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Bryostatins are a family of protein kinase C modulators that have potential applications in biomedicine. Found in miniscule quantities in a small marine invertebrate, lack of supply has hampered their development. In recent years, bryostatins have been shown to have potent bioactivity in the central nervous system, an uncultivated marine bacterial symbiont has been shown to be the likely natural source of the bryostatins, the bryostatin biosynthetic genes have been identified and characterized, and bryostatin analogues with promising biological activity have been developed and tested. Challenges in the development of bryostatins for biomedical and biotechnological application include the cultivation of the bacterial symbiont and heterologous expression of bryostatin biosynthesis genes. Continued exploration of the biology as well as the symbiotic origin of the bryostatins presents promising opportunities for discovery of additional bryostatins, and new functions for bryostatins.  相似文献   

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《Biotechnology advances》2017,35(6):832-844
The history of transgenesis is marked by milestones such as the development of cellular transdifferentiation, recombinant DNA, genetic modification of target cells, and finally, the generation of simpler genetically modified organisms (e.g. bacteria and mice). The first transgenic fish was developed in 1984, and since then, continuing technological advancements to improve gene transfer have led to more rapid, accurate, and efficient generation of transgenic animals. Among the established methods are microinjection, electroporation, lipofection, viral vectors, and gene targeting. Here, we review the history of animal transgenesis, with an emphasis on fish, in conjunction with major developments in genetic engineering over the past few decades. Importantly, spermatogonial stem cell modification and transplantation are two common techniques capable of revolutionizing the generation of transgenic fish. Furthermore, we discuss recent progress and future biotechnological prospects of fish transgenesis, which has strong applications for the aquaculture industry. Indeed, some transgenic fish are already available in the current market, validating continued efforts to improve economically important species with biotechnological advancements.  相似文献   

Singh B  Gautam SK  Verma V  Kumar M  Singh B 《Anaerobe》2008,14(3):138-144
Microbial metagenomics---the applications of the genomics suit of technologies to nonculturable microorganisms, is coming of age. These approaches can be used for the screening and identification of nonculturable gastrointestinal (GI) microflora for assessing and exploiting them in nutrition and the health of the host. Advances in technologies designed to access this wealth of genetic information through environmental nucleic acids extraction and analysis have provided the means of overcoming the limitations of conventional culture-dependent microbial genetic exploitation. The molecular techniques and bioinformatics tools will result in reliable insights into the animals' GI microbial structure and activity of the livestock gut microbes in relation to functional interactions, temporal and spatial relationships among different microbial consortia and dietary ingredients. Further developments and applications of these methods promise to provide the opportunity to link distribution and identity of various GI microbes in their natural habitats, and explore their use for promoting livestock health and industrial development.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Eclipta prostrata belongs to a family of medicinal plants (Asteraceae) and plays a role in the treatment of several diseases, including infectious...  相似文献   

Gluconobacter oxydans: its biotechnological applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gluconobacter oxydans is a gram-negative bacterium belonging to the family Acetobacteraceae. G. oxydans is an obligate aerobe, having a respiratory type of metabolism using oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor. Gluconobacter strains flourish in sugary niches e.g. ripe grapes, apples, dates, garden soil, baker's soil, honeybees, fruit, cider, beer, wine. Gluconobacter strains are non-pathogenic towards man and other animals but are capable of causing bacterial rot of apples and pears accompanied by various shades of browning. Several soluble and particulate polyol dehydrogenases have been described. The organism brings about the incomplete oxidation of sugars, alcohols and acids. Incomplete oxidation leads to nearly quantitative yields of the oxidation products making G. oxydans important for industrial use. Gluconobacter strains can be used industrially to produce L-sorbose from D-sorbitol; D-gluconic acid, 5-keto- and 2-ketogluconic acids from D-glucose; and dihydroxyacetone from glycerol. It is primarily known as a ketogenic bacterium due to 2,5-diketogluconic acid formation from D-glucose. Extensive fermentation studies have been performed to characterize its direct glucose oxidation, sorbitol oxidation, and glycerol oxidation. The enzymes involved have been purified and characterized, and molecular studies have been performed to understand these processes at the molecular level. Its possible application in biosensor technology has also been worked out. Several workers have explained its basic and applied aspects. In the present paper, its different biotechnological applications, basic biochemistry and molecular biology studies are reviewed.  相似文献   

