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The Senescence-Accelerated Mouse (SAM) strains constitute a murine model of accelerated senescence originating from the ancestral AKR/J strains and consist of nine senescence-prone (SAMP) strains and four senescence-resistant (SAMR) strains. The chromosomes (Chrs) of the SAM strains were typed with 581 microsatellite markers amplified by PCR, and the fundamental genetic information of the SAM strains was obtained. One-third of the examined markers displayed polymorphism among the strains, and only two alleles were detected in almost all loci among the SAM and AKR/J strains. However, in 12 loci (5.6% of total 215 polymorphic markers), the third allele was detected among the SAM strains. The genetic typing and developmental history suggested that the SAM strains were related inbred strains developed by the accidental crossing between the AKR/J strain and other unknown strain(s). Comparison of the distribution of the loci in the SAMP and the SAMR series revealed notable differences in the four regions on Chrs 4, 14, 16, and 17. This indicated that some of these chromosomal sites might contain the genes responsible for accelerated senescence in the SAMP series. Received: 17 July 1998 / Accepted: 17 November 1998  相似文献   

The SAM strains, a group of related inbred strains consisting of senescence-prone inbred strains (SAMP) and senescence-resistant inbred strains (SAMR), have been successfully developed by selective inbreeding of the AKR/J strain of mice donated by the Jackson laboratory in 1968. The characteristic feature of aging common to the SAMP and SAMR is accelerated senescence and normal aging, respectively. Furthermore, SAMP and SAMR strains of mice manifest various pathobiological phenotypes spontaneously. Among SAMP strains, SAMP8 and SAMP10 mice show age-related behavioral deterioration such as deficits in learning and memory, emotional disorders (reduced anxiety-like behavior and depressive behavior) and altered circadian rhythm associated with certain pathological, biochemical and pharmacological changes. Here, the previous and recent literature on SAM mice are reviewed with an emphasis on SAMP8 and SAMP10 mice. A spontaneous model like SAM with distinct advantages over the gene-modified model is hoped by investigators to be used more widely as a biogerontological resource to explore the etiopathogenesis of accelerated senescence and neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

The data characterizing the age-related morphological changes in the spermatogenic epithelium of SAMP1 (senescence-accelerated prone) and SAMR1 (senescence-accelerated resistant) mice are presented. In many tubules, early spermatogenesis was accompanied by the formation of many morphologically abnormal germ cells on histological sections of the gonads of sexually immature (three–four weeks) mice of both strains. At this stage, destructive processes in the spermatogenic epithelium were more pronounced in SAMR1 mice. In sexually mature (two–three months) SAMP1 and SAMR1 mice, spermatogenesis as a whole proceeded normally. The first signs of regressive changes in the inner structure of most tubules (disintegration, detachment of spermatogenic epithelium from basal membrane) and morphology of germ cells (pycnosis, nuclear and cytoplasmic vacuolization) were found in SAMP1 mice at the age of six–seven months. In the older age groups (9–10 and 12–15 months), all types of spermatogenic cells were represented in both SAMP1 and SAMR1 mice, but most of these cells were atypical. Mitotic figures were recorded in a population of highly differentiated Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

Incisor abnormalities such as loss of enamel color, hypoplasia of enamel, shortening and lengthening, irregular shape of edge, and fracture were often observed in SAM-P/2/Iw (senescence accelerated mouse-prone) more than 12 months old. On the other hand, for SAM-R/1/lw (control) mice more than 20 months old, there were only a few instances of loss of enamel color. The incidence of incisor abnormality was significantly different between P/2/Iw and R/I/Iw. The onset of abnormality was also earlier in P/2/Iw. Histologically, dens in dente and odontoma-like structures were occasionally found in the incisors of P/2/Iw. These findings add further supporting evidence that SAM-P/2/Iw is truly senescence accelerated.  相似文献   

