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Air ions and direct current (DC) electric fields have been reported to exert subtle behavioral and biological effects on rodents and humans. These effects often appear inconsistent, yet there have been few attempts to resolve these inconsistencies by experimental replication. Rats exposed to negatively or positively charged air ions over a wide range of concentrations and exposure periods have been reported to show alterations in their level of locomotor activity. In this study, locomotor activity of Sprague-Dawley rats was quantified during exposure to either unipolar air ions and DC fields of the same polarity or DC fields alone. Both polarities were studied. Air ion concentrations were 5.0 X 10(3), DC fields were 3 kV/m, and exposures lasted 2, 18, or 66 h. In one experiment rats were exposed to DC fields of 12 kV/m. No exposure condition exerted any effect on locomotor activity or rearing behavior. In addition, no behavioral perturbations were observed after the onset of any of the exposure conditions, suggesting that the rats may have failed to detect the altered environment.  相似文献   

Exposure to electrically charged gas molecules (air ions) has been reported to influence physiological and behavioral functions in animals and humans although there is controversy as to whether these findings are valid. A popular hypothesis concerning the reported effects of air ions is that alterations in serotonin (5HT) metabolism, particularly in the brain, are involved. We measured the concentration and turnover of 5HT in rats exposed to 5.0 X 10(5) ions/cm3 for up to 66 hours. Contrary to previous reports of other investigators, we were unable to demonstrate any effect of exposure to air ions or associated DC electric fields on the concentration or turnover of 5HT in rats under carefully controlled and characterized exposure conditions.  相似文献   

