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—It is generally believed that leucine serves primarily as a precursor for protein synthesis in the central nervous system. However, leucine is also oxidized to CO2 in brain. The present investigation compares leucine oxidation and incorporation into protein in brain slices and synaptosomes. In brain slices from adult rats, these processes were linear for 90min and 14CO2 production from 0·1 mm -l -[l-14C]leucine was 23 times more rapid than incorporation into protein. The rate of oxidation increased further with greater leucine concentrations. Experiments with l -[U-14C]leucine suggested that all of the carbons from leucine were oxidized to CO2 with very little incorporation into lipid. Oxidation of leucine also occurred in synaptosomes. In slices, leucine oxidation and incorporation into protein were inhibited by removal of glucose or Na+, or addition of ouabain. In synaptosomes, replacement of Na+ by choline also reduced leucine oxidation; and this effect did not appear to be due to inhibition of leucine transport. The rate of leucine oxidation did not change in brain slices prepared from fasted animals. Fasting, however, reduced the incorporation of leucine into protein in brain slices prepared from young but not from adult rats. These findings indicate that oxidation is the major metabolic fate of leucine in brain of fed and fasted animals. 相似文献
Abstract— Purine and pyrimidine nucleotides were measured in the brain of normal and electroshocked rats after chromatographic separation on ion-exchange resin of mono-, di- and tri-phosphorylated derivatives.
CMP, IMP and NAD did not show any significant quantitative change. Adenine nucleotides showed an abrupt change followed by a rapid return to the control value. GTP was the only purine nucleotide exhibiting a relatively slow return to its starting concentration. The greatest percentage increase after electroshock was observed in UMP, which returned to its control value only after 5 min; UDPCoenzymes (i.e. UDPA plus UDPG) showed a relatively small drop during the development of the seizure and the slowest return to the base line; UTP showed a late transistory increase above the normal level after an initial drop associated with convulsant activity.
Tritiated uridine was injected intracisternally to investigate the turnover of pyrimidine nucleotides. UTP showed the highest specific radioactivity at the earliest time, followed by UMP, UDPCoenzymes and CMP. It was found that convulsant activity is associated with dramatic changes in the specific radioactivity of pyrimidine nucleotides. 相似文献
CMP, IMP and NAD did not show any significant quantitative change. Adenine nucleotides showed an abrupt change followed by a rapid return to the control value. GTP was the only purine nucleotide exhibiting a relatively slow return to its starting concentration. The greatest percentage increase after electroshock was observed in UMP, which returned to its control value only after 5 min; UDPCoenzymes (i.e. UDPA plus UDPG) showed a relatively small drop during the development of the seizure and the slowest return to the base line; UTP showed a late transistory increase above the normal level after an initial drop associated with convulsant activity.
Tritiated uridine was injected intracisternally to investigate the turnover of pyrimidine nucleotides. UTP showed the highest specific radioactivity at the earliest time, followed by UMP, UDPCoenzymes and CMP. It was found that convulsant activity is associated with dramatic changes in the specific radioactivity of pyrimidine nucleotides. 相似文献
Abstract— Glucose and glycogen levels in the mouse cerebral cortex in vivo were studied after recovery from methionine sulphoximine seizures. The animals appeared normal 24 h after methionine sulphoximine administration but both glucose and glycogen still persisted at higher levels 72 h after injection (by 64 and 275 per cent, respectively). When seizures were prevented by methionine, the increase in glucose and glycogen at the longer time intervals was significantly smaller than in animals treated with methionine sulphoximine only; glucose reached normal values at 48 or 72 h; the accumulation of glycogen was reduced by about three to five times, but after 72 h the levels were still significantly higher than in control animals (67 or 32 per cent increase, depending on the administered dose of methionine). In contrast to the considerable accumulation of glycogen after administration of methionine sulphoximine in vivo, it had no effect on the level of glycogen in brain cortex slices in vitro. After 3 h incubation in the absence of methionine