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There has been a long‐standing conceptual debate over the legitimacy of assigning components of offspring fitness to parents for purposes of evolutionary analysis. The benefits and risks inherent in assigning fitness of offspring to parents have been given primarily as verbal arguments and no explicit theoretical analyses have examined quantitatively how the assignment of fitness can affect evolutionary inferences. Using a simple quantitative genetic model, we contrast the conclusions drawn about how selection acts on a maternal character when components of offspring fitness (such as early survival) are assigned to parents vs. when they are assigned directly to the individual offspring. We find that there are potential shortcomings of both possible assignments of fitness. In general, whenever there is a genetic correlation between the parental and direct effects on offspring fitness, assigning components of offspring fitness to parents yields incorrect dynamical equations and may even lead to incorrect conclusions about the direction of evolution. Assignment of offspring fitness to parents may also produce incorrect estimates of selection whenever environmental variation contributes to variance of the maternal trait. Whereas assignment of offspring fitness to the offspring avoids these potential problems, it introduces the possible problem of missing components of kin selection provided by the mother, which may not be detected in selection analyses. There are also certain conditions where either model can be appropriate because assignment of offspring fitness to parents may yield the same dynamical equations as assigning offspring fitness directly to offspring. We discuss these implications of the alternative assignments of fitness for modelling, selection analysis and experimentation in evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

Very few studies have examined parent-offspring interactions from a quantitative genetic perspective. We used a cross-fostering design and measured genetic correlations and components of social selection arising from two parental and two offspring behaviors in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. Genetic correlations were assessed by examining behavior of relatives independent of common social influences. We found positive genetic correlations between all pairs of behaviors, including between parent and offspring behaviors. Patterns of selection were assessed by standardized performance and selection gradients. Parental provisioning had positive effects on offspring performance and fitness, while remaining near the larvae without feeding them had negative effects. Begging had positive effects on offspring performance and fitness, while increased competition among siblings had negative effects. Coadaptations between parenting and offspring behavior appear to be maintained by genetic correlations and functional trade-offs; parents that feed their offspring more also spend more time in the area where they can forage for themselves. Families with high levels of begging have high levels of sibling competition. Integrating information from genetics and selection thus provides a general explanation for why variation persists in seemingly beneficial traits expressed in parent-offspring interactions and illustrates why it is important to measure functionally related suites of behaviors.  相似文献   

Despite a growing interest in the evolutionary aspects of maternal effects, few studies have examined the genetic consequences of maternal effects associated with parental care. To begin to provide data on nonlaboratory or nondomestic animals, we compared the effect of presence and absence of parental care on phenotype expression of larval mass and development time at different life-history stages in the burying beetle Nicrophorus pustulatus. This beetle has facultative care; parents can feed their larvae through regurgitation of digested carrion or offspring can feed by themselves from previously prepared carrion. To investigate larval responses to these two levels of care, including estimates of additive genetic effects, maternal effects, and genotype-by-environment interactions, we used a half-sibling split-family breeding experiment-raising half of the offspring of a family in the presence of their mother and the other half without their mother present. Larvae reared with their mother present were on average heavier and developed faster, although some of the differences in development decreased or were eliminated by the adult stage. These results suggest that presence or absence of post-hatching maternal care plays an important role in phenotype expression early in life, whereas later the phenotype of the offspring is determined mainly by the genotype and/or unshared environmental effects. Our study also permitted us to examine the differences in genetic effects between the two care environments. Heritabilities, maternal/common environment effect, and most genetic correlations did not differ between the care treatments. Genetic analyses revealed substantial additive genetic effects for development time but small effects for measures of body mass. Maternal plus common environment effects were high for measures of mass but low for development time, suggesting that indirect genetic effects of maternal and/or common environment are less important for the evolution of development time than for mass. Estimates of genetic correlations revealed a trade-off between the duration of the two development stages after the offspring left the carrion. There was also a negative genetic correlation between the time spent on carrion and the mass at 72 h, when mothers usually stop feeding. The analysis of genotype-by-environment interactions indicates substantial variation among maternal families in response to care. Presence or absence of parental care may therefore contribute to the additive genetic variance through its interaction with the maternal component of the additive genetic variance. The presence of this interaction further suggests that parents may vary in care strategies, with some parents dispersing after preparation of the carrion and some parents staying with the larvae. This interaction may help maintain genetic variation in growth, development time, and parental care behavior. Additional work is needed, however, to quantify indirect genetic effects and genetic variation in parental care behavior itself.  相似文献   

