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The interaction of partially purified calf uterine estradiol-charged estrogen receptor ([3H]ER) with rat nuclei was studied in vitro. We previously observed a significantly greater number of [3H]ER binding sites (at saturation) in nuclei of R3230AC mammary tumors from intact vs ovariectomized (ovex) rats with no difference in the affinity of [3H]ER binding for these nuclei. We now report on the nuclease sensitivity of [3H]ER binding sites in nuclei from these tumors and from normal rat tissues. Digestion of tumor nuclei with deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I) prior to incubation with [3H]ER in vitro resulted in a progressive loss of [3H]ER binding capacity, which was not accompanied by alterations in the affinity of [3H]ER for the nuclei (Kd = 1-3 nM). A significantly lower concentration (P less than 0.005) of DNase I eliminated 50% of the [3H]ER binding sites in nuclei of tumors from intact hosts (8 unit.min/ml) compared to tumors from ovex hosts (22 unit.min/ml). These results indicate that DNA regions capable of binding ER are more susceptible to DNase I digestion in tumors from intact rats than those from ovex hosts, suggesting that the endogenous hormonal milieu is responsible, at least in part, for maintenance of nuclease-sensitive DNA conformations in this hormone-responsive mammary tumor. The amount of DNase I required to eliminate 50% of [3H]ER binding to nuclei from lactating mammary gland, liver, and kidney ranged from 14 to 56 unit.min/ml. Therefore, accessibility of [3H]ER binding sites to nuclease digestion in normal rat tissue is generally less than that of R3230AC tumors.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric analysis of isolated rat liver nuclei during growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of hepatocyte polyploidy in rats aged up to 4 months was analyzed by flow cytometry using both scatter and fluorescent parameters to distinguish DNA diploid and DNA tetraploid populations and to discriminate between parenchymal and non-parenchymal compartments. The precise origin of each class of nuclei was assessed in whole liver homogenate using purified hepatocytes, obtained by liver perfusion followed by separation on Percoll gradient, and identifying the peaks corresponding to parenchymal nuclei. The results indicate that preparative procedures involving homogenization of the rat liver tissue caused loss of the DNA octaploid population. Data on the relative proportion of the different DNA ploidy elements during rat liver development, which are in good agreement with those observed by cell analysis by means of microspectrophotometry, indicate the usefulness of flow cytometry as a choice method for the analysis of ploidy distribution.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric analysis of DNA content was performed on nuclear suspensions prepared from fresh and from paraffin-embedded, formalin-fixed lymphoid tissues. We confirmed previous reports that it is possible to obtain nuclear suspensions from deparaffinized, formalin-fixed tissues, suitable for DNA analysis by flow cytometry. We observed a tendency for a larger coefficient of variation (CV) of the DNA measurements in the fixed tissues than in the unfixed material causing abnormalities in 2 of 19 lymphomas to become undetectable. Furthermore, samples from different paraffin blocks of a single tumor with an extra G1 (hyperdiploid) peak showed marked differences in the CV of the hyperdiploid peak while the CV of the diploid peak was similar in all samples. In both benign and malignant lymphoid tissues, the S-phase fraction was higher in paraffin-embedded tissues than in unfixed cells. This difference could be attributed to 4', 6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride (DAPI), a DNA-binding dye commonly used in this technique. Nevertheless, intermediate and high grade lymphomas from paraffin-embedded tissues generally showed a greater S-fraction than low grade lymphomas, a similar observation as with unfixed tissues. Therefore, DNA content analysis of nuclei extracted from paraffin sections may be inadequate to resolve slight aneuploidy, but the measurement of S-fraction size may remain diagnostically or prognostically valuable. Large retrospective studies will be necessary to determine the clinical impact of this technique in the analysis of lymphomas.  相似文献   

