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In 1994 and 1995, 131 visual censuses of reef fishes were made using the stationary sampling method in Courtown, Albuquerque, Serrana and Roncador, four atolls of the Archipelago of San Andrés and Old Providence in the Southwestern Caribbean. Fish species and their abundances were recorded in four geomorphologic zones: lagoon, windward barrier reef, windward terrace and forereef terrace. A total of 98 species were censused; the most abundant were Chromis cyanea (14%), Clepticus parra (14%) and Stegastes partitus (10%). The most abundant families were Pomacentridae (37%), Labridae (28%) and Scaridae (10%). Analysis of similarities showed that differences between zones were greater than differences between atolls, but lagoon and forereef terrace were not significantly different. Cluster and ordination analysis confirmed these results; in addition, the ordination analysis placed the groups according to depth and wave-exposure gradients, suggesting that these two physical variables were responsibles for the clustering. Differences in equitability and species richness appear also due to these variables. Inverse analysis showed in each group few characteristic species, then the differences between zones were due specially to dominance of some species. The dominant trophic categories were planktivorous and herbivorous that were significantly different between zones. In shallow zones (shallow lagoonal patch reefs) and high wave-exposed zones (winward barrier reef) dominated herbivorous fishes, while in deeper zones (terraces and deep lagoonal patch reefs) planktivorous were more abundant.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - Threatened globally, mangrove forests provide many ecosystem services, including blue carbon storage. These forests, and the services that they provide, are...  相似文献   

Five species of higher marine fungi were observed on the incubated drift and intertidal woods collected from the coasts of Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. Among them, Halosphaeriopsis was a genus newly recorded for China. Taxonomy and morphology of these species were discussed in this paper. The specimens were deposited in Mycology Herbarium at Qingdao Agricultural University (MHQAU).  相似文献   

Although San José Island is considered one of the most important islands in the lower Gulf of California due to its commercial fishing activities, few studies have evaluated their fish taxonomic diversity. The aim of this study was to determine the variation in the taxonomic diversity of the conspicuous fish community in eight locations around San José Island from March 2001 to February 2002. We assessed the changes in the diversity of rocky reef fish based on the taxonomic distances between species, using Fisher’s alpha diversity index, average taxonomic distinctiveness (AvTD Δ+), and taxonomic distinctiveness (Δ*). Visual censuses were conducted in 48 transects consisting of 100?×?5?m quadrants (500?m2 sampling area) at an average depth of 5?m, from 09:00 to 16:00. A total of 26,608 fishes belonging to 112 species and 76 genera were found. The index of relative abundance was used to determine the most important species, which were in order of abundance: Abudefduf troschelii, Thalassoma lucasanum, Stegastes rectifraenum, Mulloidichthys dentatus, Chromis atrilobata, Lutjanus argentiventris, and Scarus ghobban. According to Fisher’s alpha diversity index, the highest diversity of species was found in July and the lowest in February. The indices of Δ+ and Δ* indicated significant temporal and spatial differences.  相似文献   

The Pacific jack Caranx caninus is a common species fished by artisanal fishermen off the coast of Colima, México. During 2002, monthly samples of morphometric data and otoliths were taken to determine age and growth. Seven age groups were identified. The highest growth, 14.4 cm, takes place during the first year of life. During the second year, C caninus grows 11.76 cm; the third year 9.61 cm; the fourth 7.85 cm; the fifth 6.41 cm and sixth year 5.24 cm. The constants of von Bertalanffy's growth equation were: L(infinity) = 83.26 cm, W(infinity) = 18.138 g, K = 0.202, t(0) = -0.283 and A(0.95) = 15 years. Growth curves of other species of the same genus were calculated in order to compare them with the one obtained in the present work. The gonadosomatic index presented higher values during November and May. The periods of more intensive feeding are from August to February.  相似文献   

Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) chetumalensis n. sp. is described from the stomach and intestine of the Mayan sea catfish Ariopsis assimilis (Günther, 1864), from the Bay of Chetumal, Quintana Roo, México. It is characterized by bifurcate deirids; males have 3 pairs of preanal papillae, 6 pairs of postanal papillae, 2 pairs of transverse elongate adanal papillae surrounding the cloacal aperture, wide caudal alae, spicules of unequal length, and a gubernaculum, and females have a rounded tail bearing a digit-like process terminating in 2 spines. This is the seventh Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) species reported from fishes in Mexico and the first one recorded in sea catfishes of the Ariidae.  相似文献   