Tyrosinases are type-3 copper proteins involved in the initial step of melanin synthesis. These enzymes catalyse both the o-hydroxylation of monophenols and the subsequent oxidation of the resulting o-diphenols into reactive o-quinones, which evolve spontaneously to produce intermediates, which associate in dark brown pigments. In fungi, tyrosinases are generally associated with the formation and stability of spores, in defence and virulence mechanisms, and in browning and pigmentation. First characterized from the edible mushroom Agaricus bisporus because of undesirable enzymatic browning problems during postharvest storage, tyrosinases were found, more recently, in several other fungi with relevant insights into molecular and genetic characteristics and into reaction mechanisms, highlighting their very promising properties for biotechnological applications. The limit of these applications remains in the fact that native fungal tyrosinases are generally intracellular and produced in low quantity. This review compiles the recent data on biochemical and molecular properties of fungal tyrosinases, underlining their importance in the biotechnological use of these enzymes. Next, their most promising applications in food, pharmaceutical and environmental fields are presented and the bioengineering approaches used for the development of tyrosinase-overproducing fungal strains are discussed.  相似文献   

Biotechnological approaches to practical production of biological protein-based adhesives have had limited success over the last several decades. Broader efforts to produce recombinant adhesive proteins may have been limited by early disappointments. More recent synthetic polymer approaches have successfully replicated some aspects of natural underwater adhesives. For example, synthetic polymers, inspired by mussels, containing the catecholic functional group of 3,4-L-dihydroxyphenylalanine adhere strongly to wet metal oxide surfaces. Synthetic complex coacervates inspired by the Sandcastle worm are water-borne adhesives that can be delivered underwater without dispersing. Synthetic approaches offer several advantages, including versatile chemistries and scalable production. In the future, more sophisticated mimetic adhesives may combine synthetic copolymers with recombinant or agriculture-derived proteins to better replicate the structural and functional organization of natural adhesives.  相似文献   

王端  叶健 《生物资源》2020,42(1):1-8
病毒作为地球上最简单的生命形式,通过感染人、动物和植物等寄主产生传染性疾病。与其他微生物相比,病毒具有基因组小、复制量大、遗传操作简单等特点,具有很强的生物资源属性。过去几十年,对植物病毒的研究主要集中于解析其致病机制、植物的抗性机制及如何防控植物病害。但是随着研究的深入及概念的革新,人们发现植物病毒还具有很强的生物资源属性。随着分子生物学以及基因组、转录组、蛋白组学等技术的发展,越来越多的植物病毒被发现、改造和利用。本综述着重围绕植物病毒的资源属性与病毒载体的改造利用及其在生物工程方面的应用等最新研究进展,讨论其广泛的应用前景,挖掘其资源化的潜力。  相似文献   

Silymarin, a potential phytochemical compound obtained from the seeds of Silybum marianum plant has been used as a hepatoprotective agent for more than a decade. So far, eight active components of silymarin flavonolignans have been identified, among which silibinin has been proven the most active. However, it had poor oral bioavailability due to extensive phase II metabolism, low permeability across intestinal epithelial cells, low aqueous solubility, and rapid excretion in bile and urine. Therefore it becomes necessary to understand all its formulation and analytical aspects from past to present, including all of its possible future prospects. In modern research scenario, nanotization strategies of drugs has served as a potential approach to enhance solubility, bioavailability and to develop a robust formulation. Several approaches have been utilized previously to enhance the solubility and bioavailability of silymarin to provide it a robust strength against physical, chemical, and environmental degradation. Nanoscale formulations such as nanoemulsion, nanosuspension, liposomes, and solid–lipid nanoparticles can be used to enhance solubility and to target them to desired cells with minimum harm to normal cells. However, many other approaches exist such as dendrimers, ceramic nanoparticles, and carbon nanotubes, which serve as a great vehicle in drug delivery to transport medicament at target sites. Therefore, the purpose of this review was to develop a better understanding of the problems associated with silymarin and approaches to overcome the difficulties to develop a better and stable formulation for food and pharmaceutical applications.  相似文献   

