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We investigated physiological and morphological traits underlying variation in relative growth rate (KGR) among wheat cultivars. Subsequently, we determined whether higher RGR is correlated with higher water demand and lower plant water use efficiency (WUEp). Further, the correlation between water use efficiency and leaf nitrogen concentration was examined. For this purpose we chose lour cultivars contrasting in RGR or WUEp. Gas exchange of shoots and respiration of roots were measured on intact plants over a 24 h period, and total carbon and nitrogen concentrations of all plant parts were determined. The highest RGR was achieved by the cultivars with the highest leaf area ratio. WUEp was strongly dependent on photosynthetic water use efficiency and was highest for the cultivars with the highest rate of photosynthesis, which achieved higher rates of photosynthesis per unit leaf nitrogen. We found no evidence for a functional or genetic link between the physiological traits underlying differences in RGR (specific leaf area and leaf area ratio) and those causing variation in water use efficiency (photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate). These results indicate that, in wheat, it may be possible to select simultaneously for traits associated with a high WUEp and a high RGR.  相似文献   

Scaling of respiration from the leaf to the canopy level currently depends on identification of physiological parameters that are tightly linked to respiration and that can readily be determined. Several recent studies have helped provide guides to predicting whole canopy respiration on the basis of foliar nitrogen (N). This approach is potentially powerful owing to the well‐described patterns of allocation of N that follow interception of radiation. In the present study, we investigated the sensitivity of the N–respiration correlation to environmental and developmental factors, in order to evaluate its usage for attempts to scale respiration to the organism and ecosystem level. We studied fully expanded, 1 and 2‐year‐old, and current‐year needles from canopies of Pinus radiata that had been treated (unthinned, thinned and thinned+fertilized treatments) in ways likely to induce a wide range of growth and respiratory responses. We examined respiration in detail during the growth period in spring and again at the end of summer, using calorespirometric methods (combined measurements of CO2 and heat rates) to determine the respiration rates , instantaneous enthalpic growth rates (RSGΔHB, a measure of the conservation of electrons in anabolic products) and the enthalpy conversion efficiency (ηH) of needles differing in age. A general linear model revealed that was positively correlated with needle N, but this correlation was strongly dependent on the season and the needle age – indicating an important physiological difference between expanding young needles and fully expanded old needles. Furthermore, the strength of the correlation between needle N and respiration was comparatively weak for the current year, expanding foliage, indicating that factors other than foliage N significantly influenced the respiration of young needles. The analysis of instantaneous growth rates revealed two general processes. Older, nonexpanding foliage showed considerable rates of enthalpic growth (increases in enthalpy) that was mainly caused by the increment of lignin during secondary growth. Secondly, canopy development appeared dynamic and to be optimized according to environmental drivers and constraints – such as light and water availability. In late spring, needle extension slowed in the upper, but not the lower canopy, because the upper canopy appeared to be affected first by the onset of drought stress in late spring. Growth rates were reduced in the upper canopy despite greater rates of respiration, indicating higher demand of ATP for the maintenance of protein and for export of sugars. Consequently, the enthalpy conversion efficiency and enthalpic N productivity (enthalpic growth per unit N) were comparatively poor indicating advanced development of needles in the upper canopy. We suggest that the growth and maintenance paradigm of respiration is, at best, only moderately useful when applied to whole trees, and is not valid at the cellular level or that of the plant organ. A different concept, namely that of respiratory efficiency, seems a more suitable way to represent respiration in carbon (C) balance models and should help provide a better mechanistic understanding of how respiration affects the C conversion efficiency of plants, and ultimately the net primary productivity of ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aims Most plants are clonal in nature. Clonal ramets can share water, nutrients and photosynthate, especially when they experience patchy resources. Patch contrast (i.e. a difference in resources among patches) and patch direction (i.e. source–sink relations) are among the basic attributes of spatial patchiness. Here, I hypothesize that young established ramets in nutrient-rich patches support old ramets in nutrient-poor patches when ramets are subjected to different patch contrasts and patch directions.Methods In a greenhouse experiment, old and young ramets of Glechoma longituba were grown in four combinations consisting of patch contrast and patch direction. Minus patch direction refers to a patch combination in which parent ramets grow in nutrient-rich patches while connected daughter ramets grow in nutrient-poor ones and plus patch direction is the opposite direction. I measured photosynthesis and fluorescence traits, harvested all ramets, took morphological measures, weighed their dry mass and determined their nutrient uptake and use.Important findings For parental ramets of G. longituba, patch contrast and patch direction and their interactions had no significant effects on net photosynthetic rate, maximal fluorescence yield, photochemical quenching (quenching refers to any process which decreases the fluorescence intensity of a given substance), non-photochemical quenching, nutrient uptake, biomass and stolon weight ratio. Patch direction alone significantly affected root weight ratio. Large patch contrast enhanced N use efficiency (NUE) and P use efficiency (PUE); plus patch direction decreased NUE, but increased PUE; the patch contrast by patch direction interaction affected PUE and K use efficiency (KUE). There were significant interactions between patch direction and patch contrast on PUE and KUE. It is concluded that soil nutrient patchiness may influence nutrient use strategies, but not nutrient uptake, photosynthesis and growth of parent ramets of G. longituba connected to daughter ramets, and that patch contrast and patch direction jointly affect PUE and KUE.  相似文献   