Senescence-accelerated mouse prone 6 (SAMP6) is a model of senile osteoporosis. From 10 to 22 wk of age, SAMP6 mice were heavier than age-matched AKR/J and SAMR1 mice. Body mass indices of 10- and 25-wk-old SAMP6 mice were higher than those of age-matched AKR/J and SAMR1 mice, indicating obesity in the SAMP6 animals. We compared the blood biochemical values among SAMP6, SAMR1, and AKR/J mice to assess whether the SAMP6 strain has abnormal obesity-related parameters. Plasma glucose, triglyceride, insulin, and leptin levels were higher in 10-wk-old SAMP6 mice than in age-matched SAMR1 and AKR/J mice, whereas plasma glucagon and adiponectin levels in 25-wk-old SAMP6 were lower compared with those in age-matched SAMR1 and AKR/J. Total cholesterol levels in SAMR1 and SAMP6 mice at 10 and 25 wk of age were higher than those in AKR/J mice. Hepatic lipid levels were higher in 10- and 25-wk-old SAMP6 mice compared with age-matched AKR/J and SAMR1 animals. These results indicate that SAMP6 mice exhibit obesity and hyperlipidemia, suggesting that the SAMP6 strain is a potential tool for the study of hyperlipidemia.Abbreviations: BMI, body mass indexThe senescence-accelerated mouse strains were developed through selective breeding of AKR/J mice based on graded scores for senescence and pathologic phenotypes.44 The 9 senescence-prone (SAMP) strains all have a shortened lifespan and display an early onset of senescence after normal development and maturation, whereas the 3 senescence-resistant (SAMR) strains are resistant to early senescence and serve as controls. Among the SAMP strains, SAMP8 and SAMP10 exhibit deficits in learning and memory at a relatively early stage in their lifespan.6,30 In contrast, SAMP6 mice are considered to be a model of senile osteoporosis, with their low bone mass and slow bone loss;24 the bone mineral density of SAMP6 mice decreases after 4 mo of age.14,17Our regular measurement of body weight revealed that SAMP6 mice were significantly higher between 10 and 22 wk of age than were age-matched SAMR1 and AKR/J. Based on this observation, we decided to compare body mass indices (BMIs), blood biochemical values, and liver sections among mice of these strains at 10 and 25 wk of age, which respectively correspond to the beginning and end of a period of significant body weight gain in SAMP6 mice compared with age-matched SAMR1 and AKR/J. Increased BMIs of SAMP6 mice at 10- and 25 wk compared with those of age-matched AKR/J and SAMR1 animals would indicate obesity in the SAMP6. In addition, because osteoblasts and adipocytes are thought to share a common precursor cell, osteoporosis and enhanced adipogenesis may be related. For example, adipogenesis in the bone marrow increases with aging and during osteoporosis,15,33,34 and increased bone turnover occurs in hypercholesterolemic or dyslipidemic patients.22 Therefore obesity in SAMP6 mice might be due at least in part to enhanced adipogenesis. We measured and compared blood biochemical values among SAMP6, SAMR1, and AKR/J (the founder for the SAM strains) mice to assess whether the SAMP6 strain has abnormalities in blood biochemical markers, such as triglycerides or cholesterol.  相似文献   

A new mouse mutant, punk rocker (allele symbol Kcne1 pkr ), arose spontaneously on a C57BL/10J inbred strain background and is characterized by a distinctive head-tossing, circling, and ataxic phenotype. It is also profoundly and bilaterally deaf. The mutation resides in the Kcne1 gene on Chromosome (Chr) 16 and has been identified as a single base change within the coding region of the third exon. The C to T nucleotide substitution causes an arginine to be altered to a termination codon at amino acid position 67, and predictably this will result in a significantly truncated protein product. The Kcne1 pkr mutant represents the first spontaneous mouse model for the human disorder, Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome, associated with mutations in the homologous KCNE1 gene on human Chr 21. Received: 20 April 2000 / Accepted: 2 June 2000  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is exclusively inherited maternally and hence could offer a good method for tracing the lineage of mouse strains. We examined the mtDNA sequence of senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM) strains as well as other laboratory strains of inbred mice to deduce the ancestral strain of SAM. Four unique mutations were identified at bases 2256, 10,847, 11,181, and 13,053 in SAM strains. The mutations were not found in other mouse strains including AKR/J, one of the parental strains of SAM. Comparison of the mtDNA sequences also led to the consensus mtDNA sequence of laboratory strains of inbred mice. The seven laboratory strains of common inbred mice showed polymorphisms at base 9348, thymine repeat from base 9818, and adenine repeat from base 9821, and could be classified into five types by combination of the differences. Although we could not identify mouse strains with the same type of mtDNA as SAM in this study, the polymorphisms would provide a promising clue to ascertain the ancestral strain(s) of SAM. The polymorphism in mtDNA could be used to ascertain the genealogy of other mouse strains as well.  相似文献   

Summary The rate of mutation at which the gene for haemophilia appears in the population of London is estimated at about once in 50,000 human life cycles. There are probably two distinct allelomorphs at the same locus, the milder type arising less frequently by mutation than the severe type. I have to thank Dr Julia Bell and Dr C. V. Green for most generously placing at my disposal data collected on behalf of the Medical Research Council and the Research Committee of the American Medical Association.  相似文献   

Mutations in the gene encoding the immunoglobulin-superfamily member cell adhesion molecule contactin1 (CNTN1) cause lethal congenital myopathy in human patients and neurodevelopmental phenotypes in knockout mice. Whether the mutant mice provide an accurate model of the human disease is unclear; resolving this will require additional functional tests of the neuromuscular system and examination of Cntn1 mutations on different genetic backgrounds that may influence the phenotype. Toward these ends, we have analyzed a new, spontaneous mutation in the mouse Cntn1 gene that arose in a BALB/c genetic background. The overt phenotype is very similar to the knockout of Cntn1, with affected animals having reduced body weight, a failure to thrive, locomotor abnormalities, and a lifespan of 2-3 weeks. Mice homozygous for the new allele have CNTN1 protein undetectable by western blotting, suggesting that it is a null or very severe hypomorph. In an analysis of neuromuscular function, neuromuscular junctions had normal morphology, consistent with previous studies in knockout mice, and the muscles were able to generate appropriate force when normalized for their reduced size in late stage animals. Therefore, the Cntn1 mutant mice do not show evidence for a myopathy, but instead the phenotype is likely to be caused by dysfunction in the nervous system. Given the similarity of CNTN1 to other Ig-superfamily proteins such as DSCAMs, we also characterized the expression and localization of Cntn1 in the retinas of mutant mice for developmental defects. Despite widespread expression, no anomalies in retinal anatomy were detected histologically or using a battery of cell-type specific antibodies. We therefore conclude that the phenotype of the Cntn1 mice arises from dysfunction in the brain, spinal cord or peripheral nervous system, and is similar in either a BALB/c or B6;129;Black Swiss background, raising a possible discordance between the mouse and human phenotypes resulting from Cntn1 mutations.  相似文献   

