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Haplosporidian parasites infect various invertebrate hosts including some commercially important shellfish. Haplosporidium nelsoni (along with Perkinsus marinus) has severely affected Eastern oyster production on the eastern seaboard of the United States and flat oyster production in Europe has been severely impacted by Bonamia ostreae. These parasites are also often present at a very low prevalence and there are a variety of morphologically similar species that can be difficult to differentiate during cytological or histological diagnosis hence the need to develop specific tests. Recently, a Minchinia sp. was described affecting rock oysters (Saccostrea cuccullata) in north Western Australia. In this study, two in situ hybridisation (ISH) assays and a PCR assay have been developed and optimised for use in investigating these parasites. The first ISH assay used a 166bp polynucleotide probe while the second used a 30bp oligonucleotide probe. The specificity of each ISH assay was assessed by applying each probe to a variety of haplosporidian (5), a paramyxian (1) or ciliophora (1) parasites. The polynucleotide probe produced strong hybridisation signals against all of the haplosporidian parasites tested (Minchinia sp., Minchinia teredinis, Bonamia roughleyi, H. nelsoni and Haplosporidium costale) while the oligonucleotide probe recognised only the Minchinia sp. Both probes failed to detect the paramyxian (Marteilia sp.) or the Rhynchodid-like ciliate. The PCR assay amplifies a 220bp region and detected Minchinia sp. DNA from 50ng of genomic DNA extracted from the tissues of infected oysters and 10fg of amplified Minchinia sp. DNA. The assay did not react to oysters infected with H. nelsoni or H. costale. The ability of the PCR and oligonucleotide ISH assay to diagnose Minchinia sp. infected oysters was compared to histological examination from a sample of 56 oysters. The PCR assay revealed 26 infections while histological examination detected 14 infections. The oligonucleotide ISH assay detected 29 infections. The oligonucleotide ISH and PCR assays were found to be significantly more sensitive than histology for detecting the parasite.  相似文献   

Examination of European flat oysters, Ostrea edulis, from the Dutch oyster culture, but originating in France, revealed a new disease due to a protistan parasite. Light and electron microscope studies revealed that the parasite belongs to the haplosporidan genus Minchinia. Since comparison with other Minchinia spp. indicate that it is new, the name Minchinia armoricana nov. sp. is proposed. Thus far, the parasite was very rare; only two diseased oysters were observed among ca. 3700 specimens examined histologically during a 2.5-year period. The diseased oysters showed macroscopically a peculiar brown discoloration and microscopically many sporocysts with spores in the connective tissue. Beside the two diseased oysters, another one was observed with an infection of unidentified plasmodial stages in the connective tissue. These may be developmental stages of the new species M. armoricana.  相似文献   

A haplosporidian parasite was identified in rock oysters (Saccostrea cuccullata Born, 1778) from the Montebello Islands (latitude -20.4'S longitude 115.53'E) off the northern coast of Western Australia by histopathological examination, PCR amplification and DNA sequencing of a segment of the SSU region of the parasite's rRNA gene. An oligonucleotide probe was constructed from the parasite's SSU rRNA gene in order to confirm its presence by in situ hybridisation. The parasite was disseminated throughout the gonad follicles of the host and to a lesser extent in the gills. The only parasite life stages thus far observed in this study were a uninucleate naked cell assumed to be a precursor to multinucleate plasmodial stages and a binucleate plasmodial stage. Whilst no parasite spores were detected in affected rock oysters, a phylogenetic analysis of the SSU region of the parasite's rRNA gene indicates the parasite belongs to the genus Minchinia. A PCR and in situ hybridisation assay for the Minchinia sp. was used to identify haplosporidians described by Hine and Thorne [Hine, P.M.., Thorne, T., 2002. Haplosporidium sp. (Haplosporidia: Haplosporidiidae) associated with mortalities among rock oysters Saccostrea cuccullata in north Western Australia. Dis. Aquat. Organ. 51, 123-13], in archived rock oyster tissues from the same coastline.  相似文献   

