradicate introduced species, saved several land iguana populations from extinction, our molecular results provide objective data for improving continuing in situ species survival plans and population management for this spectacular and emblematic reptile.  相似文献   

Plasmids containing (dG)27.(dC)27 inserts (pPG27), (dG)37.(dC)37 inserts (pPG37), and (dG)24C(dG)21.(dC)24G(dC)21 inserts (pPG46C) were constructed for the study of structural transitions within (dG)n.(dC)n stretches. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis has shown that a Mg2+-dependent supercoiling-induced structural transition takes place at pH 8 in plasmid pPG46C. The transition occurs at -0=0.06 and involves a supercoiling release corresponding to 5 superhelical turns. After denaturation of the restriction fragments containing (dG)n.(dC)n inserts, the strands do not renature completely and (dG)n-containing strand migrates in PAGE much faster than the (dC)n-containing one. Chemical modification experiments with the (dG)n-strand have revealed the periodic nature of the protection of guanines against dimethyl sulfate methylation. The (dG)n strand in the presence of Mg2+ forms complexes with the complementary (dC)n strand, which differ from the native duplex in mobility. We believe these effects to be due to the formation of an intrastrand structure within the (dG)n strand stabilized by G.G interactions (we called it G-structure), which in the presence of Mg2+ forms an interstrand complex. with the (dC)n strand.  相似文献   

K R Fox 《Nucleic acids research》1990,18(18):5387-5391
Plasmids containing long tracts of (dA)n.(dT)n have been prepared and their conformations examined in linear and supercoiled DNA using a series of chemical and enzymic probes which are known to be sensitive to unusual DNA structures. Under superhelical stress and in the presence of magnesium the sequence T69.A69 adopts a conformation at pH 8.0 consistent with the formation of an intramolecular DNA triplex. Site specific cleavage of the supercoiled plasmid by single-strand specific nucleases occurs within the A.T insert; the 5'-end of the purine strand is sensitive to reaction with diethylpyrocarbonate while the central 5-6 bases of the pyrimidine strand are reactive to osmium tetroxide. By contrast shorter inserts of A33.T33 and A23.T23 do not appear to form unusual structures.  相似文献   

Background: Invasive species can interfere in the structure and functioning of ecosystems. Better understanding of the evolution of such species will be useful when planning their management and eradication.

Aims: We aimed to compare patterns of genetic variability in Impatiens glandulifera in native and introduced regions.

Methods: We used native samples from India and Pakistan, and non-native samples from Canada, Finland and the UK. Genetic analyses included genotyping using 10 microsatellite markers and sequencing of the nuclear ITS region.

Results: Mean allele numbers from native and introduced samples were even, 8.8 and 8.5, respectively, while expected heterozygosities were higher in native samples (mean 0.738) than in non-native samples (mean 0.477). Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium testing indicated significant heterozygote deficiencies at 70% of the loci. Inbreeding coefficients were high in both native and introduced regions (range 0.201–0.726). STRUCTURE analyses showed that native samples from India and Pakistan possessed similar clustering patterns while non-native samples from the UK and Canada resembled each other. One of the four Finnish populations had a similar pattern with the UK and Canadian populations, while the rest showed similarly unique genetic compositions. ITS sequencing indicated in Pakistani samples two polymorphic sites not found in Indian samples but present in some samples from Canada, Finland and the UK.

Conclusions: Distinct population genetic patterns indicate that human-mediated dispersal is important in I. glandulifera.  相似文献   

A N Kucher  O L Kurbatova 《Genetika》1986,22(2):304-311
In an urban population with widespread birth control practice the distribution of the number of pregnancies, births and abortions was studied in a cohort of women of completed fertility. The mean number of pregnancies per woman was 4.03 +/- 0.08 (sigma = = 2.98); the mean number of births - 1.12 +/- 0.02 (sigma = 0.77). 7.4% of women which had completed their reproductive performance had no pregnancies and 19.5% - no births. The Crow's Index of the Opportunity for Selection and its components connected with differential fertility and differential mortality were estimated. In the population under study two components of selection - selection at the prenatal stages and selection associated with infertility - are shown to be still significant. Such type of selection is exemplified by investigation of couples suffering from repeated spontaneous abortions.  相似文献   

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