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The photosynthetic pigments of 17 species of unicellular marine algae grown in white and blue-green light were examined. Blue-green light (400 μW·cm?2; 12:12 LD cycle) caused major chlorophyll increases (55–146%) in five diatoms, one dinoflagellate and one cryptomonad; minor chlorophyll increases (17–39%) in two diatoms, two dinoflagellates, one prymnesiophyte (haptophyte), one chrysophyte and one chlorophyte; and no chlorophyll increase in two diatoms and one pyrmnesiophyte (haptophyte). The relative proportions of major chlorophylls and carotenoids did not change, but in six of eight species tested small increases in the concentration of chlorophyll c occurred. Blue-green light caused a small increase in the concentration of phycoerythrin relative to chlorophyll a in the cryptomonad. A larger number of thylakoids per chloroplast were observed in six species grown in blue-green light compared to white light controls. The ultrastructure changes observed depended not only on the magnitude of the chlorophyll increase but also on the architecture of the chloroplast.  相似文献   


甘露醇对蓝藻细胞的作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
甘露醇引起蓝藻营养细胞破裂,这种作用与甘露醇的浓度、作用时间、处理温度、pH值及细胞生长时期有关。  相似文献   

1967年,Biggins首次报道通过溶菌酶处理获得了有生活力的篇藻(Phormidium luridum)原生质球。此后,虽然许多作者在这方面作了不少工作,但原生质球的再生和融合问题至今没有得到解决。再生和融合与分离制备方法密切相关,因此,  相似文献   


A large-scale screening program was initiated to evaluate laboratory-cultured blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) as a source of novel antineoplastic agents. Approximately 1000 cyanophyte strains from diverse habitats were cultured to provide extracts for testing. The screening program identified the families Scytonemataceae and Stigonemataceae as prolific producers of novel cytotoxic compounds. Rates of rediscovery of known compounds were relatively low.  相似文献   

<正> 溶菌酶由单核细胞日巨噬细胞、多核嗜中性细胞等产生,存在于泪液、唾液及其他分泌物和血清中。检测溶菌酶含量,可作为了解机体防御功能的一个指标,并有助于研究某些疾病性质、过程和预后。我们研究中药药酒影响免疫的工作中发现,灌服高浓度酒精可使小鼠血清溶菌酶含量降低。现报道如下。 实验采用昆明种小鼠(本所动物室饲养品系),雄性,体重24—28克。各批实验包括未  相似文献   

Lipophilic and hydrophilic extracts from approximately 600 strains of cultured cyanophytes, representing some 300 species, were examined for antiviral activity against three pathogenic viruses. Approximately 10% of the cultures produced substances that caused significant reduction in cytopathic effect normally associated with viral infection. The screening program identified the order Chroococcales as commonly producing antiviral agents.  相似文献   

Blue-green light increased the chlorophyll concentration and chloroplast number of cells of Stephanopyxis turris (Grev.) Ralfs, compared to white light controls. Light fields for growth were 400 μW·cm?2 (12:12 LD cycles). Chlorophyll increased up to 100%/cell, but no change in the ratio of chlorophylls to major carotenoids occurred. The effect was, therefore, not that of complementary chromatic adaptation. At the same time, blue-green light enhanced the photosynthetic fixation of CO2. At the ultrastructure level, an increase in, and rearrangement of, the thylakoid system occurred.  相似文献   