A Minchinia sp. (Haplosporidia: Haplosporidiidae) parasite was identified infecting rock oysters and morphologically described by Hine and Thorne (2002) using light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The parasite was associated with up to 80% mortality in the host species and it is suspected that the parasite would be a major impediment to the development of a tropical rock oyster aquaculture industry in northern Western Australia. However, attempts to identify the parasite following the development of a specific probe for Haplosporidium nelsoni were unsuccessful. The SSU region of the parasite's rRNA gene was later characterized in our laboratory and an in situ hybridization assay for the parasite was developed. This study names the parasite as Minchinia occulta n sp. and morphologically describes the parasite using histology, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The non-spore stages were unusual in that they consisted primarily of uninucleate stages reminiscent of Bonamia spp. The parasite's spores were ovoid to circular shaped and measured 4.5 microm-5.0 microm x 3.5-4.1 microm in size. The nucleus of the sporoplasm measured 1.5-2.3 microm and was centrally located. The spores were covered in a branching network of microtubule-like structures that may degrade as the spore matures.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the mature spore of a haplosporidan found in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis L. is described. The mature spore (10 × 5 µm) is operculate and characterised by the presence of epispore cytoplasm that is prolongated into two bipolar extensions or 'tails' of 80–100 µm in length. The extensions are supported by bundles of microtubule-like structures which are not found in continuity with the wall. Due to the presence of episporal extensions and because the present species differs in some morphological characters from other haplosporidans assigned to the genus Minchinia Labbé, the parasite of the mussel has been placed in this genus as Minchinia sp.  相似文献   

“Seaside Disease” of oysters caused by Minchinia costalis (Haplosporida, Sporozoa) produced annual mortalities on the Seaside of the Delmarva Peninsula along the middle Atlantic Coast from Chesapeake Bay to Delaware Bay, U.S.A. The May–June mortalities occurred from 1959 to 1976 without exception; deaths began in late May, peaked in June, and were usually over by July 1. The pathogen developed rapidly from March to May, and sporulation occurred in connective tissues of all organs in May and June. Exposure to a May–June enzootic was required to obtain infections. The pathogen remained subclinical until late winter of the following year. A sympatric pathogen, Minchinia nelsoni, which kills oysters extensively in lower Chesapeake Bay, was present but caused only minor mortalities. Salinities > 30 parts per thousand seem to favor M. costalis and inhibit M. nelsoni. Prevalences of both diseases in live oysters or gapers are given for 11 of the 18 years monitored.  相似文献   

Bonamia ostreae is a protozoan parasite of the flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, which has caused significant loss of oysters in Europe over the last decade. B. ostreae was purified from infected flat oysters and DNA was extracted. The nearly complete small subunit rDNA gene of B. ostreae was amplified using universal oligonucleotides and the PCR product was cloned and sequenced. BLAST research with this sequence revealed similarities to Haplosporidium nelsoni, Haplosporidium costale, and Minchinia teredinis. These data suggest that B. ostreae may be included in the genus Haplosporidium. Specific B. ostreae primers were designed for labeling, by PCR, a probe. This probe was successfully used by in situ hybridization to detect B. ostreae in infected fiat oysters, thus confirming the accuracy of this SSU rDNA sequence. The probe lead also to the detection of Bonamia sp. in infected Tiostrea chilensis and H. nelsoni in infected Crassostrea virginica but not Mikrocytos mackini infected Crassostrea gigas. These primers were also used to detect B. ostreae from infected oyster tissues by PCR. This B. ostreae SSU rDNA gene sequence provides genetic information as a first step toward elucidation of the taxonomic boundaries among the microcell organisms. Moreover, the development of DNA detection assays will be valuable specific diagnostic tools.  相似文献   