灌溉施肥部位对玉米同化物分配和水分利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用土柱管栽试验方法研究了不同灌溉施肥深度对夏玉米生长发育、地上地下部分同化物分配、产量和水分利用效率的影响。试验结果表明:土表下灌施抑制了玉米生育早期的地上部分生长,使根系向土壤中下层的分布加强,从而保证了作物中后期对水分养分的吸收利用,提高了水分利用效率。在本试验条件下,玉米生长的最佳灌施深度为30cm。  相似文献   

高德新  王帅  李琰  王聪  魏芳莉  傅伯杰  李彤 《生态学报》2021,41(14):5507-5516
光能利用率(Light use efficiency: LUE)指植物截获的光能转化为化学能的效率,表示为生产力和吸收光能之比。基于LUE概念的模型对模拟预测全球变化下碳循环、植被生产力及其潜力具有重要意义。全球变化和人类活动影响给植被生产力和碳循环的评估带来了巨大挑战。系统梳理了LUE模型的不确定性并分析其原因,以期提高生产力模拟预测的准确度。分析发现LUE模型准确度仅为62%-70%且模型间差异较大(32%),误差随着植被类型、时间尺度和空间区域的不同存在显著差别。目前计算LUE的误差是模型不确定性的关键,原因主要在于LUE与影响因素尤其是水分的关系并不清楚。一方面不能准确区分水分胁迫指标对LUE的影响机制,另一方面无法准确模拟水分等影响因素与LUE关系的时空演变特征。未来该领域研究的重要方向是发展集成样地和区域尺度的叶绿素荧光、光化学指数等研究方法,厘定LUE与影响因素特别是的水分关系,并分析其时空演变特征。  相似文献   

土壤深松和补灌对小麦干物质生产及水分利用率的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究一次深松耕作后土壤水分对冬小麦籽粒产量和水分利用率的影响,为小麦节水高产栽培提供理论依据.于2008-2009和2009-2010两个小麦生长季,选用高产小麦品种济麦22,采取测墒补灌的方法,研究了深松+旋耕和旋耕2种耕作方式下土壤水分对小麦0-200 cm土层土壤含水量、干物质积累与分配、籽粒产量及水分利用率的影响.结果表明,(1)深松+旋耕40-180 cm土层土壤含水量低于旋耕处理;旗叶光合速率和水分利用率,开花后干物质积累量及其对籽粒的贡献率显著高于旋耕处理.(2)W3(补灌至0-140 cm土层土壤相对含水量播种期为85%,越冬期80%,拔节和开花期75%)成熟期0-200cm土层土壤含水量与W1(播种期80%,越冬期80%,拔节和开花期75%)和W2处理(播种期80%,越冬期85%,拔节和开花期75%)无显著差异;W3和W'3(播种期85%,越冬期85%,拔节和开花期75%)60-140 cm土层土壤含水量分别低于W4(播种期85%,越冬期85%,拔节和开花期75%)和W'4(播种期90%,越冬期85%,拔节和开花期75%)处理;W3和W'3灌浆中后期旗叶光合速率较高,开花后干物质积累量及其对籽粒的贡献率显著高于其他处理,获得高的籽粒产量和水分利用率.综合考虑籽粒产量、水分利用率和灌溉效益,在深松+旋耕条件下,两年度分别以W3和W'3为节水高产的最佳处理.  相似文献   