Numerous enzymes of biotechnological importance have been immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) via random multipoint attachment, resulting in a heterogeneous protein population with potential reduction in activity due to restriction of substrate access to the active site. Several chemistries are now available, where the modifier can be linked to a single specific amino acid in a protein molecule away from the active-site, thus enabling free access of the substrate. However, rarely these site-selective approaches have been applied to immobilize enzymes on nanoparticles. In this review, for the first time, we illustrate how to adapt site-directed chemical modification (SDCM) methods for immobilizing enzymes on iron-based MNP. These strategies are mainly chemical but may additionally require genetic and enzymatic methods. We critically examine each method and evaluate their scope for simple, quick, efficient, mild and economical immobilization of enzymes on MNP. The improvements in the catalytic properties of few available examples of immobilized enzymes are also discussed. We conclude the review with the applications and future prospects of site-selectively modified magnetic enzymes and potential benefits of this technology in improving enzymes, including cold-adapted homologues, modular enzymes, and CO2-sequestering, as well as non-iron based nanomaterials.  相似文献   

Besides research on the model fungal genera Saccharomyces, Neurospora and Aspergillus, that has provided important biological knowledge in the areas of genetics, cell biology and physiology, recent investigations on non-model fungi used for food production offer insight into the mechanisms involved in food production but also adaptation and domestication processes. In this context, Penicillium roqueforti has been the most extensively studied species. This species is best known worldwide for its technological use for blue-veined cheese production and ripening. Recently, several advances related to taxonomy, population genetics, physiology and metabolism have been documented and provided deeper knowledge about this species. The methodological approaches used to study this species can be applied to other still largely understudied fungi associated with food production worldwide (e.g. P. camemberti, P. nalgiovense, P. salamii, Bisifusarium domesticum, Mucor spp.).  相似文献   

Fluorinated compounds are finding increasing uses in several applications. They are employed in almost all areas of modern society. These compounds are all produced by chemical synthesis and their abundance highly contrasts with fluorinated molecules of natural origin. To date, only some plants and a handful of actinomycetes species are known to produce a small number of fluorinated compounds that include fluoroacetate (FA), some ω-fluorinated fatty acids, nucleocidin, 4-fluorothreonine (4-FT), and the more recently identified (2R3S4S)-5-fluoro-2,3,4-trihydroxypentanoic acid. This largely differs from other naturally produced halogenated compounds, which totals more than 5000. The mechanisms underlying biological fluorination have been uncovered after discovering the first actinomycete species, Streptomyces cattleya, that is capable of producing FA and 4-FT, and a fluorinase has been identified as the enzyme responsible for the formation of the C–F bond. The discovery of this enzyme has opened new perspectives for the biotechnological production of fluorinated compounds and many advancements have been achieved in its application mainly as a biocatalyst for the synthesis of [18F]-labeled radiotracers for medical imaging. Natural fluorinated compounds may also be derived from abiogenic sources, such as volcanoes and rocks, though their concentrations and production mechanisms are not well known. This review provides an outlook of what is currently known about fluorinated compounds with natural origin. The paucity of these compounds and the biological mechanisms responsible for their production are addressed. Due to its relevance, special emphasis is given to the discovery, characterization and biotechnological potential of the unique fluorinase enzyme.  相似文献   

Cassava is the second most important staple food crop in terms of per capita calories consumed in Africa and holds potential for climate change adaptation. Unfortunately, productivity in East and Central Africa is severely constrained by two viral diseases: cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and cassava brown streak disease (CBSD). CBSD was first reported in 1936 from northeast Tanzania. For approximately 70 years, CBSD was restricted to coastal East Africa and so had a relatively low impact on food security compared with CMD. However, at the turn of the 21st century, CBSD re‐emerged further inland, in areas around Lake Victoria, and it has since spread through many East and Central African countries, causing high yield losses and jeopardizing the food security of subsistence farmers. This recent re‐emergence has attracted intense scientific interest, with studies shedding light on CBSD viral epidemiology, sequence diversity, host interactions and potential sources of resistance within the cassava genome. This review reflects on 80 years of CBSD research history (1936–2016) with a timeline of key events. We provide insights into current CBSD knowledge, management efforts and future prospects for improved understanding needed to underpin effective control and mitigation of impacts on food security.  相似文献   