The spontaneous mutant, Wriggle Mouse Sagami (wri), is thought to be a model of hereditary hearing losses in humans. Here we report that the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase type 2 (PMCA2) gene is mutated in the wri mouse. A G-to-A transition was detected in wri, changing Glu-to-Lys within a conserved transmembrane domain. Mutation of PMCA2 was previously reported in deafwaddler (dfw) mutants; however, the sites of the wri and dfw mutations differ. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that PMCA2 labeling in stereocilia of the cochlea was absent in the wri mutant, suggesting that PMCA2 is crucially involved in the physiology of the auditory system.  相似文献   

A family with X-linked amelogenesis imperfecta (XAI) is described in which the disease is associated with a nonsense mutation in exon 5 of the amelogenin gene. This mutation involves a single base deletion (CCCCCCC) in the exon in an affected male, his sister and his mother. The effect of this deletion is to alter the reading frame and to introduce an inappropriate TGA stop codon (an opal mutation) into the exonic sequence of the amelogenin gene immediately 3 of the mutation. The clinical features in the examined members of this family indicate that, in some individuals, the most noticeable defect is of enamel hypoplasia. In others, the hypoplastic changes are subtle and might have been overlooked on cursory examination; the most noticeable change is of enamel colour, indicating a degree of hypomineralisation. We propose that the amelogenin gene is implicated in both the formation of enamel of normal thickness and in the normal mineralisation process.  相似文献   

We have cloned and characterized the white gene of Anopheles albimanus. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of this white gene with its homologs from six species of Diptera show that the An. albimanus gene is most similar to the white gene of An. gambiae (92% identity). A spontaneous white-eyed mutant An. albimanus was caused by an approximately 10 kb insertion into a CT dinucleotide repeat region of intron 2 of the white locus. The flanks of this insertion are long (at least 400 bp), nearly perfect inverted terminal repeat sequences. This cloned white gene should be useful as a marker for germ line transformation of An. albimanus. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM) was developed by selective breeding of the AKR/J strain, based on a graded score for senescence, which led to the development of both senescence-accelerated prone (SAMP), and senescence-accelerated resistant (SAMR) strains. Among the SAMP strains, SAMP6 is well characterized as a model of senile osteoporosis, but its brain and neuronal functions have not been well studied. We therefore decided to characterize the central nervous system of SAMP6, in combination with different behavioral tests and analysis of its biochemical and pharmacological properties. Multiple behavioral tests revealed higher motor activity, reduced anxiety, anti-depressant activity, motor coordination deficits, and enhanced learning and memory in SAMP6 compared with SAMR1. Biochemical and pharmacological analyses revealed several alterations in the dopamine and serotonin systems, and in long-term potentiation (LTP)-related molecules. In this review, we discuss the possibility of using SAMP6 as a model of brain function.  相似文献   

A Haemophilus influenzae strain carrying a competence-enhancing mutation (sxy-1) was selected by transformation of a mutagenized culture in exponential growth at low cell density, where spontaneous competence is very rare. Under these conditions, sxy-1 cells spontaneously transformed 100 to 1,000 times more efficiently than wild-type cells. Moreover, sxy-1 cells responded to all known competence-inducing treatments with further increases in transformation frequency. At high cell densities, sxy-1 cells spontaneously developed the level of competence reached by wild-type cells only after maximal induction by transfer to starvation medium. The sxy-1 mutation appears to act early in the sequence of events leading to competence; it increased the competence of cells carrying the early-acting transformation-defective (Tfo-) mutation tfo-98 by as large a factor as it did the competence of wild-type cells, but it had no effect when combined with another early-acting Tfo- mutation (tfo-87) or with the late-acting Tfo- mutation rec-2.  相似文献   

Summary Spontaneous mitotic recombination was examined in the haploid pso4-1 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in the corresponding wild-type strain. Using a genetic system involving a duplication of the his4 gene it was shown that the pso4-1 mutation decreases at least fourfold the spontaneous rate of mitotic recombination. The frequency of spontaneous recombination was reduced tenfold in pso4-1 strains, as previously observed in the rad52-1 mutant. However, whereas the rad52-1 mutation specifically reduces gene conversion, the pso4-1 mutation reduces both gene conversion and reciprocal recombination. Induced mitotic recombination was also studied in pso4-1 mutant and wild-type strains after treatment with 8-methoxypsoralen plus UVA and 254 nm UV irradiation. Consistent with previous results, the pso4-1 mutation was found strongly to affect recombination induction.  相似文献   

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