Diurnal changes in net photosynthetic rate (PN), evapotranspiration rate (ET) and water use efficiency (WUE=PN/ET) of field grown chickpea (Cicer arietinum) L. cv. H-355 were studied from the vegetative phase through maturirty at Haryana Agricultural University Farm, Hissar, India. The maximum photosynthetic rate (PN max) increased from the initial vegetative phase to pod formation and declined at a rapid rate from pod filling to maturity. The response of PN to photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) (400–700 nm) was temperature-dependent during the day, i.e. on cool days the PN rates were lower for certain quanta of PPFD during the first half than during the second half of day, and vice versa on warm days. ET was affected both by crop cover and evaporative demand up to flowering, but thereafter it was independent of crop cover and followed the course of evaporative demand. ET was related to air temperature during the day while PN was related to PPFD. There was a lag of two to three hours between PNmax (around noon) and ETmax (around 2 p.m.). WUE increased from the vegetative stage through flowering but decreased thereafter to maturity.Abbreviations DAS days after planting - ET evapotranspiration - LAI leaf area index - PAR photosynthetically active radiation (in figures) is equivalent to PPFD (see below) - PN net photosynthetic rate - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - WUE water use efficiency (= PN/ET)  相似文献   

Factors constraining the geographic ranges of broadleaf tree species in eastern North America were examined in common gardens along a ~1500 km latitudinal transect travers in grange boundaries of four target species: trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera) to the north vs. eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides) and sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) to the south. In 2006 and 2007, carbon‐use efficiency (CUE), the proportion of assimilated carbon retained in biomass, was estimated for seedlings of the four species as the quotient of relative growth rate (RGR) and photosynthesis per unit tree mass (Atree). In aspen and birch, CUE and RGR declined significantly with increasing growth temperature, which spanned 9 °C across gardens and years. The 37% (relative) CUE decrease from coolest to warmest garden correlated with increases in leaf nighttime respiration (Rleaf) and the ratio of Rleaf to leaf photosynthesis (R%A). For cottonwood and sweet gum, however, similar increases in Rleaf and R%A accompanied modest CUE declines, implying that processes other than Rleaf were responsible for species differences in CUE's temperature response. Our findings illustrate marked taxonomic variation, at least among young trees, in the thermal sensitivity of CUE, and point to potentially negative consequences of climate warming for the carbon balance, competitive ability, and persistence of two foundation species in northern temperate and boreal forests.  相似文献   