The morphology and shell microstructure of smooth exogyrid oysters from the Upper Maastrichtian of the Mountainous Crimea (SW Russia) are studied. Their shell microstructure consists of a simple regularly foliated, irregular crossed foliated, and transitional irregular simple prismatic/irregular complex crossed foliated structures. The latter has been only identified in oysters of the genus Rhynchostreon Bayle. Along with specific shell morphology, it allows to attribute the studied oysters to the species Rhynchostreon aralensis (Arkhangelsky, 1912). The occurrence of the genus Rhynchostreon in the Upper Maastrichtian of the Mountainous Crimea allows to clarify its stratigraphic distribution.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Minchinia nelsoni disease was studied in 3 populations of oysters from Marumsco Bar, Pocomoke Sound, Maryland. The native population was sampled regularly beginning in 1961 shortly after the disease invaded this area. Two populations of healthy year-old oysters were introduced (one in 1965 and one in 1966) into Pocomoke Sound and studied concurrently with the native population to determine the course of development of the disease and epizootic differences in populations. Gross and microscopic examination of oysters showed progressive stages of infection. Initial infection occurred in epithelia of the filtering organs (gill, palp, water tubes) and spread into connective tissue where hyaline hemocytes infiltrated. Intermediate infection was characterized by local infection and infiltration of connective tissue in and adjacent to epithelia of gill, palp, esophagus, stomach, gut, diverticula, and gonadal alveoli. Advanced infection was recognized by the general invasion and infiltration of connective tissue and the circulatory system by hyaline hemocytes. Terminal infections showed histologically massive pyknosis of nuclei and necrosis of tissues before outward signs of death were apparent. Remission of the disease was recognized by diminution of infection intensity and infiltration; localization of parasites near external epithelia; increased pigment cell formation; and diapedesis and deposition of necrotic parasites and tissue against the shell, followed by external conchiolinous encapsulation. Death from M. nelsoni disease may be attributed in part to seasonal environmental or physiologic stresses, which infected oysters, weakened and in poor condition due to the pathologic manifestations of the disease, are unable to tolerate. The gross pathologic signs of disease were: pale digestive gland, poor condition, mantle recession, weakness, and conchiolinous shell depositions. The microscopic signs were: diapedesis, relative decrease in numbers of phagocytes; relative increase in numbers of hyaline hemocytes; phagocytosis, fibrosis, cellular infiltration, abscess, ulceration, excessive pigment cell formation, mechanical disruption, pyknosis, and necrosis.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Minchinia nelsoni disease in oysters (Crassostrea virginica) from Marumsco Bar, Pocomoke Sound, Maryland (an estuarine tributary of Chesapeake Bay) was studied for 8 years (1961–68) to determine epizootiologic relationships concerning life cycle of the parasite, pathologic effects on the host, and effects of physical factors on population density and recruitment of the host and parasite. The study period covered pre-epizootic, epizootic, and post-epizootic disease conditions. Data on the native oyster population as well as annual introductions of previously unexposed, susceptible populations of juvenile oysters from 1965–68 were included. Salinity, water temperature, mortality, prevalence, incidence, life cycle stages, gross pathology, and histopathologic relationships were observed. Mortality was high (45–55% per year) during the first 3 years of the study; however, M. nelsoni prevalences were low (> 25%) and did not clearly imply a cause and effect relationship. Drought conditions that began in the summer of 1963 and continued through 1967 caused higher salinities, and apparently initiated epizootic disease in the native oyster population. The epizootic peaked in May 1965 with a diagnosed prevalence in native oysters of 70%. Enzootic levels of annual mortality (40% in 1966, 30% in 1967, and 2% in 1968) and fall prevalence (16%, 24%, and 4%) developed after that time. Introduced populations had a typical epizootiologic pattern in 1965 (55% annual mortality, 82% incidence) and 1966 (55% annual mortality, 66% incidence) which declined in 1967 (30% annual mortality, 44% incidence) followed by a disappearance of the disease in 1968. Epizootiologic differences noted between native oysters (adult and juvenile) and the introduced juvenile populations were also evident from the stages of the disease. Infections in native animals tended to be less serious, and in many cases were delayed or attenuated, while infections in introduced oysters progressed to advanced or terminal phases. Occult manifestations (mantle recession thought to be due to M. nelsoni in oysters not showing histologic evidence of infection) were absent in introduced populations and common in the native population. These differences are interpreted as evidence of resistance in surviving native oysters and their progeny, and may indicate genetic resistance developed by natural selection and manifested by an increased ability to survive and overcome infection.  相似文献   

Twelve years after the haplosporidian parasite Minchinia nelsoni erupted causing severe epizootics of oysters in lower Chesapeake Bay, regular patterns of mortalities and disease prevalence persisted. Distribution changed with salinity and weather patterns, but in mesohaline areas (about 15–25 ‰) infective pressure remained high and relatively stable despite scarcity of oysters.Susceptible disease-free oytsers from low-salinity areas of the James River, the major seed area in Virginia, were transplanted annually to disease-prevalent areas for monitoring in trays. Mortalities were usually over 50% the first year and almost as high in the second year. Prevalences of the pathogen, called MSX, ranged from 35 to 50% in live oysters. Seasonal patterns of disease activity are depicted from 1960 through 1971, and they exhibit exceptional regularity for open-water conditions. Source and history of oysters, and timing of exposure are important variables that affect disease activity as well as size and age. The disease caused by MSX appears to be not contagious in trays.The patterns of disease and mortality obtained from susceptible wild oysters without previous exposure provided a basis for evaluating other stocks including genetic strains selected for disease resistance.  相似文献   