Rats, given the choice, avoid exposure to alternating current (ac) 60-Hz electric fields at intensities ? 75 kV/m. This study investigated the generality of this behavior by studying the response of rats when exposed to high voltage direct current (HV dc) electric fields. Three hundred eighty male Long Evans rats were studied in 9 experiments with 40 rats per experiment and in one experiment with 20 rats to determine 1) if rats avoid exposure to HVdc electric fields of varying field strengths, and 2) if avoidance did occur, what role, if any, the concentration of air ions would have on the avoidance behavior. In all experiments a three-compartment glass shuttlebox was used; either the left or right compartment could be exposed to a combination of HVdc electric fields and air ions while the other compartment remained sham-exposed. The third, center compartment was a transition zone between exposure and sham-exposure. In each experiment, the rats were individually assessed in 1-h sessions where half of the rats (n = 20) had the choice to locomote between the two sides being exposed or sham-exposed, while the other half of the rats'(n = 20) were sham-exposed regardless of their location, except in one experiment where there was no sham-exposed group. The exposure levels for the first six experiments were 80, 55, 42.5, 30, ?36, and ?55 kV/m, respectively. The air ion concentration was constant at 1.4 × 106 ions/cc for the four positive exposure levels and ?1.4 × 106 ions/cc for the two negative exposure levels. Rats having a choice between exposure and non-exposure relative to always sham-exposed control animals significantly reduced the amount of time spent on the exposed side at 80kV/m (P < .002) as they did at both 55 and ?55 kV/m (P < .005). No significant differences between groups were observed at 42.5, 30, or -36 kV/m. To determine what role the air ion concentration might have had on the avoidance behavior at field strengths of 55 kV/m or greater, four additional experiments were conducted. The HVdc exposure level was held constant at either ?55 kV/m (for three experiments) or -55 kV/m (for 1 experiment) while the air ion concentration was varied between experiments at 2.5 × 105 ions/cc, 1.0 × 104 for two of the experiments and was below the measurement limit (< ± 2 × 103 ions/cc) for the other two experiments at 55 and ?55 kV/m. The exposed rats significantly reduced the amount of time spent on the exposed side at 55 and ?55 kV/m, relative to the sham-exposed rats regardless of air ion concentration (all at P < .005). Thus, HVdc electric fields of ? + or ?55 kV/m are sufficient to produce avoidance behavior in rats. Positive or negative air ion concentrations were not significant factors in these avoidance outcomes. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Taste-aversion (TA) learning was measured to determine whether exposure to high-voltage direct current (HVdc) static electric fields can produce TA learning in male Long Evans rats. Fifty-six rats were randomly distributed into four groups of 14 rats each. All rats were placed on a 20 min/day drinking schedule for 12 consecutive days prior to receiving five conditioning trials. During the conditioning trials, access to 0.1 % sodium saccharin-flavored water was given for 20 min, followed 30 min later by one of four treatments. Two groups of 14 rats each were individually exposed to static electric fields and air ions, one group to +75 kV/m (+2 × 105 air ions/cm3) and the other group to ?75 kV/m (-2 × 105 air ions/cm3). Two other groups of 14 rats each served as sham-exposed controls, with the following variation in one of the sham-exposed groups: This group was subdivided into two subsets of seven rats each, so that a positive control group could be included to validate the experimental design. The positive control group (n = 7) was injected with cyclophosphamide 25 mg/kg, i.p., 30 min after access to saccharin-flavored water on conditioning days, whereas the other subset of seven rats was similarly injected with an equivalent volume of saline. Access to saccharin-flavored water on conditioning days was followed by the treatments described above and was alternated daily with water “recovery” sessions in which the rats received access to water for 20 min in the home cage without further treatment. Following the last water-recovery session, a 20 min, two-bottle preference test (between water and saccharin-flavored water) was administered to each group. The positive control group did show TA learning, thus validating the experimental protocol. No saccharin-flavored water was consumed in the two-bottle preference test by the cyclophosphamide-injected, sham-exposed group compared to 74% consumed by the saline-injected sham-exposed controls (P <.0001). Saccharin-preference data for the static field-exposed groups showed no TA learning compared to data for sham-exposed controls. In summary, exposure to intense static electric fields and air ions did not produce TA learning as assessed by this particular design. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This research was initiated to assess the turnover rates (TORs) of dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NA), serotonin (5-HT), aspartate, glutamate, and GABA in brain regions during rodent ethanol/sucrose (EtOH) and sucrose (SUC) drinking and in animals with a history of EtOH or SUC drinking to further characterize the neuronal systems that underlie compulsive consumption. Groups of five male rats were used, with two trained to drink EtOH solutions, two to drink SUC and one to serve as a non-drinking control. When stable drinking patterns were obtained, rats were pulse labeled intravenously and killed 60 or 90 min later and the TORs of DA, norepinephrine, 5-HT, aspartate, glutamate, and GABA determined in brain regions. Changes in the TOR of 5-HT, DA, and NA were detected specific to EtOH drinking, SUC drinking or a history of EtOH or SUC drinking. An acute EtOH deprivation effect was detected that was mostly reversed with EtOH drinking. These results suggest that binge-like drinking of moderate amounts of EtOH produces a deficit in neuronal function that could set the stage for the alleviation of anhedonic stimuli with further EtOH intake that strengthen EtOH seeking behaviors which may contribute to increased EtOH use in at risk individuals.  相似文献   

Hyperammonemia and changes in brain monoamine metabolism have been proposed to contribute to the pathogenesis of the neuropsychiatric symptoms characteristic of human portal-systemic encephalopathy (PSE) resulting from chronic liver disease. Portacaval anastomosis (PCA) in the rat leads to sustained hyperammonemia and mild encephalopathy. In order to evaluate the role of dopamine (DA) metabolism in PSE, levels of DA and its metabolites were measured by HPLC with electrochemical detection in brain regions of rats with PCA at various stages of encephalopathy precipitated by ammonium acetate administration. Following ammonium acetate administration, rats with PCA rapidly develop severe neurological signs of encephalopathy progressing through loss of righting reflex to coma; sham-operated control animals administered ammonium acetate showed no such neurological deterioration. Concentrations of the DA metabolites DOPAC and HVA as well as [DA metabolites]/[DA] ratios, an indirect measure of DA turnover in brain, were increased in caudate-putamen, in cingulate and pyriform entorhinal cortices as well as in raphe nucleus and locus coeruleus. Increased DA metabolites, however, did not worsen at coma states of PSE. Increased DA turnover thus appears to relate to early neuropsychiatric and extrapyramidal symptoms of PSE.  相似文献   

