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Ma T W  Huang Q H  Wang H  Wang Z J  Wang C X  Huang S B 《农业工程》2008,28(3):1192-1200
To develop benthic macroinvertebrate-based multimetrics for the bioassessment of the water quality of Taihu Lake, benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages were sampled at 60 sites in 8 subareas of Taihu Lake. A total of 24 species of benthic macroinvertebrates were obtained: 14 species of Mollusca, 5 species of Arthropoda and 5 species of Annelida. A comprehensive evaluation of the metrics was carried out. The results showed that 7 metrics (i.e., total number of taxa, the number of Mollusca & Crustacea taxa, % Mollusca & Crustacea, % Gastropoda, Goodnight-Whitley index, Hilsenhoff biotic index and % Collector-gatherers) were sensitive. A score of 5, 3 or 1 was assigned to every metric for standardization of the metrics, and a multimetric on a scale ranging from 7 to 35 for bioassessment was developed. Four-level discriminatory biocriteria for water quality were eventually proposed by quartation: 7–14, very poor; 15–21, poor; 22–28, fair; 29–35, good. The re-scored results from the 60 sites showed that the water quality of southeastern Taihu Lake was relatively good, whereas that of northwestern Taihu Lake was relatively poor. Basically, the discriminatory biocriteria are suitable for the assessment of the water quality of Taihu Lake.  相似文献   

对太湖8个区域共60样点进行底栖大型无脊椎动物采样,共获得底栖动物24种,其中软体动物14种,节肢动物5种,甲壳动物5种.根据Hilsenhoff 生物指数确定了15个相对清洁的样点和45个污染样点,然后进行21种生物指数的综合评估,结果表明,总分类单元数、(甲壳动物 软体动物)分类单元数、%(甲壳动物 软体动物)、%腹足纲、Goodnight-Whitley指数、Hilsenhoff 生物指数和%直接收集者等7个底栖动物生物指数可以用作判别太湖水质的敏感生物指数.通过5, 3, 1记分法对6种生物指数统一量纲后,获得变化范围为7~35的综合生物指数,运用四分法划分了太湖水质判别的生物基准:7~14很差,15~21差,22~28一般,29~35好,并对60个样点进行重新记分,获得了太湖水质的基本生态分区现状,太湖的东南区属水质较好的区域,而西北区属水质较差的区域.该水质生物基准基本适合评价太湖不同区域的水质状况.  相似文献   

The derivation, performance, sensitivity and inherent uncertainty of ecological quality indicators have become major topics in developing tools for the management of marine, transitional and coastal waters. In reviewing the advances in these waters, related to an ecological status assessment, we show the future challenges to be addressed within the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Using new analyses carried out under the research project ‘Water Bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to Assess Ecological status and Recovery’, we provide a complete set of assessments for the biological quality elements (BQEs) (phytoplankton, macroalgae-seagrasses, macroinvertebrates and fish) to be assessed, as well as the validation of existing indicators and multimetric indices and, in some cases, the development of new assessment indices. We show that these indices respond differently to different human pressures and they each have challenges in defining reference conditions against which future changes are judged. In investigating good ecological potential, as the response to heavily modified water bodies, we show that there are flaws in the Directive, not least in its definitions. Our analyses have also focussed on uncertainty in using the indices and we emphasise the problems of defining ecological class boundaries based on indices which themselves may be combined indices (multimetrics). The analysis shows that some of those multimetrics are redundant and/or are inter-correlated and thus may reduce the sensitivity in defining ecological class boundaries. If this is related to the drivers-pressures-state change-impacts-response approach then there are lessons for management measures aimed at achieving good ecological status and even the potential for legal challenges to decisions based on uncertain indices under the WFD. Hence, we conclude the continued need for advances in assessing pressures and gradients, and defining reference conditions for state change, index development, impact assessment and the validation of indices for each BQE.  相似文献   