Haplosporidan parasites of oysters have been reported from four continents. Those of the generalMinchinia, Haplosporidium, andMarteilia, which cause serious diseases of oysters, have been intensively studied. Epizootiology of these highly pathogenic species is well known. Life cycles are obscure for all haplosporidans because artificial infections have not been achieved. The high pathogenicity of newly-discovered haplosporidan diseases to native oysters in eastern North America and western Europe may indicate that these are exotic pathogens parasitizing susceptible oysters not previously exposed to these disease agents. Epizootiology of two haplosporidan pathogens along the middle Atlantic Coast of North America during 25 years of disease activity is discussed.Haplosporidium nelsoni sporulates only rarely and its life cycle remains unconfirmed. Resistant oysters were developed in nature and from laboratory breeding.Haplosporidium costale which causes Seaside Disease in high-salinity waters appears to be a more acclimated disease with regular patterns of infection and mortality. Several minor parasites whose life cycles and host species need more study are mentioned.Contribution No. 1147. Virginia Institute of Marine Science; Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the Haplosporidia has confounded taxonomists for more than a century because of the unique morphology of these parasites. We collected DNA sequence data for small subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA and actin genes from haplosporidians and other protists for conducting molecular phylogenetic analyses to help elucidate relationships of taxa within the group, as well as placement of this group among Eukaryota. Analyses were conducted using DNA sequence data from more than 100 eukaryotic taxa with various combinations of data sets including nucleotide sequence data for each gene separately and combined, as well as SSU ribosomal DNA data combined with translated actin amino acids. In almost all analyses, the Haplosporidia was sister to the Cercozoa with moderate bootstrap and jackknife support. Analysis with actin amino acid sequences alone grouped haplosporidians with the foraminiferans and cercozoans. The haplosporidians Minchinia and Urosporidium were found to be monophyletic, whereas Haplosporidium was paraphyletic. "Microcell" parasites, Bonamia spp. and Mikrocytos roughleyi, were sister to Minchinia, the most derived genus, with Haplosporidium falling between the "microcells" and the more basal Urosporidium. Two recently discovered parasites, one from abalone in New Zealand and another from spot prawns in British Columbia, fell at the base of the Haplosporidia with very strong support, indicating a taxonomic affinity to this group.  相似文献   

Spore ornamentation of Haplosporidium nelsoni and Haplosporidium costale was determined by scanning electron microscopy. For H. nelsoni, the spore surface was covered with individual ribbons that were tightly bound together and occurred as a single sheet. In some spores, this layer was overlaid with a network of branching fibers, about 0.05 microm in diameter, which often was dislodged from the spore at the aboral pole. For H. costale, ornamentation consisted of a sparse network of branching fibers on the spore surface. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the phylum Haplosporidia revealed that Urosporidium, Bonamia, and Minchinia were monophyletic but that Haplosporidium was paraphyletic. All species of Minchinia have ornamentation composed of epispore cytoplasm, supporting the monophyly of this genus. The presence of spores with a hinged operculum and spore wall-derived ornamentation in Bonamia perspora confounds the distinction between Bonamia and Haplosporidium. Species with ornamentation composed of outer spore wall material and attached to the spore wall do not form a monophyletic group in the molecular phylogenetic analysis. These results suggest that the widely accepted practice of assigning all species with spore wall-derived ornamentation to Haplospordium cannot be supported and that additional genera are needed in which to place some species presently assigned to Haplosporidium.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A new species of ascetosporan parasitizing tissues of woodboring mollusks of the genus Teredo , including T. navalis Linnaeus, T. furcifera von Martens, and T. bartschi Clapp, is described from light and transmission electron microscopical observations. The new species is assigned the name Minchinia teredinis sp. n. (Phylum Ascetospora, Class Stellatosporea, Order Balanosporida, Family Haplosporidiidae). Plasmodia, sporonts, sporocysts, and mature spores are found in all host tissues, but primarily in the gill. Spores are obovate, operculate, and characterized by four projections from the epispore membrane. The species is found from Long Island Sound to Virginia on the east coast of the United States. The parasite causes extensive damage to host tissues and is correlated with reductions in host populations.  相似文献   

