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Thymic stromal cell line TS-9 was found to selectively bind a subpopulation of normal murine thymocytes. Selective binding allowed the isolation and phenotypic characterization of the adherent and nonadherent subpopulations of thymocytes. Flow cytometric analysis of fluorescently labeled thymocytes revealed that the adherent and nonadherent populations differ in maturity, with the adherent population enriched in immature thymocytes of the PNAhi, Thy-1hi, CD3-/lo, and CD4+/CD8+ double positive surface phenotype. A quantitative microwell assay was developed to measure the binding of thymocytes to TS-9. Thymocytes labeled with vital DNA stain Hoechst 33342 were allowed to bind to TS-9 in microwells and the intense fluorescence of this label was readily detected with a scanning fluorometer. The binding was trypsin-sensitive and hyaluronidase and PI-PLC resistant. The binding was also temperature dependent and sensitive to cytochalasin B. A panel of monoclonal antibodies to cell surface antigens including CD2, LFA-I/ICAM-I, and Thy-1 was screened in a quantitative binding assay for their ability to inhibit the binding of thymocytes to TS-9. The binding was partially inhibited by the C3C12 monoclonal antibody which recognizes the recently identified and apparently unique gp23,gp45 complex expressed on murine stromal cells.  相似文献   

The study aimed et determining morphological relations between thymic cells and thymocytes. The studies were performed on 16 days old rats of Wistar strain. The material was processed for ultrastructural studies in a routine manner. For 50 thymocytes computer reconstruction was performed which allowed to define cell volume, volume of cell nucleus and of condensed chromatin. The value characterizing three-dimensional morphology of thymocytes provided grounds for analysis using graph theory. The stereological methods allowed to examine microarchitecture of individual thymic zones. Thymocytes in contact with dendritic cells or with macrophages were found to differ in morphology from thymocytes with no such contacts. The results indicated direct effect of dendritic cells and of macrophages on thymocytes.  相似文献   

The study aimed et defining morphological relationships between thymic stroma cells and thymocytes. The studies were conducted on 16-days old Wistar strain rats. The material was routinely processed for ultrastructural examination. On grounds of serial section analysis, types of contacts of 83 thymocytes were established, for each cell total area and areas of contact with other cells were estimated. Employing stereological techniques microarchitecture of individual thymic zones was studied. The results point to a direct influence of thymic stroma cells on thymocytes.  相似文献   

Physical interaction between human lymphomas and murine bone marrow derived stromal cells were studied. Nalm-6 pre-B cells adhered to BMS2 stromal cells and subsequently migrated beneath them, while Ramos Burkitt lymphoma cells, adhered but did not migrate. Four mAbs were established against Nalm-6 cells, which were able to block initial adhesion of Nalm-6 cells. Two of them were directed against the alpha 4 chain of VLA-4, and other two recognized the beta 1 chain of VLA integrins. Therefore, the initial adhesion of Ramos and Nalm-6 cells to BMS2 was largely mediated by the VLA-4 integrin expressed on lymphocytes. The corresponding ligand on stromal cells appears to be VCAM-1, because antibodies against murine VCAM-1 blocked the adhesion. However, antibodies against the alpha chain of VLA-4 were not capable of blocking subsequent migration beneath stromal cells. In contrast, antibodies against the beta chain of VLA integrins blocked the migration beneath stromal cells as well as the initial adhesion. Because a common beta chain can be shared among integrins, the role of other VLA integrins in Nalm-6 cells migration was investigated. VLA-5 and VLA-6 as well as VLA-4 were expressed on Nalm-6 cells, but not on Ramos cells. Additional blocking experiments revealed that VLA-4 and VLA-5 are likely to work in concert to mediate the migration of Nalm-6 cells beneath stromal cells. Thus, particular VLA integrins appear to be responsible not only for lymphocyte adhesion but also for migration with respect to stromal cells. These findings may have implications for cell-cell interactions and directed migration of lymphocytes in bone marrow and other tissues.  相似文献   