Many previous problems in establishing the nature of biological and behavioral effects of small air ions have been due to poor control over the ion-inhalation microclimate, resulting in nonuniform electrical fields and highly uneven concentrations of small air ions. We have developed a corona discharge air ion-inhalation system for use with animals that incorporates rigorous control over the microclimate and produces highly uniform concentrations of small air ions throughout the exposure area.  相似文献   

Brain norepinephrine and dopamine regulate a variety of critical behaviors such as stress, learning, memory, and drug addiction. In this study, we demonstrate differences in the regulation of in vivo neurotransmission for dopamine in the anterior nucleus accumbens (NAc) and norepinephrine in the ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (vBNST) of the anesthetized rat. Release of the two catecholamines was measured simultaneously using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry at two different carbon-fiber microelectrodes, each implanted in the brain region of interest. Simultaneous dopamine and norepinephrine release was evoked by electrical stimulation of a region where the ventral noradrenergic bundle, the pathway of noradrenergic neurons, courses through the ventral tegmental area/substantia nigra, the origin of dopaminergic cell bodies. The release and uptake of norepinephrine in the vBNST were both significantly slower than for dopamine in the NAc. Pharmacological manipulations in the same animal demonstrated that the two catecholamines are differently regulated. The combination of a dopamine autoreceptor antagonist and amphetamine significantly increased basal extracellular dopamine whereas a norepinephrine autoreceptor antagonist and amphetamine did not change basal norepinephrine concentration. α-Methyl-p-tyrosine, a tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor, decreased electrically evoked dopamine release faster than norepinephrine. The dual-microelectrode fast-scan cyclic voltammetry technique along with anatomical and pharmacological evidence confirms that dopamine in the NAc and norepinephrine in the vBNST can be monitored selectively and simultaneously in the same animal. The high temporal and spatial resolution of the technique enabled us to examine differences in the dynamics of extracellular norepinephrine and dopamine concurrently in two different limbic structures.  相似文献   

Sultopride and sulpiride are both chemically similar benzamide derivatives and selective antagonists of dopamine D2 receptors. However, these drugs differ in clinical properties. We compared the effects of sultopride and sulpiride on dopamine turnover in rats following the administration of these drugs alone or in combination with apomorphine. The administration of sultopride or sulpiride markedly accelerated dopamine turnover in the rat brain. The increase in the level of dopamine metabolites in the striatum was more marked in the sultopride-treated rats. Sulpiride affected the limbic dopamine receptors preferentially, whereas sultopride affected the striatal and the limoic dopamine receptors equally. A low dose of apomorphine induced a reduction in the concentration of dopamine metabolites in the striatum and the nucleus accumbens by approximately 55%, but not in the medial prefrontal cortex. Sultopride was more effective in preventing an apomorphine-induced reduction in dopamine metabolite levels. These results from rat experiments would model the pharmacological differences observed between sultopride and sulpiride in clinical use.  相似文献   

The effects of the neuroleptics, sulpiride and haloperidol, on dopamine (DA) turnover were compared following the acute and chronic administration of these drugs alone or in combination with levodopa or apomorphine. In the acute treatment, the increase in DA metabolites in the striatum and nucleus accumbens was more marked in the haloperidol-treated rats than in the sulpiridetreated rats. Following the additional administration of levodopa, however, the potency of the neuroleptics in elevating DA metabolites was reversed. A low dose of apomorphine induced a marked reduction in the striatal DA metabolite levels by approximately 50%. When rats were pretreated with the neuroleptics, haloperidol was more effective in preventing an apomorphine-induced reduction in DA metabolites. On repeated administration of the neuroleptics, a tolerance occurred in the striatum and nucleus accumbens, but not in the prefrontal cortex. This differential development of tolerance was observed in the different brain regions and with the different drugs administered. These results suggests that the pharmacological mechanism of sulpiride on DA turnover differs from that of haloperidol.  相似文献   