A steroidal saponin has been isolated from the roots of Taccachanteraeri Andre', a folk medicine in Yunnan, which identified as diosgenin 3β-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)- O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-( 1 → 3 )-O-β-D-glucopyranoside ( 1 ) with stigmasterol (2) and daucosterin (3). Our studies support I. H. Burkill and A. Takhtajan's idea according to which Taccaceae would be the closest to Dioscoreaceae and be included in Liliales.  相似文献   

Eating disorders have been associated with developing nations undergoing rapid social transition, including participation in a global market economy and heavy media exposure. San Andrés, Belize, a community with many risk factors associated with the cross-cultural development of eating disorders, has shown remarkable resistance to previously documented patterns, despite a local focus on female beauty. Drawing on longitudinal person-centered ethnography with adolescent girls, this article examines why this community appears exceptional in light of the literature. First, community beauty and body image ideals and practices are explicated. Then, a protective ethnopsychology is proposed as a key mediating factor of the rapid socio-cultural change among young women. Finally, possible nascent cases of eating disordered behavior are discussed in light of their unique phenomenology: that is, having to do more with economic opportunity in the tourism industry and less with personal distress or desire for thinness. Close, meaning-centered examination of eating and body image practices may aid understanding and prevention of eating disorders among adolescents undergoing rapid social change in situations of globalization and immigration.  相似文献   

San Pedro River's wetlands sustain trophic nets in the fluvial system, due to the high habitat availability, and space and temporal variations. In order to describe the relationship between environmental parameters and ichthyofauna, this study evaluated fish assemblages composition, distribution, abundance, density, biomass, richness species, diversity and equitability in the wetlands. Sampling considered three different sites and climatic seasons (dry, rainy and cold fronts). The physical and chemical parameters considered were dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, water transparency and the depth. Fishes were caught with a shrimp net, after six minutes towings and were identified afterwards. A total of 1 049 organisms of 25 fish species were caught, two of which were exotic species: Oreochromis niloticus and Parachromis managuense. A total of 23 species were found at site I (with the highest density 0.23 ind./m2), 17 at site II (0.23 ind./m2) and 14 at site III (0.12 ind./m2). The dry season had the highest species number with 21 species, followed by the rainy season with 17 species, and the cold season with five species. Similarly, the highest biomass (8.30 g/m2) was found in dry season, followed by the rainy (2.16 g/m2) and the cold seasons (0.03 g/m2). Considering seasons, highest density was found during the dry (0.436 ind./m2), followed by the rainy (0.213 ind./m2) and the cold (0.023 ind./m2) seasons. The dominant density species during the study period, according to the quadrants graphic of Olmstead-Tukey were: Petenia splendida, Vieja heterospila, Vieja synspila, Dorosoma petenense and Astyanax aeneus. There were significant differences in the species richness among sites. Temperature, depth and transparency showed differences among the seasons. The canonical correspondence analysis indicated that fish distribution was governed by environmental parameters during all seasons. In terms of fish abundance and composition, environmental parameters play an important role showing spatial and temporal differences in the ecosystem, this could be explained with the fact that most of young fishes have a movement behavior to the wetlands, searching refuge and feed during the dry season. Considering the diversity indexes variation, it may be concluded that San Pedro River's wetlands correspond to a system where the ichthyofauna composition fluctuates spatial and seasonally.  相似文献   

Anuran–prey selection might be mediated by traits, either by mismatches in predator and prey traits (preventing interactions) or by predator selection of prey traits (encouraging interactions). These effect traits could be summarized in two contrasting foraging strategies: “active” and “sit-and-wait” foragers. We evaluated whether anurans could be classified into groups of species sharing traits associated with their diet, and what is the relation between particular effect traits of anurans and their prey. We collected anurans and identified their stomach contents once during dry, minor, and major rain seasons in six dry forest sites in the Colombian Caribbean. For each of the 19 anuran species and 436 prey items, we registered six effect traits. We applied RLQ and fourth-corner methodologies to relate predator and prey traits through their interaction matrix. Predators were assigned to five groups according to their differences in locomotion, body shape, proportion of the jaw width, mode of tongue protrusion, and strata preferred. Regarding preys, species were assigned to four groups according to their gregariousness, body shape and hardness, defensive traits, and mobility. Body size of both, predators and prey, had a minor contribution in the group assignment. We found that predators using active search target low-mobility preys, whereas species using sit-and-wait strategy target highly nutritive prey that are difficult to manipulate. By linking amphibian diet with foraging strategies, we hope to contribute to the understanding of mechanisms behind anuran–prey food web patterns and to build more realistic models of functional response to changing environments.  相似文献   

