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The experiments presented here confirm the hypothesis according to which, in our experimental system of differential cell adhesion (where we studied the kinetics of the earliest period of adhesion of a suspension of chick embryo neuroblasts to layers of astroblasts or fibroblasts), the mechanism of adhesion appears to consist of two steps, the first of which is a short-term reversible phase corresponding to a binding equilibrium. In fact, adhesion of neuroblasts to each of the two cell layers occurs according to kinetic constants and attains levels which are characteristic for each of the two adhesion systems. In both systems, neuroblasts that have not adhered at equilibrium are able to adhere if inoculated over a fresh cell layer of the same type, as they do during the first inoculation; conversely, neuroblasts that have adhered to a cell layer can be made to de-adhere by substituting cell-free fresh medium to the inoculation medium containing non-adhering neuroblasts. This shows that, as predicted for a reversible equilibrium system, removal of adhering neuroblasts from the system at equilibrium provokes adhesion, and removal of non-adhered neuroblasts provokes de-adhesion. Furthermore the level of adhesion at equilibrium is, in all cases, the same. The reversibility of adhesion, which is almost quantitative during the onset of the equilibrium, gradually decreases with time, indicating the presence of a process of irreversible attachment between cells after the first reversible step. The developmental implications of the complete sequential mechanisms are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial sequence of nuclear disappearance during the terminal differentiation of lens fiber cells could be due to an impairment of the DNA repair pathways or to the appearance of an active DNA degradation process. The results presented here favor the second hypothesis. A single-stranded DNA nuclease activity and a double-stranded DNA nuclease activity have been found in chick embryo fiber cells. Moreover, there is a good correspondence between the variations of the nuclease activity and the stages of differentiation of the different samples analyzed.  相似文献   

Proteoglycan biosynthesis by chick embryo retina glial-like cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this report we present biochemical evidence that purified cultures of chick embryo retina glial-like cells actively synthesize heparan sulfate (HS) and chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate (CS/DS) proteoglycans as well as hyaluronic acid. Glial-like cell cultures were metabolically labeled with [3H]glucosamine and 35SO4, and the medium, cell layer, and substratum-bound fractions were analyzed separately. Proteoglycans were characterized according to charge, apparent molecular size, and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) composition and were found to be differentially distributed among the cellular compartments. HS was the predominant GAG overall and was the major species found in the cell layer and substratum-bound fractions. CS/DS was also present in each fraction and comprised the largest proportion of GAGs in the medium. The major GAG-containing material resolved into three different size classes. The first, found in the cell layer and substratum-bound fractions, contained both CS/DS and HS and was of large size. A second, intermediately sized class with a higher CS/DS:HS ratio was found in the medium. The smallest class was found in the cell layer fraction and comprised HS, most likely present as free GAG chains. In addition, each fraction contained hyaluronic acid. Characteristics of these macromolecules differ from those produced by purified cultures of chick embryo retina neurons and photoreceptors in terms of size, compartmental distribution, and presence of hyaluronic acid.  相似文献   

Brain extracts from 8-day-old chick embryos have been shown to influence morphological development of dissociated brain cells from 7-day-old chick embryos in culture. Stimulatory, effects on size of the neuronal somas and on growth of long processes were observed by adding the cytosol of the brain extract or the dialysate of the cytosol. These morphological changes parallel modifications of various enzyme activities according to the age of the cultures. Adenyl cyclase, (Na+, K+)- and Mg2+-ATPase, 5-nucleotidase, choline acetyltransferase, and acetylcholinesterase activities were studied between 5 and 14 days of culture. Adenyl cyclase activity was strongly stimulated at 8 days by both extracts. (Na+, K+)-and Mg2+-ATPase activities were stimulated in 8-day-old cultures only by the dialysate. 5-Nucleotidase activity was stimulated in 8-day-old cultures by the dialysate and in 11-day-old cultures by both extracts. Choline acetyltransferase activity was stimulated by the cytosol in 8-day-old cultures and by the dialysate in 11-day-old cultures. The total acetylcholinesterase activity was higher in 8-, 11-, and 14-day-old cultures treated with the cytosol. When the cells were treated with the dialysate, the activity was only higher in 14-day-old cultures. We also found that following the addition of brain extracts, the specific activity of the enzymes we studied was enhanced and became close to the values found in vivo during embryogenesis. Thus in parallel to the morphological modifications observed in nerve cell cultures treated by embryo brain extracts, biochemical variations especially involved in synaptogenesis and membrane development could be measured.  相似文献   

