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Membrane topology of the yeast uracil permease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The uracil permease of Saccharomyces cerevisia e is a 633 residue polytopic plasma membrane protein. Hydropathy profile analysis indicates that this protein has long hydrophilic N-and C-termini and 10–12 potential transmembrane segments. Previous results based on analysis of hybrid proteins allowed identification of the first transmembrane segment of uracil permease, and provided a preliminary indication of the cytoplasmic orientation of its N-terminus. In this work, other experimental approaches were used to confirm this orientation, and to determine that of the C-terminus. Epitopes in the N-and the C-termini of the protein were protected against trypsin degradation on intact protoplasts, but readily digested on permeabilized protoplasts. Immunofluorescent analysis showed that antibodies to the last 10 amino acids of uracil permease bind to detergent-treated protoplasts, but not to intact ones. Carboxypeptidase digested the C-terminus of uracil permease inserted into sealed dog-pancreas microsomes. These results establish that both N- and C-termini are cytoplasmic, the permease polypeptide spanning the membrane an even number of times. The orientation of several hydrophilic loops with respect to the membrane was investigated by introducing potential glycosylation sites into these regions. We checked whether the resulting mutant proteins were glycosylated when expressed in the presence of dog-pancreas microsomes. Our data show that two loops of the protein are lumenal. Together with previous results, this work indicates that uracil permease is a 10 membrane-spanning protein, with rather small external loops and three main cytoplasmic regions (the N-and C-termini and a central 60-residue loop).  相似文献   

We have examined the topology of the yeast arginine permease, a plasma-membrane protein with multiple membrane-spanning domains. Using fusions of the permease with the glycosylatable secreted yeast protein, acid phosphatase, we identified membrane-spanning sequences that can translocate adjacent acid phosphatase across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), as measured by in vitro glycosylation. Examination for the presence or absence of glycosylation in a systematic series of such fusions gave an internally consistent model for the lumenal or cytoplasmic disposition of the acid phosphatase reporter, defining the topology of the permease. The phenotypes of a further set of arginine permease gene fusions with portions of the gene for the secreted protein, killer toxin, suggest that the pathways of export of membrane and secreted proteins need not be functionally distinct.  相似文献   

The uptake of uracil by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is mediated by a specific permease encoded by the FUR4 gene. This uracil permease is a multispanning membrane protein that follows the secretory pathway to the plasma membrane. We have used in vivo pulse labeling and immunoprecipitation to show that the uracil permease is phosphorylated. Phosphoamino acid analysis indicates that the phosphorylation occurs on seryl residues. Experiments with temperature sensitive secretory mutants, blocked at successive steps of the secretory pathway, have established that the phosphorylation of the permease takes place at the plasma membrane. Under steady state conditions, Western immunoblotting showed multiple phosphorylated permease species. Their relative abundance appeared susceptible to metabolic conditions. This study is, therefore, a first step toward identifying a molecular mechanism involved in the post-translational control of a yeast transporter.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the FUR4-encoded uracil permease catalyzes the first step of the pyrimidine salvage pathway. The availability of uracil has a negative regulatory effect upon its own transport. Uracil causes a decrease in the level of uracil permease, partly by decreasing the FUR4 mRNA level in a promoter-independent fashion, probably by increasing its instability. Uracil entry also triggers more rapid degradation of the existing permease by promoting high efficiency of ubiquitination of the permease that signals its internalization. A direct binding of intracellular uracil to the permease is possibly involved in this feedback regulation, as the behavior of the permease is similar in mutant cells unable to convert intracellular uracil into UMP. We used cells impaired in the ubiquitination step to show that the addition of uracil produces rapid inhibition of uracil transport. This may be the first response prior to the removal of the permease from the plasma membrane. Similar down-regulation of uracil uptake, involving several processes, was observed under adverse conditions mainly corresponding to a decrease in the cellular content of ribosomes. These results suggest that uracil of exogenous or catabolic origin down-regulates the cognate permease to prevent buildup of excess intracellular uracil-derived nucleotides.  相似文献   