sulphoximine, glycogen was resynthesized to a level of about 4 μmol/g wet tissue and this value was not significantly affected by the presence of various concentrations of methionine sulphoximine in the incubation medium (10-5 to 10-2 M). The total (a+b forms) phosphorylase activity of mouse cerebral cortex in vivo after methionine sulphoximine administration was not affected. The fraction of active phosphorylase was reduced by about 50 per cent at the time of seizures. When seizures were prevented by methionine, the decrease in active phosphorylase was also completely prevented. In the preconvulsive period (1-2 h) and after recovery from the seizures (48 h after methionine sulphoximine administration) active phosphorylase was normal. The possible mechanisms involved in the increased accumulation of glycogen after methionine sulphoximine administration are discussed. 相似文献
John F. Thomson Duane A. Habeck Sharron L. Nance Karen L. Beetham 《The Journal of cell biology》1969,41(1):312-334
During the first 3 days of exposure of rats to 5°C, the nitrogen concentration of interscapular brown fat increased by 50% and remained at this elevated level for the duration of the 8-wk observation period, while the mass of tissue increased fourfold. The concentration of both DNA and RNA per unit nitrogen reached a maximum after 3 days, then declined; however, the total quantity of each continued to rise. The concentration of various respiratory enzymes decreased during the first few days and then increased, but at different rates. The morphological changes in mature brown fat cells during cold acclimation were observed to be: a reduction in fat droplet size during the first 3 days, followed by a gradual increase in size through 6 wk in the cold; a continual increase in the amount of intermitochondrial ground substance during the first 3 wk, with increased granularity and glycogen content after 1 wk; initial disappearance of glycogen between mitochondria, followed by the reappearance of a few isolated particles in the intermitochondrial ground substance after 1 wk in the cold; initial increase in the density of intramitochondrial matrix for the first 3–4 days, followed by a gradual return to the control density; loss in integrity of mitochondrial outer membranes during the first 4 days, followed by gradual but incomplete restoration; temporary loss of the dense material in lipid droplets during the first 24 hr, with return after 1 wk in the cold; and a 40% increase in mitochondrial diameter within 1 day, followed by a decrease in diameter within 1 wk to a constant value about 15% larger than the controls. 相似文献

The pineal body of white normal rats, 1.5 to 3 months old, was studied under the electron microscope. A single type of parenchymal cell—the pinealocyte—is recognized as the main component of the tissue, and some of the structural characteristics of the nucleus and cytoplasm are described. The main morphological characteristic of the pinealocytes is represented by club-shaped perivascular expansions connected to the cell by thin pedicles. They are found lying in a large, clear space surrounding the blood capillaries. The name plurivesicular secretory processes is proposed, to emphasize the main structural feature and the probable function of these cellular expansions. A tubulofibrillar component is mainly found in the pedicle, and within the expansion there are numerous small mitochondria and densily packed vesicles of about 425 A. Two types of vesicles, one with a homogeneous content and another with a very dense osmium deposit, are described. Between the two types there are intermediary forms. In these processes, mitochondria show profound changes which may lead to complete vacuolization. The significance of this plurivesicular secretory component is discussed in the light of recent work on the biogenic amines of the pineal body and preliminary experiments showing the release of the vesicles containing dense granules after treatment with reserpine. These vesicles are interpreted as the site of storage of some of the biogenic amines. Bundles of unmyelinated nerve fibers and endings on large blood vessels which also contain a plurivesicular content are described and tentatively interpreted as adrenergic nerve terminals. 相似文献
人肾上腺内肽能神经的超微结构 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
殷树仪 《中国组织化学与细胞化学杂志》1994,(1)
应用抗生蛋白链菌素一生物素一过氧化物酶复合物的免疫电镜技术,在相邻切片中,分别观察人肾上腺内NPY、VIP、SP和CGRP免疫反应神经纤维的超微结构和免疫反应物的定位。NPY和VIP免疫反应物位于小颗粒羹泡和线粒体外膜,部分嗜铬细胞呈NPY免疫反应阳性。SP和CGRP免疫反应物主要定位于大颗粒囊泡内。SP和CGRP免疫反应轴突与嗜铬细胞形成对称性或非对称性的轴体突轴。测量了这4种肽能神经末梢的直径,从而推测其来源,并讨论了该4种神经肽对人肾上腺的作用。 相似文献
