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Summary Sequential cytological events in late spermatogenesis of Liza aurata were studied from the stage secondary spermatocytes to that of mature spermatozoa. Spermiogenesis involves preparatory morphological events followed by conspicuous modifications such as intracellular movements (diplosome and mitochondrion migration, spermatid lengthening, nuclear rotation) and structural changes (dense chromatin granules, increase in size of mitochondria, loss of cytoplasm). Mature spermatozoa, with a round nucleus and a pseudo-midpiece are of a primitive type, even compared with spermatozoa of other teleosts.  相似文献   

Livers of 45 fingerling grey mullets ( Liza sp. 5-15 cm long) were subjected to light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and enzyme cytochemical examination. The hepatic structure was found to be comparable in all three Liza species. As in other fish species, Liza liver parenchyma is arranged in cords (or dual-plated laminae, in sections parallel to the sinusoidal axis). Hepatocytes showed numerous microvilli in their perisinusoidal and canalicular areas. They contained a centrally located nucleus, fairly large areas of rough endoplasmic reticulum, consisting mainly of parallel cisternae, and pools of glycogen. A few small lipid droplets were evenly distributed in the cytoplasm. The Golgi fields, between the canaliculus and the nucleus, consist mainly of dictyosomes, lysosomes and autophagic vacuoles. Acid phosphatase activity was cytochemically localized to reaction products in secondary lysosomes and lipofuscin granules. A comparison between grey mullet liver and that of other teleosts was made.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates in photoreceptor segments in the retina of the firemouth cichlid Thorichthys meeki are described and compared. The present periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and lectin results revealed the occurrence of neutral carbohydrates, composed mainly of glycosamine and mannose and glucose, in the light absorbing segments in rods and cones in this species. Unlike in mammals, the retina in this teleost seems to be poor in galactose and galactose-galactosamine units in the light absorbing segments.  相似文献   

The mullet Mugil liza occurs along the Atlantic coast of South America from Venezuela to Argentina, but 95% of the commercial catch is collected from south Brazil between São Paulo and Argentina. Mugil liza is a single spawner with oocyte development occurring synchronously in two groups. Spawning happens in marine areas and occurs after migration. The reproductive migration occurs from Argentina (38° S) to the southern Brazilian states (24–26° S) from April to July, with peak spawning in June between northern Santa Catarina and Paraná. The presence of hyaline oocytes was associated with high salinity and sea surface temperatures of 19–21° C, and followed the seasonal northward displacement of these oceanographic conditions. The average size at first maturity (Lm) for both sexes was 408·3 mm total length, LT. Males (Lm = 400·1) matured earlier than females (Lm = 421·9 mm). Fecundity ranged from 818 992 to 2 869 767 oocytes (mean = 1 624 551) in fish that were between 426 and 660 mm LT.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine some reproductive parameters in the golden grey mullet (Liza aurata Risso, 1810) during two periods half a decade apart while also trying from limited data to identify changes in fecundity over the past half century. Maturity and fecundity of golden grey mullet caught in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea is not well documented and were thus studied during several seasonal cycles during 2002–2004 to establish basic data on reproduction in the area. The fork length (FL) of 462 sampled fish was between 22.1 and 51.9 cm. The fork length–weight relationship derived from all fish was W = 0.0118FL2.964. Overall male to female ratio was 1 : 1.42. The reproductive season extended from October to December. Fifty percent of sexual maturity was at FL 26.0 cm. Mature gonads were present in 20% of fish at age 3, 63% at age 4, 88% at age 5, and 97% at age 6. Individual absolute fecundity of the golden grey mullet ranged from 113 386 to 1.47 million eggs, with a mean (±SD) of 451 963 (±274,114.2). An overlap exists between the spawning and fishing seasons. Therefore, the start of the fishing season should be delayed for 1 month in order for stocks to complete their spawning.  相似文献   

Recent changes in the Caspian ecosystem have caused changes in the absolute and relative abundance of the commercially important golden grey mullet (Liza aurata) in Iranian waters. In order to adjust for these changes a more rigorous management of this fishery resource is required. The present study examines the biomass of golden grey mullet during 1991–2010. Estimates of fMSY, yield‐per‐recruit and spawning biomass‐per‐recruit are presented for various harvesting strategies of Fmax, F0.1, F35%, and a method is proposed for estimating acceptable biological catch (ABC) that accounts for large differences in the quality and quantity of information and available data. Biomass estimates of golden grey mullet, derived from a biomass‐based cohort analysis, increased from 13 527 tonnes in 1991–1992 to 20 100 t in 2000–2001, and declined to the lowest level (11 000 t) in 2007–2008. In 2009–2010, the total biomass was estimated to be 14 400 t. The ABC was estimated at 2200 t in 2010. Golden grey mullet is vulnerable to environmental factors, which should be considered in the stock assessment and management of the fish.  相似文献   