A A Redkar  A Krishan 《Cytometry》1999,38(2):61-69
Flow cytometric analysis of estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PgR) receptor expression in archival human breast tumors is relatively difficult. We have used enzyme digestion and microwave antigen retrieval procedures for multiparametric flow cytometric analysis of ER and PgR expression and DNA content in nuclei isolated from formalin-fixed/paraffin-embedded primary breast tumors. Deparaffinized rehydrated tissue sections treated with pepsin were subjected to microwave irradiation for unmasking of ER and PgR antigenic sites. Biotinylated ER antibody and streptavidin-fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) were used for ER labeling and PgR antibody with phycoerythrin labeled goat anti-mouse antibody was used for PgR labeling. Counter staining with propidium iodide-RNase was used for determination of cellular DNA content. Our results show that enzyme digestion and microwave treatment of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded breast tumors can be successfully used for the multiparametric analysis of nuclear hormone receptor expression and DNA content by flow cytometry.  相似文献   

The effects of a single intraperitoneal injection of adriamycin (10 mg/kg) on a fast-growing C3H mouse mammary tumor (S102F) have been analyzed volumetrically, biochemically, autoradiographically and flow cytometrically. Mathematical simulation of the data was also used to aid in the interpretation of the recovery kinetics. This dose of adriamycin did not induce regression in tumor volume but did inhibit the growth rate for 4-5 days. 3H-TdR incorporation was gradually inhibited to reach a low of 20% of control at 24 and 36 hr and then recovered back to control by 96 hr after adriamycin treatment. The flow cytometric analysis also showed a marked reduction in the relative fraction of cells in the S-phase with a minimum of 23% of control at 72 hr; however, in contrast to the 3H-TdR incorporation data, the fraction of cells in the S-phase was only at 39% of control at 96 hr after the adriamycin injection. Since the 3H-TdR incorporation data disagreed with the flow cytometry data, autoradiographic analysis was also done at selected times after the adriamycin injections, and qualitatively, this analysis confirms the flow cytometry data in that the labeling index was 29% of control at 96 hr after adriamycin. The mitotic index also dropped from 8 to 1%, respectively, for controls and at 96 hr posttreatment. The degenerate index was about 1% in control tumors and no increase was observed in treated tumors. Adriamycin-induced cell-cycle delay occurs predominately in G1 and G2 but there is also an apparent minor delay in the transit across the S-phase and some apparent cytotoxicity in G2 and/or M. The long delay in volumetric growth appears to be due to the extended cell-cycle delay rather than extensive cell killing.  相似文献   

Nuclei, isolated from paraffin-embedded tissue, were stained with propidium iodide (PI) and found suitable for DNA analysis by flow cytometry (FCM). DNA-derived fluorescence intensity, however, was always decreased and had a much higher intersample variability as compared to results obtained with fresh material. Using chicken red blood cells (CRBC) as a model system, we found the lower fluorescence intensity to be due to the formalin fixation step in tissue processing. The intersample variability was found to be at least partly caused by variations in the duration of fixation. Overnight trypsinization improved the fluorescence intensity but did not reduce the intersample variability. Under all conditions tested PI binding to CRBC appeared to be saturable. Since fresh diploid or red blood cells could not be used to standardize DNA histograms, an alternative approach was developed in which nuclei from paraffin-embedded normal and tumor tissue of the same specimen were mixed. With this method DNA indices (DI) of 24 colorectal cancers were found to be closely correlated (r = 0.9877, P less than 0.001) with DI obtained with fresh tumor tissue from the same patients. The correlation of the percentages of S-phase nuclei between paraffin-extracted and fresh samples (r = 0.5875, P less than 0.05) was as high as could be expected, taking sampling differences into account. This method is an important tool for the retrospective analysis of FCM-derived DNA parameters in relation to diagnosis and prognosis of neoplasms.  相似文献   

