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Postsettled age 0 Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) seek refuge from predation in eelgrass (Zostera marina) habitat within shallow, coastal nurseries. Laboratory and field experiments have demonstrated that predation risk on small fish is reduced in habitats of greater structure compared to less complex or barren environs. To determine if predation risk is linked to the areal extent of eelgrass coverage, we tested the hypothesis that predation risk of age 0 cod decreases with increasing eelgrass patch size. Predation on tethered age 0 cod (G. morhua and G. ogac) was quantified in eelgrass patches (1-80 m2) at three sites in northeastern Newfoundland, Canada, during September and October 1999 and 2000. Based on evidence of edge effects in terrestrial landscapes, we also tested the hypothesis that predation is elevated at ecotones separating eelgrass from adjacent barren mud substrate. We examined predation at the edge (i.e., 0 m) and both 5 and 10 m from this edge into and away from eelgrass cover along an 18 m long barren mud-gravel and eelgrass boundary, at two sites. Logistic regression analysis showed that the risk of predation, as measured by the odds ratio, increased with area over a small range of patch sizes (1-35 m2 in 1999). When the study was extended to a wider range of patch sizes (1-80 m2) in 2000, a parabolic relationship emerged, with patches on the order of 25 m2 providing the least safety and the largest patches (80 m2) providing the most safety. Predation on tethered cod was highest at the edge of eelgrass patches, compared with barren and eelgrass locations; predation generally decreased with distance from the eelgrass boundary. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that predators are drawn to large patches of eelgrass because of increased prey numbers, that predators increase their success by searching edges, and that this results in greatest predation risk to prey in isolated patches of intermediate size.  相似文献   

Reductionism is a central issue in the philosophy of biology. One common objection to reduction is that molecular explanation requires reference to higher-level properties, which I refer to as the context objection. I respond to this objection by arguing that a well-articulated notion of a mechanism and what I term mechanism extension enables one to accommodate the context-dependence of biological processes within a reductive explanation. The existence of emergent features in the context could be raised as an objection to the possibility of reduction via this strategy. I argue that this objection can be overcome by showing that there is no tenable argument for the existence of emergent properties that are not susceptible to a reductive explanation.  相似文献   

斑块边缘效应的定量评价及其生态学意义   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
边缘效应是生态系统 (斑块 )边缘和生态过渡区所呈现出的生态效应。但由于景观性质、研究目标和斑块形状的变化 ,边缘效应影响的范围和程度差异较大。核心斑块与周边景观之间的相似性既可以增强边缘效应 ,也可以减弱边缘效应。正确理解和确定边缘效应的影响范围和程度直接关系到对野外环境观测数据的科学使用。许多情况下 ,由于未能正确认识一个生态系统(斑块 )的边缘效应 ,时常会将在边缘效应地区获得的数据与系统内部核心区的观测数据混淆使用 ,得出一些不科学的结论。边缘效应的定量评价对于进行科学的野外环境观测 ,及其在自然保护区功能区设计和生物多样性保护中具有重要意义。但如何定量评价生态系统 (斑块 )的边缘效应目前还缺乏科学有效的方法。从分析边缘效应的概念和影响因子出发 ,结合地理信息系统 ,提出了开展定量评价斑块边缘效应的方法 ,并探讨了定量研究边缘效应的生态学意义。  相似文献   

A decline in pollination function has been linked to agriculture expansion and intensification. In northwest Argentina, pollinator visits to grapefruit, a self-compatible but pollinator-dependent crop, decline by approximately 50% at 1km from forest edges. We evaluated whether this decrease in visitation also reduces the pollination service in this crop. We analysed the quantity and quality of pollen deposited on stigmas, and associated limitation of fruit production at increasing distances (edge: 10, 100, 500 and 1000m) from the remnants of Yungas forest. We also examined the quantitative and qualitative efficiency of honeybees as pollen vectors. Pollen receipt and pollen tubes in styles decreased with increasing distance from forest edge; however, this decline did not affect fruit production. Supplementation of natural pollen with self- and cross-pollen revealed that both pollen quantity and quality limited fruit production. Despite pollen limitation, honeybees cannot raise fruit production because they often do not deposit sufficient high-quality pollen per visit to elicit fruit development. However, declines in visitation frequency well below seven visits during a flower's lifespan could decrease production beyond current yields. In this context, the preservation of forest remnants, which act as pollinator sources, could contribute to resilience in crop production. Like wild plants, pollen limitation of the yield among animal-pollinated crops may be common and indicative not only of pollinator scarcity, but also of poor pollination quality, whereby pollinator efficiency, rather than just abundance, can play a broader role than previously appreciated.  相似文献   



Force generation and the material properties of cells and tissues are central to morphogenesis but remain difficult to measure in vivo. Insight is often limited to the ratios of mechanical properties obtained through disruptive manipulation, and the appropriate models relating stress and strain are unknown. The Drosophila amnioserosa epithelium progressively contracts over 3 hours of dorsal closure, during which cell apices exhibit area fluctuations driven by medial myosin pulses with periods of 1.5–6 min. Linking these two timescales and understanding how pulsatile contractions drive morphogenetic movements is an urgent challenge.