Iron deficiency (ID) disrupts brain dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) metabolism including functioning of monoamine transporters and receptors. We employed caudate microdialysis and no net flux (NNF) in post-weaning rats to determine if ID decreased the extraction fraction ( E d). Five micromolar quinpirole, a dopamine D2 receptor agonist, resulted in 80% decrease in extracellular DA and 45% higher E d in control animals. The D2 agonist had no effect on E d in ID animals despite a reduction in basal DA. DAT mRNA levels were reduced by 58% with ID, while DAT protein in ventral midbrain and caudate and membrane associated DAT were also reduced by ID. Carbidopa/ l -DOPA was administered to determine if elevated extracellular DA in ID was due to increased release. The DA response to l -DOPA in ID rats was 50% smaller and delayed, whereas the NE response was threefold higher. The caudate concentration of NE was also elevated in ID. Elevated dopamine-β-hydroxylase activity in ID provides a tentative explanation for the increased NE response to l -DOPA. These experiments provide new evidence that ID results in altered synthesis and functioning of DAT and perhaps suggests some compensatory changes in NE metabolism.  相似文献   

Two independent laboratories have demonstrated that electromagnetic radiation at specific frequencies can cause a change in the efflux of calcium ions from brain tissue in vitro. In a local geomagnetic field (LGF) at a density of 38 microTesla (microT), 15- and 45-Hz electromagnetic signals (40 Vp-p/m in air) have been shown to induce a change in the efflux of calcium ions from the exposed tissues, whereas 1- and 30-Hz signals do not. We now show that the effective 15-Hz signal can be rendered ineffective when the LGF is reduced to 19 microT with Helmholtz coils. In addition, the ineffective 30-Hz signal becomes effective when the LGF is changed to +/- 25.3 microT or to +/- 76 microT. These results demonstrate that the net intensity of the LGF is an important variable. The results appear to describe a resonance-like relationship in which the frequency of the electromagnetic field that can induce a change in efflux is proportional to a product of LGF density and an index, 2n + 1, where n = 0,1. These phenomenological findings may provide a basis for evaluating the apparent lack of reproducibility of biological effects caused by low-intensity extremely-low-frequency (ELF) electromagnetic signals. In future investigations of this phenomenon, the LGF vector should be explicitly described. If the underlying mechanism involves a general property of tissue, then research conducted in the ambient electromagnetic environment (50/60 Hz) may be subjected to unnoticed and uncontrolled influences, depending on the density of the LGF.  相似文献   

A structure-potency study examining the ability of dopamine (DA), its major metabolites and related amine and acetate congeners to inhibit NADH-linked mitochondrial O(2) consumption was carried out to elucidate mechanisms by which DA could induce mitochondrial dysfunction. In the amine studies, DA was the most potent inhibitor of respiration (IC(50) 7.0 mm) compared with 3-methoxytryramine (3-MT, IC(50) 19.6 mm), 3,4-dimethoxyphenylethylamine (IC(50) 28.6 mm), tyramine (IC(50) 40.3 mm) and phenylethylamine (IC(50) 58.7 mm). Addition of monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors afforded nearly complete protection against inhibition by phenylethylamine, tyramine and 3,4-dimethoxyphenylethylamine, indicating that inhibition arose from MAO-mediated pathways. In contrast, the inhibitory effects of DA and 3-MT were only partially prevented by MAO blockade, suggesting that inhibition might also arise from two-electron catechol oxidation and quinone formation by DA and one-electron oxidation of the 4-hydroxyphenyl group of 3-MT. In the phenylacetate studies, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) was equipotent with DA in inhibiting respiration (IC(50) 7.4 mm), further implicating the catechol reaction as the cause of inhibition. All other carboxylate congeners; phenylacetic acid (IC(50) 13.0 mm), 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (IC(50) 12.1 mm), 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylacetic acid (HVA, IC(50) 12.0 mm) and 3,4-dimethoxyphenylacetic acid (IC(50) 10.2 mm), were equipotent respiratory inhibitors and two- to fourfold more potent than their corresponding amine. These latter findings suggest that the phenylacetate ion can also contribute independently to mitochondrial inhibition. In summary, mitochondrial respiration can be inhibited by DA and its metabolites by four distinct MAO-dependent and independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