Very late Ag (VLA)-3, VLA-4, and VLA-5, belonging to the beta-1 subfamily of integrins, have been recently identified as receptors for different binding regions of fibronectin (FN). We have detected VLA-4 and VLA-5, but not VLA-3, on fresh CD3-, CD16+, CD56+ human NK cells by flow cytometry and immunochemical analyses using mAb directed against beta-1, alpha-3, alpha-4, and alpha-5 subunits. Binding assays, performed on FN-coated plates, showed that NK cells specifically adhere to FN and their binding capacity is increased by MgCl2 but not by CaCl2. Using as inhibitory probes a polyclonal antibody against the beta-1 chain of the human FN receptor, the synthetic peptide GRGDSP, which is able to inhibit cellular adhesion mediated by VLA-5, the CS1 fragment, which contains the principal adhesion site in the IIICS domain recognized by VLA-4, and functional mAb directed against alpha-4 or alpha-5 subunits, we show that both VLA-4 and VLA-5 mediate the adhesion of human NK cells to FN. The expression of these integrin receptors may be relevant for NK interaction with extracellular matrix components and other cell types.  相似文献   

The thymic stroma is heterogeneous with regard to cellular morphology and cellular function. In this study, we employed the monoclonal antibody ER-TR4 to characterize stromal cells at the ultrastructural level. To identify the labelled cell type, we used two techniques: immunogold labelling on ultrathin frozen sections and immunoperoxidase staining on thick vibratome sections. ER-TR4 reacted with thymic Type 1 epithelial cells (according to our classification). A dense labelling appears in the cytoplasm of cortical cells using the two techniques. Immunogold labelling identified small cytoplasmic vesicles whereas the cytoplasm and the cell membrane seem to be labelled with the immunoperoxidase technique. ER-TR4 also identified isolated thymic nurse cells (TNC), and was observed in vitro to inhibit the capacity of some type 1 epithelial cells to establish interactions with immature thymocytes. This finding supports the hypothesis that the factor is involved in the formation of lymphoepithelial interactions within thymic nurse cells, and thus in the relations that immature thymocytes establish with the thymic microenvironment.  相似文献   

Notch1 plays a critical role in regulating T lineage commitment during the differentiation of lymphoid precursors. The physiological relevance of Notch1 signaling during subsequent stages of T cell differentiation has been more controversial. This is due in part to conflicting data from studies examining the overexpression or targeted deletion of Notch1 and to difficulties in distinguishing between the activities of multiple Notch family members and their ligands, which are expressed in the thymus. We employed a polyclonal antiserum against the extracellular domain of Notch1 to study surface expression during thymopoiesis. We found high levels of Notch1 on the cell surface only on double negative (DN) stage 2 through the immature single-positive stage of thymocyte development, before the double-positive (DP) stage. The Notch signaling pathway, as read out by Deltex1 expression levels, is highly active in DN thymocytes. When an active Notch1 transgene, Notch1IC, is exogenously introduced into thymocytes of recombinase-activating gene 2-deficient mice, it promotes proliferation and development to the DP stage following anti-CD3 treatment without apparently affecting the intensity of pre-TCR signaling. In addition, a stromal cell line expressing the Notch ligand, Delta-like-1, promotes the in vitro expansion of wild-type DN3 thymocytes in vitro. Consistent with other recent reports, these data suggest a role for Notch1 during the DN to DP stage of thymocyte maturation and suggest a cellular mechanism by which Notch1IC oncogenes could contribute to thymoma development and maintenance.  相似文献   