We present a novel framework to measure in a continuous manner the mechanical properties of epithelial cells in the natural context of a tissue undergoing morphogenesis. We show that the relationship between apicomedial myosin fluorescence intensity and strain during fluctuations is consistent with a linear behaviour, although with a lag. We thus used myosin fluorescence intensity as a proxy for active force generation and treated cells as natural experiments of mechanical response under cyclic loading, revealing unambiguous mechanical properties from the hysteresis loop relating stress to strain. Amnioserosa cells can be described as a contractile viscoelastic fluid. We show that their emergent mechanical behaviour can be described by a linear viscoelastic rheology at timescales relevant for tissue morphogenesis. For the first time, we establish relative changes in separate effective mechanical properties in vivo. Over the course of dorsal closure, the tissue solidifies and effective stiffness doubles as net contraction of the tissue commences. Combining our findings with those from previous laser ablation experiments, we show that both apicomedial and junctional stress also increase over time, with the relative increase in apicomedial stress approximately twice that of other obtained measures.


Our results show that in an epithelial tissue undergoing net contraction, stiffness and stress are coupled. Dorsal closure cell apical contraction is driven by the medial region where the relative increase in stress is greater than that of stiffness. At junctions, by contrast, the relative increase in the mechanical properties is the same, so the junctional contribution to tissue deformation is constant over time. An increase in myosin activity is likely to underlie, at least in part, the change in medioapical properties and we suggest that its greater effect on stress relative to stiffness is fundamental to actomyosin systems and confers on tissues the ability to regulate contraction rates in response to changes in external mechanics.

More realistic approaches are needed to understand the complexity of ecological systems. Emergent properties of real systems can be used as a basis for a new, neither reductionist nor holistic, approach. Three systems, termed here BUBBLEs, WAVEs and CRYSTALs, have been identified as exhibiting emergent properties. They are non-hierarchical assemblages of individual components, with amplification and connectedness being two main principles that govern their build-up, maintenance and mutual relationships. Examples from various fields of biological and ecological science are referred to, ranging from individual organisms to landscapes.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts are common in many arid and semi-arid regions and they can alter microenvironments which are likely to directly and indirectly influence vascular plant establishment. The effect of biological soil crusts on germination is also influenced by the biological characteristics of the seeds themselves but rarely have the effects of both crust type and seed morphology on germination been examined in the same study. In this study, seed of five semi-arid woodland species with contrasting seed morphology were sown on top of patch types that commonly occur in natural woodlands (foliose lichen, short-turf moss, tree leaf litter, disturbed crust) and their emergence was followed. Percent germination varied between patch types and, for the largest-seeded species (Maireana excavata), final germination was significantly lower on the biological soil crust and litter patch types because they strongly acted as a physical barrier to seed penetration into the soil. The remaining four species showed no significant differences in final percent germination with patch type because most seeds either completely or partially penetrated the surface layer. Germination time courses, however, showed that biological soil crusts delayed the timing of germination of these species. Hence, soil crusts might differentially affect the spatial patterning of species in semi-arid woodlands by their subtle influence on seedling emergence that is determined by differences in seed morphology and subsequent positioning within crusts.  相似文献   