The alpha-folate receptor (alpha-FR) is a folate transporter with restricted expression levels in normal tissues. It is over-expressed in several cancers, particularly epithelial carcinomas, including nonmucinous ovarian carcinoma. It offers a novel therapeutic target for selective imaging and cytotoxic agents. Measurement of the receptor could be a valuable tool in selecting patients more likely to respond to new drugs that target the alpha-FR, and monitoring them while on treatment. While tumor samples are often unavailable, a number of patients who relapse develop ascites, which are often rich in tumor cells. We have therefore developed a triple antibody flow cytometric method to assess alpha-FR expression on tumor cells from ascites. An antibody to BerEP4, an epithelial cell marker expressed on >90% ovarian cancers, labeled with fluorescein, and an alpha-FR antibody labeled with antimouse-phycoerythrin have been used to label tumor cells, with a CD45-phycoerythrin-cyanine5 antibody used to exclude white blood cells from the analysis. The method was optimized using human carcinoma cell lines (JEG-3, IGROV-1, and KB cells). Calibrated beads were used to quantify the number of antibodies bound per cell. The triple antibody protocol successfully measured alpha-FR expression levels in cell lines spiked with blood. Tumor cells were obtained from ascites in 25 patients with relapsed ovarian cancer. In each case sufficient cells were harvested to identify an epithelial cell population to estimate the number of binding sites/cell. All the samples contained a single population of BerEP4, alpha-FR positive cells between 5x10(3) and 5x10(5) antibody binding sites/cell. The method can be used to determine the number of anti-alpha-FR antibodies bound per epithelial cell in ascites from patients with ovarian carcinoma. The results obtained were reproducible and the method could be applied to specimens that had been stored at -80 degrees C.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) is an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) half-transporter that mediates energy-dependent drug efflux. Assessing the clinical relevance of the BCRP will require sensitive and specific methods for detecting its expression and function that allow high-volume specimen throughput and employ widely available instrumentation. METHODS: The BXP-34 and BXP-21 monoclonal antibodies were evaluated for flow cytometric detection of BCRP expression. The modulation of efflux of rhodamine-123, 3,3'-diethyloxacarbocyanine iodide, doxorubicin, and mitoxantrone by fumitremorgin C was studied as an assay for BCRP function in BCRP-overexpressing cell lines and controls. RESULTS: BXP-34 and BXP-21 allowed detection of BCRP expression by flow cytometry in all BCRP-expressing cell lines. Mitoxantrone was the only substrate transported by BCRP in all lines, and with mitoxantrone at a 3-microM concentration, light emission (>670 nm) caused by excitation at 488 nm was sufficiently intense to allow detection of differences in retention associated with low levels of BCRP expression. CONCLUSIONS: Immunophenotyping with BXP-21 or BXP-34 and fumitremorgin C modulation of mitoxantrone retention allow detection of BCRP expression and function by flow cytometry with standard instrumentation. These assays will facilitate determination of the role of BCRP in clinical drug resistance.  相似文献   

Collection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the lumbar subarachnoid space is a routine procedure in clinical neurology, providing an opportunity to obtain hematogenous cells from the central nervous system environment in vivo. The ability to study individual cells in samples with low cell numbers has made flow cytometry an attractive method for studies of chemokine receptor expression on such cells. Several methodological variables such as staining temperature and cell isolation techniques may, however, influence the final outcome of the staining. In addition, low numbers of cells in the normal lumbar CSF, together with a tendency of CSF cells to decay rapidly after sampling, require meticulous handling of the samples. Here, we describe the methodology used in our laboratory to study chemokine receptor expression on cells in paired samples from peripheral blood and CSF using flow cytometry.  相似文献   

