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A series of fiber-specific mutants, or germplasms, have been recently used in the study of fiber development. In the current study, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to investigate developmental differences in lint and fuzz initiation in different genotypes (Gossypium hirsutum) of upland cotton. These fiber mutants included dominant naked seed N1, recessive naked seed n2, Xuzhou-142 lintless-fuzzless (XZ142WX), Xinxiangxiaojilintless-fuzzless (XinWX), Xinxiangxiaojilinted-fuzzless (XinFLM), with TM-1, the cytogenetic and genetic experimental standard stock, as the control. Characteristics of fiber initiation were analyzed from -1 to +1 days post anthesis (dpa) and at 4 and 5 dpa for fuzz initiation. Our data suggested that lint initiation centered on day of anthesis (0dpa), and elongated significantly at 1dpa, while fuzz initiation began at 4dpa, although the shape of fuzz protrusions differed from that of lint fibers. Fiber initiation occurred first on the ovule funicular crest. Compared to TM-1, there was a noted retardation in development and fiber protrusion in N1 and XinFLM. Microscopy data also demonstrated that lintless-fuzzless mutants (XZ142WX and XinWX) developed irregular protrusions during early developmental stages, which were unable to grow into fiber.  相似文献   

A series of fiber-specific mutants, or germplasms, have been recently used in the study of fiber development. In thecurrent study, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to investigate developmental differences in lint and fuzzinitiation in different genotypes (Gossypium hirsutum) of upland cotton.These fiber mutants included dominant nakedseed N1, recessive naked seed n2, Xuzhou-142 lintless-fuzzless (XZ142WX), Xinxiangxiaojilintless-fuzzless (XinWX),Xinxiangxiaojilinted-fuzzless (XinFLM), with TM-1, the cytogenetic and genetic experimental standard stock, as the control.Characteristics of fiber initiation were analyzed from -1 to 1 days post anthesis (dpa) and at 4 and 5 dpa for fuzz initiation.Our data suggested that lint initiation centered on day of anthesis (Odpa), and elongated significantly at 1dpa, while fuzzinitiation began at 4dpa, although the shape of fuzz protrusions differed from that of lint fibers. Fiber initiation occurred firston the ovule funicular crest. Compared to TM-1, there was a noted retardation in development and fiber protrusion in N1and XinFLM. Microscopy data also demonstrated that lintless-fuzzless mutants (XZ142WX and XinWX) developed irregularprotrusions during early developmental stages, which were unable to grow into fiber.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the dark metabolism of CO2 by elongatingfibres of Gossypium arboreum L. cv. LD 133 (a short staple type)and Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. LH 372 (a long staple type) atdifferent fibre ages. In both cultivars, phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylasc, glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase and malate dehydrogenaseshow elevated activities during the period of rapid fibre growthand lowered activity with ageing. Malic enzyme activity increasesas extension growth levels off. Levels of K+ and malate riseduring rapid extension growth and fall as the rate of elongationdecreases. The results indicate that malate may act as an osmoticumand a counterion for K+ accumulation during rapid expansionof the fibres. Amounts of enzymes, K+ and malate are higherin the fibres of the long staple cultivar than the short staple.During the period of active elongation, K+/malate ratio is higherin the short staple cultivar. Key words: Gossypium hirsutum, CO2 metabolism, Fibre extension  相似文献   