The morphological and biochemical characteristics of pigment accumulations found in the kidney, liver, spleen, and mesentery of three different species of teleost fishes have been studied. There are significant differences in number, distribution, and morphology of pigment accumulations in different organs of the three species. Biochemical studies have shown the existence of tyrosinase activity in the mesentery of Mugil cephalus and in the kidney and mesentery of Sparus auratus. No tyrosinase activity was found in any internal organs of Dicertranchus labrax. That activity was assayed using three methods: tyrosine hidroxylation, dopa oxidation, and melanin formation. The morphological and biochemical observations are in agreement. In those organs in which we have demonstrated melanin synthetic activity, the pigment cells are morphologically and like melanophores, while in the organs that show no melanin synthetic activity, the pigment cells resemble macrophages.  相似文献   

Grey mullets are remarkably characterized by their overall uniform external morphology. Identifying species as well as positioning the Mugiliformes in a phylogenetic context is rather difficult. Most recently they were placed in the newly erected Ovalentaria, but more detailed relationships to potential sister taxa were not resolved. Studying the internal morphology, especially the osteology, might provide new insights into the evolution of the Mugiliformes as well as help clarify their phylogenetic position within the Ovalentaria. A detailed osteology of the golden grey mullet Liza aurata is presented. The use of cleared and stained specimens allowed for a complete examination of bony and cartilaginous structures, and a 3D reconstruction from a μCT data set provided additional information on the positional relationships of the bones. Following this, the data obtained were compared with different mugilid species, particularly with the flathead grey mullet Mugil cephalus. Several differences between these species could be identified, such as the position of the basisphenoid, the shape of the hyomandibular and the composition of the branchial arches. These characters might help in understanding the evolutionary changes happening within the mugiliforms and will provide the basis to study this taxon in detail, finally allowing the reconstruction of the body plan of grey mullets.  相似文献   

Leaping African mullet Mugil capurrii was caught along the Togolese coast in the Gulf of Guinea. This is the first record of this species which usually occurs from Morocco to Guinea Bissau and the southernmost point of its known distribution.  相似文献   

This study, the first on fish reproduction in the Pendjari River, investigated aspects of the reproductive biology of Schilbe intermedius. A total of 429 females and 239 males were collected from March 2007 to February 2008. Females were larger than males and the sex ratio was 1:1.8 in favour of females. Size at first maturity was estimated to be 14.9 cm and 16.1 cm for males and females, respectively. Absolute fecundity ranged from 1 006 to 83 980 (22 421 ± 16 083) oocytes, and mean relative fecundity was 201 ± 162 oocytes g?1 of total body mass. Frequency distributions of oocyte diameter suggested synchronous development, with total spawning. Spawning lasted from June to November, coinciding with peaks in rainfall and flooding. Larger females began spawning about two months before smaller ones.  相似文献   

Summary A re-examination of goldfish liver was made through the use of SEM of fractured samples and TEM of ultrathin-sections and freeze-etch replicas. Several new hepatic fine structures described in the present study are morphologically similar to those reported previously in many higher vertebrates including mammals. Hepatic sinusoids of goldfish contain fenestrations which are arranged into sieve plates. Although the hepatic plates are made up of two layers of hepatocytes, the parenchymal cells of goldfish liver are morphologically similar to mammalian hepatocytes, particularly with respect to the sinusoidal surfaces which are studded with numerous microvilli. The intercellular surfaces of hepatocytes have both nexus and desmosomal junctions, similar to those found in various epithelial cells of higher vertebrates, as cell attachments and communication foci. Tight junctions are found mainly between the openings of the intracellular bile canaliculi and the intralobular bile ductules which are situated in the center of the bicellular hepatic plate.Supported in part by Grants # GM92 and ES07017  相似文献   

A detailed study was made of the scales on the golden grey mullet Liza aurata in the lagoon of Messolonghi (W. Greece), in order to examine the suitability of scales for ageing. From a total of 1048 specimens of 9–59 cm total length (TL), the estimated ages ranged from 0+ to 8+ years, with only females at ages 7+ and 8+. The scale reading was reliable, the annuli recognizable and each annulus radius easily measured. There was a great overlapping in the annulus radius between the ages 1+ and 4+, indicative of extended spawning time and differences in growth of yearly recruits. The scale radius (Rmax) was strongly related with TL by the pooled equation: TL = 1.5501Rmax0.77, with no significant differences between the sexes. From examination of the monthly variation in the distance of the outermost annulus from the scale margin, it was determined that the annulus is formed in February. No annuli were detected in fish of less than 20 cm TL.  相似文献   