Connexins, the proteins that form gap junction channels, are polytopic plasma membrane (PM) proteins that traverse the plasma membrane bilayer four times. The insertion of five different connexins into the membrane of the ER was studied by synthesizing connexins in translation- competent cell lysates supplemented with pancreatic ER-derived microsomes, and by expressing connexins in vivo in several eucaryotic cell types. In addition, the subcellular distribution of the connexins was determined. In vitro-synthesis in the presence of microsomes resulted in the signal recognition particle-dependent membrane insertion of the connexins. The membrane insertion of all connexins was accompanied by an efficient proteolytic processing that was dependent on the microsome concentration. Endogenous unprocessed connexins were detectable in the microsomes used, indicating that the pancreatic microsomes serve as a competent recipient in vivo for unprocessed full length connexins. Although oriented with their amino terminus in the cytoplasm, the analysis of the cleavage reaction indicated that an unprecedented processing by signal peptidase resulted in the removal of an amino-terminal portion of the connexins. Variable amounts of similar connexin cleavage products were also identified in the ER membranes of connexin overexpressing cells. The amount generated correlated with the level of protein expression. These results demonstrate that the connexins contain a cryptic signal peptidase cleavage site that can be processed by this enzyme in vitro and in vivo in association with their membrane insertion. Consequently, a specific factor or condition must be required to prevent this aberrant processing of connexins under normal conditions in the cell.  相似文献   

M Bogdanov  W Dowhan 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(18):5255-5264
Previously we presented evidence that phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) acts as a molecular chaperone in the folding of the polytopic membrane protein lactose permease (LacY) of Escherichia coli. Here we provide more definitive evidence supporting the chaperone properties of PE. Membrane insertion of LacY prevents its irreversible aggregation, and PE participates in a late step of conformational maturation. The temporal requirement for PE was demonstrated in vitro using a coupled translation-membrane insertion assay that allowed the separation of membrane insertion from phospholipid-assisted folding. LacY was folded properly, as assessed by recognition with conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies, when synthesized in the presence of PE-containing inside-out membrane vesicles (IOVs) or in the presence of IOVs initially lacking PE but supplemented with PE synthesized in vitro either co- or post-translationally. The presence of IOVs lacking PE and containing anionic phospholipids or no addition of IOVs resulted in misfolded or aggregated LacY, respectively. Therefore, critical folding steps occur after membrane insertion dependent on the interaction of LacY with PE to prevent illicit interactions which lead to misfolding of LacY.  相似文献   

J Dunlop  P C Jones    M E Finbow 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(15):3609-3616
Ductin is a highly conserved and polytopic transmembrane protein which is the subunit c component of the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) and a component of a connexon channel of gap junctions. Previous studies have suggested that ductin in the V-ATPase has the opposite orientation of ductin in a connexon. Using an in vitro translation system coupled to microsomes derived from the endoplasmic reticulum, we show that ductin is co-translationally inserted into the membrane bilayer, suggesting a dependency on the signal recognition particle for synthesis. By attaching a C-terminal polypeptide derived from beta-lactamase and by using cysteine replacement coupled to chemical labelling, we show that ductin is inserted into the microsomal membrane in both orientations in similar proportions. In contrast, squid rhodopsin appears to be inserted in a single orientation. Changing conserved charged residues at the N-terminus of ductin does not affect the ratio of the two orientations. Once in the microsomal membrane, ductin assembles into an oligomeric complex which contains a pore accessible to a water-soluble probe, reminiscent of the ductin complex found in the V-ATPase and a connexon.  相似文献   

