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Summary The indigenous megaplasmid pRme41b of Rhizobium meliloti 41 was made susceptible to mobilization with the P-1 type plasmid pJB3JI by inserting the mobilization (mob) region of RP4 into it. First the mob region together with a kanamycin resistance marker was inserted in vitro into a fragment of pRme41b cloned into pBR322. The recombinant plasmids so formed (pAK11 and pAK12) were then mobilized into R. meliloti. Since these recombinant plasmids were unable to replicate in R. meliloti, selection for kanamycin resistant derivatives allowed the isolation of pRme41b::pAK11 or pRme41b::pAK12 cointegrates. It was shown that in the majority of these recombinants, pAK11 or pAK12 was integrated into the homologous fragment of pRme41b. The pRme41b cointegrates were transferred into nod-nif deletion mutants of R. meliloti 41 where it was shown that both Nod+ and Fix+ phenotypes could be restored. The pRme41b cointegrates were also transferred into two other Rhizobium strains and into Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The Rhizobium strains and A. tumefaciens carrying pRme41b formed nodules of variable size on Medicago sativa roots, indicating that at least the early steps of nodulation of M. sativa are coded by pRme41b and are expressed in these bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary A derivative of the IncP1 plasmid RP4, carrying the thermoinducible prophage Mucts62, was obtained in Escherichia coli K 12 J53 (RP4). It was impossible to maintain the hybrid plasmid RP4: Mucts62 in Rhizobium meliloti GR4. Thus, it was used as a vehicle for introducing the ampicillinresistant transposon Tn1 introducing the ampicillinresistant transposon Tn1 into the R. meliloti genome.Transposition of Tn1 did not generate auxotrophic strains, suggesting that the insertion of Tn1 into the R. meliloti genome was relatively specific. Two chromosomal hot spots for Tn1 insertion were identified by cotransductional analysis, after general transduction by phage DF2. Plasmid-curing experiments, carried out by heat treatment, revealed that symbiotic plasmid(s) also contain at least one site for Tn1 insertion.  相似文献   

Summary Of 21Rhizobium meliloti temperate phages, 12 transduced streptomycin resistance (str-r) with a frequency of 10−5 to 10−7. Lysine dependence was transduced with frequency of 10−7. Five transducing phages were used in experiments on the transfer of effectiveness from effective donor strain to 11 ineffective strains. However, plant tests did not reveal changes in recipient effectiveness.  相似文献   

Summary The phage 11 of R. meliloti performs generalized transduction. This was confirmed by the variety of single markers transferred and by separating transducing particles containing BUdR-labelled bacterial DNA. The transduction frequencies depended on the marker. Linked alleles were mapped by cotransduction on fragments of bacterial DNA equal in size to the phage DNA. With crosses between antibiotic resistancy and auxotrophic markers a partial map was constructed with str, cml, pur-19, and leu-44 sites. With a few multi-auxotrophic mutants linkage data of conjugation were compared with the linkage by cotransduction.  相似文献   

Summary Large plasmids of molecular weight varying from 90 to around 200×106 have earlier been detected in most Rhizobium meliloti strains using an alkaline denaturation-phenol extraction procedure. With a less destructive method (Eckhardt 1978) it was possible additionally to detect one plasmid of molecular weight clearly greater than 300×106 (=megaplasmid) in all of twenty-seven R. meliloti strains of various geographical origins and nodulation groupings investigated. Four strains (RCR 2011, A145, S26 and CC2013) were found to carry one megaplasmid and no smaller plasmids. Hybridization experiments with Klebsiella pneumoniae and R. meliloti cloned nitrogenase structural genes D and H showed that these genes are located on the megaplasmid and not on the smaller plasmids.All of the ten independent spontaneous non-nodulating derivatives of three strains of R. meliloti were shown to have suffered a deletion in the nif DH region of the megaplasmid. These results indicate that a gene controlling an early step in nodule formation is located in the nif DH region of the megaplasmid. This indicates that the same replicon carries genes controlling early and late functions in symbiosis.  相似文献   