Airborne and waterborne fungal spores were compared with respect to cytoplasmic viscosity and the presence of ergosterol. These parameters differed markedly between the two spore types and correlated with spore survival. This suggests that the mode of spore dispersal has a bearing on cellular composition, which is relevant for the eradication of industrially relevant fungal propagules.Contamination of food products by fungi often starts with dispersal vehicles that include air- and waterborne spores. The aim of this study was to assess whether air- and waterborne spores are not only different with respect to surface wettability but also have a distinct membrane and cytoplasmic composition. To this end, microviscosity and the presence of ergosterol in the plasma membrane were determined. Ergosterol is the target of many antifungals, and its presence or absence will affect sensitivity to such antifungals, including natamycin. Natamycin is considered a fungistatic antibiotic. It binds to ergosterol but is not able to disrupt the plasma membrane (9, 11). In this study, conidia of Penicillium discolor, Aspergillus niger (airborne), Fusarium oxysporum, and Verticillium fungicola (waterborne) were used. All of these species are relevant in applied situations ranging from postharvest diseases (Aspergillus and Fusarium) and food spoilage (Penicillium) to mycoparasitism of mushrooms (Verticillium). A. niger N402 and P. discolor CBS112557 were grown on malt extract agar (MEA; 7) at 25°C. F. oxysporum CBS116593 and V. fungicola MES12712 were grown on oatmeal agar (7) at 25°C. Low-temperature scanning electron microscopy of uncoated samples (8) clearly showed that the conidia of Verticillium and Fusarium were formed in large (spherical) clusters or on the surface of the colony amid the mycelium, while the other fungi showed clearly elevated spore-forming structures that formed chains of conidia (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Conidia of 10- to 12-day-old cultures were harvested in cold ACES buffer [10 mM N-(2-acetamido)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, 0.02% Tween 80, pH 6.8] and stored on ice before experimentation on the same day.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Formation of conidia by V. fungicola (Vf), F. oxysporum (Fo), P. discolor (Pd), and A. niger (An) observed by scanning cryoelectron microscopy. (A) Numerous conidia of A. niger are formed on erect conidiophores (B) Conidia of P. discolor are also formed on conidiophores, and the chains of the spores are notable. (C) Conidia of F. oxysporum are formed within the mycelium. (D) Conidia of V. fungicola are formed in large clusters that coalesce to form large aggregates of spores inside the mycelium. Bars, 10 μm.  相似文献   

Abstract: The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the reduction in supporting tissues in climbers compared to self-supporting plants is also true for their leaves, and that climbers generally require higher leaf nitrogen than self-supporting plants to accomplish fast growth. This hypothesis was tested using paired samples of both growth forms with assessment of leaf area index above the sampled plants (LAIa) in a tropical rain forest in Gabon. The sampling protocol ensured that within a highly fluctuating low canopy environment, the growth conditions were identical for each pair sampled. The results confirmed the hypothesis. Lianas had significantly lower leaf mass per unit leaf area (LMA) than their supporters. Liana leaves also contained significantly more nitrogen than host tree leaves. The differences in nitrogen concentration between liana and tree leaves reversed for the most shaded sites, when nitrogen was expressed on a leaf area base (Narea). Significant regression between leaf nitrogen and LAIa was found for the climbers on the shaded sites but not for their supporters. This indicated better acclimation of climbers to prevailing light conditions. Better nitrogen allocation at low LMA, together with lower carbon costs for building supporting tissues, makes lianas highly competitive, especially where high nitrogen availability is assured.  相似文献   

BANOWETZ  GARY M. 《Annals of botany》1997,79(2):185-190
The work reported here compared cytokinin content and sensitivityin a selection of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivarsusing the following measurements: leaf cytokinins at three timepoints during light-growth and at four 24 h intervals afterlight-grown plants were transferred to darkness; sensitivityof root growth to direct applications of isopentenyl adenosine([9R]iP); and, sensitivity of germination and subsequent rootand shoot growth to 18 h imbibition of seeds in benzyladenine(BA). Accumulation of zeatin riboside-type cultivars was greatestduring light-growth in Tibet Dwarf, a wheat with an extremedwarf phenotype, intermediate in Omar standard and dwarf cultivars,and lowest in the standard and dwarf versions of Itana. Cytokininlevels were otherwise not directly correlated to plant staturein these wheats. There were no cultivar-associated qualitativedifferences in the types of cytokinins detected in this study.During the 16 h light period, the content of zeatin riboside-typecytokinins increased up to tenfold and then declined to basallevels during dark growth. Chlorophyll retention during dark-growthwas correlated with leaf cytokinin content. Data collected ata restricted number of sampling points during dark-growth suggesteda cyclic accumulation of [9R]iP-type cytokinins and the apparentcycle in Tibet Dwarf was offset by 24 h. Tibet Dwarf showedthe greatest root growth inhibition after exposure of seedlingroots to [9R]iP or imbibition of seeds in BA. Neither of thesetreatments affected shoot growth in any of the cultivars. Wheat; Triticum aestivum ; cytokinin; zeatin riboside; benzyladenine; root inhibition  相似文献   