Two sediment cores from the eastern coastal region of Marajó Island, Pará State, northern Brazil have been studied by pollen analysis to reconstruct late Holocene mangrove dynamics and environmental changes. Seven AMS radiocarbon dates provide time control. Mangrove vegetation became established at the Barra Velha site at about 2750 B.P. (2880 cal B.P.) and at the Praia do Pesqueiro site at about 650 B.P. (670 cal B.P.). Rhizophora was the dominant mangrove tree throughout the recorded period, while Avicennia and Laguncularia were rare. Existing remnants of the former coastal Amazon rain forest were replaced by mangrove in the Barra Velha area between about 2750 and 740 B.P. (2880–760 cal B.P.) and at Praia do Pesqueiro area between about 650 and 530 B.P. (670–540 cal B.P.), suggesting a rise in relative sea level or, alternatively, an increase in discharge from the river Amazon. Areas of coastal shrub and herb vegetation, the so-called restinga vegetation, also became slightly reduced during the late Holocene. The largest area of mangrove at the two sites suggests that the highest sea level was probably reached during the last 200–250 years. The only evidence of human activity at the two sites is an indication of cattle pastureland at the Barra Velha area during the last decades.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - In the original publication, the affiliation of second author and acknowledgements were incorrectly published. The correct affiliation and acknowledgements are...  相似文献   

Thirty-two 10 × 10 m2 quadrats were set up in four mangrove communities for the study of the niches of nine plants with horizontal and vertical resource sequences in Dawei Bay, Qi’ao Island, Zhuhai City. Generally, species diversities of natural mangroves were higher than those of plantations. The diversities decreased along sequence of substrate layer, shrub layer and tree layer in natural mangroves; and were highest on the shrub layer in plantations. At the horizontal resource sequence, the niche breadth varied 0.132–0.896 (B(sw)) and 0.120–0.693 (B(L)). The niche breadth of Acanthus ilicifolius and Aegiceras corniculatum were the highest and that of Spartina alterniflora was the lowest. At the vertical resource sequence, the niche breadth varied 0–0.400 (B(sw)) and 0.333–0.747 (B(L)). All the niche breadth values were the lowest except those of A. ilicifolius and A. corniculatum. The niche similarity of the populations varied 0–0.746 and 0–1.000 at the horizontal and vertical resource sequences, respectively. A. ilicifolius and A. corniculatum had niche overlap with all plants at the horizontal resource sequence, while the introduced Sonneratia caseolaris and Sonneratiaapetala had no such overlapping between six and five plants in the community, respectively. At the vertical resource sequence, A. ilicifolius and A. corniculatum had niche overlapping with all the populations. The more niche overlapping existed among the other populations. The results indicated that, currently, the mangrove plantation in Qi’ao Island had a simplex structure and composition of species. The status of plant populations’ niche was determined by the species selected and structure of afforestation. It is suggested to create forest gaps artificially and introduce Kandelia obovata saplings to reverse its current status of lower niche breadth, facilitate natural regeneration and spreading of A. corniculatum and A. ilicifolius, and accelerate the restoration process of natural mangrove. Simultaneously, the species matching and planting methods of mix stands should be emphasized in the future.  相似文献   

Thirty-two 10 × 10 m2 quadrats were set up in four mangrove communities for the study of the niches of nine plants with horizontal and vertical resource sequences in Dawei Bay, Qi’ao Island, Zhuhai City. Generally, species diversities of natural mangroves were higher than those of plantations. The diversities decreased along sequence of substrate layer, shrub layer and tree layer in natural mangroves; and were highest on the shrub layer in plantations. At the horizontal resource sequence, the niche breadth varied 0.132–0.896 (B(sw)) and 0.120–0.693 (B(L)). The niche breadth of Acanthus ilicifolius and Aegiceras corniculatum were the highest and that of Spartina alterniflora was the lowest. At the vertical resource sequence, the niche breadth varied 0–0.400 (B(sw)) and 0.333–0.747 (B(L)). All the niche breadth values were the lowest except those of A. ilicifolius and A. corniculatum. The niche similarity of the populations varied 0–0.746 and 0–1.000 at the horizontal and vertical resource sequences, respectively. A. ilicifolius and A. corniculatum had niche overlap with all plants at the horizontal resource sequence, while the introduced Sonneratia caseolaris and Sonneratiaapetala had no such overlapping between six and five plants in the community, respectively. At the vertical resource sequence, A. ilicifolius and A. corniculatum had niche overlapping with all the populations. The more niche overlapping existed among the other populations. The results indicated that, currently, the mangrove plantation in Qi’ao Island had a simplex structure and composition of species. The status of plant populations’ niche was determined by the species selected and structure of afforestation. It is suggested to create forest gaps artificially and introduce Kandelia obovata saplings to reverse its current status of lower niche breadth, facilitate natural regeneration and spreading of A. corniculatum and A. ilicifolius, and accelerate the restoration process of natural mangrove. Simultaneously, the species matching and planting methods of mix stands should be emphasized in the future.  相似文献   