1. Heterocysts are found in many species of filamentous blue-green algae. They are cells of slightly larger size and with a more thickened wall than the vegetative cells. 2. Structural details of the heterocyst are: the presence of three additional wall layers, the absence of granules, sparse thylakoid network throughout, except at the poles where a dense coiling of membranes occurs. Other characters include the two pores at opposite poles ‘plugged’ with refractive material called the polar granule. 3. Peculiarities in the pigment composition of the heterocyst include an abundance of carotenoids and absence of phycobilins, and a short-wave form of chlorophyll a. 4. Unique glycolipids and an acyl lipid, not found in the vegetative cells of the algae or in other plant cells, are associated with the heterocyst. The glycolipids constitute the laminated layer of the wall and probably regulate diffusion of substances through it, whereas the acyl lipids are supposed to function as carriers and intermediates in the biosynthesis of the wall. 5. The heterocysts develop from vegetative cells, and the visible changes during differentiation include cell enlargement, synthesis of additional wall layers, disappearance of granules and reorientation and synthesis of the thylakoids. 6. Heterocysts are formed sequentially with characteristic cellular spacing during the growth of cultures in medium free from combined nitrogen. 7. Various sources of combined nitrogen inhibit heterocyst formation when supplied in the culture medium. Ammonium salts are among the most powerful inhibitors. Heterocysts are formed simultaneously and within a short period after transference of ammonia-grown non-heterocystous filaments to ammonia-free medium. 8. Incompletely differentiated heterocysts or proheterocysts are found in cultures grown in the presence of combined nitrogen. If two or more proheterocysts are close together generally a single one develops to maturity after a competitive interaction in medium free from combined nitrogen. This indicates that heterocyst formation is completed in two phases: phase I, synthesis and conservation of macromolecules, which takes place during growth in ammonia-containing medium: and phase 11, morphological differentiation of the heterocyst which is unaccompanied by growth in cell number. In the ammonia-free medium phase 11 quickly succeeds phase 1 and the whole process appears as a continuum. 9. Heterocyst formation shows a definite requirement for light. Red light favours heterocyst formation, whereas green and blue light do not. The effects of light seem to be mainly due to photosynthesis, although some effects may be morphogenetic. 10. Studies with metabolic inhibitors have revealed the involvement of photosynthesis, respiration and protein synthesis in heterocyst formation. Photosynthesis provides carbon skeletons, whereas ATP is most probably supplied by oxidative metabolism. 11. Various functions have been assigned to the heterocyst from time to time. Their role in akinete formation is suggested by (i) the formation of akinetes adjacent to the heterocysts and (ii) prevention of sporulation by detachment of the heterocysts from the vegetative cells (potential akinetes). Despite substantial evidence for such a role, it is not applicable to all akinete-forming genera. 12. Heterocysts are now widely believed to be the site of nitrogen fixation in blue-green algae. The main facts in favour of such a role are: (i) fixation of nitrogen by all heterocystous algae, (ii) inhibition of heterocyst formation by combined nitrogen and (iii) direct observations on acetylene reduction by isolated heterocysts. 13. Some non-heterocystous and unicellular algae, and vegetative cells of heterocystous algae fix nitrogen under microaerophilic conditions suggesting that absence of oxygen favours nitrogenase activity. Heterocysts lack the oxygen-evolving photo-system 11, possess oxidative enzymes, and reduce externally supplied tetrazolium salts - all indicating that they are the most suitable sites for harbouring nitrogenase in aerobic conditions. 14. Heterocysts probably originated in the Precambrian in response to the earth's changing environment and seem to be the first example of morphological differentiation in the plant kingdom.  相似文献   

超声波对铜绿微囊藻超微结构和生理特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究超声波对蓝藻细胞的影响,利用超声波(40W)处理200 mL铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa) 悬浮液20min,之后继续培养并于不同时间取样检测。检测悬浮藻细胞生物量发现其3d降低了97.84%;分别观察1、3、5d时沉降藻细胞超微结构变化,发现13d时细胞内脂质颗粒和藻青素颗粒增多、类囊体片层断裂、藻胆体脱落,5d时拟核区萎缩消失、细胞基础结构解体、胞质出现空洞、胞内结构颗粒降解;检测藻细胞光合放氧速率、叶绿素a (Chl.a)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性、膜透性以及跨膜ATP酶活性,发现光合放氧速率3d下降24.83%,Chl.a含量5d下降23.75%,超声组细胞SOD活性变化幅度比较大,但总体上活性降低,而CAT活性则表现为先增后减,活性始终大于对照组,同时胞内有机物渗出量增大,三种跨膜ATP酶活性(Na+/K+-ATPase、Mg2+-ATPase 和Ca2+-ATPase)均先升后降,并与膜透性变化相关。以上结果表明,超声波使铜绿微囊藻细胞沉降,并对其造成了胁迫,使部分藻细胞光合作用减弱,光合色素遭到损伤,细胞膜透性增大,甚至引起藻细胞程序性死亡。SOD活力的快速降低表明超声波使藻细胞内超氧离子(O2-)过量累积,从而对藻细胞造成氧化损伤,除此之外,超声波使藻细胞基础结构破坏、细胞内结构颗粒降解、细胞膜透性增大,这些都可能是致使部分铜绿微囊藻细胞死亡的重要原因。铜绿微囊藻细胞CAT以及跨膜ATP酶活性增大,表明藻细胞增强抗氧化酶活性以及离子调控和能量活动以抵御超声波的胁迫,而当胁迫随着时间减小后,细胞开始恢复生长和代谢,酶活力开始降低。    相似文献   