The parental environment can alter offspring phenotypes via the transfer of non‐genetic information. Parental effects may be viewed as an extension of (within‐generation) phenotypic plasticity. Smaller size, poorer physical condition, and skewed sex ratios are common responses of organisms to global warming, yet whether parental effects alleviate, exacerbate, or have no impact on these responses has not been widely tested. Further, the relative non‐genetic influence of mothers and fathers and ontogenetic timing of parental exposure to warming on offspring phenotypes is poorly understood. Here, we tested how maternal, paternal, and biparental exposure of a coral reef fish (Acanthochromis polyacanthus) to elevated temperature (+1.5°C) at different ontogenetic stages (development vs reproduction) influences offspring length, weight, condition, and sex. Fish were reared across two generations in present‐day and projected ocean warming in a full factorial design. As expected, offspring of parents exposed to present‐day control temperature that were reared in warmer water were shorter than their siblings reared in control temperature; however, within‐generation plasticity allowed maintenance of weight, resulting in a higher body condition. Parental exposure to warming, irrespective of ontogenetic timing and sex, resulted in decreased weight and condition in all offspring rearing temperatures. By contrast, offspring sex ratios were not strongly influenced by their rearing temperature or that of their parents. Together, our results reveal that phenotypic plasticity may help coral reef fishes maintain performance in a warm ocean within a generation, but could exacerbate the negative effects of warming between generations, regardless of when mothers and fathers are exposed to warming. Alternatively, the multigenerational impact on offspring weight and condition may be a necessary cost to adapt metabolism to increasing temperatures. This research highlights the importance of examining phenotypic plasticity within and between generations across a range of traits to accurately predict how organisms will respond to climate change.  相似文献   

Parental condition affects early life-history of a coral reef fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parents can exert a range of non-genetic effects on the growth and survival of their offspring. In particular, parents may modify the size or condition of their offspring depending on the amount of energy they have available for reproduction. In this study, the body condition of breeding pairs of the coral reef fish Acanthochromis polyacanthus was experimentally manipulated to test the effects of parental condition on reproductive output and offspring life history traits. Parents in good condition commenced breeding earlier, had higher reproductive output, and their eggs exhibited increased survival during embryogenesis, compared to parents in poorer condition. Increased reproductive output was attained through more reproductive bouts over the breeding season that contained both a greater number and an increased size of eggs. The offspring from parents in good condition were larger at hatching, with larger yolk reserves and increased survival on endogenous reserves. Larger size is expected to provide benefits to offspring through reduced susceptibility to size-selective mortality. The range of offspring characteristics modified by parental condition could result in a greater proportion of offspring from good condition parents recruiting to the population.  相似文献   

Non-genetic transmission of information across generations, so-called parental effects, can have significant impacts on offspring morphology, physiology, behaviour and life-history traits. In previous experimental work using the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch, we demonstrated that dispersal distances increase with local density and levels of genetic relatedness. We here show that manipulation of parental and grand-parental density has a significant effect on offspring dispersal distance, of the same order of magnitude as manipulation of offspring density. We demonstrate that offspring exposed to the same density disperse further if they were born to parents exposed to higher density compared with parents exposed to low density. Offspring dispersal distance also increases when grand-parents were exposed to higher density, except for offspring exposed to low densities, which disperse at shorter distances whatever the grand-parental density. We also show that offspring from mothers exposed to higher densities were overall larger, which suggests that parents in high densities invest more in individual offspring, enabling them to disperse further. We propose that our findings should be included in models investigating the spread rate of invasive species or when predicting the success of conservation measures of species attempting to track changing climates.  相似文献   