Immature rats were treated with diethylstilboestrol (DES) or pregnant mares' serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and forward angle light-scatter (FALS) and 90 degrees light-scatter (90 degrees LS) signals were used to measure the size and the granularity (internal organization) of the granulosa cells, respectively. The results confirmed the presence of two major populations of granulosa cells in the ovaries of both groups of rats, with the same percentage of larger cells in both treatments (52.3% in DES, 49.5% in PMSG). Since DES treatment brings about granulosa cell growth while PMSG treatment causes growth and differentiation, it is evident that there is heterogeneity in granulosa cell sizes during different states of growth and differentiation. There was also heterogeneity in sizes of granulosa cells harvested from follicles of small (less than 210 microns), medium (210-420 microns) and large (greater than 420 microns) diameter. Quadrant analysis of granulosa cells in various fractions collected from Percoll gradients suggested an increase in granularity in the small and large granulosa cell populations. Cell cycle analysis of small and large granulosa cell populations collected from large follicles of rats treated with PMSG indicated that each population was distributed in G0/G1, S and G2/M phases. These results demonstrate that populations of small and large granulosa cells exist in rat ovarian follicles during various stages of growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of sex steroids and tamoxifen on primate mammary epithelial proliferation and steroid receptor gene expression. Ovariectomized rhesus monkeys were treated with placebo, 17beta estradiol (E2) alone or in combination with progesterone (E2/P) or testosterone (E2/T), or tamoxifen for 3 days. E2 alone increased mammary epithelial proliferation by approximately sixfold (P:<0.0001) and increased mammary epithelial estrogen receptor (ERalpha) mRNA expression by approximately 50% (P:<0.0001; ERbeta mRNA was not detected in the primate mammary gland). Progesterone did not alter E2's proliferative effects, but testosterone reduced E2-induced proliferation by approximately 40% (P:<0.002) and entirely abolished E2-induced augmentation of ERalpha expression. Tamoxifen had a significant agonist effect in the ovariectomized monkey, producing a approximately threefold increase in mammary epithelial proliferation (P:<0.01), but tamoxifen also reduced ERalpha expression below placebo level. Androgen receptor (AR) mRNA was detected in mammary epithelium by in situ hybridization. AR mRNA levels were not altered by E2 alone but were significantly reduced by E2/T and tamoxifen treatment. Because combined E2/T and tamoxifen had similar effects on mammary epithelium, we investigated the regulation of known sex steroid-responsive mRNAs in the primate mammary epithelium. E2 alone had no effect on apolipoprotein D (ApoD) or IGF binding protein 5 (IGFBP5) expression, but E2/T and tamoxifen treatment groups both demonstrated identical alterations in these mRNAs (ApoD was decreased and IGFBP5 was increased). These observations showing androgen-induced down-regulation of mammary epithelial proliferation and ER expression suggest that combined estrogen/androgen hormone replacement therapy might reduce the risk of breast cancer associated with estrogen replacement. In addition, these novel findings on tamoxifen's androgen-like effects on primate mammary epithelial sex steroid receptor expression suggest that tamoxifen's protective action on mammary gland may involve androgenic effects.  相似文献   

In this study, cell nuclei from aneuploid breast cancer samples were sorted with respect to DNA content into pure diploid and aneuploid fractions using flow cytometry. The nuclear proteins were then separated by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis (1D-PAGE) and differences in protein expression patterns, between diploid and aneuploid nuclei from the same tumours, were compared. Using a combination of peptide finger printing and peptide identification by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, we identified proteins and confirmed that the proteins were of nuclear origins. The results in this study add further information to the knowledge about the breast cancer disease complexity and heterogeneity at molecular level. For some of the tumours studied different nuclei protein patterns were obtained, in the diploid respective aneuploid nuclei populations, whilst other tumours did not show these differences.  相似文献   