Buffagni  Andrea  Erba  Stefania  Cazzola  Marcello  Kemp  Joanna Lynn 《Hydrobiologia》2004,516(1-3):313-329
In accordance with the aims of the E.U. funded AQEM Project, an assessment system module based on aquatic macroinvertebrates was developed for small sized rivers in the southern Apennines (south Italy). Eleven stream sites, impacted to a greater or a lesser extent by organic pollution and/or habitat impairment and chosen to cover the whole degradation gradient present in the geographical area were sampled in three seasons. The samples were collected following a proportional, multihabitat procedure, afterwards considering separately the replicates collected in the depositional (pool) and transport (riffle) areas for the analysis. A PCA multivariate analysis was performed to extract the main axes of variation of the biological community, which resulted in the first axis being strongly correlated to ecological quality. The final assessment module is based on a multimetric system, structured by selecting the best metrics in simulating the first axis gradient. The system considers a total of 15 different metrics, mainly providing information concerning tolerance to pollution, taxa richness, habitat features and trophic structure of the community. In accordance with the WFD requirements, some of these metrics are based on abundance classes of taxa. Depositional and transport units, due to the observed dissimilarity in the structure of their benthic communities, were kept separate during the development of the assessment system to retain this potentially useful information and to clear interpretation of the results. Both `riffle' and `pool' invertebrate data showed clear differences in ecological quality between sites. Nevertheless, the final assessment module is based on the macroinvertebrates inhabiting depositional areas of rivers only, because the metrics for these river units showed a better performance than those examined for the transport river units. The application of the assessment module requires 10 replicates to be quantitatively collected, for a total area of 0.5 m2. In terms of sampling and identification effort, the assessment module shows a good comparability with the standard Italian method presently in use and might thus be easily applied for river sites classification according to the Water Framework Directive in southern Italy. The site classification obtained with the proposed multimetric index shows a very good correspondence with the post-classification based on multivariate analysis.  相似文献   

Although landscape configuration and landscape composition metrics are correlated theoretically and empirically, the effectiveness of configuration metrics from composition metrics has not been explicitly investigated. This study explored to what extent substantial information of configuration metrics increases from certain easily calculated and extensively used composition metrics and how strongly the effectiveness is influenced by different factors. The effectiveness of 12 landscape configuration metrics from the percentage of landscape (PLAND) of each land-use class and patch density (PD) was evaluated through the coefficient of determination (R 2) of multivariate stepwise linear regression analysis of 150 town-based landscape samples from three regions. The different landscape configuration metrics from PLAND and PD presented significantly different performances in terms of effectiveness [the contagion index and aggregation index possess minimal information, and the effective mesh size (MESH) and area-weighted mean patch fractal dimension possess abundant information]. Furthermore, the effectiveness of configuration metrics showed different responses to changing cell sizes and different land-use categorization in different regions (interspersion and juxtaposition index, patch cohesion index, and MESH exhibited large variations in R 2 among the different regions). No single, uniform, consistent characteristic of effectiveness was determined across different factors. This new approach to understanding the effectiveness of configuration metrics helps clarify landscape metrics and is fundamental to landscape metric assessment.  相似文献   

Structural changes of phytoplankton communities, often expressed through ecological indices, constitute one of the metrics for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). In the current study a thorough analysis of the efficiency of 22 ecological indices was performed and a small number was selected for the development of five-level water quality scales (High, Good, Moderate, Poor, and Bad). The analysis was performed on simulated communities free of the noise of field communities due to uncontrolled factors or stochastic processes. Two criteria were set for the sensitivity of indices, namely their monotonicity and linearity across the studied eutrophication spectrum. The whole procedure was based on the development of a five-level quality assessment scheme based on phytoplankton abundance. Among the indices tested, the Menhinick diversity index and three indices of evenness were the most efficient, showing consistency (monotonic behavior) and linearity and were therefore used for the development of quality scales for the WFD. An Integrated Phytoplankton Index (IPI) based on three phytoplankton metrics, chlorophyll a, abundance, and diversity is also proposed. The efficiency of these indices was evaluated for a number of sites in the Aegean, already classified in the past by various methods based on nutrient concentrations or phytoplankton data. The results indicate that the various phytoplankton metrics (chlorophyll a, abundance, and diversity) assessed or proposed in the current study, carry their own information showing differences in the final classification of areas. Therefore the establishment of synthetic indices as the IPI seems to be advantageous for the integrated assessment of coastal water quality in the framework of European policies as the WFD.  相似文献   