It is well established that the parental phenotype can influence offspring phenotypic expression, independent of the effects of the offspring''s own genotype. Nonetheless, the evolutionary implications of such parental effects remain unclear, partly because previous studies have generally overlooked the potential for interactions between parental sources of non-genetic variance to influence patterns of offspring phenotypic expression. We tested for such interactions, subjecting male and female Drosophila melanogaster of two different age classes to an immune activation challenge or a control treatment. Flies were then crossed in all age and immune status combinations, and the reproductive success of their immune- and control-treated daughters measured. We found that daughters produced by two younger parents exhibited reduced reproductive success relative to those of other parental age combinations. Furthermore, immune-challenged daughters exhibited higher reproductive success when produced by immune-challenged relative to control-treated mothers, a pattern consistent with transgenerational immune priming. Finally, a complex interplay between paternal age and parental immune statuses influenced daughter''s reproductive success. These findings demonstrate the dynamic nature of age- and immune-mediated parental effects, traceable to both parents, and regulated by interactions between parents and between parents and offspring.  相似文献   

Cross-generational effects refer to nongenetic influences of the parental phenotype or environment on offspring phenotypes. Such effects are commonly observed, but their adaptive significance is largely unresolved. We examined cross-generational effects of parental temperature on offspring fitness (estimated via a serial-transfer assay) at different temperatures in a laboratory population of Drosophila melanogaster. Parents were reared at 18 degrees C, 25 degrees C, or 29 degrees C (Tpar) and then their offspring were reared at 18 degrees C, 25 degrees C, or 29 degrees C (Toff) to evaluate several competing hypotheses (including an adaptive one) involving interaction effects of parental and offspring temperature on offspring fitness. The results clearly show that hotter parents are better; in other words, the higher the temperature of the parents, the higher the fitness of their offspring, independent of offspring thermal environment. These data contradict the adaptive cross-generational hypothesis, which proposes that offspring fitness is maximal when the offspring thermal regime matches the parental one. Flies with hot parents have high fitness seemingly because their own offspring develop relatively quickly, not because they have higher fecundity early in life.  相似文献   

To predict the possible evolutionary response of a plant species to a new environment, it is necessary to separate genetic from environmental sources of phenotypic variation. In a case study of the invader Solidago altissima, the influences of several kinds of parental effects and of direct inheritance and environment on offspring phenotype were separated. Fifteen genotypes were crossed in three 5 × 5 diallels excluding selfs. Clonal replicates of the parental genotypes were grown in two environments such that each diallel could be made with maternal/paternal plants from sand/sand, sand/soil, soil/sand, and soil/soil. In a first experiment (1989) offspring were raised in the experimental garden and in a second experiment (1990) in the glasshouse. Parent plants growing in sand invested less biomass in inflorescences but produced larger seeds than parent plants growing in soil. In the garden experiment, phenotypic variation among offspring was greatly influenced by environmental heterogeneity. Direct genetic variation (within diallels) was found only for leaf characters and total leaf mass. Germination probability and early seedling mass were significantly affected by phenotypic differences among maternal plants because of genotype ( genetic maternal effects ) and soil environment ( general environmental maternal effects ). Seeds from maternal plants in sand germinated better and produced bigger seedlings than seeds from maternal plants in soil. They also grew taller with time, probably because competition accentuated the initial differences. Height growth and stem mass at harvest (an integrated account of individual growth history) of offspring varied significantly among crosses within parental combinations ( specific environmental maternal effects ). In the glasshouse experiment, the influence of environmental heterogeneity and competition could be kept low. Except for early characters, the influence of direct genetic variation was large but again leaf characters (= basic module morphology) seemed to be under stricter genetic control than did size characters. Genetic maternal effects, general environmental maternal effects, and specific environmental maternal effects dominated in early characters. The maternal effects were exerted both via seed mass and directly on characters of young offspring. Persistent effects of the general paternal environment ( general environmental paternal effects ) were found for leaf length and stem and leaf mass at harvest. They were opposite in direction to the general environmental maternal effects, that is the same genotypes produced “better mothers” in sand but “better fathers” in soil. The general environmental paternal effects must have been due to differences in pollen quality, resulting from pollen selection within the male parent or leading to pre- or postzygotic selection within the female parent. The ranking of crosses according to mean offspring phenotypes was different in the two experiments, suggesting strong interaction of the observed effects with the environment. The correlation structure among characters changed less between experiments than did the pattern of variation of single characters, but under the competitive conditions in the garden plant height seemed to be more directly related to fitness than in the glasshouse. Reduced competition could also explain why maternal effects were less persistent in the glasshouse than in the garden experiment. Evolution via selection of maternal effects would be possible in the study population because these effects are in part due to genetic differences among parents.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have tested for indirect selection on female extra-pair reproduction (EPR) by quantifying whether extra-pair young (EPY) are fitter than their within-pair young (WPY) maternal half-siblings. In contrast, the hypothesis that offspring of EPY and WPY (rather than the EPY and WPY themselves) differ in fitness has not been tested, even though inter-generational effects of parental extra-pair status on offspring fitness could alter the magnitude and direction of indirect selection on EPR. We tested whether offspring of EPY song sparrows, Melospiza melodia, were more likely to recruit or produce hatched or recruited offspring over their lifetimes than offspring of WPY. Hatchlings with one or two EPY parents were more likely to recruit and produce hatched offspring than hatchlings with two WPY parents. Furthermore, these relationships differed between maternal versus paternal extra-pair status. Hatchlings with EPY fathers were more likely to recruit and produce offspring than hatchlings with WPY fathers. In contrast, hatchlings with EPY mothers were as likely to recruit as hatchlings with WPY mothers and tended to be less likely to produce recruited offspring. Depending on the causal genetic and environmental mechanisms, such conflicting inter-generational relationships between parental extra-pair status and offspring fitness could substantially influence the evolutionary dynamics of EPR.  相似文献   