Expression of neutral glycosphingolipids (GSLs) and gangliosides in normal lymphoid tissues and cells has been studied mostly by biochemical and immunochemical analysis of lipid extracts separated by thin-layer chromatography. GSLs and gangliosides involved in the GM1b biosynthetic pathway were assigned to T-lymphocytes, whereas B-cell gangliosides and GSLs have been poorly characterized in former publications. We used specific polyclonal antibodies in immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry to analyze the distribution of globotriaosylceramide (Gb(3)Cer), globoside (Gb(4)Cer), gangliotriaosylceramide (Gg(3)Cer), gangliotetraosylceramide (Gg(4)Cer), and gangliosides GM3 and GalNAc-GM1b in the mouse thymus, spleen, and lymph node. Immature thymocytes expressed epitopes recognized by all antibodies, except for anti-Gb(4)Cer. Mature thymocytes bound only antibodies to GalNAc-GM1b, Gg(4)Cer, and Gb(4)Cer. In secondary lymphoid organs, antibodies to globo-series GSLs bound to vascular spaces of secondary lymphoid organs, whereas the ganglio-series GSL antibodies recognized lymphocyte-containing regions. In a Western blotting analysis, only GalNAc-GM1b antibody recognized a specific protein band in all three organs. Flow cytometric analysis of spleen and lymph node cells revealed that B-cells carried epitopes recognized by all antibodies, whereas the T-cell GSL repertoire was mostly oriented to ganglio-series-neutral GSLs and GM1b-type gangliosides. The results of immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry were not always identical, possibly because of crossreactivity to glycoprotein-linked oligosaccharides and/or differences between cell surface carbohydrate profiles of isolated cells and cells in a tissue environment.  相似文献   

Different opinions about flow cytometric estimates of DNA aneuploidy and/or S-phase fraction (SPF) as supplementary prognostic markers in colorectal cancer are to some degree associated with methodology. Using univariate DNA analysis, we have previously investigated the DNA ploidy in colorectal cancer, its heterogeneity within and between tumors and its relation to survival. To improve detection of DNA aneuploid subpopulations and particularly estimation of their SPF's we investigated a method for bivariate DNA/cytokeratin analysis on fine-needle aspirates of 728 frozen biopsies from 157 colorectal tumors. Unfixed aspirates were stained with propidium iodide and FITC-conjugated anti-cytokeratin antibody in a saponin-buffer. A significant association between SPF and debris was observed. There were no substantial difference in DNA ploidy patterns between univariate and bivariate measurements (concordance was 92-95%). No new DNA aneuploid subpopulations were detected in cytokeratin-gated compared to ungated or univariate histograms. Debris-adjusted SPF's of cytokeratin-gated histograms were significantly higher than of ungated histograms, also for subpopulations with DI>1.4 (p<0.0001). There was no significant association between SPF and survival.  相似文献   

Functional and structural changes accompany the differentiation of granulosa cells during follicular development. We used flow cytometry and fluorescent dyes to characterize two organelles important to the steroidogenic process. Mitochondria, which contain the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for cholesterol conversion to pregnenolone, and lipid droplets, which store cholesterol substrate, were probed in viable hen granulosa cells during differentiation. The fluorescent dye Dio3-C5 (DiO) was used to probe mitochondrial membrane potential, indicative of mitochondrial activity and/or number, during rapid granulosa cell differentiation in a hierarchy of individual developing hen preovulatory follicles (F6, smallest, to F1, largest). Cellular DiO fluorescence, granularity, and cell size were significantly elevated with increasing maturation state. Treatment with LH significantly increased DiO fluorescence in granulosa cells from F1 but not F3. The increased mitochondrial activity/number in granulosa cells that accompanies follicular maturation and is influenced by LH may reflect, at least in part, increased activity or amount of hormone-regulated mitochondrial enzymes controlling steroidogenesis. Flow spectrofluorometry and the metachromatic lipid dye, nile red, were used to probe lipid droplets in differentiating granulosa cells from F6 to F1. There was a dramatic increase in the fluorescence component related to lipid droplets with increasing stages of follicular maturation, suggesting recruitment of lipids into droplets during the differentiation of granulosa cells into hormone-responsive steroidogenic cells. The results demonstrate the dynamic nature of the granulosa cell morphology involved in steroidogenesis during follicular development.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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