Direct contact between thymocytes and thymic stromal elements may be one of the mechanisms involved in thymocyte differentiation. Thymic lymphoepithelial complexes have been isolated in which thymocytes appear to be in direct association with cortical epithelial cells. We have previously reported the isolation and successful culture of two morphologically distinct types of murine thymic epithelial cells. We have utilized these to study the interactions of lymphoid and epithelial cells by means of an in vitro assay of the binding of radiolabeled thymocytes to monolayers of these cultured thymic epithelial cells. The percentage of bound cells increased rapidly during the first hour of incubation, reaching approximately 40% binding. Binding continued to increase slowly until plateau levels were reached at approximately 5 hr. Thymocyte binding to thymic epithelium, but not fibroblast monolayers, was trypsin-sensitive, suggesting that specific protein interactions may be involved. Binding of thymocytes to epithelium was temperature-dependent, involved formation of cytoplasmic projections, and was inhibited by cytochalasin B. We also found that cortical thymocytes (peanut agglutinin-positive (PNA+)cells) bound to cultured epithelium to a greater degree than medullary thymocytes (PNA- cells). This correlates with in vivo studies by others in which thymocytes associated with lymphoepithelial complexes have been found to have immature phenotypes. This system provides a means for a quantitative study of the role of cell to cell contact in the process of thymocyte selection and differentiation.  相似文献   

Following their migration into the thymus, hemopoeitic stem cell precursors enter a complex developmental pathway involving proliferation, differentiation and alphabetaT-cell receptor (alphabetaTCR)-mediated selection procedures, in order to generate mature T-cell populations ready for export to the periphery. Thus, a critical stage during intrathymic T-cell development involves the generation of functionally mature CD4+8- and CD4-8+ cells from immature CD4+8- precursor thymocytes, a poorly understood process referred to as positive selection. While interactions between the alphabetaTCR and MHC-peptide complexes are known to be essential for the initiation of positive selection, additional unknown signals are also required. Using an in vitro reaggregate thymic organ culture system which allows comparison of the abilities of various cell types to induce maturation of CD4+8+ precursors, we provide evidence that both MHC-peptide complexes and specialised accessory molecules must be provided by thymic epithelium for efficient mediation of positive selection. Moreover, analysis of positive selection in the presence of thymic and non-thymic stromal cells expressing MHC class II molecules with the same limited peptide array suggests that this unique ability of thymic epithelium to mediate positive selection of CD4+8- cells is not solely due to presentation of a specialised peptide repertoire, but is dependent upon provision of specialised accessory interactions.  相似文献   

We have investigated the binding in vitro of activated thymocytes to thymic epithelial (TE) cells, and studied the effect of up-regulation of TE cell surface intracellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and HLA-DR by IFN-gamma on the ability of TE cells to bind to both resting and activated human thymocytes. TE cell binding to activated and resting thymocytes was studied by using our previously described suspension assay of TE-thymocyte conjugate formation. We found that activated mature and immature thymocytes bound maximally at 37 degrees C to IFN-gamma-treated ICAM-1+ and HLA-DR+ TE cells and this TE-activated thymocyte binding was inhibited by antibodies to LFA-1 alpha-chain (CD11a) (68.1 +/- 5.6% inhibition, p less than 0.01) and ICAM-1 (73.9 +/- 7.7% inhibition, p less than 0.05). Neither anti-HLA-DR antibody L243 nor anti-MHC class I antibody 3F10 inhibited IFN-gamma-treated TE binding to activated thymocytes. As with antibodies to LFA-3 and CD2, antibodies to LFA-1 and ICAM-1 also inhibited PHA-induced mature thymocyte activation when accessory signals were provided by TE cells in vitro. Finally, LFA-1 and ICAM-1 were expressed early on in human thymic fetal ontogeny in patterns similar to those seen in postnatal thymus. Taken together, these data suggest that resting mature and immature thymocytes bind to TE cells via the CD2/LFA-3 ligand pair, whereas activated thymocytes bind via both CD2/LFA-3 and LFA-1/ICAM-1 ligand systems. We postulate that IFN-gamma produced intrathymically may regulate TE expression of ICAM-1 and therefore potentially may regulate TE cell binding to activated thymocytes beginning in the earliest stages of human thymic development.  相似文献   