M Bassilana  C Gwizdek 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(19):5202-5208
To investigate the mechanism of polytopic membrane protein insertion in Escherichia coli, we have examined the protein and energy requirements for in vivo membrane assembly of the prototypic 12 transmembrane domain sugar co-transporter, melibiose permease (MelB). MelB membrane assembly was analyzed both kinetically, by pulse labeling experiments, and functionally by measuring the activity of the inserted permease. Strikingly, the rate of MelB membrane assembly is decreased approximately 4-fold upon dissipation of the transmembrane electrochemical proton gradient, delta(mu)H+, indicative of a strong requirement for delta(mu)H+. Interestingly, selective dissipation of either the electrical (delta(psi)) or the chemical (delta(pH)) component of delta(mu)H+ demonstrates that either form of energy is required for MelB membrane assembly. In contrast, MelB membrane assembly does not require SecA, SecY or SecE, all three proteins which are strictly required for protein translocation. Neither the rate of MelB membrane assembly nor the amount of functional permease is affected by inactivation or depletion of these Sec proteins. These results strongly suggest that polytopic membrane proteins such as MelB insert into the cytoplasmic membrane by a mechanism fundamentally different from protein translocation.  相似文献   

It was known that the uptake of tryptophan is reduced in the yeast erg6 mutant, which is defective in a late step of ergosterol biosynthesis. Here, we show that this is because the high affinity tryptophan permease Tat2p is not targeted to the plasma membrane. In wild-type cells, the plasma membrane localization of Tat2p is regulated by the external tryptophan concentration. Tat2p is transported from the Golgi apparatus to the vacuole at high tryptophan, and to the plasma membrane at low tryptophan. However, in the erg6 mutant, Tat2p is missorted to the vacuole at low tryptophan. The plasma membrane targeting of Tat2p is dependent on detergent-insoluble membrane domains, suggesting that sterol affects the sorting through the organization of lipid rafts. The erg6 mutation also caused missorting to the multivesicular body pathway in late endosomes. Thus, sterol composition is crucial for protein sorting late in the secretory pathway. Tat2p is subject to polyubiquitination, which acts as a vacuolar-targeting signal, and the inhibition of this process suppresses the Tat2p sorting defects of the erg6 mutant. The sorting mechanisms of Tat2p that depend on both sterol and ubiquitin will be discussed.  相似文献   

To determine the specific role lipids play in membrane protein topogenesis in vivo, the orientation with respect to the membrane bilayer of Escherichia coli lactose permease (LacY) transmembrane (TM) domains and their flanking extramembrane domains was compared after assembly in native membranes and membranes with genetically modified lipid content using the substituted cysteine accessibility method for determining TM domain mapping. LacY assembled in the absence of the major membrane lipid phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) does not carry out uphill transport of substrate and displays an inverted orientation for the N-terminal six-TM domain helical bundle (Bogdanov, M., Heacock, P. N., and Dowhan, W. (2002) EMBO J. 21, 2107-2116). Strikingly, the replacement of PE in vivo by the foreign lipid monoglucosyldiacylglycerol (MGlcDAG), synthesized by the Acholeplasma laidlawii MGlcDAG synthase, restored uphill transport and supported the wild type TM topology of the N-terminal helical bundle of LacY. An interchangeable role in defining membrane protein TM domain orientation and supporting function is played by the two most abundant lipids, PE and MGlcDAG, in gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, respectively. Therefore, these structurally diverse lipids endow the membrane with similar properties necessary for the proper organization of protein domains in LacY that are highly sensitive to lipids as topological determinants.  相似文献   