Food shortage is an important selective factor shaping animal life‐history trajectories. Yet, despite its role, many aspects of the interaction between parental and offspring food environments remain unclear. In this study, we measured developmental plasticity in response to food availability over two generations and tested the relative contribution of paternal and maternal food availability to the performance of offspring reared under matched and mismatched food environments. We applied a cross‐generational split‐brood design using the springtail Orchesella cincta, which is found in the litter layer of temperate forests. The results show adverse effects of food limitation on several life‐history traits and reproductive performance of both parental sexes. Food conditions of both parents contributed to the offspring phenotypic variation, providing evidence for transgenerational effects of diet. Parental diet influenced sons’ age at maturity and daughters’ weight at maturity. Specifically, being born to food‐restricted parents allowed offspring to alleviate the adverse effects of food limitation, without reducing their performance under well‐fed conditions. Thus, parents raised on a poor diet primed their offspring for a more efficient resource use. However, a mismatch between maternal and offspring food environments generated sex‐specific adverse effects: female offspring born to well‐fed mothers showed a decreased flexibility to deal with low‐food conditions. Notably, these maternal effects of food availability were not observed in the sons. Finally, we found that the relationship between age and size at maturity differed between males and females and showed that offspring life‐history strategies in O. cincta are primed differently by the parents.  相似文献   