Thymic rosettes, structures consisting of 3-30 thymic lymphoid cells attached to a central macrophage or dendritic cell, were released from mouse thymus tissue by collagenase digestion. They were shown to be preexistent structures within the thymus, but to be subject to extensive exchange with free thymocytes under certain conditions. An isolation procedure was developed, using a new technique of zonal unit-gravity elutriation, which minimized exchange and produced a completely pure sample of the larger rosettes. The rosette-associated thymocytes were analyzed by two- and three-color immunofluorescent staining and flow cytometry. The dominant cell type was a small, CD4+CD8+, cortical-type thymocyte. However, all of the established thymus subpopulations defined by CD4 and CD8, including CD4-CD8+ and CD4+CD8- mature thymocytes and CD4-CD8- early thymocytes, were also present in rosettes. Very few of the cells present were of an intermediate or transitional phenotype. Rosette-associated thymocytes were somewhat enriched in large dividing thymocytes, in CD4-CD8- thymocytes, and in mature thymocytes expressing the T-cell antigen receptor-CD3 complex. Their most striking characteristic was a marked depletion in small thymocytes lacking surface H-2K expression, a major population among free thymocytes. The physiological role of the rosette structure is discussed, and it is suggested that the heterogeneity of the associated thymocytes in part reflects the existence of different types of rosettes in different areas of the thymus.  相似文献   

Ca2+ ions intervene during different phases of the progression of the cell cycle, but only one calcium-binding protein, calmodulin, has been shown to be associated with dividing cells. We therefore screened cancer cells for the presence of other related calcium-binding proteins. Using molecular biological and immunohistochemical techniques we show that human tumor cells of epithelial origin, express calretinin. Calretinin immunoreactivity can be demonstrated at precise moments of the cell cycle and, in particular, in phase G1 and during mitosis. During mitosis calretinin is localized both in the cytoplasm and in the mitotic spindle. In the cytoplasm we find calretinin after prophase and until telophase. In the spindle apparatus, calretinin is already present in cells in prometaphase and persists in all the succeeding mitotic phases. It is associated with the kinetochore microtubules but, in contrast to calmodulin, also with the polar microtubules. The role that calretinin plays in well-defined moments of the cell cycle of these cells is as yet unknown, but our results strongly suggest that, in collaboration with other molecules, calretinin intervenes in the dynamic phenomena regulating the separation of the chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary Thymocyte subpopulations that are associated with macrophages and dendritic cells of the thymus in vivo were isolated from the thymuses of C57Bl/6 mice, and their Lyt phenotypes were analyzed. Electron-microscopic examination of immunogold-labeled cells revealed that the thymic complexes formed by macrophages mainly contained Lyt-2-positive thymocytes, while Lyt-1-positive thymocytes were more frequently associated with dendritic cells. The characteristic distributions of Lyt antigens on the surface of thymocytes in regions of reciprocal contact with macrophages (Lyt-2-positive cells) and dendritic cells (Lyt-1-positive cells) suggest that these antigens play a role in specific interactions between thymocytes and stroma cells.Dedicated to Professor Dr. T.H. Schiebler on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Given prior evidence that adhesion molecules play critical roles in T cell recognition, it is important to identify new adhesion pathways and explore their role in T cell activation. Our studies of T cell proliferation complement concurrent studies of T cell adhesion; both demonstrate that resting CD4+ human T lymphocytes express the VLA integrins VLA-4, VLA-5, and VLA-6, and can use these receptors to interact with the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins fibronectin (VLA-4 and VLA-5) and laminin (VLA-6). VLA-dependent interaction of resting human CD4+ T cells with fibronectin (FN) and laminin (LN) facilitates CD3-mediated T cell proliferation. Specifically, T cells do not proliferate in response to a wide range of concentrations of a CD3 mAb, OKT3, immobilized on plastic. However, coimmobilization with the CD3 mAb of FN or LN, but not other ECM proteins such as fibrinogen and collagen, consistently results in strong T cell proliferation. mAb blocking studies demonstrate that three VLA integrin receptor/ligand interactions mediate costimulation: VLA-4/FN, VLA-5/FN, and VLA-6/LN. VLA-5-dependent binding to FN but not costimulation by FN can be specifically blocked with peptides containing the RGD (arg-gly-asp) tripeptide sequence whereas VLA-4-dependent binding and costimulation can both be efficiently inhibited by a 12 amino acid peptide, LHGPEILDVPST (leu-his-gly-pro-glu-iso-leu-asp-val-pro-ser-thr), derived from the alternatively spliced IIICS region of FN. The costimulation provided by FN and LN in this system is stronger than and distinct from costimulatory signals provided by cytokines, such as IL-1 beta, IL-6,, and IL-7. These results suggest that, such as other adhesion molecules, T cell VLA integrins may also function in a dual capacity as adhesion and signalling molecules. In addition, they suggest that the interaction of T cells in vivo with ECM via VLA integrins plays a role not only in T cell migratory processes but may also influence Ag-specific T cell recognition.  相似文献   