Characterization of a protein serine kinase from yeast plasma membrane   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A casein kinase activity, which copurifies with the H+-ATPase activity during isolation of plasma membranes Saccharomyces cerevisiae and during centrifugation of the solubilized membrane extract through a sucrose gradient, is separated from the Mr = 100,000 ATPase catalytic polypeptide by subsequent DEAE-cellulose chromatography. The purified casein kinase activity exhibits a low Km of 12 microM MgATP, is maximally stimulated by 6 mM free Mg2+, and is 50% inhibited by 300 microM Zn2+, by 7.5 micrograms of heparin/ml, and by 300 microM orthovanadate. It phosphorylates only seryl residues. The purified casein kinase contains two polypeptides of Mr = 45,000 and 39,000 which yield antibodies which do not cross-react to each other. The two polypeptides seem to originate from a precursor of Mr = 85,000 which is detected by both antibodies in partly purified fractions. In the absence of casein, a zinc and heparin-sensitive phosphorylation of the ATPase polypeptide is observed in partly purified ATPase fractions, and a peptide of similar mobility is phosphorylated, among others, in isolated plasma membranes. The purified ATPase activity is markedly inhibited by incubation in the presence of acid phosphatase. In agreement with a recent report that the purified active ATPase molecule is largely phosphorylated (Yanagita, Y., Abdel-Ghany, M., Raden, D., Nelson, N., and Racker, E. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 894, 925-929) this data suggests that dephosphorylation leads to deactivation of ATPase activity.  相似文献   

A piece of DNA of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae complementing the uracil permease gene was introduced into a plasmid able to replicate autonomously in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. A strain of S. pombe lacking uracil transport activity was transformed with this new plasmid carrying the gene of S. cerevisiae. The behaviour of the transformant shows not only an expression of the uracil permease gene in the heterologous membrane but also that the transport of uracil is active and coupled to the energy furnishing system of the heterologous host.  相似文献   


The presence of two basic amino acids strategically located within a single spanning transmembrane region has previously been shown to act as a signal for the endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation (ERAD) of several polypeptides. In contrast, the functionality of this degron motif within the context of a polytopic membrane protein has not been established. Using opsin as a model system, we have investigated the consequences of inserting the degron motif in the first of its seven transmembrane (TM) spans. Whilst these basic residue reduce the binding of the targeting factor, signal recognition particle, to the first TM span, this has no effect on membrane integration in vitro or in vivo. This most likely reflects the presence of multiple TM spans that can act as targeting signals within in the nascent opsin chain. We find that the degron motif leads to the efficient retention of mutant opsin chains at the endoplasmic reticulum. The mutant opsin polypeptides are degraded via a proteasomal pathway that involves the actions of the E3 ubiquitin ligase HRD1. In contrast, wild-type opsin remains stable for a prolonged period even when artificially accumulated at the endoplasmic reticulum. We conclude that a single dibasic degron motif is sufficient to initiate both the ER retention and subsequent degradation of ospin via an ERAD pathway.  相似文献   

Navarre C  Goffeau A 《The EMBO journal》2000,19(11):2515-2524
Yeast plasma membranes contain a small 55 amino acid hydrophobic polypeptide, Pmp3p, which has high sequence similarity to a novel family of plant polypeptides that are overexpressed under high salt concentration or low temperature treatment. The PMP3 gene is not essential under normal growth conditions. However, its deletion increases the plasma membrane potential and confers sensitivity to cytotoxic cations, such as Na(+) and hygromycin B. Interestingly, the disruption of PMP3 exacerbates the NaCl sensitivity phenotype of a mutant strain lacking the Pmr2p/Enap Na(+)-ATPases and the Nha1p Na(+)/H(+) antiporter, and suppresses the potassium dependency of a strain lacking the K(+) transporters, Trk1p and Trk2p. All these phenotypes could be reversed by the addition of high Ca(2+) concentration to the medium. These genetic interactions indicate that the major effect of the PMP3 deletion is a hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane potential that probably promotes a non-specific influx of monovalent cations. Expression of plant RCI2A in yeast could substitute for the loss of Pmp3p, indicating a common role for Pmp3p and the plant homologue.  相似文献   