Summary We have established the HindIII physical map of a cloned 290 kilobase fragment of the Rhizobium meliloti 2011 pSym megaplasmid. The cloned fragment, which contains nodulation genes as well as the nitrogenase structural genes (nifHDK), has been shown to be colinear with the corresponding genomic region. Using transposon mutagenesis we have demonstrated that a region which is located more than 200 kb from the nifHDK operon on pSym is essential for symbiotic nitrogen fixation.Dedicated to Professor Georg Melchers to celebrate his 50-year association with the journal  相似文献   

Summary A resident plasmid of wild-type strains of Rhizobium meliloti of 59.6 megadaltons has been shown to be transferred at a high frequency to cured strains of this bacterial species. This plasmid, named pEZ1, that confers phage-sensitivity to cells carrying it is also transmissible to Escherichia coli and from it to cured R. meliloti strains.  相似文献   

Summary The genome structure of the temperateRhizobium meliloti phage and the attachment site of this phage on the host chromosome were examined by genetic means. The heat-sensitive mutants used in 2 and 3 point crosses gave a linear chromosome map. There was no evidence for map circularity. The immunity region has a distal position on the phage chromosome. The functional grouping of the used 23 phage mutants was made byin vivo andin vitro complementation tests and 20 cistrons were obtained. The cistrons, near to the immunity region, were identified as early genes, the remaining ones as morphogenetic cistrons. The latter inin vitro complementation tests gave two complementing groups, presumably as head and tail donors. The attachment site of the prophage on the host chromosome was localized by pulse mutagen treatments in synchronously replicating cultures. The sequence of markers are O-str — hs — att 16−3 — T.  相似文献   

Summary The enzymes involved in ammonia assimilation by Rhizobium meliloti 4l and their role in the regulation of nitrogen metabolism were studied. Glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) were present at relatively high levels in cells grown in media containing either low or high concentrations of ammonia. NADP-linked glutamate dehydrogenase could not be detected.GOGAT and GS mutants were isolated and characterised. A mutant lacking GOGAT activity did not grow even on high concentrations of ammonia, it was a glutamate auxotroph and was effective in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. The GS and assimilatory nitrate reductase activities of this mutant were not repressible by ammonia but still repressible by casamino acids. A mutant with low GS activity required glutamine for optimal growth. It was ineffective and its nitrate reductase was not inducible.These findings indicate that ammonia is assimilated via the GS/GOGAT pathway in free-living R. meliloti and bacterial GOGAT is not important in symbiosis. Furthermore, GS is suggested to be a controlling element in the nitrogen metabolism of R. meliloti.  相似文献   

《Plant and Soil》1971,35(1):57-62
Summary The genetic map of the Rhizobium phage 16-3 was constructed by crosses between mutants. The genetic material was identified as DNA, its composition and molecular weight determined and conformation studied. Also genetic transfer, transfection and specialized cysteine transduction was achieved.  相似文献   

Summary DNA fragments carrying the recA genes of Rhizobium meliloti and Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae were isolated by complementing a UV-sensitive recA Escherichia coli strain. Sequence analysis revealed that the coding region of the R. meliloti recA gene consists of 1044 by coding for 348 amino acids whereas the coding region of the R. leguminosarum bv. viciae recA gene has 1053 bp specifying 351 amino acids. The R. meliloti and R. leguminosarum bv. viciae recA genes show 84.8% homology at the DNA sequence level and of 90.1% at the amino acid sequence level. recA mutant strains of both Rhizobium species were constructed by inserting a gentamicin resistance cassette into the respective recA gene. The resulting recA mutants exhibited an increased sensitivity to UV irradiation, were impaired in their ability to perform homologous recombination and showed a slightly reduced growth rate when compared with the respective wild-type strains. The Rhizobium recA strains did not have altered symbiotic nitrogen fixation capacity. Therefore, they represent ideal candidates for release experiments with impaired strains.The accession numbers: X59956 R. LEGUMINOSARUM REC A ALAS-DNA; X59957 R. MELITOTI REC A ALAS-DNA  相似文献   