VLA-4 and CD38 predict a poor clinical outcome in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). We used CLL samples with discordant VLA-4/CD38 risk to address their individual roles in human bone marrow infiltration (BM), CLL cell homing to murine BM, and in supportive CLL cell-stromal cell interactions.


VLA-4, CD38, and Ki-67 expression was measured in CLL cells from peripheral blood (PB) and bone marrow (BM) aspirates. CLL BM infiltration rates, routinely determined by Pathology, were correlated to VLA-4 and CD38 expression. Short-term homing capacity of CLL cells was evaluated by adoptive transfer experiments. CLL cell viability and adhesion in stromal cell co-culture was determined.


About 20% of CLL samples in our cohort displayed discordant VLA-4 and CD38 risk, with either high VLA-4 and low CD38 risk or vice versa. Using particularly such samples, we observed that VLA-4, and not CD38, was responsible for recirculation of CLL cells to murine BM. Human BM infiltration was also significantly higher in patients with high VLA-4 risk but not high CD38 risk. However, both molecules acted as independent prognostic markers. While both VLA-4 and CD38 expression were increased in BM-derived CLL cells, and VLA-4+ and CD38+ subpopulations showed enriched Ki-67 expression, VLA-4 did not contribute to CLL cell protection by stromal cells in vitro.


Our data argue for a prominent role of VLA-4 but not CD38 expression in the homing of CLL cells to BM niches and in human BM infiltration,but only a limited role in their protection by stromal cells.  相似文献   

We previously showed that, in the context of thymic epithelial cells, thymocyte migration is partially controlled by extracellular matrix (ECM)-mediated interactions. Herein we evaluated whether these interactions could be involved in cell migration related events in the context of non-epithelial cells of the thymic microenvironment, the phagocytic cells of the thymic reticulum (PTR). We first showed, by immunocytochemistry, cytofluorometry, and RT-PCR, that PTR produce ECM components, including fibronectin and laminin, and express the corresponding integrin-type receptors, VLA-4, VLA-5, and VLA-6. Thymocytes adhere onto PTR monolayers, with immature CD4(+)CD8(+) cells being predominant. Importantly, such an adhesion is partially mediated by ECM ligands and receptors, since it was impaired by anti-ECM or anti-ECM receptor antibodies. Conjointly, our data reveal that the ECM-dependence for thymocyte adhesion onto the thymic microenvironment is not restricted to the epithelial cells, being also seen when they encounter non-epithelial phagocytic cells.  相似文献   