Ofenböck  Thomas  Moog  Otto  Gerritsen  Jeroen  Barbour  Michael 《Hydrobiologia》2004,516(1-3):251-268
We investigated four stream types in four different bioregions, classified by catchment area and altitude, and stressed by different degrees of organic pollution and habitat alteration. We examined a macro-invertebrate based multimetric approach for Austrian rivers as a potential assessment method within the European Water Framework Directive. Benthic macro-invertebrate data (100 samples including reference sites) were used to develop a multimetric index for each stream type and targeted stressors. Sites were pre-classified based on physical, chemical, and land use criteria into five ecological quality classes. More than 200 biological metrics were tested for their sensitivity to the targeted stressors, their spatial and temporal variability and their ability to discriminate between different types and degrees of stress. Metrics for index development were selected to reflect different levels of information including ecosystem, community, and individual levels (Karr, 1991; Barbour et al., 1995; Gerritsen, 1995). Combinations of metrics were selected to distinguish best between non or slightly impaired and stressed sites (evaluated by calculating discrimination efficiency values and power analysis). The resulting four indices comprised seven to nine metrics from five to seven metric categories, and distinguished reference/slightly disturbed sites from stressed sites with close to 100% efficiency. The indices can form the basis for stressor-specific assessment of stream condition.  相似文献   

Doubt about the relevance, appropriateness and transparency of peer review has promoted the use of citation metrics as a viable adjunct or alternative in the assessment of research impact. It is also commonly acknowledged that research metrics will not replace peer review unless they are shown to correspond with the assessment of peers. This paper evaluates the relationship between researchers' influence as evaluated by their peers and various citation metrics representing different aspects of research output in 6 fields of public health in Australia. For four fields, the results showed a modest positive correlation between different research metrics and peer assessments of research influence. However, for two fields, tobacco and injury, negative or no correlations were found. This suggests a peer understanding of research influence within these fields differed from visibility in the mainstream, peer-reviewed scientific literature. This research therefore recommends the use of both peer review and metrics in a combined approach in assessing research influence. Future research evaluation frameworks intent on incorporating metrics should first analyse each field closely to determine what measures of research influence are valued highly by members of that research community. This will aid the development of comprehensive and relevant frameworks with which to fairly and transparently distribute research funds or approve promotion applications.  相似文献   

景观格局指标对不同景观格局的反应   总被引:152,自引:12,他引:140  
探讨了在人为控制不同因子变量的条件下各景观格局指标对由中性随机模型产生的不同景观格局系列的反应 ,以评价一些常用指标的实用性和局限性。研究结果表明 ,大部分指标所指示的格局特征往往是不全面的 ,即它们只对格局系列中个别因子的变化敏感 ,而对另一些因子的变化反应迟钝。比较值得推荐的指标有 :总斑块数目 ,平均斑块大小 ,总边界密度 ,分维数 ,蔓延度 ,聚集度。但即使是这些指标 ,也各有其局限性 ,且存在冗余。由此提醒读者在运用景观格局指标时应在了解其实际意义的基础上 ,结合生态学过程慎重选择和解释 ,避免陷于数字游戏。  相似文献   

Data on phytoplankton, macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and fish from more than 2000 lakes in 22 European countries were used to develop and test metrics for assessing the ecological status of European lakes as required by the Water Framework Directive. The strongest and most sensitive of the 11 metrics responding to eutrophication pressure were phytoplankton chlorophyll a, a taxonomic composition trophic index and a functional traits index, the macrophyte intercalibration taxonomic composition metric and a Nordic lake fish index. Intermediate response was found for a cyanobacterial bloom intensity index (Cyano), the Ellenberg macrophyte index and a multimetric index for benthic invertebrates. The latter also responded to hydromorphological pressure. The metrics provide information on primary and secondary impacts of eutrophication in the pelagic and the littoral zone of lakes. Several of these metrics were used as common metrics in the intercalibration of national assessment systems or have been incorporated directly into the national systems. New biological metrics have been developed to assess hydromorphological pressures, based on aquatic macrophyte responses to water level fluctuations, and on macroinvertebrate responses to morphological modifications of lake shorelines. These metrics thus enable the quantification of biological impacts of hydromorphological pressures in lakes.  相似文献   

