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通过凹唇姜属(Boesenbergia curtisii,B.Prainana,B.rotunda和B.plicata)和山柰属(Kaempferia pulchra,D.galanga.K.gilbertii,K.rotunda,K.parviflora和K.angustifolia)种间叶解剖学变化的研究,寻找能用于鉴别种的解剖学特征,结果显示变化表现在气孔的类型,中脉的结构,叶缘和叶柄横切面轮廓,叶片的远 轴面或近轴面下皮层和毛状体的出现或缺如,研究表明这些特征的联合对已研究的种的鉴别是有用的。  相似文献   

凹唇壁蜂和紫壁蜂筑巢、访花行为和传粉生态学的比较研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
连续3年在苹果园内人工释放条件下对我国凹唇壁蜂OsmiaexcavataAlfken和紫壁蜂O.jacotiCockerel的筑巢、访花行为和传粉生态学的观察研究表明,两种壁蜂都能够在释放的果园区定居,并选择人工提供的巢管构筑巢室、采集蜂粮和产卵,繁殖后代。同时,对苹果花朵的采访专一性强,可以为果树提供有效的授粉服务,替代人工授粉。两种壁蜂尽管利用的食物资源基本一样,但是由于它们对巢管的选择、采粉时间、访花部位及其行为等方面存在着差异。凹唇壁蜂活动起点温度低、日工作时间长、访花速度快、定巢能力强,其传粉效果明显地比紫壁蜂好,是苹果园最有效的传粉昆虫。紫壁蜂的活动受气候条件的影响较大,更适合山区果园使用  相似文献   

植物开花时间调控的信号途径   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
曾群  赵仲华  赵淑清 《遗传》2006,28(8):1031-1036
开花是植物从营养生长到生殖生长的一个重要转折点。花启动的时机对生殖生长的成功至关重要。开花时间受内在因子和环境因子的共同调节。通过对拟南芥的分子遗传学研究,确定至少存在4条调控开花时间的信号途径,即光周期途径、春化途径、自主途径和赤霉素途径。本文以拟南芥 (Arabidopsis thaliana) 为主要研究对象简要综述了近年来在开花时间调控领域的研究进展。  相似文献   

植物FLOWERING LOCUS T/TERMINAL FLOWER1基因家族的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物FLOWERING LOCUS T/TERMINAL FLOWER1(FT/TFL1)基因家族是一个进化上高度保守的基因家族,它在植物的花发育过程中具有重要作用:其成员FT基因编码的蛋白产物是可以长距离转运的成花激素,在花形成过程中起关键作用;另一成员TFL1基因则在花序的形成和维持过程中起重要作用.本文就近年来国内外对植物FT/TFL1基因家族的结构、成员,以及各个成员在花发育转换过程中的功能等研究现状进行综述,并对该基因家族的研究前景提出展望.  相似文献   

准噶尔无叶豆的开花物候与生殖特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
 为了研究沙漠稀有植物准噶尔无叶豆(Eremosparton songoricum)的开花物候特征及其对生殖成功的影响, 2005和2006年连续两年对其自然种群的开花物候和开花过程中的花部表型变化进行了观察, 并运用相对开花振幅、开花强度和开花同步性等开花物候指数研究了开花物候特征。结果表明: 准噶尔无叶豆在5月下旬至6月中下旬开花, 其种群、个体、花序和单花的花期分别历时26~29 d、8~10 d、5~7 d和2~3 d。单花开花进程依其形态和散粉特征可分为散粉前期、散粉初期、散粉盛期和凋谢期4个时期。其个体水平的开花物候进程(开花振幅曲线)呈渐进式单峰曲线, 具有很高的开花同步指数, 表现出一种集中开花的模式。开花物候指数与座果数之间的相关分析结果表明, 始花日期与花期持续时间存在负相关关系, 而与开花数和座果数存在正相关关系; 花期持续时间与开花数和座果数存在显著正相关关系。准噶尔无叶豆个体开花物候在很大程度上是由其遗传因子决定的, 而开花物候在年度间的变异, 可能是由于荒漠气候的差异(主要是水分和温度的差异)所引起的。作为沙漠窄域分布特有种, 准噶尔无叶豆在环境和人为干扰的双重选择压力下, 为了吸引更多的传粉者访问而达到生殖成功, 形成了大量集中开花的模式。  相似文献   