  1. Functional traits have been examined to explain the growth rates of forest communities in different sites. However, weak or nonexistent relations are often found, especially due to the following methodological aspects: 1) lack of an environmental context (e.g., light, water, or nutrient supply), 2) use of nonfunctional traits, 3) an approach that does not contemplate phenotypic integration, and 4) neglect of intraspecific variation.
  2. Here we measured relative growth rates, crown, and leaf traits in saplings of six tropical tree species growing in two light environments (Gap and Understory) to test whether contrasting light environments modulates trait–trait and trait–growth relationships. Moreover, we tested whether models that integrate traits of different dimensions of the plant (crown and leaf) improve the strength of trait–growth relations.
  3. Light availability changed both trait–trait and trait–growth relationships. Overall, in Understory, crown traits (crown length and total leaf area) have a stronger effect on growth rates, while physiological traits related to nutrient acquisition (nitrogen concentration), photochemical efficiency (chlorophyll pigments and chlorophyll a fluorescence), and biochemical efficiency (potassium use efficiency) are strong in Gap. Models including multiple traits explained growth rates better in Gap (up to 62%) and Understory (up to 47%), but just in Gap the best model comprises traits that are representative of different dimensions of the plant.
  4. Synthesis. We advanced the knowledge behind the light effects on tree sapling by posit that trait–trait and trait–growth relationships vary across light environments. Therefore, light availability is a key environmental factor to be considered when choosing the set of traits to be measured in functional approach studies using tropical tree saplings. In compliance with the phenotype integration hypothesis, functional traits are better predictors of growth rates when grouped in a set of traits of different dimensions of the plant that represent different functional mechanisms.

王海青  田育红  黄薇霖  肖随丽 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3225-3232
人工草地建设是缓解内蒙古地区草地生存压力的必要途径,而水分短缺是该区人工草地建设中牧草生长的主要限制因素,适量的人工补水以实现牧草的高产节水是解决这一问题的关键。以当地主要牧草冰草和紫花苜蓿为研究对象,开展单播和混播条件下不同灌溉量对牧草产量、光合性能和水分利用效率影响的对比试验。研究结果表明:(1)豆禾混播有利于提高冰草和紫花苜蓿的产量;(2)8月初现蕾期是冰草和紫花苜蓿收割的最佳季节,此时牧草产量最高;(3)灌溉量达到田间持水量的45%(包含降雨量在内的单位面积灌溉量在7月初达到903.8 m3/hm2,在8月初达到1812.4 m3/hm2)是牧草高产节水的最佳补水选择;(4)6—8月水分胁迫更有利于提高牧草的长期水分利用效率(long-term water use efficiency,WUEL),开花期后补水对提高牧草WUEL的作用开始显著;(5)在牧草产量最高的8月初水分胁迫更有利于提高牧草的瞬时水分利用效率(instantaneous water use efficiency,WUEI),而在7月初光照强烈、水分蒸发量大时,较多地补水更有利于提高牧草的WUEI。  相似文献   

Soil microbial physiology controls large fluxes of C to the atmosphere, thus, improving our ability to accurately quantify microbial physiology in soil is essential. However, current methods to determine microbial C metabolism require liquid water addition, which makes it practically impossible to measure microbial physiology in dry soil samples without stimulating microbial growth and respiration (namely, the “Birch effect”). We developed a new method based on in vivo 18O‐water vapor equilibration to minimize soil rewetting effects. This method allows the isotopic labeling of soil water without direct liquid water addition. This was compared to the main current method (direct 18O‐liquid water addition) in moist and air‐dry soils. We determined the time kinetics and calculated the average 18O enrichment of soil water over incubation time, which is necessary to calculate microbial growth from 18O incorporation in genomic DNA. We tested isotopic equilibration patterns in three natural and six artificially constructed soils covering a wide range of soil texture and soil organic matter content. We then measured microbial growth, respiration and carbon use efficiency (CUE) in three natural soils (either air‐dry or moist). The proposed 18O‐vapor equilibration method provided similar results as the current method of liquid 18O‐water addition when used for moist soils. However, when applied to air‐dry soils the liquid 18O‐water addition method overestimated growth by up to 250%, respiration by up to 500%, and underestimated CUE by up to 40%. We finally describe the new insights into biogeochemical cycling of C that the new method can help uncover, and we consider a range of questions regarding microbial physiology and its response to global change that can now be addressed.  相似文献   