The frequency dependence of electromagnetic field-induced calcium-ion efflux from chicken brain tissues has been examined at 15-Hz intervals over the range 1-510 Hz. The electric field component was 15 Vrms/m and the magnetic component varied between 59 and 69 nTrms. No patterns of response as a function of frequency could be readily discerned when the differences in mean efflux values between exposed and sham samples were compared. However, the calculated P-value, a function that combines at each frequency the difference between the means of the exposed and sham groups with the variance of each group, does provide a basis for hypothesizing the existence of three frequency-dependent patterns in the data. One pattern includes all the highly significant (P less than .01) responses which occur between 15 and 315 Hz, at 30-Hz intervals; two independent trials at 165 Hz, giving nonsignificant responses (P greater than .5), break this pattern into two groups of five frequencies each, which is contrary to the expected result for a simple Lorentz-force interaction. However, another pattern of significant results at 60, 90, and 180 Hz, but not at 300 Hz, is consistent with a Lorentz-force model. A third pattern, composed of only one significant response at 405 Hz, is very close to the resonance predicted on a linear extrapolation from high-frequency data for 13carbon atoms. This hypothetical ordering of the frequency-response profile provides the basis for future experimental designs to test each possible interaction model and for their connection to the calcium-ion efflux endpoint.  相似文献   

Stress has been reported to activate the locus coeruleus (LC)–noradrenergic system. In this study, corticosterone (CORT) was orally administrated to rats for 21 days to mimic stress status. In situ hybridization measurements showed that CORT ingestion significantly increased mRNA levels of norepinephrine transporter (NET) and dopamine β‐hydroxylase (DBH) in the LC region. Immunofluorescence staining and western blotting revealed that CORT treatment also increased protein levels of NET and DBH in the LC, as well as NET protein levels in the hippocampus, the frontal cortex and the amygdala. However, CORT‐induced increase in DBH protein levels only appeared in the hippocampus and the amygdala. Elevated NET and DBH expression in most of these areas (except for NET protein levels in the LC) was abolished by simultaneous treatment with combination of corticosteroid receptor antagonist mifepristone and spironolactone (s.c. for 21 days). Also, treatment with mifepristone alone prevented CORT‐induced increases of NET expression and DBH protein levels in the LC. In addition, behavioral tasks showed that CORT ingestion facilitated escape in avoidance trials using an elevated T‐maze, but interestingly, there was no significant effect on the escape trial. Corticosteroid receptor antagonists failed to counteract this response in CORT‐treated rats. In the open‐field task, CORT treatment resulted in less activity in a defined central zone compared to controls and corticosteroid receptor antagonist treatment alleviated this increase. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that chronic exposure to CORT results in a phenotype that mimics stress‐induced alteration of noradrenergic phenotypes, but the effects on behavior are task dependent. As the sucrose consumption test strongly suggests CORT ingestion‐induced depression‐like behavior, further elucidation of underlying mechanisms may improve our understanding of the correlation between stress and the development of depression.


