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Variation of Actinomyces chromogenes var. trienicus 141-18 MSU, an organism producing trienin was studied under laboratory conditions. Nine stable spontaneous variants were isolated from the population of the initial culture when grown on Gause medium No. 1. The variants varied in differentiation and biosynthetic capacity, including such characteristics as size and form of the colonies, ability for formation of the aerial mycelium and its colour, capacity for sporulation, form of the spore chains and antibiotic production property. In the secondary structures the spores formed only in 6 variants out of 9 isolates. The spore form and spore membrane surface were close in all sporogenic variants, while there were significant differences in the structure of the sporophores. The variants forming the aerial mycelium of the same colour as that of the initial culture did not differ from it also by the nature of the spore chains (spirals with 3--8 turns). The variants with lighter aerial mycelium than that of the initial population formed straight sporophores or spirals with a small number of the turns (1--3). The comparative study of the antimicrobial spectrum of the variants and the component composition of the synthesized antibiotic complex showed that the asporogenic variants and dwarf variant signifcantly differed with respect to their phenotypes from the other cultures and had no antagonistic action. One of the assporogenic variants had only insignificant activity. All the spore forming variants did not differ from the initial culture in the complex of the antibiotics synthesized.  相似文献   

An actinomycetous culture designated as LIA-0721 was isolated from a soil sample. It was close to Act. fulvoviolaceus by its morphologo-cultural features and differed from it in production of melanoid pigments and the spectrum of carbohydrate assimilation. This justified its classification as Act. fulvoviolaceus var. achromogenes var. nov. The culture produced new aromatic heptaens, i. e. fulvomycins A, B and C. Their physico- chemical and biological characteristics are presented.  相似文献   

Actinomycete LIA-O784 was isolated from a soil sample. By its morphological and cultural properties the isolate was close to Act. parvullus but differed from it in synthesis of melanoid pygment, thyrosinase, hydrogen sulphide and pronounced antifungal activity. The actinomycete was classified as a new variant and designated as Actinomyces parvullus var. chromogenes var. nov. The culture produced a new polyglycoside antibiotic named parvulomycin. The physico-chemical characteristics of the antibiotic is presented.  相似文献   

Natural variation of the levorin-producing organism Act. levoris, strain 28 was studied with respect to the colony morphology and production of levorin and levoristatin. The population of strain 28 consisted of 3 morphological colony types, the main type amounting to 99.7 percent. The strain variation with respect to production of levorin and levoristatin ranged from 20 to 180 and from 0 to 300 percent respectively as compared to the control. Mutant M-28 differing from the initial strain by the colony morphology, moderate phage titer and preferable production of levoristatin was isolated as a result of repeated passages of strain 28 onto agarized Chapek media with starch without maintaining selection. Variants differing from the population of strains 28 and M-28 by the ratio of levorin and levoristatin in the culture fluid were selected. No correlation in production of the above antibiotics by strain 28 was noted. Preparations obtained with strain M-28 differed from those obtained with strain 28 in a significant content of levoristatin.  相似文献   

A summation fraction of the membranes of Actinomyces sp. 26-115 was obtained as a result of lysis of its protoplasts in a hypotonic medium. The qualitative content of protein, lipids, phospholipids, nucleic acids, glucosamine and muramic acid was determined in the membranes at various stages of the organism development. Phosphatidylcholine is the main component of phospholipids in this organism. Intracellular actinomycin was found inside the protoplasts. Electrophoregrams of the microprotoplasts and membranes are presented. Actinomycin was also detected in the membranes. Still, it is not clear whether it is a component of the membrane or it is adsorbed on the membrane during the process of its isolation. The final conclusion on the relationship between the membrane and localization of actinomycin in the cell requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Mutants possessing 3 times higher activity as compared to the initial culture were obtained as a result of selection of active variants of Act. rubiginosonelvolus, a new organism producing rubomycin against the background of variation induced by N-methyl-N1-nitro-N-nitrozoguinidine, diethylsulphate and their combinations. Further selection among the mutants stable to 6-mercaptopurine and riboflavine resulted in obtaining an active culture No. 3912 at least 7 times more active with respect to rubomycin production than the initial soil culture.  相似文献   

Spontaneous variability of Actinomyces recifensis var. lyticus 2435 producing a complex of lytic enzymes was studied. A correlation between the strain activity and the content of the variants of the main morphological type in the population was shown. The carbon sources influenced the proportion of different type variants in the population. Strain 2435 was rather stable with respect to the level of the synthesis of yeast-like enzymes and showed a significant variation with respect to the level of the biosynthesis of the bacteriolytic complex. The population variation of strain 2435 with respect to the staphylolytic (synthesis of specific endopeptidases) and muramidase activity was most pronounced. The high activity levels of strain 2435 and wide lytic spectrum were provided by selection of the variants of the first morphological type with respect to the property of high staphylolytic activity.  相似文献   

Five variants of Actinomyces lavendulae differing in the morphology of their colonies were found when natural variability of this organism was studied. A correlation was established between the colony morphology of the variants and their activity of cholesterol decomposition. The variants forming colonies of the basic and folded type had the highest activity. A variant with an elevated activity of cholesterol oxidase was selected. In order to maintain the high activity of the culture, it is necessary to examine its variability and to select variants corresponding to the basic type in their morphology.  相似文献   

Activity of transketolase, an enzyme of the pentose cycle and fructosodiphosphataldolase, an enzyme of glycolisis was studied in the dynamics of development of the nystatin-producing organism and its inactive mutant under various conditions of their cultivation with a purpose of finding relation between the antibiotic production and general metabolism of Act. noursei. The transketolase activity of the organism was 2-4 times higher than that of the inactive mutant. Addition of 8000 Units/ml of nystatin to the medium markedly suppressed (50-100 per cent) the aldolase activity, however it had no effect on the transkelotase activity. Possibly the antibiotic accumulated in the mycelium played the role of a regulator of the activity of the enzymes, directing the metabolites along the hexosomonophosphate pathway of carbohydrate dissimilation.  相似文献   

Transport of L-valine by Actinomyces species 26-115, an organism producing actinomycin C depended on L-valine concentration in the medium and temperature and required a source of intrinsic energy. Km for L-valine transport was 3.5.10(-6)--6.0.10(-6) M. It somewhat differed from experiment to experiment. The above system transported also other neutral amino acids. L-isoleucine was a competing inhibitor of L-valine transport. The transport of L-valine was stereospecific. The activity of the transport system was regulated by the intracellular content of L-valine. Probably because of this the amino acid transport depended on the culture age, so far as the level of free valine in the mycelium at various stages of development was different.  相似文献   

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