Aims Increasing anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition has been claimed to induce changes in species composition and community dynamics. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to examine the effect of increased N availability on growth and functional attributes of seedlings of five tree species with different life history characteristics under varying irradiances. The following questions have been addressed: (i) how do the pioneer and non-pioneer species respond in absolute growth and relative growth rate (RGR) to the interaction of light and nitrogen? (ii) how does the interaction between irradiance and nitrogen availability modulate growth attributes (i.e. functional attributes)? (iii) is there any variation in growth responses between leguminous and non-leguminous species along the light and nitrogen gradients?Methods Seedlings of five tree species (Acacia catechu, Bridelia retusa, Dalbergia sissoo, Lagerstroemia parviflora and Terminalia arjuna) were subjected to twelve combinations of irradiance and N levels. Various growth traits, including height (HT), basal area (BA), whole plant dry biomass (M D), leaf mass per unit area (LMA), leaf area ratio (LAR), net assimilation rate (NAR), RGR, biomass fractions, root-to-shoot ratio (R:S) and leaf nitrogen content, were studied to analyse intra- and inter-specific responses to interacting light and N gradients.Important findings Significant interactions for irradiance and N availability for majority of growth attributes indicates that growth and biomass allocation of seedlings were more responsive to N availability under high irradiance. However, species responded differentially to N addition and they did not follow successional status. Slow growers (B. retusa, a shade-tolerant species and L. parviflora, a light demander) exhibited greater response to N enrichment than the fast growers (A. catechu, D. sissoo and T. arjuna). However, N-mediated increment in growth traits was greater in non-legumes (B. retusa, L. parviflora and T. arjuna) compared with that of legumes (A. catechu and D. sissoo). Allocation of biomass to root was strongly suppressed at the highest N supply across species; however, at high irradiance and high N availability, a greater suppression in R:S ratio was observed for B. retusa. NAR was a stronger determinant of RGR relative to LAR, suggesting its prominent role in increased RGR along increasing irradiances. Overall, a higher growth response of slow-growing species to elevated N levels, particularly the non-pioneers (B. retusa and L. parviflora) suggests that future N deposition may lead to perturbations in competition hierarchies and species composition, ultimately affecting community dynamics in nutrient-poor tropical dry forests.  相似文献   

黄土高原常用造林树种水分利用特征   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
在适宜土壤水分、中度干旱和严重干旱3种土壤水分条件下研究了黄土高原干旱、半干旱地区常用的人工造林树种84k杨树(Populus spp.)、刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)、沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)和油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)苗木生长及水分利用特征。结果显示,干旱胁迫使各树种成活率、生长速率、光合速率均显著下降;84k杨树和刺槐单叶水分利用率(WUE)在适宜水分下最高,沙棘的在中度干旱下最高;在中度干旱下,4个树种的总水分利用率最高。而严重干旱下最低。无论干旱与否,4个树种中沙棘生长速率最高。在中度干旱条件下,4个树种均可良好生长,而严重干旱下生长均受到显著抑制,其中84k杨树受影响最大;4个树种中沙棘和油松的耐旱性较强,同时油松在各种土壤水分下其生长速度和干物质生产均显著低于其它3个树种;刺槐和84k杨树的耗水量、生物量及水分利用率在3种土壤水分下均显著高于沙棘和油松,84k杨树和刺槐均属于高耗水树种;研究结果表明。84k杨树和刺槐不适宜大面积栽植在黄土高原缺水地区,仅适合栽植在阴坡、沟道等适宜水分条件下。沙棘和油松则适宜栽植在土壤水分较低的地区,如阳坡、峁顶等立地条件上。  相似文献   