The nucleus accumbens is believed to play a critical role in mediating the behavioral responses to rewarding stimuli. Although most studies of the accumbens focus on dopamine, it receives afferents from many other nuclei, including noradrenergic cell groups in the brainstem. We used in vivo microdialysis to measure extracellular levels of both norepinephrine and dopamine in the accumbens shell and core. Regional analysis of shell and core and border regions demonstrated that norepinephrine was high in shell and decreased from medial shell to lateral core, where baseline levels were low or undetectable. Conversely, extracellular dopamine in core was twice the level seen in shell. Both catecholamines increased following a single injection of amphetamine (2 mg/kg, i.p.). The norepinephrine response was greater and long-lasting in shell compared with core. The maximal dopamine response was higher in core than in shell, but the duration of the effect was comparable in both regions. The distinct neurochemical characteristics of shell and core are likely to contribute to the functional heterogeneity of the two subregions. Furthermore, norepinephrine may be involved in many of the functions generally attributed to the accumbens, either directly or indirectly via modulation of extracellular dopamine.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the initial uptake of norepinephrine by rat whole brain synaptosomes was studied short incubation times at 37°C in order to examine the possible involvement of the phenolic OH group. The pH vs. uptake profile exhibits a maximum near pH 8.2 in H2O medium. When the medium was changed to 2H2O, the profile showed a shift of maximum corresponding to the pKa change of the phenolic OH group. The pH vs. uptake profile of tyramine was quite different from that of norepinephrine. These pH effects on uptake were explained as manifestations of the involvement of the phenolic OH group in the process.The amine and phenolic hydroxyl groups in norepinephrine were studied separately by employing two series of compounds structurally related to catecholamines, amphetamine-like and catechol0like, for their inhibitory effects on the uptake. The inhibitions were affected by changes in pH with changes in opposite directions found for the two series indicating the need for a positive charge in the side chain and suggesting an effect of the negative charge on the ring. These charge characteristics agreed with the pH profile observed in uptake. Consequently, the two groups with opposite charge characteristics in norepinephrine both appear to function in the uptake process.  相似文献   

Carbamazepine (25 mg/kg body weight) was administered intraperitoneally to adult male Wistar rats for 45 days and norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) levels were simultaneously assayed in discrete brain regions by high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method. Experimental rats displayed no behavioral abnormalities. Body and brain weights were not significantly different from control group of rats. After exposure it was observed that norepinephrine levels were elevated in motor cortex (P<0.01) and cerebellum (P<0.05), while dopamine levels were decreased in these two regions (P<0.001, P<0.05). However, dopamine levels were increased in hippocampus (P<0.01). Serotonin levels were significantly decreased in motor cortex (P<0.001) and hypothalamus (P<0.001) but increased in striatum-accumbens (P<0.001) and brainstem (P<0.001). These results suggest that carbamazepine may mediate its anticonvulsant effect by differential alterations of monoamine levels in discrete brain regions particularly in motor cortex and cerebellum.  相似文献   

 This study examined the effects of negative air ion exposure on the human cardiovascular and endocrine systems during rest and during the recovery period following moderate endurance exercise. Ten healthy adult men were studied in the presence (8,000–10,000 cm−3) or absence (200–400 cm−3) of negative air ions (25° C, 50% humidity) after 1 h of exercise. The level of exercise was adjusted to represent a 50–60% load compared with the subjects’ maximal oxygen uptake, which was determined using a bicycle ergometer in an unmodified environment (22–23° C, 30–35% humidity, 200–400 negative air ions·cm−3). The diastolic blood pressure (DBP) values during the recovery period were significantly lower in the presence of negative ions than in their absence. The plasma levels of serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine (DA) were significantly lower in the presence of negative ions than in their absence. These results demonstrated that exposure to negative air ions produced a slow recovery of DBP and decreases in the levels of 5-HT and DA in the recovery period after moderate endurance exercise. 5-HT is thought to have contributed to the slow recovery of DBP. Received: 29 July 1996 / Revised: 3 April 1997 / Accepted: 28 October 1997  相似文献   

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