Abstract— Synaptosomes prepared from sheep corpus striatum showed a linear rate of respiration over a 90 min period of incubation in Krebs-bicarbonate medium containing glucose (10 mm ) and the rate of respiration was stimulated by electrical pulses. Dopamine was released from synaptosome beds to the medium by either electrical pulses or 56mm -K+ (10min), increasing 108% and 76% respectively above control levels of release. The presence of d- or 1-amphetamine (0.12mm ) in the incubation medium (40 min) increased the accumulation of dopamine in the medium by 310 and 275% respectively and 56mm -K+ also caused a significant increase in the release of glutamate, GABA and aspartate. Radioactively labelled dopamine was synthesized by the synaptosomes from l -[14C]tyrosine, l -DOPA or dl -DOPA, and electrical pulses caused a 35% increase in the rate of dopamine production from [U-14C] tyrosine. No increased release of [14C]dopamine in response to depolarizing stimuli was found to occur when synaptosome beds were transferred from medium containing radioactive precursors to fresh medium for further incubation (20 min). In the presence of 1- and d-amphetamine, accumulation of 14C-labelled doparnine in the incubation media was increased 129% and 380% respectively, the latter was partially depressed by absence of calcium from the medium. Three radioactively labelled metabolites formed by synaptosomes during incubation in dl -[2-14C]DOPA were detected; the major ones were dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid and the third was unidentified. When the synaptosome beds were transferred to medium containing no radioactive precursors, it was found that labelled dihydroxyphenylacetic acid was 7 times more abundant than labelled dopamine in the incubation medium (20 min) and one-third as abundant in the synaptosomes. The dihydroxyphenylacetic acid n Ci/dopamine n Ci ratio was greatly affected by K+ stimulation, decreasing 52% and 34% in the incubation medium and synaptosomes respectively. A pathway of dihydroxyphenylacetic acid degradation was shown to occur through decarboxylation. These results are discussed in terms of the compartmentation of dopamine and its metabolism. It is proposed that one pool of dopamine is released by depolarizing agents and during the period of incubation it is replaced by synthesis from the endogenous tyrosine (19.5 nmol/100 mg protein) and not by the labelled dopamine in the synaptosome. The synaptosomal pool of dopamine which is radioactively labelled after pulse labelling with dl -[2-14C]DOPA appears to be prone to oxidation to DOPAC and homovanillic acid which are preferentially released from the synaptosomes. 相似文献
Phosphatidylinositol kinase and diphosphoinositide kinase activities were measured in homogenates of brain and sciatic nerve of developing chick embryos and chicks. Characteristics of the chick nervous system enzymes were similar to those reported for rat brain. Diphosphoinositide kinase was inhibited by high concentrations of ATP and by low concentrations of triphosphoinositide. Both activities were greatly enhanced by the non-ionic detergent, Cutscum, and the ratio of detergent to protein in the reaction mixture was important. Optimum phosphatidylinositol kinase activity required a ratio of 7 : 1 for both tissues. The optimum ratio for diphosphoinositide kinase was 3:1 for nerve homogenates and 0.6:1 for brain. Cutscum increased the concentration of diphosphoinositide that is required for maximum diphosphoinositide kinase activity. Developmental changes were the same for both kinase activities, which were low in unmyelinated brain and sciatic nerve. The activities correlated with the concentration of polyphosphoinositides in chick brain where they increased 4-5 fold during the period of active myelination and remained high in the mature brain. The kinase activities correlated with the rate of triphosphoinositide deposition in sciatic nerve. Following a 2-3 fold increase during the initial phase of myelination the activities declined to values as low as those of embryonic nerve. 相似文献
目的探讨青年猫和老年猫视神经年龄相关的形态学变化及可能造成的生理影响。方法取4只青年猫(2-3岁,2-2.5kg)和4只老年猫(10-13岁,2.5-3.5kg)颅内相对应部分视神经,制作横向半薄切片和超薄切片,半薄切片用甲苯胺蓝硼砂溶液染色,光镜观察、测量视神经的直径(不含外层神经膜);超薄切片标本用醋酸和柠檬酸铅染色,电镜观察、计数视神经纤维密度、测量视神经纤维外径D(含髓鞘)和内径d(不含髓鞘),按一定分级范围算出各种直径的纤维及各种d/D比值的纤维所占百分比,分别画出直方图,对实验结果进行统计学分析并绘制纤维直径谱。结果与青年猫相比,老年猫视神经直径显著增大(P0.05);纤维数量显著下降(P0.05)。纤维直径谱分析结果显示,青、老年猫纤维直径分布范围相似,但老年猫纤维的峰直径及纤维平均直径比青年猫的显著减小(P0.05),老年猫视神经纤维的d/D比值亦明显降低。另外,老年猫视神经中部分轴突肿胀,髓鞘疏松、结构紊乱,板层脱离、空泡化,有的轴索髓鞘溶解。结论在衰老过程中,老年猫视神经纤维丢失,纤维直径减小,d/D比值下降,以及纤维髓鞘的松散解体,这些变化均可能导致视神经纤维对视觉信息的传导速度减慢,是老年个体视觉分析速度下降的重要原因。 相似文献