海洋中的~(60)Co既来自于核武器试验的降落灰,又来自于核反应堆废物的排入。随着核动力舰船和原子能发电站的日益发展,进入局部海域的放射性将不断增加。放射性核素对于人类的潜在危害,也就越来越为人们所关切。~(60)Co是这些放射性废物中一种重要的元素,半衰期为5.26年,能被海洋生物较大量地吸收和累积。所以~(60)Co成为核动力设施排放废物时限制最严的核素之一。  相似文献   

The carotenoids of 4 species of blue-green algae, Anabaena variabilis, Phormidium persicinum, P. ectocarpi, and P. fragile, were investigated. In each, ft-carotene was a major pigment and the only carotene detected. The xanthophylls present in Anabaena variabilis were echinenone, canthaxanthin, and myxo-xanthophyll. Each of the Phormidium species contained zeaxanthin as the major xanthophyll. In each, this was accompanied by trace amounts of echinenone and isocryptoxanthin. In addition, 2 new xanthophylls, spectrally resembling ^-carotene, were found in Phormidium persicinum and P. ectocarpi, while another, with a spectrum similar to that of myxoxanthophyll, was found in P. fragile.  相似文献   

营养液中添加外源的甘露醇后,蓝藻Anabaena 7120固氮受NaCl胁迫的程度减弱。在光合作用不能进行或受到削弱,能量供应受阻、厌氧环境中和分子氧条件下,甘露醇的良好作用减小或消失。改善能涛和碳架供应,增强氢的利用或满足合成固氮酶蛋白所需物质需求时,甘露醇缓解NaCl胁迫蓝藻固氮的程度明显增大。  相似文献   

改进了蓝藻固氮酶的分离、提纯方法。首次用小型厌氧聚丙烯酰胺凝胶制备电泳法,代替常用的层析法,获取了电泳纯的蓝藻固氮酶钼铁蛋白,简化了程序,缩短了实验周期。SDS凝胶电泳和分子筛凝胶过滤测定分子量结果表明,钼铁蛋白分子量为360,000,由4个分子量为90,000的同一类型亚单位构成。每个钼铁蛋白分子含1个钼,18个铁和3290个氨基酸残基。其中酸性氨基酸占优势。研究了柱孢鱼腥藻(Anabaena cylindrica)固氮酶粗提物和钼铁蛋白的某些特性,其结果是:米氏常数为3.33×10~(-3)大气压乙炔,等电点为5—5.5。紫外、可见光谱与其它固氮生物的类似。盐对蓝藻固氮酶较之对其它固氮生物的固氮酶有更大的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Six strains of branched blue-green algae were examined in a search for lines to an explanation for apparent noncompetitiveness. Classical taxonomic treatments were often inadequate for confident species determination; forms that were very differ their morphologically frequently “keyed” to the same species. Strain distinctions based on comparative morphological and physiological studies were inconclusive. With the exception of 1 species, there were no substantial differences in physiological rates. In addition to the branching habit, diversity of cellular form was found to be an outstanding group characteristic. Individual cells of developing trichomes became a spore-like and then divided to produce either cell clusters or lateral branches. The eventual separation of daughter cells by sheath materials may be analogous to spore formation in Nostocales and could be the factor which determines the nature of these organisms. The Stigonemataceae may not represent the pinnacle of blue-green algal development but may, instead, be a primitive and basic form linking coccoid and filamentous algae.  相似文献   

低温加剧氯化钠对蓝藻固氮的抑制,营养液中氯化钠浓度增高时,抑制程度更甚.能源受限(暗处理和加抑制剂时的光合受抑,N_2和Ar的厌氧下呼吸代谢受阻)和氧下固氮酶受到伤害时,低温处理使氯化钠对蓝藻固氮的抑制进一步加剧.在能源和还原剂供应,合成固氨酶蛋白的物质基础(如CO_2和N_2的加合).光合作用正常进行的条件得到改善和保证,以及供应CO_2、外源蔗糖和氮氧加合时,低温加剧氯化钠对蓝藻固氮的抑制程度明显变小.  相似文献   

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