纤维素降解的菌株筛选及其运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:筛选降解稻草纤维素菌株,为纤维素的高效降解提供理论依据.方法:采用羧甲基纤维素钠刚果红培养基与滤纸条培养基从采集的腐木、腐土和腐叶等样品中筛选出纤维素降解菌.然后经液态发酵后测定其羧甲基纤维素酶活力与降解稻草的天然纤维素酶活力,综合考虑这两种酶活力,对其进行单独与混合发酵培养.筛选分解稻草能力较强的菌株组合.结果:初筛到5株真菌和5株细菌纤维素降解力较优的菌株.经酶活力测定后,得到分解纤维素能力较强的两株真菌F3和F5与两株细菌B1和B5,其中F3和B1的羧甲基纤维素酶活分别为705.6U、214.6U;F5和B5天然纤维素酶活分别为466.5U、204.8 U.混合培养在一定程度上能提高纤维素酶活,F3/F5具有稳定而较高的酶活力,某时间段酶活高达646.8U,且后续酶活力也保持在较高水平.而F3/B5在某时间段的酶活高达788.6U.结论:菌株的混合培养可以提高纤维素酶活.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that the length of an exon tends to increase with the GC content because stop codons are AT-rich and should occur less frequently in GC-rich exons. This prediction assumes that mutation pressure plays a significant role in the occurrence and distribution of stop codons. However, the prediction is applicable not to all exons, but only to the last coding exon of a gene and to single-exon CDS sequences. We classified exons in multiexon genes in eight eukaryotic species into three groups-the first exon, the internal, and the last exon-and computed the Spearman correlation between the exon length and the percentage GC (%GC) for each of the three groups. In only five of the species studied is the correlation for the last coding exon greater than that for the first or internal exons. For the single-exon CDS sequences, the correlation between CDS length and %GC is mostly negative. Thus, eukaryotic genomes do not support the predicted relationship between exon length and %GC. In prokaryotic genomes, CDS length and %GC are positively correlated in each of the 68 completely sequenced prokaryotic genomes in GenBank with genomic GC contents varying from 25 to 68%, except for the wall-less Mycoplasma genitalium and the syphilis pathogen Treponema pallidum. Moreover, the average CDS length and the genomic GC content are also positively correlated. After correcting for genome size, the partial correlation between the average CDS length and the genomic GC content is 0.3217 ( p < 0.025).  相似文献   