Thy-1 is a major brain cell surface glycoprotein of adult mammal species also expressed in rodent thymus. Despite extensive studies, the function(s) of this molecule has remained so far ill defined. We have recently shown that Thy-1 was involved in the adhesion of mouse thymocytes to thymic epithelium through a specific interaction with a heterophilic ligand(s) expressed on the epithelial cell surface. In the present study, we aimed at evaluating the interaction of sulfated glycans with mouse Thy-1, as well as its consequence on Thy-1-mediated thymic lympho-epithelial cell interaction. It was shown that 125I-labeled Thy-1 directly bound to immobilized heparin. Sulfated glycans such as pentosan sulfate, dextran sulfate, and fucoidan were found to strongly inhibit the binding of Thy-1 to heparin. In contrast, chondroitin sulfate, keratan sulfate, and heparan sulfate were not inhibitory. Sulfated glycans (e.g., pentosan sulfate, assayed at a concentration of 50 micrograms/ml) completely blocked the Thy-1-dependent adhesion of T cells to a mouse thymic epithelial cell monolayer. To explore the mechanism of this inhibition, we compared the ability of T cell to adhere to mouse thymic epithelial cell monolayer or to sulfated glycans. Our results suggest that sulfated glycans bind to a Thy-1 site distinct from that with which this molecule interacts with its heterophilic ligand. Moreover, sulfate glycans could modulate the binding of rat mAb directed at spatially distinct Thy-1 epitopes. The present results identified a potential mechanism regulating Thy-1-mediated lympho-epithelial cell adhesion.  相似文献   

A fibroblastoid cell line TSt-4 was established from fetal thymus tissue of C57BL/6 mice. When fetal thymus (FT) cells or CD4-8- (DN) cells of adult thymuses were cultured on the monolayer of TSt-4, a considerable proportion of lymphocytes expressed CD4 or both CD4 and CD8 within 1 day, and the CD4+CD8- cells were maintained further while the CD4+8+ cells disappeared by Day 5. A large proportion of cells generated from DN cells but not FT cells was shown to express CD3 and T cell receptor alpha beta. Addition of recombinant interleukin (IL)-7 into the cultures resulted in a marked increase of cell recovery without virtual change in differentiation process of alpha beta lineage. The present work strongly suggests that thymic fibroblasts play an important role in T cell differentiation and IL-7 contributes to supporting proliferation of differentiated cells.  相似文献   

Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is a cytokine that promotes CD4(+) T cell homeostasis and contributes to allergic and inflammatory responses. TSLP can act directly on mouse CD4(+) T cells, but in humans, the available data have indicated that TSLP receptors are not expressed on CD4(+) T cells and that TSLP instead activates dendritic cells, which in turn promote the proliferation and differentiation of CD4(+) T cells. We now unexpectedly demonstrate the presence of TSLP receptors on activated human CD4(+) T cells. Strikingly, whereas freshly isolated peripheral blood human T cells show little if any response to TSLP, TCR stimulation allows a potent response to this cytokine. Moreover, TSLP increases the sensitivity of human CD4(+) T cells to low doses of IL-2, augmenting responsiveness of these cells to TCR engagement. Our results establish that human CD4(+) T cells are direct targets for TSLP.  相似文献   

Mouse thymocytes were fractionated into heavy (subtype I, 79% of total cell number), medium (subtype II, 18%) and light (subtype III, 3%) ones by Percoll density centrifugation and they were identified as immature (subtype I and II) and mature (subtype III) thymocytes based on their proliferative response to mitogens. Whereas the nuclear activity of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (EC in the subtype III was only one half that of denser subtypes, it increased two-fold upon mitogen stimulation. The sensitivity of three thymocyte subtypes to the dexamethasone cytotoxicity, as judged by the extent of the DNA cleavage, depletion of NAD and cell viability, was highest in the subtype I and lowest in the subtype III. The possible involvement of poly ADP-ribosylation in the apoptotic (programmed) cell death during intrathymic development of immature to mature thymocytes is discussed.  相似文献   

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