Mitochondria isolated from kidneys of lead-intoxicated rats have been shown to have decreased oxidative and phosphorylative abilities. The purpose of this study was to determine whether these abnormal mitochondria would undergo ultrastructural transformation during controlled respiration in the absence of phosphate acceptor (State IV), as previously demonstrated for normal liver mitochondria. It was first shown that normal rat kidney mitochondria transforms from a condensed ultrastructural conformation to an orthodox conformation after 5 min of State IV respiration with pyruvate-malate substrate. Reversal to a condensed conformation follows stimulation of respiration with adenosine diphosphate (ADP). A large portion of kidney mitochondria from lead-poisoned rats do not change from condensed to orthodox conformation during State IV respiration. Other mitochondria do transform to the orthodox form but they rapidly degenerate. State IV respiration decreases as these few orthodox mitochondria disintegrate. The conclusion is that those mitochondria that do not undergo change in ultrastructure have impairment of electron transport, and that those that do become orthodox have increased membrane lability and undergo degeneration. 相似文献
—The incorporation of radioactivity from labelled glucose, acetate, phenylalanine and proline into glutamate, aspartate and glutamine was measured in mice treated with methionine sulphoximine and in the control animals. The labelled precursors were injected and their incorporation determined before the onset of convulsions. The incorporation of radioactivity from labelled glucose into the dicarboxylic amino acids was reduced, in particular the incorporation into glutamine. The incorporation of radioactivity from labelled acetate and phenylalanine into glutamate and aspartate was increased by methionine sulphoximine, while the incorporation into glutamine was not changed very much. The labelling of glutamine, relative to glutamate, was reduced with all precursors, indicating that glutamine synthetase was inhibited in vivo by methionine sulphoximine. It is very likely that methionine sulphoximine affects many aspects of energy metabolism in brain; in particular the metabolism of glucose seems to be inhibited, while the rate of conversion of substrates other than glucose seems to be increased. 相似文献
- 1 The passive permeability of synaptosomes to ions was measured by a light-scattering technique. Synaptosomes were freely permeable to acetate, HCO3_, SCN?and NH4+ and were impermeable to choline and SO42-.
- 2 Gramicidin D selectively increased the permeability of synaptosomes to Na+ and K+ ions.
- 3 The relative permeabilities of Na+, K+ and Cl?, measured in the presence of a number of more permeant counter-ions, was in the ratio 1:19:12. These values are discussed in terms of the source of the resting potential.
利用光学显微镜、相差显微镜、扫描和透射电镜等观察蓝藻类的地木耳,看到了一些特殊结构:1.藻体内部结构如海绵状,表面凸凹不平;2.由念珠状细胞组成的藻丝长短不一,弯曲折迥,有的堆积成团,有的分枝,有的排成环状;3.念珠状细胞壁分5层,最表层细波纹状,与相邻壁镶嵌连接;4.念珠状细胞为典型原核细胞,四周散布着类囊体,中央是拟核区,细胞质中分布着结构颗粒,多角体等,类囊体表面附有核糖核蛋白体和胆藻体,有的有明显液泡和腔穴;5.异形胞有厚的外套,这是正常壁外附加的包被,可称之为“细胞套”,它包括一层电子密集层和电子疏层,在极端形成半球形的“节球”,其间有孔与相邻细胞相通,流通物质有孔塞控制流向、流量;6.缢裂式繁殖,缢裂方向及位置各不相同,故出现细胞堆积现象。 相似文献
Abstract— In the striatum of the newborn rat, the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase, the concentration of dopamine and the activity of the synaptosomal high-affinity uptake process for dopamine is 10% of that of the adult; there is a linear and closely associated increase in all three parameters during maturation, achieving 75% of adult levels by 4 weeks after birth. In contrast, the specific activity of choline acetyltransferase exhibits a more delayed developmental rise commencing 1 week after birth; the concentration of acetylcholine is disproportionately high in the neonatal striatum and precedes the developmental increase in the activity of choline acetyltransferase. At birth, the specific activity of dopamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase is 20% of that of the adult striatum and achieves adult activity by 4 weeks after birth. Pretreatment with the neuroleptic, fluphenazinc. does not reduce the striatal content of acetylcholine until 8 days after birth. It is postulated that dopaminergic influences on cholinergic neuronal activity appear when the cholinergic neurons in the striatum cease dividing and start differentiating. 相似文献
神经生长因子对神经损伤后运动终板再生影响的研究——酶组织化学和超微结构观察 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本研究采用定位、定量方式钳夹兔右侧坐骨神经,NGF组动物于神经损伤处局部喷布蛇毒神经生长因子(nervegrowthfactor,NGF),对照组动物于同部位给予等量生理盐水。对胫骨前肌中的红肌、白肌和中间型肌纤维运动终板乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)活性和超微结构改变进行观察。结果表明,神经损伤早期,AChE活性持续下降,超微结构显示逐渐变性。第4周末,NGF组运动终板AChE活性和超微结构恢复正常。第8周末,对照组运动终板酶活性和超微结构才基本恢复正常。本研究结果提示,周围神经损伤后,外源性NGF能促进运动神经元轴突再生,最终促进运动终板结构和功能恢复 相似文献