Summary The plasmid pattern of Rhizobium meliloti strain GR4 was studied and a gene bank of one of the large plasmids (pRmeGR4) of 140 Mdal, was constructed using the broad host range vector pRK290. A restriction map was established with EcoRI. Two regions of this plasmid involved in the infectivity of GR4 on Medicago sativa were identified. An EcoRI fragment hybridizing with the PstI-nif fragment of pID1 was also identified. However, no homology to the cloned Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase genes (pSA30) was detected.  相似文献   

Summary A 1.9 kb DNA region of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae strain VF39 capable of promoting microaerobic and symbiotic induction of the Rhizobium meliloti fixN gene was identified by heterologous complementation. Sequence analysis of this DNA region revealed the presence of two complete open reading frames, orf240 and orf114. The deduced amino acid sequence of orf240 showed significant homology to Escherichia coli Fnr and R. meliloti FixK. The major difference between ORF240 and FixK is the presence of 21 N-terminal amino acids in ORF240 that have no counterpart in FixK. A similar protein domain is also present in E. coli Fnr and is essential for the oxygen-regulated activity of this protein. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence upstream of orf240 revealed a motif similar to the NtrA-dependent promoter consensus sequence, as well as two DNA regions resembling the Fnr consensus binding sequence. A Tn5-generated mutant in orf240 lost the ability to induce the R. meliloti fixN-lacZ fusion. Interestingly, this mutant was still capable of nitrogen fixation but showed reduced nitrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Complete 1H and 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance assignments have been obtained for the octasaccharide repeating units of the bacterial polysaccharide succinoglycan from Rhizobium meliloti Rm1021 and Agrobacterium radiobacter NCIB 11883. The assignments were used to determine the locations of the O-succinyl and O-acetyl substituents. The O-acetyl substituent in Rm1021 was attached to the 3rd residue from the reducing end, and the O-succinyl group was attached to the 7th residue in both octasaccharides. The structure of the Rm1021 octasaccharide is as shown below:
A small amount of succinate was also attached to C6 of the 6th residue in both octasaccharides.  相似文献   

Site-specific Tn7 transposition into the human genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The bacterial transposon, Tn7, inserts into a single site in the Escherichia coli chromosome termed attTn7 via the sequence-specific DNA binding of the target selector protein, TnsD. The target DNA sequence required for Tn7 transposition is located within the C-terminus of the glucosamine synthetase (glmS) gene, which is an essential, highly conserved gene found ubiquitously from bacteria to humans. Here, we show that Tn7 can transpose in vitro adjacent to two potential targets in the human genome: the gfpt-1 and gfpt-2 sequences, the human analogs of glmS. The frequency of transposition adjacent to the human gfpt-1 target is comparable with the E.coli glmS target; the human gfpt-2 target shows reduced transposition. The binding of TnsD to these sequences mirrors the transposition activity. In contrast to the human gfpt sequences, Tn7 does not transpose adjacent to the gfa-1 sequence, the glmS analog in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We also report that a nucleosome core particle assembled on the human gfpt-1 sequence reduces Tn7 transposition by likely impairing the accessibility of target DNA to the Tns proteins. We discuss the implications of these findings for the potential use of Tn7 as a site-specific DNA delivery agent for gene therapy.  相似文献   

The extracellular polysaccharide of Rhizobium meliloti 201 consists of two acidic polysaccharides, APS-I and APS-II. APS-I is composed of D-glucose, D-mannose and D-glucuronic acid in a molar ratio of 3:3:2, whereas APS-II is composed of D-glucose, D-galactose, D-mannose and pyruvic acid in a molar ratio of 4:3:2:1.APS-II was separated from the extracellular polysaccharide preparation by hydrolysing APS-I to its octasaccharide repeating unit with a specific enzyme. APS-I and APS-II were also separated by treatment with cetylpyridinium chloride and by paper electrophoresis of the depyruvylated polysaccharide.  相似文献   

Analysis of Tn7 transposition   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

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