Offspring quality may benefit from genetic dissimilarity between parents. However, genetic dissimilarity may trade‐off with additive genetic benefits. We hypothesized that when sexual selection produces sex‐specific selective scenarios, the relative benefits of additive genetic vs. dissimilarity may differ for sons and daughters. Here we study a sample of 666 red deer (Cervus elaphus) microsatellite genotypes, including males, females and their foetuses, from 20 wild populations in Spain (the main analyses are based on 241 different foetuses and 190 mother‐foetus pairs). We found that parental lineages were more dissimilar in daughters than in sons. On average, every mother was less related to her mate than to the sample of fathers in the population when producing daughters not sons. Male foetuses conceived early in the rutting season were much more inbred than any other foetuses. These differences maintained through gestation length, ruling out intrauterine mortality as a cause for the results, and indicating that the potential mechanism producing the association between parents’ dissimilarity and offspring sex should operate close to mating or conception time. Our findings highlight the relevance of considering the sex of offspring when studying genetic similarity between parents.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Parents often have important influences on the development of traits in their offspring. One mechanism by which parents are able to influence offspring phenotype is through the level of care they provide. In onthophagine dung beetles, parents typically provision their offspring by packing dung fragments into a brood mass. Onthophagus taurus males can be separated into two discrete morphs: Large, "major" males have head horns, whereas "minor" males are hornless. Here we show that a switch in parental provisioning strategies adopted by males coincides with the switch in male morphology. Male provisioning results in the production of heavier brood masses than females will produce alone. However, unlike females in which the level of provisioning increases with body size in a continuous manner, the level of provisioning provided by males represents an "all-or-none" tactic with all major males providing a fixed level of provisioning irrespective of their body size. Offspring size is determined largely by the quantity of dung provided to the developing larvae so that paternal and maternal provisioning affects the body size and horn size of offspring produced. The levels of provisioning by individual parents are significantly repeatable, suggesting paternal and maternal effects as candidate indirect genetic effects in the evolution of horn size in the genus Onthophagus .  相似文献   

Summary Effects of truncation selection of a primary trait upon genetic correlation between the primary trait and an unselected secondary trait were observed during 30 generations. Populations were 24 male and 24 female parents per generation randomly mated with replacement, the number of offspring set by intensity of selection. Each trait was controlled by genes with equal effects and complete dominance segregating independently from starting frequencies of 0.5 at each of 48 loci. Three levels each of genetic correlation, selection, and environmental variation were simulated.Genetic correlation decreased faster under more intense selection by lower than by upper truncation but behaved similarly in both by remaining near initial level when as many as one-half of the offspring were saved for parents. Truncation selection decreased genetic correlation in the offspring selected to be parents whether selection was by upper or lower truncation. Estimates of genetic correlation from covariances between phenotypes of parent and offspring were erratic for both directions of selection.Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Article4841. Part of North Central Regional Project NC-2.  相似文献   

Together with the avoidance of any negative impact of inbreeding, preservation of genetic variability for life‐history traits that could undergo future selective pressure is a major issue in endangered species management programmes. However, most of these programmes ignore that, apart from the direct action of genes on such traits, parents, as contributors of offspring environment, can influence offspring performance through indirect parental effects (when parental genotype and phenotype exerts environmental influences on offspring phenotype independently of additive genetic effects). Using quantitative genetic models, we estimated the additive genetic variance for juvenile survival in a population of the endangered Cuvier's gazelle kept in captivity since 1975. The dataset analyzed included performance recording for 700 calves and a total pedigree of 740 individuals. Results indicated that in this population juvenile survival harbors significant additive genetic variance. The estimates of heritability obtained were in general moderate (0.115–0.457) and not affected by the inclusion of inbreeding in the models. Maternal genetic contribution to juvenile survival seems to be of major importance in this gazelle's population as well. Indirect genetic and indirect environmental effects assigned to mothers (i.e., maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects) roughly explain a quarter of the total variance estimated for the trait analyzed. These findings have major evolutionary consequences for the species as show that offspring phenotypes can evolve strictly through changes in the environment provided by mothers. They are also relevant for the captive breeding programme of the species. To take into account, the contribution that mothers have on offspring phenotype through indirect genetic effects when designing pairing strategies might serve to identify those females with better ability to recruit, and, additionally, to predict reliable responses to selection in the captive population.  相似文献   