C D Wolin  H R Kaback 《Biochemistry》1999,38(26):8590-8597
Insertions of amino acids into transmembrane helices of polytopic membrane proteins disrupt helix-helix interactions with loss of function, while insertions into loops have little effect on transmembrane helices and therefore little effect on activity [Braun, P., Persson, B., Kaback, H. R., and von Heijne, G. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 29566-29571]. Here the inverse approach, amino acid deletion, is utilized systematically to approximate loop-helix boundaries in the lactose permease of Escherichia coli. Starting with deletion mutants in the periplasmic loop between helices VII and VIII (loop VII/VIII), which has been defined by immunological analysis and nitroxide-scanning electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, it is shown that mutants with single or multiple deletions in the central portion of the loop retain significant transport activity, while deletion of amino acid residues near the loop-helix boundaries or within the flanking helices leads to complete inactivation. Results consistent with hydropathy analysis are obtained with loops VI/VII, VIII/IX, and IX/X and the flanking helices. In contrast, deletion analysis of loops III/IV, IV/V, and V/VI and the flanking helices indicates that this region of the permease differs from hydropathy predictions. More specifically, evidence is presented supporting the contention that Glu126 and Arg144 which are charge paired and critical for substrate binding are within helices IV and V, respectively.  相似文献   

Lipid rafts, formed by the lateral association of sphingolipids and cholesterol in the external membrane leaflet, have been implicated in membrane traffic and cell signaling in mammalian cells. Yeast plasma membranes were also recently shown to contain lipid raft microdomains consisting of sphingolipids and ergosterol, and containing several plasma membrane proteins, including Gas1p, a GPI-anchored protein, and the [H+] ATPase Pma1p. In this study, we investigated whether lipid rafts were involved in the intracellular trafficking of a yeast transporter, uracil permease, which undergoes ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis. Regardless of its ubiquitination status, uracil permease was found to be associated with rafts in the plasma membrane. The expression of Fur4p in lcb1–100 cells, deficient in the first enzyme of sphingolipid synthesis, impaired the association of Fur4p with detergent-resistant fractions. When targeted to endocytic compartments, uracil permease appeared to be progressively transferred to detergent-soluble fractions, suggesting that the lipid environment might change between plasma membrane and endosomes. Consistent with this hypothesis, the wild-type form of the v-SNARE Snc1p, which is known to cycle between the plasma membrane and endosomal compartments, was recovered in both detergent-resistant and detergent-soluble fractions. In contrast, a variant Snc1p that accumulates at the plasma membrane was recovered exclusively in detergent-resistant fractions .  相似文献   

Signal peptidase can cleave inside a polytopic membrane protein   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The signal peptides of most proteins targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum are specifically cleaved by signal peptidase. Although potential cleavage sites occur frequently in polytopic proteins after membrane-spanning segments, processing is restricted to the first hydrophobic domain, suggesting that signal peptidase might not have access to subsequently translocated, internal domains. To test this hypothesis, we replaced the third transmembrane segment of an artificial threefold membrane-spanning protein by a sequence which is normally an amino-terminal signal. Upon in vitro translation and insertion into microsomes, efficient cleavage at this sequence was observed, thus demonstrating the ability of signal peptidase to cleave within polytopic membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of eukaryotic cells serves as a checkpoint tightly monitoring protein integrity and channeling malformed proteins into different rescue and degradation routes. The degradation of several ER lumenal and membrane-localized proteins is mediated by ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and mammalian cells. To date, evidence for the existence of ERAD-like mechanisms in plants is indirect and based on heterologous or artificial substrate proteins. Here, we show that an allelic series of single amino acid substitution mutants of the plant-specific barley (Hordeum vulgare) seven-transmembrane domain mildew resistance o (MLO) protein generates substrates for a postinsertional quality control process in plant, yeast, and human cells, suggesting conservation of the underlying mechanism across kingdoms. Specific stabilization of mutant MLO proteins in yeast strains carrying defined defects in protein quality control demonstrates that MLO degradation is mediated by HRD pathway-dependent ERAD. In plants, individual aberrant MLO proteins exhibit markedly reduced half-lives, are polyubiquitinated, and can be stabilized through inhibition of proteasome activity. This and a dependence on homologs of the AAA ATPase CDC48/p97 to eliminate the aberrant variants strongly suggest that MLO proteins are endogenous substrates of an ERAD-related plant quality control mechanism.  相似文献   

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