The Influence of Cellulose Content on Tensile Strength in Tree Roots   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
Root tensile strength is an important factor to consider when choosing suitable species for reinforcing soil on unstable slopes. Tensile strength has been found to increase with decreasing root diameter, however, it is not known how this phenomenon occurs. We carried out tensile tests on roots 0.2–12.0 mm in diameter of three conifer and two broadleaf species, in order to determine the relationship between tensile strength and diameter. Two species, Pinus pinaster Ait. and Castanea sativa Mill., were then chosen for a quantitative analysis of root cellulose content. Cellulose is responsible for tensile strength in wood due to its microfibrillar structure. Results showed that in all species, a significant power relationship existed between tensile strength and root diameter, with a sharp increase of tensile strength in roots with a diameter <0.9 mm. In roots >1.0 mm, Fagus sylvatica L. was the most resistant to failure, followed by Picea abies L. and C. sativa., P. pinaster and Pinus nigra Arnold roots were the least resistant in tension for the same diameter class. Extremely high values of strength (132–201 MPa) were found in P. abies, C. sativa and P. pinaster, for the smallest roots (0.4 mm in diameter). The power relationship between tensile strength and root diameter cannot only be explained by a scaling effect typical of that found in fracture mechanics. Therefore, this relationship could be due to changes in cellulose content as the percentage of cellulose was also observed to increase with decreasing root diameter and increasing tensile strength in both P. pinaster and C. sativa.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used to image the cellulose networks in moist fragments of the cell walls of Bintje potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). The interfiber spacing in hydrated native cell wall fragments was found to be 26.2 nm. This value is consistent with published estimates of the contour length of xyloglucan cross-links determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies of cell walls. Sequential extraction of the pectin using CDTA and Na2CO3 led to shrinkage of the cell wall fragment and a reduction in interfiber spacing to 20.2 nm. Partial extraction of xyloglucan using 1 M KOH caused a small decrease in interfiber spacing to 19.5 nm. Finally, the almost complete removal of xyloglucan with 4 M KOH substantially reduced the interfiber spacing to 11 nm. The results are consistent with a model for the cell wall in which the cellulose–xyloglucan network is immersed in a swollen, hydrated pectin network.  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositols (GPIs) from several protozoan parasites are thought to elicit a detrimental stimulation of the host innate immune system aside their main function to anchor surface proteins. Here we analyzed the GPI biosynthesis of an avirulent Toxoplasma gondii type 2 strain (PTG) by metabolic radioactive labeling. We determined the biological function of individual GPI species in the PTG strain in comparison with previously characterized GPI-anchors of a virulent strain (RH). The GPI intermediates of both strains were structurally similar, however the abundance of two of six GPI intermediates was significantly reduced in the PTG strain. The side-by-side comparison of GPI-anchor content revealed that the PTG strain had only ∼34% of the protein-free GPIs as well as ∼70% of the GPI-anchored proteins with significantly lower rates of protein N-glycosylation compared to the RH strain. All mature GPIs from both strains induced comparable secretion levels of TNF-α and IL-12p40, and initiated TLR4/MyD88-dependent NF-κBp65 activation in macrophages. Taken together, these results demonstrate that PTG and RH strains differ in their GPI biosynthesis and possess significantly different GPI-anchor content, while individual GPI species of both strains induce similar biological functions in macrophages.  相似文献   



To determine if metabolically healthy obese (MHO) individuals have a different metabolic response to a standardized diet compared to lean healthy (LH) and metabolically unhealthy obese (MUO) individuals.


Thirty adults (35–70 yrs) were classified as LH, MHO, and MUO according to anthropometric and clinical measurements. Participants consumed a standardized high calorie meal (~1330 kcal). Blood glucose and insulin were measured at fasting, and 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min postprandially. Additional blood samples were collected for the targeted analysis of amino acids (AAs) and derivatives, and fatty acids (FAs).


The postprandial response (i.e., area under the curve, AUC) for serum glucose and insulin were similar between MHO and LH individuals, and significantly lower than MUO individuals (p < 0.05). Minor differences were found in postprandial responses for AAs between MHO and MUO individuals, while three polyunsaturated FAs (linoleic acid, γ-linolenic acid, arachidonic acid) showed smaller changes in serum after the meal in MHO individuals compared to MUO. Fasting levels for various AAs (notably branched-chain AA) and FAs (e.g., saturated myristic and palmitic acids) were found to correlate with glucose and insulin AUC.


MHO individuals show preserved insulin sensitivity and a greater ability to adapt to a caloric challenge compared to MUO individuals.  相似文献   

We have investigated three classes of small bacteriophage T4 particles which differ from normal T4 particles in length of their deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), in head length, in protein content, and in density. The different particles contain DNA molecules measuring 0.90, 0.77, or 0.67, respectively, of the normal T4 length. An additional class of viable particles contains DNA molecules of 1.1 unit length. These discrete differences in DNA length correspond to discrete differences in length (but not width) of the respective heads and are roughly proportional to the resulting differences in head volumes. The measured relative dimensions of the different heads fit best the relative dimensions predicted by a quasi-icosahedral model in which the smallest T4 head corresponds to an icosahedron with a triangulation number T = 21. The mid-portion of this structure is thought to be elongated by adding successive rows of gene 23 protein hexamers, the normal T4 head having three added rows. Different mutants produce small particles of the three classes in varying proportions, but no mutant produces exclusively particles of a single class. Particles of each class, with indistinguishable DNA content, show additional minor differences in protein content, as measured by differences in buoyant density and in the relative ratio of (32)P to (35)S.  相似文献   