Between 1957 and 1959, a previously unknown sporozoan parasite, now designated as Haplosporidium nelsoni (formerly Minchinia nelsoni), or MSX, killed 90–95% of the oysters in lower Delaware Bay. Native oysters have been studied for more than 20 years since then to determine long-term disease and mortality patterns resulting from this host-parasite association. Development of resistance to MSX-kill in native oysters has reduced disease mortality to about half the original level, even though the pathogen continues to be very active in the bay. Since the initial epizootic, MSX levels have fluctuated in a cyclic pattern with peaks every 6 to 8 years. Periods of low disease pressure follow very cold winters, while average or above average winter temperatures correlate with high MSX activity. During peak years, every oyster in the lower bay may become infected. Although the parasite is salinity limited, salinities in the lower bay, the area from which oysters are marketed, are nearly always favorable for MSX, and fluctuations in river flow have almost no effect on MSX in this region. Infection periods recur each summer. Some oysters die soon after becoming infected; others survive through winter, but die in spring as the pathogen compounds normal overwinter stresses. Many survivors are able to suppress or rid themselves of infections when temperatures approach 20°C in late spring. Resistance to MSX-kill in native oysters is not correlated with an ability to prevent infection, but with restriction of parasites to localized, nonlethal lesions. The persistence of “hot spots” for infection in areas where oysters are sparse, the lack of spores in infected oysters, and failure to transmit the disease experimentally lead to the hypothesis that an alternate or reservoir host produces infective stages of MSX.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii has recently been recognized to be widely prevalent in the marine environment. It has previously been determined that Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) can remove sporulated T. gondii oocysts from seawater and that oocysts retain their infectivity for mice. This study examined the long-term survival of T. gondii oocysts in oysters and examined how efficient oysters were at removing oocysts from seawater. Oysters in 76-L aquaria (15 oysters per aquarium) were exposed to 1 x 10(6) oocysts for 24 hr and examined at intervals up to 85 days postexposure (PE). Ninety percent (9 of 10) of these oysters were positive on day 1 PE using mouse bioassay. Tissue cysts were observed in 1 of 2 mice fed tissue from oysters exposed 21 days previously. Toxoplasma gondii antibodies were found in 2 of 3 mice fed oysters that had been exposed 85 days previously. In another study, groups of 10 oysters in 76-L aquaria were exposed to 1 x 10(5), 5 x 10(4), or 1 x 10(4) sporulated T. gondii oocysts for 24 hr and then processed for bioassay in mice. All oysters exposed to 1 x 10(5) oocysts were infected, and 60% of oysters exposed to 5 x 10(4) oocysts were positive when fed to mice. The studies with exposure to 1 x 10(4) oocysts were repeated twice, and 10 and 25% of oysters were positive when fed to mice. These studies indicate that T. gondii can survive for several months in oysters and that oysters can readily remove T. gondii oocysts from seawater. Infected filter feeders may serve as a source of T. gondii for marine mammals and possibly humans.  相似文献   

Activity was found for chitinase and chitobiase in the crystalline styles of American oysters (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin) collected from the Chesapeake Bay (Maryland, USA). The oysters were maintained in tanks on natural food from a constant flow of unfiltered estuarine water. Chitinase and chitobiase specific activities were compared with total, viable, and chitinoclastic bacterial counts andCristispira counts. Regression analyses revealed that one correlation, chitobiase vsCristispira, was significant (P < 0.05). Several oysters were fed chitin in the presence or absence of chloramphenicol. Although no chitinoclasts were present in the antibiotic-treated oysters, the treatment means did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) for either chitinase or chitobiase activity. In several cases with both chitin-fed and naturally fed oysters, enzyme activity was found when noCristispira were present. The results of the investigations suggest that the oyster produces chitinase and chitobiase endogenously.  相似文献   

Oysters collected in late winter, when they were free of Vibrio vulnificus, were exposed in the organism in the laboratory. The oysters effectively concentrated the bacteria from seawater, but when the inoculum was removed, the bacteria were rapidly cleared from the oyster tissues. These results suggest that V. vulnificus may be found in oysters as a result of filtration of the bacteria from seawater rather than active multiplication of the bacteria in the oysters.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of haplosporidan spores from Teredo navalis and T. furcifera revealed 4 distinct membrane-bound extensions, 1 apical extension opposite the opercular hinge, 1 terminal and 2 opposing lateral extensions. These extensions were not continuous with the spore wall, but contained microtubule-like structures and degrading epispore cytoplasm. No other known species in the family Haplosporidiidae is characterized by spores possessing four epispore extensions. There are currently two genera in this family, Minchinia and Haplosporidium. The genus Minchinia includes spores such as those of M. chitonis which bear two epispore cytoplasm extensions. Spores of the genus Haplosporidium have been characterized by spore wall derived filaments. A 3rd group of haplosporidan species with spores ornamented by wrappings have traditionally also been assigned to the genus Haplosporidium. Based on the presence of epispore cytoplasm extensions rather than spore wall filaments, the haplosporidan of Teredo spp. can be placed in the genus Minchinia.  相似文献   

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