土人参的组织和单细胞培养及试管苗开花结实   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以土人参的花梗、茎和叶片为外植体在MS培养基上诱导出愈伤组织,诱导率为75%-90%。愈伤组织经分化和生根培养再生了完整植株。由组织培养再生苗的幼茎诱导的愈伤组织建立悬浮系。由悬浮系分离的单细胞在2/3MS液体培养基中振荡培养或振荡培养3周后转入双层培养均再生了愈伤组织,再生率分别为0.28%和0.41%。愈伤组织在含有较低浓度6-BA的培养基上分化出苗。幼苗生长迅速,每3周扩增6.7倍,再生植株  相似文献   

木瓜营养保健作用研究动态   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
本文综述了木瓜的生理活性物质-齐墩果酸的药用价值和作用机理以及木瓜药品保健品的研究动态和展望。  相似文献   

姜科植物研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孔继君  刘刚 《西北植物学报》2005,25(8):1692-1699
姜科植物在种类、外部性状及内部解剖等方面具有高度的复杂性,其传粉方式也显示出了丰富的多样性。因此,姜科植物的研究对姜目乃至单子叶植物的系统与进化研究,都具有十分重要的意义。本文综述了国内外有关姜科植物在分类学、系统学、解剖学、花器官发生学和繁殖生物学等方面的研究和进展,以期能为该类群的系统研究提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Rhynchanthus beesianus W. W. Smith (Zlnglberaceae) Is an eplphytlc tropical ginger with a very conspicuous floral display, but almost no fruit set under field conditions. The reproductive ecology encompassing phenology, floral biology, and pollination and breeding systems was Investigated In an evergreen broadleaved forest In Yunnan Province, Southwest China. The flowers possess a typical bird pollination syndrome, but no effective pollinators were observed during 138 h of observation. Female Black-breasted Sunbird (Aethopyga saturata) and bumblebees visited R. beesianus regularly, but they all played roles as nectar robbers. No fruit was found In the bagging treatment, and fruit set following manual self-pollination ((57.55 ± 4.08)%) was comparable with cross-pollination ((64.32 ± 4.42)%), suggesting that R. beeslanus is self-compatible but spontaneous self-pollination In this species does not occur. Seed set of open-pollination ((26.42 ± 3.11)%) was significantly lower than manual self-pollination ((73.41± 4.16)%) and cross-pollination ((75.56 ± 4.52)%), confirming that R. beeslanus was dependent on animals for fertilization and suffered a serious pollinator-limitation.  相似文献   

In monandrous mating systems with discrete nonoverlapping generations males should maximize the expected number of matings by starting to emerge before females. This is known as protandry. Moreover, Evolutionarily Stable Strategies (ESS) models show that the male emergence curve should be abruptly truncated before female emergence has ceased. In temperate areas where many insects have partial second generations, we accordingly predict that males should enter diapause development at an earlier date than should females, as a result of late-emerging males being penalized in terms of fewer mating opportunities. The decision to diapause or to develop directly is usually mediated by response to environmental stimuli of which day length is the most important. Hence we predict that the mechanism by which males enter diapause at an earlier date than females will be that of the male reaction norm for diapause development being shifted towards longer day lengths when compared to that of females. As a result of the greater tendency of males to enter diapause development, partial second generations that develop directly should be female biased. As a corollary, first generations should be male biased because some males of the first generation are from the previous year. The prediction that males should enter diapause development earlier in the season, i.e., at longer day lengths, as compared to females was corroborated by rearing Pieris napi under a variety of critical day length regimes producing mixed broods of directly developing and diapausing individuals, and by outdoor rearings of cohorts of larvae of P. napi and P. rapae initiated throughout the season. The prediction that partial second generations should be female biased was corroborated by laboratory rearings at constant temperature of P. napi (Pieridae), Polygonia c-album (Nymphalidae), and Pararge aegeria (Satyridae) under critical day length conditions, producing female-biased sex ratio under direct, and male-biased sex ratio under diapause development.  相似文献   

关龙胆开花结实生物学特性   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
孙阎  王臣  刘鸣远 《植物研究》2003,23(4):453-457
关龙胆系中药材商品名,原植物为龙胆属三种植物(东北龙胆、粗糙龙胆、三花龙胆)。本文对关龙胆从花蕾至果实发育全过程进行了观察与讨论。明确了它们有15天左右的花期相遇,可进行杂交;繁育行为属兼性自交;花期较长导致种子胚发育不整齐。  相似文献   

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