Most of the present EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) compliant fish-based assessment methods of European rivers are multi-metric indices computed from traditional electrofishing (TEF) samples, but this method has known shortcomings, especially in large rivers. The probability of detecting rare species remains limited, which can alter the sensitivity of the indices. In recent years, environmental (e)DNA metabarcoding techniques have progressed sufficiently to allow applications in various ecological domains as well as eDNA-based ecological assessment methods. A review of the 25 current WFD-compliant methods for river fish shows that 81% of the metrics used in these methods are expressed in richness or relative abundance and thus compatible with eDNA samples. However, more than half of the member states' methods include at least one metric related to age or size structure and would have to adapt their current fish index if reliant solely on eDNA-derived information. Most trait-based metrics expressed in richness are higher when computed from eDNA than when computed from TEF samples. Comparable values are obtained only when the TEF sampling effort increases. Depending on the species trait considered, most trait-based metrics expressed in relative abundance are significantly higher for eDNA than for TEF samples or vice versa due to over-estimation of sub-surface species or under-estimation of benthic and rare species by TEF sampling, respectively. An existing predictive fish index, adapted to make it compatible with eDNA data, delivers an ecological assessment comparable with the current approved method for 22 of the 25 sites tested. Its associated uncertainty is lower than that of current fish indices. Recommendations for the development of future fish eDNA-based indices and the associated eDNA water sampling strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the acid sensitivity of many invertebrate species in lakes is well known, methods for assessment of lake acidification based on macroinvertebrate samples are less developed than for rivers. This article analyses a number of existing metrics developed for assessment of river acidification, and evaluates their performance for assessment of lake acidification. Moreover, new species-based indicators of lake acidification were developed and tested. The selected dataset contains 668 samples on littoral macroinvertebrates from 427 lakes with almost 60% of the samples from Sweden and the rest from UK and Norway. Flexible, non-parametric regression models were used for explorative analyses of the pressure–response relationships. The metrics have been assessed according to their response to pH, the degree of non-linearity of the response and the influence of humic compounds. Acid-sensitive metrics often showed a threshold in response to pH between 5.8 and 6.5. Highly acid-tolerant metrics were typically dominant across the whole pH range. Humic level had a positive effect for most acid-sensitive metrics. Generally, most metrics showed a more non-linear response pattern for the humic lakes than for clear lakes. The significant relationship between these macroinvertebrate metrics and acidification shows that there is a potential for developing further the assessment systems for ecological quality of lakes based on these metrics, although the metrics explained a low % of the variation (<30%). In order to improve the predictive power of the biotic metrics across the acidified part of Europe, further harmonization and standardisation of sampling effort and taxa identification are needed.  相似文献   

Ecological water quality problems are frequently connected to increment of phytoplankton productivity and overdominance of some phytoplankton species. Metrics that show monotonously increasing or decreasing tendencies along stressor gradients is recommended for ecological state assessment. Diversity metrics are influenced by various physical disturbances and show high within-year variability; thus, there is no agreement on the usefulness of these metrics as state indicators.To test the usefulness of phytoplankton diversity in ecological state assessment we investigated the productivity–diversity relationships for lakes and rivers in the Carpathian Basin (Hungary). We demonstrated that the shape of productivity–diversity relationship depends on the investigated water body type. Regarding lakes, hump-shaped relationship was found for all computed metrics. Parallel with the increase in phytoplankton productivity values, diversity metrics showed monotonously increasing tendencies in rhithral and decreasing tendencies in large potamal rivers. We found no systematic relationship in the case of small lowland rivers.Changes of diversity metrics calculated for species and functional groups showed similar tendencies within the types, only the slopes of regression lines differ each other.The use of diversity metrics as ecological state indicators should be restricted to water body types where diversity decreases or increases monotonously with phytoplankton biomass. Regarding the lakes the use of diversity metrics is not recommended for ecological state assessment. In rhithral and large potamal river assessment, application of diversity metrics should be strongly considered. We demonstrated that diversity metrics can be useful components of multimetric indices proposed to use by the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

The “value of information” (VOI) is a generic term for the increase in value resulting from better information to guide management, or alternatively, the value foregone under uncertainty about the impacts of management (Yokota and Thompson, Medical Decision Making 2004; 24 : 287). The value of information can be characterized in terms of several metrics, including the expected value of perfect information and the expected value of partial information. We extend the technical framework for the value of information by further developing the relationship between value metrics for partial and perfect information and describing patterns of their performance. We use two different expressions for the expected value of partial information to highlight its relationship to the expected value of perfect information. We also develop the expected value of partial information for hierarchical uncertainties. We highlight patterns in the value of information for the Svalbard population of the pink‐footed goose (Anser brachyrhynchus), a population that is subject to uncertainty in both reproduction and survival functions. The framework for valuing information is seen as having widespread potential in resource decision making, and serves as a motivation for resource monitoring, assessment, and collaboration.  相似文献   