This study investigates the adaptation of certain feeding strategies by a population of Atherina boyeri inhabiting a freshwater ecosystem (Lake Trichonis, Greece) and links feeding habits with ecosystem interactions, using stomach content analysis and food availability. The use of Ivlev's electivity index (E) revealed the selection of different prey categories in respect to size, species and even gender. A. boyeri showed positive selection for larger zooplankters such as adult copepods and the egg‐bearing females of Eudiaptomus drieschi (0.53 < E < 0.92 and 0.24 < E < 0.99, respectively) or the cladocerans Diaphanosoma orghidani and Daphnia cucullata (0.25 < E < 0.53 and 0.23 < E < 0.37, respectively) in spring and/or summer. In contrast, the fish totally avoided rotifers and copepod nauplii, while showing negative selection for smaller prey items like copepodites (?1.00 < E < ?0.14). A shift to larger prey was recorded as age increased. Larger specimens showed cannibalistic behaviour by consuming larvae of A. boyeri and the endemic, threatened, fish Economidichthys trichonis. The results provide certain indications that, through selective predation, A. boyeri is able to affect zooplankton abundance and community composition, the vertical distribution and migration of crustaceans and the abundance of other fish species, However, more research on the dynamics and feeding ecology of A. boyeri and other fish species is necessary.  相似文献   

Summary Extravascular circulation in the pituitary of Mugil cephalus was investigated by injecting live fish with horseradish peroxidase and studying the distribution of the enzyme in the gland. The principal components of the extravascular circulatory system are the pericapillary spaces, and, arising from them, the interlobular and circumhypophyseal spaces. Extensions of these spaces penetrate the glandular parenchyma of the pars distalis, where they merge with pericellular spaces. In the neurohypophysis, pericapillary spaces are connected to the periaxonal spaces.Capillaries penetrating from the proximal neurohypophysis into the pars distalis are accompanied by neurosecretory axons. These axons form a mass of tissue which is limited near the capillaries by the pericapillary spaces and near the adenohypophysis by the interlobular spaces. Toward the interior of the adenohypophysis the amount of nervous tissue accompanying the capillaries progressively diminishes, thus reducing the distance between pericapillary and interlobular spaces. Within the pars distalis, the neurosecretory axons accompanying the capillaries are sparse, and the secretory and stellate cells are mostly located directly adjacent to the pericapillary spaces. In the neuro-intermediate lobe, interlobular spaces outline the neuro-adenohypophyseal boundary.The relationship between extravascular spaces and hormone-secreting cells varies in the different regions of the adenohypophysis depending upon the type of neurosecretory innervation in the respective region. In the regions of prolactin and gonadotropin cells, where neurosecretory axons are in direct contact with the secretory cells, the hormone-secreting and stellate cells are adjacent to the pericapillary spaces. In the regions of ACTH and STH cells, secretory and stellate cells are found adjacent to the interlobular spaces, which are interposed between the cells and the neurosecretory axons.Abbreviations AH adenohypophysis - CH circumhypophyseal - DNH distal neurohypophysis - HRP horseradish peroxidase - NH neurohypophysis - NS neurosecretory - PD pars distalis - PI pars intermedia - PPD proximal pars distalis - RNH rostral neurohypophysis - RPD rostral pars distalis This research was supported by a grant from the National Council for Research and Development, Israel, and the GKSS Geesthacht-Tesperhude, Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   

The feeding habits of sand smelt (Atherina boyeri, Risso, 1810) from Trichonis Lake (Western Greece) were investigated. Stomach contents were analyzed from 240 specimens with total lengths ranging from 35 to 112 mm. Samples were taken at monthly intervals (January–December 1997). Of the total number of stomachs examined, 53 were empty (22.1%). However, values varied greatly with season (maximum in January: 50%; minimum in August: 7.6%). Prey analyses of stomach contents identified 15 important items (%Rn > 0.05) belonging to six major groups: crustacean (copepods, cladocera), mollusca (bivalve: larvae), insects (larvae), cestode worms and finfish (fry and eggs). Dominant prey were larvae of the bivalve Dreissena polymorpha (%Rn = 33.8), the copepods Eudiadomus drieschi (%Rn = 26.4) and the cladocera Diaphanosoma brachyurum (%Rn = 24.2). The importance of cladocera and copepods decreased with increasing size of the sand smelt, while the importance of bivalve larvae, fish eggs and finfish fry increased with increasing sand smelt size. Seasonal changes in diet composition and prey abundance in sand smelt stomachs were recorded as coinciding with the seasonal composition and abundance of the zooplankton community in the surface layers of Trichonis Lake. Bivalve larvae were the dominant prey of A. boyeri during January to May, while copepods and cladocera dominated from June to December.  相似文献   

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