Thirty-two 10 × 10 m2 quadrats were set up in four mangrove communities for the study of the niches of nine plants with horizontal and vertical resource sequences in Dawei Bay, Qi’ao Island, Zhuhai City. Generally, species diversities of natural mangroves were higher than those of plantations. The diversities decreased along sequence of substrate layer, shrub layer and tree layer in natural mangroves; and were highest on the shrub layer in plantations. At the horizontal resource sequence, the niche breadth varied 0.132–0.896 (B(sw)) and 0.120–0.693 (B(L)). The niche breadth of Acanthus ilicifolius and Aegiceras corniculatum were the highest and that of Spartina alterniflora was the lowest. At the vertical resource sequence, the niche breadth varied 0–0.400 (B(sw)) and 0.333–0.747 (B(L)). All the niche breadth values were the lowest except those of A. ilicifolius and A. corniculatum. The niche similarity of the populations varied 0–0.746 and 0–1.000 at the horizontal and vertical resource sequences, respectively. A. ilicifolius and A. corniculatum had niche overlap with all plants at the horizontal resource sequence, while the introduced Sonneratia caseolaris and Sonneratiaapetala had no such overlapping between six and five plants in the community, respectively. At the vertical resource sequence, A. ilicifolius and A. corniculatum had niche overlapping with all the populations. The more niche overlapping existed among the other populations. The results indicated that, currently, the mangrove plantation in Qi’ao Island had a simplex structure and composition of species. The status of plant populations’ niche was determined by the species selected and structure of afforestation. It is suggested to create forest gaps artificially and introduce Kandelia obovata saplings to reverse its current status of lower niche breadth, facilitate natural regeneration and spreading of A. corniculatum and A. ilicifolius, and accelerate the restoration process of natural mangrove. Simultaneously, the species matching and planting methods of mix stands should be emphasized in the future.  相似文献   

Culture of the pleasure oyster Crassostrea corteziensis is emerging as an alternative to the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) for oyster producers, who face severe mortalities since 1997 in Northwest México. For determining the health status of this species, we conducted a histopathological analysis of cultured populations from two estuaries in the Pacific coast of México. Macroscopical analysis revealed animals with transparent and retracted mantle. Histopathological analysis of these specimens showed tissue alterations and parasitic forms consistent with Perkinsus sp. infection. Stages of the parasite identified included tomont and trophozoites with an eccentric vacuole characteristic of Perkinsus spp. Pieces of tissues of infected oysters were incubated in Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (FTM) resulting in blue–black hypnospores after incubation. The identity of the parasite was confirmed by species specific PCR-based assay in DNA samples from oysters, tissue fractions from FTM cultures, and deparaffined samples with Perkinsus-like parasite detected by histology. Sequencing of positive amplified fragments (307 bp) showed a sequence similar to Perkinsus marinus strain TXsc NTS ribosomal RNA gene (100% coverage and 98% identity, GenBank Accession No. AF497479.1) and to P. marinus, Genomic DNA, (100% coverage and 97% identity, GenBank Accession No. S78416.1). The prevalence of P. marinus varied from 1 to 5% in Boca del Camichín and from 1 to 6% in Pozo Chino. In general, the intensity of infection was moderate. The infection was observed in oysters from 31 to 110 mm of shell length. This is the first record of P. marinus in oysters from the North America Pacific coast and the first record in C. corteziensis. The origin of this parasite in the area is unknown, but it may be associated to introductions of Crassostrea virginica from the East coast of United States of America or Gulf of México.  相似文献   

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