Adhesion properties of microorganisms are crucial for many essential biological processes such as sexual reproduction, tissue or substrate invasion, biofilm formation and others. Most, if not all microbial adhesion phenotypes are controlled by factors such as nutrient availability or the presence of pheromones. One particular form of controlled cellular adhesion that occurs in liquid environments is a process of asexual aggregation of cells which is also referred to as flocculation. This process has been the subject of significant scientific and biotechnological interest because of its relevance for many industrial fermentation processes. Specifically adjusted flocculation properties of industrial microorganisms could indeed lead to significant improvements in the processing of biotechnological fermentation products such as foods, biofuels and industrially produced peptides. This review briefly summarises our current scientific knowledge on the regulation of flocculation-related phenotypes, their importance for different biotechnological industries, and possible future applications for microorganisms with improved flocculation properties.  相似文献   

Success in experiments and/or technology mainly depends on a properly designed process or product. The traditional method of process optimization involves the study of one variable at a time, which requires a number of combinations of experiments that are time, cost and labor intensive. The Taguchi method of design of experiments is a simple statistical tool involving a system of tabulated designs (arrays) that allows a maximum number of main effects to be estimated in an unbiased (orthogonal) fashion with a minimum number of experimental runs. It has been applied to predict the significant contribution of the design variable(s) and the optimum combination of each variable by conducting experiments on a real-time basis. The modeling that is performed essentially relates signal-to-noise ratio to the control variables in a 'main effect only' approach. This approach enables both multiple response and dynamic problems to be studied by handling noise factors. Taguchi principles and concepts have made extensive contributions to industry by bringing focused awareness to robustness, noise and quality. This methodology has been widely applied in many industrial sectors; however, its application in biological sciences has been limited. In the present review, the application and comparison of the Taguchi methodology has been emphasized with specific case studies in the field of biotechnology, particularly in diverse areas like fermentation, food processing, molecular biology, wastewater treatment and bioremediation.  相似文献   

Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.), which is a widely cultivated, important economic fruit crop with nutritive and medicinal importance, has emerged as a model horticultural crop in this post-genomic era. Apple cultivation is heavily dependent on climatic condition and is susceptible to several diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, insects, etc. Extensive research work has been carried out to standardize tissue culture protocols and utilize them in apple improvement. We review the in vitro shoot multiplication, rooting, transformation and regeneration methodologies in apple and tabulate various such protocols for easy reference. The utility and limitation of transgenesis in apple improvement have also been summarized. The concepts of marker-free plants, use of non-antibiotic resistance selectable markers, and cisgenic and intragenic approaches are highlighted. Furthermore, the limitations, current trends and future prospects of tissue culture-mediated biotechnological interventions in apple improvement are discussed.  相似文献   

Yeasts have a tradition in biotechnological applications, and Saccharomyces species are the most dominating representatives. Among the yeast species, Candida krusei has been isolated from different habitats, and in recent years, it has gained increased interest because of its diverse biotechnological role. It is found in many fermented food items and dairy products and has also been exploited for production of biochemicals and enzymes. However, because of its opportunistic pathogenic nature, it draws scientific attention regarding the safety of its industrial exploitation. Candida?krusei generally causes infections in immunocompromised patients, such as those suffering from Human immunodeficiency virus - acquired immune deficiency syndrome, and also in cancer patients. The recent increase in the use of immunosuppressive drugs has increased the chances of C.?krusei infections. Candida?krusei possesses an intrinsic resistance to many triazole antifungal drugs, especially fluconazole, which is a main drug used in antifungal therapy; therefore, there is serious concern regarding its safe industrial use.  相似文献   

Bacterial heme biosynthesis and its biotechnological application   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proteins carrying a prosthetic heme group are vital parts of bacterial energy conserving and stress response systems. They also mediate complex enzymatic reactions and regulatory processes. Here, we review the multistep biosynthetic pathway of heme formation including the enzymes involved and reaction mechanisms. Potential biotechnological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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