Lorenz  Armin  Hering  Daniel  Feld  Christian K.  Rolauffs  Peter 《Hydrobiologia》2004,516(1-3):107-127
We developed a new Multimetric Index for stream assessment, which is mainly focussed on the impact of hydromorphological degradation on the macroinvertebrate fauna. The index was developed for five German stream types, three of which are located in the lowlands of Northern Germany and two in the lower mountainous areas. For each stream type sites representing different stages of hydromorphological degradation were investigated; the macroinvertebrate fauna of each site was sampled two or three times in 2000 (83 sites and 174 samples altogether). In addition, more than 200 parameters describing the hydromorphology of the sites have been recorded. The assessment system was developed separately for each of the stream types. The development process included (1) the generation of a new index (`German Fauna Index'), (2) the selection of faunal metrics, which correlate to hydromorphological degradation and (3) the combination of the selected metrics into a Multimetric Index. To correlate faunal metrics and hydromorphological degradation, a `Structure Index' describing the alteration of stream morphology was generated. A correlation matrix of the selected metrics and the structure index is presented. The `German Fauna Index' is based on taxa, which predominantly occur at sites of a certain morphological degradation class. The selection process of taxa included in the new index was in a first step based on data sampled in this study and supplemented by literature data. For one stream type (mid-sized mountain streams) the process of metric selection and validation is described in detail, including a correlation matrix of the metrics and a validation of the metrics with data on additional sampling sites.  相似文献   

Since the Global Warming Potential (GWP) was first presented in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) First Assessment Report, the metric has been scrutinized and alternative metrics have been suggested. The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report gives a scientific assessment of the main recent findings from climate metrics research and provides the most up-to-date values for a subset of metrics and time horizons. The objectives of this paper are to perform a systematic review of available midpoint metrics (i.e. using an indicator situated in the middle of the cause-effect chain from emissions to climate change) for well-mixed greenhouse gases and near-term climate forcers based on the current literature, to provide recommendations for the development and use of characterization factors for climate change in life cycle assessment (LCA), and to identify research needs. This work is part of the ‘Global Guidance on Environmental Life Cycle Impact Assessment’ project held by the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative and is intended to support a consensus finding workshop. In an LCA context, it can make sense to use several complementary metrics that serve different purposes, and from there get an understanding about the robustness of the LCA study to different perspectives and metrics. We propose a step-by-step approach to test the sensitivity of LCA results to different modelling choices and provide recommendations for specific issues such as the consideration of climate-carbon feedbacks and the inclusion of pollutants with cooling effects (negative metric values).  相似文献   

A gap in the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) is addressed, aiming for the development of an ecological quality status assessment tool based solely on the Biological Quality Element benthic macroinvertebrates from intertidal rocky shores. The proposed Rocky shore Macroinvertebrates Assessment Tool (RMAT) was tested and validated along disturbance gradients (organic enrichment). During the whole process, the response of widely used metrics (e.g. Hurlbert index, Shannon-Wiener index, AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index; Bentix biotic index) and models (i.e., metrics combined) was compared to results provided by the Marine Macroalgae Assessment Tool to the same sampling sites.The RMAT is a multimetric index compliant with the WFD based on the benthic macroinvertebrates community, combining ‘abundance’ (Hurlbert index) and ‘taxonomic composition’ (Bentix index using density and biomass data) metrics. It performed well along anthropogenic disturbance gradients, showing ecological quality increasing from close to far away from the disturbance.The RMAT is a promising tool for rocky shore ecological assessment in the scope of the WFD or other monitoring activities worldwide.  相似文献   

The requirements of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), aimed at an integrative assessment methodology for evaluating the ecological status of water bodies are frequently being achieved through multimetric techniques, i.e. by combining several indices, which address different stressors or different components of the biocoenosis. This document suggests a normative methodology for the development and application of Multimetric Indices as a tool with which to evaluate the ecological status of running waters. The methodology has been derived from and tested on a European scale within the framework of the AQEM and STAR research projects, and projects on the implementation of the WFD in Austria and Germany. We suggest a procedure for the development of Multimetric Indices, which is composed of the following steps: (1) selection of the most suitable form of a Multimetric Index; (2) metric selection, broken down into metric calculation, exclusion of numerically unsuitable metrics, definition of a stressor gradient, correlation of stressor gradients and metrics, selection of candidate metrics, selection of core metrics, distribution of metrics within the metric types, definition of upper and lower anchors and scaling; (3) generation of a Multimetric Index (general or stressor-specific approach); (4) setting class boundaries; (5) interpretation of results. Each step is described by examples.  相似文献   

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