Differentiation of primitive erythroid cells derived from the yolk sac of the chick embryo is accompanied by changes in the morphology of and in the physicochemical properties of the nucleus. Microfluorimetry of individual nuclei stained with acridine orange was performed on thermally denatured cells. Measurements were made at 530 nm (green fluorescence) and 590 nm (redfluorescence). The ratio of these two measurements was used to monitor the susceptibility of chromatin to thermal denaturation. Differences were found (a) between mature erythrocytes and dividing erythroblasts, and (b) between dividing erythroblasts from successive cell generations of the erythroid series. There were differential characteristics of AO binding during thermal denaturation as signified by F530 and F590 measurements. The temperature at which the increase of the ratio (F590/F530) was 50% of its maximum was approximately 70° C for erythroblasts from the fifth generation (day 4), 80–85° C for the sixth generation (day 5), and 85–90° C for the nondividing erythrocytes (day 8). Interpretation of these differences may be complicated by changes in the sensitivity of nuclear proteins to the interactive effects of 0.15 M NaCl and thermal denaturation.  相似文献   

The surfaces of cells from the early embryo of the chick were examined using electron microscope techniques for the visualization of concanavalin A-binding sites. Horseradish peroxidase and Ferritin labelled concanavalin A were used to determine the distribution of the binding sites. All surfaces of the epiblast and hypoblast layers which were accessible to concanavalin A showed the presence of binding sites in stage 1 embryos. The ventral surface of the epiblast showed a high lectin affinity which may reflect the development of a basal lamina on this surface. The individual hypoblast cells at this stage showed a non-uniform distribution of binding sites, having a greater affinity on the dorsal surface than the ventral. By the time of primitive streak formation (stage 4-5) the dorsal surface of the epiblast displayed increased binding sites, while the frequency of sites on the ventral surface of the endoblast was reduced. The latter may reflect a change from one cell population to another, which occurs in the lower layer of the embryo at this time. No consistent correlation could be drawn between changes in motility of cells actually invaginating through the primitive streak and changes in affinity for concanavalin A. An overall increase in affinity of the dorsal surface of the epiblast was revealed by Ferritin and may reflect the changes in surface structure occurring in readiness for the morphogenetic migrations of gastrulation.  相似文献   

We have found that tryptose phosphate broth (TPB) prevents the inhibitory effect of chloramphenicol (CAM) on the cell proliferation of chick embryo fibroblasts. Study of growth parameters indicated that no lag or adaptation period appeared necessary for TPB-exposed chick cell populations to grow in the presence of CAM suggesting that a particular cell type was not selected. TPB did not prevent the inhibitory effect of CAM on the mitochondrial protein-synthesizing system. This was supported by cytochrome oxidase activity measurements, studies on the incorporation of 35S-metionine into mitochondrial proteins, electron microscopic observation of alterations in mitochondrial structure. Oxygen consumption was reduced by 95% and cyanide, 2-4-dinitrophenol, and salicylhydroxamic acid do not significantly affect the residual respiration. Analyses of reduced-minus-oxidized-cytochrome spectra of CAM-treated chick cells demonstrate the disappearance of the absorption bands of cytochromes aa3, b559, c1, and c. The presence of a type b cytochrome with maxima at 552 and 557 nm was observed. The results obtained indicate that long-term cultures of CAM-treated chick embryo cells cultivated in the presence of TPB grow with mitochondria devoid of a functional respiratory chain.  相似文献   

It was reported elsewhere (Gasparian, Grigorian, 1989a) that in the secondary chick embryo cell culture, after its superinoculation with additional homologous cells, the cell population density increased and the cell proliferation was activated. It has been shown in the present paper that the cell proliferation rate increase after inoculation of fixed cells, as well. The results obtained are discussed as a direct evidence for growth-stimulating effect of contacts between homologous cells.  相似文献   

The early maturation stages of definitive erythroid cells are observed in the embryonic circulation of the chick yolk sac at 4.5--5 days of incubation. Light and electron microscope observation of the mesoderm of the yold sac membrane indicate that individual presumptive precursors of the definitive-line are present as early as 2 days of incubation and give rise to sequestered populations of immature erythroblasts within sinusoids during the period of 2.5-6 days incubation. Such isolated populations of definitive-line erythroblasts eventually connect with the established capillary circulation of yolk sac membrane but a large proportion of the erythroblasts temporarily remain associated with the endothelium prior to free circulation.  相似文献   

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