Offspring size is often an intimate link between the fitness of parents and offspring. Among mammals, neonate mass is also related to adult levels of dimorphism and intrasexual competitive mating. We describe the sex‐specific genetic architecture of neonate mass in captive squirrel monkeys (Saimiri boliviensis), a small Neotropical primate. Best fitting quantitative genetic models show strong maternal genetic effects with little difference between sexes offering limited opportunity for neonatal dimorphism to respond to observed or hypothetical selection. Heritabilities that are approximately zero also imply it is unlikely that neonatal dimorphism can evolve as a correlated response to selection on adult size. However, male mass is also more dependent on maternal condition (age and parity) making dimorphism plastic. Finally, we hypothesize that large maternal genetic effects reflect income breeding and tightly synchronized seasonal reproduction in squirrel monkeys, both of which require strong maternal control of offspring growth and timing of birth.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is the reduction in fitness caused by mating between related individuals. Inbreeding is expected to cause a reduction in offspring fitness when the offspring themselves are inbred, but outbred individuals may also suffer a reduction in fitness when they depend on care from inbred parents. At present, little is known about the significance of such intergenerational effects of inbreeding. Here, we report two experiments on the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides, an insect with elaborate parental care, in which we investigated inbreeding depression in offspring when either the offspring themselves or their parents were inbred. We found substantial inbreeding depression when offspring were inbred, including reductions in hatching success of inbred eggs and survival of inbred offspring. We also found substantial inbreeding depression when parents were inbred, including reductions in hatching success of eggs produced by inbred parents and survival of outbred offspring that received care from inbred parents. Our results suggest that intergenerational effects of inbreeding can have substantial fitness costs to offspring, and that future studies need to incorporate such costs to obtain accurate estimates of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Parents influence offspring aggression through genetic and non‐genetic mechanisms, although the latter are less well understood. To examine potential non‐genetic effects of parents on offspring, we cross‐fostered the highly aggressive and biparental California mouse (Peromyscus californicus) and the less aggressive, less parental white‐footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus). In‐fostered animals within each species were used as controls. We examined associations between the foster parents’ behavior and aggression of the fostered male offspring in resident–intruder (R–I) and neutral arena aggression tests. When both species and fostering groups were combined, R–I aggression of offspring was positively associated with paternal time spent retrieving pups. In contrast, aggression in a neutral arena was negatively associated with a composite score of maternal behavior. We discuss how our findings regarding paternal retrievals may explain previously reported effects of cross‐fostering on male aggression.  相似文献   

Research on mate choice has primarily focused on preferences for quality indicators, assuming that all individuals show consensus about who is the most attractive. However, in some species, mating preferences seem largely individual-specific, suggesting that they might target genetic or behavioral compatibility. Few studies have quantified the fitness consequences of allowing versus preventing such idiosyncratic mate choice. Here, we report on an experiment that controls for variation in overall partner quality and show that zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) pairs that resulted from free mate choice achieved a 37% higher reproductive success than pairs that were forced to mate. Cross-fostering of freshly laid eggs showed that embryo mortality (before hatching) primarily depended on the identity of the genetic parents, whereas offspring mortality during the rearing period depended on foster-parent identity. Therefore, preventing mate choice should lead to an increase in embryo mortality if mate choice targets genetic compatibility (for embryo viability), and to an increase in offspring mortality if mate choice targets behavioral compatibility (for better rearing). We found that pairs from both treatments showed equal rates of embryo mortality, but chosen pairs were better at raising offspring. These results thus support the behavioral, but not the genetic, compatibility hypothesis. Further exploratory analyses reveal several differences in behavior and fitness components between “free-choice” and “forced” pairs.  相似文献   

1. The contribution of non‐genetic maternal effects to offspring performance is well established and the evidence for paternal effects has also been increasing recently. Studies determining the relative contributions of the two parents to offspring success are, however, still rare. 2. In this study, two stressors were applied to adult red flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum) – starvation and cold stress – and a full‐factorial design was used to distinguish between maternal and paternal reproductive decisions and their effects on the offspring. 3. Starvation had a stronger negative effect than cold stress on both males and females, and the likelihood of starved females producing offspring was very low. Furthermore, starved fathers led to lower offspring mass at the larval stage, probably leading to impaired starvation tolerance of the offspring. 4. Cold‐stressed fathers were less likely than unstressed fathers to reproduce, whereas cold‐stressed mothers demonstrated a similar effect by producing fewer offspring. 5. Applying stress probably led to energy saving that came at the expense of reproduction intensity. It is suggested that the smaller offspring mass is a negative consequence of the parental exposure to stress. 6. The differences between the consequences of the two stressors applied and between the relative contribution of each parent could perhaps be explained by the distinct physiological responses of each sex to each of the stressors.  相似文献   

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