In this review, we will discuss physiological traits of C3 cereals related to water use efficiency (WUE) in Mediterranean environments, from leaf (WUEinstantaneous) to crop level (WUEyield or ‘water productivity’). First, we analyse the WUEinstantaneous and the possible trade‐off between improving this parameter and growth/yield performance. Ways to ameliorate WUE without penalties are discussed. We also analyse in what cases breeding by high or low WUEinstantaneous is a suitable criterion to maintain grain yield under drought (Mediterranean) conditions. This question is approached in the framework of carbon isotope discrimination, (Δ13C), the main indirect parameter used to integrate (at time and space scale) the WUEinstantaneous in C3 plants. A negative correlation between these two parameters has been confirmed by several studies. The relationship between Δ13C and grain yield, however, is more complex, and may differ from one environment to another. In Mediterranean conditions with moderate or no water stress, a positive correlation between Δ13C and grain yield is found in barley and wheat, whereas in ‘stored‐water’ crops (such as in some regions of Australia), lower Δ13C (i.e. higher WUEinstantaneous) is associated with higher grain yield, particularly in more stressful conditions. These apparent inconsistencies and their possible implications for plant breeding are discussed. One physiological trait that has received minor attention in attempts to improve WUEinstantaneous is the role of ear photosynthesis. Ears of barley and durum wheat have a higher WUEinstantaneous than the flag leaf, both in well‐watered and in drought conditions. The underlying causes of the higher WUEinstantaneous of ears are not fully understood, but their refixation capacity (i.e. the capacity to re‐assimilate respired carbon dioxide) could be important. Although the genotypic variability of this trait has not been extensively studied, some data support the idea that variation in refixation capacity may be attributable to genetic factors. At the crop level, decreasing soil evaporation is a crucial factor in efforts to improve the WUEyield in Mediterranean conditions, and fast initial growth of the crop (i.e. early vigour) seems to be relevant. In wheat, modern varieties with dwarfing genes (giberellic acid – insensitive) have higher yields but, concomitantly, they have lower initial growth performance. Recently, semi‐dwarf cultivars (giberellic acid – sensitive) with high grain yield and simultaneously high early vigour were found, opening new avenues to increase WUEyield in wheat. The negative effects of futile water loss by cuticular and nocturnal transpiration are also commented. Finally, we discuss some agronomic practices (in particular, ‘deficit irrigation’ systems) linked to physiological traits that confer higher WUEyield,, in particular, in the cases of Mediterranean regions.  相似文献   

The effect of P supply on absorption and utilization efficiency of P in relation to dry matter production and dinitrogen fixation was examined in 8 pigeon pea cultivars with different growth duration and a soybean cultivar under field conditions. In all the pigeon pea cultivars, the maximum whole plant dry weight was obtained in a P-deficient soil at 100 kg P ha−1 application. The short duration cultivars had smaller whole plant dry weights at low P rates (5 and 25 kg P ha−1) and poor response to P application compared with the medium and long duration cultivars. Increasing the P application rate significantly increased dinitrogen fixation in all the cultivars. At the low P rates, the total nodule activity (TNA) was lower in the short than in the medium and the long duration cultivars. However, at 200 kg P ha−1 application, dinitrogen fixation did not vary among these cultivars except for one short duration cultivar whichregistered very low values. Dry matter production and dinitrogen fixation are strongly controlled by P absorption ability rather than P utilization efficiency. The low absorption ability of the short duration cultivars is mainly due to poor root development. The high P concentrations in the nodules of all the cultivars suggest that nodules have advantage over host plant interms of P distribution under P deficient conditions. Our results suggest that P plays an important role in dinitrogen fixation through an effective translocation of P to the leaf. Thus when P supply is limited, efficient cultivars obtained reasonably high yield through an effective translocation of the absorbed P to the leaf.  相似文献   