Emergent properties of conspecific attraction in fragmented landscapes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Attraction to conspecifics may have wide-ranging implications for habitat selection and metapopulation theory, yet little is known about the process of attraction and its effects relative to other habitat selection strategies. Using individual-based simulations, I investigated the emergent properties of conspecific attraction during habitat selection on survival, fecundity, short-term fitness (survival x fecundity), and distributions in fragmented landscapes. I simulated conspecific attraction during searching and settlement decisions and compared attraction with random, habitat-based (searching for the presence of habitat), and habitat quality sampling strategies (searching for and settling in high-quality habitat). Conspecific attraction during searching or settlement decisions had different consequences for animals: attraction while searching increased survival by decreasing time spent in nonsuitable habitat, whereas attraction during settlement increased fecundity by aggregating animals in high-quality habitats. Habitat-based sampling did not improve fitness over attraction, but directly sampling habitat quality resulted in the highest short-term fitness among strategies. These results suggest that attraction can improve fitness when animals cannot directly assess habitat quality. Interestingly, conspecific attraction influenced distributions by generating patch size effects and weak edge effects, highlighting that attraction is one potential, yet previously unappreciated, mechanism to explain the widespread patterns of animal sensitivity to habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Emergent properties of electrically coupled smooth muscle cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Asynchronous and synchronous calcium oscillations occur in a variety of cells. A well-established pathway for intercellular communication is provided by gap junctions which connect adjacent cells and can mediate electrical and chemical coupling. Several experimental studies report that cells presenting only a transient increase when freshly dispersed may oscillate when they are coupled. Such observations suggest that the role of gap junctions is not only to coordinate calcium oscillations of adjacent cells. Gap junctions may also be important to generate oscillations. Here we illustrate the emergent properties of electrically coupled smooth muscle cells using a model that we recently proposed. A bifurcation analysis in the case of two cells reveals that synchronous and asynchronous calcium oscillations can be induced by electrical coupling. In a larger population of smooth muscle cells, electrical coupling may result in the creation of groups of cells presenting synchronous calcium oscillations. The elements of one group may be distant from each other. Moreover, our results highlight a general mechanism by which gap junctional electrical coupling can give rise to out of phase calcium oscillations in smooth muscle cells that are non-oscillating when uncoupled. All these observations remain true in the case of non-identical cells, except that the solution corresponding to synchronous calcium oscillations disappears and that the formation of groups is sensitive to the degree of heterogeneity. The first two authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Plants respond to herbivore damage by inducing defences that can affect the abundance of herbivores and predators. These tritrophic interactions may be influenced by heterogeneity in plant neighbourhood.
2. In the present study, the effects of induced responses on the abundance of herbivores (flea beetles and aphids), omnivores (pirate bugs and thrips), and predators (lady beetles and spiders) on individual plants and their neighbours between and within patches composed of three tomato plants was investigated.
3. Herbivore damage was manipulated to create homogeneous patches where either all or none of the plants had defences induced by herbivore damage, and heterogeneous patches where only one of the plants was induced.
4. Arthropod abundance on plants at different scales was compared by testing between patch effects (patch level), for neighbourhood effects at the plant phenotype level (neighbourhood level), and between near and far plants (within patch position).
5. At the patch level , plants in homogeneously induced patches contained fewer flea beetles and pirate bugs, but more lady beetles, compared with homogeneously non-induced patches. There was no effect of patch type on the abundance of aphids, thrips, and spiders on plants.
6. At the neighbourhood level , induced plants in heterogeneous patches contained more flea beetles and pirate bugs compared with induced plants in homogeneous patches, indicating that the abundance of some herbivores and omnivores on induced plants varied depending on the phenotype of the other plants within the patch. Within patch position, there was no evidence that the abundance of herbivores or predators on non-induced plants was affected by proximity to an induced plant.
7. Therefore, variation in plant neighbourhood generated by induced plant responses affected the abundance of three arthropods from three feeding guilds.  相似文献   

Many herbivore species prefer to forage on patches of intermediate biomass. Plant quality and forage efficiency are predicted to decrease with increasing plant standing crop which explains the lower preference of the herbivore. However, often is ignored that on the long-term, plant species composition is predicted to change with increasing plant standing crop. The amount of low-quality, unpreferred food plants increases with increasing plant standing crop. In the present study the effects of unpreferred plants on patch choice and distribution of European brown hare in a salt-marsh system were studied. In one experiment, unpreferred plants were removed from plots. In the second experiment, plots were planted with different densities of an unpreferred artificial plant. Removal of unpreferred plants increased hare-grazing pressure more than fivefold compared to unmanipulated plots. Planting of unpreferred plants reduced hare-grazing pressure, with a significant reduction of grazing already occurring at low unpreferred plant density. Spatial distribution of hares within this salt-marsh system was related to spatial arrangement of unpreferred plants. Hare-grazing intensity decreased strongly with increasing abundance of unpreferred plants despite a high abundance of principal food plants. The results of this study indicate that plant species replacement is an important factor determining patch choice and spatial distribution of hares next to changing plant quality. Increasing abundance of unpreferred plant species can strengthen the decreasing patch quality with increasing standing crop and can decrease grazing intensity when preferred food plants are still abundantly present.  相似文献   

The interplay between anatomical connectivity and dynamics in neural networks plays a key role in the functional properties of the brain and in the associated connectivity changes induced by neural diseases. However, a detailed experimental investigation of this interplay at both cellular and population scales in the living brain is limited by accessibility. Alternatively, to investigate the basic operational principles with morphological, electrophysiological and computational methods, the activity emerging from large in vitro networks of primary neurons organized with imposed topologies can be studied. Here, we validated the use of a new bio-printing approach, which effectively maintains the topology of hippocampal cultures in vitro and investigated, by patch-clamp and MEA electrophysiology, the emerging functional properties of these grid-confined networks. In spite of differences in the organization of physical connectivity, our bio-patterned grid networks retained the key properties of synaptic transmission, short-term plasticity and overall network activity with respect to random networks. Interestingly, the imposed grid topology resulted in a reinforcement of functional connections along orthogonal directions, shorter connectivity links and a greatly increased spiking probability in response to focal stimulation. These results clearly demonstrate that reliable functional studies can nowadays be performed on large neuronal networks in the presence of sustained changes in the physical network connectivity.  相似文献   

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