Forty one strains of Trichoderma were isolated from four provinces in the Philippines and tested for their cellulose adequacy indices (CAI). T. harzianum strain no. 94-016 with the highest CAI was further tested for its saprophytic colonization in pots relative to the amount of inoculum. The higher the amount of inoculum of T. harzianum strain no. 94-016, the higher percentage colonization of rice straw in the soil. Further tests were done to compare the decomposition of rice straw on the surface and buried in the soil and the effect of moisture on soil decomposition. Buried rice straw inoculated with T. harzianum strain no. 94-016 watered on a daily basis provided better decomposition.  相似文献   

Weight increase of cotton fiber in an 18% NaOH solution, termed “alkali-centrifuge” or “AC” value, was measured after incubation of either 1 g or 100 mg of the fiber in ruminal fluid. The AC response was a sensitive measure of cellulolytic activity. Thus, fiber incubated at 21 and 51°C exhibited major AC increases even when direct weight losses of the unswollen fiber were less than 2%. Similarly, progressive additions of acetic acid to ruminal fluid progressively depressed both AC response and direct weight loss, but the former was still easily measurable when the latter was not. In tightly closed, completely filled vials with high ratio of ruminal fluid to sample, AC increased greatly and rapidly, i.e., in 6 h. This time could be further reduced to 2 h by overnight “preincubation” of the ruminal fluid with cotton fiber before starting the test incubation. Certain surfactants used to aid wetting of the fiber had a low but measurable potency in inhibiting cellulose digestion, but other surfactants were non-inhibitory. The AC response was maintained when ruminal fluid was diluted with an equal amount of McDougall's “artificial saliva” solution.  相似文献   

Biopsy specimens and sera were obtained from 103 melanoma patients. Autoantibodies were demonstrated by (1) complement-dependent cytotoxicity of autologous melanoma cells in short-term culture; (2) complement-dependent inhibition of ribonucleic acid synthesis; (3) immunofluorescent staining of the cytoplasm of killed melanoma cells and of the surface membrane of viable melanoma cells. Over one-third of the sera studied had antibodies to autologous melanoma cells. Although for technical reasons all three tests could not be performed with the cells from every melanoma, whenever multiple testing was possible there was complete concordance. The autoantibodies were virtually confined to patients in whom the disease was not widely disseminated, and over 80% of such patients had positive sera. In a limited number of patients who have been followed autoantibodies disappeared as the disease progressed to become widely disseminated. Two patients with generalized disease developed autoantibodies following inoculation by their own irradiated tumour cells.Two types of autoantibodies were recognized: one, active against antigen(s) in the cell surface membrane, was specific for each tumour—that is, only the autologous serum reacted—and was concerned in the cytotoxic activity; the other reacted with cytoplasmic antigens which appeared to be present in most or all melanoma cells.  相似文献   

We wished to determine the nature of differences in epidermalcell numbers and dimensions between leaves of different lengthin mutants of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. ‘Himalaya’).Three comparisons were made: leaf one (L1)vs. leaf four (L4);wild typevs. nine dwarf mutants and wild typevs. a slender mutant.L1 was shorter than L4, and for most lines this was associatedwith a change in epidermal cell number for the blade, and inboth cell number and length for the sheath. Compared to wildtype, the smaller leaves of dwarf plants generally had shorterand fewer cells in both blade and sheath. The blade of slenderplants was the same length (L1) or longer (L4) than wild type,while the sheath was longer than that of wild type for bothL1 and L4. Slender plants had longer but fewer cells than thewild type along the blade of L1, and shorter but more cellsfor the blade of L4. In the sheath, slender plants had longerand more (L1) or fewer (L4) cells than did the wild type. ForL1, variation in blade width amongst the barley lines was associatedwith a change in file width and file number. For L4, blade widthvaried only with file number, except for slender plants wherenarrow blades were associated with reduced file width. Hencethere was no consistent correlation between changes in cellsize or cell (or file) number with changes in leaf length orwidth. Differences depended on the leaf (L1vs. L4), leaf part(bladevs. sheath), and the nature of the mutation (dwarfvs.slender). Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. ‘Himalaya’); leaf epidermis; dwarf mutant; slender mutant  相似文献   

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