Relationships between growth, nitrogen and concentration of unique biont components were investigated for the tripartite lichens Nephroma arcticum (L.) Torss. and Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd. Nitrogen availability was manipulated during 4 summer months by removing cephalodia and their associated N2 fixation activity, or by weekly irrigation with NH4NO3. Chlorophyll and ribulose 1·5‐biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), and chitin and ergosterol were used as photobiont and mycobiont markers, respectively. Nitrogen concentrations were similar in older and newer parts of the same thallus, varying between 2 and 5 g m?2, with P. aphthosa having higher concentrations than N. arcticum. Both chlorophyll (Chl a) and chitin were linearly correlated with thallus N, but N. arcticum invested more in fungal biomass and had lower Chl a concentrations in comparison with P. aphthosa at equal thallus N. During the 4 months, control and N‐fertilized thalli of N. arcticum increased in area by 0·2 m2 m?2 and P. aphthosa by 0·4 m2 m?2. Thallus expansion was significantly inhibited in samples without cephalodia, but there was no effect on lichen weight gain. Mean relative growth rate (RGR; mg g?1 d?1) was 3·8 for N. arcticum and 8·4 for P. aphthosa, when time (d) reflected the lichen wet periods. RGR was 2–3 times lower when based on the whole time, i.e. when including dry periods. The efficiency (e) of converting incident irradiance into lichen biomass was positively and linearly correlated with thallus Chl a concentration to the same extent in both species. The slower growth rates of N. arcticum, in comparison with P. aphthosa, could then be explained by their lower nitrogen and Chl a concentrations and a subsequently lower light energy conversion efficiency. Functional and dynamic aspects of resource allocation patterns of the two lichens are discussed in relation to the above findings.  相似文献   

Diurnal courses of leaf water potential (Ψl), gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured in natural sun and shade populations of Heteromeles arbutifolia throughout the seasons of an unusually dry El Niño year in Central California. The onset of drought resulted in decreased stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis in both sun and shade plants. However, the decline in Ψl was much greater and carbon gain was much more strongly limited by the development of drought stress in the shade than in the sun. Photorespiratory energy dissipation was significantly higher in the sun than in the shade in spring and autumn, but not during the summer. Pre‐dawn photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) was significantly higher in the shade than in the sun during the spring but the differences disappeared during the summer and autumn. The strong irradiance in the open field site studied led to a chronic but only mild reduction in Fv/Fm, with values around 0·79. Summer sunflecks led to a sustained photo‐inhibition in shade plants, which exhibited a significant reduction in pre‐dawn Fv/Fm of 10% with the onset of drought. Photo‐inhibition became relatively more important for carbon gain in the shade than in the sun due to the low photochemical efficiency under the low light that follows sunflecks. Sun plants of H. arbutifolia exhibited a rather efficient photoprotection against strong irradiance conferred by both the architecture of the crown and the physiology of the leaves. There is evidence that El Niño events and the associated droughts have become more frequent and severe. Counter‐intuitively, the effects on plant performance of such extreme droughts could be more critical in the shade than in the sun.  相似文献   

Grewal  Harsharn Singh  Zhonggu  Lu  Graham  Robin D 《Plant and Soil》1997,192(2):181-189
The effects of Zn supply (+Zn: 1 mg kg–1 soil, -Zn: no Zn added) in subsoil were examined in three genotypes of Brassica napus (Zhongyou 821, Xinza 2, Narendra) and one genotype of Brassica juncea (CSIRO-1) in a glasshouse experiment in pots (100 cm long, 10.5 cm diameter). The topsoil (upper 20 cm soil in pots) was supplied with Zn in all treatments whereas Zn was either supplied or omitted from the subsoil. Supplying Zn to subsoil significantly increased the root growth in the lower zone, markedly decreased the number of aborted and unfilled pods plant–1 and significantly increased the number of developed pods plant–1, number of seeds pod–1, individual seed weight and overall seed yield. Subsoil Zn also significantly increased the Zn concentration and Zn content of seed and improved the ratio of Zn uptake by seed to total Zn uptake by seed and shoots. These effects of subsoil Zn were more pronounced in Zhongyou 821, Xinza 2 and Narendra compared with CSIRO-1. CSIRO-I had 92% Zn efficiency (ratio of -Zn subsoil seed yield to +Zn subsoil seed yield expressed in percentage) compared with 63% for Zhongyou 821. Among the four genotypes, CSIRO-1 had the lowest Zn concentration in roots and shoots but highest Zn concentration and content in seed, suggesting it has a superior Zn transport mechanism from source (roots) to sink (seed). CSIRO-1 also significantly decreased the rhizosphere pH in lower rooting zone (20-93 cm) in -Zn subsoil treatment compared with +Zn treatment.  相似文献   

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